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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1897, p. 8

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Whenyou buy a Truss Oct a good one. lu 11 191 [gl{ THE WETMORE TRUS.S. Superior to ail others. You can fit it yourself or we will do it for you. Gnaranteed to give satisfaction. Any one requîrmng a Truss will find it to their advant- ageê to examine the WETMIORE TRUSS soid by J.igginbotham & Soân. BOWMANVILLE. Chemists andi Druggists.1 The P.eopqe Are nio, only once, but again and again. We extend a cordial greet ing- and the congratulations of the season to every indiemnents will be offered by as. One would thinki to sce the advertisements of some fÈ-îr8 "lthat they were the only pebb'les on the beach.." Its As Plain As Day thâl goods which amount to anything at ail must command a pi-aportionate price, and the bettci' the quality the gr~e thoprice. The mark et is full of, cheap Shoes ; they are made to se1Jl eheap and give the buyer no endi of annoyafce. Any satiý«action in that? Not a bit. Then why not buy BELL'S V' ~S, positively the bet in. the uarket. Sole Agent, B~WMANILLE.Treleven's Old Stand. llepairing done promptiy in ail its branches. Grocers' Due Bis take;4same as cash. We Arc ledqlatrs.* FOIr AlKillds of ý,Suxlaer ÙGoods. Quick.-M eal Blue Flaùme Coal 011 Sto-Ves are the best, eaU sethem. Wiu.dow Screens, Sereen Doors, Spring linges, Green WiI fCloth, at very close prîce-s.. Lawn lXowers, Lawn Rakes andl Gar den Tools in Sherman.-Williams Paint is the only pure Paint on White Lead, Oil, Turpentîue,. Glas&,, Putty: ani a full linr« PintersSupplie. Fence Wire of ail kinds at close prices. Sole agents for the Gurney Foundry Co's celebratedStoves, Ranges an&gadctA~ces. IROWMANVILLE. 'We HIave It e!== YoiuCAN Have It That Furnrture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this .9pring to place in your home, we have in great variety, and our prices are so low you cannot aff ord to be without it. See the newest designs in ail kinds of Fui niture. are always welcome, e~ ~~~LLE Youi L IS, Und'er ~ n~b~twniturc D~areî, Beun~i's ~iocka BOWMANVILLE, MAY 12, 1897. ny9lige filliun. lal al 09 Niuslgbic Iioods PîlUs gre I2 CLARKE NEWSîïý (Conde nsed from the News) STARKVILLE. r.S. Illwelintends erect-! abrick bouse. É M.T Sap as sold bis farm .Visitors: Mra. W .W.Dîkey at Mrs. Bal- lag9*h's; iss.Davidson at J.1 Sta';AMrs.Dou '- las atiWSt"ne's; Miss Mebcean at J.Hllowefl~s Miss Soper at 2. Rutherford's;- Mr. Reid ai S. HolloweIl's. llood 's Sarsaparilla is known to be an honest medicine, and it actually cures when ail others fail. Take it now. KESIDALL. 'Master Bert Mebeaii, Port Hope. visited friends bere recently.... Miss L. Watson bas returned home f romu Orono. . .. Mr. Fred Smith, Newtonville, visited friends fiere receut- ly. .... Mr. Chas.Meiiahey bas taken up bis abode in Orono... .Miss May Matthews,Whltby Ladies' college, spent Easter under tbe parental roof. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wif e is,and you know that Carter's Iron Pis will relieve her, now why flot bc fair about it andi buy lier a box ? S. S. No. 5.-Mr. C, Brown bas pnrehased Mr. Jas. Heards fower garden. ... Mr. and Mrs. Blaekler were guests of Jas. Hleards Sunday week.... ,Mr. Rateiif e bas completed bis cons- ta thtbbridg'I'. Mr. M. Blacklervisited at Mýrt R.iouges'euday week. ....R". S, Perrin l na b _lanw mllkbouse .... .0. Eddly lest a fine cow recently ... .Mir. R.Rowlaud visited here re- cently A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who hs&s cold hands and feet, cannot feel andi act like a well person. Carter,s Iron Pis equalize the circulation, remove nerý ousness. andi give strength andi rest. Rrsssn.-Miss Augusta Thoraton is.ia .. 51ev. S. G. Rorke, Enniskillen preaclied i Sday .«.Miss Lizzie Thompson, Leskard, ls visiiing friends bierae.. ..Miss Nellie Hendersonisa reeov- ering f rom bier reeuit illnessý .. Mr. Albert £horuton is ili witb inflammation,..Mr. Sifi. Fllidley lias gone te Midland .... Mr. c. N. Ruse, amtn, was bere recently trying 10o organize a mue class. . .. Mr. Alex. Rutherford bias lost tbree good milcbcowstblsspring .. .. Mr.Francis Brimnacombe was workiag witb a cultivator andi wben tnrniiog aithte endi of tbe field the bandle flew up and struek Mi on tbe cbin driv- ing bis teetb throngb is longue, wbieb bas sin- ce beeun badly swolleu. Ayer's Pis are recomniended by Beadine physîcians andi druggîsts, as the înost prompt andi efficient remedy for biliousness, nausea, costiveness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, and sick heatiache, also, to relieve coltis, feyers, nemralgia, andi and rheumatism. Osoo.-Mr. E. B. Nash la retiring from buai- nasis bere, .. First Band concert tii season on Satuirdtty eVening last. '. «.Mr, T. H. Doncaster, Cannington, recently visiteS su town.... .Mrs. Bradley, Newtouville, vi8ited Mr. Win Pope.. .Mrs. Marsball Welsb, Rochester, N. Y., ls vis- îting ber motber, Mrs. Best... .Mrs. Geo. Me- Lean, Toronto, ls visiting bier motber. Mrs. J. MecOoomb .... .Mr. E. A. Larmer, Laketielfi, was guesi at Mr. Jas. Linton's recently. Mr. W. J. tevenson anS daugbter, Oshawa, vîsitefi at Mr. O. A. Gomsby 'a recentiy.. '. Miss Balla glbis vis- iting beîr sister, Mrs. Beamiish, Port Hlope..., Misses Marian Waddell and Lillian Gamsiby speot tbeir Easter bolidays at home.... Jiss Annie Berry, llowmanville, was guest of Miss Ettie Batien.. ..lMr. Jas. Morrison of tbeOon cbeese faetory bas arrived. .Leland, ycnogiî son ofMr.1-Hairry Hooper, was knocked dw and run over by a horse on \Vednesday we andi received somne sevzre brui ses aboutitbebea aud face.... .Anotber Orono boy, Dr. W. VW. An- drus, bas been eleeted an Alderman for bis adopteS lowu, Miles City, Montaniua..Tb", S e n i o r ] D e0 p a r i en t o f' ' i e p u b l i e s e b o o l bi a d bolidays lasiwek, instod .f ser vee-k, to ibe exami.ation 1u Toronto. ._ A portico blas been built in front of Mrs. Kerr's resîdence b1 y a blissd mns, Mr. Johns Kerr, wlo tst bis i glt 'wben a litt1e lad wbile playiug wltb powder. It is a remarkable piece of workilauship... Tbe Quarterly Board of the Methodist cburcb ap. pointeS Messrs. R. Momleis anS C. J. Thoruton tu attend tbe District Meeting in Osbawa iext week,.. . Burglars enteraS c. G. Armstroug's Store, May 4tb, sud bew open the safe. They -were rawarded by a banfiful of coppers for tîseir trouble. No trace of tkembahsbeen fouid ..The Township Lirî,ry bave elected tbe followin'- managers, Revs. J. A. MeKeen <cairman),ana W.H Aairs, and Messrs. G. Pollard, G. M. Long,ý W. Armstrong, R. Moment, R. Knox, H. Simpson anS Dr. Tueker SHAW'S SCHOOlà BOUSE. Farmers report seediug very backward... Mrs. Jobhs Cleuseuce ia recoversug very nicely from injuries received inl aligbting from lier carniage . .. .Mrs. R. Galbraitb iasusniering from au attack of paralysis whicb overtook bier May 6tls but ls reeoveriug favorably uuder tbec care of ïr. Beiib ... Our sebool bas ilew seats addiug macb to the comifort ufthte scbolars andi redlects mnch cradit on the trustees. Arbor Day was spent iu leauing the yard. As the streugth of a buildin-edeponds upon the solldity of its fonnaation, Sei health depentis upon the condition of the blooti. To expel the impurities and cause the vital fluid to become vigorous anti life-cgiving, Ayer's Sarsaparilla us the i.ost jpowerful and effective Medicinîe in use. SOLINA. Rer. Mr. Thom paon of Colin, U. S. A., willl preaeb at Advent cburcb nexi Sunday morniug andi avening. . .. Arbor day was celebratefi at the 'tanuery" in rigbt 'loyal style after wblcb taffy was serveS by tbe teache .... Mr. Robin- sou of Belleville recently calleS on fijends here ... About two moutlis ago Mr. Wmn. VanNest recelved a kck from a horse, uotbing serions was tbougbt of it at tile time, but lasi week Dr. Hiler prouounced il a fracture . . . Mr. John VanNest, jr., is furtherimproving bis lawu bav- lng planteSd a row of eergreens. Qstsewe, were laecent guesîs of àlrs. B6. Arnott *- Misses Fanny Eleansr anS Ethel ýstapleton bas ebecome members of tbe Maîbodist choir.. -Msss MauS Fishser, Toron to, is visitiug et Mrs. Little's.... Mnr. Richard bas leasad -Mrs.31. Coop- er's land . ...Bt. Fred Argeil, Oshawa, spent Snndey aI home.... .Mr. JobuParsons bas moved osn Mn. W. Rickard's farm.... .Msiss Anale Moon ~'-d MnI. W. Yoon visiteS fienfis st Leskand on DR1. LOW'S PUEA.5AT WOftat sVy >lm>noV'eS worisaof ail kintis £rorn chld- mies o tî; duits, The ao 'G YQuJ' hopes are, ftily reaIiaed in &tis big store. WVe tell you of goods thàt are here to your Iiking and at prices to suit your purse. Every day shw n ~A'ces to spare, the purse and at this time of the yeax many apj-)reci.« ate monuy saving opportunities. Life Was a Burden. FourYears of Agony and Misery. A Marvellous Cure By Paine's Celery Compound. Three Botties Suffice To Make Mr. Finter Well ansd Stroing. The hopeless, despairing, anti ail who Imagine they are lost, because the doctors have faileti, shoultireoieto know that Paine's Celery Copont fully meets the worst cases, anti neyer fails to restore lost health. It 15 11o vain or itile boast when the declaration is matie that Paine's Celery Compounti cures when ail other means fail. To-day a grand army of men anti wssmen in our own Canada can vouch for the truth of the statement matie.' As a proof ehat Paine's Celerv Coin- pounti cures in the darkest tumes of dîsease andti msery we give the testi- mony of Mr. F. Pinter, of Ottawa, Ont., who was saveti at almost the eleventh hour. He Says:. "I consider it a duty te acknowledge the great gooti that I teriveti from vour valuable remey, Paine's Celery Com- pound. For four years 1 endureti ter- rible agony anti misery owing to pains in my head anti chest. Life was a burtien to ume, anti no living m'rtal coulti tescribe my sufferin,,s. I ws treateti by tioctors, anti useti many patent medicines, but nothing eave me relief until 1I mcd s our Faine s Celery ,tompounti. I thank Goti for the dayi iwas brought to niy notice In the Ottawa papers. 1 have tAiken three bottles of the mediine, andi to-day I can truly say that I feel like a new man. I feel certain that if the suif eriîîg people of Canada woulti only tr.y Faine 's Celery Compoundi they woulti be cureti. I will recomenti the remedy whenever I have the opportunity, ne it is the best ever given te sufferers.'5 COTJRTIOE. Mrq. Cao. Shbcj5 Moreield, ha,. bacc xîsiting Mrs. L!tttiejohns.. ..Mr. anSdSIrs. Smithb, Piecerug, callcd ou lricnds bere receusly. .. . Miss Eva Asînis, Osbawa, was Sunsda guest ai Mr. Levi Aunis'.. . .Mr. ansd Mr'.. J. G. Lra.gesaid, Ziosi, spent Sonday at Middle- îrceisv l Dr. anS Mns. Marvin ara visiting hie tber in Prince Edward Cousis>, wbo 15nt expectefi to live. Osur voteran preacher Rev. Gco. Gale ansd Mr. Geo. Powesr ycry satisfactorily supplieS the p. pit ou Sunday. . .. r. and Mrs. John Gibsosi were callefi to sec a sick relpttive i Hope this weck. If x-ou wish to feel well, keep your blooti pure with Ilootis Sarsaparilla. HAMPTON. Mns. Hawlîe, Leskard, is visiting ber son, Mr. E. Hawke .... blsra W. M. Joness and F. C. Trebil- cock visiter. et Mr. C. Rogers' Sunday. . . .Miss Braie ivssstssg friends ai Leskard ... . Rev. E. E. flo-ard preacbed Ediscational ssqrmonsin l Oshawa Sunday and Rev J. P. Wil.son, B. A., Osisass',took bis work bere most acceptaby .... -R,,,. H. T. Lewis, Orono, islexpacîrd te give au address at the Epwortlî League Thursda> cveing ..The new wastc gates at the il are -conipleted and e temporary damisii being bihà1 te tlns the water toithe miiil istead of te the 'breaLk in the damu. TTu riL'i A NuJTsHELL.-Impure blooti is the natural result of close confinement la. bouse, sch-ooroom or s&hop. Mr. Wm. Cox bas put au addition to lus bouse ..Mrs. Sam Forsythe bas moved loto towu... Mr. Sam Sisarp bas a gosling witb four legs anS anioiber wit itbte boili runsing about 'oita live- ly.. -.. Mrs. Wm.Eversou is u ne isu athber danb- ter's, Mrs. Wiil Snowden.s. Ranton .s aiso ailiug .... .Miss Idiiiie Tyler is very 111 ai lime of writiug.... Mr. <io. Power preacede Sunday lu absence of Dr. Marvin wbo is visitiîsg bis fatber' iu Prince LASward Cousty.. . .Mr.and Mirs.David Mcbrso, columbos, Oio, are visiiing at Mr. Robentr ooe's. . -Reader ifdyou liaS a brass weigb scale beam delivar to . R. Cawkar. NIEW HAVEN. May.s.-Mr. Gao. Vaucamp bas returned to bis home lu Western Ontario .. . .Mrs. J. B. Mitchet aud Miss Josey Orr, lowu, neceutly visiteS tbe Misses Goode,.. . .5ev. Dr. Manvin visiteS the C.. E. onu Fiday eveniug lasi. .. Tba Base Line Suuday scbool beld their auîdiversary service on Suuday lest. Regardiess of wat anS weatber the bouse was well filleS. Dr. MeLaugbiu av a very iutenastig ebalît tali to10 Ie chllldreu.» There wene aloo atidresses by Mn. R. E. Osborne of Ebenazer S.S., Mr. E. W. Allun as'd Rev. R. Douglas Fraser. Mn. F. T. Gay oCcupied the cbair. Siugiug b y the scbool.... Mat- 1.-Visit- ors: Miss Phipp, Torouto, at rn. W. Jeunings' ; Miss N.Hemm,Olarke, aI Mn. D. Moftt's; caps. J. Wbite anS Miss Wbite et Mr. H. Mann's.. -)LLis C. Frnk enterteined ber Suuday sebool cless to tea ou Tbursday... Friday was obser- vaS as Arbor day by the sebools. A1 numben of youug maple tnees were plantaS et S. S. No. s andth ie sehool bouse sslcely decorated wiib evengreaus by the childnen).... .Couseeration euS roll cali at 0. E. Friday evening lad by Mn. A. Biton anS Mn. Russell Laugmasi. Hood's Pis anc the best fanily cathl- artie anti liver nuedicine. Gentie, reli- able, sure. 40 Boy's two piece Suits, Blue Serge, tweed your choice ; $1,50- Men's Blackf Worsted Venetian coat and vest, Cutaway and Sack style $6 and up. A large pile odd vests, Boy's vests froin 40c. up, Men's from 75 C. Q clearing lot any of themn for $i.oo nu.1 Our. Clothing Sales are forging ahead rapidly and we want no better proof than this that our goods are right and prices to please. 56 i. pure linen table Damask, worth regularly Soc. now onlY 37 . Glass Towliuig in reti andi blue checks heavy quality, al pure liuen, 39 ni. specal soft, fine bleached Cotton Worth iae. for 8ic, Fine Imp. Gingham fancy plaid worth i0 for S. A luge assortmmnt of Ladies' Blousee, a very special purchQse, .,cls'eîe for 45c. Ladies' Belts, Ladies' Ties and a large, aesortment o f rWYetieS Ladies' andi Misses' Sailor Elats, just in a nsery choice lot and prices ta pleu.e. Now is the time to order your new 8uits, we are~ -thowing a veiry choice line of sniting nuaterlals, grand vatlues in Black Wor'sted and in eolored worsteds, sncb neat shade in Grey Lawn's etc. will be sure to suit, prices eut Iower than ever before and we gnarantee best vorkmanskip. Men%~ Soft and ?itiff Hat's in iinmence variety ; no wonder that the Ulat selling of the town. corne ont way, sneh values in bats as. we are now giviug are new to Bowmanville. Se'e our 15 et. men's ties, our 50e Black Sateen Shirts, out $1 Fedora Uatz,, our 25c'. Boy's Knockabout HIat's. Inspeet our choice new- stock of Men's Furnishings at prices to please. Giant, Prolifle, Leamingr, Huron Dent, Large white, flint and R-.ural Thorobred Ens1iage Corn at easy prices, also a fulllline of. otheur garden and field seeds. A. full lino of' General Groceries and prices ta ploase.1 Forced u nderz'Way. We say respectfully that we need flot tell the public the cause of, the Coxing Slaughter Sale; bat for bargain seekers let it suffice for tteru to kno'w that on and after SATUIIDAY NEXT , MAY 15, we will offer our entire stock of Dry Goods and Clothliag at hbout one haîf of old..tîne prkses. This season's choice new goods will be slaughtered wlth theý rest. Large p*es of Dress Goods will goi at a TuHRD of regular prices. Bôy's and Men's Suifs. Tweeds and Clotha and heavy 8taples, at a great sacrifice of price. The sale iff undertaken for ýa special purpose, and. stock must be cleared out at any cost. The store will be closed on1 Thursday and Friday, to ýenable us to finish the re-marking of Stock. Due Bils taken saie as cash. ELI SO0N t&ee0. BOWMANVILLE, 20--4w. SNew 'Waii Paper Latest Spring Patterns just arrived, a large variety to choose frolu, lovely designs and prices riglit. Painting, graining, kalsomining, paper hanging, Setc., as usual. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders may bc droppoti in the letter box in door Sof shop, Market Square, or lof t at residence. JNO. C. WIEEKSI, BOlWMANVILLE. Ontario Street. Athih Aiy flhre-foo ffuidwtiicfi 'i '~ -inks into the pores Ieavng, 'vevety burnLi,ng film outsid 4 Rub this fictýdn coat aq littie, and Io 1- a briltiant , lasting, lustre dawns through It. Neither vaynish, tuf'pentinc, nT, wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, iin- lSole .ge>"t for Bowma te JOHN HELLYAR Lem r 25 Men's fine Tweed Suits veny choice pattens only $6.oo Men's Tweed Suits three very choice lines, just in only $50 47 paiw Meia's, Tweed P'ants, a

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