TERMS :-$1.50 P _ _m U ON N-CUT IS;TU OL FEWRS PERANNM. UR OWNANDCOUTY IRS; TE WRLDAFTRWAIDs M.A.JAMES, Editor and iCroprietor, Nizw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 -197 OLM!XII.N. 2 Coi-;ch, Johnston & Cryderm an SAE.EFTLJERLY CLOS,.IG. The anniversarY of Salenm ehurchwill bie held Visitors.-Mrs. N. Jardine, Masters Russell, Weteuesind ecatsoth Not oniy carry the finest stock of Carpets and Lace Sunnaý and Mondai ue1 ad ~DWilheim andhMiss Kathleen Jardine, Toronte Curaisbu teyalo ho te inststckofDr Sa M N. lMc amnus of PoriPerry will be tbe at her fa ther's, Mr. W. Tapp .. . .Mr. T. Wotteii town of Bowmanville herebv agree to Curtans, ut tey aso sow te fiest tockof Dess artpreacher.ter.and family have snoved back on bis farm again Close our respective places oÏf business Particulars later. . .Mr. W. Nichols had a plowing bee to *:cIe_ ttehu f630p .drn With Hood's Sarsapa-g CORNSNS!-Tender, painfull brate the 24th ... .Several farmers bave pnreas a th tu f 63 .m drn h Goods, Silks, iMuslins, iPrints, rIfla, 1 Sales Talk," andK cornps,bleeding COrns,painlesslyremoved ed potato planters whjeh are qiving SatnSfacv aion mons of une, July and August, Sat- in a hours. d f'alsowta ti ed-Ptnn' Pi-tbree ordinarily ..Anniversary services hlire peiu opbi lldy xetd ancac ins han enjoyed publie confidence and ess Cor xtator acts mnagically. Junel3 and 4. Partielars luter. Peiut uleHldY xetd C o tt o n G o o d s of ail sho wyhaitthn d bed - oruiExtracW e led oe ourselves to c o e p o p l kinds, in West Durham. Also patronage to a greater extent thon accord- Tyi n e ovne.Ail disorders caused by a bilîous state whiî~ 'r elis culosand oupld bigasoripntofPaaslsed any other proprietary modicine. This of the System Can bc cured by usi ig wini es the pBl ulicand o thei Io slmply because it possesses grOJRIeEaare'sLtteLie Pu.No pain, shop 'ing earlv so that the early 1lo 1 an U brllsimported direct menit and produces greater cures thoni Visitors: Miss Annis, Markbam; Miss Han use. Try them. gtuî movement may be entirely successfu. any other. It la flot what we say, but cock, Toronto, griest of Miss Florence Conrtice; _______Cwe at elBo. from the manuf acurèrs inwhat Hoole Sarsaarilla des, thattelle Mr.andi(IMrs. A. E. Clemence, Tyrone, at Mr. Cwe at elBo. thtoo d'a S r s niae softhat C. Mr. M. J. Gibson ore from Toronto SOLINA. J. B. Martvn, J. Jeffery, f r m t e a u a c u e s . a a o y A l a v e t s m e t ! O d U i1v erity ; M rs. E . W . T onk in , E d w ard sb rg , - gaoprla ieRo' asprlaI-MeiadMs. (Rev)J .ôe ieae J. Babcock, John McMurtry, selfd. ar epmrIlla, li e hoo ' aven vrsapanla i s ilbietan rmot e v.. . O sborWn e ...... Mr. Jas. T. undle again occ pies bis east endl L. Cornisli, A . H um e, They are also showing a "searhoetWeaenerdeeedFIrst -, e of D. U. cheese bas been sold at a villa ... .Division wilI have an ".At Home" Fr!- Robt. McDougall .M akr jitepbiand this with its superlative o o, ayight, ail members welcome...Mr. Thos. A. L. Nicholîs, P. Trebilcock, inedepUuhC oi, l h te pgguiae. Baker delivered some Shropshire la'mb at Wood big range of Ladies' Blouses indcna etI hytepepehae Tat IHood's Sarsaparilla purifies the ville, John Stott accoinpanied liii..Mrs.Tho~ John Henyvar, uouch, Johnston& mbadelg coWileliamsi, andeuy & bloe'd and releves a VaSt amoutnt of and Misses Magge and Eliza Pascoe visiteil T. N. Rickzard, Cryderman, m~ideby WiliasGren ~~ "su',il, isflot a theory but a weîî South Darlington friends recently... .Re. .l. Dustan & Hoar, D. Davis, Rome, whose goods are ad- E knowii fact. ate sermons st Zion Sunday; tlïe Elisn & the lIichard Worth, mited o b te bst ittngsûliool and choir was capital. Collection near. The Masoîî Co , Edsall & Co., mitedtobe hebet fttng. ~ ~ ' r' wuTYRONE. &akwïr.d, M re thpen Ào MWaino Young & Co., J. Reid, .Mrs. D. Hgartb is again impnoving in health. Peter Murdoch, M.- Mayer. anr m stsths i te arkt,11% NV,~ *Mr W AsburnLWilson, B. A., is visiting bis It il a fortunate day for a man when ------------ TED.M to-day. 5MTW1% a s p r i ilia gra-dparent, W itby. Holiday visitors: Miss hie flrst discovers the value of A rer's DLGTSAPITD 5m~ VII5 ~ (IQIj.~1E111111r1-01, Mi88 Hancock, Bownanville, Mn. Sarsaparilla as a blood-purifler. ý'vith Rd H wkey, W iteae, T. G. Ryai,New Park t OvAvLE They have aiso hecîr appointed hnft t teexcusion of anl others. Try it. 13. , Gaý,rden,Cobou Aisscampbellllydon tis nmedicine, lhe knows lhe has found a Te OMNME I»rp-"-lyby . 1 R.d Co, L....MMso r. Edgar Phllp, Vity iie "b .h remedy upon whicn hoi max' rely, and Te town delegates appointed to agnsfor the P. D. French Corsets, eIbOîHo&o.îwî,~s r, R. -A.-Iiilpi, receutly .. ..,The impromptu de- that bis life-long malady-is at last attend the Reform Convention in Bow- a g e nts ~~~~~~~~~~~~are the only pils to talce ba e at th eý Le ag e F i a a cs. Sub- CO nquered . Il a ilm n l e to m r w ar : W t W a d every pair of which is tailor cut, fits Hood'is P ltlith Koo ' asePaniu1. ect LPesolved that rave~l ismore helpful as an asu.cured others, wllcure D. B. Shnpon, E. ae:anesohn Per affirîaiývewon. A badge social followed, No______M.AJae.Atrte-.len to perfection and w,?arranted to be s- end of fan wvas indulged In by the listeners at L.A msT. McM-urtry, r. A. S.»"ý madle of the very best material. erasin ruet dacdb h a. NEW HTAVEN. Tilley. NEGUGEE ~~~giin- way to the gentie action and Pres.-Mr. Edgar W. Aluin; Vice pr'es.-M .Wlim, H. Fieldin a. yman. hAlso abig N G IE Ias uraiereeisar at offcens ecdetthss.E. Fiday even Tou- ing: iîîams-"Corn~ s .D ýiijdefecs f arer' Ltte ivr ils.ur6n-Mr. Russell Laisgmald; Conveners oia, J oye F . ubN. cog stock of White ~If outs f te, tll cvrt~l ye of 5iaVnam;ral l.R.natye-. G. uNe.Mco- ________ eMr0 . oer ouscilWard-R. H. Hamley, C. A. committee, Mn. A.Moore; of Flower committee, Johnstoni, T. C. Jewe]l. H. Hico.Ai and C olored ~ ~ ~~HA M PTO N . M s . F an $ r s st is C. Go& As termates- John M cLelin,John M cKay, IShirts. These F I ssatMiss ';.oe. .. .Ensign Maltby o theMri ukW.H akr ar aei .i3iii~-S. A. has been calline liane.M. Fe. -.. MandBrk V . ewr Viion:Mn. C. Greenaway and Mrs. Dickjn-MtsWneTulvste iedmPcerg DARLINCýTON, _____ son Ho, ËIPe, at Mr. J. Clarke s; Mn. and Mnr& A.... Ms. J-Mollon,Hampton, lias been visiting NoiJ.ihtJ.MJnssW.E ____ ully, Bowmanville, Mr. J. Madas, Miss. L. aiMbisTapple trees ... r o -.Wgt ,M oes .E th e____eatilMn.iT. Blythe'sr..J. L . ohrs'M.MEilrbiss sprayieeg.P ollard , H . C . H oar. A lter n ates- E. lln, M. .LaderToont, t M. T Elio's PE SON L XPE IE CE..-M, .Hi d-Foster, W . J. Bragg, G. A. Stephens, the nees lty;L, Tront.o, atMr. J oh,' M. . l tS;parOALEp i patterns and guaranteed to fit . g s nieWdadMrs. ohnsbur1y bave son, Of Hindso Bo.,Wa1r d T.Smale. Brun, an says "Fon persn a eprdene., No. 2-W. J. Roy, S. Pollard, A. E. resdet f tîsloality bas hada paralytc recommend Milburn*s beart and Nerv CemcJ.1cauln.Atnts per ect y. a,' stoke . .. rs .cooiell e who livecl witlier P is for nervousness and gen ral weak --S Bing hiaii, R. W oodey, W . W ight, danghte,_r, Mrs. G. Blac ar 'Ild Sunday and . T .Ha We would emphasize the fact - .vabre tZosïisdaY.. W Aunnss of the systemt, ansd can say wîthout No3-WFleSAln,.Ersn tha w ae te ares im orer sured ogs. abitbonoughbred York- dubt .they are the best medicine I x'eH Alternates-J. Snowden,Jacob Stevens, ofAryGYARinWet'uram;AYELLow OiL.-The great ______T. Power. of ryGoos n WstDurampain cuLre. Used externally cures rheu- No. 4-1-. Elliott, jr , E. bastings, 1. thI e resticIycah uyrs malism, swellings, sprans, bruises, NEWCASTLE L. Brown, Jas. Curtis. Atrnates-J. th t e r sri tl as b ye s A VV~ M II I lstiffess, pain and soreness of every Shoo Board met S L1 trday igt .. M Lord, A. logarth, R. Burns, W. Creep- and that no house in Canada selis dsrpin neral sdi ues ray Eilbeck, Massey Harris Co. 'Jûoato, wasor e. roup, colds, sûre throat, boarseness, home for the holiday .... Mrs. Crozien,-orntn, No. 5-J. Hundle,P. Werry. WTrew- as good gooDiîuafor i'lfls mon'pI astýïuma, b)ronchitis, quinsy, etc. Prie asreent gnest of Mis Fothengil.Mn.âf. E. C. in, H. J. Werry. Alternates-J. T. a fe lld gss Me Bride visitig at M . .Anott's as rturnied,.J Rliants, J. J. Smith, W . toeXinnipeg .. . .Mr. Fred Angal, Oshawa, wasb. Creeper. Especialy ween hoe can puîcbase the home for 24th .... Mr. Erneet Gibson, Toronto, No. 6-Levi Annis, L. M. Courtice, J. good article foi a reasonabie sumn of ENNISKILLEN. visited at lits fathen'sMn. Jas.Gibsoui.A Tmgrnîdeue .H.Cutc.Atr Bine odgbas ecn onganized and is flounîslî mlono, w thoiefo>-reifog î ac, ing .... Mr. andMns. Taylor, Toronto,were guest nîs-H.E Osbornie,,.i). Tooley, L, Inspeet O ur ~ ~~~~~~table waî e for vonir own use cali ,att n.Wttns;Mn.ThsMo , a t0erangeilk.. A tp-a oerg~ .G P~o, aeJ floia ;ianvLlods oryvisiting ien ter Mn. ebben tbe townouncillqa 1bye Lawws assd dpt etie .-er. Ien.e-T. înoney in Canada. Any amount of q'n get of Mn. N. yes; Mnli. aiMnis. pisys ont Satnnayniht[.is Ànna]exan.,mih I - ~pîotty tbîngs. Bowmanville,Canadian, , .Pr en tM.John Pye's. . ..MNs. spent the holitisys at home ii)Bjwmnanvl le....1 MARK and Juhilee Souveniors. Ail he W li Lji ldast son, deltibted the audience in Mn. Lewis Barneit spent sundýaylii Port op 0 0 00 0 JRA 1 , _ý -41 t le Matbdiitebuncli Sunoay evening witli an S!inday .. . .Miss Mabel. Cobblediek, Toronto, Inhnnfnrîgoods and many more being sold at ex reneraed plece of sacred musie. visited ai Mn. A. Fengnson's.,. . Miss olive Wal Ais ni'. Il 'thi the reach of ovory one. MrF.Iogens andi Mn. Will Rogers are visit- ton, Dunnanton, was guest of Mrs. 131db. Colwell pnics wî O i~[iiPIkaning ... . Mn. jîîo. Lee was home for .Dn. anti Mrs. Fanncombe ant i rs. (11ev.) ~ A1 P udn m nn Aso Sewing mnachines of three makes th 1 . ... Our vilagers celeliateti Qeen's Taylor visied Seafonil recently .Mr1.and Mrs y - . e- Evesigh carefuly andscientificl Bir>t1!ý Iday 'Owmanville. . . .Mn. N. Byans lias Ed. Brittain, spent 24th at Mn. John Douglas'... tesetifro.isceesflly moved the ws a fhsrasI- Mr.RSrwe bee rmTrnoStra daîsca opposit mai', Street andi iniantis naking.. Miss Ida Eilbeck, Toronto, was home for the î Grocers' due buils taken as cash. ofnalansdnaofh uesBitliday. 1if YoR had taken'two of Carter's Little ERvSIPBLAS CURED.-Gentlemn.-In 1,. ,t: ' ~i IÇ nc raT.NîROK RD is-r lUs hefore retiring you would the spring of 1893 1 wa tke wt Watchmaker, Jeweller and Opticiaîî, taste îni the mouth this morng. Keep a vory bad stato of health, hut having - he n ith g od Ce'qrby10lon Tdu ea 0Bowmanville. a vial'11with yon for occasional use. taken oe bote of Bdcck B~loo>Bit- - -1 BysodoingI',e-w!", In thes days o Packag Teas ne someimes beitatesYou are at Iiberty 'to refor any one to nuelrowat luthsedas f acag Tason smeims estaes EysihtTeto Fee Atni an IA 4 am me for further particulars as regards' tmactivelnss, m air asTto the particular brand to use. If you decide on 4 U ~i 115 t~Lbthis wonderflul medicine. brhsadadhn Con LongYerhoer ubappyandir Kincora Oeylon you will make no mistake. It is JAS, N. S.É, oehap,.ad the II, .est and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, HI EALBI1SE South Farmington, Annapolis, N .poeite combining Purity, Strength andi Flavor. Put up in or-A.CalnefrteIe MktIogi athsti iginal Lead Packages of .ý lb aud 1 lb each, in black and WSiViiB. 9 MooI0111 hsia Sf QrS AChlenefo heIea MretHg.caw ha wma aywar e cz i black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c, and 50c per___ld The undersigned has been trving mile must laite proper cana cf berself, and! pound'In Wah l mmnn oni to produce the best market -hon. see 'te il that the delicate onganis that are! poun. Cîl t u rUîuî~ Dlii iUIiIiUlI anflho now bas seven five-raonths-old distinctly f.eminite ara always heaiiby sudi 'Lprkers that colle vorv near his ideal. §tT0g9 Thosands f -om ilr1 short of ~ 1to-day lot your hopae be eontred lu PORT DARL.INGTON to d so is t t eir are li ere is verrea y io letipe r room . ~A flfI A M T fl Pale's elerCon po ndted anyHA RBO R 00. O ~ V V3JL IiI~I.U. it not rail witlîyo. Hed r. ooe Ms'Oiiofu esi Notice is belrel) given 1hat the Annal Geaer, mony:ai Meeting cI île sli irehoiders of îe bos-gûý; At the Hampton Wooilen Milis. YWitk tory great pieasure aud satis- > Compîany will hi la Id at their office :4t P(or s- w yP. rlington on Moud ý, y the m7thday of Juna i 7- will be plea~~~~~d With ~Having roeived orders for the faction I wisk tûtoadd my testir'ony to lcho fh 'lckpn rteeeto w-atlas already ho n aid iiifavor of- ietînootrlUPO( wha yu u~frm s;ureb use of a largo quantity Of Paîiuo's Ceiery LoMpound. Pop a very D. B. SIMPSON, whatyoubuy romus;wool for the Amnerican Marke(,ù long urt1ne I suffered from goneral debîl- Sc tr parties hvhgwol ppy ii ol t saynd u dou seine avn our haifg WO1to andi. CI it ad iiidon Sstrn Bo0wmanli, îMay 10e, 1897.0- godsan picsuit their intercst by giing ie ail hoard of Paino's Ceiery Compound, suit ail lasses. rîy eau.detTuýined to give it a tria, and I am Dt~YaI~7 TAYLC 1tjitnan eauxpress. For ton vearg I )otoed4toternedicinos iithont ~< .t11 B oigFin iDiIL Iiv& S _ __ _an-gcdr ults . but fi r 1using M.m- w. ve, G _ Pain '. cir ornpeund I arn fcts resord o haihan eut weligestiOn. RD 'IL ILS, aisi, ,.3 u- .~'MA.~VîLLE. ?irtturoIDealer andu T&nertaker. i g 1d ntmy sleep is sweet and regsulatet-heliverindo.C1sl±îa n. sçusd. lJgeher, arna ne ver au, reeonmen PaI&~ Çkty T2A I~CRWL1OW4' 'L