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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1897, p. 7

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> ' -ïTB SUNIiAY SCHOOL. AFv ITEMS OF INTEREST.f SUICID .E AMONG PHYSICIANS.- -- A Parattrapiîit 1uhiri Mc3 P ro oisonouii lrngit Are AInî,i Jli&varlstbly KE P THE INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 18. ý t5dt~ " Gnt1e~Coveutel t Âliu~I."À~ There is more scanf used iu Boston rStatistics show that the méedical pro- STPT1U I GliiesCu'l*e ttAc, ii hn in any other city in theé1United fession is more prone ho suicide than s X'41J 19-2Gt. 4Gudelàa 5ext. Aetsil 1>. tates. aay other. Douxing the ]ast tbree ycars PIIACTICAL NOTES. Atrhhceme a nvne l e b number of suicides occunring amn- W HITE WI-FH 1 ý~~~~~~soap w hichi reeders unnecessary the ogpyiin a en epciey .J ~~JJJJ'1~7~ VVITH Versé 19. Tqiy w-bi<-h ere scatter- use cf biuieg in laundry work.olgpyscas asberpctel, ed abrcad. eiiristian convert' w ho Mre. Susan Stew art ,of 'W'ichita, Kan., fort y-five, fil ty-nine an-d forty-seven per we icmeled to fiee wiîen Saul led b Ias a full set cf natural and; perfect eannui-, an average cf nearly 1 to 2,000, werte, opers cuihF aoté2ih, and ier age isnnety-hee. or, as -the deaîh rate amongý the pbh,- in té prseutin tére Fo "prse Luberto hé mout o 13000000mid cf a doctor, on accouait cf hie con- __________te,_________ountryaboutChina, mos e t frof-m Oregon and fiftieth of ali the deaths in the pro- Tyre and Sidon. A region where there Washington. sicians le about 25 to 1,000, neariy one- were many Jens. Cyvpra:s. An isand The mcst valiable fur le that cf the been snggested that an, expianation cf r, 19 in the VIedterranean Sea la fauI iew ea Otter. A ingle skia of this animai Ibis tendency may be found ini the de- câ f the Couaost ~ acal fi a sometimes costs as ach a sa thons- ve.Jcpmnt cf morbid fancies lu the %.ther.0The peoie ibeeinetfai-gelya-ad dollars. fession have becn by suiýcide. It b las ther Th pep,,ethee wre, urgýIY Thé Iatg2st church edifice ln the etant association witb the sick and dy- Ihonictusbu:th,?re n ere many Jews. world is St. Peter's utnlRomae; the iall co f an actoal indîfference te ~~S u . w . ~~~~A to).Oas cf îîegteat cities cf an- et l a c1nrch tain feet square, ta the Ja'hrbcas ebsth eust deaqhtorh a popuh lias hecfeuhaif tiquitA.wA. Powell, cf of hCincislenarian.knowiedge cf how to die painlessly and milice. it was tihe capital of the gi-sat A27 Apoun el dostnsi7nfati, ý.-hs conveniently. A medical journal dis- ý 27 pondsand tans 7feet2 34 i- sente fi-cm ail these viens, and bolds Iiigdcm cof Syria, and le te be carefuifly lhés ilehi stockings. 11e w car a No. that the leadiug factor is the acsi Sditieguished fricm Antioch ie Pisidia. 12 shos, and a No. 19 glove. biiity cf poisonoos druge, vwhich are ai- B EST INGREDIENTS It nas about ons bundired and eighty Tihe odest w-ooden building ini the most invariably ns-,ed. Suicide is large- rný,s nrth f té nrthen bunday wrldýs achuch t Bogun, Noway lya matimpulse.n imul maginein m~.s oi-b b" orher bnndryIt wa erected le thé ulevenlis century, a r-aa fatigasdl in bodhy and depi-esseid MAKE IT GOOD. cf Pscenfcta, antinas onýy exceeded ln ani fi-equent ceaie cf pitois have, pi-e- lecpiits-as the docler very oftan le fmpoi-lance by Roine and Alexaadia. served the wood fi-cm dota. -sxvayed by an over-hslmig convie- DE SURE AND ..*.. 20. The Grecine. -Tise hould bc When a Trappist monk cf Ithe mon- lien cf the utter weriness cflilfe te the Grýeks." Tt dces net mean Gi-eek- astery at Getissemnane, Ky., closes hie the inulse cf suicide. If he bcd tc put GTTEGENUINE spe1aking Jîsvs, but Geatiles. t ls 5vid_ýaithly career, hie f crm leneshi-cded ond t a i n w al hor ah ero tr in the habit liée woin le f, and Ibisadta bsiaeiyfrale ts 4_ent that where there were sc many le hie cuiy ccvering in tbe grave ex-_ which te explaia hie desire for poison, mereinerial or e my met ufriend T~he Albert Toîlet Soap Co., Mfrs. lic, attention, aed Gentiles would be cf tbe Maltese Cross cf thseBay City cae cf a mulý1titude cf eve-yday ocour- WvWh elm inheClbuprace atthe n2 rpyicleecs a red b Monteal mor ap in tted Jwiàhse ceS ecet iýadorIcurnameat beid inSan hlm te bis If, honaiever, as ie JE1er h ar nso other plct.Fancisco hsnow gained h hnrthse case n itb a .ineet every dector,- be 21.'>1 I haad cf the Lord. Hlie pcw- cf beiag halled as thse 'iedoor king," bas snaply te feel in hic pocket, or waik er. wbich 'as fcrmeily by Jay Eaton. aci-cs hie office te gel. a deadlv pcison, A fiyieig quail came la vicient con- the impulîse may be carried into exc- ______________________ '22.'f idiegs cf tisess tbiegs cate 'in tact with the tempte cf Artnur L. Lez- tien before anythLieg cau huppen to -tc tise ente of tise cburch which -11S insky, wisile lie ava ridiag on an ex- supplant il lIntise braie. le inJeérusalemu. t leact improbable tbat curelun ca-r uai- Corral flolios', Cal. - scies members of tisechai-ch wbicb -as le uldppd edad ein AN APPREIIENSIVE FATHER. tae n asniie acihcl ppee-sky felu ncca.scious. inlu cf elise effecte c the zea c rne Samuel Wai-d. cf Waynesbcre, Pa., in 1 think. said Mi-. Blykins, tsat l'Il ionof he ffets f te zal f SmcJuiy, 1894, had a cal, n bico w-as eao- send a note to Wi]iie's teaciser and tell .4. ef liseur bretisien. Statemeats ie Acte er te lues. 11e dropped 1h fi-oin a mo;- ber ho stop hic geography leses li L caci---ig Sepeees ggrssve ehv-ing train, near Frederick, Md. Afew next tsi-m. 1ocr te me-a-e but îise spivetbha- ekagot hsenema e 1don't cee why, replied bis wife. io r marbu heyupythttethe cal came back. The clazssbac just started la on the whole cisurcli did net agi-se wiîh tissu. Daltcn Query, a gentleman cf Blue map Of Europe; ced tise bigher bie fl~d .ni Vnrn isepropt eadig o tw apstis t Rigelad. ba fe yere eeaa cew-passles in bis examinalion the harder il The1 prmp snin o'HOaPstest Rdg, n.,ba fryear be achw wfl isbe te tartinjuand learn il al cver Samaria te supervise the coi-k done On er cf gumn, and Ibis habit caueed a again whenKn ereadtesla the--ouicarcne-o, and the quick, carr-i-dangerens allack cf appendicitis.f la en Kouh ing Gorgadthey cu a C hsintestines wae fmi-ad c bal oh gurut d o iicgwthb wat y reg ing of the news of tisebaptisraicf Cor- tb i tedoftatis boudaryunes T. N. RICKAT-D wishes yiGu al neius and hie heuseboid, seeim te ia- A apy ndPrspros 89. ietimale tisaI the church frîit thaLthIere Villedigu Chiassagne, a Parisia, lbas Piles ! Piles! Itching Piles. A Hapy nd roseros 197.Ilewas real danger in the cggressivc zeai succecded in pi-oduciag photographe la thank7s you ,ill for thse liberal share _e of les msîabei-s On t lie et ber acterai celors. By tiss etlied ail n 1;TO-À OSu- nes thn of patronage you have given hlm bond. the tact that they sent foi-lb 50 venelles of tints are dispiayed, aad a d ,tiaiag; niosi at niglit; worse by sKllC h saredbusnes e 3o- ggessivs a ma as Barnabas shoews vivldly bleeded. Piclares cf i-oses, eaoh scratchinagý If aliowed to continue lent an si-ceuI. temeDer ced discus- repi-scenting sevetal tinte, are reaily tumors foirn, wbich oflen hleed and man ville, and more particularl.y ,for sien prevailedilathei-coansels. Bai-na- wcaderful. Pleeraî ecrin vervsüreSwi-vYxý that b~stoaamh-t-e-h-- ~ ~ 5iaS Oe-n-i ' i O-i-Si ar enr~î~~ . i -- - - tue (ess anidResi.Coftains nether OpuîiMorphiine nor MiueraL I ON TIIE NO I INAUC OTIC. I l'O ~ AT 10 o'ciock, A. M., nsider alications for soch lissase as lhave à appbiec for wilie ties atd District for tise Tiercer yeai- 1897-8. William Clark Lattimer, siho le net a lierest oues tlitsAAt, le ae applicaot for a TavQrn Li- 'ceose for thse premiers formerly keown asetise CommerrcIlotel je the village of Biaeksl ock, cnd wl I s e now coder liceese. Tise total combe- of Ilienses issud Ilethie Dis- îzîct doring the presest year iseeveo, Thse total nomiser cf applications for Hcrase fCr the ensiag year le twrlve. It ltis e îigit and privilege cf any ten ci-more <letore cf acy Polling Sois d vision, teo oject ,,y peitica, or In aey similar matuer 10 5th, gracring cf acy licenseswithin t o-h euh division îloegrocoýdse et forth in "Thte Liqoor Lîeer Act " Aýny euh petition muet ho lodged wtis flie Licenses Iceeter net later tIsse iaturday, .îtril 17, 1897ý Orono, April 2ed, 1897, ROBERT KNOX, Licene e rupector. 15-2w.1 NO HOPE. Famiiy Doctor-Notbing more oaa be dons for you, sir. I bave exhausted my resources, andI adilsyoet make iyour wili. Patient-But I have heen tbld Ihat Dr. Bak scys be ca cure me. Family Doctor-lIuh! I'd just like te see hlm try il. I'd bave hlm ejecîti fi-cmlise society for irecch cf etiquette. SETTLED HlM. He-Tisey say, deni-, that people wiso il-e together gel 10 iookiag clike. She-Tissa yen must consider my re- fusai as final. Children Cry for Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills regulate the System cnd irfftors to the cheek the Healtbful Roey Bloomn and peacis BInas of Youtis. 10e. a viai. Diserdere like these arise froni siug- gish liver. From ntie or twe pis a dose, will clarify and purify the com- plexion in short order. Dr. Agmew~s Pille at aIl dru.ggists. Ses tisaI yen gel what yen aak for. lüc. fer 40 doses. Fior sale by Stoît & Jury FORc(YE 0F HABIT. I guess tisat new nian muet ha an actor, said the sftar bourder ho tise iandiady. Wisy sot Hecacslte tisrew np hic arms ad dedged wbsa ycu passed thse eggs. TIIE DEFECT IN HIER AIRMOR. Sti-tng-minded women ncw abound, But where is se wise mental weigist Disdains tise question, so prof cund, Dear, is MY bonnet really straigbt t PîtCherls castoi1a HEART DISEASE KILLS. Relief i-n 30) Minutes. Tise most prcnounced symaptoms cf iseart diseuse are palpitation, or I lut- leriug cf lise hecrt, chertness cf hi-sali weak or irregalar pulse, smotiseriegn, cps ils, sweiling cfflest or akies, night- mare, sEils cf hunger or exhaustion. Tise braun may bie congested, ccusing headaches, dizzmess or vertige. la short, wbeuever the heart flutters, or ttres out ecsily, cokies or palpitates, it le diseased and I-salaient le imperatîve. Dr. Agneew's Heart Cure bac saved thon- sands cf li-es. It absoluîeiy neyer faili bo gi-e perfecl relief la 30 minutes, aed te cure radicaily. Fer sale by Stoît & Jury ordering SEEDS for the comieg sesason. la order b indtîcehisndredso cf aew5sfüstomers te use car seeds we offer RENNIE'S GREAT DOLLAR COLLECTION-$il ou ket; p.ts. p bg1 z p . ro;2 pkt . r;s pkt rry k.Ces k.Ccmbr t' *kt fet3e p.Mo k eln;zPkWt ., eln;pkt. Citron; trîM pkt.WiiteM trda ptO n pk t . a ey;t k aei;2pke rs kt.Rasi;zpt.Sics; p . Tomte;2 kt.. Turnl. pt. Sage;zpkt omrSvey ieetr oletoeautn i C0alg ains sand Psage te0 $z. es ail d l es e e h o maleteani- ddre efo 1Oarn , W M.__RENNIE, yOiOTh Oic. CAN Enterevilug Illeroglypihie. Disoverefi by- a 'frai aller la VancouIver. A discovery w.vhicis is likely tc ex- cite inci interest amoing chudents and scientists tisroughoul the worid was made duning a receat jcurney titoagis tise iitherto uinexplored interior of Vancouver isiaad. Thse traveler was IF. W. Laing, M.A., a feilow cf tise Royal Geographicai Society cf Lendon. lHe and bis party were ai tise lime cross- ing great Centrai lake, lihe largest body of fresis water on the island, with a .lengtis cf thirty miles, wbea the curi- eus marking upon tise face cf, a giat rock attracted Mri. Laing's attention. Thse cances were ctopped and an in- vestigation disclosed tisaI a message bad been ieft by soins prehictorlo dwel- lers cf the lake, deep t-aced in the lra- perishabis rook. The bieroglyphios fcrmiag tise inscription svere arraeged ini li-epataud I iaes-somewhat sdm11- al to a musical staff-wbiie above was wbat apparently had béeen intended for a log of wood and a growing tree, a third figure piaced at theý riglit hand reeembiing'nothing so mucli as a seven- braucbed candlestick. The iýMpression, despite thé faot that centuries must have passed since it wvas chiseled by some one wbose race even is, now a. forgotten people, reiains clear and dis- titnct. Photographs were taLken of the~ rock, and sketches made of the interest- ing inscription. Tbey have been sent among others to Dr. Franz Berz of the, Smithsanian institution, Wash., who is studying thera with enthusiastic inter- est. Tf he Canada Sait Association, Go TNONT. nai-antee prompt shipments. S Fine, Coarse, or Land Salt. ~For Table or Dairy uise ad Da!ry IT lq UNEQUALLED i/.! MERELY A GIJESS. Whiat do the coal nmen do in the bot weather, papa?, It takes them ail summer to figure up their profit,-'-îmy son. 1

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