L Eý âý Se ner ilOuaad oce l.Chas. lical, Bowmanvilie, Carpenter Sec hei OuBathandLoced y. pssaes ar-and Contracter. Repairing' nealyand S TOCK WAN TED.-Parties having djustn'ent Bearings. Coaci, Joinston & Cryderman have pnompiiy doue. Orders lefh at clal &rcalves, lamhbs, hogs and otherfat stock,à, beenappiutd sie ens itcwlor~ros cah goces, ihlredivepropt eanstock, x-11;11eh ews--or -aey- ther -kinS-o on cs tk nec ange. enapitdsl aet-itwirBo -l r---l----ro-- f arm stock. for sale should iefcrm W. R. ir.A g. c hic celebrated P. and D. Ccrsets which attention. il-tf. CAWKElïR, boJx 19 Bowmaevlle 10-3Sm. sie h aaet .bigfehadpr.i LU. s said ho be lie mosi perfect fitting If Von want auy-tiing la ials,Fedora sie h aaet .bigfehadpr.Js Fury, ch Corset in tic mariol to-dayý. or siffinl colons, drab, bnown, fawn,0nOLT LOST.-Bav marc colt 2 yeans 'native fragrance preserved in lead packages. duetions la plain figuries. Eh' so& is lie place whene you eali fiad them. pefrsein 0 ndtkn cr fh j Agents for West Durham. Ce. uea Alwâa s la pnice as cieap as thecliapest. Wan.uskk1uen. .uîbyrwre1%- 3 From ail Grocers. -- 25c, 40C, ',ý5OC, or 6oc wr ml Ms. Keys wîll supply lunch at shop SewinF Machines, the very lowest at A o d J =t = at r c r IF'or ~~1w i~fl ~t~d~flXýWor o grounds Monday. Riear s X or - In meeting riders, pedestrians and Correspondents, send news in as BOWMANVILLE, MAY 19, 1897, vehlicles, keep to the riglit. In over- usual next week.A __________________________taking and passing them keep to the Sevre penalty for spraying tree 0 Y left. while in blossom. s IIandGfl '10 U/ ear£Loal6adbO herw se heTaest di(ein "l'the bargain-itch" New Fountain' Pen, a real beauty, L cla d 'hcaused by departmental stores which $10Ofie is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like We have been supplying our local Bos esa ikr' o c nurse netti es. Patronize Mrs. Keys' Pavillon on the you are being well treated and aet -pure good Photographers with their Cnemi- Goes DeBlstkna aha The remains of the late Mrs. Capt. grouds Mondayyfor lnches cals and SuppliesDaedBillare m a aiccarh's. Coots were brougliht ere Tuesday after- mFarmers, don't fal to read Dr. Ta- g od-ee y nÏ e o-t1i r , This is the nonarolTrot and intlieerredear in aRcrds age's sermon on inside page. way we want you to feel about pâ~tion to give the public goods Sterling Silver Novelties in abundance Bowmanville cemetery. Deceased was Everybody will find much to interest thtar nwnt e h .etth tRickard's. a sister Of Mrs. J. K. Galbraitli and and instruct on inside pages this week. h s t r tha ar knwn o e te bst he We want several more correspondents formerly lived here. $30 cash will biLy a good second handThi St r market supplies. and at prices that in unrepresented sections.MrJs.D arlslidooutbe covered buggy. Sce M. A. J n e'lm n yu od pno o soer ie caunot be secured elsewhere. Mr. S. Burden lias got a very fine a commton duck's egg of very uncommon about it. collection of plants and fiowers la pots. size, wveighing 6 oz. and measuring9 by "4Interesting Business Facts" about If you should buy anything from us that is flot en- * A inumber of tliem are very choice. 71-linces. r. ewar will seli settings bicycles on inside page will astonish tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and We'll make W C) ~Strawberry plants, cabbage plants, for $1, but does not guarrantee tliem to STATESMVAN readers. trg . tomato plants and other vegetable average up to these dimensions. Wlien you lose anything advertise lainrgt plants ready for traasplanting. G. iD. It was a pleasing siglitf on Sunday to THE STATESmAN. Great success la FLETCHIER, Duke St. see,, comiag principally from tie Sab- finding lost articles. VVO eep full ines f th, v rbs rc îe th 15 ll11uli" -,""tyo1, s- - -r -, th The S. 0. E. excursion to Niajara bath Scliool, 26 young men and women Mr. S. Bonatlian,iardware mercliant, mnvt~"' o. . We dobu- Falls, Jubilee Day, June 22, will open preseating themselves for membersiip has bought out the store la Newcastle ness oflI uU1bî-ieIO prînciple,; alu Lie publie like ou the lake excursion seasoft. Arrange to in the Methodist chur i ator, n ovdisne'tcktee spend the day on the, "Garden City".,1 Rev.,C. Parker,coaducted the reception .Thc old reliable stand, W. Cliartran's methods. Every'day is a bargain dfay at our store Theciizns f 1orotohae dciedservice ,gave tic right liand of fellowship Hair Dressing and Sliaviag Parlor. and we live in a'business rush, POCET ODK, ast ifavor of Sunday cars. Tic total vote ad fterwards addressed words of Opposite Standard Bank, Bowmanville. man's including films for Satarday was 32,386;16,433 for and counisel to the new memibers. It must Lag etndcmlecmpgFr eso eadseuadbr gyu rdc. 12 pictures ... .. ..$38 15,963 against. Majority 'for Sunday' have bcen exceediagl «y encouraging to Lag tntndcmeecmpg B'ilsyeNo 2..........8ooCars 321. tlie officers and teacliers of tic scliool to out-fitý-everytliing necessary-to rent WFarm -ers on adhe esand bpç ninyr poue BlsyNO8.0sce so many seliolars uaiting with the on moderate terms. Apply at STATES-We ilgveyuhe es gin Bulsee o.An~ person whose subseription to cliurch. MAN office. Bul eN.4- 10-00 T ATESMAN is paid to Dec. 8111897> Rev. G. W.McCoîî, M. A., B. D. of Order your Binder**wine front the Éqý n o Preo .......8.o asu end tuis paper to a friend çew Oiw aea ncetn ei~o Farmers' Binder ffne Co., Brantford.& Other makes 2o percent. off for cash- saiscnerat Cadaor ti 2 c ~ the life and work of the late Professor Peter Murdoc, owmanville, agent sae at fr nl 2c.Henry Drummoad to the members of for this district. BoWMANVILLE. The Grocers, FREE Tie ladies of tic W. C. T. U. will the Epworth League of the Methodist Sabbati School workers find the In- INSTRsereTdiONS and tea also lunch on May churcli Monday evening. Two former ternational Lessons publislied eacli______ INSTR OTIO S 24h inthe toref ormerly occupied by members, Mr. John J oblin and Rev. week on inside page Of STATESMAN Vr Ail customers buying Cameras or Chas. Tod. Dinner 25c; lunch at usual W. A. Banner, -were presenit and took helpful-few better. er orsuplesftmuswil e ivnprice. R. A. ALLIN, Press cor, part in the meeting. Mr. Joblia's solo Tcoq.&P C' adwilgv l5 or uphesfrntus il begien Annual meeting of the West Durham was mnuch enjoyed. Mr 11. J. Kaîgit varied program on band stand, Market %»P J free instructions by H. Tait & Co. Farmers' Institute, Council Chamber, and Miss 'Glover sang a duet "Love Square, Saturday evening fromt 8 o'- Bowanvlie Tusda, Jne st t 1p.Divine" very pleasingly. and Mr. Frak ock. Citizens attend. __mSot £ J r.r., for election ofofficers andgenerai Trecc ited a rerniniscence of tli ý e sPv la i the Fair Grounds The Coligregtional ladies wi:n bcment. Rev- . C. arker sad a few ,ice cream, can1dies, fut t. prepared to provide dinner, tea and words la apprval of tic addrcss andcoce lunchles for visitors to town on tlie Rex-. A J. Gr. Carscadden ciosed the also at the siop, King St. a wsiE .M * a na Queen's Brthday, 24th May, la tic store meeting witli tic benledietion. A col- Go to Murdoci's for Taraip, Carrot --- -- next west -of N1cho1IsT Varicty Store,leckon't. lwa onrbute aadofMnod sie-u o mprove ~A o e y r mm King St. 20-2w. thie India Famine Fand. Parple Top1Swed irving, Bang- CÂ~ O XO~ ' ~ ldys ewbiyce Crwfrd bt Commissioner Eva Booth of Toronto iolmi, and a gre' variety of other sYigitly us ebyleaviag been bou utev onrdte2t.CpsftiSaato kinds of seeds. T c best Dwarf Essex I take pleasure in annoncing to my numerous customers and the A' ih st S Sda d an d R a pe for sowiný and all other Garden nga- h To quaiity and the world is full of late last season at $75 cash, will bc sold mywu a us uayan el Vgtbided publie gencially that the purchases for Spri- ad 1 mmer have een cheap things. for $50 cash. A good second hand tiree successful meetings. lier address- and Contfr eteana 2. atc- swr cretbfrealapastotc O W e s.iî Jrsîmplaccd in stock and as a resuit of a vcry large increase of business in With your eyes wide open reai lars at STATESMAN Office, unconverted. Sic is a fluent, logical Lodge No. 81, A. F. & A. M., enjoyed fine goods last year 1 have b'-ought a larger supply of very stylish high good things are few and far be- Major T.Howcli at one time in charge speaker witli a large measure of lier an officiai visit fromn R. W.» Bro. A. M. grade Footwear in Men's, Ladies' and Cbildren',, We keep also a lower tween1 in this age wien so many of tic local corps has rcceatly been father's energy and force of claracter- Ross, iD. iD. G. M., accompanied by W. grade so that ail can be suitcd. dealers are striving to make tic promoted to tic rank of Brigadie~r, and onecf ntar'slbraMcmmadersoBro. Js. Wite W.p.p'rylontW.isafrdwlliaofro ti.CenralBltowo PasdallyMissi30th i notaprrenty ad Brs. E 11 i3iw an Frd. thce urobsitionto minthnatcepoitio wehaveiasty ginedtha public believe they are giVing a Province. Hie will farewcil at tice qua, ttei strain that must cf aeccssity al of Comi-posite Lodge No. 30, Whitby. of kccping thc bcst g'ocds to bc obta* nc- ! i 1 ;n be ead J:"z 1Man ýufactlirers. dollars worth for 50c- Barrack-s here Thursday 20th inst. draw upon lier system, but she does net Rex-. J. B. McLaren, Columbus, de- Our prices will always be found to, be as low as thcy can consistently be Whe webu gods e ook Leter paenthae ben ssed a-save herself. lier audiences Suaday iivered an address under tic auspices and our aim shaIlcontinue te bc te, give our dustemers tic vcry best Whenwe uy ood weloo Leterspatnt avebee isuedin-were vcry much impressed witli ler of the Y. P. S. C. E.in St. Paul's churcli sharp for quality. If quaiity is corporating tic Pablishers' Syndicate addresscs and maay cf car best itizens on Monday evening to a good audience possible for their moncy. flotrt we couid not be induced cf Ontaric,capital $45,000,in $100 shares. were in attendane. Major Gaskinanad on "Somle- Fruits cf Caivinîsm" wiici We invite yout teau inspection of our s3tock and. wiil with pleasure to toc tem t ny ric, Tor eiiing, boosreR obllimrtauns Ctyeacockassistedin thc serviccs,but was very instructive. Miss McLaugi- we to ha e rked toany Îea frs Mline, pblisheer; JohnlPaontaage theshouted too ioudly la addressing lin sang a solo and tic choir furnisied show yen what wc can do for you. A large assortiment of TukBags, for ur eputtio an canot f- nd JmesLeih Ros, oliitor aI ipeople wio live oulside cf a dcaf and several selections. aieecaxaso ad forourreptaton nd annt a- ad JmesLeih Rsssolcitr, ll f dmbasylum. We have neyer iearned T. N. Rickard's Stock of Silvernlate ford ro risk ît by seà ing goods of Toronto and Murray McCheyac Feu. wiy it is necessaryr to shout se wildly 'la is one cf tic flnest wc ever scen. W!th dutu ult.wick cf Bowmanvile. petitioning tic Almightv whosc car is a sitoek of Watches, Clocks, Jcwellry doubtfui quaiity. T ic second al m atch of this season ever open te the fcblct cry of hi, a d Sl e pit s w l s i g a . was played ire on tic fair grounds on children. aS lvectaclc scbas we sec atRis adJstoreh n ý7 C Saturday aftcruoou, May 15th, btjtweciu Blouse sets 10e at Nichoils'. Bectale cpa elee iould boe. th astPI emTrno n h Bwavll epe l every BOWMANVILLE, teirsi team s -w.Toro uotc Jubie Souvenir at Rickard's. Iunwise te think cf dealing ln Toronto, _______________________ given tic piteliers on boti sides being Fishing tackle clieap ai Nicholis'. more especially as tic prices are se very M iean the very bad. Bowrnanvillle acf support hr elt atR ka'ffor 8c. pe ac4son -l . Uor loo hia :-Bcnsoa, Wilcox and Mingcaud; botte. brand -we seli and you will be liamilton and Gana. Silver Polish at Rickard's-none te utn 1als u ctelacsZn.n Mr, W. L. Hanter of this town, trav- beat it la tic world. tiens cf t iis progressive age. This ncw saife;i o oeback for your cling tea merchant, is iatroducing ils Wc arc sellino- a bedroom suite ai calpe wt oeta aa acrc fynhv satsfed ifnehcrncopuesludollars and cents ticecta money. Eeytniguaranteed. colefamilyes inaId aunBw 1.0 .D lis&Sn iel n Every trn vlle. esolad rand Bowe 100 .an ihis& ovalue cf thc article weighed. Wc havenie anad 2manviaye.fcrouacertaiulv b an You will flnd tic best assortmcnt. lu seldcm seca a more usefuI and complete want te kccp it 2oc pys fr a ood rush andathcrity on teas iaving been_14 ycars eimail tin of paint. a grocery traveller and dlaims te be a liats and Shirts ut M. Maycr's. piece cf mecianism. Cail atii euri ht odto real expert ou teas. Ilie an bv doing We meanate make a complete clear - groccry departimeatand sec tis wcn- atncodin "Qurt Tins 35C. a strietly cash businuess seli at vr ance cf the stock, Ellison & Co. derfal calclating wcigh scale. Per- yen will find tint ALCL s.close prices and, therefore, we arc net Aia and Dominion Line ocean uhatigs ALCLR.surprised te hear that lie is taking tickets for sale at STATESMAN office. opinion. suMarîn'i orders from the besi familles la West Maie home attractiv.e by b,)dying waîî impossible with- Ur .Durham. Stott d~J r . Bi is2 iNcoi' paper frem J. C. Weeks,. Sec advt. BORN. eut a GARDE-N Peltpin 2c t Nchols'.Our sole object is te make more rapid WHALE.-In Bewmanvilue, May 17, te Mr.and C IT Y L AW NZ Leather belts 10e ai Niciolis'. sale for cash cr dite bis. Ellison & Ce. Mrs. Thes. Whale, a son. Excursion te Model Farm, Guelph, Boss watcbes--naatssam d MOWER. June l8th. on back cof case-for sale at Rickard's. MARRIED. Ou iigRo utswl upieGreat value. BARBER-SU.ERiwee.-On May 5th, by Rev.I sti ai Our inin Rom Sutes illsurpiseSmith, tir.H.L.Barber,oflEmsdale and ZenaM von. L. Morris. In preparation for our sale, tic store enly daughter of James Sherweec', eentracier' est runningMow- S r eMammoti white seed cern for ensilage wiil be closed on Tiursday and Friday BîcxriiîcsVEALI.-Ifl Bewmanvilue, May er, la fac tge net lisn&C.12, by Rev. C. Parker, Mr. Wm. J. Dickinson, , e tge ai West End lieuse. ne' lisn&C.and Miss Mary Grace Vealg, eldest daughter cf almost without M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Cartain Poles and Window Shades la Mr. Thes. Veaue. Da isLicenses, Bowmanviile. large varicty at prices te defy competi- DENSEM-MONKLY.-At Tcronto, May 12, by pishinfg and tic.5_ Da i sAo'cncy for tic CaII.sTIÂN GUADîAI tien ai Dastan & lioar's ev. Mr. Pearson, Mr. Arthur Densem, cf Tor- ente, and Miss Lucy Monkley,formerly of Bow- price is so low41 ai 3Ï'HE STATESMAN office. Dress Goods, Tweeds, Cloilis, and manviuue.___ in mnachin~es by inexperiencecl Oar forced sale bc-ius on Satarday Boys' and Men's Saits will be forced KîaBOuTui -WICRTT.On Mayi, at the re- tint yen will bec__ W_ ruakers whï 1laim te be AT TEE May l5th. Ellison & &,otaiaycsi.lion&C.Toronte, by Rev. J. Odery, assisted by Rev. Dr.sarprised and ____ TOP of the trade arc meet laugli. Bargala scekers will wonder ut tic We hiave a line of Sideboards that Galbraith, Dr. B. 1111hure, of Parkhiii, On t.,__ recannot 'bc beatea la quaaiiy, style or and Maude, eudest daughter of S. 1R. Wickett, woadcr tint tiey eai.be sold onscinsalmrgn atb byugn able when eonsidered from a con- utos Ellison & Co. price. Cal and inpet L. Morris. q. ml agnbtb uigi s ructional point of view. aPrettiesi designs of wall paper in teiva A fine stock cf Ladies Blouses' made a agDIED. F h rao wyw cnsl te o lep aJ. C. Wecks', Ontario St. ir by Williams, Greene & Rome uow show- Jeas-î BwmniMy 3Fliachor saleonly by .-I BwvevlltMyi3,Elzaet Tnvostigate Accnmlated stocks will go ai a third ingat Couch, J oinston & Crydcrman's. Heie Joues, yonngest daughter cf George and fb oreftecam fteof regalar prices. Ellison? Co.LaisanMsesSrgCpsad Annie Jones, aged 13 years 4 mcnths.li Wirlyoarsclft thes aims ofJ.tic ads iead1sscSrt ug pe and vr ne1 IcDzARnin-At Mauvern, Scarbore, ce May i d [ SPECIAIJ GRADE. WlmynpittssaoJ .Casafu soietadccvee~ Duncan Mcflearmid, M. D., aged 67 years. LJLJSta--n &m a Weeks guarantees satisfaction. aew-at Conch, Johaston & CÏyder- SM1TTH. A the residence cf her daxg.ht_, BoMNVL' In overstocked depariments priees muan's. Mrs. A. W il notî, Newcastue, ce May llth, Urs: ONIL. Phono 74. 1,wl-oiieybceutcnt utwe. Ellîson & MmoiWueCrnfreslgaJean Kerr Smith, ie her Sird year. _____________________________________ cum M ur~ii psiivl C. crodjs eeve tWs er POOL-InNewcastte, 1May 1.9th, Anne lletth- calod ustrcevc u WstEn eringten, r4uicî cf the ]ate John Pool je the 85th raigpruning and prig don Hefor seed-No fluer sample ex-er year of ber age.