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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1897, p. 3

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i ~ 1 ., experience has taught uî the best.way. SCOTT & LfOWNfk, Bl,ilvS, On THE RELIANCE Loan and Savillgs Goffpally, 0f Ontario. NCORPORAr-CO UNDER CHAPTER 1e9, R. S. 0., 1887 I LBO WMAN VILLE LOCAL 13OARD. DIRECTORS: M. A. .E, s... ........... PRESamzz-, (Editer auud Pr-oprh for CAsrNAI)ASTASa-sANa. IL. H. J URY, E'ý.,........ .YucPusos D. DAVJDSON ESq ............. SrCRAalY (Prin ipal Publie, clicol.) w.SMý'KfOl AN, ESt. .IL eAor&TPr.zAS MES$ MACýDOUtG AIL & JONES. SOICuTRoS (Eqn[uiy.ý Chamblers, Toronto.) JOHN fGAÏ D. ESq ,............... VALUATOa, (Buulîer -,id Coutrseter.) BeeOrinecs fer the consitîration of Loauus et the- cai cf the Seerelsey, R. D. -DýDSO, Esq., Irons e louuuatliiufoueu;atice nuay le oeUt un- IEN; WAINTED--To engeage wibli riew syec plaie book, smcre attractive cnd yei b~lter1tisaisever. Ail sausples fusnnlsled free. We are ùhw ouiy ataliaiuu Nurscr-y payia g sel- ar and expeuiss fr-cm ihe start. Lierai corn- ,euon to part tiue mes. Larr-elilsiof Steelal- les, ail ha" ing becus îested at 0cr- trial onclîand Over 7 e acres îîadcr cultivatucus If yeun aut à, sure ttiug fer- wiuter, wri-lisus. S ttua'E & IVet- usrsNurser vmeuu andi Fruit growens, Terouuto THE DEST SPRING MEDICINE S/ Cur aTt* Blood Diseases, trom a commua plmple tg the w-orît ,Srolulous Sr.. HAVINO Ileart vp Nerve Troubles. HaveVu Palpitatien, Throbbing or' Irregular Becting et the Hleart ? If So, llilburn's Heart and Nerve PUIS uil cure yeu. HaIve YOU Shortusess cf Breatis, Dis.. tress after Ester-tion, a Smnothering Feeling, Spasms, or Pain threugb the Breast and Heart ? Il B19, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis wiil cure or relier-e e'ou if takes jus lime, HaOve YOU a Feeling of Anxiety triat semetliing is gciog te ec- cor when there is ne ne- cessity for it ? If So, Milburn's Heurt ccd Nerve PIla uil remove it. Are YOU Treubled witb Sîceplesscesa, L vo s, s~ Forgetful- nes, Braie Fag, or General Debility - fthe after effeci et La Grip ? If80 You cen talc ne better msedicine than Milbur's Heart anti Nerve Pis. They uil nrelieve or cure you. Every dose belps tie cure. For ae at agilD'us stores. t MILBURN & MG, Proprietors, Toronto, Ont, 250 ',ND SH-E SH-IVERS THE WHILE. fle-Every time I mneet Miss Pusbiy thes--dcy's'shie insists that the air is so ljal'ey and the sunshine so warm. Wby is ii- She-i' her ne-w spring suit. WILLING- TO 13E LOIBED HEIRSELF. She-Thb,,re îs a elass cf kieptomani- ac.s 1enu forgi-ve iRe-You surpriSe Me. Sieý-Couisn 1)orothy Lia-- a beau who aliways steals a few kusses f rom lier. fr-cm Enpe and seme fr-cm Asie,'Ilhe ousneýsslriglits cy was soundeti, "TIc Jordane! Tice lMIS Disease, Diebetes,I Jor-dan 1" fluntineti cf inatsc ar-alysis, Convul- pigrima bave ebanfed ou ils bals anticdsier latheti iii ifs ivaters. Masy of tliem di aw-et gcwn lu the w-ave Diseese, etc., etc iouandi carry it berne for- their- oi' Manuf-actucdullonor&SoldonMerit. F'or Table and Dairy, Purest and Besî alirouti. It la an inapeluons slr-eem anti rilsou as ticughis il er-e hast- 1 One oa of bread may be ligh, sect and digestible. Yeu nay Luse the sarne ma- teriais for another and have it heavy, sour and soggy. The knack is iii putting the in- gredients îogethe:- just night. A substitute for Scott's Emul- si on may have, the samne in- gredients .ai-d yct net. be a Perfeci ubstitute, for no one knows how to put the parts togethzr ýs we do. The se- cret ofcchow " is our busi-, ness-twenty-five years ot f ~ lake. It empties into no cea, aImOng coling te tel its story toafthe a-es 1 THE 8S4OKINU fHILLI Il other things for the simple reason that Maa Ilan exp)lorer lias t whelmedl, 'n -- water cannot r-un up bill. I swallows jmany a bjoat bas t wrecked. Lieut REV D. ALAG DSCIBS HEup the River Jordain and makes ne Moliniu_1 bas copper-bottomed crafts ,respearse, cf thanks and neyer reports teplit upos itssevns. Oyoe DEAD SEA AND THE JORDANý 1 w-bat t de-s with the twemty million boa, bat of Lieut. Lynch, ever livedi feet of cubie wster anuaully reeived ta -,ail t1ic whole lcetu o L.A h TheFosncîLik a icgef oer ~ fraie thatsacred river. It tales the season %when the sosfiLeAnte Ove LinIdI>eoliin-Te silpi1 tree branches and legs fleated into t sucît, tlic rage of thus Stream us like OvrLql eoainTeSliu by the Jordan, and pitches theim on the Conemaugh when Joebnstown per- misAtmsphreof L.ake Aphaltites. the banks, et bitumen tato ecay there. ished, and the wivld beasts that May DOr. Tauliage preaclied on Sunday The bot spiciing near its bauks by the be near run for the bis, explaising frenatàbe text, Plsaimn civ., 32'."-He namne cf Callirlce, where Kin-g llrod what Jeremiali says : "Behold hie shah i touceththehiU an thy se&e IlHe-came toi bathe off hi, illaess, no sooner: go up like a lion freicm the awelling cf touhet te h-d an thy nioe. 11 -pour unto thesea than they are poison-iJordani." No river saOeften changes' said ' d. Net a f isbsceaie swims it, not au its mimd, for it tris, and twists, tra- 10avid, the poet, here pictures a vo'- insect walks if. Il hales lif e,.and if veliag 20 miles ta de that which ilaa cana end wblat Clirch's Coopaxi doca yen lttemplte swim ia il, t 1i syensîighüt Une mîghl be donc in sixty up by anuunatural buc,ýyancýYy t hlEI milcs. Amoag banks new low, ne-w on painter's canvas, Ibis millier deesI surface, as much as ta say, "W\e want higLinew of rocks, now cf mud, and in words. Yeu sae a bi.l, calte, and In-o lîfe here, but dcath il our preference, 110- cf scnd, leasing the feet cf the still, and for ages immovable, but the death." These whio atlemplte wade r erehinîlis, aad ciecuders, and acacias, Lor on c îl heves pis isfinerinto Ibis lake an-d Submerge lliem- and rea and pisto-chios, and silver selves, core eut almost maddened, ras Pcplars. The river marries lh" Dead on the top and fremi i risc, thicik va- wýith the stllng of a hundred was anaSct aeGlle n u vrs pars, intersliot with fire. 11je touclieth liernets, and witli lips and eyelids rougI a groom take the band cf se the bis and fhey -zaoke. sw-llea wilb the strange ablution. The faeir a bri)rde 1" God 3 th ony,ýbingwho an an par, it c its waters is net like the Th .s is the river which par-ted te GodistI cny c.ngwhoca ms-sparkl o îeaty en other lake.s, but a lauet-itaWaely cftwio million rahes cge a voicane, antd again and again lias metallic, lustre liJke unio the flash cf Iree. Hre the skîlled mejer-goacral H1e emiployed volcanic action. Ie pic- a sward Ihat would You. The Off lic Syrie-a hesit et thiE sevelt tures on the wails of Pompeli, the ex- gazelles and the ibexca, that live on plusi1ge, dropped his leprosy, net only the' bilîsheside it, and the cranes and by muiraciulous cure, but suggesting teI humed Italian city, as w-e saiv tbem, wild ducks that f]y acress-for. con- aclil tIges that water andi plenty of il demnstrale tbat the city ives net fitt 1mev te the orld belief. birds doe safely hlas' sih-ch te do wilh the canulars îm- te live. In the first century. that cily, wung Itheix way over it-a;nd the Arab orvmn f the world. Here 's engirdled w-tII palaces, cmparedised beises yen hiave liean ridisig, lheugh whrcSoue theoegical Studeats cf thirsty eacugh, wvqll net drink out cf Elish î'; filni werc cutlin1g trees with wifh gerdens, pillared ie architectur- tbis dxeadful mixture. A leovers wt-ich1 te ituild a lbeolotgical seminery,r ai, ecxcje.isiteness, wvas at fthc foot of a over parts of il almost contisually, andan axe-heati net sufficîently wvedged mueutain up the sides of rail uhicli, thougli naturel evaperation, te the bandle flèw off mb lIth river andi wif vieyad ad vlla ofmerchat eems like a domn spread lover liquiti I 5ni5i and the yiung ma deploreti withvinyar an vilasof ercantdeslatien. Ihi L isc r i.nsings af abom-s-t ot =eiuh the les cf axe-head, as princes, antd all tat mer-bis, and i atien. it is an aqueus monster lise fm that il was net bis own anti Aug. 4, a b,'ack clumin arose above Coileti amon,g tlibills, or ceeping with Oriti,"Aas! t w-as berrowed," and turc, anti reinbowed fountains, and a irippes and stenoliful witlinauseting tic re-pheil thrcw a stick m t th mel-edersý. m Iuad in defiance of thse law- cf coliseuea at flic dedicatien cf whicb Ia th',"e regiens once stood four greýat 917 1v iletioa, fhe. ires axe-bead came 11e 9,000 beesis hbcd beau ska nand a su- cillas of Assyrie: Sodomu, Gomorrab, ,, -lisrface and floated like a cork nîsen perrsal lantiscape, in whidi tic shore Adma and Zeboim. The Bible acYs the wv-aber- and kepl fleating unlil the ibey wver-e destroyed by a tenipest cf£ ugmasn caughtit t. -A miracle per- i gave roses teaIthe sec auud lie sect gave fire and brinistene affer the cilles had foprue1111171tiat give one an opportusaily ta crystat tea the shore; yca, cli Iliat filleti up of wfckediuaess. "Ne, thaf is runliral thet which wes bor-r-ow-cd, and becuty, and pomp ant weaith. coulti absurti,'" cries Somle cile; "il is evident a in ~k a clcges fer those w-ho give, w-es 1here tealie seen or hearti. that Ibis was a regic-f Sait and browati neyrer reflrs, their lied cf le uty ledbrimstcne and pileli, leu-g befere blet." habts a iis respect se estehuisheti But flihed nierals o hct a And se it w-ce. The Bible seys t ivaS thatL t w-euld lie a miracle if tliey did shocked fli, world. In fthe year 79, on a regiesî cf sulpibur long befere flic return it. Yea; frein the hauik cf this Aug. 4, a blac lcolumin arase aiove great catastrophe. "Wdll, nio%/' syS rivar Elijali teck team cf tire, sbowing the adjoling maroiniain ad spreati somconecwanting ter-aise c quar-reilie- that 1thie Most ragin-g element is ser- ont £'inyscy li sa- i, he egrei w-en science and Revelatious, "you vent' cf flic gooti, and Ihat fier-e is no out.Pliy sY& ie aw i, lkEýa geatbave no. riglit te scy the cilLes cf the n4eert faI a chilti cf Ged tear asything; pillc Irce, wider and widcr, unti t lie- plain uwer-e desfr-eyed by a lempest cf for, if Ic ,Mcsl destr-uctuve cfacli e-_ gan te rein upon fle iccty, f Lslt tL f ire anti sulpiar cand lrirastanre, be- mnewas ibal day fashiosed mb oa ashasandthe puýic stneands,,,L-causce this region aid fliese characteris- veb1icle for a departing saint, sot bing lues Ilong bef or-e bbcse cifies werc de- Oa ve hrt yen wbo love aurd'trust phur-ous fumes sceopeti, asd air-eins cf stroiyed." Volcanic action k m iy reply ficLod. ami se gladti lat thef muti poured tir-ough tie streets tiil f ew- Tisse cities lied been lt cult vers cen o f Ehljch w-as setrmede ouf cf peeple eseaped cnd the1cicty wva s bure- cembrustîble mnater-is. Tiemortar ua )oed or crystal, or aaythisg or-diaarily cd, nd emacf Ic nlditcl~s 1,00 f bitumen easily ignitei, and île wclls peesceiV, but out cf fire, and yet lie edandsome o th inabiant, 1800dripped w tli pitihmost inflammable.weati-p witiouf hcvirig soehlias 1 year-s aterw-ard, w-as farund nialmed Tbey sel, 1 blini, on a ritige of hla .feui himccl1f. Wben, steppisg fr-cm ln tlie sceriae cf that awfuil doota. The T-bey sbceti higli up. anti cnspictruUs aii foilage cf tiese eleaders anti Lord called upon volca.nic forces te radiatLunbliir sins" ostentalioa à arss inouifli banks cf the Jordian, Ilicir- debancheries, four behîs on car-lb le pua1 ýIslisfooton the ced step cf the dbiuer-de f bhat profligate city. Hc One day f lire w-as c rumling la the equlppel)ge, and teck the reil reins cf Iochedth îehis anti they ,mrmokedi. erf b and a qualîng, "Wliat'.-, hall"vaeri is banda, and spurredthefli Noiiing but volcanie action canenx-, cry the affrigliteti inhebife-t, 'What's 91alloigsets o-1d li vd pf plan wbatI sah lov sow on t telthat ?" Th1 toundations cf flic car-lb911gaie fheaven il uns a celee orever ue1r-e giving w-ay. A volceno, svbose emrl.SaisbottaficLs Deci Sc, po w-iel I av leket, ir-calid been. bar-ning for agea, aric arlife nMay r-oll yenbeavenward. anti of w-bac w-cter-s I teck a bitter Ged's commanti bursi, for-b, esiîy set- S bcmesit Lurninlg pcr-ecetions, lise anti stinging faste. Coaeerning cýliin-, everything aflame, anti fir-si lifting 5t fier-y troubles, may become uplift- is bosecities higliLa fli air, anti then ig.Oahy lesûre whlen yen puilon Ilint regien fliere lias been oontroversy dashing them (1de'wn in cbasms fatbcmýi- the bits of f ire, yolu drive up te te- enoaghtta it ibraries, science saying leas.The tir-st of îlot cruptiona inter- ial"18 Goi, ant oldow-s touert li eue tb.tsg, PReelatioa another thing. I aot the densesmio-le, anti r-oed mIe flecI tte Wbe Ltier catipRidley - lieu ad-mit volcanie actioa divinelY lb-c beavena, only ta descend ageiin-deia lcclIte ue pi Anti al lie configuratiuo fliai cona- cariot cof fire. Wben my trienti T. P. empoyticai el fesimuses are one fr- v us a ingei, ati w-ler-e tiser-e wasw-l'iegpl singer, wuscoinclmed cuti thesainie. Geology, cbemisbr-y.e bili f ber-e came a vailey, ati whler-e Asîte rla-brien ti tibée tcktireh geogr-cpiy, cslrencmy, ioltbyology, titre lied bee t ho p-mp et ntca- bigadthn okfr ornlhcegyant zoloy ac crnig n as came widespread desolatiion. The 'Aoir l"', u ee pi orntolgy ndzolog ae omig nereti bof spade et voîcanie actiona bd echrofetir-a" by oeet10conitih Uc sriptur-es. Tw-o abovelleti under- fie cities cf bbc plain.Bat iis ritver us a river- cf iaptisma. leaves cf oee bock are Itevelation ati Befere flic catastr-ophe, lie citiesstood Chrst -sIcre blipizeti, anti John Creationadthtcpenmanshtp la by the onflie top offlic sait anti snlpur-. omles caiyon fic andidaWhte fr Scieace rigif, Revelatien right. -"lie bcptism oastieofs telnigionew-cn se-me divine asan. Our lierseback rude fûncliel b tise bills andtihiysmnokeý." ant d bisrie, nficsfw-hiiln enl wil net lic sea teep to-day, anti you No science ever frighlti lieheievers wc rsaaific -abte, whipe t l enu sfcy on without cinging tea ie LUeeliin emch as gcolegy. Ticc seat sraheiao pommeil cf tIc, satdle, but tle ceeues feereti fiaieflc trat f lecar-ils uvou hulefrbai e se tler, or %w ,heir contradici île Scidepîur-cs, antiolsenlbicsenlr terni thficeue la-ptizeti ami w-,ic w- rie hah ifpesLhl Mncsmust go under. But as lise distCp-eti for a moment beneaili lhc lic more thir-Llia-g, ati by tbc lime tise Deati Sec instance, se in ali cases Get's f1d oaiso'deae hl herses sn ufff le sulpburous 1cfmospliere 1wriiag on tle car-lb. anti Got's writiag £ 1cn (luibnketlouf deep emofi c of Laie Asphaltites, or tise Deati Sec, se Bibleof rcs lior-esons. ise thic tact liaI my parents belti me in w-e w-Lu bei reatiy te dismounl anti reati shelves of tce aincrend -lSocî'îtaae.nY, tateicbaptismal font intlie trom or about wliai w-es done Science dige Ie otise cccii anti tinti sctjnghove se on m lichaitIamus blinI day liy tleLord uien Hetondis- deep doîýva îhe remains cf plants first. 3îc-îî yen n owso net lier- mode1mt p Science digs doive andl scys, "Marine tliani ebserveti in fli ier modo a cd the bllis anit ey smikei. ianimais next," andtihîe Bible scys, blet aflervèoon te ivmer flic ar-- o Taie a detour anti passa deug by flc"arnhnmaseex"Sinc isticulars Of w-bdIch 1 u' relate. rociy tortressaoet Mesacta where et dowve ati scys. "Landi animais next,' kw-as c scene cf unimaginalle soi- occurreti scmethîing more wentierfulinlancdflic Bible respeads, -"Lana 5mls enlifiy. A comirade ini car Hely Landi tbhe w-nycf desper-atioeu bleu you have ncxl." " TIen cornes ma," scys sci- jeurncy rode up ly my side fluet day. ever learti et, unless you biave beard ence. "Then cornes mas," respontis ànd tolti me that a yeung mas, w-be of f lai. Heroti mult a palace amid the Bille. Science digs Lato tise r-cg- is neîv sîutiying for the Gospel minis- lIheslieaps cf bleck anti aw-f i rocks ions about tIc Deati Sea. anti fintis re- tc. ýwouîd luke le be isaptiseti îy me whidi iooke lika e lunibictimiduiglil. suit fcftire, ati masses et brimsboe, l is e River Jordan. 1 get cl the tacts A great biandiet rolibers, about oae ced annouaces eaiveaderful geolegical 1 coulticesces'ning bis earncstness anti Ibousanti altigterfmle t for-malien. "Oh, yes," says lise'Bilfibl icde;egspesnieaia Irward-dbi th îe tortress. Whlen flic :'Mcse-s wrote thoucantis et ycars age,' lion matie myscîf ccnfident lie wvas a Roman army stormedth iai steep asdtihîe Lord raineti upen Saouli anti up- w or-lly candidte. Ticre %V as emengj the bandits colidne longer boldtlle oe Gomnorrel brimstnre ati tire fr-cm er Arai attenaenfs1w-e r-oies net place, theur ciiettaLa, Eleazar-, matie a the Lord eut cf beeven,' ati Daviti unlike tisose useti for American baptis- powcrfuh speech w-hicb persuatiedt tel w-roie, 'e toucheti thislis anadt hey bries, anti these w-e elfaineti. As w-e te dia betore tley wer-c captur-et. Fir-at smoke.'" Sc 1 gucas uc will b.ld unto ivece te bave a large greup cf differ- flie mn kisseti their families a îovieg car Bibles a little longer... 1 nnaialteprst1dcae e andt earful go-beandti pta But flic drageman w as rejoiceti w-lc nt n atuoshtrafe es rses, ndtabeit maga nt ilir eaw-r-esai. ten o lic bcd ceeus enougliofethiis 'olcanic opeenglmatie ta allow vus ail te mean d mo hir- Icar-tslaini liTue- region cf Palestine, and lie gîadly sigu. imgmnlide'ja e tihe inu er-e choses by lot te slay ahiligiesîegiî o ace e-lMuliar- willi bbcriver w-chrcugis anti the, ethler mes, cuti eacb mas lay dow-n ar-oundthli er-ses w liidliar-e prancingacer-osa le show- flicdepth andtihie by tIe deat ifut anti chiîdres, anti ati aaighing for departure. We ar-e swiftcescf flic streate, andtihîe mcst waiteti for flece executioners le do off for the Jor-dan, enIy tuwo heurs 'apprepricle place fer,île cercmony. tli-ir-w-or-i. This donc.,one mca..t auay. We prisa Bedeuins ivîcce sîcra Then I r-cati fr-cm lich Bible lise ao- tle feu ilied flic other niane. Thea teclur-es mel info a amile as w-c give cui tbpim n la art tle curvicor commifleti suicide. Tue tIens flic salutation Salacin Aleikouin, den, fan imr-tiic prtsacede worn anti five chiltire bcd hidtIein- "ec i -th you," ticir smilc somne- tise Chirist on w-lose licadthelicdcccde- sel'ves asti afler cl w-sve cmefmseanguadliass lawlfl-Pscndeti e thîe Jor-da. TIen, as the fourth.te- tell cf the, nine buadreti and di' t is causeti by tîcir- gictnes b seeCcandidate asti myself ste.ppeti inte flic suxîy sîcugiitered. utr-eat anti rugged us or by our- poor pronuinciafien oethîe w-cIcr-s, flice people cenflic bans sang saturai sener-y maies the Most ire- Aai. -iu full asti reseunting voeie mendous satures fer- gotior etI. Nhw- e reIiougl r-egions-%'lier- Greatdate-mcacutigrea relir-stise-e a-e b i ulinoflnicchae etOn Jor-dan's sber-my lasîs I stand, 1Ail kinds of Liimber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COkL a:ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee sati&taetio-a. Hamprton GnrlSoe New Spring Goods at prices that wiIl astonish yon for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. Wo have the largwest and most attractive stock of Im- ported and Domestic WT-oolens ever shown in the County, bouziht in the best market for SPOT CASH. Wýe carry f ull limes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-made ClothingT. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Departmnent Is well cqnipped m7ith Choice Groceries and Provisions as chemp as the cheapest and as gocd as the best. We havo special value& in TEAIS. Full line i Patent Medieines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantifies at 3c., per pound. 1IHAMPTONi. Oh, tic transporting. r-apbureus cee Thaf c-ises 10 my sigbt; Swcet fieldis errayeti in living grecs. Anti rivers cf deliglif. By Ibis f Lse wc- lid rmeadtheicmidi- dle ofthe river. As the candidate saule uisderthfliloeds anti rose ageis under a baptisAnn utIceisame oethe Fatber. and th le Son and cfflice Heiy Gliosl, tcre rualiet threugb our seuls a ltide et Lly c-motion,uchi as wc-shah snot prolally fe-el egain unfil we cfep inb the Jordan lIai dur-ides earfh fr-cm leaven? Wlli those wacterslie deeph Wilîlitee ides le str-ong? No mal- ter if Jesus sfepa lla witi us. Fr-Lents on flua ashore te lielp us off. Priensti on flic other- cicre bsec us landi, Sec! Tiey ar- c eming drwe lchiils ontfli aller aide le greet us! Hou' w-cilae WORTH THIII. WEIGHT IN GOLD. fausy a bride-lias becs preseti wifh marrisîge perlions fer- exceecding tiseir- weigbt iu standard goilt. Tisa average w-e itetabride w-ilne-i excecti 130 P uuedsb or 2,080 ounees. MIisa t about $20 an ouuscei is onýy la roundi numnbers, 840,C00. 'tisa nn rr-iagc- portion cf Miss Pau, ne Wbifn( - ;'etfNNew York,'s $i,0li,000, orx r-e f bas twenfy-toxir trnes ber- ieiglin golti. 5h11 greai- er w-us flicmars- -uge por-tnou f Miss Macler, us >w Pt ecesa cf Closse, wbicb iras i hmcc Linrdredtikfles ber iveight. or cnt 12,000,000. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. lenous f leir sIc-ps! Hou- ecsily ire dis-BtflsTeLtiaeGo-etibiE. tinguiali Ibeir ceices!1 Frein lanI fo Joli .Brous, a G.A.R. Veberan, of banî we bail flicn ivwifi teers asti they heil us witb palm branches. Tlicy say~ 2446 Mar-shall St., Philadelphia- te us "la lIait yen, fetleir " "Is fhat Detigeti Shcf anti Sieli in flie Inter- yen mether 1" anti un answer by cc- est ef is Country enly te lic Attack- ing; "la fiai yen, my tiarliu:g 1" Iow necr f Icy ccm, cuti low nerrow île d by Tiat Isidicus Disease, Calerrh streens flut dur-ides us.. -But Dr. Agneîv's Caierrhal ]Pow-der "Coulti w but staënd whlere -e Moýsc Cureti. anti Pcrmnaently, r-oo-This Ls, sfûiod, Wbat lie Says: 'Anti vicu' fliclandseape o'c,"yemrcacdnw en d-a flo- ordnssr-am e-eah cl Dr. Agnuci's Catarrhbal Poîrter. I ivas fleeti a -greai sufferer fr-cmitatircatimal- Coutti frigit us frcm tise shore." ady-camtarr-î. To-day il gir-es me un- lioundetipcasur-c- bstaeo r cafter- AUISTRALIA'S KANGAROOS. iusg liunanity's sale ticitlihis wo-es tder-fnl remetiy effecteti a speetiy anti One iutiretiandti fwely-six years pc-r-manent care in s. y case, asti I have passet inmue Ejuropeans tir-st matie bave licen sG tisankfui for it thaf I fthc ecquaintance of flic langro. One ans wiliing to ic,,nd ipe rernaistier cf My ticys Luin ccdu helsgeeti cf Cept. Cooi' a silors, w-lien fIe Es-n-eus te My fedio 'ýuffei r-s." deavoir- w-cc liidabhore for repaews on For sale isy Stott & Jury~ tînýt par-f thfIacoasi nou' Ino.vaas Queenslandi, matie a shotL excursion in- ------ tand anti breught lad f be tdescrip- IT INFLUENCES THiE UNTIED. tion of au animal "about cs large anti Minch 111e, aanc-galion cagg, bladce as Cunueo-you now tsc' thflet t ic-m nsl- the evil ene asti lict wo herson tinenCes ticef ide. ifs licad; it w-esîtbutf slew-iy, but I: Caw-kcc-PerIapýs it dea. 1'vc inoun tiareti usue to-dis il." The naburalist if tq, influence susceptible Yong peo- ot flic Eýndeavcur, afier-iardth e gr-cat pie cnd r-csuit in their gettLng lied, sir .Joseph IBaks, r-cmer-led in lis ________ tuery, r-eoen'ly pubtislieti for the tirst finieý, fbabtishe sailor's descrip-tica iras Piles ! Piles 1 Itchîng Piles. ratIer tee tecînuicat anti scaran-lile to, le quite accur-cle and atitic lat .syIii'r-ms-Meistnr-c; intense itching flic animal "is calleti by flic native cndutisinging ; mcdl t sighl ; worde is kangAreo."f With tbe layiusg uit cf scr-eîciing. If alîowc tl continue fIe, Endeavoli egan fie European tumrnrs form, w-bicb. oflen bleti asti knocivetige of flic extreertinary ani- eraebcnn Vi r.SwyE, mai. Ail et onoc nafuralists w-ece La- lceeeoigvîydr.SwAa' frottuced te aer-calure u'hicb they lied Gsiasr tp i lbUg asti lleeti- secs removes tIc tumors. Au tmug- This w-cîti's goots ar1e li riars anti ists, or liv mail, for 50 cents. Dr. îIerns, lli"y are cpI te uouud fie becrb Sivcue & s", Phledelpiae Lyman, anti conscience of tudr nossessers. Sens. Wholesale Agents, Mountuoal. "I deïi>t believe there eerwss go daP vmaeasyrsr Clth s PUIlS. Tney will (do ail yen ecom- rnend them for an.d even m:ore. Whu I have a cold and aclcf rc:-ui luead to lh e1s, a dTo0« e or two fo,:ceÎ, The goodl i l' as a goc'd p ilîs s u.,11th-e redicine icd'1t: coat. The pili coat serves .-:t nie rightain. 17o:- hcadaehl:, ý'-two p.lrposcus, il proteets the pili, addisguî.ses ifta o th ¾ c tioPalato. S~om o coats are tco heavy ; tltcy won't issolve, and fL c, pl; they caver pass tflrougli tGhe systciui, 1hzmless as a bread pellet. Other coats -r trofo liglit, andc permit tka.ý speedy deteriaratian of Sth'e i. Aftfer 30 or expasure, Ayer's Sugar Coated ilahave been fLound as effective as if just frealitran-i the labora-tary. It's a goc pil, with a good coat. -Ask yPour cruggist for Ayer s Cathartic Pills. T isu, U-timoojl ill Uc I bfoouiiii.full la Ayer's "Ctrebook," with a huiidred others. Free. Address: J. C. Aver Co., I.oweil, Mas.. aaag o ee eaa st e GDe t The uîîdersigned desire to thank the lamers tuf West D)urhamn for the liberal patronage extended t tu~ during the IwYt son, also to remnind themà that we are istil1 ini the market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET P-RICE A LL KI1NODS 0 F L doliverrd at aour storehouse cor. King and George F3treetî4., or at Por Darlington., We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESHY of Ç-anadiart and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Salt for eatt and homses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in I3arrels which we are prepared to sali C EýmLA-:p OASiHI m 1 t--,çlr"ar-4K Oole,,

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