THE I4TE ROBERT B. L&.WIE. It is our painful duty to record thisS Lwithird son of the late John Lawrie. i the prime of, young man- B W A VL E hood, aged 28 years. About a year# we IaRifaotllro ago deceased took acold which settled on his iungs flnally developing into con- g ESsumptior. Last October hie oslethî ALi..L S IZE bestrnedical skili in Toronto and on Denver, Colorado, where hie spent six And use nothing but the months. In March last his family be- verybest materials,heavy gradual1y getting worse, lits brother, br Mr. Jas. A. Lawrie, went at once to strongy and durable, and Denver and returxedlwith bila safelY. ROCK BOTTOM PricesJohn N. Law~rie's where le had1 the I Y I N ROCK BOTT M PrÎcescare of an experienced niurse and re- A r,-- FOP cevd every attention that could pos V~ E O make them the best value sibly be given him. On Monday morn- ing, Mav lt lie passed peacefull.y cAtn in the -market. to rest, it being exactly six weeks after li returned home, durino' whicli time lie neyer left his bed. TTie funeral on The Grand F ireman's Demonstration in Bowmanville on ftI Irn TnuQreaniesan eday s lare ateindeb Monday nexL, but in the meantime do flot forget that we ull~lll~uIIIi IIUUIOducted byRev. J.A. McKeen, B. A., of are headquarters for ail kinds of wearing apparel, suitable %ONLY 7c PER FOOT. A.. Science Master of Bowmanville for an occasion of this kind. liigh Sdhool. Hie was a Master Mason We h1aVe t eà newest of St Andrews Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Orders for Tinsmibhing No. 16, G. R. C., Toronto, and also a tî~si ais lue member of Clyde Camp, No. 42, Sons ofY ad eerlRepairing Seotlauid, Bowmiaïivile. Members of 4eigteYerId~ at prices ranging f rom àJerusalem Lodge, A. P. & A. M., No.60 to $35 Th 3rmtyatn o 1, G. R. C., attended in body and con- For fui particulars sce advert:seinents, or appl-ytc60 o $.5 Th p mpy teddt. ducted service at the grave. The paîl- LEVER BROS., LID., 23 SconST., TORONTO Blouses fit well and look bearers were Messrs. S. IL. Jeffery To- ronto, Donald McDonald, rlarry tixce, well and they are eheap. W. T. Allen, A. E. McLaughlin and C.Aspedd ot fne P. Blair. Messrs. Jeffery E. ilansford,La i s nd e c ef W. M., John Pears'rn, I. P. M., J. I. ,Lais BOWMANVILLE. Opposite Ontario Bank. D. Keadhie and Sol. 1,. .½ffery repre-setdS.Adw'Ld ,ortoi ,. just in, also a line of _______________________________at the funeral. The floral offerings f{ ~ '/ ). - aney bordered Dresdlen -. wee-ey beautiful,-a very liandsome patrsa 5yah ~ TilE RUB BERICTYB-LW St Andrew's cross from Clyde Camp, X. j ;/ . ate sat5 eah a ~ t s wllknw tcttht uaalovely wreath from St. Andrew's Pure~ Linen 1lemstitcIec!,, STTSMNlas been a strong and per- Loge ornta I etl weahfrm andkerchief at 121 el ntadvocMAt rR.Dumas andther floral designsan alrg rnefo ..sisten deae for manufacturing in- from Miss Beitli and Miss alrg rnefo 4~.under its present proprietary. before Deceased tau lit scliool for a number - e rm5 p *1ethe last bonus by-law, lias an opportun- of years a t Salem, M t. Carswell and - e rmv ~ Sitv offered wlen TuE STATESMAN fai-ed Green River and was a graduate of the I Our stock of llosiery ~' o tke he ea luan ndevortoinflu School of Practical Science, Toronto, nrf ni eiice the electorate to do wîat was lu Electrical and Medlaia nier* e* .. u Goe snwvr fil considered to be lu the best interests of ing having taken lis Diploma lu 1896.flILI complete. Fine German Sthe town. Last year we hesitated to Hie was very highl-y respected by al IJU 4V f"1 a aword for or against becanse of wlo knew hlm whitler lu tliest schoof- 8rmtesanPthr room as a pains-takino' and conscien- 5lI -n I U Illela1_kof f aith liten o the rubboer fa- th ns suetadtaro samnfT 5,17e, 20e, 25e and 30e, best value ir the country.I. poss~~beneetet e udag: a ghmoral e onace'w upViOn Lthe 24t1i. Boys' Heavy Rbe S kn s ehaeing fst es o r i ______________ _1111W Now the circnmstances are clianged. lad a kensns1fata a stock at prices rauging'from 15e to 25e for the larcge sizes. The bildin hasbeen recte, th ableand igtHe was well informedFome aes wigav y e îpboiler and englue are in position, a adago ovrains.H a ehv ag upyo are the patterns of Wall 4ý manufacturing plant lias been ordered peprd overstdient îerws ehae are upl fin F o me cs nwe har ehwng sa vey -and lu other respects, a mudli more lpr eadto ive o to di e adere fore fuealtdofTiesin teeest hape Paeand the prices are faorable condition of things exist. Illn ayfa.Fag u hneeLne nad latest patterns. If you get a Paper, reou a farewell or a. tear,__ very low, adthe lc to - For instance, Mr.B. Wray, one o o or a flutter of breath; utbefrdcaiosndT rmusy hv tecret ~'thles stock lolders, lias hecome a Unharmned by the phantom of fear Sbuy is at citizen laving spent the winter liere To gilde through the darkness of! death. thing. Our ilats are also leaders - - land las favorably impressed those Jus o wouid choose to depart, very inf shonan te r ~. isbuines biityau wrthasa si on oftathes-thn even. inu Coa, Sh rCifsekse h., Trnhi whose acquaintance hllas made with A qulver, a pause of the lieat IIIII~citizen; several of our most successful The mourners were Mr. Jas. A. Law- lU avAIIL'M -an-prce * I U ~~~ business men have stock lu the new rie, Mr. and Mrs John N. Lawrie, Mr. ajjl ehv ilszsadpie comlpany, and this feature particnlarlY Alex. and Miss Isabella Lawrie, Mr. and the correct styles. SThe very latest designs l'in ispre cnfidence lu its snccess. Mr, ila ariM.W.Lare r, BoWMANVILE Big 20. Ut anadian and American John B. Martyn is the vice-president, Miss E. E. Haycraft. Other relatives g---- -Our Boot and Shoe depart- Goods. Complete combina- . and wliere is there a more successfnl or prsn er r.W il CMs.R etil elt wt ra more slirewd business man to be found? kelam, oleraine ; and Mrs. John I ~ tion f WallBorder 2ndL' The manutacturers' commîîtee and the Nattres's, Woodbrldge, aunts; Mrs. J. ,-vauswecry hem t 'M'Ci4gVfo c citizeus committee wlio have gone care- Tlompson, and Miss Annie Lawrie of L 001u--k l ùe ~rlal ost ehdbt fuelnfrm5.tlly into the partîculars strongly Elder's Milis Mrs.R. Blight, MrandMrs. ,eibegost ehdbt fi advise its suprt and among others W F. Brîggs, Myrtie, Mr. and Mr-,. ~~~~~~h lbwi19c.lll mhl helectors to vote for the John Lawrie, Mlveru, and M,.a - Bfrobuig rt!tig p-n as to style, fit and wearing *î- bV -"-"-"--' 4Vch wel-known successtul Mrs. John Weir, Scarboro, cousinsqaiie n tprcsta busine s meu as Messrs. W. B. Coudh, AtS.PnscrdioSaat "Fence" see the Gem Wire Pence, are less than the usual r. qaiisada rcsta ___________________ C. M. Cawker, W. Caun, J -11. Jury, J. mornintlie pastor, Rev. R. D. Fraser, the cheapest and most-durablefence J. Mason anid L. Coruish, Chairman Of M. A., wýho was attending the Svnod on- r o on odcrt o h 4h ecnsl the Manufacturers' Commrittee of the the day of the funeral, referred'lu verv on the market. Farmers caneaslly Ar you g oinghe to ecrate for the 2th? W ae ten sou __________________________Council. Many other prominent citizens feeling terms to the lite and death Of, build it. Farmers should see the yuFas h uieeadCnda lg r h ih BOWMNVILE.MAY1, 197.will support the by law, 50 tliey inforin the deceased, basinf lis remarks on fnea hs acesna la ones to use, we have them at popular prices.- ________.MA19 197 us personally. ohrfaurRht~1ev. 7, 9-17, Suitab e music was also ecatTs.Pco'nar.Edd wori o"'onsidter fatiu*hen free furnished by the choir. or R. H. Callacott's, 5th Con. Jos.Dal tth WetEdH se Canada is thoroughly lu sympatliyliolders supported the by-law so leartily gh',Drito adtDe tteW stEdH u . witl Liberalism. . last year for an $8000 bonus under. less PERSONAL. ih',Drigoada Clerical domination seems to be dYing favorable circumstances, how can tlieyPE R U D C S rapidly lu Quebec Province, refuse to vote for $6000 under the altered Rev-. Buriner, yrtle visited friends PTR~J o~ ricut y Did the result in Quebec indicate circumnstauces? Here is a direct saving heeis e.aro ooti us fMs .Bwavle gn o uhm Vt M ý%üt dissatisfaction with the uew tariff? to the towu of 8$2000.MF. lleBehAve. fTrno sges fMs .BwavllaetfrDrim Si harles Tue is crushin tlie Althougl we publislied thewoe by. AllEesn ehAe. __of__Hamilton____luis______ Mr Emeroot ofrC inof Hamilton hes bee heartout o Consrvatim in na a aw w wee ugowe ma summrîzeMr. Geo. Tyler, New Yor-k City is hordea~s arin Qnebec lis 4~ Libealex and 6 Con- tte ctifpn in teareenent: fat1i,'Ev Mr. Phi!!Tle~ 'r'"" hv- bas 49. Uberals20 and -1(3 C -nnf-hV snvx4ve-i ha 'ulinP laot[The Comnpany ito place in thie b-diMt hon n dI-Mtais Norma Cen-l-------- ---- ra,ý ë,w rlt 1 OUU I, feated. lu 1890 tlere were 46 Liberals. Ilu tIe las t leg-isiature thie parties itooa:I1 £4 Conscr-t-v .- -- u- x--- -- A . A -U -,.. - - . 28. Tes6 I Ti O'CLO-CK iu the APTERNuON for thel uickets andci information Purrose of hearlng and determinlng ail appeals * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 -.-1J . W 9 -W SIC IL