WBNE~AYAPRIL 2ý1, 1897. DR. J. C. MITCHUELL, lESiERR 0F COLLEGE 0F PIIYSICIÂN' P ad Surgeonsi, Ontario,orer'Ci, etc. Odico ad Iteoideuce. ltntskillctt. 74. ib BultRUS %RES'SONf &RYtISTEI-, SOLICITOII, i. MOT'Tils BB8TOCK ptire, King ttreot. klewtia N1lle. Bolciîptr tor thc uierti Bank b 5'lata floaae'Vsleanef iii. thi lowý5%t ,Stffi ROP.T. YOUTNG, V'. S. f FFICE IN THIE WEST DURHAIM SNews Block. where himif or assistant 'iii lie fenatfin m a.m. to 9 p.m. Night oelse nt reeideneedirecily opposite Dri Shetd. Cails y telegrepli or telepliene wili redoive prmupt tention 171*yr R. PATETallor Gentlemen's lothes M1Eade ta Orderi i .MB-RIMACOM Bij DEINTIST. OFFICE.:-Rear of Messrs. Higginbotham &. Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), i BOWMANVILLE DE NTI ST RY C. HAJINDEN, L. D. S. Braduate cf the Royal Colege et Danti Surgeous, Ontario. CE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. ?VIMALIZED AIR. New Tailor 8hop Irhe uecerigned wr-lielis beau earryiug On the tatloring busoaess ia counection n-it ]Yazon'B Dry Ilexis Store for a nutunber of rears lim cemmenceti business for binseof at hie residence, King St.,west, n-bore he is preparad te malte geais' aO beys' suits lu ail 10ie lateai -atlea an aiiowstp-r-les,--For thoLe what YTOUNG FOýLKS,. 110W MANI BONES? eW rnauy boues iu lic buman face? Fourteen ws flouticy are aîl in place. Blow many boues ini tic human bond I Eigbt, my child, as I've ften saiti. Bout many boues in the humau car I Tbree in oaci, anti help te icar. Bon- many boues in thc buman sPine?1 Trwenty-s,,ix, like a climbiug vine. Bout many boues in tic human ceet l Twcnty-four ribe, andti tuof thIle rest. 1BIow mn-ay boues' in the shoulder hind? Tw-,o in eich-one before anti bebinti, Blow snauy boues lu the bitnau a--? lu ecdione, îwo in each torearua. Bout many boucs in the buman wrisi 9, Elght in ecd, if none are insseti. Blou mauy boues in the palm efthle )1aud ? Five lu oacli tll many a baud. Blout many boucs lu the flugers tan I Twýnety-eigbt, anti by joints thcy benti. Bout mauy boues lu tic buman hip Oue in ecd, ie a disi tliey dip. ew m.any boues lu tic human thigli Oue inuecLci anti deep they lie. Hout înany boues lu tie human inees? Oue inenci, tie kuce pan. please. leut nany boucs lu the aukie etreug I Seven in each, but noue are long. Bout rny boues lu tic hall ot the footI Pive in eacli as tic palme ivere put. Bout many boues lu the tees hait a score ? ?iweunty-eigit, andti ters are ne more. Anti aitegetier, these mauy boues fix, Andti ten ceuni in tic bodiy tise hun- tiretiant ix.,X Anti thýen ive bave tie buinan moutb, 0f upper antientier tflurt-y-two utesta. Anti non- anti then bave a boue, I shionîdti ink, That n-as in a joint, or te f111- up a chn, A sesamoiti eue, or a ivermianwne oel, Anti now we nnay resi, fer weove toi tiqu'malal. JACK'S LESSON. "Se," saiti Dr. Dove, bnging is hanti downou Jack Buruet's ehoulder, cl e yeu'vc bocu frightening yonr motion iili Donit you teel a'-iamed ot yeurselt V' -"î'm Very sorry, BDono," caîd. Jack, "but moîbers are so ccany. 1Ivtasu't burt. If she'd stappeti n minute anti net faluteti, che'd bave ceeu me pick %vas under it 1 If lie Lad only ebeyed me Vl There was a cot near the deor, froua whicli a cry oif pain came., The' docter looked grave wheu he came frem it., or Thtlittlehboy's tatier told hbunnev- "bthe dld, and shot hime1.-1He te rgot-ng to die" Jack turued red. H1e remembered an- other boy who had been told not te toucli bis fatlior's pistel, and wlio had disebeyed. H1e was glad wrheu the dec- tor turned away. Over the door through which they passed w as writ- ten, - Children's Accident Ward," Jack read it aloud. "'That is wbat we cal it, Jack," said the decter, 'but I be- lieve il ouglit te 'be, 'Ward fer beys who knew better than their mthrs.'" Jack bliîshed again. 11e was very theughtfui as tliey drove heome; and bis methor lias since teld Dr. Dove that lie ebeys lier new. MORE DEATHS THAN BiRtTHS. Fr-Ince liaY Tax Parenis lSIi E ave Less Triait I'hree. Clldren., A nen- echco of etocial eorm bas appearet inl France. The iirth-rate bas been daonoasiug cteadiiy for seme 3 cars, until aI the preseut day it is actulliy ion-en iban tbe deati-nate. This alarming condition, et course, tbreatens the îînsperity and even tic existence et this great nation lu tie future. Th ic-eme for incroasing tbe 1)epubrtion iy law; is advancýed by M. Alphonse Bertillon, the eriginaier et the famoos ]Bertillon systetu, wiAc maltes tbe identification etfcriminals a maîler of cane and crtainty. Il la preposedti t exempt froua direct taxa- lion ex ery tnmily lu r-tvicbthora are tbre cbilîdren or more. Ou tie otier baud, il n-ould place a tax et 2-0 per cent. upon overy amîýly etfbos um- berý Thia wiouid prevenitbe Tmasury f romn losiug any part et its present re- M. Ber tillon insists tint tiose w ho bring up large familie._s as a i-nie muet bave more interest in the nation tian tiose n-be are obldIess. Iu elabonat- iung upon th%~ theory lie cave lialte iring Up a child ist to add te tie coun- tny's resources more truly than merely to pay the rcquired taxes. Tic ex- emption from taxation et aucli fami- lies is thaeora uineo seuse, a.favor. Tie rnising et , n ml family or noue at ail lie regards, on tic otier baud, as a.civil lut$demeauioT caling for a fiscal punielimeni. Aun immenýse am«einnl et legal argu- ment "b lcoukdvnnced by M. Bertil- lon te prove tiste eory. A citizen, be argues, bas as sncb three prîmury duties. Il-e must do hie share ten-ards lbe perpuity, the dcl ense, and the fi- nau'.cial maintenance et the country. If he -hi-uks--th i te,-han-ust-nterýu- About the House. OSECLEANING. Tic melaucboîy days bave terne, the saqetof et icyear, Of cleanuiug paint anti scnnbbiug fleors epanti sccoumng tan anti near, 1aed lu the corer o thlis moca, the auceut tint lay quiet Non rose up et the ftnbor's ireati uer at lie chiidren's iel; But no- tice carpets ail are np, anti froua tic staircase top The mistrese calls te man ant imaidt e n-bld the broom anti mep. Wbcne are tiose rooms, tiese quiet roomes, tic bouse but non- pre- Wherein ne 4w-cii uer dreameti et dimi, 50 )coyanti ceuteniýeti1I Alas I ticy'e al mmcnd upsitie doutu, tatquiet suite et remues, With cljope and suds anti coup anti saut, andtiutbs anti pails anti bnems; Chaire tables, stands are sinon-n about iaI sixes and ti aI ans, Whbeie canti bous emaitis fiy a round The parler andi the charnier floors were 4 cleauctila week age, The carpets sbakn, windows washed (a al the neighbors know), >But Stili the sanctum had escaped-the table pilcd with boeks, Pens, i anti paper ail aieut. ped- in ils very looks- 5Till fell the uteman ou thýem au as talla tbe piague ou men; Andti ten tbey 'sanisbcd ail away- books, paper, ikand pýeu. AInti non- beu cernes the master homae, as coejn-'he must e' nigits, To tind ail tbings are "eltet wroungs" tbat tbey have "aset te rigis,". When tib seantioetdriving tlei-k l bearti, the room strange echees f111, AndtihIe carpet w eman's ou the stairs ithat barbînger et iii), 11e 1001,s for papters, books or bills tint ail were tberc befene, Anti sigbs t-e t md them on thc doc-ks and lu tie drawens ne more. And then be grimiy thinks et ber wlie set tus fuss afloat, And wisheîs -be were oui; ut sa lu a li very ienky boat, 11 eet's ber ut the parler deer, -%titi hair and cap an-ny, Witb sleeve tucked up and broom lu baud, ti."fiance lu ber eye; He feels quite email, anti kneies full w-cl .tbers's nothing te ho said; He holds bis teug.ue anti drink-, bis tea, andi cacesam-uy te bed. INFLUEBNCDE. It bas bCen staled by thinkîng men tiaI there is ne inieriteti tendency te vrong doiug andtinkiug in chludren, but tiat promptiugs lu tuis directien anc due te the impreýssions which tbeir consciences meccliie iu an almospiere et liuttermilk Muffins.-Sjft a teaspoofl- fui of seda anid enaet sait into tbree clips of fleur; boabt woe ggs liglit and stîr tlianm into thre ups ef butter- milli. Beat oue minute, add the fleur boat bard for orne minute aftto tbe fI.eur is ýstirred in;, and bake in inuff lu -rings Or gem pans in a quick eon. flOur;*eOne pluit efricb.miik ; oeaweil- beaten egg; bn-Ifteaspeenful ot sait; tabtspeo~1Of meltcd butter, and a bnaped teaspceenful ef haking pewdo(Ir. Bake 'U gem panes. 1Pi4Crut.-Four cupe <of fleur;i Onu c-P ef lard; ene teaspeenful Of salt, andi tw-o.tbirds cup of ceiti water. Thlis will make sutticiont crust for thre Pies. Brown Soup.-Take four quarts ef the stock lu iich mutton lias beau bOiied. Free à tf rom fat and strain* it. Cnt iute dice or fancy shapes one carrot andi one suanl turnip and slice one largo onion. Fry a dark brow n in ta-o tablespoonfu-ls ef butter, then tUm tbkemi iato tlie stock and simmer elowi-y tilt doue. For ecdi quart et -oup 1use o ee cant tateesoooufui of crn starcb madie ile a simeoth paste witb a littie cold water or miik, for thickerecng. A, il boils up adtheti sait, a lent of juinr, andi a dnsh et PeP- per.i1 Pere et Carrots. -Tbree large car- rots; twe quarts et ceid water; two Orenbes ef suet; eue large onien; tw'e tablr peonfuis of cern stareh; oe cup rioi mLlk aýnd sait. andi peppor te tnste. Serape and --slce tic carroie, anti simmer thein foty-five minutes lu the w-ater. Fry the cnie lunthe suet 1un- tii bron n add te tthe carrots. Put the wbele througb a sieve, return te the, fire and ccir in tbe corustarci. Stir tilI il elead i tii-' mlii, .alt and repper ani serveo at once. Cream ot Celery Soup.-Ten "c k of celery; une quart of Milk; eue ta- biespoonful enien juice; oee table- spoouel butter; ti:ree table.spoonfuis flour; sait te taste, addtioee plut of boiling, water. Ciiitic ccGlery iluinch icngtibs and ccnk la the water until acot. Press il througb a colaudcr, add it andt h' union joicestoe i mlk, ibsi the sait; cream ilie butt1er and fleur, stir andi ceok tili it tikens, using a double boiler. This quatity is sut- ficient for sixc pensons. WASP AND FLY. Wben a wasp catches a fly itlitue- diately bites off bolli wirgs. sometimes a kg or twe, andi eccasienally the beati M\r. Barringlen saut seme of thie wasps wheu lad-en wltb eue fiy catch aneth- er, -itheut iettiug go the finit, andi tien f ly away itllibeth. There was a constant fstreain ofet usTos ctnrying a-way flies, probably te feed the ianvae lu their nests, andi neturuing again te tie 0e-as te catch more. lu about 20 minut-es Mr._Barringien estîmated that ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Peasesses the followieig Distinctive Merits DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. Grateful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. NUTRITIVEQUALITIES UNRIVALED In Quarter..Pound Tins OnIy, Price ýo cents per Box, eo- 6 for lla . 7 eAt 0rsggsts, or MaHcilon lReccipl o Prjc b T. AMBUZN & COI., 'Tronto. , noyal MlaiSteaiîuslîip S. Liv erpool, cali-. Iug at Noill1e, for Lnodmi o ei'y satlir-d-, from Mon - trouel 11ng ut Qucece. 2M10YÇTREAL. QUEBIfi"-. 'ÇXeImdi,uî.,Kh bMay, DaylighLt..Stli May. 2i 1'atiskIaî. ..il5th Mîy, "10 ay, 15Y in. 'Cartiagii~iî i22 NMay, -22 Max, pm. Liurenîia I Jute" ' . )Jou . M. Numidia> 12 Julie, 13 Ji-Ile.' )1 ~.m Parisil ~15 Juarr-, -)0teJune ',. M: t Catthagiîiail 2G Juie, '26 lune, 2 D rit. Calîfotuta 3 July, " 4 .Iuly. ! ii. e Lanrenttan, icI oclieonly, Carthliiieî 'oi catio iYo caii it IRimouski i orMe> tii SRATES 0F PASSAGE. Bv Pi'riiae anind C ,lîferet i, x Oiepool 1 Lueidt iideixt y-tst Cabîît tOC 00, 'ttC, , 0 toto> ti, '210,5. 114, $133, 512 d Cabou, lii iti Leden"O0t.Steera.ge--Liverpeol.t '-tv, t) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- = = - - - - - . = = - - ' t . = - = = . - - ~ - t - ,----- t--~~~ --------~ k-' 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~.... .. f5 ~ ~ -5 en~ -- 4-St.--~ ,' t - ' -~ - -~