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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1897, p. 3

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J-- You may get over that slight cold ail right, but it hasleft.its mark on the mem- branes lining your ýthroat. You are liable totakeanother cold and the second one will \hang on longer than the first. Scott's Emulsion ils not an ordinary cough specific, but it is -"the ounce of preven- tion." It builds, up the system, checks inflammation :nd heals inflamed mem- branles. «"SIlght" colds neyer bring serious resuits when it is promptly taken. 13ok on the subject free. SCOTT &DO, ~NE, Beleville,ot CuR AIDA LLIVER TROLES FOR TWENTY--SEVE-N YZEAýRS. THE CDK"S EST RIEND LARGEST SALE- IN CANADA. lleart e Nerve Troubles. HaVo You Palpitation, Tirobbng or Irregular Bectingofgetis Heart ? If S0, Milburn's lieart and Nerve PIla nil! cura yen. HlaVe YOU Siorte-ss et Breatis, Dis- trss afcter Exartion, a Smothering Feeling, Spaseas, or Pain Lroughl the Breat cnd Heart P If 60, Mlisurna IIeart and Nerva Pilla ailI cure or relieve yen if takan n letuse. Have YOU a Feeling et Anxiaty tthat soxnting la geiiîg te oc- cur n-han tiera la none-e cessity for it ? I'f So, Milburn's Heart and Nerve PIl will remove it. APO YOU Tresîbled with Sicaplessness, Nervousuess, Forgettul- nasa, Brain Fag, or General Debility - tisa after offert 'etfLa Crip ? Bo 8, You can take ne btter usedicine tisan Milburn's Heart sud Nerve Pilîs, They will relieve or cure yeu. Every dose helps the cure. par SUAl at ail Drug iatoreu. 'rÇILBIJRN &CO., Proprietor, Toronto, Ont. of Lamp-Making cciseltante. l, bures lker osene, ced givea a poarerf ul. clear n-ile ligbi, ced will cacther biow nor jar out!. Whn cut driaing wilis b tthe dark-nesss maily keaps about ta-o isandrcd ',etî atîad of your siacrlcat h orse, XX'ieo yenacnt tise very hast ÇDrsiiog Larnp b o bc d, ask your dealer for tise '- Diaiz. " Via issue c spacial Catalogue of tbis oh Lcap, and, if you arer prowi cro'nd V acefngisi-faîl, Il n-su interest yoaî. aft 'is ailed free. R. e. DIETZ CO., 6o aihtSt., New York. xâte1-Shed 1e 1840. TTT mus on, but that order and wise gov- let locise upon the earth, but are under T A E I N TJfI\T1T et r i heyedivine supervision! 1 arn so glad that In your occupation, your mission,:'the9,God Of tihe seven stars is also the your sphere. do the best you can and God of Orlon. it War, out of liantes REV.DR. TALMAGE PREACHES A SER- then trust to (3ot, and if things are suferings came the sulima "iDivina MON UNIQUE IN PRACTlCALITY. alrnixed and disquieting and your ,Commedia," and out of John Milton's brairn is bot and your heart sio-k get bindniess came "Paradisa Lost," and The Text SupplIed by a Countf Y Farinler some one to -go out with you into thse out of miserable infidel attack came hie Male os., remleA IusUlestarlight and point out to you the the "Jlridgewater Treatise," in favor of lasto'MadneîiMordtsTe mieAt s~o Plelades, or, btter than tbat, get into Christianity, and out of David's exile Astoihonli&LlAdic Tht li fOthsomne observatory, and. through the camae the songs of consolation, and ont leedizig. telascope see farther than Amos with of'the sufferings of Christ came the Bey. Dr. Talmage praached a won- the naked eye could-namely, 200 -tar s possibility of thse world's redemrption. derf ni sermon from the text, Amos v, in the Pleiades, and that in what is and out of yens' bereavement, your callad the sword of Orion there isa 1Persacutien, your povertie-s, your mis- 8, "Seak Him that maketh the 5oven nabula computod to be two trililion forýtunes, Rnay yet corne an, eternal stars and Orlon." two huudrad thousand billion of timasl hoave la A country fariner wrete tisis text, larger than the sun. Oh, be at peaýe Ohbat a mercy it la that î n i hae Amosof eko. le powe tie artis with thse God who made that and con- text and ail upi and donth Bbl Amosof Tkoa.trois aIl that, the wheel of the con- Ced induces us te look out ton ard and thraslied the grain by a new stellations turning in the wheel of other worlds! Bible astronoîny ln tbrashing machine just'învented, as galaxies for thousands of years with- (Jene.sin, in Joshua, lu Job, in dlie former]y thse cattle trod. out thre grain. out thebreaking of a cog, or the slip- Psalmns, in the prophets, mîajor and ping of a band, or the span of an axie. minor; in St. John'& Apocalypse, prac- Ile gathared the fruit of tise sycamoro For your placidity and comfort ially saying. "Woslds 1 Worlcds! trea and sacrifjced it witir an iron cornb through, the Lord Jesus Christ I charge Worlds! Get roady for them!l" We just before it was ripe, as it youI, "Seek Hlm that maketb the seven bhave a nice littia world here that w e . htstars and Orlon.'" stick te, as thongb losing that s e lose vas necessary and customnary luint Again, Arnos saw, as wva must sea, all. We are- afraid ofl faliing off this. way to take fromn it the bitterness. 1-1 that the Ccd who madrc these two little raft of a norid. We are afraid wnas tire son of ac poor sisephrd and grcups of the text was the God of that some meteorjo iconoclast will some stuttereýd, but just before the samr light. Amos saw that God wvas t night smash it, and we want every- satisfied with making one star or i wo thing to revolve around it and are dis- iugrustie the Philistines aed Syrians or three stars, but ile makes seven, appoirnted lieu we find that it s-e- arrd Pheenica.ns and lVloabites and Arnu- and, having finished that grouP (of volves around the suni instead of the mronlLes and Edmonites and lsraelites worlds. makes another gra'îp-g« l)tiP sun revolving around it. Wisat a f uss after grcup. To the Plelades H1e adds we maka about this littîs bit of a tremhled. Orlon. IL seems that God likes ,1, Lbt 50 orld, ïts existence only a, short time Moses svas a law giver, Daniel n as a eh1 that H1e keops making it. Ouly betu aen two spasmns, the paroxysm a prince, Isalais a courtier, aed David one beiug lu tisa universa knows tise by which it was b unled fromi chaos lu- a king, but Amos, thse author of mY statistics of solar, lunar, stellar, me- to order and thse paroxy&sm of its de- teoric creations, and that is the Cre- molition. text was a peassant, and, as right b"'e ator himsalf., And they have ail been Anid arn glad that se many texts supposed, uearly aliis parailelissms are lovingly christened, each one a 'lame cali us te look off to other worlds, pastoral, bis prophacy fuît of the odor as distinct as the naineas of your chlld- many of tbem largar and grander and of e-,-inwn hay an th ratleofru. "lia teiletis the number of thse more rasplendeut. "Look there," says of ew-ewnbay au th ratieofstars. Hae calieth tismail a by tiseir Job, "at Mazaroth and Arcturus aud locnsts, and tbe- rumbie of carts witb unamcs." '£he seven Pisiades had camnes his sens!" "'Look tisera,," says St. sheave-, and thea roar of wild beasts given to tbam, aud they are Aloyene, John, "at the moon undas' Christ's devous'ing the flock white the shepherd Marope, Calaeno, Elactra, Sterope, Tay- faottb" "Lok thera," says Joshua, 'at gets and Maia.. the sun standing stili aboya. Giden! came ont in tireir dafeuse. Hie watchi- But tuinis of tba billions and trillions "Look thora," says Moses, "at tise ed thea bards by day and by cight, lu- of daughtars of starry light that Ced spas'kiing firmament!" "Look there," isaited a bootis made ont of busbes, calis hy name as they su eepby Hlm says Amos the herdasman, "at tha sev- with haamiug isrow and lustrons robe!1 an stars and Orlon!" Do not let us so tisat tirrugi thesa branches lic So fond la God of ligist-uatural light, ha ýse sad about thosa niho aboya off couid sme thse stars ail nigist long, and moral ligbt, spiritual iigbt! Again and from thîs world under Christly pilot- wvas more familiar witis thern than again is light hiarnassad for symboii- age. Do flot let un ha so agitated we xvbo hava tigbt roofs le our bouses zation-Cbrist, the brigbt and more- about our own geing off this littia andbadlyevr se isestrs xcpting star; evangelizatien, tha daybreak; barge or sloop or canai boat of a w oriýd andharly verspethestas eceP th redamption of nations, suln of to gat ou some Great Fastarn of the among eus' tail brick chimusys of tise rigistanusness rising x.ltis heaaing ini beaveus. De not lat us pes'sist lu great tons. But at seaseus of tiraflils wings. Oh, meau and woman, witb wanting to stay je this barn, this sisal, uhe th iard wre e pe'aise mauy serrows aud suas and par- tbis outisousa of a nworld, whan ail the year hntehrs eei pca plexia-ies. if you santlisgist and coin- King's palaces, already occupied hy dangr h nold tay nt u tsa penfort, iigist of pardon, ligist of od- many of our hast friands, are sninging field ail t.iss'ugistisa darknues-9, bis only n's ie aruest prayar trsrugls Christ, xvide open thaîs' gates to lea us ie. siseltar tisa curtain of tise night isaav- "Seek Hlm abat maketb tise seven When I rend: "lu My Father',i an nti is seha' mboieie adstars ced Orion." lieuse are mauy mcao 1s" ldo cor en,-wila he telaremboidrie an 'Again, Actes saw, as us mmust sec, know but that elaeb norld is a room, silvered tassais of lunar liight. tisat tisa Ccd uho mode these two and ars many rooms as thers ars Wis-t a. lits of soitude, al nions acaipalagoas of stars musa ha an un- woýirlds, siellar staîrs. stailar uslaeries, w its k bads!Poo Ams! ed t cauging Cod. lisera isad been nlo stallar ballways, stellar windowxs, stal withhishers 1Poo Ams 1andat change lu tisa stellar appearaaice sunla:- Tomes. lion- our depcrted frieîîds 12 o'ciock at night, isari te tise welf's this bardsman's lifetima, and bis fa- musa -ýpity us sbut up lu tde-se crampad has'k, cnd the liec's rear, and tise ther, a. shepiserd, repcrtad te bisa tiat apart-ýments, tired~ if -we w aik 15 miles, hear's growi, and tire owî's ta-n iit, thcre bod isen no changes in bis life- wb le n bey, seume, mrning, isy oua andtis sepan'sbis ase u- ima. And tisa twoclcusters baud sticks oft wing,cau make circuit cf the te-%viso, adtes ets isa i n oves' the celestiai arbor cew 1ust as -w boa steliar systeanud ha haak ii? wittiugly steps toc near aviile meviug tissy ure tise f irst niglit that thay asrnp. fcsr matins! Perbaps yun-ler ais.ougi tise tiickets! Se Amos, lika shon ce h Edenle c, !oarsa:tis ame t inklinig constelatien is abs resiaience the oteý,r erdsmn, go the'abitsfsbentisaEgyptians tuit tisepyra- cf;nltaatyrs; that group ef 12 luma. n- the the bedmu, gt te hbitof illa brnLb" Ictp cf n-biis hte watci crIes imay ha the cejala omeorn 1othe~ stndyiug tise map efthtie beavans ha- tbam; thi" some as n ctise Chaideans a Psls.l' hapsa abat',stsap of light cause it -nas se munchscf'tise time caiclLthela alipsas; the, sainle as s tisadwellîsg iplacaet ofngels î'ieîu- sps'ead eut isefore hlm.le eoticed nuoEîsaccoraing te rise Book cf 5j, serapiî,arcîsange;lic. , nansien seine stars advaurcicg and cliers t-IJoil>* usut eut te stniy thesacurera ho- nis as mauy ,-ecms as worhls, and 'il racrelis, tue sanie under ï toeania1csys- thiais' indows ;,iuinated 'or fesLi, it5 ceding. lHe assiaaëd their dewn aviLis Laitsandi '.ern'an systein; LCe 01àseîv tbiss iden,, cand litsandc certan sea-'-caof tise year. Haeisad asaefîcet ualistisais te iythoreas -'inmuiates ou- erpactation l Hevli- su ad from l'ytageras te 1uts 'bel.t i taaeýuepeet n ow tl a poeti,cnature, and ha recd niglît . urely -a cisangeless Gt ci ust bave oi kas tepisat ude flabsi nigbt, cnd mentis by mentis, and yeas fashioned tisa î-leiades and Grion! Oh, îsdn-uslatoua~the ut iurs! Fl-sa IL by ye-ar, the poernicof tise constellations wa a an odynam~sici tise ups an(l i ft'oi t eiug boed us Oanduncdes roseteýso a oa as of lite and tisa flux aud aeOu%1 divinely s' waLv ossascfcftisatidea rot pvespeaity te linos" Lh U tasgriiý, huis ase routandci om- stars espacially attratet bissatterlt'eon a lia habngeless Ced, "Lih c rsa is a atre a fra w ldsudthe aIiirs uhiileseatsd on ahe, gresnd or lylur on YOasterd-xY, te dLay and iferevor 1 aa~xse~ o tI ts ole' ho bck uis tis opn scchicf tsa eixa gaiandd sd L'ghsa tsa ise, inn-bicis tisera are mny son his a,ýk udertheope scollof he ýeres a'lnec an.O0Lord Ced cf tabsesena',ý stasisman cf hboaht.,iiitisa nier sng . ion o 6n]ýnue h r cîdugi av~aens-lise Pleiada'., or aud banged hies is tha averiing cf tishint ', o nur iets sataen stars, ont OinThie former saine day. if ty tisou, sud people stüo(ta ctcy fsnbaa1-e grop tis Irsicýpridpliet c'-se"iate4 aressidtisacolmua cf tisa cational ~"~i,'-ýek liim. E ssek Hua îe, ,for greup tisi ru ticoali e md tisat îi s net tisa asteril- xx itsîrîcg, as isa ues about tisa fat of capîtet shoaaang thianseives isarse at Hie,,zia ïz"insvlutIbt ,-iy. 'Tiselatter ha aao-'s,ýiata't i ihthe presi leatialiniaugral, anid in four etl, ma ~ms aiaa u the w uter, as, l comas te tise usridian menahîs se great wers tise antipathieas siiul n htec fu a ini Jacuay The i-Maades, os seau,, tista'arufùau's pistel in a %Vtaiiglou - ril b tise iss'pirsd hbaraismon sou fr-om lis bce'. on tisa his cf Tmtkea. stars, coneuu'acild nitis g11 sueetniess acd dapet exps'essed the sentimenut cf Inari joy; Orions aie iseraid o ettis tm- o disaplpois ted offitacelir.Tise 'osj'id t-ail 'tdîad la before, but tis" cia pe"sr. Thea acisats nais tisa umsre cpi sîts su sas chariot and drivas tandem, tisedral of Cologne, Garmany, cavai te stndy tire physiogriomy cnd juxtape- Isud tisa herseaohead is Hluzza, cnd !ieprss'-ed ma as la did oeasommas'. IL sition cf tise iseavaly bodies beasnastise hersc ehaind is Ansi bsm', Lord l, admittedly tisa grandest Gotii tisey Lought thsy bail a speciel anf lu- Cebliam, lu Kinag Jaiaes' tissa, w as str ueture in tise wvorld, its toucia- euce ripouth ie ecitis, ccd parbaps rhay applau'led and bad ffl),060 a fear, but lieu laid in 1248, ouiy c an' years ,ige were rigist. If tisa moon exsry few nas atterward s aacrated ccd l1usd on <'empleted. More than 600 ye:irI in h eu r s lif ts a na d le ts d o un t ie id e s co f s r a p a s to e i u f r a mn t ie r o y a l k tc h an . b u l i g A h E ro î t a d f r IL the ALla tcoceau and tisa electrie Alexander tise Great afteî death re- censtruction. ILs cisneal of tise Magi, sterm sa is e sun, by ail scientitiecad- malned uinl'rled for 30 days beaau-,e with treclous astones ecougis te pur- ml~oaffect tbs ecîtis, why not th ise oes woeld do tise houer et shcraI- cisasa a kingdlom. Its ebapel et St. stas hse roprtinct efedting hlmn under. The DuieetfW eliing- kges, iib masterpieres et paiuting. sAstreiogy, atter ail, mcy hava beau ton refusad tei boxe bis iren tance Itsnspire, sprsngieg 511 teet ict Ise somethirag mors. iban a brillant hbac meudad liecausa it bcd bean broien bheavens. las staiced glass tisa cher- thenis. No n ondes' Liat Amos of tise byran icturlatsd populace ini sema us et cli ricis colors. Statuas encir- text,isssving b tis'.-hse tac anthis bus'etpolitici cxocitemî'ut, a andL, ieu tise pillersancd encircling ail. of he tar, ut ownthestutrouh lftit le ruina tisat mec mnigitiecru Sitatues aboestatuas uctil sculpture staff ot tihe isrdsman aud Leok ie what a ticisle thing la hinau favor cccdo ne more, but faiets aud falis bi;s brewnciand and cnt and keotted "But tisa mercy of tise Lord is trom hcck against ccrred stails and don fingers tise pen rf a prophet and ad- evsrlasticg te everlcsting to tbem that on pavements er wisich tisa kinga vised tisa racresti îî eple cf bis lime fî'ar lm, acad fls rigisteou.anss acte aud quaessof Liseerth bava wvalksd te reture te Ccd, s,îyiug, "Seak Hlm tise chldreu's hblidren et sncb as keep te confessiocai. Nars ccd aies and tisat niakctis lbe seven stars and -lus revenant, and te tisose niso rcmem- traescapt aed portais ccmining tisa gae785 ysars îleC., la mast as appro- bar iIls commaudmeuts to do tisam-' spiendors et cuerisa and sunset. rc-- grae fru,19,AD This momeut "seai Hlm tîsat maketis terlacsd, inerfoiiatad , intercolumu-0 In tise finaL pi-aca, Amos san-, as ne tise sexe,, stars and Orlon." ed grandeur. As I stecd outside, mnu-I 55e, that lise God wbe made tise tAgain, Amos sel.,, as n-e must sec, leokiug et the doubla range et but-1 Plelades and Olotm thati e God tiatsaGdnho made thesa two tresses ccd t-ha forest cf picuacies. Orlon"Ibi ronmudsn-bis the os isatus oethLie oriental uight sky mnst isigisancd bighar eand higiser, until 1 Orio " Tis cmman, whch Aoshb a God of love ccd kindly n-arcieg. almoat reaied trem dizzlness, I excleim-t ofrerTd a sr tse ist npa saredTise Pleaes risiuglu midsky scid te ed: "Great doxology lu stone! Fiez- tbtrs irad asrerant saimren sn- clitha berdamen and abephards zïcd an prayes' of meny- nations;! eue aeu su sean u tse tisr iusiscudman. "Coma ont ccd anjoy tise But arisile standing thera I sew a one ieou an-dtsai ngis the tcght, mild usather ccd cuitirate your gar- peler mac actes' an put dowu bis peck gsep. ferseo decsa ccd,-feida." Orlon, cemlng in au-d knael heside bis burden se-is"hý sud ease atLs s an cd deaeacf- n inter, n'arcad tisam te prepara for isard floor et thet catisedral. And Les', derade abat [bey had kepi step of' tempeat. Al navigatiocnes ragu- teers et deep emotion came icto scyi ligist, eaccisoee in bis on-n place. c laed by these tue constellations.'lise eyas, as I said Le mysaif, "Tisera is e sisterhcod neyer clcsiig acd caver esasid te sipmcsters ccd cran-, seul avertiscli tis a merial surronnd- contesicgl rrîaca mts ime "lic Riat sailifor tisa sec acd gaLber mer- ings. That macn'il ive cIter tise ast se thïat isîîongit every moment n-ewnd abat t, csasieg bar from New I-isadch lizzi- avold ha dashad [o places, and I made York te Liverpool. But to t-buse gosng jII ?fVNE nSSConsýtipatiOn, terrible outcry otfrigbt, sud my le the opposite direction tise storm n'as II.Li'V.L~ IndigetonBih tahe trnd e e viisaface par- c buffeting ced a isiedranee. IL s ousne-ss Brigis tectly calm,.ced said: "'De Witt, wisat bcd tising te bave a storin ahçad,,puas- lkDsae iabetes, ara yen cryieg about? I guesa n-e can ing us baok., but if we ha Cod'a chil- P aralysi, Convu's ride as test as tise oxen taen rmn." And dren and cirning towardM ieaven tise Prayis Cnul my hearers, whiy should we ha afrigbt- storms of lita wîl nly chasa us tlisains ler ad ced lose oui eqnilibrium in1 the seonos' into tise herser. I ama so g'lad Disease, etc., etc swltt mevemeets etfn oîldly eveets, as- te believa tisat tise monsoon,typisoons-, peilyassured t-bat IL is net c bard and rnistrals aed siroccos ofthtie land illantaetired onlHonor & Sold on Mert et unbroken steers that ara dran-ing and sec axe cot unciscngad raniccý 1-4i Oilidren Cry for PitCher's Castoria. * The Blue and the Gray. @Both men and women are apt to feel a littie 'vier; n h ga airsbegi: toshow. I' ary nat ral fee ing I n th e norm al condition They have no business whitening the head of__ Gman or woman, who has not begun to go @ down the siope of if e. As a matter of fact, C the hair turns gray regardless of age, or of l ife's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by @ sickness, but more often from lack of care. @ Whenthe hair fades or turs gray theresno ' Gee to~ resort to hair dyes. The normal color @ of the hair is restored and retained by the use of @ S Ay7er's Hair 1V igor. @ @ Ayer's Curebook, "a story of cures told by the euredi' @ @ 5 pages, free. J. C. A3er Co. Loweil, Mass. The il N&rsizn ed dea4ire to th u n kthe f &urms9 West L)m],.J fer theliboral patronage ,xtend-ed to iusdurinr the, pWt uman,k ajae to e ind them 1ýh&t we atili in the market «Àu propared to payr the HJGHIEST MARKET PRICE dolivered at ouir torthoum. cor. King and George aL.tetez,., or at lr Darlington. We have also on baud a large stock, of Cmnadian andLiverpool Coars.à Salt in Bagls. Rock Salt foc ea t and hoimn&, and -Fre>-sh Ground Grey Piaeter in Barr&ls ,yI i ch we are prepared to se I All kindsof Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENED C0îL aiways in stock. We invita inumpeetijon and guarante. satisfaction. New Srn Goods îat prices that -will astonish ~o for Cheapness and Qiiality. Ail Wool Trced Sut to order $8.00, great value. Sec oui- e2.50 Paiits to order. WVe have thie 1arfrest and most attractive stock of liii- ported andi Domestic Woolens ever shown in the Counity, boiu(gIht lu the best nmarket for SPOT CASH.- W e carry f ull lines of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-Macim Clothing. Fine ordercd Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Department lb -wcll ecquipped witlî Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as 111e cheapest and is good 3s the best. We have special vaiues in TE-&S. Full lino in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantities uut 3c. per pound. EIÂMPTON. but immora, aud a socnetfLtae Lori Ced Almigisty. And tise prayer la e',a effara, tisengis mid ' inany supersti- tiens. I baisera e d aili isear, sud cmeug tisa aposties n boses sruiptured ferma, stand lu tise snîoundicg niaihs be nili et hast ha lifted ccd jute tise presecce et that Christ n boss suffer- inga are rapre.aeutad by lise '-rucifil' býefore avsiis b e bduancd ha 'raiseai in due Lime eut et cli isaperertis suto tisa gierlous home bnilt for lîim cnd huit tes'ns hy 'Hlm xx ho nakeCai tisa seven stars ced Orlon'" 1M1?1tIEGNABLE GIBRALTAR. Tise greatest tortrasa lu tise n-rld la CGisiralias'. Tht iagist oethLie rock is oves' 1,400 faut, and this stupaudoas pie- cipice la piarceýd by miles et gallarias su tise slid atone, port isolesfor rauneu ha- ing placed et traquent itervalýs. Tisa rock is perfectly impregnable te tisa siset et an enesumy, ced, by means efthtie gre-at elevation, c plrug t ire rau ha diractad tient an eneimusa ieigist up- on a, hostile fleet, Fs'om tise wataî bat- - tories te c distance eftwno tisirds up tisae rock oee Lier alter acotiser et cannon s presaunted te the enamy. A gari - sou et frei 5,000 te 10,000 la maintaiu- Pd, wltis provisions and amninnition toir a six-ment-ht' saga.i Iu 1779 tise caele- israted siage lcstýed t-irie yeara. Tisa fortreas was surcesstully dýetendd by 7,000 Britishs and ctaoked. hy an army et oves' 40,000 imais, witis 1,000 places eti as'Lilry, 47 sal et tise. lina, 10 great, floating batteries, and great nurnbeis et smalar boats. For moctss oves'ý 6,0001 abolls a, day were, t-brennaL t-be ton- .es'. PRÀCTWLCAL THEOSOPHY. Warwick-I ean'L islp tiiking about old P. Nurieus studying tisee- sepisy. i-Ia's wondnrfully ectisusiastio, ovar tisa ides et baing si-de te separ-1 ate soul Lions body. Wiokvis'e--I doe't doubt IL. That talion- would go tWiougis a seat chop- per if ha tbougistlhe coasld sa-ve cci- talre Whsen hip, gODAt-o lis 'office. A SLOW BOY. I hecs', Cruipspy, tisaiyous' birad maue is dosaxin ith slowv taver. Of coueso ha is. les tee !infernal slowte catch aey otisar kind. CON'VINCED 111E SCEPTIC. Tise Merits of the Creat Sonts Am- enican Narvile Withstcud AIl tise Assamilias of the Oraduhous ced Scep- ticai-Wison Tbey are Coeverted te ILs Uea in Thisais l'rsenal Ailments Thay Baecore Ita Beat Friand-For IL Novor Fails Tisen. Mx., Dien-codie of Campbellfos'd, Ont., says: "I s'erommeud Sontis Americce Nervine te everyhoe.,y1I onsider itU ',ottld ha truant te tisa -hst inter- esta oftbunmcnity avare I net te do se. In oue instance I convinced an avoed soeptic to ail ransedies et its curatives powaers; ha prorinred a bottle, and it bas been oft aMch baisefit te bis tbat ha5 coutýines teu sutchasan cd use IL, ccd bas proved ls great n-orth as c stounacs and narve tenir. IL bas dene- woedeira for me sud I kaep it con- staeitly le my bose,. An ercasionai dose acta as a preventiva and keeps me, n-oh and s-tronig. IL is wondarfnl moedicine." For sale by Stoit & Jury. At a Cisinesa tiseatra lun Portland, Ore., oeo etir villiaus oethtie play n-as givan iris quietus, and died aftas a nus- bar et groceaud contentions. A gang of boodlums lu tisa auditorium brougbî liasiete lite, again n-us a esuwes' et an- tique eggs, and lia ju.îcped up and tled fies aise stage. Piles 1 Piles! Itching Piles. sYMPToms-Meisture ; intense itchaing cnd si go; most et nighît; woîse by sera=sig. if alloed te continue timers form, wiih often bleed and ulcerate,becesng ves'y sore. SWANvsrj't OLNTMENT stops tise itcising ced bleed- ing, haha ulceration, ansd le most > ss removes tisa tumors. At ds'ug- : ists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. .1wayne & Son, Phil adeipitia. Lymsan, Sons, Wisolesaie Agents, Montreal. w - u - MW

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