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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1897, p. 6

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th'me, moistened with melted butter, S About the ouse.1 on eli beaten e.- ndenougli hot ~u~ ia ~ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ waerto make it'gsprad easi^g. Lay ______the sP,,teak in a dripping pan, wxith the 187 NEATNESS IN THE KITCHEN. chopped bits of fat under it. Spread w ~u~s£~-n ~ ~LURH Se many housekeepers find it neces- the dressing smoothly ail over the top1 ___________of the meat, place it in a hot oven sary to get into a Imuddle" on baking Iand bake twxenty minutes, or a lit île ~ .. or at almost any time xvhen they more if the steak is very thick. This gKki 1M I'L E~FOy Pl'T'ýCAN do more cooking than usual. There are isý a simple. inexpensive disb and the ~ <trl, 1VOl~.etc. thyvme gives it a spe.ciai relisb. ~ ~ gn~i~kiUen. 74. pots and pans everywhlere; the sink Aplidnerdhtatlalner ansd every available chair ani table is nice cold for suppér is muade of a coml- 1)ntulm ll IbN ittered xxithr knives, spoons, cupe and binlation -cf pork and lean basf, a -ýi-).,îcrrOt, gre MOPIJ othar utensils. So sa-bn the xeary viePound of each. ehopped ,ery fille, and ixn Ireî OWmni'm- j hruhthorougbiy mixed together. Adda man is atroirs with bier baking, lier level spooinful of salt, a ganaerous al- a~±~ aolicl ktor enor inheotOdtsriraHaik disor- loxvance of pepper, a littie powadered goiî, ~ . ~der,, and she must commence to put thyme and nutmeg, also a smali onion FF10 J MoraTsin things to rights. The dishes are bardi and a few leaves of parsley, al finelY TaE ESTDURAM o gt dan, nd le ansdaf acap-minced. To these ingredients add last- ) ýF1Ew IN Tc. iE WEï inRHM g Now a mudh Pastte il crap iy four eggs ard a piut of fine bread ,l; fouati fron, Sa.111. te 9 pot. Night catils ig o o uhbte ti crumbs. I t shoiuld Lie stiff enough te ~i riceicedlidiYO~IiO~teDî1îhed C~i~ xaebevey atice a fa asPossible mold into a loaf, yet Dlot ton dri.Pu .i~~gah rteeon lrcie prompt ino a dripping pan, and put litie bits .os'uon171-yr and Putin irasay direetly after of' n butter ail over il, basting occasion- lised. Or, if that le impossible, thaY aliy aith the drippings of butter, till q~.~~pshould be put in a big dis,,hrai, ful l t ik a ihbon F~i X,~i.. j=J c saarimeiteyafe teco- French livers are adiyan ex of wterimmdiatly fte theC(jR -Pensive littie sida dish. Lcil and mash Gentlemenl's lothes Made to Order tens have been removed, or utfer tbey the livers cf two or three chickens. are used. It Leiibafeund that any Mlake a rich draw'n Luter gravy, andi 15151 dbor pni much "ie cleaned then. wheu ecold, mix aith the liver,-. Add 13R 1-iAI~~ e pna~ four or fia-e beaten eggs, sait and pep- . 11V 1XIX UiUB No pans .ould b' put bacl, on thesf~ove Per tothe taste, and s1little cinnamon or lloedte standale sn ih iffkd aeaotwnymnus 1> L II~Eout firsÈ being flMait sith wsar. and serve aith a tomate sauce. With but vers iittle cure a kitchen. uced. net be ilbrou n inte coftusionfanid 110W TO COOK OYSTFIS, OFFICE :-ltear of 'Messrs. disorder every rimne a cake is te ha, baked or semie biscuits made. If er- OysteI'5 are very seldoin tireadec anîd tbiag is get in readines'i belore bc fried at home in a perfect isanner. The Iliggiu'botham & :Son's I)îug ginniup te put O1ie article ingether thare' mistake which naost cooks make is te c Wiii bae but aery litia trouble te dean, incuse them in egg and bread crumbs. Store, (dowîi stairs), np the, plate afterxxsrd. Weigb 0v iThis is seidom a succcss. The cesting measnre out th-- in.-:'ebuts, greassethe coules off, givirg to the eo sters a pie- BOW'LANVILBE pana., se'e Ibat tuee caens is rltght, etc,, babî appearance, and they ara uisually _____________befcre rnixing the cakte or -%?,lataver it evercookad in the attemipý to bresan inyhappen to be. rut the, baking pew tLham aaeniv. ~i-rTr~ Xb -1 d riua For a dish cf fried ovster.s, select der ino the flour the, firsù,thting, mi-x it andl amptya a the fleur needed ile 'oiound nysters ivhich have just been the gresýsed bakin, pan. Strup w bar, opeuad. It is 'nere iesentiai ibat the lxvfC..Lutter ib nucedaci in'ibe cîîp lu whicb na-s1 ers shal ha fine fias eadthan hat J x"n7~~~' the heur -,ass measured,ud after the tnv ~ h agaîeg ag Lj-~ utter is aulded Èe the stagar and ag,1 siesaeeîal.Vit>t.iec use the saine cup fer imeasuriat-' ithecser r dsrbl.Pate sc milii. The besa for rnixing, ose cup stea asligbtly and lay them in fresh ' ~~and prel ably' Uic -poor,, ciarealthe màlI b eu'apreja"tVe ritue f dbxhes uacesarv fer stt.irrieg ii;,. a piaaAMixture- 'f rau' f euew hIeuly bialalîas a of sitCu cacker cromb.s L it. If the cdishes are then put iiýmd aun fleur. Oyster crackers, or the iately luxesaster, aud net slliesaed te richer butter crackters, are' gond foi' this c.L. D. S- stand about and dry ihe i' cmkit- PurPoea Laet',ie fat tic sary !let. Drain chen, thay are easily wasb"d. 'I'hat , Uic nasters one by eue ou, of the miik Gadua tlîeRelyal Collega Daati jmat thex secret cf easily Sashed celk- and dip the junte l'lha pula-erized crack- Surgons.Ontaio. na' utensils. Of course, knives andcrs and flour. Lay tram ins a ira bas- F CE PPOSTE EpBESS, OFICZ forks w,,itih saodani baudies, andivsa-dkat and imniaîse tbemin irai fat for 1~ CE OPOSI'IE XPRESS10en' m is, ebeuld net be allas i4i i w eor, ibreen nutues. VITALIZED AI. stansnluw tar. Drain them, lay them fer a minute 'fhe housesaife whli doas lber ce ,ýn en cearse brown paper, and slip tbem -----cookiad, suif must also xxait uçon the i on s folded napk a nd place tram on tablaVrauarrane aies, e-orybiuga hot plafier. Garnisir tham xith a I~ w i ii r ~ op bafere sitting don Yn, sethat h xx 111 îiLîl' parsîey ancd qusrters cf lamons. Det be necessary' for be2r te leave tira Tire felded napkins avhich are lsid on Tlende'iea<lwho has bacnc nrryîag on table often. A samal sida table is a platters for the racaption cof fried ar- thse taxoririg bumioe88ii u <jniiie(.*î . ,'hgreat help have. On it can often hae ticles should ha cf semae cheap quatiiy ,Iaon'ii tiiy Oîî Son1e o cî'nplsced tb, dessert, snd dishas te ha used k-epi for this purpose, iliay shouid hae lîjas bueeeniasneâs fer him elf xih uriu,.r th-- dinuer aud for w bicb tire about hall a. yard square, and hall a resi oee,.ina Sî»,.,saacst.sher,ihaixïprelii is ne place ou tre table. Ail the pistes dc7eii will be enougir for use lu a fa- itlnxk gents' and tfflcS. 'o In iaw sud plattars ihat Sail l e rettuiraul dur- imily. w~ oerdar cuits, lia wil carry eaflu lic cItrednter calu ce piaced oui in 1 Wheu fried artîics have been pro- afileainalî i awet p 1xrns Ua- hii readinasfer meut aud vegatables 1 parl.f cocked and drajued the naokins which are nef put uLpon the table ai t l'brl agasbtfe r u AIF~first. By sncb., thcughiful arrange- teudad te absorb any remuant cf greasse T.mesa ihousnxiwfeca<ln en fl3 lier <in- sahlch may Le lefi. A nîere dash cf FashommbleTaler nr x 11 be guehe. ihe asihecayenua is somaetimes added te f riaci y- dishes are ramoa-ed sItar eseir course, stars befote fhey are cookad. Sersve TOthey shcuid ha scraped clear cf houes witb the fried noysters the ibinnesi, MONE'Y T LOAN. unidkav n sd set jute a neat pile daintiesi suices cf (Graham i'read, light- ait hor lu the dishpan ci neaa the siuk. ly bnttered. Tire avhiesi, crispest cal- ~ 0,0 *Byobs2ra-iug such order theh houseaxife an' is aiea a delightful accompanuiiieut. A lrg su o ione ha eenplce luwY1cars saork, asud ber kitchen wil b . .- - -.- -oaylisbaa ica 1 i' thereaer for il.1 AnlT auslya privte aperson iîcri îuvesîuemî, 0i, approaed Ibana on tlx i mscîIl y foi'n xi cr01 V'Ix aor rbIN yeark,, b taE ANDixUNE 1ALY SSii eOsi,NTtt(3rii8t Wii e alixd psýYxii 'e1Oai Y- iSatisfacory conditions for repeygètrit will be, arranged. D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bowîna1,,.hta. DsteS Oct.I18t. 94. 41-tf A UTVE EN. islingper-nn- mient and paimig aiiffopientoîaîa caoecerae 1hb , amie ly is'ia-agig wlh us to saili ur iîardv niai mîia ilSeed lPotaica' -:AilCan iff ili re xOcîftit frec. Siary paid îcakly. rt is 1'oc 1îrtiear îiid s xcc!emcire esiVe icrrihuiy i'm II SM i îi ,iax ., 'l'îroil,to, nt, i i 401, -V OR SALE OR RENT.-Housoi and X. là acres for 4«Je or L t, i. Minc i , Bcugog treet north. "ho preiiis8e8 cot.sist oi a good house witii every couveniec, îiriv-sîiw shed, stable, etc. 'T'ue gardeu contains a loitxii lhe choiceBi fruit o alil varietia . litîînenîalE pOSaeslon eu begiv'am. Fui' p&rticuixirs spplâ WJ'SiiitiiiiBOWMaUivle Uftt 4k11 THE CANADIANSTATESMAN FSI'ABL'ISIIti) isil $1 lier enwicî ln adailues, oibervise 81.51 Subsianiptionks ilvays xpaya'îie Sttte ot clas publix'stioiî, Aîlvai'iistyx ries unie-is ojy 0o x ract, M 1ceràti" per lice, nonrria ur;sS inie onu, anîd 5cenie par lia acth snbseqeast ï4- sertion. cl, 10 c is par lice, M. A. JAMES , Putikl&Ie- THOJ'MAS P r-EATE," Dver and Ciothescleaner liaS removeti lis works to te w'eiI knowu EÈastei,'n House. PfileFs-For ecaning, dying mnd be4utifully pressing an Ox'ercoat 75. erts, Complete Suit $1.50. Tirese prices arc not more than- one haif wbat yen avould have f0 puy anv other Dye Works, and tire Nork xiii bc as good as cani bc donte anîr. svbcre. 36-1-m. D WOODS THE M03T PROMPTs Pleasant andi Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain ini the Chest anti ail Throat, Bronchial anti Lung Diseases. Tire iealing auti-cousumptia-» virtues of tire Norway Pint are combiued lu this nedticine with Wild Cherry and airer pectoral Herbs aud Bal-1 sanis te make a froc speciflo for al f orma of disease originating f rom colds. Price- 25c. and 50c. SOMETIINUABOUT? ME ATS. \Ve w cary cf ihe camanI od "sierco- typeti" dishes. Ail sorts cf food, spa- ciably tîte different kinals cf meal, neati to e ha anietiEven rosi iaib palis upon tire 'ppelite asheu sera-ad tee of tan ha ju-si the coma stî'eIa onmunirrosst porkius uci comsitereti ashelesomne, ai- ihongir arrempaniati by thiraimdispen- sable appla sauce. Many' a-ill itu.tourhi poni, unie',c they 'kitusa-tire pig," anti rest beef cf tire hast gais ho la an- "iti ldstory" allrai ashile. Poulu.ry le net aisays asithin n"aciî, as b plare or price. To maie a substaniial anti saisfar- tory disir from sautîj efIt ca-ar frcm ragular roasis is intieti quite an art, snd opens the aa- fobr scen uct ha- tercsting axparinionte bu cook'rm', as; sa-al as for tire prasaulsiion nI anme most dalicieus anti attractive diseas. Il fesa are to ire sera-ad, or but 11111e mesi is santeti, a forequatei cf iamb asiii do for rnasling, anti the mucaf is very siveet, for the "nearer tirehomue, tire saveatar tire muai" is a frue, nid adage, but il je pocr aconcmy te psy f or so match boue. Se the lag cf lanîlu xtb tire boue taien out, sud put it rosing chape iîy Ohe hutcher, is hy bar tire aser anti more profitable sa-ai- this particular meai. Siuffing tire leg gia-es a vaaiety, but saithout tris 55e suptpose il roasieti. saell doua, anti i'lentî' cf ninir imoýv.u gravy te go plenti' of rrir bosan grsvy th o gtx a il, anti he lî'lb, ailir siat le nom uc"ti, ai tira firsi servlug-. The ne-ct day's dinuer can bu matie a-cri' acrapîshia by siing, raîbar thici- ly, anti acrose thme grain, cf rourse, lire celai lamir, cca-aring iflsaith tira bresa- grsa-y. anti maing il. a-ri-bot, as, to t'okilItsaoulti omtly maire il tougir. It lis a-ury easy le, sera-e Ibis saay. tastes difbarenitly frcm the original ressl, ant i us ftan preferradti ll. More meat waoulti ie laIt brom s leg cf larni, cf motierate sacigiri, in S 0'hl o six. The Lom ly, ragg d pat, at cau ha utijaizeduin many says for breakfast tubhes, Wheu biuaiy cheppeti, anti hardi moisienet injîtoma nf tire lroavu gravy, il maies a mosi delbî'ieus baeh, plaini or sera-ad ou toast, anti seaof tire chnppeti lamir, halai togatirer by an egg anti a 11111e masheti potato, maies- a tub cof croquettes liraI mno oue avilioject In. Tire hutchen up- ou request saill senti home tiraboues, avîtir lie meat, -bicir all maie the feundaion for many s iutiof seul). So a iag cf iamb k aimoisi aconemical in- a-estment, antine adna ti alw ary of the rosI lther. A round steak eau hafrateti se tiraI i wjih maie a nine anti hantisome din- uer disirs acceptablie quite as a r oast. Get a thici suice frIte tiren- den part cf tire rounai. Trima off al 1 tire fat anti eut il in srnall bite te put under the mea hanfthaeca-eu. Trim tire meat to s long cal in shape thaf l rnay loikaveul. Lay i for a couple cf here on a plattar, saitir a bal a c"pfu of vinegar under i, anti an- o cier bail a cu-pf ni cf vinagar caen il 1This vil maie the teughesi matlen- jder, ibis as fauderas penterirnse stesk. jThan dry off avilir a clean napiu, anti maie a dressing aIfetc le braa, cmm- bled, iighiy sesneti saitir sait, pap- par, ca'ene, antias utile posa teruti ABOUT WLIITEW-\ASIIING. A rorrespondent asis fer coma in- formation about bbc atLa-ahility cf sa-iiteý,a serný-g abotthlie irouse, ,lu the, celiar, etc. lu. cannot eth toc highha- recommanalet. Tire sahoiesome- ne-s cf a dxx ai ju is greatiy increaseti by uts b"ing lraquantly aahjleasaset. Whiesash may he adste asiiy by peur jng avatar ou cakes nf whiîjug anti siirrlng; until tb x l,.iquit i je ihi a tin rcam, sabena amail qunsaîjîofh warm- cd size le atitedti t prevemat tir' color lrom rubhimug off x b -n dry. To appiî 1he- wiieWs use a broati fiat brusir, asorimn,'g h in a uniloman direction up anuitdosan tira aali. h le raîuisita firsi te remeve tire iiri anaithie olti as ite- ws- byxxachimîg itw iti a brusir anti piauty ocf dean, muid sa-tar. FAVOURITE GER-MAN RECIPES. Redi Cabiraga Cûeketi Witb -Appes.- Coe-rlire botînm cf an itou kattie ailircorrne tim suces of ssii peni-, anti sut if aviere tira fat m 111 fry cul. Cul the cabirage halo ilîaniars, anti ebave il off a-ry ine, saasir axab, f heu drop it il o the ici' le, on top cf tire sait peri. Set the kelime on tire baci cf tire etove, wiara ilu.ih ceci sicasly. Pare four or lia-s nine appias, -nud rut hato smail piecas, than put tram ou top of lire cairbaga. Atita iihtia sa- tar if isecassary, and tisir ocnasioually. A bew iminutes taerae sra-i-g, se ason te faste ailir vinagar, sugar anti sali. A mediora-sizeti cabbaga as lii ueai about birrea tabiespoons cf stîgar. 1 ta- biespoon vinegar anti 2 feassi nu sait. [f sa-hltaie about lirceetîorsan o col LbiS dieu, but it le deiiius. Potato Dninpltings.-One quart of grati colti-boileti peistes, mca.urad sItar f bey are graieti; 2 eggs, 2 ta- hiaspocue fleur (avait full), anti season te baste saib sait, anti pepper. Have scmu butter very hotl, ïh the frî ing pan, anti putting jincsore emal squares of breaa, bry tram crhsp, Dividu tire pefale mixtureÛinto isaciva parte anti roll uscir part hato n round bail, aacb hall baa-in.g tirrea cf thea friet i bts of breaa in theireluide. Drop tram jIn " katie of boiling xx tar, jute sa-uir s teaspoon cf salt iras beea sititi.tai- ing cane not to cruwd lbem. Lui tirt coil tan minutes, f bau ramova saitir a skinmmar anti serve aionuce, saur ronsi beef gnaa-y. Siawad prunes arc, aise a nireacacompaniment for polato ainnap- lings. lhey siroulti ha stewati un'bil ten- ter, tran put tirrougb a colauder. saveenedti tetasba, anti fIas onati sar lumon. NEYER WORRY. Taie Tirent anti Go About, Your Bus;- uess-Tïim'y de Tireir Wori W'nlîa Yeu Arýe Doziag ycurs. Dr. Ague sa-s Lia-en Plc ra Porcin Xegetable anti Ant Upecn tire tira Systemi, Die et Occupa. lion. 20 Cents a Via, Lia-ar Wjircout Diefurbaune te Tbey are systam reat~aaors, btooti puriliars, and iuilders; caery gland anti tissue i. tira wirele anatoma- is banefiteti anti stimiiîtet n the us ff o tram. FIor sasie y Sf otf & Juryj CÎà'iIdrera Cry for teoua laIt is declared xinnar. Thel YOUN FO K5 , first player mighi givaeout ftha waerts __________bues buttinansd Benjamnin. The sen- tence might he: "Benjain tore rire A MORTIFYING MISTAl.E. buttons off his coar sahan ha xxas after the wild bcecs in tira aaoods." I siodieti my tables ca-r au a -ca', --, And backxxard auti forasarti, ton; TRI 1THE PLIJNGE BATH. But 1 couid't ramnambar SIN Limes5 Amid e Girls, as a rula, are far tee timiti An i didtn os sairat te do, ahut the malter nf plunging lu a Till sister toit mua to play saur my bath, If tlixy could only realize boss doll, jAnd nuit te ircibar my head, much ifxa-culd henefit f hem in bealth 'If Y0111n'llalirer 'iit3 -four' for a sud piump, fhrm flash tirai aoulti as while. sccu ibink of omiiting if as geing waitb- Yeu'll lear ilif y ireart," she sajd. outi igh's resf, Il may be said tirat i is nt alsa «ays possible tu indu Ige in Se 1 teck my favorie. Mary Anu a bath, ca-en firotgh lu. le appreciaf cd. (Thougir I rhought 'tasas a dreatiful Mary sacl; but thare Is nea-ar a urne s-hine saheu the spouge bath.may neftlia used. fa gise such a perfectiy loe-ey chilti, If, ou arl'ing eacb merning, you avili Sucb a perleciiy horriti namne). Put about f sa- quarts cf taplî w star AXnd h1 called baer mi- dear lihtie 'Fjfty- --cold wa-tar if you can stand if-jute four' s basin aud add about a fabl"- A hiunairedti lies til]I ia' poonu niof good ammonis or favo cf ']'li ansaser cf six tirnas fine arsawel berax (IL js a goot plan to aliernafa) As tire 5fi5wer of tsi e times tsi o. andti trn speuga the body ail over, sE- taravard ziryi.ig xiii a rough Turk- Nexi day Elizabeth WlggiesîaoSrli, isb tosaci until you bring ail the skjn Who a"Sx aifîm s nn s rnte a frasir sud ruddy glosa, you aili SAndai "Six ghd lms ie d ft-tso, ocu find a lasliog gond in ha-jng the j Ani Ineary loghe abud! skn clear sud flash fîrm, aud asesnse lut I saishîed 'I hctiu't sa-heu taaciro'f frcslixiess th.afaili sustain ion. "sai. Drîy i, l dn" throughout tire day. Surely tf bis j F«o I togh cf yt cli, aticakes recomnpense enough to any girl for a Fo a1lla-a o y olan-aksfusa-minute-s epent escir mcrning. I ausivereîi-" Mary- Annm A GR ilI3LE-1x OVEÊTY OF THE BLOOIO, "Hare, Neli, put ina mur t'ent; thai - ws asiLg oee- A TRýOt BLE THATIS 5MAKINO 1THE 'I only said thre potaices mre Stone- LIMES OF' THOIISANDS celuiasd it's tire hmesi trutir-fheyISERABLE. are. If tirat's l'ai like te knosa. Is tirtai sgrumble, mother?" [t Drings in lis Train, Nervousn'ess, "I rather ttiink lu. N. h1elen." ans- alits in the Baan sud Sida, Heati- sa-reil Mas. Porter'. " oon eoa had aches. Ileari Palpitation, sud IRe- beÉiar read oui' ceatrai agalu. W'e aus Fatally iiere Eflicacicuas haa-a't heara ithifor naltIsorsedais. Tresimuit le Net Ilescried 10. I ou read ifhi Harri'," Prom ftha Sussex, N.B., Record. than",' tcek, a Lox froua the nilddtle cf Tire ara many sîsys in xxiiî'iî tee tire fable, anti read aleud: ple mnay prove banefar tors cf the iru- nian race,.lthera ara tircea aho cf "Eacisud avery maniher of titis fa- their abundance spaud large sumns in er- mhJi' cf Porter agreeq tb pay ena cana eeiing publie buildings aud beautify- iffle0 tibisbtus for ewa deeb mi c-etruina- ng public parks. Others spaud tîmeir bIc o ci'ùÔmplaint ie l i r Se easy 2mke mcuey it rrarittlile s-orli, ant.iil) allea-- * ating thesitlferings cf las Ittu at, about ani article cf focal on ibis ta- feilosa-s, anti for tbeseacsts rirese peo- bic. Signed, Edasard Porter, Mari' pie are iorcaet. Tire pereon asie haa- Porter, H'icry Porter, Iîllei Portertan, Io btained relief from siciness aud Eliabeh Prte;-maires public flic masos by whuir imalth LLaber Porer;" aCs regaincd', le none tire lae a public "If ltati i'ît the strangesi agie-ce hefaainr. Among trace lstter is Miss ment 1 ca-ar ieard r"ad-! exciairated Elena O'Neil, daugiter cf Mr. Jas. Auni a ae, sho bailcei n un- O'Nail, a aa-îll-to-da fariner livin- mm-ar expctely'or unc. -wýcoo1ed l eerMiiistraam, Kinge' Ce., N.B. Mise'ONeil axpelady fr hnni. "1ai itiil xer s atstacked vir aaemnia (pcvart y of comeabaout ?" the biood) a troubla unfortunately toc 'Oh, sa-c'ae bia iit for a monîhi or rcammen nmong tire î'ung girls cf the more, andth ie be-a h nearly full'-" aid present. dai', sud oune siicir is certain te rerminate latallyif Inet promupîly Ileleas, "For'the fibsi dci' or two, coetcreckad and tira blond anrîched sudd just poureti in, buni mw acatIer caui est raussad . Having disca-erati a renia- sali butter andti mnkt as cicoffea x-ih- dy th'rt xiiiatiica-this happy recuit. nut saxsord. île", ainmosl ieîoic. Mo- Miss O'Najl je xilfiig that lacs fortunu- nI e suffarars mai' reap tire ba:neit cf iher aixxaa-s was a tcarti'r; neting lier axparieuce. 'f0O a correspondent of but r ougit beesi eakie ver made hiem'tire Record, Mies O'Neil ralate their cman anti b' w-culd sa slow 8abîm- atxry cflirer ilînesesud cure. Sire eaid: cnmplain sa "I hliave that irad 1 net hegun tire leaiher nowansd sanile. 1 suppose use cf tDr. Williamis' Pink Pille my trou- Harry anti Bcss amni I are tu 1111 the lii' sauld lha-e endeti faraliy. My iii- bcx-sse're is saints yet.' nase came about se gnsdually thaf I eau "But" sati Ani Mrgart, ' C earceiysasysa han it began. l'ire liri Bu,-e' f Id meAsha- yîîea n rc -L,"yusYkptom--avare a lics cf ca'o, antis hase a grumlie-Iîcx."' modarate axerion,. Graalually 1 ha- "'il lîl 3 l, - aid Mrs. Porter, came se; pale as a corpse, and ssas "Don',' î'ea reamîciiier comaeof thme "xtremely neracus. 'tlien 1wI xa a- liimes, yoîî iha-e been liera te lunch or tackad xx ih sa pain. in the sjde, s-%,-iic te diunnr asiemi eaerythiaig saas xrong tinily grew more anti mors intense. 1 nu tira tabla? hTie soup wscs athar ton, conghed a, greant leul sud ljnslly grass' hoi or tee celai, tire bac. a'x,.s overtîcua, seusaaak tiaiIf 1 -%vent upsîsirs 1I md îlie vagetables eiurer tee sait or net ta test wàhen I namciedtihte top. My salt anongir, tira breatian dry, or the appatite forstok mue. I1asas subjact te toast asNas burni: comralimes sac didn't spelIs of dlzziuess, sud cea-are ireati- esen havaerire right Jkinti nI dessert. at'ir's andl sass gradîmsliy ssaeatlu awsy If tirea sepie. es'ory ue aloigeal fer uil I lest sl luferestin luile. 1I hati cuuteiti or creamin," rieti a nuamber nI medîchues but founti Atuit Margaret anîlleti: ne relief. Iu tifs apçarenfly hiope- "l'a-e kinosan 1snch btlmge le liappan lees condition, sahile reading a nasas- .n, otimer çenîîe's bouses toc." paper 1 csa- a stalemant of a young "Se have 1," sai,!Ms Porter; "but lady sa-bse sympt oms w'ere almostijdan- îlc' yen remainbîr, foc, the blaseîîtg tirailavifir my osan., ahose ircalîb irati fathar cii dieu asis e halea nals: 'OÔieen rasinrad ibrongir tira use cf Dr. Lord, fer tirafood tirai thon hast Williams, Pink Pîlîs. T'is sialamauf giva us, giva us gr.tefîîl le'are'? W e s-,a s so enconragaug thaf I tic- w'culd boss our icatis and listati, andti trmincdti tat I satuldtifry Ibis Medi- liritgrummbe ca-ar ca-ery mnutirfum- ineuInumy case as lu Liai cf lire "Yen dcli'i. rotiter; sou naser diti. youn, lady* whomIiLati rend about, Ili saas the rest cf us." tire recuit saas marveleus. lime pain "Wx'li," contiueallîs Porter, "oeeilu my sida from sa-hicir I hati suffered ieautiful Sunday morning sa-aal sa-cul so imunir tisappeared, my nervas w-are te churrir anti baarti an umusîîsiiy gond strcngtheneti, nay appatifa reÉurned sermon. 'J'ben sa-e rama home anti sat sud my ashole systeia ceamadti f bc daiîmmte a serv gond. dinner, but it streug'îhaned anti reriesseti. Iamrn ne saas aorse titan ca-ar, sud hera ave as sa-al as any meniber in the f'imiy laIt te ti able father etoppeti us anantisd bava nult mosan wsat siekuess sahd:"a-ve beau iiinkiug, ciidran, if a-as sinca 1 discetinueti the use cf saculti ha just as sa-ail net te asi a bless- Dr Williamîs' Pinik Pis. ing cn tira food any longer. We hava Mly gratitude towuards f hie grand snob pocr tings lu est wa cannol led medicina e nbcundati anti I hope my graleful.' " seatameni msy ha lire meane cf brîug- "I 1tell yen, tirai teck tire breafh ont ing encojarsgemaut anti iealtir te anme cf us 1" sahîl Harry. other cufferer. "Yas, buni hi openeai car eye," saidTihie gratifyine' racille bcilosving tira H-elen. "\Ve couldn'l hmaeva firat sae Use cf 1ir. Williams' Pini Pille, in lire lounti se mucb laultivsahfh everythiug.- case cf Miss O'Nail prove tbaf thay "i wase lather sire rirougit of tire are unequalati as a bîoti hbuiltier sud box," saiti Harry. "He sait ifit xould nerve tenir. In the case cf youug girls hicp us keep a gond raýsoinilcu if sa-e avireare pale or callosa, listices, trou- ia se guipatinr beapenimî,.e," asibled saitir a fllttering un palpitation ,,il'v go sele eniesinioo- sidof lime Ieart, sasiasd easily tireti, ne dtie Bc'.as, "'u-se 1 criati for more rime shciîtId be lost in fakiuig a curse sugar on mi' caîta"l--." c f Dr. William~s' Pink Pille, avie i xii "Anti sahal are 3 eu gcing te do speadiy aurich tire blond anti brn a asiîh tire mouinaI asrithlir box je fileti?" rusy gl'oiv of healh tt the cei.'le asiai Ant Mrgaet.are a specific for troubles peculiar te "We don'itoxyat as bat kinti cf fmaeIuireh u rcjeirau Seaou tarsiygaig if to the ou, opp.,it or ounbthe laI t hanti, tbrea sa-jdcly different woertis begiumiug mas h bbc camne latter, s-iicir fhaeperson, sd- tire.sseti muet conneci togetirruh grammnalical sentence f bat maies senea. Whioaa-r fails te propeni>' connect tic j wsords lunbaaenim' seconds is "oui" anti rorT-abIc tDaîmy, Purest aiEs ENGLISH- BREAKFAST COCCA Pesseasea the fnllowiîtg Distinctive Mei,- DELICACY OF FLAVýOR,, SUPIERJORITY IN QUALITy, GratefuI an d Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic, NUTRITIVEQUJALITI ES UN RI VALEp In Quarter-Pound Tins Only, liidAE PPS & Co., [19,, LAUTGETER IN COURT. Tira unecnsnicus dbsplay cf inuaorî io iail illustraÈ inifantsa'cdote relaieti nf an Irishr sayar asire iatia point lu iris argument ruidcntthi' lire jutigas Turning toterabencir irab.anttly ex- clsjmeti- "If if plaze lte Coori, jf I amn areug in tis ssu, 1 hava antirer point saimcir me aiqualMy eurloosive." Timat lire jutiges hava their little joxies is proverbial, altirnugir il ic b bo-- grattedti iat mura cf tir a ayluge c gentlemen bavaent ireun put o mentirai. In a Sroitish 'Court the Lord Justice-Cheri, inquiring tire causa f jnrer's as"ence, eaid- 1 "Wbtexcuse rau a braw II"- 11k' b im a r?" "My lord," answ'aredthetraSharjfff,"ira bas lest hicsaife." UnvHs ite, i-udeeti i saidth ie, Justice, 1wliais icil bïsseti saitir tiramosi par- lent of -avives. -"Us e ha h Ta 's a gutie excusa.,I1xxisir we a' iratithe Siir tirejur- both nolleciivciy,, atnd 'te intii-ua.,s, ahera i5 ofîcu mueir fun, Ona under axaminatjon sasskeai- "Do mu nowa-aviat a verdict bis" "N', sr, I1uta-ar as ni to a muuag- rnieu yif. Virile tire verdi*cts saiici ara scorn- Lîmes bro-aght bu ara nidiculous, tiray[ -re, strange te say, usu-tlly recertieti.A fYaijury, afler a blongteibrtn gave tira- 'Not gîaiimy, but sae rnumnitr priscmnt t tedo if again." A ccroner's jury perpecras cd tris- SWe 1aidtuat Ibe aleceaseai asme t bis dcatirhi ya biais cathi ebaai virc, saas gj-sen ailier haera or car dm dow-ýý in,-" Btintperirape lb" axl"emawasisrancira sahan, on a cniranmal triai, tlx' Jutige asiedtheiracon-itc ir e iratianyting fa effet haer'- sentence w's c nuunca{i. Saiti ha- "No, sir; I sddbave £2, but tira laisy- an tanoklirai." FOR SELF-P-RESERM ATION. An'i mou have the impudence In sas' tiri lie jirumy fnund e o 'u saas net inteudeti t e ha matin ubreakiing îut.x housas? sai their Jutige. 0f cours'-ý it ajn't, saai tiresa-auterer. ILt l fer breakin' cnt e' Iraîght cars. READY FOR ORDERS. In siumer titua, saîi the louti-voiceti man in thr' sîreai car, yon sirouldi drink tirhe laiest 'taber anti ieap ai mour entables ,celai, 1 suppose you ara a doctor? saidti eiai ladiy next te himu. No, msarn; as ira tiealer. A MOMENT WLTEI SCIENCE. Caller (great sciantisi)-Tha sioriings of tie itunan minti avimuleep are full cf sa-ntier. 1haýva u aven starteti up brcrna seunti, tnasmiesa slaep, sa-il aven>'saes montire alant, ant isltir ycur xxirle baîng thriied asîti a via-Id yat indelinabla feeling lirat snmethlug asas aareug, anti instant action requinuti?j Mrs. Tamlrum-Ofteu, snd bunaariy avery casa I have bond tirai I avas asaanati yhy ie fuimblhug cf my hus- bauti's nigit iey ai lire brouttimoon. AN OBLIGING JUDGE. Prisoîtr-If yonr houer si'l allowa une n litti" tbne I thini I cas prove mu> innecence. Juaigé-Alî igbl; -taie fhrty tisys. EASY MICTIMS. A Large Pencaniage cf Meuibers lu tire Commons Suifer Fromu Catarrir- Tire Hope ef Fifty Founti in Dr. Ag- nesa's Catarrhral Po-adr-Tha>' Tell Timeir Owu Sien>' cf Saccasslul Re- coa-ery TircugirTlis Remady. Mr. W. H. Bennett, Mamnber ber Easet Simcoe, anti borty-uhaa otirers cf the Douce cf Commuais, hase, ca-ar tramr osa-utsignatures, folti cf lie gootiaefets cf Dr, Agnaa's Catarriral Posader. 'iraitirhe ramedy bas doue for thesae Parli amentariaus if be doing bor thon- mindstiteurr in public anti priaae ile lire Dominion ca-er. Wbf h celai in lire head ti i iaes immedAiaeq relief j- "D'îor Over Fîfty Years." Fer ca-ar lifty yeans Mas, WmmecseLw's Soonnaco SauPmer as been useti by imu- lions nIfnuothens ber Iheir cibdran wnile tautiring. If disturbeti at ulght andi irroken cf jaor rest by a sick chilti suf- Eerju)g anti cryiug with pain of Cutting '[ccý ii end aince andi get a bottie 0~ Mno. Winrilew's Soefiie Syrup " for Ohildren Teething. Il wlll relieve the pont lit tic nfuerar immedialely. Depend upon it,motirers, there is ne enistake about h,. I cuets DiarrhoSi,regulates the Storz- soirand Buweis, curas Wînd Coiic, sof tenea tire G(*n, reducea Inflammation, anmd gives toue and enargyto the whoiesystem, -Mr8. Win8iew'a Socthing Syrup" for, children teething is pleasant te the tait. anti is tire preeçniption of one of the oldest andi hast faeinuile p)hysiciams anti nurses in ftha Ustai Siates. Pnîce twenty- fia-e cents a bettie, Sîi y aIl drggieti throghont tihe wî,rid. Be u re anti ask ",' ýïM WLW'assexsS u>oTmmmYo SYRIP.'1 1

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