e- iV LOST, THE TORIES. "Oh me. oh mi, eh mi, oh me, what bas becomeetftbe Te-eeIs be inex- istence ? Ras be cmigrated ? Wbero is Tupper ? Vere is Charley ? We wisb we 1-new. Wre would like te send for ene or botb et them te corne up bore and explain the position and tell us wliere - the __-uarîy- -is. -At ___the OUR INSIDE PAGES. Over three columns ef local news, personals and other interesting reading matter will be found on an inside page thiis week because our adi ertisers are crewding eut space se nmuch, e r glad te -get th advertising, but we cannot allow env unsurpassed news service to be curtailed. Il-ead the-inside BOWMANVILLE. ---- ------- - --1 -~.4 _ _ _ _ _ _ r __ _ - _ _ _ r.. . s~. ~-v'.- ~rr .< ~rr ~gP--rre,..-~ r~-tr ~ t-.,a... r..r e-r- - 77p - 7T F- - -t-= -- -$r ra*fM~r4ass~551.61~t _____ ev->------------------------<-r -- z t rr~r--rtt i I1<it'S fIl~l, ~N<a <lu <1<1v CUXSJI S tflt~~5~,LUU 13V l.1..-,,.I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 7 1~r rL t<a TYY~W~l i~ 1 71-1 fl *l7-n 'z -r- ~ .5U.1- -11.rL xnr--'s'w--nr-'r.-rnr il- ,~lrr- ,z-r- ,r- V raL. rr....<,... s ... .t.~,ar. ..,.,.. . ~ <iw r r - r. ....rr.-. -r tr, rÇ.-.4 .,,, r .rttZrWflt Pifl Vrflwrt, SC-~a ~ ra,.. -- r.- - ... ~J~very 10w, and. the itplauui ii)n s'ms' -1-- -jI frcet'.o' - -------------- r- - --- .1~ j la Nova Setia, ou April 2tb was an overwbelmîng triumph for the Liberal partv. 'The Conservatives returned te an Àssembly oet388members la number net more than tour mon, and perbaps ouly tbree. For the first time lu seven years ilalifiax bas eiected a full Liberal ticket. The Dominion election for Col- chester ceuuty on the saine day was aise won by tiseÉLiberals. "Gleanor" the venerable correspond- eut from llolsworthy, Devon, England, te tise Exeter Western Tmes, writes April 8 :-"Last year about this timue we were complaining et the drought and the terrible scarcity et drinkîng water. Now there is tee much wator, rain day after day dreuchîng the land, se that Our farmers have net been able to tîllinl their spring corn or plant breaches et potatoos. I arn told that by tbe end et March nearly ail the sowiugs etsrngcr ught te be made. I the wet and cold weather lasts mucb longer, the outlook canuet be pleasant te our tarmers. Moderato dry soasens suit our district best. " What is true et Devonsire is ne deubt applicable te other counties. LETTER FRON 'INDLA. 1ev. James B. Smith, BA., .cousin et Mrs. M. A. James, is Principal et the Presbyterian College at Ahimeduagar, India, about 400 miles East et Bombay, ini the famine and piague strickon dis- trict. Mrs. Smith writing te ber brother, Mr. RobertNIugent, Linidsay, Feb. 26, lays : "&Tho plague is stili raging in Bombay and increasing lu Peona, hait way te us by rail. The water supply is rnnning eut, se tbat there is a danger of distress even fer driukiug water lu the course et the next mouth. Then the price et grain is doubled, and the1 number of workers on the goverument relief work is ou the sucrease daily.What will coen ext is isard te tell. 'Net a day passes witis less than one bundred- victinis, and the people are still flying fromn it up country. Tbey are quaran- tiued at every importa nt railway station in ail directions and suffering noened of inconvenience, and stil'l as rnany as eight bundred Olten leave iluoeeday. Ail wbo bave auy appearance et sick- ness are obligod te stay in sheds pre- pared outside et the tewas, under super- vision et medical officers appointed te prevent the spread et the piague in the Up country towns anud cities. Tis dread and the famine ail areund as make the outlook far from pleasant. kensie Governmeat. mon re l e n e-_ s a " against wlich i w w. iaen taire pr"pr ý ent j ewels an&th£*0« l'iet. plate, bt e~ aII is said antd dôiie, Irer heialti is lier meut precions ossession- It is t;ILsthat site fails to guswd the dangers of weairness -ad disuaisee the dîstinctly woniatAy organiissu. Ne'aity .v"s comp'taint froinwhich wonien suffer k»s its inception in trou'bles of ibis nature, a"4 ir continually aggravated by thera. Ati tnfai ling remedy for ail wealsies&ad disease of thse organs distincily feminime, and thse multitude of ills that fow Î. tks, train is fou-nd ini tIr. Pierce's Fav*mk* P're- scription. It acta directly o-n the-s .ffne and maires thetn strong and hmitky. il prepares for happy, healthy wife'he" ïted capable, aimost. painlesa inof1seb,»d. Over Çoooo vo men have testified t. it; wonderful inerits. No bonri6t druggimt.will offer somietlung else as "just as good."1 While 1 was living at Fagle Rock, D.t.'t.rt Co., Va.," writes Mra. G. A. Connor, of Allegli- any Spyring.]Montgom-serjy Co., Va.' "« lady friend carnetoead ad 'My dang'ter, aged 15 years, has repeated bemorrhages at thee aoqe, adshe bas neyer the necessary in&ispomitiens of womanbood.' 1 ad-vised ber to get »r. Pierce's Favorite Presc ripto.Thse lady purchased *nc bottle and it nrehe daughter. 811e wa well and happy wlsen 1 lefL there."1 Dr. Pierce's Coiumoti Sense Medloal Ad- viser is a physician that is aiways in the bouse, readly to give adv-ice and ameig*ae any momientday or night. Il contýaini5tso pages, 300 illustrations and several cliap- ers devoted to thse reproductive plrysielogy ef womuen. Over a inillion womex *wn and value it. A new edition is jaast tand for a limited tine copies will bc giveit away absolutely FREE. Fer a copy in keaynma- nilla paper cover, send 31 one-cet t tanips, to cover cost of custonms and i sailissg 0-1y, te thse World's Dispensary Medical A.so- ciation, Buffalo, N. Y. If you prefer a fine cloth binding, send. 5o stanips. The sheds and stables formerly be- iongin~ to Farmers' Hotel in the centre of théetown, formnerly leased by Thos. Long, are again open where farmers rnayindaccnimdation f or their horses. Mr. Bloomer, the ne-w proprietor, will be pleased to meet all the farmeru and asus mprompt and tareful attention2. whiskey LIUoICla U-in oneý okebaud dollar bis la the ether" and, that the reign of honesty la Government as weli as in morais is amen g us. Finding eut is ail that is wanted here. The punish- ment wiIl net be a iingering one, cer- tain, swift and sure it wiil cerne. The respectable men wiil arise and with con- temptueus fing-er say "Go." To repeat the sentiment, a lean' honest wave is upon us. ilear its rippling laugh after every new electioa. We cannot resist saylng that the "News" has aise the lasson we have been endea'roring te teach ia this article te learn-misrepresentation wiii net do. The salary drawn by thse Customis Offi- cpi' heve has hppn $1200 for eàch vear during ail the time lie has been in office, net $600 as theNews inferms its readers, and this salai-v would ne deubt bave still been, paid'the new man under the late Government if the littie eues had net squabbled before the memorabie and tateful 23rd ef June, 1896, when the elector raised his hob naiied beet and kzicked se iustily. The new man gets $1000 eacb vear, a saving of $200 te the country. be net tell us any story about the disgraceful superannuatien scheme, connActed with the ]ate hoider et the office. The Conservative Gevernment superannuated him in 1894 on account et bis great age, appreacbing 90 years,- we are toid, and intended te I1lithe office. It was right that it should be filled with a new and yeuager man, Wouid the "News" advoeate a stiil fur ther saving in the expense et that office by iopping off the saiary of the assist- ant ? If se, and the party whose prin- cipies are advocated by his paper ap- prove, perhaps we could accomplish it for him. Sabbath School Association. The Annual Convention of the West Durham Sunday Scheol Association wil be heid in the Disciples church, in this tewn,on Wednesday ef next week, May 5. The occasion wiii prove et more than usual interest te ail workers in cennection with the Suuday School Miss Munroe, who is cennected with the Provincial werk and 11ev. J. J.Redditt, a prominent à. S. worker, are te be present. There wiil be three sessions: morning, afternoon and eveniag. The Executive wiil meet at 9:80 aý m. We hope to, see every school represcnted by a good delegation. (A&fflional local ntwS on ùrMde page.) -eein isattelsuollue uuring aie winteî terni. A HAPPI Y EJT. MARRiAGE or Miss N=mx WILSON To Mn. Joirz Rîo, or BOWMAN vILLE. «1Vine Villa," the pretty residence of Cornelius Wilson, Ann Street, was this atternoon the scene ef an event in wbich great iuterest bas been taken, it being the marria-e of his daughter, Miss ,Nettie, te ?vXr John Rice of Bowman- ville, fermeriy ef this tewn. The cere- mony was pertormed by 11ev. William Kettlewell, pastor et the Metbodist church, assisted by 11ev. J. G. Scott ef Guelph. The bride, who looked ioveiy in a charming cream colered costume, was assisted by Miss Zena Coruisb et Niagara Falis, wbo was gowned lu corded silk. Miss Leenora Rutherford, the bride's little niece, was maid of hou- or, and carried a basket et exquisite flewers. The bridegroom was support- ed by his brother, Mr. Harry Rice. Wben the knot had been tied, ln the presence et a large number ef relatives and triends, a repast, prepared and ar. ranged in a 'way that ceuld net be im- preved upon, was dîscussed by the guests at thbe bridai. The youug couple were then made the recipients ef con- gratulations and goed wishes. The aumber and qualit.y et the presents tes- tified te the popularity et the bride. Atter speudino' their honeymooa in To- rento ,M r. an Mrs. Rice wiil take up their abode lu Bewmanville.-Galt.Re- former. Atter giving a capital account et the ceremony the Reporter says:. The bride is one et the most pepular yeung ladies lu town. and is highlv esteemned for hier cheertul disposition and social qualities. She will be much mîssed by her large circle et acquaintances, and particular- ly by the veung people et the Methedist churcis, having been a member et the choir for a number et years and also erganist for the Epwertb League fer the past five years, as well as for the Sabbath School. She was always will- ing te assist in any work carried on by the churcb, and hier name was on ai- most ail the pregranis for a vocal soleo lu connectien with sacred concerts held under the auspices ot the varions rouigi- eus organizations. The Reporter joins in wishing the newly inarrîed couple the best wiuhes for thieir future happi-~ ness and success. luzKu biubz ýil II, egiar rice, e i "J..Jt, t 5±Ouesy J91ici c t1.. Misses Fine Deug. Tan Oxford Shees, J. D. King make, sizes 1, 1î and 2, regniar price $1.35, Tuesday price 75c. Misses Peb'd Tan Oxford Shees, spriug heel, J. D. King make, only a few pair left, sizos 111- te 2, regalar price $1.35, Tuesday 75e. , Boys' Laced Beots, an assorted lot, sizes 1 te 5, haitf fxed and whole foxed, three rows stitching, regutlar price $1.15, $1.20, and $1.25, choice on Tnesday for $1.00. Men's Tan Laced Boots, round and pointed tee, an assorted lot, mostly J. D. King make, sizes 7 te 10, regular price $2.35, $2.65, $2.75, and $3.00, choico on Tuesday for $2.00 per pair. British Columbia Salmon 10c per tin. Tomatees, 2 cans for 121c. Peas, 2 cans for 121-c. Cern, 1 eau for 5c. Pumpkins, 2 cans for 121c. Plunis, bine damson, 10e per eau, regular 20,ë. Raspberries, red or black, 10e per eau, regniar 20c. Candied Peel, mixed, 12ýc per lb. Pickles, large round bottios, woll mixed, 10e eaeh. 2 Ibs Young ilyson Tea for 30e. 2 lbs Mixed Tea for 35e. 2 lbs Ceylun Black Tea for 40c. 1 lb Pure Coffee, unr own grin ding, 25c. 1 lb Sluble Cocea, regular 25c, for 17c. 3 lbs California Blue Raisins for 25c. 4 lbs Valencia Raisins for 25c. 4 lbs Imperial Prunes, fine geods, for 25c. 4 lbs Evap. Apricots for 25c, 2 Sib Bars Laundry Soap for 25c. 8 large bars Eleetric Soap for 25e. 8 cakes Toilet Soap for 10e. An extra quality 4 string Broom, special 15c. Globe Wasb. Board, regular 20e, for 14c. Lemons, fauey stock, 12e per doz. One doz Tumblers, regular price 5Oc, Tuesday 35e. Colored Cups and Saucers, 6c, for Cup and Saucer. llighest price paid for ail kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the date, Tuesday next, May 4. West End FHouse. Jo--hn McMurtry., 1 1 1 ë"ý l z>---ý= -- ------------ Pli