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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1897, p. 3

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i15A BLOOD DISE"ASE. PRQOF POSITIVE THJAT PtYCKiMAN'S~ K0O TE1NýAY CURE TliIJR(OUGHLY ERAýDICATES THIS WIDE- SF-IADDISEASE 0altb6soases that have been exploit- à.,! y chalatans and quacks Catatrîti is oiu ba ias, received more iban iL9sliîare of Seifsprays, dotýches, inbalatiches, etc., fieail bad titir day, and after their tuse (lw Cta Lrrh fias remp in-d as bad as before. 1b tat iiow many suffrers have become ecirced tltat tbey are possessed of an f -îable affection that must remain wiffb ~mte tbeir dying day, sapping the'r re4" î and rendering them miserableae d;sg îsig te their friends. 1-ets tell yen tbat RycKtmian's Kootenas Î.tre gts at Catarrb tbrougbi the blood. 1 t destrovs the gernm that is the iiumediatc uSe cf the trouble and sends rich pure-i bgLod -u the part, se thiat ail offensive dis l:ëarges cease and a rapîd cure t-, effected. Ileres a case le point, Mr. W. G. Cox. w1o conducts a flour and fied store at 37ý Xing Street West, Ha %to v as troubiet itb Catarrb for ten Vears, îried itearît sl i Le catarrb retuedies adlvertised n th- mit uccess tili bie beganu aking Ryckman's eeetyCure.,lie says the result.s bavx cede is îuost sanguinîe expe otations. Mrs. NMargaret Sos ereigit, liv ing at 37E King Street, itbe saine citv. utîder cati. nk eq a deciaration te the effect that beý siltrLulu, aged 14, ivas trou bled -ih Ctarrb for tivo years aed bad pooi lt.The doctor said site ban ef niâion cf the lungs and Catartrh, She 10 e "o n cown that utilUslie coin ncd akintg Kooteitavlber tuother xwas ]snî - bot ber \-fter slie had ta- et P ttl au aîfcf this w,,uderful reineds ýoJJ be tics.-gredieut -tîad a cebauc'e lu g,.r iiiils ssork, the Ct arrhdi îiappemared, her che-11,, becaine rosy anîd sbeýî z î,-d iîîotg ,,,noviitce the utost sepiai ut If vo;iart dci s cf more pi oof , send l ~îeR~ i -~-~~ld:MIeCo- Liibton, Laai l and Savings Gompay, 0fOntario. NttoRPORATrEý rrS NDR GOAP TýR R169,uR. s.o0. 157 t BOWiMAN VILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIR5CTOR5: M, A. J A', ,E 1. K'q.... ý..........Psutr (F.dd tor bsud f',1ropý,rie'.C A XAIIAN S iA NM. ~sîn; Cl. t Est............ X i tS ieier at ciir vo- rIiËhe'- cati cf the stcrettsry. P. T). D'..T»sox,' ~uqfroi w bon 1ni or lifi îi il1 at t l tn - M lN AN E)-To e iae itb u s as 'Saile 7iuu sae et olentug, lt~her hane'.t-r.iiisimlesfurulshed frep. earf h n' tu ieNtise- aylug sai- u sd er(- f; -et tC, ssrrt. LvIberalcm- mission tc, rti d î<'î.Lar ge ist cf Spwial- tïecs, ail bt-s tug beet1 tes5ted atour trIai orehard Oýver 701 acr-es mider culaon If yon waut a suîîtbtsug for winter, write us. Si-est & Watt- îu-o.Nservimets and Fruit growersToroîno 0anfids SI LI U S CURES CONSTI PATION 'ICK HERDACHE AND LIVER TROUBLES, AND NERAVE PULLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE '1 -ng Hearl anti Nerve Trotubles, sncb 'ýspalptation, Tbrobbing er Irregulai )eatung cf tIre Heari, Shortness of lreath, Smthering Feeling, Less cf Mcuuory, Dizziness, Feeling ef Anxiety, or Morbiti Mental Condition, etc. For Thin or P:or Blooti, General De- ibey are nist valuable. Tîtese Pilîs do net stirnulate for the nmoment as brandy. anti otiter powerful stimulants de, but adi ns a tonic, siowîy, yet permancntiy, bultiieg Up the tissues, restoieg regular 1Ileart actiona, regulatieg ibis digestive organs anti neutralizing the poisonous acids of the bloed. Their direct action on te Nervees Sys- tom gives toue axîdi sigor te every nors-e, se that is'ifferers froin any Ilezart er Nerve Diseass are sure le fieti abrosl imme- diate beuteft. Each box is guaraeteed le give satis- faction. Ycur ieoncy back if you ivant it. Prîcc 6 Y a 6oc. per 1box, - THiIE CUýýJJU iq C L . TH-E IMAGE 0F 1AiIErICAiNIDOLATRY! LOCATED IN WALL STREET. Cotîtu In~-E es H sL, a ndsFire-"eF Sut".lo Stoek if uaîg s ie ler5 550t'SIilbiOf MCi isel. les-. Dr. Talmage preachedta sr m on îpeculrirly appî-opriaiete rIr meuey making spiit of tIre limes. Ire subject svas -ThbesGolden fCal," Irn Ibis tex' ExcIps 32; 120, «"Anti bis el- Ibis caîf s'.hicIr they bati matie anti buruit it luibishe tire, - anti grenat t l pous-7der anti treusititupon lthe isater anti matie techiltiren of Israeltdrik of t," Pisopus si-li -ave a gent et eorne kinti, anti tbey prel er omis cf their o-en mal- ing. Here ccme tise Israeiitea, break- ing Off tIreir golden earsings, itha men as s',-ilm ih Ie w-meu, lox in these turnes -there siere masc-uline as w-ei us leminiia deccuaticus. \Vhere diti tbey gel these beautifol geint earings, romîng up as they did troins Ibi ceen? Oh rlîey 'borroet" tIren of tise )Egîuinns us-eu tbey left Egypt. These earnings are pilent up 1 nt a pyraiiof glittering beiauty. 'Anymy aeesarringis to bng i" says Aaron. Noue. Fine is linileti; lIre iarrings are mei-,teI anti poureti mbt nmlossit, not of an eag'ie or sa -ar charger, bot cf a caf; Ibis geinct es off; tIre moiti is talen aw-ay, andthe intl la net upon is foeut legs. An sI tar is but u f rcent, cd tIre ining caH. Then ibis ie-ophe threts- p their aras anti gyrate, ant i sriek, anti dances migbtiiy anti s" or-bail,. Moses bas ieen ix weeks on Mount Sini.i, anti.Ire cernes back 'anti lears the- bow-ing ant i ses ibis dancing of these, golden ral fanaticsr, anti Ie lbses bis patience, anti Ie tales the tiseý plates of atone on wi-hicb w-cris w-itlen Ibis Ten Cmmanntmeuls sud fliugs theur suj bard againsr a reckr Ibat they split ail tn pinces. Whie-r a man gnt-s mad bis is se-n yn. te b reak al Ite'feu is tales tliis cal-ginti anti thro'.'s it ieua -ot lire, ustil itis mentent ail Out Of shape, antitire-n pulvenizes il-- met hy Ibis modern aîpluance cf nitre- muiatie acid, but by thea ncient ap- Plianesof mitre,, or by the eln-fash- idued file, IlIamaIes fortise peop5e a mcst nteatiug draugit. lie tale., ibis PuLIserizent n-ulf andt tro'.ss it in ibise ouiy brook tshinth s uc-sh andthIispeuple as-e cotpeilen t o triak ,ofIbis brok or ncî drink ai ,ail. But '-hey diii uer drink allibhe glitteriiup Sîiufl Ihiso-saon ibis surfae. sntnt of' il f lors-s on dointheissurface cof Ibhe brook b Ibis river, an t uen flbov'. cron des-n te river te tiersert, anti the ss taisea il up anti bears ilte the, mntirof ah lire ris ers, kantiwbuthe, ide sets brick ibhe remains t«f tht, 1goklden' rail are cairient into Iba 1Ilut- Ssen andtihie Lasi. Ibis-en, anti tht . fhames, annt tixi ly4te, anti the liber, .anti nen go utandt iey skia tire glitering svfrfause, anti tiIey bring il aieeanti th-y maire unothier golden ) al, anti Càifar7a anti Australiti breaks c ff tJiair golt-nu earimgs to auigment tIbis pile, anti in the flires sf finalrobal excirement anti itruggie al these liingsalue MelIed togettier, and 'w-ile '.s-e stand iocking anti svcnderngn wbat ivLi bn&mnsee «fb, o! ue tint tIrai Ibis9\guie-ncaklil et laelitisis wor- siip liras become thre golden cal of L'ur-oîuiam anti AsiericaniorsIrip. - I $allE tesizibe ta yu rtegos usolen of in may let, bas temple, hie h1tar -e -saciticis,:tie Mrelu -huis madeini bis tctnpie, sud tii n tIre final irealinUri petIb-iewhoen cegrega- tien cf udehatens. P'ut aside rhImacuntÉain anti yen ses tIre gOld n cai' Ofniotieru idolatry. lu isni iet hIe bia>idrls, itude outIof tsiocks of stotai, but il Ibas an car si SenLsitirve IbaI il eanuliaritIbis isiperu onWail'-streeut anti ibird stre-el; sut tire fuetfals Ln th"e Buk et Englantý anti a flutieniof tIre Frenehmau't, earI On tire Bota-rue.-TtL ias as isye 0e keen that it ca-use e 4 ruai on the farm cf Mclvganw-Ieat andthie in- -seo iaIbiheirlanti aapeacb-crcbarti andth ie trampieti gîrain undrit ibis oa f oib h iufRpsian -Lar chrger. 1,I la si m-ighty tIrati la swings any usay il.siil tIre w-szt-is szbpping. t bas ils foot o l aU e Ibis aelianimisuanti the steamers. Il isatetitire Amenican Cvil Waa-, anti Usden GýOtistoppeti h, sud il deed tb:3tIrÙko Russuan con- lest. Oue ha-cer, lu Sepiranber, 1869, in New Yor-k siontei: 'Oue bhas- 1dreti anti ixty:lorua amillion 'sind tIre is-Ibe continient 5hiverist. Thris golden rail cf tib&e lexi, h" aits ighi troant fot un New vYorlt, ils udit furent belu inCblago, l krib ack foot un geicane aboitibis greans anti strug- gle of lIre viol bus belons il i Wu golti, metallice ys itl olks on anti yet lets lIem suffer. >%OhlI bias-en sud iartb, w-bat an sitar i '. bai a sacri- fice ot body, mid 4nanteuiTIre physicai beaith ot a grisai multitude. lu huag on tbis sacificiai sitar. Tbey cannot siisep, andt Iey tale chloral anti morphine anti intoxicants, i3ome ChiIdren Cry foi of Lhem strtiggle Iin a Li ghtmare of tusn dollars incumie, sill not pay; stocks, and at 1 o'ctock lu th, morts- that the aý ppropriation cf trust fonds ing suddenaly rh-e up shoutîing: "'A te our Owil private specuiaticu wili tbousanci shares of raiii-nad stock-oee ne pay. We had a -great national huedred and eig-hÈ andi a half! take iurn the shape cf f ictitious pro- it 1" untîl the =lefatnil is affrîglit- s1per'ity ,',we called it elational en- ed, a nd the speltors ifall i ack ou 1laýrl -emeut; istead cf caliing- it on- their ptlless-s and sleep until they aie largemenUt we migbt better have rail- a-%akened atga.ln by a "onr or a edi it a swelling. It bas been a tuilier, suclden 'risé" in som netlsing el-e. Their andi Go i, is utting it eut-bas eut iL nerves gene, their digestion gone, their eut, anditento ilgtwl n bangene, they die. 'The clergyman crne tback tonth pril es cf uan cieý2nes% andi reads the funerai ser- faîbiEIi-s andi grandfathers when twice t vie:"Bessent are the dead sibo duere made si rsteati of sixty, andi in te Lrd.'Miutae. he" dti ef 'C lie te aples at the bottom of the (die l u theL or ; the 'golden caî'f hrelsere just as good as the apples kiekedt hem a t th (tpif the harrel, and a siik1 'Thi,je treble lu, w heti meni sacrifice bawkrhe ias net haîf ctton, and' themnselves on tbis airar suggested in a man '.shewore a five-dollar coat paiti the text, tbey net only sacrifice them-- for '.vas mre honored than a man '.5h selves, I]ut tht-y sacrifice tbeir fami- era fifty-dollar cuist not pasi for.1 lies. If a mari by an ii ilccnrxse is de- Tegle calf cf our day, like tbe1 termiînen te go ta perdition, 1 suppose Oeeof the texi, is ver-y apt te be madieî yen wll haves te let hlm go; but» euMt cf horrewed geint. Those Israe-j istts bis us Un anti chltirer iniran' euiuP- lites of the text borroweti the carrings agp, that is tbe ama zement of the ' l gpin n etdte no aveniuesr, andti he driver lashes the af tSi Egypt is atie'late gotbemnt a gent.hihatis the '.vastSiandlthe hperses fain the '.'.irlandsti the ed-f is made uowadays. A great spoks fashin be auant th god- auy housekeepers net payiug for the enu beatigear of the barness gleains,atilsbe until Black rlamaity takes the bits atce hygel, borroîx cf tireir gre- of the herses, anti Stops tbemi, anti cer anti the baker and ýho bttcber shoots te the luxus-icus occupants et andtIts dry goods seller. T.ho(n the re- the eqspa Geit out!l" They get taller cf the whulesale dealer. oui Thy gt dwnt Tat ushntiThon the wholesale dealer borrows cf sind father fleiung bis family s0 bard the capltaist; sind WCs borrow anti ber- they neyer got rip ugain. There -%as rows, uil the cemmunily is dlvided the mar-k on thedm for life-the mark into.o classes, those svhc berrewv of a spli hoof-the deatb-tiealing hoof anti thsnewbo are barreweti of; and' Of the golden caîf. afer a v0ile the capitalist svants bis Solomion off Ergd lu one sacrifice, est MOney, oand be rushes upon thre whele- oue occasion tu.'. ety-t-e ousnic-sale &dalr, anti the r'. olesale dealerj enuand eue hundredi and '.ey then- '.ants b 'is mney ant ihe rushes upon santi sheep; that -%vusa aes e 7;he rtailer, iati the retailer ivauts sacrifice compareti witlr tbe iuuliude bis mneand ihe rushes upen the of men îvho are sscrificsng themnselvee customeru, andi ie ail go down tcgelh- ou the altar of the gelden caif, and er- Theýre là many a man iu thie day sacrifieing their familles NI7itb bemi. w-ho ride nl bis carniage anti owes The seltiiers'ol General Ulavelock, lu the bl:ackslitb for the tire, andi the Jundia,,walked literally ankle-dep u sbel ristfor tlie wheel, andi the the bleeti cf the l'bouse cf msar, driver or nurpaid siages, anti the bar- '.shere titrehkuadreti isome a an -t cilt-flsmke for the bridie, and the ren had been elaiu by the 1eul ure o the robe, -ehile froin the but the hlood around this altar of the1 ip of tie carniage longue clear back golden caîf floWts- tlhe kzceeS, t(w b-e ip cof the shawi tlutteririg ont te the girelle, flosyti to the shouiders, of tbeOc. f the vehlicle, everythiug filte t the bip. Great Gcti of Heav- is paifo by notes that have been enu anti eartb, bave mercy!l The goiti- threimý i--es reriewed. en caif bas noue, It is ibris renmptation to berrows, anti Stil lrtnseramiug s. osbp ges nborrow , anti horrow, ihat keeps the andth Ie devetees kneel and kiss the popleeelstnl ryigt dust, and cross t.hemselves vvith the golden cai for help. anti just aI the blooti cf Ibeir owu sacrifice. The nmi-nute tbey expect the bellp the gelaI- music rolIs onunuder the arches; itt în ail reads on tbemn.The judgments is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o iraeo inkn ivrat n-c (tld ike Moses lu the tmxl, wil iug maeldf, ain tire raî ndpcIie cf rsh luandi break up jthis '.sorsip;i the banîs anibroikersi';sbop'u anýti tIe at syltie'.-r oo ni -voioes cf thbe exebangs-- lihe sopranro evy1 anshall eajrute speak lrutb c f the s'.orsbip i aridby te's-t i eigbbor, andti Ibse st-b timtisece cfmet -lc avejuî -e1Ie en1ý ýigagements shall feel theur- gntimd es cflate; wrhilhate dep usses elvs hunti te keep thoranti '.ven gun ospculte; hii thedeppbàk S asZ1an v ".ho sylli net repent cf bis busi- *relis out frein those îbe for teni ears u-,iiucbtgn nwsigt cf iniquity bave been doubly tiamued- sal,ithe cauibal appetiehy de- -Chorus ef veices reicingýl over wbat anb pete.yde they mude, C oru f voices vnrn wd'v'beuses. shahl by the '.sailug over svhat tbey Lave lest. ýeln e oaeldt Thtis temple cf ivhic-IrI1 speal stands exhagebs mausion fer Sing bing. pnin ay anti îghtË, andti ziere ibe 1te1L- be olden naîf periebi gliterugGen ssitr bs fuu fet ~Iht~ tyfientis, if WCe bave matie ibis ivord othr-,odour vhon wen rc-et brOken -barts, endi there s the smel- (1: vw-e >;- , 1 s1e uridrgdwel tiemohiahiti iisg altar of Sacrifice, ness- vioLonas--Ve i1sudr oloml-e. ievery mKn-cne On it, andi thore arel'o111c9c ibs .oî'ld are ,3ou go- tis" lneeitg t1ts-cees; anti the doxe- ugt- aewtl vnit bamjt lcsgY cf Ite '.'.r',biprolls on, -ebie 'IVÈ -hi h~ ave liso pocnIets ")eehtl Death. stargls Wtibmouldî anti skele- eet ie fycrsbed iÀyt -tiaaihaugim fo tihe choru-Ssh)iyour rof fin sitb bonds and -t o oit amore'f moigagefo -s anti e-rtificates cf stock 9, a aiepeople sire '.orY ind- Sur- Attn.The ferry boat i tat îcrossa u rsedat the at.Xauoffoclk-OntlP'ite tisýJordan carrnes ne baggage-noth-1 STock xebange. luLel t i a scene 7 n Lair than a spirit. Xoe îay isemeLinses tbat paralyzes tdescriptionl, pras a:tflt sniei îir e and ïs s)heyisd tise imagÏjinatien cf aun vl e w ribe tls h ooeei ubas neyer Iinoketi on.Wa-jsaetffu'a rppigti Gen- ,el nis ffn' nitîau nini i-eb t ew-1i'bave le leave thes rltbn pp inIeOt-sece. Ia! J, lti oibc sale fer ycu, ansticultmiandlIa bace, ad radt-otlrn; t sosliIr upen arsother antide-,utuing uproar finu i s. aematie ibis syrî unai the- preslie-ut eÎl t Eyhange utnav strikes 'vith bis maîlet tour or fivîscor gni<i w e Le n Ce '.XCi-i secor ý,, imes, crying: "Orde,'rdIoter!-" ant d ol:ge i e c-sby Our p) is-, z tI<' stonshei spctacr grs al lto nti -e .vî. bae drink. it ln bitterý rthe fresli air l !burtat he baseas- rgesfrtu wtel o bc.tune. rapeni lm a pauldeiueni:itlrý - W at dote oilisisafeeling sioriti, a is a *il ail inean? 1 i s-l ttil yoeu -at il tin i h h * ibm-trl. The tdetees cf ever3 bhea-tii wrd Aue îs aiso- T thri empe rt temslve lepiees,~bitptçI t 1 bis days lu bis, dyung f ahn teyle ant yrte.Iisùl iodlera- uen-idescribcti htm'-eif iben ho d tien anti gyrattun cf the Stîock Ex- >ai "ul ol cl1 g chanre taiah approprtate- Thtis is the It atyu te change temiples, sud ti rw cr<aip cf the> goïdeni 'Ual. o,,give nte wcrsbip of ibis unsat- iSfytg1 aticruel geti fcr tlieservices But mry tt suggesizs Ithuibtis wor- of te Lrti Jésus Christ. Here is lthe sý3hip must ho, broken up as tise bc- 1gelt i ia s. ineyer cruimble. Rere bavîcr cfMoses ia my text i itiicld are scai e ht'vl ee al dThene are those. ishe say that thiss1-1ereIre banks that syil neyer break. golden caf spoken cf in MY texÉt s H,5re ianau itar on s'.bch there ha.s 'blosandI merely plateti îsitb gciti; bien ue sacrifice once for ail. îHere otherw-ise they say Moutes coulti not ;S a Gent i-ho w-iil comrfrt yenu wveu - bave carried ti l,1ido n es-that; yej.n -è'in trouble, nti soothe youl but somobers-, perbapsq, by the aa'isl- i ,rn e r iL. antiSas-e 'ycu stheu amcer of -li% ris en&s, ho tales up Ibis yenue. , wb-eunyeux parents have -tguidena caif, -hich, ik au open insuit breaIeti, their lait, andtihIe olti, Ifte God ti anI man, anti throws il m ivirlleiandt re-ubiing bantis amnoet 0tlbe fine, andi it s meîtl'ed, andthobn il be p'i upori ycur heati for- a hlessirig. scoenes cnt and is ceeleti cf f, anti by îl sy be le yen faîben anti moiber some chemninai appliaxice, or by an olti- bet,'g ivlig yen thes defence cf- the fashioneti file, il is pulverized, and ti oeanti the cornfrt cf the other; anti i's tirownir mb the brook, anti, ma sbnyn hie go away frein you, -,niment, the people are ccmpelietiliesvoirritg, e will nt Iiss le, drink the nauseating stuf f. Se), 1îhem god-ye feever. H1e ely, mUy le-Irers yen May dependupn l anate-,1. olt 1i Ihena foir yen a ýtil8 lirai ti isilI hum ganti 1e -w-hi gnnti whi. 11e is-uilgisethorem bac-k te trieeetis leil caîf0 cfmd-~ean anti He us-ii b ave thoem al - înloatsy, and He me l i-bu PRO- '.vaiiýiug fer yen at tIre gaies of eleru- pi a ier agoriy te irsnil. f et a ecm.Obi isbat a Goti He is 1 lsfore. it "-lI hbisoseon thel a y.11e siLliallers Yeu te corne se close eI lattis- net w:rer eisf ire ss-iil be-in, ttu orin'- ~ ucn u e- ri whetber aIt the ".Balery," onrCentral a 1r arounti His ncî,ushle p u ne- Park. -whetber ri eolyLBrdg e pcsewiîput is arins areunti ycur aI Bnusiswicirk, .hetber 'aI Sbureditnh, ne andt al tise Winidows of heaven London, or West Erii: but i -s-libe a ,'11iîî1bishoiste ta te thIbisredeaieti v.ery bot bltize. Althe Gevemuinrent blonbu1setresetal f e securities 1fbseUiet tte ni jciig fathier anti a returneti predigai i Great Bitaini w-ili curi up in f rue fins i leeltetinl glorions emnbrace. Quit wor- tblasi. Alli tIremfèuney sales anti de-,.,igthgodncl adbwhs VasttuhLireS -I le bondra 1he ida y ibefeirre Him ini 'hose presence we douenttfo resr. The. eiet i geli kin -lu ,nti teas s a t h crh tbrughtIe mltti tados-glas n oebber hIe n itre serîl h Thougb 1 shontct 0e suna msnerity of.___ eue, 1 venture ibiseopinion that these7 are tIre hest turnes we bave Loadifor the, reasou ibat Goti is teaehing the veid as neyer belons, that elti-fashioneti bouesty is the, only lbing tIrai sili. stand. We bave leamueti as neyer bis-1 -fore Ibat forgenies isii not pay ; tIrai t. > Ibis spendirig ef fifly Ihousantidellansrý 1on poutry seials anti a palatial cty PtfreFst and Bost for Tabl n Dalry j esideuce. wlien i erc are ùnmu iy bty No aduiter:atlou ÏNoe-r cçkes. Pltcher's Castorla. -e liq per Package Standard of the World NEW YORK The mndersigned desîreto thaîk the farmersut ef1'st PDrharn for the liberal patronage extended to us duriîg the ps esn aLso to remind tbem that we are still in the miar'keO îId prepared te pay th e E[GHST" MARKEJT P.RICE deivered at our storehousie cor. 'Ling and' George street.sq., or at Port Darlington. Wo have also on hand a large stock. of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh 'Ground Grey Plaster in B3arrels whtich we are prepared ta seli cL~ OASII~ Ali kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENEI> COýL Waways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satîslaction. -i-N s<Is thc (tilckest remedy ever known to cureBurns, Braises. Scalds, Cuts, - Sores, Boils, Spraîns, Strains, etc. The lnany well known people, of ,higli standing in the cornmunity, who have spoken and written of the menîts of Quickcutre, show that it is an honest rernedy of great efficacy. Note the testimonials in this issue. HER JEWISH SOLDIERS. quîeeii lto'Ins Loy al Troopg Attend Ser- VICe lia a Synagogue. A nctable gatberîng assembleti at Ibis New Synagogue, Great St. Hius tondon, ou a iecent Sunntay, on thre oco r casimionf the annunal assenitbly cf the Jewsish offirers, aue-counmissioued cf fi- cars, anti pris-aies cf tIre ar-ry, navy anti reserve forces of tire Queeu. The idea was inistitutedt w-e years ago, anti it w-as cnusideneti ai lIre lime thal tIre annuna Feasti cf Dedicaticu, or Haun- rab, is-icis celebraiedtihIe beroic miii- lany deeds of Ibis lamosu Maceabues, wo 'nîti bis lie mosi fitting occasion on wich ber Majesty's Je-ish soldiers anti salions coulitibis caledti getirer- TIre rew synagogue sias crcw-ded, le excess, andthie spectators w--ris really surprused ti athie large number cf Je-es surong Ibhe volunteers. The Lord Mayor, acc-ompanieti by Lady Mayeiress, anti bus sous u is e unitonm ef lieutenants ef lthe riiy, attended nt usiale, w-us ibis sherilîs and ti er efficens. The venerable building presemieti an anîmaieti spectacle, t wbicb ihbingbt unifonins of IbisJewisb soldiers, ss-b bat cerne tegether frour aU parts, gaveI atidîional ioicur. Tbis service wsas cen- nincteti by Ibis Rev. F. t. Cbhei, lIre .ewish chapîsuzu of Ibis forces. TIre Maccabean bymu cf Meur Tzar, thre cbautlig of ushidi is a distinctive fea- lune of Ibis fe&tival, w-as subsequeull sang by Ibis conrgegation anti the se i - tiers, and tilw-as pleasing 10 sene h ferveur iun'.hich lIre Lord Mayor jein- Pd ini Ibis andthIisusuai aespstnses cf Ibhe service.TIre proceedings wens en- liveuist by lire' stralus ef a spleuditi miitary baud, wýich, anrong then items, reuderedth ie "Manoh of lie Priesis" .fr-cm A ai"as tIbisosl- tiers entenedtheIis ynagogue. Thre pnayisr for tIre Royal family andtihbi national anthem N -cre 1w-eofethtIe items nil tbisservice us-bah -ens veny beartily rentereti. AÉthIbiscuclusioun atelè,- grnmw-as sent te tire Queien bbaif ut lier Jws sedier-s anti selleIrs, con-^ gratulating ber!ici.u Ib is Itbis record niign, w-hiuch w-as a f itiing finale te tir Hauncalis iitary Ser-ire , ,TUIE DFFERENCE. - Stnaager-ThIere seems le bis a Sun- day la-us-inIhi's loisn. Resident-Yesl, sir. If yen w-anti fo gel 'ubaveti, you isili have tO wait un,- tii Monciay. Strauger-Oli, I demi ,w-eut le gel shavei, 1 w-unit, legel dr-unI. lesident-Coame with me.- lIow To Cure Ail 8kla Beseases.- Siltnpiy app1y'-sway s Oiment." No iîtermnai tuedicinerequireti. Cures tetter, eczema, hicIr, ail emupIlons on tire face liautis, nese, etc.. ieaving thie siku clear, witie sud beahihy, Ils grisai lrealing anti curative pcwers are pcssess- et by e lier remedY. Asls yourdrmg- gîs1bi f oSwavnis's Olulment. tyman, Sens anti Co ,w-hossale Agents, ýMont- reah. HIGERST INHIABITED POINT. Thebisuddhist Monasieny, of Haine, in Tbaie, is Ibis loltiesl imbabileti peint iu lIreus-na-d. Il le 17,000 leet above se. les-el. BEAUTY AND HEALTH TO FAIR, rMiss Amuie Pailerson, cf Sackv-ille, N. B., Once Ibis Victim cf Nervousuess anti General Dehiiity, Tales on lIre tHealib cf Early Years. Semis nemetiies are'uoihiug more Iban a lempenary stimulant, andtihIe rear- lion aggras-ates Ibis disease. Wbere Ibis system Iras bettome a-un doîvu, anti nerveus debiliiy lu lis worsi forms have sheivu iiemselves, South Ameni- eau Nenvine will cure. Il urIkes aI lIre nervis centres anti builtis up Ibis systeur by nemovirig Ibis a-al cause of trouble. Miss Amuie Patterson, cf Sackville, N.B., a lady uvel luosn ln tIreMaritime Previnces suffenet tisa-- ribly from indigestion anti uers-eusness anti ber case seemeti incurable. SIre accepteti SeutIrAmeniesu Nervine w-tb- eut -hope lraI il w-as amy tiffereult t cîbea- nemedies, but ber w-ortie arei, "I hadti alen enly oue baille is-ben my sysieni began te laIe on tIre iealth cf esrliercyars,,- anti aller talimg tIr-e boliles I w-as comnplelely curet." - F'or sale by Stott & Jury we,« i

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