T he rnfr e i rd Are noted for theirN Easy 1'unniing, Beauty ald Stiengtiî. Patîunized bytheir, Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. We keep a supply of Lamps, Belîs, Whistles, Cyclom- eters, Lnggage Carriers, Cement, Patching iRubber, Pumps, Grips, Oilers, Clips, 011; &c. J. H e"'n'bohamSon.l BOWMAN VILLE. Chemists and Druggists. flot only once, but again and again. We cxtend a cordial greeting and the congratulations of the season to everyi reader. You know that ithe. month of May some special inducements will be offered by us. One would think to see the advertisements of somei firms "lthat they were the only pebbles on the beach." Its As Plain As Day that goods which. amount to anything at ail must command a proportionate price, and the bette i the quality the greater the price. The mark et is f ull of cheap Shoes ; they are made to seil chea.p and give the buyer no end of annoyance. Any satisfaction in that? Not a bit. Then why not buy BI3LL,'S SJIOES, -positively the best in the market. Sole Agent, BOWMN VILE.Treleven's O1d Stand. Repairing donc promiptly in ail its branches. Grocers' Due Bis taken sanie as cash. WC Are Ho adllartors Foril K ilds of k Sumuin"orGoads.' Quick-Meul Blue Flame- Coal Oul Stoves are the best, call and see them. Window Screens, Sereen Doors, Spring linges, Green Wire Cloth, at very close prices. Lawn Mow-ers, Lawnî Rakes and Gar den Tools, in great variety. Sherman-Williarns Paint is the only pure Paint on the market, every can guaranteed. Try it. White Lead, Oil, Turpentine, Glass, Putty and a f ull line of Painters' Supplies. Fence Wire of al! kinds at close prices. Sole agents for the Gurney Foundry Co's eelebrated Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. BowmANviLLE. We Have It I== That F7-urniture, or piece of iFurniture you are wanting this Spring, to place in your home,- we have in great variety and our pries are su low you canuot aff ord to be w ithout it. Caiand See the newe ,st designs in ail kinds of Funitri ~ Youi are always welcome. BQIYNYILLE, BOWMANVILLE, MAY 19), 1897. (Condensed from the News.) ANTIOOH.-MeSSrs. G. L. Waddell, T. Semer- ville andi D. Moffatt delivered tbeir fat hogs at Newcastle depot last week .. .The cheese factory lias commenceriopato...ranMc.W J. Royad Miss da Drigton, visited hlere rýceýntly"... .Mr. W. Beliamy fias arrivedfifront Rainy River District, sas n up by typboid IIUSBAND IS WIJLL, Mr.Wm.Hamibly, Belleville, Ont., says:. "My husband was troubled with kidney complaint, rheumfatismn, loss of appetite, sleepless- ness, etc., and could flot get relief until I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pis for him. He has now used four boxes in ail and is perfectly cured." Doan's Kidney Pilîs are the onesthat cure. iRememnber the namie, Doan's. S. S. No. i. Considerabie damage lias been done to crops by recent rain..Mr. Josephi Hreard bas ina roved the appearance of his re- mises by building a new fen ce at the rear 0f i,. bouse.... .Mr, J. Pligg lias a very flue driver .... Mr. Eruest Fligg, Newcastle, visited at Mc. S. Harris' centiy ..Miss F.Eieauor ami Miss E. Stapictun have become members ufthte Metbo- isi choir ai Newc astle. THEY D OOoD WORK.-The following letter tells what people think about Laxa Liver Pilis: DEAR Sis-I gladly testify to the virtues of Laxa Liver Pis. 1 used to bc troubled with severe headaches and constipation for a long tîme, and took these pis hoping for a cure, and rny hopes were rapidly fui- filed. 1 have fouud themn a nover f ail. ing remedy and heartlly recommeîîd them. Signed, Miss S. LAwsoN, Moncton, N. B. LFitAED.-Mr- Wm. Byers la pruoing trees.. .Mr. A. W. Carveihlibas put icn a new waste- gais ai bis lowec lpond .... .Our Epwortb Lea'gue visited Kirby J'riday evening.... .Mr. Wm. itel- ley jr, and Miss Kelley ceceritly visited triends at tUhs ou ... .Mr. S. MeKîiglit is iu poor liealth. ...Rev. S. G. Rorke. Enniskiillen,preacbed very accepiab l ere ou Sunday morning week.... Tbe Dvf Tyerman residence, tenanted by Al- bert Mintie, waa destroyefi by tire Monday,May 10. Tbe tire originaiedftrom a detective chim- ney. The fucuitucu was gotten ont altbouigb iu a damaged state. HAGYARD'hI YE1LLOW 0w L The great pain cure. Used exterisally cures rheu- matism, swlings, sprains,> bruises, stiffnes, pain and sorencss çf everv descrition. Internaliy uscd it cures croup, colds, sore tiiroat, hoarseness, asthina, bronchitis, quinsy, etc. Price 25c., ail druggists CaÂARrE Uxo.IMc. Geu. Jamaieson lbas beautiied Mc. P. D. McÇoniaclies resideuce witb a coat ut paint ... . Miss Mary Roweilaleacu. ing thie dressmakipg witli Miss Stalker,Orono... .Arbor Day was daly observedt on Friday last andi the scbool with its surroundings vias fittefi up in an artistie mariner, wbicli is due t o our enterpcising teaeber, Miss Icenie O. B.Jewell.. . Mr, John AllUn bas paintefi bis bouse ..Mr.H. Davis lest a valuable cow recenitly. Mr. A. Samis lest a brood sow .. .. Mr. Robert Rire bas iecrraced bis l.wn .. Mr. T. H. Puwers, Kicby Walter Winier, Harmny; and isslîes Lauira and Clara, Sanis, Orono, iverc vuitors ai "Park Dale" reeently. PERSONALExPEýrýIXCE-MrI,. II.Hlid- son, of.,Iindson Bros., VWatford, Ont., says: "Prom personal -experienco I recommond Milburn's lleartý and Nerve Pis for nervousness and general woak- ness of the systein, atid can say without doubt they are the best miedicine I ever used. Oiîuxo.-Mrs. Win. McLeofilis visitiing lier daugliter, Mcs, Wmr. Seymour, Cuiborue... Mr. Tr. A. Best lias purchased a flue tlicee-year olfi Wilks colt froma Mr. O. A. &amsby.... Mr. Peter Conueli was bouked inlutbe side iîtb acow ce- cently .. .. Mr., Bave H r mbly, an old Boivman- ville boy, -visited bis sister reeeutly, Mrs. J. L. Rowe .... Mc. Henriy Kelley ceceiyed a ielegramt fromt Illinois, siatiîîg ibat bis sister, Siinda (Mcar. Cronin) was dead .... .Rev. W. P. Fletchier, B.A., Oshaw a, will preacb linlte Cbristiau eburcli, Snnda.y, May 3tlî.... Miss Ettie Kirk oceupies ber Position at tbe Meibodist eburcciorgali, agaîn. . . Mc. Button, Catleton, 1a bouegit [the ,orhi merican HoteL .. . 1Mc. ;and Mra. A. A. Gamsby andi Mr. andi ca.'W W. Trol atteuded a birtbday social at t i home o frM. W.R.Steone, "Lakeview Hall" Oshawa, cec ..t.. Mr. Jas. Dyec, Gardan Hill,1 was in townTueýsday week.. Tecueitract for buildiý ing heCuwanville Scbool bas been ici, Mr. R. Gordon, of our town gettig hin.asiunry work ai dMr. WIt. Little of Kendall tbe carpenter wock..Mr.Jobn Kerr tbe luspector of ceese faciories foc Barrie Lied- say and Peiecboo,w as guest ai the pacaunage.. .4r. A. R. Ga msby waa driving a coller oM h landi, the cope formied a loup andi tore a fin ger off. If sick headache is miser y, what are Carter's Little Liver Pis if they wl positivoiy cure it ? People who have usod them speak frankly of their worth. They are smnall and easy to take. KIRBY. On Eriday evening lasi tbe Epworib Lcague from Leakard visited thle Lea'nae at ibis place. A programme was renderJ by tbe viaiîîng League and consisted ut readinga, raiations, dialogues ani musiecilie cenderlia-outwblcli re- fliecta great credit uipona tbe Leakard Leagure. Refresfiments were aerved b y the ladies ufthie place aund a very eni .oyaple evening waa speut b y alpreaeîît. Amoîg those takingpat wc Misses Davey, Robbieis, Gîlbank, T1uI1 andfiMca. Ouaree talk I~lu favor e od's s*>napazila, a lor no otheli heili- m, k ohfvineling language of gzatkaimEm aud wosnon, eustilte Îios sot etreetive ad- vesrtlinqý. IRy çaf these CÈIrea are maar- Velons. Pe aews7eeia4ao Ithe ,o è have giron HooIIQdls t3nàgàpa- »Mla *fiea krgeý sse lzt eword, and haee mad.enecesaý- y £ mùfe nuafotsre Saspanilis kno-n y b,i-e ae~if liae Iuda, -curies oeot eela s,It szheun aud ecîreaRa, Oy4es of Rhenitiu, araigla sud weak nreoae yppiliver A new summner botel is beiug consirctefi at "0,a, Point" Wasbburn's Island liy Mr.J.Sando. This building un Wasbbucn aînd aiso Mr.Steven's buildings ai CSarea shouifi dive a large accoma- mnodation to campera, couple wltb the butel ai Ciesacea, andi ought to satisfy the iste ut ail classes ut visitera. ERYSIPELAS CUREr.-Geiitlemen.--In the spring of 1893 I was taknwt erysipolas in the face, which lf ei a very bad state of health, hut having taken one bottie of Burdock Blood Bit- ters. l'can trnly say that it curod me. You are at liberty to refer any one to me for further particulars as regards this wonderful medicine. J AS. S. CEOCRER, South Farmington, Anrnapolis, N. S. WHITBY. Misa May Maynacd, wlio waases fearfnlly burned juat tour weelrs cpu, diefi Friday morui I'ng fcuilitheeffecta et the terrible accident ibat bat ail ber onGCodFriday eveuting. Wlien om- inig up the ceilar siairs the coal ou lamp sine was cacrying cxploded and she was tounfi lyin"- op- on the fluor beating wtb ler bands the tfames ihat was destcuying tbe tisanes ut bier face,neck and armas. The tunecal was trora the cesidence ut bier faibe r, Mr. James Maynacd, on Sunday and was lacgely attendefi. UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEsT.-Gentlemnen. -I wish to say that Dr. Fowier's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry has proved a wonderful rtamdy in myfamily. We would flot ho wtthout at for twice its prico. I say it is THE BEST (net mereiy one of the best-but the best) medicine ever brought before the, public for summner compiaint or diarrhoea, either in chiidren or aduits. JOHN UNDERHILL, License ComMiSSionor,Strathciair, Man. HAMPTON. Visiiors ; Mrs. Macali, Paierlioru, ai Mc. J. Clacka'a; Mca. F. Branton, Mca. Cawkec, Osha- wa, ai Mcr. H. Elliottîs; Mrs. Pirie and sun, Suutbamplenat Misa Ada Hastings... Tbe Bp- worih Leagne service Tbucsday evaning was weli attended Bey. Hi. A. Lewis gave a ver intresting address un"'Hoka"; Miss Fceelaud, Bowmanvilie,and Misses Ccydecmau and Elloti' providefi tbe musical part ufthe prog ram.i- Mr T ioliins andi Mrs.Coulledga ara er the Dc's. "Ten popleouot of a dozen are in- vallds, "savs a recent medicai authority. At least eight out of these ten, it is safe to aiiow, are sufferinu. from some form of blood-disease wýhic' a persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia wouid ho sure to cure. Thon, don't ho an invaiid. ENNISKILLEN, Vîsitors: Miss Whuteeak andi Mr. Morrisen, Mackham, guesta et Mr. W. M. Wotton ;Mr. aed Mca. A. Tamblyn Orenu guesi ut Mc. iH. J Weccy ; Dr. Wbit6 and Mrs.ýaîîderson,Wbhtby; Miss Vir-tue, Long Sanut, guesi ut Mc. John Vir- tue, Sr... Mr. N. Hyars is makiîîg big impcove. mania in bis buildings.... Mca. Icwin and lamihy have muvefi fronu Buckaion te Mc. Cbapmcs bouse. One of the best evidences tisat Ayer's ilair Vigor is an article of ex ceptîouai menit is the fact that the domand for it is constantly increasing. No one wlîo uses this incomparable dressing thinks of trying any other preparatiun for the liair, TYRONE. Mc. W.R. Chemins bas beau sonîewbati iinu la better .. . . Mr.dgar W. Alltîî pceacbe.l atthis appoiutmnit Sabbatb evening .... A baîf hur' debate tollowed bY a badge Social is ou tuet foc next Fciday eveuing'a League entectainuicut.... Miss Coca 'il. Gardiner la home frein Linîdsay... -A baud et gypaies ccuised ne uitile excitemeni fe'r a sliort tima amen g the inliabîtants efthis sleepy hiight ou Frîday at .... .Owing lu tbe greci contra attraction at Bowmaliville on May 24tili bas beau deemed prudent te dispense with tbe S. S. anulversn ry celebration un that date. Tha nanal Suuday service te lie helfi, bowevar. and a pueS crewd exn)ected tu bear a former pasier, Rav. J. T. Morris,Davenpoct; siupinp by hb childrc,ofthbe selîol ..Miss. MayCléece ef Howînvilhe H. S. lias been ceintoeing bier nervea fotoihe elosiîîg cunîest,b 'y a nînel needefi ten days' ceat amîd thé beanties et nature sur- îeuîîdîng ber lhome ý.. A nmber ut Bowman- ville eitizeiis eujoyed a drive te Tyrene on Sun- day. Cerne apaîi.... Messrs. R. McCulouh's a.nd Raymond Dcvey's fine drivers had a trial ot speefi eue evening cccenily. Opinions are dix idad as ce esuit . ...Miss EvaRelmes, Black- stock is visiting lbac uncia, Mc. Edwacd Chan- non. , ' Mc. J. h.. Manniing continues te inupreve ici health .... Don'i spray fruit tcees lu blosgsonu- mng seasun. lIN PENETRATING PowER.--No remedy an the world equais Nerviline-aerve pain cure. Nouralgia aud rheumatism are relioved aimost instantiy, and the minor aches and. pains are cnred by a singleo'application. .Nerviiine-nerve pain curo is sure f0 cure. NEWCASTLE. 5Mc. Jos.Henry sbipped a carload fi torse fromn liera Weduead ay.... .Rev. R. Taylor anîd Mc. Jas. Rickacd ara attendiug the May District ai Oshawa.. . .Mr. Samil Bouaiban, Buwmanville, bas beught tbe hardware stock et Mc. E. C. l- 1cm... Miss Oke, Ebauuezer, andi Miss Mabel Welab, Bowma uvule, weceguasi ut Miss Gert- rude Pearca, recently. -....Miss Lanra Taft, Toc. oritu,ls spaudiup a few days ai borne.. ..Miss AnniaMuir, Bowmanvilla, vîsiiefi ai Mc. T.Elli- son's .... The Fice brigade uvas ont for driii Sai- urday ni'ght suddifi good work ..Our commun- ity lias bust two wo'cthy pers uns ever 80 years, Mca. Smith 82 and isc. Poule 84 yeaca ... -Miss Rafipes visîtefi aiMr. W- C. &Asio's on Snnday ...Mr. and iMca. W. Mason speni Suuday ai Orono. ... Our bhiclista must take th. r.afin future .... Mcs. CGlaudenuingl hs,3 purcliased a, new "Comai" anS Miss Wilmot a "SIoce", Mc. John Runnails, District agent for the Nortli Anýîeriauî Lite, waa ici iuwn Mouday...- ni- I E I. a arlil ~&I2an I Uu4erta1t~r aud~Furn'itiu e De.gi~, ~~~1Us ~c~4 g 4~ wnpphi'~ TheMason Oo* New Dress Materi'als We are fuliy alive te the fact that freshness and noveities shoulc'ý< charac.. terize the Dress Goods Departinent of every well-ordered dry goods house. Tust now we are showing an ideai collection of the Newest and most desirabl Styles and Noveities in Dress Stufis and the prices are little enough tu t tract the attention of every shopper. The stock this season appeais 10 eveyt one. It is large new, novel and up-to-date in every particular. A fancy Line Linen Lawn, new and popular at 121C. Organdie Musli s 28ifl. wide fast colors aI - - - 15 c. Blouse Silks, popular pattrens and colors, special at 25c, 30c & 50C. American Cashmere Prints, guaran- teed fast colors at - - 8c. Soed. corne A new uine Pninted Sateens in gre and Black, White and Black,--' Fawn and Green checks, very pretty goods aI - r C. Parasols-A large range, fancy, styiish Handies at 50c to $3-00- Seod corna. Giant Proiific, Leaming, Huron, Dent, Large White Flint, RKural Thora. bred Flint, ail first-ciass seiected seeds at easy prices. Also 8 and 12 row Hos Corn for seed. spemmal 1lips LIQocri~ Next week we will have on sale a large stock of Staple Groceries at large discounts off regular prices, having bought them at about haif prices. This week also bas ils usuai buik of'snaps in that uine. Special1s for Priday a. Saturday, 21et & 22nd)." Can Corn 5c, Peas 7c, Tomnames 3 for 2oc. John Bull Pickles îroc. Good Red Salmon roc. Heing's Beans re-g. 20c. for î5c, A 25C jar of Jam in ail kinds, ail fresh, first of goods for 1:5c. Choice Baking Powder for roc a IL Sardines 5c, Peaches, reg. 25C, 2 for 25C. Tomato and Grape Catsup at haîf price. A full assorîrnent of Turnip Seeds fre:,h and new, aI popular prices. Two Specialu "in, Ieaacty-maae O1otiug Blue and Black Serge Suits -iii Halifax Tweed Suitsall wooi in Fawn 1 sizes -$4.00. and Grey, sizes 36 tb 44 aI $6.oo. A large number of nesv lnes just to hand in Boots and Shoes, especialiy in Wonien's Oxfords and Ties and Men's Piow Boots at popular puices. Ail kines of Produce taken at the highest market values. Wanted-ioo Bush Oats and roo bush Buckwheate for cash or trade. TH~EM~A SON Co Latest Spring Patterns just arrived, a large variety to choose from, ]ovely designs and prices right. Painting, grainîng, kalsounining, papor hangIng, etc., as nstial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders may be dropped ln the letter box. in door, of shop, Market Square, or ef t at residence. JNO~ C. WEEKS, BowatANVILLE. Ontario Street. 'A Wise man uns R Go dRilicge Espeili en ho can prhs h good article for a reasonabie Snm of monythreOre if'yo wish a watch, nock, wegring spectacles, a wed- ding present,ý a birthday present or table ware for your own use cali aI Iliekard's. No botter goods for your monoy in Canada. Any amount of pretty thîngs. Bowmanviile,Cianadîan, and Jubilee Souverîlors. Ail these ýgooda and many more being soid at prices within the reach of every onme. Aiso Sewîng machines of thrtemakes Eyesig-ht carefnlly and scia otifically testcd frec. Grocers' due bil1,, taken, as cash* T. N.RI1AD Watchmaker, JewielIex and Optician, Bowmanville, Eyesight Tested Free. PORT DA.RLINGTON ýI HARBOR 00. Agents, For. T ea IN PACKAGES, the pure Ceylon Tea cal ed Bee's Brand -the bei in the ma et package. Tolephone 57. Try At the ilamupton Woolednmîlle rlaving receivd orders for tht pnrehase of a largo quantity t wool for the Aunorican Mark(,t, parties having woo1 to soul wilî )I suit their intorest by giVing imiý oariy ca4 f D. T AY LOR1 ah Meeihget eg ceiidu.iset m-iboWve'j a NoMetie oGs beygii ltdia Ao seal Ger2in ope Cuîeipanv a'i1Il ie bldi a i b r offie aIlPot I____________ Daýrlîngien on Monmlîy -se lth dayeofJnue I11,7 ctihlîoc e 3 oclokp.m. fr fic lectiono UlOK -IS iinl ae~s Dcirs aud osler porpose. 1 regulumtlmt i ver abc oure Cor sope [EQWnanVlica~D. B. SIMPSONS. J~ iiRN OG~e i0ihi 115,.i T ï %aui kl fgy JMiuu rniusîu ad'. . ) e