IX ITINESD Vt, APRIL 14,. 1897. Di...C. liITCIIELL. g5tEI WCOLLEGiFOF PHY31CIAbO ceOSe gees. ntaiaConerli, euc. bu.. nt ei e l'i cs e c. Enniskilieii. 74. 1) BURKE anirSOti, îmtin. iatdie.Bak el lia. Suicitartom ,h nti Banl Êtifr. yOIING, V. S. ('j EFICE IN THE WEST DURIHAMI \i 5Bulock. wh"mie latueli resiin I tc utati a.nu. te'Ot9u.o. Niig0tcal 3a tccýglepL Our ceuaîabuae will mci vioOtot us t uo171-yn .PLATE, Taior GenloSO'SC'ithes made taO rder. J A .MilRMXCU~\1 OFFICE -Ieal.' of Mlessrs. Iligginbotbarn & Son's Drug Store, (downi stairs), BOWMANVILLE 'D ENT ISjlTR B~ HARNDIEN, 1L. Gl.adnmte oi the Roy a Ocleo Surgeons. Onaria. CE OPPOSI'TE EXPRESS VITALIZED AIE. 1). S. et Deulb 0yyICII New Tailor Shop The udersILiusd alba s been et,."ryueg an the alaig business ie connactilla Witll MnSOn's Dry G(eutstore ior ii nomber of jeans bas coirloancati lusinîes on liait ea.lia1 easdenca, Kingi St.,we-s. wbere ha is pmaoarud te tatke gei>anaad lsaî s cit8 in FOI tlia Itat styieFai, and t lawet picea. Forau- tosa s-i', ns c e eir seita, lviii carry a ftull lu ne 0f anuplas malthe nos-ast patteaus. tmVa lina J. T. A L N Fashieunalae'ailer MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000O. .8.lance surof i onat Lacbean placed a may hante by a pivate persan fon jnvetim.'ut, on appravediIu anceatarte seuunity for'- n of rive onras' EN YO . a.'mrvtiANDOE II Amn' îPERm CEîNT lutaefft a'iLIne milet pàyabie'a aI sati sfacte'iY coneition 8 for rap.y ient wîll Le arrngei.D. B. 1SIMPSON. - solicitor, Bav-MnkLk'Liua. Ilttd Ont.ist. 91. 40-tf. P C'T1\ E ME".-Wisliilerpoînia u.Inît andi payung ernIevuneneu cat eulra i ll - 511 Us ce 'a' iiig xii i Iito e sli enOur cdyt( and Se'i lutta id ta-oltoe :Ail Cauuiadia7i n.Oiutidturer. Salacy tait wEeali. Write fec partuculans -ide ~tecclsxavcir L'r.Aaa-xU :issxuuvCo., iTorotot, ont. 114r40. FOR. SALE Olt RENT.-Heusa anc làras for sas ou1 ta rant. situnie ai a îg e : w t t a v a y e mn v e i e n c e , t m v i t a, chatl, s' tbia. etc. 'l'ie gardon contains a lot oi ha choit estinuit a. ail variait' s. lmutudta,î. VISL,t'fIG to wnanviile Ot m 4D.1 T1HE CANADIANSVATESIMAN 9i par annuel Iu ativieco, ettiecîwusa n.. Sobseiptionsalasys i aî ibIs aIt ( offis t publication. Advrtisîin riis uciets oy e tu mot. 10 cetit 0cPr luanousP arOie sla 4un c- un, anti5 e rnts per iii' fais.chues it katon. boras8,1iOcents parlice. M. A. J-AME"S. PLullîstai' THOMASPEATE, Dyer and Ciotbesc!eaner lias rcmes-ed bis works toe acosel known Easfeî'n lieuse. P'fucs:--F-or cleaninig, yilun beautitnhlly pressing an Overceut 75 eents; Cemplete Suif $150. These prices are net more flian one hlaI surlat you w'euid have te puy ally ether Dye Work s, andi the work wijll be as geed us eau be dene any- syvhere. 36-4m. b5WOO' CURES COUCHSCOLDS, HOARSENEss, ASTrHMA, BRONCHITIS, AND ALL DISEASES 0F THE THROAT AND LUNCS. PRICE 25c. OR5 FOR $1.00 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS l -lugether on1e cupful of sweet cream, one gj'-"USE OLD. teaspoon of mustard and a modicum of red pepper. Pour one-baif the mixture W AYS AND MEANS. over the cbeese; then carefully break To mnake one dollar do the xork of in the eggs witbout disturbing the yolks and pour the rermaining hait of îhe five is an utter jrnpossibility, but mafly ereani mixture over tbeni. The ceese a womnan w bose iii destiny it is to bie imlts, enriehing the ereamn, makîng a1 constantly trying tu make twvO ever-di- very nourisbing and appetizing disb. r verging ends meet, has done much to-. Puff Omelet.-Stir ioto the yolks of1 ward solving the problein of dressiflg six eggs the wbites of tbree beaten very neatly, stylisbly, and prettily on very ligbt, one tablespoon of, corn starcht limited means. Tbis woman must nee- mixed in a teacup of creara or rich( essariiy be i ngenious, and she aise must milk, wjtb sait and pepper to taste; be econoical. She can afford to waste mneit a tablespoon of butter in a pan, butltte and she needs to turn every- pour in tbe mixture anîl set tbe pan1 in a bot oven: iiben it tbjckens, pour thing to best advantage. To bier the over it tbe remaining w bites of eggs '".lcouinters are a boon providiflg a nd return te the oven until a deli-3 h ýýVS 11w to make judicious selai- este brown. Serve imrn.diately. 1 ions. "Cheap tbîngs"' do not allure Egg Gem.-Butter gem pans gener-1 ber if tbey are net usefuil, but often- ously and place a balf-inch layeor of1 times theremray ho arneng the Largains masbed potatees in the bottinî of eachb Som litieodd an one whi b se. littli' eup. Break an egg in each, dust: sorn litle d.1ýandendswhih sh isin- w itb sait, pepper and celery sait an' in especial need ef. 01 course, it nover 1 ave in tbe oven untîl cooked to ',he Pays te wpurcbals' ebeap shees_,ges, dosired consistoncy.t underivear, or bosiery. Egg Sanda iches.-Boil t'.e eggs unltil1 iJpon genera! principles ît mwill be tbe yoiks wîlI pulvorize, (about 29 min-1 touaiiad ec-,oe.ca1 in th, end. t'Oies), tbrcr n lto cGIdlv ater for a short boy reaily good rinaLerais, ecnc if the lime, remeove ilhe sholli,cut, in balves initial cost Le a !ittle heavier, but this and crajlî t'e yolks ; mix butter and an- rue-likp ail ethers-is ubjieeLtu oc- s c hcîvY1Pe e wilthe wlites .ndbut casional eceptions. Thie i'ornan wbe ail jr 'liees' and'lay Itetween round w ants te, keep up witb tlb. general fash- suices of bull ered bread. ion and îvho bas sinall ini -tns finis that Fgg in tlhe Mis.-Separate the yolks sire ca nnet 'iafford to buy expensive suin- frora the wbitese anidho iftbe latter mer gow ns, -as t hey îuecorne tliirnsy and tlu a stift frotb after addin.g a pinch of old iooking aýftcr 0e2a son's, waar. sait. Put a gecorous tablespoo'iful of Ther-' are se ma ny cheap and pretty oua Ibhis foam ill0 eaGb cup of the gem tins tenisne thi.* iewbiceb have lîeeîî Prev-%ieusly vel but- terils o-% th euoe caunot fail tO e tered. Tben drop a yolkin toeacb foani- satistiei. \Vih probably the exceptionl nost, place a little pii'Oe of buttter On of expelsve SwîVsses ail mulîs eumwuer the top cf tbhe yolk and brown ini the goans e cru ore seýason for Lest il] ven maka very n-'at housse dresses tbe oi- el Washington COmelet.-Let one tex- iewiug sunnier, aind %wiIl thas Le tti Cap of riilk corne- te a boitl witbout 1'zed cntii ornlJtely 'vorn out. Tii a scorcbng -peur il ovprone, 0teacup ef yeu al bg ry oos huss hvesal'sbrend cruuLs, amd]P stand a few yer il L th dry ood.s bal osesibave s'I-s minutes. Break six Ireggs llto a bowl, which te eonouica woan pprîl-stir with a tork until well mixed (de ates. bsuallyîrii the early taîl and in nfot beat tbein; thon add the îniik anîd tbe sprî'ing, fheie are sales ofthte stock breail and mix together; seas" nvwt which tbe traaesînan cees not wisb to sait and peppor and pour ail into a carry crer into anoLher spn n.L ot frying pan, w -el bultered; fi ýy ,,A..,,.,. as-on ~ . Atslowly, eut lu squares, turn, aund.ry te underu tas are selci et great reductuion, and cau Lec arefuily put axxay un tilb Beilet E.ggs te ho digesibie shelae'd u-eeded. Vcry otten, toc, if she mnakes Le placet in eold -wati'r ant i lli-eci te ber ou n clothes or bas a dressmaker reim'in, tjgbîly evered, uncil it, cornes aise cen and wil eut caretuliy andtocete a heu. 'Iben thev aire deliuxta and 'he besc advantage, many a remnant et jelly-liko anti periectIY digeslile. silk or pretty bit cf trirmming wisicb bas been piecked up on a bargnin ceeanter. La e utilized nicely. Se icong astfaney PRS bN SS betpices are in vogue, endless oppotun-I'OMIUSS ties are otteret for the utilization of ae- comulaf et odds and antis et laces, iL- A Sys9cei Timot f ives iveiy FaixanCr a bons. veivets, etc. Connortable %eat, 'The womian wbo keeps a miinery box, and takes cars cf tise bits et lace On ail the streets et Paris oeeoe the and ribbon rosettes, provided they are tentures most noticeable tt, a.fereign- worth keeping, wiii fjnd that the up- etr, penhaps, is tise littie omnibus. sta- te-date- millinsry can becuonstrued cf is se characterisîle et Paris, writes a any numnber et eft overs. 'The oniy as- tenials shall contibute te a barmaonieus correspondent. 'flac Parisian omnibus tairais shahl contribute te a harmonicas system, by the way, is in excellent ensemble. ftislaa got itea bo put evcny- one, when you undorsland it. But you tlajng aw-ay neatly and neady fer use u. wlae next needeti. Put thse ribLons te- I uually bave te ha Put off a bus two goîber in a snmali box or package. Tfhic or tbtee timos befoe you appreciate laces, clean anti smootla, sheulti be rolled ils monits, ln ime yen discover chai, ie a paper. The flowcrs, if geet eneuglhe eilsso eual tltosa to appeas' on another bat, uuay be brusb- tevhce tprglrya itesa et witb a soft bniasi, presset inte shape tiens, where tbose isba understand tise with the fiagers and put lno a box by system, obtain bits et pasteoàerd c- tbem.selves wbere tbey will net crash. ing numbors in the precise erder et the PRibbons, if black, sboald lia spooged witb tilatet amimonia and presseti be- application for theni, entîlling Ibocu un tween tissue papor antil ail crenses are the &une onder te fh,, vacant seats in gene; if coboneil, gaseline or naphtba the buses as f bey arrive. TheseiÉle shoulti ha employa-t as a cleaosing me- stations bciog net fat apart. if is a diumn. These iquids shoultinoct ha placet near tire as tbey are very intlam- malter of neotifficulty te ebtain these mable. A bot iron sbould neyer cerne numbers, and whebn f bat is tiene fthe sys- in direct contact with ribbons as il tem secures, as yea sec, a perfectý, ap- makes tbem limp ant i .any. Gimps anti plication cf thse nuls "Finst corne, first beatet passementeries may bc bnuslaed scrved." For whcen flac Lis stops, just witb a soft bneeh anti spongat with i opiiPe PCthe littie stutioun, an officiai weak ammonia. Ail broken places liomeoS ut. and, standing Lohind it, calls shoalti be mentet befona fbey lire put off the nambors iuu thein erden, and chic away. Black laces may ha xvshedl in Iean oubti ha passengens, as their numbens antd woand smoelhly over a round bet- anc clied, lake the vacant places. When île, heing puileti inte shape as roulet. all the vacanhcies are filied. the bas White laces may Le waslsd in bot seap- drives on, andti hoss wlaeie numbers suds, carefully insat and xound round coma next i n rer bave, et course, the n bofîle until dry. Velvets net tee tirst chance at the vacancies on the badly crachat may ho neinevateti in Ibis f illing bus. manrneen:--Place thie baciso et lcvlvel Antd now let me mention anothar fea- oven a wet ebolla, and bhoit the two ture oft tiis omnibus syst'em -%xvhicb 1 against the face of a bot flatîron, al- tlink is woxtlay et eit notice. Racla em- lowixg tise wet clotla to como ,nexf te nibus andi street car in Paris-for flac tLe mo'n. The stnong steam wil taise street car systeni is praccieaily fthc the pile, anti the velvat will look quite sanie-es buit tle cat-not le carry, fiee once more. Some women bave been minti yen, bat te seat-a certain nuni- succesatul in pressing over tait bats and catet upen the extenien efthIe vehiiele, getting tbem te look vany well. A bot ber oft parsons. That numeer is indi- j'on is necessary, but it must navet ha anti ahan il is remnplece ne more are put directly tipon the tait. The bat penmittadtot enter antan any circuin- miay ha tborou.glly dampeneti andi cov- stances. Oun gbrieus syslem, thena- eredl witla a clofla batore the iron is ap- fore, cf iding on a strap, or cf get- pliot. A stone janr vlacb the cnewn eft mg oe foot on the back îlatorm et lise bat wiil fit may ha uset te press flac sîrcol car and ciinging te flac un- ever. Slraw bats may L-a presset mbt fortunata indiitual who bas preceti- shape wtb very litIle trouble in Ibis et us anti has hocla tact on is whioly way, Ithley are vary limp an applica- un.k:newn in Parie. t ion et mucilage on the wrong sida xii stiffen tisam. Thorearan many sncb uitIle aconomies SHE WASHED TIIE BABY. foe boxoman wba must practice theni, A weman flac the day waakedinlto if sc stili Put exorcise a littia cane andtihla bar et a Jehaauaaesburg hotel, Soutla ingencity. 41- . , DAINTY EASTER DISHIES. Frirasseeti Eggs.-Boi n a dzan egge 15 te 20 minutes, remoeotfla shelia anti elica ; ceaso a cuptai of Lest-stock witla peppar atdsait; brown n femeuptai of ctle breat erumbe in butter ; put flac stock in a saucepan an tise slave; tip fh ha lices et aggs in mebtet Luttar,fban in flour, anti lay in the stock until bot; traneter te a bot piaffer witb thea tniet breat crumbe anti pour the stock aven al, Stattet Eggs.-CuI bnrd-boleiat gs cretulby in taxe, ramoe yolirs. chop andi mix svitb thaîn colt choppat chine- San. banoranveai anti a littie minret enuon. seaon, mnt att gravy or the unemoket yaii et an egg; fi the wbîtes levai full anti put flac halvas neatly togethar, tying avili a smali fwine if necessany; re!l ihoboaten.egg anti breat cil .confinaebin avwine egg-basket andi heit in lailing lard until a tahicata bnown:ramoes-e a cord caretully anti serve avif bcalery or tomate sauce. Baket Eggs.-Break the agge jnto n ws-al-butlaret tieh, senson 'avilla sait, pepper anti Litesetfbutter andti Irea ta- blaspeons et sweat orsam (oeatable- ep eontul for every taxe eggs); set in the leven anti baie untii bb,-,w-bilas ara aveu set, about fan minutas; serve vsry bof. serambleti Eggs asibis Tomatees.- Coirkfogathen haita a n oetoenat os (n nint>, ana tabbespeon of Lutter, anti a taw draps et unimon juice, Sait be faste; wben this ilshbiog, sfir in six sihly beaten eggs. Stin eeýnstantly; att ana fablespeenftul et chioppet parsbey anti serve n genaneus spootful an emela piera et buffenat toast. Swies Egg.-Line a deep pic-plats aaith i lmsuices et caca-sandotmix te- wafer useti by customars fer turf han tilutiag Ibain s4pîrituou-s;iquons, car- niet if te n site sont. Drawing n placea et coup tram han poceirc, sha cemmenc-E edt towasla bbc baby whichchie bat init ber arme. Thea barmaid nemonstratat witb flac womun poîncing eut that bisa1 establishment was naitlacr a bath-reeni ner a lavatery, bal the mothar contin- oot Isr infant's loilet, ntiting, " My buebant bas lis whisky h-re, anti lc nover f aies any water wif b if; se I ton'f ses why I ebonît nef use wbnt hie engla ta." Anti havîng washatd the baby anti ratrascedt hIbe then walir- edt of thtis bar unconeernctby. HIAND-IN-HAND. Hleaithi anti Happiness go Hlant-in- Ilnnd-With Stîssacla anti Nenves al eut of Sorts3, Health anti Haçipinass are Usiknouwn. Frankr A. Omif(ibos, Cornwall, Ouf.: "T was ton saverni yenrs a grant sof- tarer tram intugastian, tyspepsia anti narvoueness. I taok rnany remetias witbout any rehiaf. I sav Sc*th Asm- eecnDNarvîne ntvenluset. TpI cr et n bttie a, 1 Tcon trntbf1n1ly smy it is tiha Lest madicina T aven usat, anti T sfrongby recommen t iffa noy- ones uttering as T dit. A to-uvdoses woaterfully belpeti me, anti twa bot- fies bava matea aasew smonotf ma." Il curas hy dit acf action on flae nenve centnes. For sale by St tt & Jury. ONE WAY. I sent a tdllar ast aveeai, saidthtis Goot Tling, in ansa-er ýto claizativan- tisemeat U eng a methudof ot aving n,-bal My gui bis., Anki yen got-- A print.a- slip tira-ding me fo pesta bies in a serait bokÀ.- CIbildren Cry for YOUNG FOLKS. ElTi7flE'S KITE. As coan as the seoax ant icIe sure gene, anti sladting anti sirahng axvera aven otoe sw inter, flac boysbag-an ta mak ireifs anti talket a gooti demaaut bos liga thiey as-ettitily. Noxs- Kuts thouglat that sho ouglat te bavea n ute, tee, but surac she asiret Cisaris te make lier one, he eniy sait: -Puola gins den't fly kies 1" And John i ooketi up frono.tchai sticks ho was whifttiing anti sait: "Wb5 den't ion buy n kite, if yen ant cnet"V 'Kittie hatn'ct tbeuglahtoftisaI, anti boesides sh isotitinet sant a Leugistan kits. She waantet anciire tise boys hati, But a hougiten kilo is better tban ne itcat aI a,anti sha ax ent bnck .into tise bouse te get sente pennies taa Unele Wlitbati gis an han a taxa unys Mamma uns noavisre te be sern, ee Kittie pushet ber hugb chair c,ose tO the mantei anti climbati upon if anti got tahe naney fron tise littie hox in w bich se kcpt it. She ceiuit net open flac c.oseot oar fo gef hier cleairk anti bood, se she thooigaf se"w-ouJtgo w itisout themn, for eunaiy she w cuit nef have co go very tar n te tnta kits. Se se penat the frent deor anti toi- tilet eut inte tise sîreef, whiIeaýMIasters Char'îe anti John, axha avera snpposed te keep mn aye on ber,, w hile niama uns axvay, busiodttieraselves with bits et stick anti paper anti -tring, nmkitig a kite thatavas going tae fiy se ig-h fIant yeam ceuldn't sac it. Just about the ime Kif lie gof se fat anway trom boni" chat she coult in în ber wxay bacir, Chalîs eudtenly hooiret up £rom hie wor'K ila tisabacyard anti sait: "IX ýere's Kitf e t" TL'n tisere was a grant searlaing anti cm iîIg ail os-or tiuîi bouse, anti John u-nt over ftisah grecery stare, anti hati tho grocery mme te1ephona te Mn. King, üIhe chliiren's papa, anti luera axas a grant fime ail arenti. Beth John att Charuis -ena-cnycng nas t hey~ Cýeasaronti corners anti tauvualseys astrino' overybncv thev saw if anoe dsona uitile girl avio looketi lika se uns lest. Papa came, tee, anti nsked a greal, many questions anti aas just sending- for a policeman te haut for Kittie whou in xvn:ked mamama leading the Little girl. She bati founti ber nearly ait lmile trem homo, Kittie was carrying a kite aimoit ns big as hiersait. "I lecydet if," she saidtot John, 'but yeu can have it." Andti thn John cnietliarder than ever. Caon you tell why? THE FIRSI DRINIZ. Two boys stoppet un front et a saloon and an oli man standing near, listenet eo w-bat clacy sait., "Lel's go in andti ako a drink," sait one et them. -I-1don't thiiak îe'd botter," said hs compantan, "niy fatben's ferrihly ep- posedtoc sa eeas. I don't knexvw-bat îa'd say if he inew I'd heen in eue, and dranie biquur Ihiere."' "Just tor tisetfun etfotiitbing, yen kn-w-," urgati lis friand, "et course. ve'd stop xvitb oe drink. There ceuido't ba any hinrm in chat." "My beys," said flue titi aan, ceming sp te thcm, 'yen tion't knew avbat you're ta..king about. Tf yen go in the ati take one drink, yoo're net- sure of stopping tisane. The chances ans that whiat, l 'inalking about by a bitter ox- ceai won't, for; I tell yen-anti I know perienca-thare's a fascination about iquen chat ilf akes a stnong w ilb te ne- sist atter the first caste et if, some- timas. 'fake the firot dri:nk, anti the s-ny efthtie tstnkar't is epen befoe you. Onily those w ho bat liquer entira- ly aia are snte. I knesv, fer I've been a dtniokarti n gooti many yeans. T expect te ha anc ti-UI Tdia. T hagan by taiing a drink jiust as yeu preposQI fa -'ton fun'-buit i tidn't stop there, you se. Take fha tvice et a poor ebti wteck -anti that is, neyer taire the first dink."' "You'ne niglat," sait the bey wlo ae a usteposedti t visit the saloon. "I thanir feu for yeur goot ativie, sir. T Say, Tom, lac's premise caca gIber- never te take e firsf drink." "Ail niglat," sait Tom, andtih e, 'beys alasped hante on thiair pletige. "Thaf's a geadti emperance society ta Leleng te," sait the oit man. "T: wisla IPt joinil anc like il xx-en I xvas a boy." ARE, WOMEN GROWING NICE. Are -emomn beceming men anae able'? An English avniler tiatters fhem that thiey arc. Tise writet teclaras that llaey are net se ready te rush inte mat- rimnny, cerlninly, for their lives are ne longer stuoteti anti ampty, andti fhy ara perbaps inelinedtot subjeet cuitons ta a littie more mental criticieni. Moea- aven mcn ara, bappily. not se eagar te marry young. "I f binir we ahall tint as cae oxrti goos an moeahappy mar- niages to najoiese ut quaity ofbe-neo- la-ne, tor the reaseos, chat I bava just stateti aresdeep anti powertoIll incentives to bappinese. if aniy eaen sait w auld more tniiy raime the honor tone ta il at diealat an by the ethen! 'lTheuscat Most claivaînous bearteti nin somalimas say that naït their plasune in a wite consiste in csking canaetofber, yat oe cannot ha-hp agneaing witb Ibhe. aying et soea avntat that "a woman, in enter te give bar hant xvitla tignity, Muet be aLle- te stand alene." The gif t is thon complets, opea-heantati anti gen- areus, a ma-a-craturn fer the honor, grace anti reverance, wbich bava bean taeeiy paidtota er," 1THE COIN OF TEE REAM. A captaim in a regimont stntionat a Natal, wlan paying bis conmpmny oae day, chancedti t gis-s a man n Trans- vaal halt-crown, avlicis, as ans won.lt nacnrally expeot, benne "thisemage anti saprpascniption et Presitent Kruger. Toc mn breuglat it hachefa tise pay talalae anti sai to tehie captaint Please, sir, yoUý've givan me a, bat laaif--crown> The etticen teck the coin. ant iw'tbeail hocking at it, rang if on tise tabla, and then remtanket: It soaiads ail riglat, Bag- stan, Whaf'e wrcag v.itb Lt Yen luire mc if six, axas flacreply. The Captain glanceti at tise çoim, ay- ing: Tts ail riglat, man; it a-lîl pases in tae cantean. - Thie apparenfly entistiat Bagster, ashc yen. say if ' r igisî, sir, if is a'right; but it'e tinst tinte T'ee seed tise Queon xvi whisers. 0tcherys CastorI:. CHURIIUOF ENGLAND SALARIES. The salary of tbe primate (Archbish- op of Canterbury) is the goodly sum of $75,000 per annum, panctuaily paid. The Archbish]oî> of York bas $50,000; thie Bîsbop of London, $50,000; the Bisbop of Dunhamn, $35,000; tbe Bishiop of Win- chester, $32,500; tbe Bisbop of Bangor, $21,000; the Bishep of Bath and Wells, $25,000; tbe Bishop of Ely, 4~27,500; ot Gloucester, $25,0001; of Cbestsr, $21,000; ot Exeter, ?21,000; of Hereford, Licli- tfield, Liverjiool, Llandaft, Mîanchiester, Ripon, St. Asapb, $21,000 each; of Car- lisle, Lincoln, Norwieh, Peterborougha, St. Davis, $22,500 eacb; Oxford, Salis- bury, Worcester, $25,000 eaeb; New cas- tle $16,0C0; Rocbester, $19,000; St. AI- bans, $16,000; Sodor, and 'Man, $9,000; South-,ell, $17,500; T uror, $15,090; Wakefield, $15,000. AN ENGJITBEEES STtRY, LIFE ON A RAILROAD CONDUCIVE TO DISE ASE. ,Mr. T'î. Tuyiîr, oai' àt4ie, Attal*,'d '% Htlm Ktiey Tobl o-aliiCre> roveail rseWaia ButlIar. î lîist' Vik FIiIi Re'toredlii Heaitlî. FLrom fIas Kentville Advertiser. Ibene are veyenfeu ernplomentq more trying to diâe heala athan chat of a railway englaceer. Tise heÀurs ef labor are frequently long, meais irregular, anti reýýt andi sieep hsrriedly snatebed "'betw een runs-." One of tihe troubles whieh very frequenfly attack nailway trainway is kiciney disoaso, which up to a late perioti bas teeti looked upon as a dissas-' diftclu.t, if nef impossible, to totally cure. Aithongli thera exist j ntimenous remedies ciaîmecI to be c-ureýs, thse truth is that neothing bat been tounti to successfuily cope xvith this terrible dissase ctntîtilfe ativentt ofthé nuc tw worl&faincd Dr. Williams Pink Plais. Chancing to hean ense day thaf Mr. Wm. Taylor, a resident cf -À1 IMONTREAL. QUEBEL. Î// te 1u siîîî-a Ma, ' MyOa ;yu ., - 'niîiu ulay, Dayligis. s ay, L)pui t ~ , i Carthoigiuisîî 22, May 2.""ay, 2P. u P f Ja2 ujeî Nuun 5 i2 Jue, " .Jolie, Ca. nu. _Z_ ~y Parisialiî 19 Tue, 29)ciune, ils. ini. r ýCarthagiîîian 2, utt', '- 26 Joie, 2Sp ]t - .- Ca 3f ria Joly, 4 Juiy, 9 e n ~~t. , Laureuulua a, 1-t cattue 0015, Cartha-gbuian, 211.d I ~ -i k ,-/,, cbliî onîly thii tousad atbeen caretetkiney ( Do net rail et Rimuski cbor Mos 11e. trouble alanougla abs agen cdetDr. RA E 0F AS GE Wiliîams'l Pinkh Pille, n reporter caloti A ESO ASA E upon bim at bi-> home te ear troruT- Parisien sad California-Livî'rpool mand lis asn-b sat las flugist et bis lt .oîdedrryIst Cibie, $u2.51), coe, t) ; cuePor ayhri negner o"YotTie 2 ,4ta,51)412ndCaEaii, Iiucluti fcr Dccino Aisan rne IRiowy n in 05,ondon);36.25. Stecr-age--Livecruoo,Derry, rulie bcminLeAtln afxanti Konlay, i s t,, asgoxv.Lon dolu 12.50. run bing, etvven HaifaxandKet- BNýuiian or Laurentian, ast Cabin, ýr2r ville, ani hie oe ot tisemost popuimn aud $690; rttem $10,5). $5 0 drivers ou tise rond. Wlien nsertby Bs' Nuinidiar or Carnibaghienztý, 2itlCabin (lu- thla repercer roe-penning his illnes le lndlîing London), $34. sait: "Il -a-s in, tise spning cf 1896 Bs Nuiuidian. sceera, $212,50. thatI T at a severe attache et kitney 'xpess trains frorn Teronto on tlb- Entas- trouble, brougiil eau hbyeontinuousruan- Miinug ar-rivoe i onîreaaîr>, anîe4jy 'nin ning o lcrnat upose itt s FiaJr o oonhoard aionce. 'en causa-t by flac oseiatieri oethfb-aloco- F-or tickets andi em'ry information ap- motive. Ib attotet me but slighly aI pîy te titsýt, but gratnably gre,-vwowese.coni- A. JAMIES, suted andtotr andthetisnfiedt asO orta ieAet amnil tbree s-ae ese c-mulet cures. SoeaAlnLe gn.Bwnnil blpet - me tor a fimoe, but atter, stop- S - E "" H 'M ' ping tise wetofthoa I grass- avrse SADRDHM Ithmai aver. T1 bai noticeti nummateus S aypel alm ha e n fesýtimuenîals in fic papoesconcernilg taStona ele st emeardi thyubae Dr. Wiliaiass' PiBlie Pille, anti raadung eLoese dcae ndl ot oe'cure tuaI was aMiset. ietisuical tones, but I irnow Ltter. asifh lMy ceeu I tecidet te gis-e fhem a How geet et yen 1 tria, ati arosest tur ueses t a ItS'e nly tha frufla, Lionel, for yen coeil et $2. 'Buf ifwaas $2 xx clispaut ara positively show.'It's two years frJwxcompitaiy curet by tie se, .1sînce yen begantvtn orett hav ne ben rou ime anti yst yen bava net reachet a ta- et flan pis and hv nItentru inice proposai. bled with mny krdneys sin- e 1 cao thanatere recomma-ast hemu fo others similarly -fflictet. "I4'or 0O'a'er lifty Years." The experiencaetofyaars bas provet tbat thi.'reý is ahisdelfly ne osa due te a vitiateti condition cf tise bleeti o For aven ifty yeans Mots. WiN's£ow' s saateret nons-es, that Dr.Wtc.iu.'SOOTmuNcu Svst ns ebc iusat by mil- Pin*te Pis.will net premptl:y' cure, anti bî,io f macla. us for tcir eliltren whil'e trlness ouit avoiti mach 1miser-y 1 - eth . If distet-nhtat niglit aud nhsw-be are so.fanring froni suchui rknofyu etby n sici chilt suf- anti cavemoaey Ly premptly resortiung frn n ràgwt ano ut te flais trc'atcnsnt. Gef the genusine fnniat niî ml ane utn Plink Pilals eveory time anti de oc Le Teaula sent aI once ant gai a bottle o-f percuatot to tae an imittation er corne "Mrs. Wîcsicw's Soctlaing Syrup" for ether reunsty tron a denieer, wbo for Chiltrori Toc îhing. It u l rehiave the. the cake et tiseextra Profit te b imase. 1fpiserlîtbýit f)ei.iiditl.D ManySamy je "jffst as gee." Dr.W- estaemiunitly Deeî hoame' PtnkPIle-cura w-hi-n ebbcr npeîit,mo<thei'î,tLt'e eidn iptaoeabout Inedilines aîl.It. Ir, cur(es Dsnrboa,regulwies t>lsq'Stuem- niediet-nas tari. s lh anti Buwsscuras Wînt d istmn the ('unis, retuces Inflaunaton, and Piles Caret in 3 te 6 Nýýiglifs-Itcbing, gives tone andi enarpyto the wlaole syst6m. Bnrning 5kmin seases Relievet in "Mrs. Winsltw's Socbîng Syrup " for One Day.1 chiltiren teething in pleasant. to the tante r. Agna-av's Cintruant aili cure ail ant is the prescription et ana cf the oites cases of itching pilas ln fnora llanos cndu est ftemala physiciaesandi nurses in te six niglafs. One application hinge f e ot conitont. Fan blinti anti bhetding piles the United Statuas. Price twenty.fv et it is peerliss. Alen cures ta-ff e, sait a bottie. Soit by ail truggists clrough4,ut nbeam, eczema, banhe's itcb anti al i the worid. Be sure and asie for -"MRs. enuptmens et the skin. Reliiaaes ini a WINSeLcW'S ScOTHNue-SY-.RuP." day. 35 cents. For sale by Staff & JIury. TEE OPENINýG SPEECH. TEE UGGSTIN TI ITFAIED. Faitty-So Bander mata, the epening THE LTGESTON HATFAIED. ramarre I a t ianer hast nighc. Lio Cmii Malvao"y Pa.sha, sait the sultan, yen remeambar as-at leha eit? I w-uit spcak sitbhlm upon mat tans 0f Dntty-The opening remnanke f Oh. cf ate.. ye. Ha sait: Wrho.s gel a corseeax Tbe gallant Tariro-Embernian affiner la avioxa thecsutan repoesscb cotfi- UTIN ASHP tance wae atimittedtot the coancil chani- TT GASHP ber. -Inîpurag Boy-Pa, avhat do sniiora Wbafteoyen ativise? t mea the cul- maenu by sont ding a sli,? tan. Pa (xsonied e-a tma.y expenses)-, rily ftb' pcax r- bega Muivnnay Theyy mean, my o, thal they put a Pasha, Lut the suit-an internuptet bhii. big bale la it lîke tisa woeswbioh Btd-. T can't te if, ha sait. There isn't1 ge's scuttie lame mate la that 1 fcs o mnnr enoui in thie trea-su ry. if ceai. Stands for BLACKS, of' this there's no dobt- The 'black on these faces wilI neyer wash out; For wool, silk and cotton, Black Diamond Dye.s Are used without fear by the prudent and wise. Tfie abave is taken from "Ex--cet-ior Risyming A B C Booka, MiIcstrated.Y Eacis brifer cf tise Alphabet is 21ý loches long, ro two lettra cf the camne cl Just te Book for fthe littie cnes. Seat for 3-ent stanap tofa ddress. WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., MoadàreaI, EPIPSS CHOIR ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the follow*n Distinctive Merits : s, DELICACY 0F FLAýVOR SUPERJORITY IN QUALITY. Grateful and Coinforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptie. NUTRITIVEQUALITIES UNRIVALED Ini Quarter-Pound Tins OnIy, Prfw b dâtéIM ~P & GO., lm, - FOR WEFLPOiPLL_: At ail Draggîsts. Price 6o Cents Per 3x or 3 10r $1.30. Sent by Mlail an receip ef prçe T. MILBURN CO,, Toronto. noyai mail Steamishlps. Liverpool, cati.- inz at Mo_111e, for Londonderry, ex ery sa Md~ roî fon- tr aIll,, a bOec,.