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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1897, p. 5

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ln the Os hawa And Lindsay Branches 0f our Business We have during the past few >years Imported and sold large numbers of Cameras and Kodaks thus giving pleasure and instrucl- tive amusement to iundreds of people both young and old in these two towns and there li 1n0 reasen why the people of Bow- manville should flot take as mnlh pleasure lu this most delightfld pastime as the citizens of other places but as an interest must first be awakened we have de- cided that auring this month we wlll give a liberal discount from regular city prices ou these hunes and in addition to this we have made arrangements with H. Tait & Co. to give full instructions ini the management o! any Cameraý or Kýodak we seil. Mr. Tait has gained such a wide reputation for the excellence o! his ýýrk that we are sure the publie will appreciate our efforts in securiug lis services and as, we have been suppiying our local artists with pliotographers supplies for many years we are in a posi- tion to supply these articles at the lowest possible prices and of the best andmostrelîable quality. Cail and see samples of our goods and have a look at the class of work you eau do with one of our Pocket Kodaks with even one day's experience. No trouble to show goods or to expiaiu the points of the different instruments we handie and (we haudie as compiete a hune as eau be found in Canada,. The Drngg-ists and Opticiaus. Bas alleil Ont 0Of the price of Bicycles and wre are selling fully guaranteed wheels ati $45.00 each. These are -not cheap aiffairs made only to seil but they are the saine wheels that are being sold ini other places at much higher prices and they1aT'ýE the saine antee as you get with the best wheel made. Caîl and see samples. We stili soii Best Bakzing Powder at 15cuapound Ask your nsghbors about it. Others say there is none better. Wý,hy not give it a triai? Fmnpre-sent appearances we are 4MATEUR PIIGTOGRAPHY If you are interested in this pop- ul~ar and instructive pastime you are requested te eall at Stott & jury's this w9;ek. See adNt. at top of this pageé BOWMANVILLLE, MAY 5, 1897. Local and Otherwise. Beit pins 2c ai Niechoils'. "1Boss"ieasos ai Riekard'a. Leather belts 10e ai Nichols'. liandsome Blouse Sets ai Riekard's. Don't fail te read the rubbereeompany by-law on luside page. Rev. Dr. Tairnage's sermon and the S. S. Lessûn on înside page. The rains of tire pasi week have soaked and fiooded the land terribly. Gsi a Pocket Kodak ibis week, $400 loaded for twelve expesures. Hienry & McKowan. Rev. W. W. Quick, New Edinburgh, Ont., died lasi week ai Goldsborn, N C., of pueumenia; native o! Deon- shire, Eng. You want a Promo C amera bocause Srre's preduce perfect pictures. We ave them ai aIl prices. Hienry & McKowan. Strawberry plants, cabbags plants, tomiate plants and other vegetable p lants ready fer transplanting. G. D. FLETCHEr., Duke St. The W. C. T. U. Ladies intend hav- ing a dinner fer Firernen and general puble ou May '24th. Furiher notice gijVený R. A. ALLUN, Press Cor. The S. Q. E. excursion te Niagara Fall', Jubiles Day, Juns 22, will open the lake excursion season. Arrange te, speud the day on the "Gardon City". Gardening, house cieaning and car- pet beating are sngaging the attention of oui- citîzens, and tired limbs and acbing backs are very much lu evidence. Wonder if the new Provincial Muni- cipal Anditor will pass ibat $85 for "lu- cidentals" lu lasi vear's iewn accounus ? ht was irregularly taken from the incas- ury and ilsegally spent. AnuZ penson whose subseriptien te TUnt STATESMAN is paid te Dec. 31,1897, may send this paper te a friend (uew suiscribet') tu Canada or the U. S. te samne date for only 25c. Owing te the increased duty piaced upon wbiskey by the usw itriff the beicil keepers iare talkiug about raising the price le 10e per' glass. We suppose they will eihber do that or put more water lu it. A iady's new bicycle (Crawford) but slightiy used, havinÏo1- been bouc-ht very laie lasi seasîen ai $75 cash, wiîT bs sold for $50 cash. A gond second baud Corn et for gentleman ai $25. Particu- lars ai STATESMAtI office. Ws are seilino' Eastmau's Peeket Kôdaks loaded îor inelve exposutres ail ibis weok -ai $1.00. Call and sese ut' stock o! Cameras ail '97 goods. Mn. R.' H. Henry --ives ful instructions, fr-e of charg-e te ai our custemers. lHenry & McKowaru. More jov lu a nowspaper office over <mue sinner who pays in advance and cunses the editor on every occasion, than over unety and urne who borrow the paper and sing is pi-aises witbont cotribnting oe cenit te keep tbe editor ont et the penn-bouse. The Bowrnanvil!es'Cycle Wood Rim Ce., arc wrking over-tirne on erders. Next year te ail appearances the Cern- pany wil require te iucrease their facili- îles te meet tbe deîL.and for the bicycle rim.-Cycling for April.' lu a report o! the Custims appoint- ment lu Bowmanville' whleh appoared in the Toi-ente Evening News, ef April 28rd, Mr. George Eibeck e! o Newcastle was rnentiined as oee 'nithe parties looked forward te bv lis fri-tnds as receiving the appoinimen t. Mr. Eil- bock wisbes te sav that the report bas ne foundation wh'atever.-Timnes. \Ve eal attention te the fine display et monuments and hoadstones, both uranite and marbie, shewn byv Mr. ýounsalI at isis arble urorks. The display- includes sorne of the finesi te bee found anywhere, and ftho prices are made te suit the peeket. Tlho work- manship is net surpassed lu Canada. If yen are iniending te ereet semething te perpetuate the memory o! a dopai-ted ense cal nu Mr. Bounsall and lie will fill yeur order. Canadian, Sewing Machine ai 'Riek- ard's. Excursion te Model Faim, Guelph, June lSih. Complote stock o! Wýedding Rings ai Ricktrd's. Oui- Dining Room Suites will sul-prite yen. L. Morris. Marmeoth white seed cern for ensilage ai West End lIeuse. M. A. James, Issuer o! Mariage. Licenses, Bowmauville. Table Ware-In sîlven great choies, great value ai Rickard's. Agency fo r the CHRISTIAN GUIARDIAN Abig rush o! people te the Old Coun- try is certain ibis year. M. A. James is i-e ared te gis-e sutnai- raies new. passag-es should ho engaged ear- Couch, Jehuston & Cryderman have heon appoiuted sole igoîis li towu for the celehrateii P. ai-d D. Corsets whieh is said te hoe the mosi perfeot fiiing French Cor-5et in the mai-kei to-day.n Blouse sets 10e at Nicholîs'. Pretty noveities at Rickard's. Pishing tackle cheap at Nicholis'. No better Optician lu Canada than Riekard. The very best goods lu Spectacles at Rickard's. New Fountain Pen, a reai beauty, $150 at STÂ&TEýSMÂN Office. Bargain Day was celebrated at the West End liouse, Tuesday, by a. large attendance of buyers. SA. fine stock of Ladies Blouses' made by Williams, Greene & Rome now show- înig at Conch, J ohuston & Cryderman's. Caîl and sec sample photos made by our local Amateurs after first lesson by Mr. Henry. They knock eut anything in the district. Ilenry & McKowan. No place lu Canada where a day eau be mors pleasantly and profitabiY spent th anat the Agriculinrai Coliege and Model Farm, Guelph. Excursion June 18. Lodge Darlington. S. O. E. intend running au excursion te Niagara Falls by steamer Garden City on the 22nd of's Jubiles Day. Pull par- ticulars later on. The 24th of May Piremans' Tourna- ment lu Bowmanviiie Is shaping te be the iggest affair of the kind yet sesu in this part of the Dominion. The town concil and citizens are assisting the Pire Brigades lu their efforts te make the demonstration worthy ef the town. Invite yonr friends hors and prepare for a great day First of the season, grand excursion to Toronto. The ladies o! St. John's church, Port Ho pe, have arrasîged for an excursion, Maiy. 7th. Tickets goed gVing on ail p. mu. trains on Thnrsday Ma y 6th, and moî-ning trains on Priday 7th. Rates-Newcastle, $1.25, children 65e;.i3owmanville 1.15, children 60e; Darlingion $1.00, childron 50. Meeting o! the Leagne at the Metho- dîst churcli on Mouday unight was well attended. Besides thé usual consecra- tien service there was a weii prepared taik by Mr. T. C. Jewell and a duet by Misses Maud Wýrig-ht and Stella Mason. The League ied having a celebra- tien this year o! their anuiversary, May 17. The Dominion Goverument has shewn judicions econnmy lu reducing the salary attached te the Customu office hers, !rom al ever the country cornes the eomplaint that values and profits are decreasing, and that it is harder than sver teinake a living. Unr Gev- ernmonts shouid take note of the aliered conditions, that have now been with us for some tirne, and act accordingly. We are sure thers are ma i overpaid offi- ciais in the country, and if they do net cars te accept a reduction ef saiary thers are plenty o! gond, capable men -who eau take their places.' SIf yeu want to get first class boots andses eallat thelicod reliabie shos seloieind ispect the new stock jusi oponed by Mr. John Babcock at Tre- leven's nid stand. Hee lias ail the lead. iug styles iu ladivs', gent's, aud child- t'eus' foot-wear inclndiag boots, shees, slippers, etc. Trunks and valises in great varietv for ahl reqniriug them. Give him a eall and lie will couvinco yen, ibat bis gonds are oniftie best qjuality and bis prices are right. The Bell shos lias ne sup crier, yen are Iper- fectly safe in baying if. No trouble te show gonds. Fine whsls-lu a gond case,Rickard. Grocers' Due Bills samne as cash te Rickard. Sterling Silver gonds, excellent vaine at Riekard's. A second ]îand Sewing Machine for $10.00 at Rickard's. M7e want severai more correspondents lu unrepresented sections. Ws are selling- a bsdroom suite ai 810.00. M. D. Wý'illims & Sou. Yen will find the best assort mentinl liais and Shirts ai M. Ma ver's i'iake home attractive by bnying Wall paper from J. C. Wýeeks. 'Sec advt. >Wanted! A Royal Machine in ex- change for a New Williams' Sewing. If you wanit te sec some nice parler suites cali ai M. D. Williamus Son's warcrooms. Curtain Poies and Wîndow Shades lu large variety ai prices te defy comiieti-. tionlat Dnsiaîu & lioar's. We have a lins of Sideboards that cannet be beaten lu quality, style or price Caîl and inspeci. L. Morris. Ladies' and Misses Spring Capes and Coats-a fine assorirnent and evcry onec new-at Coneh, Jolitîsion & Crydor- man's. Mamrnotb White Cern for ensilage, a carload jusi received ai W'est End Bouse for sccd-No in her sample over seca lu Canada. If yen waut te be in style just eau ai M. Maver's, and suit vourself with a Fedora or Christv stiff bat. Pull fiue o! gents' fnrnishîngs as usual. Chans. Ileal, Bowmlan'cîllo, ("arpenter and Ceutractuir. Bepairing eeaulv and pioriitl\', done. (rdeî's lbt at Ilal Brs aigrecers, will recetu e prompt attention. 11. t!. 1 f von waut eaniy-thieg lu hats,Pedora et' stif! lu colors, drah, browîî, fawni, black and slate, MI. Mayer's bai store s ui eplace whucre oun cit fitd tîeurn. Alwa; s in prier as chcap as the clîepest. A stock of Dress Goods which is ad- mitted on ail hands to be the finest ever seen in town now showing at Coueli, Johnston & Cryderman 's. To inake sure of getting a perfect fit -the latest style 'and best workmanship in your Spring Suit leave your orders at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Rate from Bowmanvilie to Hamburg, Germany, by Hansa Line only $32.80, everything found. M. A. James,Steam- ship ticket agent, Bowxnanviile. Mrs. W. Bloomer having moved into the residence on the Market Square, formryocupied by Mrs. Thos. L on, is p=eard to talte a number of boar- ers at reasonable rates. Meals at al hours. We have a first-ciass nphoisterer with ns this month. Parties wanting any- thing done in that line wiil do well to leave orders eariy and they wiil receive our prompt attention. Prices wiil be right. M. D. Williams & Son. ]PElISONAL. cWe invite ail our readers to contribute to this olmn arrivai and departLure of guests, move ments of wellknown people, business men, etc. Send a postal carcl to TnE STATESMAN, drop a note in our office letter box or ring up phone 52. Mr. Wmn. Hellyar, Cobourg, spent Snnday at home. Miss M. Peate is visiting Mrs. A. A. Colwill, Newcastle. Miss Philps of Toronto visited Miss Ida llosk- in recently. Miss Ada Coleman of Saginaw, Mlch., is visit- ing at her home ber e. Miss Hawkins of Toronto is visiting at Mr. R R . Hoskin's Centre St. Miss Bessie Jollow, Oshawa, spent Sunday at ber iather's, Mr. L. Jollow. Rev. R. Taylor, Newcastle, will preacb linfthc Metbodist church Sunday morning and evening. Our venerable anc esteemed citizen, Mr. J. McClellan is visitiîîg bis son, Mr.Jas.Mc Clellan, Whitby. Mr. M. A. James has been elected to represent Bowrnanvile circuit at the District Meeting to bc beld at Osbawa May 18 and 19. On return from their honey-monu, April 2îrd, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice were given a cordial re- ception by their relatives wbo nad assembled bo welcome the yonng couple ai ' heir hoine in tbe Rice Bloce, Brown St. Rcfreshments were ser- ved during the evening and a verv pleasant lime spent by ail present. Ti-E STATESMÂN offers hearticst congratulations and wisbes the ýmgcouple mnauy years of hiappy marcied Tbe St. Thomas Evening Journal April 19 says :After tbe sermon lu Knox cbureli in tbe evening Miss Glover of Bowmianville wlio is visiting bier sister, Mrs. A. Bingham, and who very ktndly assisted the cboir, gave a delighr- lui rendering nf the beautiful and difficuit solo, 111 know that my Redeemier liveili," (Messiab.) Miss Glovers articulation iVas per*fect, and tbe sweefne ss,power nid flexibllty cf voice possess- cd by ý ibis youing lady stamp hec as a leader in ber ar it and prediciiforbher a brigbî future. She wili l avays bie heard witl deligni wben she vig. its St. Th«mas. BORN. )VAn!DE.-In Bowmnauville, April 28, flie wife cf Mvr. Chas. Warder, of a daughter. Mosa, bu Newcastle, Aprili hud, the wife of Beni. Moise, cf a son1. BRow,.-In Clarke, Aprîl 11h, thc wife of Samuel Browr., ut a sou). MARRI W. CauTlIN \VO'rON.-A Cthticorne of tbe bride, cEutieid, ANr~il 2ti, hy Boy. 1-. I. AlIeD,Mr.Wm. riliaud Miss Mary A. Wotton, bolli cf En- field. BA&sse r,-At ber residence,Mliassey St., Toc- onto, APril bh, Esther Werry. beloved wife of Tics. ,Býasseti. Hînaz!aýRT-111 Bowmanville. May 2, ai Leyton Cottag, Jane Hotchiesoni, relit ofn flic late John Hibier of Leyton, Essex, Engl-îud, ilulber 701h year. AN'c e.-At Port Union. Scarboro, May 2nd, Jan,,te ,lic: cf the laie Levi Aunis, ageci 73 years Gm. iScarboro, May 1, Agnes, relief of thec late James Green, lu ber 76th year. MAO u Ei.-At Lifford,Manvers, Ap)ril 27,Jobn Magulrc, Lieense Commissioner, ageci 78 years, LAa.NJol Woodstcck, April 2_2nd, Richard Lang, aged 41 years 4 months. BziaLa.-At Cobourg, Aprîl 251h, Djavid Bell, agcd 75 yeacs Il monîlis. CRAIG.-Ai Port H10 e, April ilili, Rannal Dixon Craig,.widnw cf flic laie Wm. Craig,aged 85 ycars. MAGEN.-Iiu Manvers, April 251 b, William Ai- bert Magee, aged 25 years. AuîuizT.-Ini Daclingtnn, May 3rd, LouIse' Harcleit beloved wf e ocf Philip Hzenry Anneti, Toroto, aged 21 ears, 4rmouths. Funeral froini Ihe resfidence of lier failier. Mr. John Beer, lot 27 con 2, Darlingion on Miay Sîli at 2:10 p). m. FOOTE.-lu Port Hope, May 2nd, Lydia Bac- ret, relict nf the laie John Foote, aged 74 Vears. Giiv.-lu Woodstock, May 2, Johin Gray, late cf Rlchimond Hiil, agcd 71 yeacs. Funecal 'i dîîes iay fronu C. Glidening's, Newcastle, f0 Bon manville cemelery LEEai,,.-At Walton Village, unaîr Liverpool, Englaîîd, April 19i, John Lecce, aged 93 yeacs, fallier cf Mr-s.F. Mounisdoli,i-tose, Mount Cottage, Oxton, Ecglaîîd. PATI:neOx. Tu Port Ihope, May Ird, hugh Camernu Patcrton, son nf Stanley and Joanîîa Paitîrsoni, aged 25 y cars. LEAcUi.-Io Eastl Wiitiy, April 29tb, Grace Leach, reflecioniflic laie Simîon Leach, aged 70 years. STaco.-Ai Port Hope, May ist, Normaîi Leonaý,rd Strong, aged 87 ycars. A. E. MeLAUGHLIN, Barrisier, S licitor and Conveyancer. Offie:- illeakley Block, King Street, Bnwmaiîvi île. Moncy to nan ati reasonahle rates. 48lyr, F17RUIT TRELS.-Some choice trocs .12 on Iîanîd. aitlelcdiîig vacilles. Cormeanse fhem. J. CluAPLî,, iiomanville. 1 f (C0W FOlR SALE.-A gond grade JJersey Cow for sale. Appiy 10 Joi.; PEa Rcy Bue manville. 18-if. S ERIVANT WATN\TED.-For general houscwork. Aî,ply to Muts. J. H-. KYItyn, Concession sireet, Bowmanivllle. 15 If. O-' YOU WANT AIIOME.-If yen do _U pply to T. BIiNGIIAM 1cr a niieesohid briesi cottage t. p and ou easy ternis. 31-il1. ¶IILIx WAGGON.-Wiih haif springs liarocîes an d top bug gy for sale, ail lu good relair. W'ilsei cheali. JoHN JAmES,Osli-.iwa. 16itif. S ITOCK%' WANTED.-Pairties haviin; caIves, lambls, licgs aîîd other fat stock. lea.îstock, imilel con s or aiiy otier kind ci farîîî stock for sale sliould iforia 'W. R. R. CAWKE Iî, box 189, vlrînaux lue. 10-lui. WodANTE Dg 'lt menwit godeduîalion, wiio waiilt10eliciter iheir posi- tions, aii,,wvouhld e cntent for a year wili 5600 aidecIses. \V ic lis wlth descrîjîtioîî aîîî o plcaîdn u ik apooiinfor n1oorthe future. Also needed relialilenmiu for Ausiralia. NVrite 10 îlay 1cr wc are ini a lîurry. 'hiE 7iiNAOEiz, 49 Rîclîîîoîîd St., W., Toroîîîo. WANTED CANIVASSERS. "Queen Victoria : Hei- Lite and Reign" lias capiarcd thec British Empiilre. Extraci dia- ary tcsiLuuýoiiials froin itie i cal men; seuilfoc eîpy free. Ma',lquis cf Lre, sFs,"The besi îoljular Lite cf the Queeîi 1 bave scii. " lb-r Maitaien ods a kind leilîr of appreelatin. Sel- hllig hy thousands ;glu e eîIiilusiatsîic satiSfae fliou. Ccl a miii of Iuoiey, but large elJ cuiLa tilc uinies bn wretail.10. Lois cf lhistorie illustrations. Large llol,-nver ail 2X6-1011 luches. Heu and nome, ' or1standing lu fliiic cnii îîîîîîîîly înaikiiig $15 le 1$40 acweek. Exclusive iorritory. Prospectus frcet to agents. Books oni Uime. FuI: tAuaarY-:klaaarý3c Co., Ltd, Toc-i nîîto, Ont. A Good Up=to=date Grocery and Provision Store-.,e isthe kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods- every tine you trade there. Thii ihe way we wanit you to feel about ýThis Store and we'll merit your good opinion of us every tinie. If you should buy anything from us that is not en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, aTud we'll mnake it right. We keep fulll hues of the very best groceries the markets iaf[ord and soI~cel1 eheaper. We do busi- ness on business principles and the public like our methods. iEvery,"day is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business 'rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your prodiuce. We xiii give you the best prices going. Bo WMAN VILLE. The Groc ý rs. pr in Fool a a a a a 0 iýýAt John, Hellyar's. I take pleasure lu aunouucing te my numerous cusiomers and the public genorally that the purchases for Spring and Summer have been plaeed lu stock and as a result of a very large increase of, business lu, fine geods lagt year I bave boughi a larger supply of very stylish high grade Footwear in Meu's, Ladies' aund hîdcns We keep aise a lower grade se that al eau be suîted. Our objecit is te unainiain the position we have ju-,tly gained-tlat o! keeping the best goods te ho obtalied fromn the leading Manufacinrers. Our- prices will always bo found te bo as low as they eau cousisteuiiy be and our aim shaîl continue to ho te give oui- custoiners the very besi possible. for their money. We invite you te au inspection o! oui- stock and, will wiih pleasuire, show yen wbat we eau do for yen. A largo assorimeni of Trunks, Bags, Valises, etc., always on baud, 1BOWMANVILLE. Itls a.. pared paints. Money to use poor Paint. Its oaainýst the lav~s of science to expeet an inferior paint to Qfîn1iIc -a+'f -1n t 4 i ~">its colon or hold its gloss. Ttie Pnisut Brand of pu~re Liqiiid Paint is the resuit of j years of paint making experi- ece It cover- more surface because it is mixed just riglit. It holds its Colon and gloss and does credit to thec painter 'terev "r it is used, Be sure and get the Prism Brand pre- Dry Colors,Oils, Kalsominie and Brushes at I 1BOWMANVILLE. Phono 74. FOR Kootenay District, Pointr-in B.OColumbia, -Kalso, Kootenay Crossing, Murphy Greek, Nelson, Pilot Bay, Robson, Rossiand, etc. Tickets now on sale at special low rates. The Grand Tfrunk Rail- way Systema via its Chicago lhues gives yeu superior accommodation lowvest charges and the quicicesi timne te the above points. Pull in- formation at G. T. R. Stations, Town Agents, Station Agents, or write te M. C. DicKsoiN,, District Passenger Agtint, Torunto. By its Loving Friend CEYLQN TEA. cisc FOR Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poies, Room Moulding, Pictures and Picture Frames. We have the flnest assortment of these good.s in town, and the cheapest. Our' Wall Duiper can't be beat for prices and quali ty. w. Ta ALLENM'5 1B1Ow-VA.xTiLLE. .B i,-20

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