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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1897, p. 7

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-"TEBEIE V here 's no better soap imada than our ý care and skiil in >making and the best materials are the reason. THE PROOF- 1 Its immense sales, TtAlbert Tolet Soap Co., Mfrs. Montreal. c.ixetlascrtan, roc wbther ainvn nI C' mels e à a iWashîi Y' ffc bontfe1 tlutrtdlrerculation o! misî scentllojouralweedyterm 5.-3$3.W 1a year; 5XS si moll,. Seciencopies iSOHA{f L QR N P1; 5T5sent free. A,,t ait DrUZgiets.1Pric7 ej6 onper' Box, ne3for $u5o * se-t Ly Mai! on recelpt cf î,cke. T. MILBURN 1& CO.- Trounto. PRuF. HUXLEY. Fa rdTobacec, andsd .a pPOJI1t>! itda Asilience or cf erm 2 N, p.t a debate' on smoking among the tnmesof a certain British associa- ti u any speakers denounced and otesadvocated the practice. Prof, Huxliey said: "For 40 years of my l11e toa h as been a deadly poison tome, Lod beers f rom the anti- tobaceonists. lnmy youth, as a medicai student, IL -,ldtosmke In vain! At every -frýh attesp1. uMy isildious foe stretcb- ed me p1rtr.ateon the floor. liiepeater] 1hes entered the navy. Agaîn 1 tried t',, moke, aad-again met witb defeatued to baco. 1 coulld al- most bave lnt my support to any in- iitat Ladt for its object the putngof tobacco smokers to death. Voieosapplause. A fuis years ago i was l Brittany with mome friends. We, wit, to an inn. Tliey began to sm--oke, T!'hey looked very happy, and outid i was very wet andi dismal. 1 tbougbt I1 wou1d try a cigar. Mur- mu .I iti so. Great, expectation.s. 1 smkdthat igar-it was delicinus. Granis. rom that moment I was a aizie mn, anti now 1 feel that -mkngt moderation i-n a comfor- andamiaudable practice. ant i,3 pro- ductiveý- of good. Dismay ýand confusion cte ani -tobacconimit. lioars of l.]hter fro-ým tbe mmokers. There is nie more barm in a pipe than tbere is ïzi up)of 'tea. You may poison your- self by rinking toormuch green tea, Plies 1 Files 1 Itchlng Piles. symVoms-Mesture; intense itching eund stinging; most at night; worse 1,1 wratching If allowed to continue ~ihors form, which often bleeti anti ,%iuicerae,becoming very sore SWAYNE 'S iINT2MIt-T stopsthe itching and bleed îng, heals uceration, and in muvst %ses removes thse turmors, At tmug- -iss, o r bY mail, for 50) cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman, 'ous, Wholesale Agents, Montreal. THEY SPEAK GXELIC. Thn nmher of persons in t.he Unaitedi Kingdomi of Great Britain and Ire- land w'bo use Gaelir as their native, thougb oonstantl1y decreas- ing, [s ntucih larger than is common- Ry supposlet. it includes 660,00G in Ire- land, 350000 ln Wale.s and 230,000 in 1f'T he Canada Sait Association,. &J CLINTON, ONT. (Tarantêe prompt shspmnents. Fine, Coarse, or Land Sait. rer Table or Diry use ani Diry SL Liter ~Notes. An interesting tenture et Harper'ýs Weekly et April 3di ili ho a doable- page i!liasîratien et the ue'Chicago lake front, nen- le course et cenctruc- t tnogetber 'sxih a 'sicew etthe pre- senjt lake front., and an authoritative artici' esciiigr pregroco anti sco'pe et the w erk. ILimper's RoNduet ble oet Mamch 3,L0' wil ccntalis, Lusities its usual depart- inints tirvcett îîesbe tcSport, Amauteur Phcography, Stamp. Collec- ting, Talki w ith ?t c'îug AMn, etc., an iutoresting desc-riptiýon'et au. incildent li thehf e of ILaurence Rluiten, cou- trîbuteti hy Lmi mlf n i etitleti The TUnnertain Glory cf au April î Day; a, shoart sîory by W. J. RfenIderson, Dark-1 e-st Before ]iaan; the seconti part cf 11113' Saiîeg cf Jean Panl, a s-temy hy M. L. Van Vorst; artîL[ý onou ome, Experim.,nx- iu SairaceTension, hy G. Le Clear, and Athio-tica ain'EugbLsb Public Sehlcs, lîy Joh.n Corbili; anti an instaIuw4-urof tirk Munroees serial story, Thre Painteti Dosent. Thcetiltor oethile Revie-m et Roviews 5païss suggestive co0,mmentý on te infet phas3eýs othe ~Gecro-Turkish question. He o4dd, hat the oeuly moa.eenahle solu- tion of the Cretan, difflcuafty le te place Croe t ipfirîtetly in tha 5keeping eto Greece. lus tecyLa 1,hat ltassia las playlng_ a wailting gaine, andti iat the eYther great powersý are painui into ber bauds. The Revie'x reproduces a por- tion ef the Athans Ephemerts of ro- ren/tdate, ecntaniig "am noes anti c mntprinteti in modern Greek, te- gerbher miirl several r3trikýiing cantoons .shic;sîn4g tbe Hellensi_ point. of vtew. Beginng viýLlaI the April nanhar IMcClure's Magaxinia xviilhameafter ho fpnihýbad on the firci. day et each mni.April lst the April inumber will hoý on -ale en al noes stands antjIdelivemed te ail subecrihers, front tht Arlatie t' the Pacif'ie; anti i~~~ !-rat"r entlyup nhe ir st day t - eneb aue pwb a u-e nombr wIl be puIiIév HrtotoPfro pualicatien bus beumatie oi theL28r.h et each menth; bautt is te elievoti that thechange te ,Ib- 'ut -illbh o te egenemal convan- lente. Aýnâqg the caumtributers te thre April nximberor et MVcClure's will ho Will H. Love, Robert Louii Stevenson, the Hon_. FHeury Cabot Lodgo, Hamliu Garland, PRudyard Kipiug Ocave Tira- net, Cy vWarman, antdzi an 'Maclamen. The numbPer et Scmihuem's M-Nagazine aýpear!ug atE'ster-.tiincis almaspr ticncii-amiy brigirI anti attractive beth lu contents antid lisrain.-Tise April issue t-bis year coulains two tuil-page oomposititons by Gorguel, cille t "'A Romn, u Easter; a portrait hby Heward; tire Transfor.mation sceÂse ln Dr. Jekyll anti Mm. Hyde, by William Hole; AlLbert Hertier's iliuýstration for Cor Peccatrsit, and ÀCG hson'is London as soane of iLs artistic tentures. 0f speoil importance ia Cosmo Mouk'b&ouýsa's arti-ý ee on Williamn Quiller Orchrdson, B.. IA., thp Scotch painterK, who camn'e tu UDo(ndon ii1862 antivw-on speady. meceg- iio.Four ofthtie c evaest (Iaugirt- men la na nwork-Rax-on-Rîll, Hacîher- el, Linson, andtiMeCa',ri er-illustrato wiir beex aractan 0ketchPes LewLi Morris ItidLcsrgs's ucaenin i article On -Ocea-ýn Crossingm " ' reent ris- isng of t-be Greak natinn;- givea ustineoy vans to F. B. Sannrýsaccun of tira friieindsihip bt the Greek sihieýfiain "Odys- sous antiTr&ulaw-ay. TÉe illustrations are frein oiial source,.In, Lontion IParks Gisonfinals aanost'con- gemiaî tireen for pletures aýnt ext. Thç Oa!kblDwe,llers is Chieries D. Lanier's re- cord of sosue boyirooti nmmries of the iwots andtihie anitnitls whieh were, ibis Bisai Beelk Weak andaiSieklly reomin ofancy Tire April Century is a Great Mcm- -Neitier fletor Nom FrlessdS Thoisght orial Number, signalizing the. dedica- She 'Woasid Survis e-Do', Williamos' ËInk tien of General Grants bih. Genemal PRIS Saved Uer Iif'e-A&dvice te Parents. Horace -c rier, v-o w's sPresident of tbe citizens' association that aisedt ir Frein tire Forgas Ne-e s-Record. moue for tiiaiaguitioent nme(rial4 Mr. C. M. Post. fruit anti Confection- anti wbo velu teliver the cation at the, Omy dealer, St. Andreve Street, Fergua. dedicatiten, cenirihutes an article de- sast veeek relateti te a mprcctativeofe secriptive ot tbc tomib anti ot its bud- the Neyes Recerd the cati stomy ot the iug. IA stî'iking tira-eiug et the tcýmh terrible suffer*iuig anti sickncss cf bis by Castaigna la givon as ua froitisp ee lte dnughter J B ia.bis cnly obilir, nove There are ise pictlnnes et the interior, a lstr.cIng anti b althy littie maiden cf ihaý only onoýs yet mate, anti ofthae'onyeam et Ugoé,. At tbe tune et tho fgrsfrthe tac'adti designieti y th,, ciiti's illnes ir. Post 'as a resitient sculp-TerRi.lun A Bina anti Gray et Hamiiustn. His story issubstanLially FredciJohn R. Proéien tola cf asi, foliewa :-."My dang:hmer bati beeru the3 esteza and affection lu ix hicla Gen- very delicata f roia philtibeetiuntil i oal Buekunor anti General Girant. boi 'tlabeut three years ago, amid the money, eacb noiber for ycars, ant inl connection it ceet anc for doctorlbis matie me peer iitb Ibhis article thore Is pTnteti for as t vas seldom saie w-as withoçut a tha f irat ime a tasciuile reproduction wi-tor's came. ami at times 'vea bav efthý trasescage Grant iwhile on bis bat as mauy as ihree doctors lnataLen- dcathbot wxvretoo General Bs'ne.ance anti hope et eaving bar tiosp4ireti Thoro la lso given' a facsirnilo etcf.'T-hodoctere aucceedet in keeping GTrant's mest fainous va ortis, "I propos beralive, but sbe was gratiually grow- te fîght il. ont on siis linaý if itLtakes ing iverse, anti w-e nîl tsoughlisbe was ail sumneÊr,' m-ieih w-re contaluet inl goinig to dia. Our regular pUIia n latter te GCeneral Hnlleck, anti at iopy b atigivea up lhope et saving hem lite ot a hitherto supuhiisheti letier frein 1 anti romarkedtitbat if it veere oniy I-eel Sherman, expressing bis frank warn weathor, il. ias, thon winter) oiinof Grnt's chanactar. Genemai t'soe n ightho a chance, But seven Potn' amigning Witb Grant, ne, aumumors had passei ince bier birtb anti lates n numeber of noe anecdotes a bout sho bati gradusally hecoeneeebler, and hie cblat, andi toila et President Lin- My mwite andi 1 tbnugbu i IL-as just a, cl's final visit te ttha front. T11a matter et time untiil tire chilti veculd thar articles give the usual variety ihoclled te ber heome. About ibi3 te the nimber. Dcr. Mitcheli's novel, ime Dr. Williams' Pink PIl werae Tiahgb ynne, linéToduces the pictur- !prooin'ntiy brougir te our notice' esque figure cf Major John Ansre, anilhrough a cure tbey wrougbt ilaa give a liipseet ashington su btati' eg hrschilti. 1 Iboughsi; 1wouid quartons. Thackeray in- Weimar, "Y 1g-ivo lihem, a tial Iami se intrenathie Walter Volpius, tieserîbes the Englisir 'Jtector, bat be nn"ey, iaughoti iL the idea bunseist's friendly relations vesb. t iîmheiping ber. Ho-.eever I ougbt Geietbe's.lhonshl nibs iteaie-. aboxof stbe Pink FiUIS, anti bogan -vith thaý great poat. lti epcop ieigvigIesa to hiem, hait a pill at a by a numba-r et ebanacteistie drýaveîngsTime. After a ehuot treatrnent there by Thackeray noever hefono pri nti. M, assncb an improvement that neither Richard Wvatson Gildar wiite- e'Tire ber motihor nor 1 ceulti doubt that Dr. Miracle8 of tire CGeek Fine, na Ur' Wiiamrs' Pink Pilis w-are helping ber, able caresonial la the Gincb et the i'(jt1decitiotito abandon tjie tioctor's H613y Sepuichre nt, Jousalemin InHsL1y services. altogether. The Pink Pili Waek- IbIs bas timely interest frein the t' t ' twscniundat atsog attention nove cetaring in the <Ilreek tIr rgremst arsbrLtb at Cbumcb ini tha East. 'The hcgsnuing cf mirengtuàir ie ncessaruly slow, it w-as n noe serial hy Mary H-antwell Cathor- ýelsscran n t cn w eod, The Dnys of Jpranue D'Arc, anti ,uëone t bs certsana anILwd on- the fist et a serles of ilostrated pa- asyen sco hemrto-day,ai I aa tbank- pers hy CCL. George B. Waring. on tui to sîy mbhe bas bat noeoccasion for Meuntain Bicycing in impare gsv- metlical trealinentiiince. 1 arn a strong au in the niimber, bi,1ever in thoetficacy of Dr. Williams' Lais Pilla, for weîk anti delicate Chi- imoïn, anti I firmlv belierve IL w-as this cott Le Cear Beard tells of Moses, f SING AS THEY iVARCH. .ame angle thaL . 's his pet when ho was egagetsunin ein utise Ai- zona desert. Seeing and _Beisvin1g, by 5n :,îSoldiers Besort To iuse Tc fHaroiti Wilson, M. tr., is an iltustratoti 5 lIghtea 1aheis' Dreary journey.. atýceunt ot soin e strange optical illus- A correspiondient troin Russia w rites. i sous. lilarry Fenn, the artiast, i lu 1k', -nn iiie am,1beiv, anti Cedar, gives an aceuui t fa visit "i ecvlzt ay esv.i ho, once madte te the famoas rMountains 1 theow-e of seng to enliven teil se pre-f et Lebanen, in Tripoli. le descriibos valent as among the Russians. the silk culture wich ternisthe main 1j-"Shbbiyadsatyatrd industrxy ot the inhahirts, and witea hi n cnl tie] a atboutthe noble Cede;rs e obaf ngrimed -with dust anti sweat lu suin- frem whleh Seoimon ebc,,aiued miiof mebspattere'd and bedraggied witlh tho ce fo hatemp. M. Flinmut in autumu, clotted vitb snow in f draw1sunany ililustrationas for ta spa-wit per. lise Lights thai. Guide lunsthe witr, with lcicled lips and beards; r ight', 's the titGe et another of Lieu- mt al L imes anti in ail weathers. alou0 tenant John MElitt's articles tell- Russia's 'aretcheti roatis anti 'ways, oe ____ in, ot lîglithouses anti heacon tires that, mu!e iodes rikyo r are se usetul te the marilner. 'h a Jungtrau 'Tuunel, is deseribeti by F. W4ing the grouud, alter long anti forcetigtberpaainoA W oti, ntiî~nrin se oalbonilutmaches -forioru, anti mcary-iooking I sÏîiacÈng Ih TOOdanVdReguîa î1 illustration)s frein photegraphs, as well1 objecta, dra-colered spectacles. net at-teso£t nBwl asý diagrains exîlaining tbis great rail- tractive te the eu'e, but ever vith tho- way nd engineering enterprise. '£haocheeryr Song issuîng fronu îhroats wbich IÏerseshoe et Ltick, is a fairy story of wlw ne better foot than a thin soui theooet olti ktid by Rrstioiph F'. Bun-~ cooket tram refuse cabbage beaves, and uer. Noah Breeks's sorual, The True - chunks " of course hlack broati. s tory of Marco 1joIe, comas te an endi Andi that almest ceas-elo-ss seng, romotesSn4gestionl,'-m&li- in the, rnimber -%vith anacceunt et tho plaintive though the airs lnvariably are: esnRs.otisete fabloti diam'ntis et Geleonda anti thaï; seems net only te buoy their spirits up, rinea meonster bird, the Roc,. recalli-g'mem- bust toaise thein-in the eyes et th, >îm~0pIe1 0 eries of the Arabian Nights. Mast er spectator from overtiriven bopelessm I NT NX.'C O TIC. SkY[lark,Joiha juenneî's stery et hak- slaves et ou autocratie mihitary sys-, pare's turne, ta puill etremantie ativen- tem te cbeery anti villing endurera... rare, tnutithe tsecond instalment of 'zEseodJsMZPlJf7 Frances Courtenay Bayior's serial, Miss-Mrmaf l.DSA=PIER Muia Barre-e, carnies forwardt he inter- SAVED IIEI LIE est su the tale. Th6e are many time- .1.m ly verses anti peems, iucltiing a littie' verse, lNanny anti Jack, by the. lata THENARROW ESCAPE 0F A FERiU *sim- R-. C. Banner. As usual, thse pctures llRHN' AGTR ic~< terni nu important tenture lu the num- MECATS AGTR ber. , !witi be pleaiged once i iquantily, twiïce ina QuMaify and three times in Frice Who inspect theý unequaled%,Sortmënt of SIllppers, Rlubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c,, At Our Store, WEA BIIfLOCK,-« DflwmamaviII, BIGEST STORE, BJÔG&EST VARIETY., BIGGEST VALUE, Everybody invited to call1 aud smec oir new looljswïca I DAVIS frienojs. A betapiper oy W. E'. D. _ - -t _i Scott, calati Bird-Pî;ctiues, gives soute Harpon's Magazine for Aîpri1 epenis 'edicisie thnt savati My chilti." Of tire latt ativances unio eart of 'svitb a popular hlstenical ppro r Wlim'Pn ilaae aisuil-TE SHQE NIA-M stufti'trg birds lna si ife-Ike ijnannor. Ia WrasbiàÉgton and the Frenchi Cmxcetofround year medicine anti arequte as______________________________________ Lbîs insta'mrený, et Soldiers oif ForLune '93, lîy Prof. John Bachi, MeMasteir, wbo officaclous la thse case of chiltimen as la tho reveassou ntually be11gias, andt desenubes the enthusiansi for ostenia- atults, They restore to Lie blood tiis Y_ý* ý thoera is an exciti. race on a bicone- tienlis nepuilicaniain arcuseti iy the tirst lacking constituants anti nakea IL ricb,, a tive tbrougi gncups oftrhe revsrutian- successes etf the Prencir Repuhiic, anti net anti pure. In this way tioy lIn Lm.Rewei' Sioy c a layespecially hy Citizen Genet, the Fnanscb s:trengthosi the systenl anti drive out :v na r o ."arn thr sagreat de-ai of anî Char- ambassadox. Tire illustrations, incluti- îtisoase. Thora- are manuy cases like nicieization. Yo Espero is by Robert 1i1g the frontispiece la coler, are lire ahove lin'svhicb tirs wonderfui net- eO iw rf~s h ~ ~ v~ te W. Chambiers, w-basaý remîrknble stary Howard Pylo's moat toncibla anti virileý icine bas restorot healtir anti strenghin * J'-"'this we -t er? Tire Messeuger lan rcet unber bas manner. ta Palentolsogical Progressa afler tire best neticîl ativico bat beer au e the bes', 011 is kanti since ofthLe Century, tire tiirciof a saries cf fîliet. The genuine Pink Pilla ara : There is style in footwear as there is ia hats. Each year the Granby Pue.~~~~ ~ ThrDr ucu yHny'a rOfuseby illusratet papers describing seltdinluboxes, the ivnappor rounti.wý-i icir Rubbers and Overshoes are modebled to fit ail the fashionable sirpes Poeyke, Cato Sollrdani tt aH e itr a oe cec.Dr. Hon- bietbe full Itie Mark, "Dr. W11 e of boots. They are thin so, as to prevent cluisy appearance and C. Brnnuen. ry Smith Williamis traces tire develop)- ienis' Pink Pilla for Pille Peýople." ment oif aur knovledge et tosails troni Ther re other plls coleJret l Pisk.t feeling and to make them se necessitates the use of the finest quality of. Tho EnstÈer Number if iii, Ladies' the time whon tboy w-re supposeci te buit tiey are hase imttin fferet 0ubber. While Granby Rubbers and Overshoes, are up to date ini HOn-s Journal te brni(, et icîptul uitn hobtire relics et Noab's flood luntil lie nl hcasothey givaÏLie dealer a enter tainirng readlng. A hioavian final establishment hy Darwvin efthtie goealter profit. Tirey shon-it alvenys he a Style, Fit and Finish, they retain their old eaduring quality. Easten Dais ns y Clitterd IL)ovard, tells ti. r t vlutilen. George du Maur-reut. tl e s ory of t e si n p st a i m ost iier s rom ance o t rincarn ation, Tlie '__________ ne it ta given in tsequaint anti pic.,atadausmthe ieale' O EGIGDlT tureeque>toof etBtie entPansy- even lita anti pers onaliti'. Tire supomna,- Joinnie, saithtie fanmer, go to-en_________________________________ Ivanla. Ex-Pre,,id...A ' tumal itenest oif tira steny neachas a la:11tira celiar anti dmnw a pitchar ofthtint----" ly article toscribee 'Tho Socu-î,itýÀe et cimaxinn luie intervention ilu Barty ttc Posidet. trni t stayet b scselin's love att air of Martia, thi u-oeet iter. Taise a candtle witb ycn. th r-sduune- D Ey(; i ontnedn an-desi Ehne lungumliun,àndgies ntees inl- visible hereine oethLe stery. Tire iiî De't eet n at, aitheJoinle. roatîion, asnte iraecpiionsre, i p- lustratos preseast Du Maurior ai.tti Aht, iny lttie mnsat Vcmirs icre, anti emiror modaleve,ns of ireici g etbspwe Fa oet er, w-haw-as sayug ovor nsght, 'yon 'GAou"m," D Wbite Hoase. Th? populai merls OfThrione inBoigiunm, bClaire do Grat>ou hv gA ET EB.T URNWCTLGEi O-sAv si Great PersenailEvantsis_- res-ýenteti taneit, desciies bth oineebloandtpo- jhava «lleltbe ire Lrite d CONTARSPL Eccziýe'roa LLTTON5 AND Pmîc-VAe 0GTHIFî anVARET e by Wlsepn Lafayae4, Rotaud , in Pilla itical institutions cof one et tire most va Ae, st J 1[ One b inL e n cir -AN ULDýri--,), ,1LVSRTIN N EtE FTEFV TýR12Et delphia, by Jewin F'ralay HlevPrimitvidvdul nia\ir an ta l ien IL got up se tire tirst i n n n n i a n r n r gm ittdaughoe one o s if a surviug Lime ocinopolitan eof roea n-jon o sy tisnn1I mtolpet.ILU UM UCI R'U LUI U vetnsss t ir gea Lfaeto tLions. Thoieartice le illustratdvitir i tIse hof emeat C tlu ulse aCnd.Mle rat i ned 'nntainWib coltscr~rr Iili anti dellýcacy hy George) Wham-,!FE u G N i 70-S t urore nearlyLrcqarese ton Edvards. Tire burt Pape eOf the o ~ ~ II I orebasers on application. Rvory Fariner and Gardener sienît bave a cîepY hfor cenlamy ago. -1Ira î). Snn e ir it- series on tire Mexicoa eayb hr HI IUfl odrn SEEDS fortbecorningseason. in ordor te induce buntimeds ot new cuatoin ,_r' tn t'on tiras nn hnajitta les F. Lummnis, entitcti TheAwanken F te ue our seetis ae offer Tir Beautiful Hli, witr rda hy ing -ef a Nation, dea miithDazthe [U f JohnH. YLee.TIrehurtillutra-soldier anti tic statesmn, cutli ning a i LH * n~iIre<D i nn m fh C 'Tfh~ tieii n luCherles Dîna ibsan's moies cancer wveh i h ie int atisenturesoin cmue u cR ULRl a LL 1UjI.~ unti ronanstis!, antiOnocf tire most Pal- Contains 30 fuli!szed pacisets of thc lateit and hest vartetica of the followtur: 2 pkts. B'eans:1spoct. tfchonractor,.skýetches of lire People of reicatihroo thticnineteentir cen,- becs; 2srpts. Cabbagc; o pkt. Carrt; 2 pkts. Cern; s pkt. Clcry; i: pkt. Croîs; s pkt. totem or - Lovsck f f ictmincwhIandjoy Jierm o tn.'ir, m ellurities rc1i. vnfrin 3ETi[OD 0F A &GREAT TILLÂT- , ril t. ritce; ipkt. Mus, e Mlon; i kt. Water Melon; x pics. Ciron; i pkt.. W tte Mustard; 2 Ltvers of iction wiR'WEAKNy Jeo0F tuN-pits. 0'iion; opkt. ?arsley; apkt. ?arsnip;2spkts. Peas a pts. Radisb; s kts. Spinacb; spkt. K. Jencnte's atory, A FarLnait of a itciabe kniytr ure' 1omato; 2 picus. Turnipkt pc. Sage;xs ek. Sommer Savory. The entire collection, amouniting ai Lady, aTh~e rhot .art'ho anus- pernely foriares. ie sYir pa Catalogue raies anti Postage te $1.6o, isilI hosent fre hy mail to aay address for S;.00, atidres, Faatse Adeiet tihteto trica, in preparatin of w hlicPoumtney oylia RIEIN 'IEroRONrr T EDG OE,CAi' pona nt rviaat iieir o thi ie'vse nany usotis oftrIavel,Elise Ballet. A; tiwr-an py r ivae sis Rood .iA.describes tire opening cf tire Cape Col-__________________________________ Braford'- article u T'ie Woniaa Wbo feiy Puritameart, eue ot be inbett char- Met nfasasee M. isnesenstaacteristie ant imipnessive incidents of '" Isi ieaoaaeh i euluglis weA da. 'lsON O. tya he w-as isa aprocurionssate, bat X.ostInifuencd Me Th-re sems o mpre, nd dscuses 1mani ss 'lowIy w astinsg ' 'ay witlk- esiorvoos wieeeitred ho safiat I onane lte dtie atiBriLlishcolonial e1 emprt iaTs ens e amenal torbodings are oti mai Wersebeg tdyierc-ea. iene-)erfieo wnotet hy bui Jounltire pitc anti social questions w-ichiab thne, otire i vera aumýin. Tberc la ne 'et op te Bad ol îegstes w-culai ct Slsi, Was, a 0f laie James Ibas beau more way- iThoa re prac ntel vyte onaviitLe Jamesen raid bas miset betveeen the montai suflir"' tayor ii. Sleepise ai- (lareosle itivwtiY amid tCut Dido at wardt tianoven. IHo net only nefusedi qubeseaepatica M.B l ite n v ilth ia Duir niEnlm. i rtcetaulsnpiblantfoe ss srî ealr ome to go te sahool, but hae mate troubla, ,e h siand illsbT'ie R arten _soaOosil( rspuie to w uli sr en eFr shrel rer oilet cdfor haed o. ret Tr pctceot ahe rotn Lhome. Ho is large for iris age anti hy Drocir; enggeetiaans ou flaveensantiWevti.Wilt Thigs in Winter, ila fsexuel Weakeepss emîtîll ib's a equestion bsovnsn nitraig s otnolng .Like mnuy beys,lire bat an garinig hyEBien B. Refort; liants a sympatietie stuty et bird lite by J. ntbte aeads fpio:hi w o n r tn i saidea Lias bis yonsrfulnesisantistrengtls con amateur Phorcagapby; a tutiy ot wheblser llieiead 1netas litbtter take a dose et peicen' brwn, hi tnnrrtagc by RuitirAsirmore; tieh e nedy.ivur iat epuw iti bapiradtiesontaleitoles. îltpvidntal emo rsne u utber vt ontdtn riOfia' ban -li antietho RivernPlat/taMRopaihiBiblehyinbtiitionofusedi ei lattsn ohpetof ne8set iniuBufftalo. Policeman Tiromastige mugit have impaireti. Heoarmet. Instss tsirons;Mm. aet's BbleRichard Mitchell, U.S.N., tiescribes cenl- stret te genarai healulu, buts colmretlis Downa Lois bis son labo cusbody antid res nibsnLeotmnasn Glass; Mra. Bttene'a taîks wit'irTire mercis1culin u Sa ieie'w mcaelprsen aa e cvîorldein Kinig'e liaughtres; a page of tain 13 favorable to theire vstinont et capfiil ntir'eîw deelareibatacirýv mos-awiii take lad ii aoeIl, et theo tuai ole of father anti police-' hnnciiecns; Mrs. Rorer's cooking les- tram ticeLUnitedi States. In tic beatý- itouble te senti hua came and'!atidress mey bave Tire son, James, ta fitteen years oit. mia, anti mulot tise tongir youngstera sen, nt may tisettaarmaiof tir Ni-er, Tlý irtise nieo f sus ',vonderful treelmaheuplic fteio, Ihmatndesaprere ttraroud etmew-o-ing siorL senorfree, lielias' Lie Lire policeboystation. WisdoinoemFoohs, Mrgare, roundtiof w 'hen I aay traet mmeabsolutely witlsct H rsln ena a e nibs James acitier cniet nom struggled. wo-Widon o Fbls Maaet elrd becauee Iioi nevary vaeakenet mati toe gacauseti iis fathei muci trouble. HaO Haew-us too vainglerieus ta dthireran- man's noats. Bîcir unharo e ri mses tire question et persenal reapon- si hnelis et my e'cprienee. 'wetfnLtiapbi cel u ooat iefte' rncuc ae L hinand lati alu estos cfiaîtue siîility la tire exisiing social arten. 0tb- jtam net a piilantbcepist, uer to 1 pose as an o a4si tasudu lean rssac mpsbe.Hthgths bout ant praricl sugestons u tr ories ara: A Realixet Romance. enmhslsueshiere are thou8ends o fmeta sotuf i iuiet buin ieat eitne mosbe atsui i ca-ay-day praabllemofe home lita. By îy Mary M. Meenus, a Soie Orchestra a ter.otsie mentatorturcsoftwakeannood ",playet " hockey" day atter day. Suis- fatirer w-oult relent, but ho w-as mis-. tie Curtis Fuilisîrng Ooapnay, Phi s eto a Noe Yorkstreet musscian, Wwirosulci ho cor-ci at eec euîth iey 1butgetliaison. He was searciratianti lociso up. adelpiia. Ton cents par oopy; oeah ranie tlatiesev. In tira Edite's -I'b aehaimedy aseredm e. ne net try te sluuly. equnstly hiafatiser put hum in Clan- Tis a tter sait ho hît toua everythiau dollar Par year. ~td ope tgn letcmetl- ont1,1eW I Cali afore ta pey tire tew postage - Cle au rmtar lotepsil o tebyadwsgili oefa retscsenehCralanas uret ln-y spi esser yta mail ftle intormation, but istlus olgebutrtLiaumoiatpotibe ufortefub e, t -sgiv senu ti orl - nti there are a e f'.w iing5 styouugster repetotly rau ew-îy. A ttiegraetleu Th45 pffl b. Nchola CoVrs a idfl erce are iscused b Chares Ddiey 3,_Jamesfr w-nsndtake Jmes astisen polhe celi courur Ti.Api t.Ncelscvesaw-aW/are.r. Tire EdiLon'S Dravear openls attiat eitbough they ceaI notiilug Se geL eraols itrJmswstr fiala nthe lutarest of Ibm boy and girl wrBa eiCrris tr iytîîneseî ~rueeeeesdeau eraola vlue ae a a-andti no n a charge of ts'uincy. Tha w5h550ryHahCarua t b r ofr hapissees to 'me fts.w-iand ril lnurtn ient n b Jtie n]0aad umwitb a lecture, retes Trfonbsi c s i ctuna enry Gallup Faune, illustrate yA . -f usteliz212 aimzec.. sud lyijrdina cidn na aanh iil e et b, pesppy nt nkiîFrosCtis, B anti contains tia usualvin- tr nomaim si o sia napanssoiboggaa. Tise rightsite etfiri s face ,andtiif ire msebvsaîuh vl roaap Iulgb J .Depa'W etfancoemnivas.tneoe.a noealy triraw-ay. For several placet lu an institution. Cbildrcn Cry fur Pitcher's Castoria. FAC- THEL SIGNATURE IS ON THEIi Oastoria l p in none-esbottise reniy.lit i.f ned soUin buik. Don~t ellw anycm o ,uscI yon anything else on theD plots or promiàe tba tl Is "6jusB as gosd" aand "Will anser P eey ïr pose." 1 liBe tiut you sot OABTOL4 The tu- Apefet Remedy f or Cons tipa- fion, -soýur Stonàch,Dîarrhoea, Worms .Covusions,feverish-'I oes s and Los o r. SLEEP 1Tac Suntie Signature of

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