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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1897, p. 2

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Re ian ttz~ I VEDNESDAY, MAY 1%~ 1897. ýFcK. ýGxo c.;..UITCIlILL YJ~~' ~v~ieng,0ario, Coroner, etc. Officean4 SOLIdeCITORnifioe. M 74,. ~ ~'edeftoor the Outari Bank 5&-eivhe iHaaeys oaned at the 10w8411 rabei RU ET. YOUNG, V. S. ()FYlCE IN THE WEST DURHAM News Block, where himself or assitant v hr.X fo cmnd frem Sa.m. te 9 vm. Night calIs e. zwýtI--or.direetly oppoaite Drill Shed. CalIs uverap or telephone wiII recive v)rom Pt 171.yr R. PIJ'ATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J.HRIMACOMLfl OFFICE :-lear of Messrs. lligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE IDBN.ITmiISTRYr7«. Gaeiua of 1 ha Roi il COllage surgeons. Onmirmn.. tItOPPOSITE EXPRBSO VITALIZED AIR. eOr eL~ OFFICE. New Taîlor Shop The unergiped wise lsbeeu carrylag on thi.e taulrtue businîesineconnuectton witti Mosen's ry tulp"uzs Store tc oiste of ere h%(f cousmencod uisnes ur buimf ai bus uz'osderàce, Itiug St.,wets, wisere lie is pcetpariiil te suaka geuts'andiiboy-s' suiO un al thee steft- d4 eai at toeqct pris, a-. or hosoe who n'ueb tenrdar atut, ha w[Iii carya fuit finOet amplesinalithtise nvetpattaru§. CUreeblet Fashionabie Taller MONEY TO LOAN. si 0o,@ô60o. A lfartie sues et meney hes beau placed ta my hands by a privâeapordon for inivestmOnt. 01, appiroved teauts u farnii aient ly torsa teia or irive; or TEN yeare, riva AsI) ONE liALIT Cit cEi.Tit'ttreit wît bc aeked payable yety. lattlsfctorYonbditions for repymeni .wil lbu arreniai. P B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. itnwman', ita. Dated Oct. ti.91. 40-tf. w ANTED.-Fartmers' sens or other inditriotis parlotte et talc edocation ta ivisein ue a month woutd ho an indocamant. 1 Couhi aise engag a ton ladies t tisair Owi bornes. T. Il. IiSCOTf, Toreuto, ont. ACTIVE MEN.-Wisiig perma- Ament and peîytig ernpleyment eati secitre the saiehy etg5gluif wit us te selt our hardy opecÎ&Ities auidSeeO Patatae: Ait Canadie. gW.outtifrea. Sulacy petdweekty. Write este peticitîsand secere ezritivet*iilrie-y PULOA-d NUeSEaT CO., Toronto, Ont. 14-4m. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTÂBLISHEDISOU V pe anun l avan5.otherwri h1.M Un.1piut lws.ys paya.cble eai ibe onos uta leto. Adverttiult rates ituisus by oa-. smUý. 10 cents Ver lina. neeparie dfrat inaê ori. and à cents par lins aach subsequanti u- srliou. Loae, 10 cents per lino. M. A. JAMES. Publistier THOMAS PEAT&-rE, Dver and Clothescleaner igas removed lie works te thse Nvell known Eastet'n ieuse. PIREs:--For cleaning, dying and beautifully pressing an Overcoat 75 cents; Complote Suit $150. These prices are not more than. one liait what you w'ould have f0 pay any ,the.r Dye Works, and tise work will be as good as can be donc any- wliere. 36-1mn. in Spring Time get Pure Blood by using B.B.B. No tiser remedy possesees sucb per- fect cieaneing, beaing uni pnrl*fyiug properfies as Burdocit Bloodi Bittera. il net ouly cleanses in teruslly, but if heais, wheu applicil externaily, al seres ulcere, abscesses, ecrofulous sores, blotches. eruptions, etc., leaviug tise skia dlean uni pure as a babe's. Taken intemnaliy if remeves alli orbil effete or waste malter freintise systein, uni tisoreughiy regulates ail tise orgaus of tise body, resterîng thse stomacis, liver, bowels and ilood te isealtisy action. ot seme sireiI W anted-An IUUelrt-ng tyepa =rnectyour Ides.,; they may rn owelt Wrte 1OI snsui 0., Patent Ator =es asbtngton. n. c.. for their $1,8WX prise offêi and of two hnndred lavenlens wanteu. fIlE SUNL)A SCHOOL.I INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 23. "The ('o,îerenrfet a&j4ruaiem." Aetg 17, 1-6t, 22-29. lidett Text. Acts 15 :1I. PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 1. Certain -mea. Cirristianizeil Pisarisees. Sea verse 5, 'False breth- rein unan-ares, isroiighinl, who came in privily te spy eut cur liberfty wisicis wc bhave iu Christ Jeýsus,," Gai. 2.4. Cama clown frein Judea.. They probahly came frein Jerusalein. Thse jeurney wn dowa Mll a large part efthfie ay. Taugist tise brefismea. Poseil as auther- izel teanoisers efthtie youag couverts in AntIme-b who wexe very susceptible te instruction frem Jerusalein, w>iicis was stihi regardei os tise-cenfter et tise Christian Churcis. ya ha cmr- cumceised. formally ailmittoil into thse Jewlsýh taifis. A circumeisel Gentle n'as as contpleteiy s Jew us if hp-hail been hem se. Andl nithout tise performance of tisat rite ne mau ceulil ho a Jon'. LUtter thse manner et Moess. "'Manner." haro stands fer Ian', ritual, commanil. Ye cuntîeh saveil. Very especmai revelations etf lac han' et Gei bail been made te tise Churcis at tise fime efthe reteptien et tise tirret Gea- fil. Tise supernaturai directions of 1isilip in bis mseeting n'Iitiste Etisopi- an eunnQh (if n'a assumie tisaI officiai te hae hacun a Gentile) -,thea outpeuriug et lb' Spirif cfCed on tise Samaritaus wbes b<jelicvcd;. tise vision efthtie siset lat clown fom iseaven given te Peter; tise cenversten ot Cornîelius, n'lis its accoin- panying phenoena; tise direct state- me nt et our Lord te Annulias w vheu Paul n'as ceu'rertal; andtihie ea.geruess wilis wbVicis Gentiles embyracal tise nesv re- ligion-aIl tise e things wivea plaiuly provide'stiai uni,.spiritual inications cf God's ian-. Put tise Judaizing paîty thunig te tJier e preJudicas, uni ceuli net undersani boss the-re couid be a moral and Espritual goolue.-s nithout confomming te tise la-uvoe Mo3es. 2. Pauansd Barnahas baine smali dissension uni disputatien nifli tham. And tise conflict non' begun wmasceutin- utidh ahi Paui's iÀta. Tise Judiac ohm-tises, ut leasl in soeaplaces, main- taiel a k eparate organizutien, sud GisTruýtia.t J)ews wris like Paul bcieved tisaIw-iti Christiane iu3tre n'as ucitis or Jexv uer Gentile, ucither bond uer froc, and a,oeatel freeiy with Gentile couvertm. were regarziel by tisem. as wickal mna. J-aiue Christianity, se for as il n'as un erganization, receivail ifs ileathslor,,r untise downftall of Jer- msaheen; but is ise snecte et tise Isiion- ite anultisaNazaranes,'thse excilusive mn ofet ur lesson founil t!he.r repre- sentatliva long11, long aftar'wari. W-bhat iras preaeisOil hy besc meu freinJuda as orthoiex Cisitianity la Anîleis h o- e-îniea " pestilentilhleresy" lu tise next century. Tliey determnincd. The (iChurcis allarge camp tte a etermina- tieon. Paul anul Baruabaa, andl certain et her et thfeân. J)eubtles. semaet these "eie" represeutei ltfiscJuldaizing piarty. IBut nef ah, fer TItus, a Gen- til'- 0unvert unu'ircumnised and yet en- don'ed i n'hbitsel gitote eHoly Gist, n'am oaa. Gal. 2. 1. 3. -If us net easy' for us te unierefai tisa natural defarcuce tsaf n'as paid ùotehie apestins at Jer- uBalens, It ai-ose nefoa ly becauýse they -al "cohupanied witb4s, uir Lord." XVbemrer lu ail t1Se civihizel worlil a R.omna cihun thoiughl hmselt n'reng- ed, hua appealed teuXea.,Wsr'e in ah tiseb woirid a Jen' bail a dupute oocenng religieat a Lw or custona li ae4pelîled n'ith equai confidence te tise 'Anedi. ~d se tisulee itist disciples reterrei tise f iWs-t p nzzllng question cou- cernihig taie-h sud practice n'isicb con- frontei Lhtem, te tise aposties af Jorusa- lem aa ~ suprome oeurt et appeai. e assuhm e iti-cuigieut, n'baf caunot b. pît-ovécd, huit -Whost Itisre ils littho reeson te deubt, tisaI ehtLe jeurney 'es ths mn as tiat in Gel. 2.\1-10. Paul n'ont up 'by reveisti-on" Wn'hiiesact is netat al ooutradicfery te thia st&toetof e verse 2, "'tiey determineil." ý 03. 5BeiJusg brougsit on tiseir wàay by thse ohuircis. Doubtiose tise brotbren sud pertftet e Chrittins at Antioois n'nt wlis htihetu peut-t of tisa wny. Tisey n'e nd frayai sontiswsrd tisrou-gh Pie an sd Saiai, toppinig r'exy uikly at Tyre and Silo-nansd Nazare(th sud SaLmaria, sud n'hep-ever tisey stoppoil telling tise deliigistul stoiry oet lisn-eonweraien et tse- Gauties. Tisa disciples wieho irei ail aheung f hu road,, sitmplebearteil coun- tryntea f ulletftise joy efthtie Lord, re- rejoicel nil tise more W'hen they boni-il this geoil newas; tUseeleguieal scrimeay Lai nef yet speihil e- helm. 4. 'Whben fbsuy weice ceeue te Jerusa- li m. Sac tise note quoteil £roma Pro- fesser Lindsay in eux introlnctery par- aigrapi. Re-ivdof ethtie chuxcis. Douht- hatse fermaily, isy ail tise bret.hrcn on wealtis-, anil tisecircumeisal Goutle n'as as tisorou-ghly a Jeta' as if he couhi traGe bis aneestry back' te Aisi-ahain. To'kcep the han' cf MoWs. In their dily temple ritual, domeatic wei-siip, sud 9synagogue discussions, ahi of thain tuan- iag tise Christians tirsf et ahi infus Jew-s aud uuking Chistsianity in- faer te Judai-nn. Thlie Jewisis Chris- tians from tis timo oun becamo, dis- j by Luing Ayer'sj tinctýly the enenuiue- o Paul; tihey f needat, his work, antagonized I)i>i tezingsý, and denuied hi.s apostleship Pal lid 1 botrajqlrfor any authority tram ithe TwNeIve; he had already ai J figh an authority ag they. FHe wNYa an apoe*tlo by virtue ofl tiheo same grace L iýh made Petere an apOtie. He hiad been the means of organizinig as many chure.hes ot Christ as had Peter, or any other apostle. Ibead the f îrst part of the ýîecond chaptex of the Epistle te the Galatian5. 6. The apertles and eldexs-. By the "Iaportles' in tbis verse wve are te un- derstand the eleven who had be-men ap- pointed by Chrlsýt and the one -who had been ehosen in the, place of Judas. Added to thoqe effice-bearers of the ohurcli who had been forinally choesen and set apart for specif je religious dutiesq, ieaving entsrely we may pro- sume the aotivities et secular lit e; tbhere w ore ovidently preçsont, see verse 12, the ran'k and file et the ehurch. W\e pass froim verse 6, Ln our lessen, to verse 22, but the teacher should carefuily study verses 7 to 21. Ater innul questicning and doubtless speeches - made ülu bath sides, Peter arese and made a strong address. FIe referred te, his own. preaching of the Gospel te the Gentiles according te the direct 'Gcmmnanel of ('d, te the gif t et the iely Ghost te these Gentile convetrts, te thp r uifiniwork which Ged's Spirit had -w rught ln their characters, ma.king inferentially, the legal purification ef the law unnecca- sary. e showed that the lac ef Moses was unnecessary even te the noral purification et the Jews them- selves andl claimed that te iasjst On the Gettiles keeping of the laW of Moses after this deinenstratien et spirituel pewer w as te distrust Ged's guidance and te rejeet the leadership cf Providence. The Jevws theiseives, he insisted, muâlt j3e saved just as Cea- ties were saved, by faith la God and Christ. It is neôtic~eable that iu this address Peter preached truily "Pauline dotrine,' andthathe simply giveshis advice aso eeetthe tw elve, and makes noclajin.te tpapal power. Atter Peter came Barnabas and -aul, who teld their simple story. 'ihen James, 'brother of or lordl," who was ýnet indeed one etf the original twelve aposties, but whe was evidcatly 'eeof the rulers et the church ýn Jerusalein, substantially agreed witb Peter. Ilo eutoted Aines 9. 11, 12, to ýrove that tbe ingathertng et theý Gentiles had been prophesied by God, andl then argued that (present events were snuply the tiil1fillmont et Gtd's promise. iýhe Jews must net put ncedleras iaponsibilities upen the Gegtiles, FOuT restrictityns seemedti t James to ee esary, abstinence frem the polltice. et idolatry -t reithe cat- ing ef amnimals strangled; trom blood, w hich had a deep symbclic significance te ail Jetas anal rest Gentiles; and, frei, fornication. Tbis speech ot James ended in a "motion," which was "eýarri3d." 22. 'The apestles an.d eiders, with the whoe churcli. The îhree classes, two cf w hich w ere mentioned in verse 6. Evidently the latty were represeuted ini this irst ccnterenceofetthe Ohurch. Choscdn men eft their own cempany. Se that the reports ot Paul and Parnabas nnght be properly iadorsed. j udas sura.aed Barnabas. PoEýsihly the man mientioned in Acts 1. 23, possibiy bisî brother, Sulas. Somtimes called Sul- vanus. 113 atterward traveled as Paul's friond and cenpanion. and was with bu lu the muner prison at Phýil- ippi. Chief me-n., 1ýrophets aise. &e verse 32. 1 23. 'fhey wrokie lettors by them. 11.- vised Version, "They wwote thus by them." Iht' apobities and eiders andi bretbrt'n. Revdised Version, 'The tfe and. the eIder lyrehbrenî" C» he (xen- tîlos in Antiolh andSytia, andl Glicia. Noticetiret', that thKra wers' Je wish1 converts in the thnoe place$, and that tis detrument wnls4 not aiulessedt te thom. Notice, serondly, that thero wore Christ jans aven aet this time in many other 1piapees to wiaom the lotter was net sent, aind PaulI dpS snet even mnentiona it in bis Iette'r to ) rit and Romne. It wa i saret ansi.vor td a direct queý,tiüns £rown the, tibristians at Antioch. 1 1 24. Certain wbhich 'went eut frein us. Without having been isent. This is a, dLroct repudtiatien et the men mibo h- gan the mischief. Tre.ubaed ywi itl, Wetds. With teesihing. Subvrting your seuls. Unsettling tb;imnbwpiosskng themi down. Sayng, Yje miuet be itumcise4* and ýkeep ,tise ]aw. This is omitted froi thse Revil*d tVeiskoeiti is a 801rteof - planation of tbe thought ofthtie ape- fies. Te r.'hokn we gasWp n.o uch coin-' xiandment. 'Te whom we gave ne cemrnandment whajfevpr." Thoy daim- ail, howevosr, that tiey were Bpeakingl for James. Sen Ga. 2. 12. 4 25. -Being asmemlxl»d titis eue arrard. 'Bavuing crne te one amecowdi." Stu.dy canefuliy aJI tise variations et this pas- swge given in the Revised Version. To send tihosen mntn. "Td choesoeut men and *endthem." i ~26. IMen that have hazaffléd thei:r ]iv'es. Thesti w'rds rý>fer te 'BarnaUa.s and Paual wvhorn tIse chuaxroh af Jeru&- atoni otftirÀally ineforses; nivprtiselerS. Lt s te ho notisolf tIthey did net rrauk therm i»the sani» O odor in sv'hinýh Luke ranks t hem. Judas and] Sas, who shah alo eelli ou ynthe sam f bindg by mouth., The pag-chmo.nt wilh tffie sig- nature et thp aosescarried iith if autboriity, but Judas andl Silas cenld say of la.nabiss and Pauli w bat thoe gooil mon contd net say eftfhemsI",lvffl lu Japan if iis usiunily tise piseasants -vory numereus in tise ciasslie landl of eartisquakes-which wuild give tisa f irst danger of signal; they cry eut anil rush about in characteristie tais- ioýn, andin l a te-w minutes tise shocis is toit. Otiser birds unanirnLaîs. sue-b as tewls andl dogs, aise give warnlng signls. *1 LETTER OF CO.NJIOLENICE. mebes tSella Division, No. 40, S. ef T. desire to express te vou Our sini cere sympathy in titis your sad bereave- ment. We realize tisatinatise deatis et our sister von have lest a leving wife, one whse las sisareil yeur jo *vs and sorrews. andil athougis« yeur sorrew now înay be grieous vet yen t-an look te tise Divine Ccmferter,tisathe may iseai seur wouuds We tise members efthtie Division teel that iu tise irisecf cur sister, one cf thse inîst useful andl active menîbers isas de- parted front aîneng ns. By hôr rog-uiar attouilauce anil s "mpatlîy sise did mucis te premete tise cause eft einperance,aad new theugh she e-au heo longer with ns, ' et as we look upen her bandisvork xvhicis adorius tise wall s cf our Division roorr. .'rateful retuen-sbrauccs et lier willi bc breugbt te our inilds. Signaei on boisait of the Division.- Il. T. MLAREN, Il. G. Aizut,. S. J.\\ï,ITJ-,S Solina, April loti, 1897. AN AUNT'S AUVIGE BROUGHT A YOUNU LADY OUT 0F THE SHADOW 0F DEATH. A Utemarliable Case 'ihat Vivly Sho,'% tihe Weuderrni Uealth.ite'.toriiig Fowe r of DBr. wimis, PinkIpis. Firou the, Orangeville Banner. Tisera is ne doulit aI ail fisat many people are pirejudiceil againat proprio- tary juedicines. andl equally ne doubf înany hookupon tise testiolonlals pubs- llshed as mur-h in th,3 nature et au ex- agg,rated puff. If tise Banner bas bren 1tinLctuxeul titis this feeling if bas, se faoý as eue medicine is coaccrucil, hail its doubita removeil. \e roter te Dr. Wiiiiaîns' 1P-ink Pilis, coaeerîîing tise curative tjuaIittes etf vhieh strong claims have lee anade, and proots ail- vaueil in their support whîcb seeni- cd cqually streng. -But it is wisen one contes acros3 in tieir ewn locality a case almeet rivaing any tisat have beca maie publie, tisat deubt disap- pears and conviction foliowts. Such a case tise Banner came acreas andl'in- vestigateil andl no-w gives tise tacts. -Tise case is that ai f Miss SaeraisLang- tord, au estimable young lady wiio resides lu tiseneigihborisoil et Camilt. We were told sce had beau isroughf niear te dcath's door and bail been Te- stoeoilte healtis through tise ageu'y cf Dr. Willitams' Pink Pis. Wc de- culai, hisevver. ta cast iscareay asile sud investigata for ourselves. We foeni Miss Laýngford tisepicture et healLis andl geoil spirits, at bier picas- ant honte in, Cam!iha. In response te eux inquiries as te bier illuess and tise Causa of lber recevery, sise expressed bier wiliinguess te katisty eux curiosity, sud as sce adilei, relate bier experience for tise g oeife otisers aftlictcd as she n'as. fer stery vcry briefiy, n'as as 18 1 hwas la grippe intise spring ot 194, I iti fot seen a t get over thé affecte cf tisa attack, andl as tise su,=- mer pregresseil sceamo xxeak aud hist- is. Aay kinil of work becamne s ihurdea te me. -Atter pumiping a pail et water trom fise n'eul, Ineuhd have we stand aud holil my bauds over my hcart fer a moment or se, if noulil flut- fer se violenitly. 1 coulil nef go up- ,stairs witisout iifticulty, sud towaris Lte ist w'euld have te retailontise stops, sud wben Ibail get te tise tcp, lia down until Icoulil ýrecovernty breatis. 1 became a mere ekeleten, my cheseks were like wax and lmyr lipecolorlese. I lest ail appefito sud rny meal.9 offen went untasteil. Medicine seeaineilte have ne effeet upon me. 1 was getfing weaker ail tise tirne, andl at ha.-t, began te giva up bepe cf recevery. Myý parents we.reofe coursielu' great distress, andl 1 knew by tise look% sud actionaetftrienils wiso calleil te sec me fisat fisey theugist 1 wa- doomed te au eariy deatis. Bison a dear lady friand diod aud I1rnanag- ed eut et love for ber te dirag myself ta iser funerai. 'Uie ,îensation et seeing be.r laid away, beiieving that I would swon ftalow bler, n'as, a strange oee &h-ortiy after this au aunt et mine. Mrs. Wm. Heuderson, et Toronto, came te vuif at our place. My condition troubied ber very mucis sud isb in- sisteil en niy fryiug Dr.' Williams' Pink Pile.To piease ter I consented but witàs very littie hope et any goolri- sïuit. Tise eftect. isowever, 'as wn'e- darful sud a pieasing surprise te me. J soon isegan te feol more ciseerful sud seaeil te feel strenger. Tisen my ap-1 pt-tite began te impreve sud fth. celer raturu te my choisisasd lips. Frorn thbat heur 1 sfcadîly gaineil afrength,i sud wa5soson enjcyiug my former ex- cellent beaifh, anil I arnsincero lun ex- prFessing Mny belief tisaftet Dr. Wii- Iiam3' tank Pilla do I ewe My ecer- ery.1" Enquiry ameug neighsiors corroisor- ated i lis Langferd's stery as te ber iless, sud rcmarksblc rcevery. ln bier case at les Dr. Williams' Pinks Pis bave giron a striking prooft fiat they poessess w-enderfuh monits. Dr. Williamns' Plik Pilla cure isy going teafisc root e£thtie isease. Tbey renen' sud builil np tise iiood, sud .1 INTERESTING BUSINESS FÂCTS. H. A. Lozier & Co., are prcparing te moale aildifienai imprevemesits iin their aireadv enorîneus business, andl mci- deiîtally intenil n4aking sertee erY rali cal changes Six eipýete factories are now embracedilutise coterie et plants operatedlby H. A. Lozier & Ce., he foliowing statemnalof facis taili hbc found interesting* Square Feet. ag o. Toronto, Ont.,Works. ....... 87,378 135 Teine. Oliie, ierzs .........19,8114 44 W esifield, MaIss., works.... 16,73l7 3*59 Tlioiiip8oeiville, Ceeu., weî ki .$5,087 11-11Ï 1311w ed, t's.,tebe werks ... 13M077 8365 Or-ieevullc, ]Pr,_, tube works.. . 130,7è7 3-00 I)uringr the ensuing year thse capacity svill be enhanceil about 25%' as tbey ini- tend te enlarge thse Massachusetis plant te such a capacity that if will emploi' about 2000 men. The Torento plant, which is thse finest bicycle svorkrs in ail Canada, is complote ini osery' detail. It emnpicy's about 5o0 bonds, and the eut- put is 125 flnished wheels ecdi day. If ail thse plants were put tegether theT sveuld cover a twent 'v-aere field. About 41290 meu are eniploY cd ia these sverks.supperting a population cf 20,000 people. Directlv and indirectlv it is es- timateil that betw;een 50,000 and 75,000 peeple receive their maintenance from this compariy. Tise preseut capacit.v cf these combin- cd plants is about 450 bicycles each daY, andl thîs, will mn up te fully 600 per day whien thse improvemnents a'nd additions contemnplateil are carriei jte effect. The distinction cf intreducing thée present process cf tlrawiag cold steei tubing in America beiongs te this firmn, and the output et their tube nills at El- Wood City-, K., and Greenvilie, Pa., is Fnow double that cf any other firm lu the worid. Tise manner lu which they have been extending their foreigu trade 15 somne- thingtphenometial. At tse present time the thýree great European bicyctle distributing points are London, Paris and Hamburg. 'Fiere is a general ag- ent at Lwoiie, Hollanil. and 32 sub-ag. encios. A general agent at Copenhag- en, Denmark ; a general agent at Gen eva, Switzeriand ; and 14 agencies andl 58 sub-agees working under the di- rection ofthtie Hambnrg agency. A gerai agent at MoscoW, Russia, with 17 sub-agencies ; generai agent lu Anis- tria, with 21 sub-aoeencies ; as well as agëeies in Egi, mua, China, Japan, Australia, New- Zealand, Tasmania, Mexico, Central and South Americian States, Sandwich Islands, ilsingfors, Finland, Christ ia nnia, Swede n,Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Liege and Beigium. Two, stores in Paris, agencies at Lyons, Marseilles, Rloubaix, Bordeaux and Boulogne, France ; aise sub-agencies lu Calais, and 17 other Frenich cities. There is perhaps ne other bicycle con- cern in the world tisat bas laid botter plans for seeuring ex port trade, aud this season has witnesd a woeîderful revi- val iii this line. Messrs. Mason &Dale,' Bowmanviiie, are fertunate lu being agents for thse Clevelaud bicycle. hIlE COMPLETE ANGLER. Wisat's a fishîng -redit It's a isandsome-jointed arrangement your'tather bolds eut ever the water. Wisat's a fishing-polef It's a long w ceoden stick your Uncle ]Bill catches fish with. AN INSUIRANCE MAN'S STORY. J. J. Hanratty, Inspector For fthe Stan- dard Lite Assurance Ce., at Peter- boreugh,. Cured et Muscular Fibeuma- tisin by thse Great South Ameri,;ae ltheumatic Cure-If Tumus the Mid- night et Snftering luto Midday Brightness et Good Health- 'Jhese Are His Werds. 1 -was. a greaf sufferer frein muscu- lar rhaumatism a my arra; se much se, that for days at a finie I couid net sleep. I1ivaiked tise floor iu pain thse greator part efttieý nigisî. I precureil a bettle et Sentis American Fiheumatie Cure andl toua dgreat relief atter a few doses. It's a sure cure. and 1 heartiiy recmeind i I. For sale hy Stott & Jury. Gen. fle Charette, who formerly coin- maudei tise Papal Zouaves, recently visited Pope Lee. with tise ebjeef et bringiug about a recoaciliîation betwcen the Duc d'Orleans and tise Vatican. 1Purest and Best for Table and Dairy N'o adulteration. Neyer ckes. 511E KNEW. i, c Young lira. Te.riins bad rcad Luit, paagraph tbrciuh f wice-. Them tise, broke into a rifipie of laughter. What ai-e yen laugising at? inquimni ber huabanil.,11 Semething funny. 'How do yen know it's funnyt'was te batering rejoinder. Hlumpli; 1 eau ftclby ioeking at it, Il's about two mon Who meef ou tjis street. TJ.hey stand thiere andl say a lot ot things and aut last ocaocf them says, Well, tise drinks aiosI on mne. And tfiat se-e-s that if's funny. A SUIRPRISE. -Pohîeman-I hûpe, asir, yen'i vote for Blinks. Business Man-Wisaf Bînks?1 Tise Biinks whe juisf got oul toftise pani- tentiary ? Ne, inds-ed. Oh, yen mean tise Blinisi just arrest-. ed fer beodling? No; I meanu ,Iin'ks th-, ibusiness anan, trieni et edluüation, member oethela chu-rei, andl- My stars! How did ho come te get neninatzdi IKE SUFFERE RS -NLY KINOW%. R. Seriver, Carpeater, ot Ilastingýi \Vas a Great Sutterer Frein. Kiney Disease-SeRutis Abnertcaa Kic- ney Cure Effeeteil a Quick Cure-lt is a Specifie Ramedy For a Specitie Disease-It Dissolves and Eradicates All Seil Matter Fro thtie Systein -J'i Safe and Permanent. For maay years I have been troublod with kidney disease, nccessitating tise taklng et mue-hla tiseway et remedies. Two years ago fhey becamie se hbad that 1 had te seek tise aid et a pisysician. My urine wais more like bloed tisan anything olso, and was véry paintul. Just at that tinte I1 begun, using Souths Abierican K-ictuey Vure. It gave me immediate relief, aad trom tisat time f iii new -I have hail ne difticuity. 1 can safeiy and honestiy recouameud f hisgreat rentedy te ail persons Bat- fering f rom kiinoy trouble. For sa3e by Stot.t & Jury. CHANGING TRADE-9. Visitùr <at m'useum-I want to 3e. rome etftisa inummies. t New -Ushur former1y a dry-goods clerk)-Yes. usadaba; riglit this way; w. have alilthse hatest .styles. Thse proprietors of Diamond Dyes'as'e thse ouly people in the world that make special dyes for coioring cetteus andl al xixed goils. lu s now admitted by ail tise best coi-. or chemisîs that a dye, prepared special- ly fer ail woel goods 'will net celer cet- ton or i.ixed geods succassstully. When Diamonil Dye Pink, Purpie, Orange, Garnet, Navy, Yeliow, Bine. Scariet, Tiirkey Red, Green, Cardinal. Brown andl Blacks for cotton or mixed geeds are used, satisfaction is aiwaye guaranteed. Beware efthtie dye that preteuil te celer aIl weol goode and cotten, witlî thse same p&ckage etfilve. Tise verdict et millions on this contin- ent is, "Diamouil Dyes are first andl best. " THE TRAJJE W1NDS lolw streng sinoe Nerviline is i the marittit. Nerviliue is fisc great nerve- pain cuire. Ire pcntrating andl pSlu snibduing poweir is sue-h tha&t relief tes almost tustantanteous. Try it and ho con'cilced. "D'or Over Fîfty Years." For over tif ty yearg MaS.,WINilo SOOruINe SYRLTp han beeu used by- lions et mothers fer tiseir childreu whr teething. If disturbed at nigist and broken ot yoer t'est by a mick chilil suf- forloq, and crying wîtis pain et Cuttbwe Teetis seud et once andl get a bottle of 1,Mis. Winelow's Soething Syrup"I for, Children Teethiug. It will relieve the poor iittle sufferer immediateiy. DepEnd uponîti,methers,tisre isne mittakeabout lu. lu cures Dlarrheareguiaten thse Stom- achsud Bowels. cure, -md"C'1e-,,Boottens thse G.ume. reduceg Inflanumatou, and gives tous ud euergyte the whôoe yate. 1"-Mrs. Wiuslow's S7oothing Syrup " kr ahildren teethiug in pleasant * to the tu and in the presciption of ene of the o-Ideâ and best feina4e physicians and nurses La tse UnitedSuau. Pricetweuty-fiv. Gants9 botüte. Sold byallidrungsts throurut thse world. Be mure and ask for "Ets. WINWzio's2Soourna SvRUP."

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