-ýý7OUR CHIL véJhn YU us fo when owhitusefret lenhe ofathi op Th letToltSa C. fs Motral $2 >ký T.$2 ICAD wibsyc l A ap adPopeos187 4l thans yo, al fo thelibral har of atrnag yo hae gvenh4 $2 ee tredbsnesi B-v $2 4eadmoeprtclrl o * ebsowduo hi hs oia $2 4.Ta i a cninuh UIESUND Y SRIIOOL A EAR11EE'SIFE INTERNATION\AL LESSCN, ARIul. 25. D'I*LS A STORY 0F YEARS 0F PAIN .1 - iliced r~sn'AND SUFFERING. i-h. (eea exiPsix. 44 Uefor% rlterly 1Falleil to qU.eib lier aînd Výerse 5. Peter therefocre was k"ept lin 1Nhrplh c un, <OIPtiminall.i fesorteit go pr7ison. Wh -n Piate ýuperiiiteilded the -ieliaS '.,',ai.',iCo,îld Scarcely trial andi execurion of Jesus, the Jew- clan li er ls eD uttes. ish authorîiis ne 'e forceti to apipeal. Frorn the lBeaver Nipanee.i tO hlim lest the holy character et t MXr. andi Mrs. 1-abt. Stenu tiave becn rosidents of the tofvnship of Emnes- Passover shcauld le lssened lai his pub- tow, about ton tiles east of Napanee, lic dach; but erÉ Ag-rpa, wtVthbis forapErioti of abou.t tlýreýe years,and fuil sYmpu)thy -with the Jeu jeu feelings inthat tîrne have gained the eqtern abou- te, cýýic ,ýw tok ae tat f ail their fleighbors. For six years i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e abub ooclîw ei aei§tprevicmns to t'his timesthoyhlad ived in tueý trial and exe 'utiou of Peter *houltiGwod Springs, Colorado, and iÉi be potponed tijl aftcr the feast. Pray- tvas duringtheïr residence there that er was made iithout ceasîug. The i-111- Stone was attack-ed wit'han Ii- fir-t elaper o Acs sový--%vth nJess that1 made lier lit e miserable for firt taper f cissho, itbci'- Years. To a reporter -who recently in- 1guLlar ernpLasis ;how valuable to the terviewed bier she told the following_ jChiurclimas the itie of Peter. story: "Dvrio,- the eariy parc of our 1 .We 1odwcI av ruh residence in Colorado, my illness first 6. Wen lerd wuldavebÉoghtcame on. At the cutset every two or hlm forth. Better, --was about f0 chiree week-, I -woftld be attarked vith bringhirn forth." Sirnutaneuslytieriea pain a linmy stomachl. LateIr were several sceves of singuaor inter- on ht greaîly increased la severity. andti times mas se badù hat I mould j es. Al abut a, te geat ityscream aloud miti the pain. A doctor wbich ccnfidently expecteti the execu- was cad in, but tbe only benefit I tion of the" apostie the nexi morntnig, ever receiveti fren his, reatrnent -%vas aslecp f111 then; ini the ob'use of Mri. tlie mother oDf Mark, %va-, the littie bandi of Christians rray-ing with an int"nsity andi persex erance that took "7i' no de niai, through ail the suaent nigbt; 1 71 lin bis plaS, lay the inig ai caso in , mind, for his conscinoe uns bardened; iu a cli lay the servant of ,esus 'b C12r*ist, bou-ndtiw1h chains to tue sol- II diers, anti chut in by irmon gaies, ubih i~,1i/ were watche-i by the other tu- eu"r- i~ bes of the qua,4ternoun; u a c, I ~ " Mwas ai biis case in hic sleep, for hoe '.,as mii I uafch.-'d over by God imseif. and J I Wosinucms at case, îfbeugb death 1/ " rngtkacck at Li- doct before day- M : lihi an.el . aliht.Tby fas- hro'agh the injection of morphine 7, he nge. .. aligt.Theflah-into my arrn, as, a resait of %vbich the ed oether upon his vision as ho w as pain w ould gradualiy pas.ls amay. libe aMakeneti by te stroke on his ide. fltditine which was given me, hem- Hi', Chains felI off frein bts bandis. Seo ever had not the sligbitest effeet, ant noteon vrse I. Hw ibs na don tiba toctors appeare t cehogresiiy pet- note011vers 6.How hisnas oneplexed, anti thereafter ccmtinually te-É wifhcuf naeia"thc soliers ire tan- sorcedti t injections of Morpîhine when-, flot ccsv. ever the attack-s came co. Thece ai-1 8. Gird f by-lf, andi binti on clv xan- tait, cootinuced ai incervals untilour daIs Faten ~ cou.return 'to Canada, when thcy increased Fari tgbly the girdie aou n frequency and intenseness. The te-1 thy tuait or muner clothing, atnd buckle suit mas that 1_Igrew very ucait, andJ the sandale uln voue feet. bocits -uvoe rMY hoja systern appeareti te he giv- not then a',ed. Ciii L ty garment about ing oui. MIy complexion turneti a yelowish hue, anti I hat i tile or thee. The euter zatinent. ne appetite. Laccerly, I wouiti be at- 9. Ua w i',t nt. An ol* w ord for tacked w itfsinýting spells, precedeti "hrem fl ot." hy attacits cf dizziness. I becamne ut- 10.Thefirt uîttIccecnîlmar. eriy unabi" to stand fatigue, and JO. he irs andthesecon(l-waà.coultt w ith the greatest difficulty per- The first anti second guard, wvhicb ifo-,-,n mv bouseo,-'i,1 i,,I-- A d-1 STRIANDIN\G 0F 600 WI-ALES. v'ast srhôn1 (MI the C. fî~~jsar il thc striiits of' Migeinie. Toward the end of Septencher an en- ormous sabhool of a speciies of whale ca-i ed the Caailng whae ru ashore in Teal mulet. Teal inlet is a smail creek, one and one-haif tuiles long, opening iflto Port Sal-vador, r, ich in tura opens in- te the' Southt Atlantic by avery narrow opening, it 'aas rny good fortune, writes George Hewlett, surgeon, of the royal navy, to see sorne hvrndred, of these whales on te -beach at the Urneof ry visit. One morning a whirlwind ap- peared to be approaching over the water i the bay of San Salvador, and soon thie vias madeouot to b"e an enormoils school of w haies, so tii B that they searned Eo be juotling eaoh other, noth- ing but. fins and taile, aund the water in foam ail around, 'This wvas on a flow- ing tnde, and'th.ey carne in the inliet itself, describing sort of cyclodial curves, untià thec inshore part of the sq'uadron cook on a kelp reef, and then a sudden panic seemeti to seize them al and thbe unfortunate animais came Up tbe inlet, f ull epeed, miit the ceahoil- ing in front of rhem and a great wave coigafter thern, and they piled up Pa un.dreds on tha beac. Then, as Iliere was a rising tide, they got off again'- but only ito charge the, opposite hcaoh, and so on till thie fa il- ing tide anid loss of strength, left1 thern high and dry ail around the dreary hay. Very few, oid or young, lived more than a quarter of an hour after their strLa.diing. Diy evening, afier that tide had ebbed there were only five whales afloat ouit of more tbaii 500 that had been aflocat that rnorning, and hy the next mcrning oly three were to be ceeu, and they swam around and around for awhiie, aind then, as if disdaining to live -when ail their companions xvere deai, they madle straight for the bea"h, and in a fcw moments they aiso had passed forever out of existence. Circumastnînces made it impossible t0 uise the hliubber. Sorne of the bodies have been buxned; they hum BIite a great oii shed. The spring fides for- tuv.nately floated others up and dosvn andý dispe'rsed thern. One cannot belp rertigthat a shipload of the sav- agee froini Terra del Fuego, over the way, could nfot have been let loose at thcrni. They, of course, woud have liv- cd beside the bodies and ecten their way cis>eadily on till the bantquet mas PILL-ANTHriOPHY Or Philanthropy tu Give you goodr7 Gooti Heaith for 10 Cents-The cost W of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pis. 1XACT COPY OF VRAPPER. -\'Ž 2ii 1 IS 011 TIIE OF EVERY B0TTLE 0F Ca2ria iz pel p la aee-îh-i bottln oiy Il 8ant cold aiii, Don t c'int azyono to snil ao aaythiaig ce taonthte PIa-etoranrôizte t it i 5 jeet ts pcad" tld 6'ill rcaawcr oerv pur. re." 'u1c tit yon, gclot l-T0RlA ~Wi epleased onIce lu Quaciitigy, twýice iiQu1t and thrce tiines lu Price iwli insu.nct the ~rn~srr -~-rr-~ ~r- - -~ neusandRes Oontains ncither QpnanMorpineor Mincral. NOT I'i'4PcoTIlC. Pl J ,"vw-JSeed - pVrmsCn - --,eeiS ne s0 s cJn d L o N/~SEW-'fOK