i tales TERMS -.5 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD MA'TERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SEJUEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1897. VOLUME XLIII. No. 21. Coif-enî, Johnston & Cryderman Not only carry the finest stock of Carpets and Lace Curtains, but they also show the finest stock of Dres,ý Goods, Silks, Muslins, Prints, and Fancy Cotton Goocis of al kinds, in West Durham. Also a big assortment of Parasols and Umbrellasimported direct from the manufacturers in England. They are also showing a big range of Ladies' Blouses i maide by Williams, Green & i- Rome, whose goods- are ad-. mitted to be the best fltting and most stylish in the market They have aiso been appoilted agents for the P. D. French Corsets, every pair of which is tailor cut, fitý to perfec tion and warranted to bc ma de of th e very best material. Also a big ~ 3 stock of White q and Colored ïï Shirts. These are made in the newest patterns andi guaranteed to fit perf ectly. We would emphasize the f act that we are the largest importers of Dry Goods in West Durham, that we are strictly cash buyers, and that no house in Canada selîs as 'o'ood goods for less money. S tock.ee 00 e e eTRADE MARK Kneora leeylon îTea.. . 1 u these days of Package Teas one sometimes hesitates as to the' particular brand to use. If you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, conmbining Purity, Strength and, Flavor. Put up in or- igiî< A~ Lead Packages of ý- lb aDd 1 lb each, in black and black and green mixed andl sold at 25c, 40e and 50c per pound. Caîl at YouniraigC0 and get a package and you will be convinced of its superior excellence and delicious fiavor. We are special selling, agents for Bowmanville of , these fine Teas. Our Grocery and Crockerysý-ocK. is coin 'cte. We ask you tuo f avor us with a trial order. ProO, ce taken. CHINA HALL, ON &0. Bowmanile The Grocers. yorFurniture at M. D. WILLIAMS & SoiiN'S best andi cheapest place will what oiîr suit a' be pleasedl with you bu~y froi us;- goods and prices ,,11 classes. ISQWAis'N-'ILL&. Furnifure Deater and Underfaker. lUnPderfakuÊalways rceevs Plgiflpt au# personal ettenafIon day QUEEN'L3 BIRTJUDAY. W.V D. FÂRMIER5' INSTITUTE. CULTIVATION FOR ROOTS. Mil. liÂR'S LETTER. TheE S E0RRA.1N annual meeting of the West Dur- A PAPER READ BT MR. R. E. OSBORNE, N.8 FIREEN' DEMNRTAii~ON.haiiMýarmers' Institute willble held in EBExEERE, AT THE, FARMERS' Taigoh.eetreca8. tpof2 Sthe Counceil Chamber, Bowmanville, 0on INSTITITTE MEETING AT SOLINA, mleTasing i trughr ahe pof 27at SThe BiggeSt Affair in the Hi-tory Twi,ýsIayv, dune lst, to begin at 2 p. m.mie asgthohrncsofwa, ef'the Town. It is desirable that a full attendance of JANUARY 7TH, 1897. bariey and oats of thousands of acres memersbe resntto earthereprt, Iporanc, jdgd b th aceae we arrive at Santa Monica on the ine ) ýber bcpreentto har he epots, Imprtane, udgd b th aceag coast, a summaner resort where the coast - - - -elect officers and arrange for the oper- grown yearly-Let me first ask what is linied with cottages and tents. One As the time draws near, the indica- ations of another year. If you have our objeet ils in growing roots? W ftectae sondadocpe tions are that Monday uext will sel, One any valuable ideas cone to the meeting think if is: flrst, to getapoftbe ofbthre cardesi ed on o Bowman of the biggesf celebrations of auy kind audl make thern known. successful yield, and second, to dleani vil le boys and late of Marshalltown, 0. if the system is fortifled by llood's the land as far as possible of weeds. Santa MÇonica is a beautiful place. The thrat las ever been held here. OurSaaprl, which rmakes ricli, red With these points lu view -we shoulfi soldiers homne is lovelv, 1800 naines are Fire Companies have been working blood, there is littie danger of siekuess. commence as soon as possible, or as on the roll. No place eau be found har fo mnthsaudailtha leneeedsoon as the land is eleared of the proe with the exception of soldiers homes, uow is Queen's weatber to crown their (ln MondJay Bighit, May l7th, a junior eeigcof utvt h adt hr 0ray are gathered together efforts with success. The first of the baud, knowrn as The týitizens' Baud, attain tlic desired end. Now there are apparently of flthe samne age. Returning visitors expected to arrive are the Tren-.-,as organized, under the leadershipofj hree things which are always essential to thic Flower city, Pasadena, andl tonan Uxbridge Fire Co's accompan- Master Tommie Brown. Messrs. Wes- - a successful crop, namel 'y, a suitable wîshing to takze a trip ln the great San led by their Bauds, who wil cornein ley Kerr being appointed Treasurer soit, a certain amount of moisture, to- Fernan do v;lley with one of Bowman- gether wlth a certain arnount of heat- , oerofit vasPM.H on the 8.25 and8535 a m. trains fror anid Charles Keif b, jr., Secrcfary. g l of whih are tosome e et undrville',s p1 ineehrse ffty var cgoffMr.l al'Doerrportioh toe eomaidscarnageaoffiw1 the east and west. F llowing these a Threotftecmmsinrap our control. True, we cannot change go touogl the valley, and at the end special train, ieeving Niagara Falla at pitdt netgaecranalgda gravellv soit to a dlay loam or clay to Sf tweuf y' iles we arrive ut the future 6 a. m.,and calliûg at St. Catharines, irregÏ1ularities in Kingston peuiteufiarv sand but we can bov suitable culfivation home of Thomias McClung, E4sq., and Thorold, Merriton, and Beamavill, waTs presented to thellouse of Commons prepare the majority of our sois so as famnilv. Mr, McClung and his son-in- will reachlhere about 10.30, wif h Fx aV eel tt fafire fogeaprftbeied tfic samne lahve erected two very fine cottages Co'sandBans fom at te aovethaýt, as the Mail says, "makes if a time riddîng it of many foui weed On their ranch (comprising ail kinds of Co's ud Bads Irnt al the aovemar e conviets are flot lu seede. fruit.) In bot ing dowu 158 feof for placee, as well as front, Lockport, Ton- comm and of the prison witli the guards awanda aud Niagara Faits, N. Y. '1'hO and staff itic hecelis." The report le We will consider the subject uu(ler w te vfeela proud over their artisan steamer Garden City also leaves fonm long for our columus bt should bie the head of faîl prepuration. spriug weli with more wvter titan is needcd Toronto at 7 a. ni., and will reach hlure readt1hiis weekz in the Provincial week- prprt0 n okn fe oigfrterrnhadhv ae rvl about 11.30, To give our readers soine lieýs. We were pleased to sc the fol- or planting of the crop expected. For egos for sale; for ranches without water S ides of fthe Cos. exttected we gîve the lwn testimony f0 the menit of the faîl work give one thorough deep plow- ils like a ship witliout water-nio use. Ssubjoiuied ist f0 which mnay be added Only WVeef Durhamn boy on flce staff: Jf ing witli as mucli stirring of the surface The 'y have a very fine ranch and seom others who are expected. A parade isý represented that the chef kepeaftorwards by liarrow and cultivuf or as happy and cot eut cd lu their new borne. willfor ontheMarket Square at Wmo.IP. Hughes, is a zmatous, activre there lefirne for in order to eprouf, and Wishiug filer allich happinose per- 1 o'ciock lu fhe following order: and intelligent officer, but that in view hrb etoy as rnany weed seeds as taining to fheir new home we bld thomn of îlic friction between hlm and other possible. As a fiuishingr part of ftle fail adieu and refuru by another route oflierslie houd le trnsfrre toun work flic ground sliould bie drilled or as tlirough flic valley, mucli pleased wlf h C. M. Cawker, Harry Cann, Alan Wiiliams othi(,rsprieso, or c anerbrndioffli is more cornmonly culled, eut and cov- our trip. 1 then take flic Terminal Union rion.o nohe banhcf h D.U.ni. o.audsevie ered, as but few farmere have (erilling Ruilwu.y for Long Beach. Nop lace D. . &P. o. andplows, loaving if lunf wo or flire foot eau bce fouind equal f0 fhis beach for Bowmanviile Fire Dept ENTAELIG drille. This leaves flic sou it the ficbost earriage driving; eau go 25 or 30 miles N ýiara Fal s B& tader o.RAELLNG.condition for flic wiuter as flic snow close f0 the sêa witliout interruption, Oëhaw,% Fire Co. The Allait Lino steamer Parîsian ieft will lie more evenly upon if and flic and for batlîing,fhe bof tomr is as emoofli Dr-am Corps, L'ockport, N. Y. Mara on Saturday with lier cabin spring raine will not wash if so mucli as as a floor. Lea ring f hie fown 1 go on Spaulig Bose Co. Lockport, N. Y. ac'ýcomnmodation aIl occupied, a mosf un- when left flat or lu ridges of f weive or f0 Sait Pedro., There ile a wonderful Trenton Bâud lusual fhing s0 earIinluhflic sson. The fiffeen yards. Bv huving flic land excifernent there at present owing f0 Trenton Fire Dept. Jubile le no doubt at£ructing drilled iu flue way wben epring coine, flic appropriation made by flic Govern- Whitby Fire Dept. w il aeaouuncendmr o etof$,0,00frth ulsn fa St, Catharines Garden City Baud Canadians f0 England. Sfeamships of wc ilbv bu n hr oeo en f$,c,0 o lcbidn fu Andrew Rjddle aook&Ç Ladder Co.. St. Kits flic Alian Lino plyino' between Mont- thie surface exposed f0 the wurmning hurbour of refuge. If ýis a greaf slip- Neptuue flose Go.,. St Cathariues rou1 id flic ports cf fCreat Brifain have influence of flic suit and as a couse- plng port. So eiafed were flic people Touawanda, N. Y. Baud iucr.-ea3ed comforfs for flic steenago pas- qec ewl oal 0euttcth.tara es ugie ecncn Tonawauda, N.Y., Live Hoîze Go., nor.lfIc h old duys flioso who harrowe over if soveral days olaler ointe flic event, invitations wcre sent Union Rose Co., Lockport, N.Y. fratveled steerage furnisli e lcr own than if ieft lu wide ridges.* We will f0 ail surroundîng cifizeus and fowns Mernîtton Baud. beddingand dishes, and cooked their ulso find thelicfo f flese drille f0 bc to corne and f4ke part lunflic grout Menitton Fine Dept. oIo rvdn esatt a-fatTeftctl.sep n ot- Riordan Rlose Co. Meritton ùoxii food. Now flic stearnebips furnieli very melwprvdnwesaf0hr-fstTeafaficsiepadpo- Uxbridge Baudalnd î dlng and diehes ; cook flic food roWwlihen we slieuld whieh le juet us crs did 'lt need quarfering, one eut; Uxhrdge ine ept.foi. the passnes n li 'als aesoon as flîey are soiid enougli f0 carry down fI rougli the middlc w as sufficicut Thorold Band sef i;iirgafo style wif h table elotl. tfh' liorses. By so doîng- we will hiave uficgi o.Tja nleffi Thoroid Protection Rose Co. M -dem eouinehipe are now liavino' afin e rneiow surface whieli will prevent incoing trains and steam bouts urrived Oeýhawa Maileable trou Rose Co. theîr serg room ceut up in sucl i t lic wusfe of moisture wblch will possiblv with bande, and sucli a foast -was nolver Beamsville Rock aund Ladder Co. ntner fiat pnrivuey le now poesible,aid be wanfed bud enougli before flic soason known ini SonLtlhem iClifernia beforo. Affer paradiug- the principal streets a famfiy, for insace la obtain an m vr hseîyroigc h u h uge al irerui I cf the towu the procession wil repair upurfiî,ý,tJ,fhuy theeves:n flicttip face le likeiy f0 staîf more wecd eeed nlut- nbe snpposed f0 parfuke of the to the fair grounds, wltere a fine pr cfflicParisian firorni Liverpool flic eteor- gzrowi-ng. ls rlesîudh afwefo e ofev losn grantcf sprts las beu aîruged ud ag passnger exprssed liemelvee owed r culivafe-alfeiiufly lebeet verytingffsscd ff harnoniusiy un il fb-e S crep t for which a grantd lot cf pizes wilIlibe a0n1ruei luedwf lc1eww oekl tnt lereudyte u in li steamer Fuie *î' anda rinn ar neetand purficýulurlyiflic ut- 'i',. 1Y cf flirte louisouf uic e sel, i lnd ut offored. Admission to afferucon sporâ s ifiiebuer licou riglIf ý.twlo vln iute nti 25e. Chuldien iSo eintion w hicl ficstewardsgvetliem. manuged f bore wîl iebuf6niccflcfoiifA lo.st edote 250. hildrn 150 l Ilfine meilow soii,warm and full cf înoisf Island of Catulînia. This islund ile 23 As announced aset week, the follow- . unEWBLL ie, lunflic very best 1yossîble condition miles long aud frein 2 f0 7 miles wide, iug will be the route cf the procession TH URE ELf give flic crop a stant, and witli very muuntulueus fhrougmouf, and ln soute aud citizetus alocg these streots are On Tliursday nightlaf lutfhe noi few weedr, leff f0 boflier oithler crop on parts hundrede of wild gents are roam- asked f0 decorate their placet, as municurewe tntflc uOhw t9farmer. ing oe-r fthe mouritînins and a lange- aspssbe o'loe. . The irldiceekupni f saa t9 Ncw, dou'f mule a mistulie and go quuntty cf other zurne; fshing in alun- The'Vlsitiug Cos, assemble ou Market Square ais an event of greuf importance lunflîcir and plow f lis meliow soit down under lance, ail kinds amnd cf ex-dry descrip- nt 1i0oock. live, u nd teck care telie lucide wben if to brn up a eold, wef layer cf soit flou. Thc littie etearn yachts go ouf Stant fhem Market'-qliarerCtlil.. If ilîit s fose wlo mi ' frequent fliaf will need a great deul cf working with teurists,wif b al f hlosfud Dowu Church t,, Liberty flice street ft r fliaf heur 'f0 people f0 gef in shape(- for planfing and fIat ut 50e fortheli round trip cf free boune. South te King oe 14 and 15 yeure respectiveiy. 0f w iil also dIry ouf and barden witli a cew One teuriet wif h si-x short linos uffacied West te Sclegog lusi tin aemn wi bje ndaye cf Muy sun. u nd which will likely te tlie main ine, fnlling fer a short North to Churcli genenal principles to ficris fle contalîx unotlier supplv cf wceds; but distance,liuuled lin 0-e yellow tuile, Est t Wilelinrou mensure designed terimpii oe pblicdril and sow yonr roofs on f fic u ,wemghi.ng-frorn 15 f0 2,0 Ils, ec. Mid- Liast te Tempera ce m1-orale; anîd sud -peepîe alwavs=dam melow eoitl uud flic dump soit under- summier is flic tite for greaf crowds ut North te Lotiçe fth: cl lawls are a failure if certain neuf h will furuleli ail the nosture ne- Avelon, owinmt t le coelncss of flic Esfte Bei-ch Avenue psirtîiee boldly defy or evade fhem, or if decsary te cause flic seed to goîminafe atmospbore ouf ti flic oceun, flic tom- North te Concession noboby ývgefs into juil flinougli flicoper- and keep if giowlng. A furmelr feld perau re of heicseau vries only about Easfte Centre atof the iaw. The saine parties me last summor fIat affer lie lad got three, deoi-e~bah ingi il flic year -h Ite Grounds utwrays ubjecftu n rsritonfia ehie land worked fhrougli the spriing by'rounîd . ~1Theno is a, -la'rge niumber cf Tu li eenig, gandgif eter Kbing7 placed on flic liquor fmalie, and, larrowincg aud culfivafing f0 a fine liotels. Hotel Meîtiipole will accommo- talutent wililie beld lu the drill shed, îhey invaniubly urge in fuvor cf letting'mîo odtois~ci~ ue5pko ae40o 0 n lr sIudeec cousisfing cf musical selactions by thie louses of prostitution faire fîcir course o f, lie fliougltifi muet lbe piowed u nd tonte fer theaemodto of touriste,_ Bauds, Biaycle Tricki Riding by Turner lefdrîvîng fliem ouf cf oue localitv affer ependîng thîce days wîf h fwo The town is kcpf iin ao'ood cuuitary lil scatter themn over many. we teume lie found fhland wae in worse condition. Shade frocs auni1 flirugli fhe Brcs. Toronto; Sword Feats, etc. by beiv lccre illv odcndition for sowiug flan wimn lie f own, flic main efreef being close f0 fli Sargt. Major Morgan snd Sergt. Iu- eduacafive tendeucy. If wiii csuggesf a sturted f0 ptow and fbec dry weafher wuf or front. More unon. structer Bouteliier cf fhe Military proper bcdtimc for ail chldren and whicli foilowed flnished flic job so fliaf T. HOAR, Collage. Kingston, ail rouncd champions vouing' people. If wiii nighfiy prociuim not hlf cf flic seed germinafed in fime Sauta Caf alna Island, Gui., May 8. cf Amnerica, lu flair weuderful sword 'ag(,aimsf imimoraiify. It xiii mark fIe for a crop.______ and Bayonst faste, sud tle Paît silos lour wlien ail people eliouid becomo Now for working uffer sowiug-About Thma oawkv Bros. iu thair origintal speciaify entif- quiet in order that flore may be reef. six or feu duve aff or planfing, sfar flic au h aakdeps eepus led Celestial Pastimes in a Wash flouse, W e liope flic bv-iaw may pase ut uexf cuitivator going, using if very Barow -in l time f0 ward off the introducing thair tricki Laundry. The meefing.-Whiby C/ronicle. f0 stir flic bof tom of flicddîlli, blow cf au assassin, whoie f0 conclude with a presau57ation If yoir once try Garter's Little Liver tô keop flic suli-ecil from baurdentn. who, kuifé iu hand, cf gifts fo fhe value cf $100. Admis. P'ille" for sicir headuebe, bilieusuese or Thon as soon as flic roofs dan be seen drie i ito t sion f0 fils enferfaiumauf 25ic; children consfipation you will mever be wltliout reverse flie îbears cf the cuitivator SO -he~~. iaît, las lad 10c. Let everybody, yocng sud old tlicm. Tlicy are purely vogefabie;-fliat fliey will 4,alh(er uwav frotth flcii a narcw escape. coma te Bowmauviile, ou Monday next it,âemli and easy f0 f ake. Dont forgof row sud lmcîd close f0 eue side of row h There are thon- udw aauceteta odtiefl.going twice lu a mcxv and fliere will bc s ande of gnatefui adw urne emauo ie ts.ne need of liund lioeing oxcepft tlitin tan -who have Ample provision is being made for the Lawn Nowers. out flie plants wliidh slioqld bc donc 4 anoused fl-t- entertainment cf visitore, as lu addi. __we lat r bu foO iesalves front the flou f te te las, Dinuer sud Thé West End Smithy wcuid respect- indhes abovegrcund. 'flic cultivufortleto rgyf thmcesscsandelecsnt, jft lu tea will be sarved by the ladies of £ulîv fuke flic method of fhanking lis should lie rftu tîrougli flicdrill ut ]basf trea . o wand of ie adly cnif cf hat Trinitych lu hinte vacant store in numLrerous cusfomners for flic patronage once a wcek as long us possible f0 do so red emy cfcrmniud con hsu n h ve the Bleakley Block, aud Iy tle ladies ohf lbe puef years and would solicif a witiîouf destroving rtbe tope and offenien sucdassf- "y combated fiis grit destroyet of fhe W.C.T.IJ in thie store fcîmarly conftinuanceocf flicscame. Hoe is pro- if there are hcaivy showers failiug thï at li e lac,,)r. Piaercç's Golden Medical Dis- cccupied by Mr. 0. Tod. pured f0 fetcl vour mowors and rofuin woul4 cnusf flic surface. I have found evcnY. 't le the o4iy jou uedicine _____________________________ flern iui perfect eider. fliat wiil gv yuif a good plan fo have fIe oulti-rufon set thnt wll pievaut aundcurebcunuintion. enfire satisfaction. Ho aise h rp= a fe w lurches nunîower flan flic row and ' -k t tmi ii laswarçd off this deadly diceasa, and even aften tgie de-inatatl- sciesors, kuives, etc. I wili put the flien f0 bold if as cloSe f0 oue side as ný îm aaatce lclna 'fwl pceon jobbing fo cuit tfl i ies. A possible of oach now, dhaugiug sidee er eut- 98 per cent, cf ail cases. If nets di-ý tra olicîfed. W. H. WiLiAs, West now each weok, by ibis mene we aierec l ntelna ulign fw End Jobbing Sumith, Bowmanviile. sr he niî i lcsracadifIlty ssesudvngotf icai aiso fhrowc a little carfi betweeu flic 5cn-)s. If oncealsonaî u ie AUCTION S&LE. plants f0 ernotliem uny weedsÉttimuigbt tv neles nioaJ fi iira lie comîug flirougi, f bus reduciug - mIes tiig aPPatf enm îaf.I AM %,t,: T. FiJt1--'-ud- lioin. oa cy rnî a-omt li reat hiood-imakere îibue u