I M I WEDNFESDMY,MY2,189)7. Ua. J. <C. TNTrzIgLI.. EMEIR lElt W OLLRoGE OF PHYSlcI'N, 8u.s5 nario, Coroner. ose. ceamd,--BidenceEnellU 74. 8pîl OLICITOR, &o. MO'4IS' I~uearKing Shoot. Bowfa- BcId~T fr ic ntriBanik »#vîâte roueve loanod at thi owet rate- ReiT OWJNG., V. S. (~770EINTHE WEST DURHAM )NoE Block. where himeelt or assistant uV ÏN Ij tmmid froin Sa.m. t? ..Night calle at woeodretYopposite Drii Shed. Calte #eNmPL or tulephone wîII receive prott tetl'=171yr R7L PEA.T E, Tailor r.tUemeuns, Mothes Made to Orderi J CMBRIACOMBE DENTISr. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Hîggrý,nbotham & Son'sDrug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE DEMiNTI STY C. HAIINDEN, L. D. Gradua of the Royal Collage surgeons, Onvarlo. CE OPPOeITs EXPRESS 1VITALIZED AIR. . cf Detet OFIFICL New Tailor Shop The imderRigned who has been carrying on the tadoring business in connection witb Mlaeon's Dry Gondse Store fore. numberof years h~comçncedbus se sfor himpelsît e11hP ,'~ldeceKig St.wea, ere ho la proparad tVý piaeogents' and boys' suite in ail tiOc lateat u7e. and et iawest prieffl For those who tks ho order suite, he will carry a fuitllUneofu Aflntlesinalthe newest pattet'e.UlOve hlm c J. T. -ALLEN-Z, Fashionabie Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A larao soin of xuoney bas been placed lu My hani by a private persan for luvestraOnt, on apTproved juano on farm securlty for a terinuo ritvz or TEN yeat'S, IVE ANDp ONtE IALY PER aEr!rntros.WlLbe ssked payable yearly., ' S&iifacýtory conditions for repaymeflt wlll be am'mged.D. B. SIMPSON.' Solijitur, Baov manvUe. Drate Oct. let, M l40-tf. W ANý1TED.-Farmers' gonis or other industrious persons of fair eduecation to whom .î60 on h wuld he an inueanent 1 rouit also engage a few ladies at their owin homnes. T. If. ,ICCOTT,'Toronto, Ont. A CTIVE MEN.-Wishiuig perma- Z3 ment and peyiihg cmploymnent eami seeure thée samne by engafiugx with us to seli oui, hardy specialties aded Potatoe:Ail Canadiàjn grown. Ontitfree. Salary peid weekly. Write tis for parilculars aud seeure exclusive teritiiry PELn.t.sMcNuisEIt Co., Toronto, Out. 14-4mn. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHEDCI 15 Il Der auuum Iu acivnnce, ctherwiae Sî,y41 S~cIptions always payable at tie ottitua or u Ib4cation. Advertisinic ratea acoase by cou roët. 10 cents per fine, nouparie first lasers os.a àud cents per lino eaoh subeequent in- ast'lo. Locale, 10 cents per lins. M. A. JAMES, Publisher THOMAS PEATE, Dver and Clothescleaner Nias retnoved his works to the well known Easter'n Huse. PRics:-For cleaning, dying and beautifully pressing an Overcoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are not more than one haif what yen wonld have ýto pay any other Dye Works, and the work will, be as gooci as can be done any- PRACTICAL FARMI1NG. "HOW 3 J'TCH TILE 1" AN, TE POINTS. This le a question hat every mati tmaiuiughis fart must anser mfor hintself, enys a w-iter in Prairie Fart- er. As a ule tbey maie ticir ans- Wcr too seau and front immature jutg- ment, and as a conecquence do net Plan ta use as many as tiey shouit. Iu nftcr yeare, if thc norl le conpîcte- et, mach of it muet be donc over an ne- count of bat calculations lu tie begin- uing. It le assumet lu Cie beginniug tint parts cf tic field or plats do net, nee tfile drainage, and tie poaihlity tint tiey May il lef t eut of count. Tic raîie luet year, and su bar tbis ycar. lhave pliny brougit f0 rien auy spots ini fields supposedteta e w-cl drainedthat woult be muci improvet by haring more tile under tbent. Sente- tintes a drain erery four rots wnul ans- w-etheti purpose, andthten agantiouly perfect w-orn eau be accampliciet hy Puttiug fien.t tro rode apant. Tic farinecrinexperieucet lu file drainage eaul uot felliow mach hie land nil uetd, nom eau hoe al in a stauger and get correct eftimafes. lie eason for this latter je ht noetira farte are alike iu Cils respect. An experlencet burin drainage cugincer wiil conte ucar- cm hau auy anc cise. lie nil name a numbeor oh rets necessary. and w-lU c3rr ou thc caf csite ir uanting mare f ia is actuaily ucedet. ratier than et bcrwise. Wicu a bani neets drain- age fthe owner eau speut mach finie prafitably by a careful stuty ofh tic nature cfaheicsli under ail conditions, and wiri Cils stuty of tic soi]. be cionit unite tint oh the condition of fie crope grawiug on Cielaut. If tic banner w-ho owns lendthtit ho can crcp snfely cvemy ýrer unider nicet unfavomable weatier conditions. complains of bard tintes, icri-mach more muet fie tintes pii fi te fariner w-ha crope lanuthat le unreliubJ3, hecause focwet f One w-ny ouf for tic latter jeta commence tiling if hie land je wotifhein înprurmntu. lic Only W-ay ta get satisfaction front fhie w-am ile d tinght roin.thCe start. Ad tic more attention tie mut 0 wner glves f0 tic matter tic marc tiorouzmîr he wil be couvincet hat tuis le truc. It may fuie yeurm. aftcr tiheivoni hue Once commencet. teoi gef if tpropenîy completct. Foi, if l w-e unteretoodthfese hardtites hat fou fr amers bave theic oney Cte complete Che w-rx. Tic, mains must be lait fimet, mut us resulte accrue Cie w-rkisl completet. Tic firet wirndane beipe to puy for fie continuation of Cie w-ami. Tic satisfaction butd in woing oven tic lant rccentiy filet te se muci ubove wiat if was befare. beiuqý file thti fthe pushiîg fariner te muxions te coin- plote tic w-ri: Just acw, affer Che wet wetier ire bure bat, hewr hields of uplaut show nu even grorrtb of nieut. lie bettont lande unteniait witi grave]. maie a iettcr eiowing. On fie dlay lande toc mauy places look yelioîv and scaltet on account cf ticý trot, colt bell. Tiese places show plain.- iy tic ucet ohf ile. Wheu tic farin- er neglecte ta file tiese places,-lue gcts pour conslation ut harreet tinte ont cf fhe stuCte tiC Iiat flic àIld hut spot was toc wet, or tint a dry season gare a goat crop. \Ve bave bilttew-ici w-e hava been woriiug for thîrfeen yemrs fiat w-c Ciongit turing fie dry years needet little,. if amy, More, but fhls apnîu.g spots ashow up Pluinly uviere tic sali hue heen a lit- f le toc w-t bor tic w-bot f0 do ifs hest. Short branches wili complote the w-ri tie îext fiinie tic laut le plenet. If le aur custont te put dow-n tie file while Cie laut le lu claver sEot, just previons f0 plcw-- inC for a crap. When tie barner hue iscsi]. so nel ilet tint w-ion plan- imlg, fie coniditioni ilîl bh tin ae ah orer tic field, be msay feel fiat he hues Cie w-am w-il dune. Thie spnîung, on accoun.t oah fe beaurains, Cie laut le plo-iag ieary and lacis tougi whin Crnet aveC. If Cie lant is w-il filet fie close, compact condition cati ho pro- remtedtef a grea.t extent. lie water passes off su qnickly tint Che. laut tocs not becoete cnmtbeauy. Tbis pre- rentet. tic barmien nnd bis ents are suret muci luboniaus work. This is ance oh Cie notable udrantages ofhahuiug lutd erfectly filet. Tis bard w-ami ey Ciaainrtntbis teant nl net put fie landinlu ficpliable condition attainet by tie action cf Cie tule. TUe eiould go donu as long as n bill oh cern suffeme exOessive moistume. ULnlese tie îammce sfreehanudet w-e det not atrise tint ic ntertake tea ccomplis Chils ut once. But ne utrise tinýt iven ho commences Che w-ri ho maies p,l*pcr calculations bar ifs bull completion, tbcreby aveidiug taig up file hecause toc entuli or hecause tiec rk bas becu i prly doue. Tic amount needet le , Cet teterminet affer tieuonkis le har- ougily toune. Sentetinmes if tCils 'as irnewn tuthfe bcgînning fthe w-ami weul nover be commencet. where. Ri4l. T ELP SUMMER PASTURE. ~'-~~"'~Rilgit now- is tic ime ta thini cf D~WOi' supplementiug Cie pnstux3es fora ot or trio turing tic icat cf cummer w-Iit sone kint of green crop. Haoart'e Dairymutinlu iseussingtCils qoeton, says tint wien.thtic noie reliauce for foot is on pasture tiere nover hus been -g"ýY INE asuimier lun i c o ws dit nef fail, ut p sente part cf tic ime, to get sufficeet goot food fron thfe pastore fa ieep up SY R U Cie flow cf miii otahCe full amount of THE MOST PR OMPT, wbat it ougit to have iccu and migit Pieusaut and IPerfect Cure haro been,. if meanue abhec taken ta for CoughS, Colds, Asthma, supply Cbils teiciecy lu foot. This Bronhiti, Horsenss, condition is, surc ta happen, cvry ycar, BroucitisHoarenes lu u ny part ofheticocuntry, tic mat- Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- fer ion large, or an niat kind of ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in landuthCe pusture je, or how f 0w-cens are the Chest and al Throat, in it, Tic grass ntny grcw- luxuriantly Bronchial and Lung Diseftses. lunJlar and Jute and porhape a part of July, and furnisi muci morefeet The healing auti-consuniptiro virtues than tic stock cau eut. But by tic cf the Norway Pine are combined latter part of July or firet oa, Auguet, iu hie medicine witi WiId Cherry Chie e-arly'grati becantes oit and and ether pectoral Herbs and Bal- odterwhhacman'as saans ta make a rue specific for al soopyst ronanthe conee, ngrass forme of diseuse orgîutng frem colt.s. I th os r- d ign t, tc coehe e PrIG -25C. and 5Oc.' eows eau lire, it te rue, ont'hie oît grass, but wheu tic bail raine conte cfo mn cadteei rs rwho rs ~aniu-An Ci -IgtjýVte flow cf miii only partiaiiy contes i'm-oeet our Idea' ,they mmy briug you l atti cre rds evr memWashingtoii, .,..for their Ïi,SuoprimO fie muci les thanuit nouit bave hecu, bmd .m.mt of tfwa hmnre inventions wautod. your huir buck as socin a s yon begtnito use Haïr Vi there been. soine gQoo, succulent, green foot oidddurinz the season of droutbJ. uau LUnieOrU e ýt cZaPe* to sow tof, provide this summer fooad. SoW thean ()- r as soon as the gi ound iS la fit cundition ta work, on a pmerc>( of groud aaer the cow stable, i btht Yeu vwil! ave thent handy ùu eut an hlan]. iint the stableto feed. Jci ta feeti Cheru as sooi as the pastuxe begins te fail, or for that matter, a littie before, so as tu be sure and ltcee uiP the milk flow, andi don't for an in- stant biarbor the thought ef lettîflg stand and ripen, thinkiug thab you cati get more for the threshed' oate than the cow wil give for thent green: We kucow tbe temptation is to do that, and say, '1 gues the cawe t-an. get along, and it looks wastealto eut theflise green; besides it's a -good deal of work amid bother." There should be anoth- ersowiug of cats for tis saine pur- Pose later lun the season-ili the fore part of.May-to feed nfter the f irst sOWing je gone, or je too ripe. Some early fodder corn should be planted al.. l this way1 one can be slure ta have good food for produciug ntilk ail through the suminer. If these crope are nlot ail needed for summer feeling, they eau be eut and curet for wýinter food. There je another advantage in this proviiug sconte summner soiling food. A larger num.ber of cows caui be carried on the saine pasture. Enough eau be kept in the papture ta keep the grass down ta a reasonable extent, while it is making RE& most ra- ptý i n grwt ume, and thus noue of l ^jelf t t grow up, get oit, rIpe and' dry and bc wasted. We mention tis eubeet at this timne hopiag to arouse sanie cf aur reatere ta thinking, and if we eana t thent ta seriously think we kuow they wil net, because they will kuow that ta keep cows'profitubly the flIow of miik must net ho allowed ta drap off for wnut cf a sufielent quautity cf the right kind of food. There ntay bc other crape that would, la many p arts of the cou.ntry, be mare suitable f or this purpose than the cnes we have meutioned. 0f this each must .îdtge for himself, and put in the croPe beradapted ta hie locality and his conditions. In many places lu the uortheru states it woul.t4b. a great im- provement ta sow peas with the first sowing of outs. The abject cf this aiclje ut sa munita tell what crope ta sow% or plant ta heip eut somn- mer pustures ae it je ta do aur beet ta impress oit the minde cf dairymn the ubsolute necessity of putting ln something for that purpose, and of ta- îig~ it now. THE STI1AWBERRY FIELD. lieront experiments have demon- strated the fnct that certain varie- ties cf the struwberry giva a muéh bet- ter yielt cf fruit fromi bede fruit ed the second andt hird years than the first year's Croppng. How ta dlean cnt the fruiting bcd and place it in condi- tion for nuother year's erop with the least aniount cf labor le what con- fronte the gyrower, There are mauy ways atvocated. Saie eaim tint a neov bet eau be set ouit wlth lessexe- Pense ant a better erop eccuret. The fruit as a rule le ot1 mueil better quaiity front second and third ecroppiug bede thani front the firet. It te an easy mat- ter teo dean out a bcd that bas once fruitet nnd place it ln condition for anotier 3 car. limnetiately after al the fruit hue beeu picked mow eioseiy and ailow this ta become w cli triet. J3urn this over, beiug sure that ail re- fuse je testroyet. lu case ail shouid not bc buruet rake over with a herse rake, or if the plantatoio l eail use n hnnd rake. The objeet lu removînug ail refuse te to prevent tiecleopgging of the machine whici wlll do ithe ,,ork of nurrowing down tie rows. 1uj rp ing ovex the plantation we tctr i 1 insects and their further progres. 'tl'e quiekeet w-ny ta eut out and.uarrow a- ur ro'.vs le ýby the use, cf a spadlug harrw Du net use 'the dise harrosv, as it*i nt do the woyk. Rentove th twoot- side (sets cf teeth fron t th sadig harroav, ns weillns the two insid st s Thc spuce made vacant by the removl-, Of the cenlter teeth, ehould strattie the row ta be eut and narrowed dowu. j4y foilowing this mctiod cf strnddlig ecr row lu succession the space be- tweeu the rows will be spaded over twlce, one set cf the teeti ruuuing iu tic samne space txvice. The 1ro~ the row down'ta about six luches, loos- ens the tirt uýp weil betwecu the rowes and places it lu a fit condition for tlic cultivator. Ron n cuitivator throughýl as soon ns it le gone over with thehutr- row aut You are tieu rcady ta bac and treat the saine ne n new bcd. ,Af1[t',r tie bcd hue becu gane over with the>I spuder and cultivator tic firet tinte it wiil look pretty thin cf plante, tic burng and spatlng baving destroyet the tope of the plants, but soon yoLi nil ses new leaves and runners appear and a fine stand cf vines will be ob,- tainet by fail. Give good wlutcr pra- tection, andthte foiiowiug yenr you will be surpriset et tic resuis. IMIPROVE THIE COMPLEXION. The clearnese aud eonsequentiy the beanty of the akin depend sa muci upon the, healti cf tie body that ne c cati hope ta have a billiaut anut ie.aitby complexion wha suffere fromr indigestion, ucuraigia, anaemin, etc. therefore due regard must be pit exerythiug wbîeh affects the general health if yobi waut your skin to be iu goot condition. Tic best aide tc beauty arc abondant ablutions cf thi cornme greaset euups with tic butter ant baie for Cweuty minutes lu a quick aveu. Serve immediately wilth sieet sauce. PLENY OF P-LAY. Piay-tica],l bolst eraus play siouftý THE HOME. SOMEI DAINTY DES.SER'S. IGrape Fit.Tbs ate n îty des- sert, ensily mate, and je aiea a verY attractive tish ta, sent to a slck friend. Thc wbites cf threc cggs, six table- spoonfuiLs cf powdered sugar, tirce ta- h1espoonuIs cf grape jeily. lieut the whites cf the eggs te a stif f froti, ant att tic sugar, beatiug five Min- kites1. Tben att tic jelly, and wheu it bas hee well taken in set awaY lu a cool pince. Auy otier jeliy may ho, uset. Aiea, weli cooked apples may be heaten iu, tis is 'neil liket and le a deliclmms <bei. But if sauce le oset remember tint it takes just tirce timea. as much for sufficient toue. Cup Putding.-Tbhree sUces cf etale breat, threeonce- of raisins, one plut cf miii, one lemon. tb.rce eggs, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-baif tea- spoonful cf sait. Separate the w bites of thé- eggs, from the yoiks, beat tic yoLks light, and pince thei in the milk w-titie salt and sugar. Pour til.mixture over tie breat and beat sajnffoot with a fork; add the raisins tien ilhe rint of the lomon. Mix al we!ll togetier;,aut baie lu individuai C trdpans, we.ii greaset, for twcnty- f ive minutes. Beat the wmhtes cf Cie e1<) aa stif f frotbî with a little pow- tereà t swgr, spreàdt ts meringue over the_ topa. cf the puddings, brow n aud set aside te, cool. Or the eggs uet not be separatet, andt wbn tic puiddings are touei, put a tiny lump cfcrru jelyau tbi top of enci puddï(ing. GïLqmon Pic.-ÙFor toewhclilte pieýs tlalenve ry goot ,i anad îa reliable recip)e T-ti), lemeons, eue cupful, of cold water, one oupfui of sugar, one egg, -orne sait, one and one-haiîf ten- .spoonifuls cf flour. Wash the lentons, eut off th, entds andt trow tie,.nt uay. SIuce tic leniu nvcry titu, antd remo0ve ti" see. leat the cggs well, att the fleu1r, the sait ant sugar and icat al tageth1er. ,Nowatt t ho.water ud tic juice front the lemoýn. Line a pie plate with a crua.t, pour lu baif cf ti. mix- ture, iay on tic slces of lenton, att the rea.t of tie mixture, cover witi the, upper crust aut baie siowly for tbreequarters of au herur. Rose Cakes.-Two ounces flour, two ounces sugar, tr-o ouncýýs butter, oe egg. Brut the butter and sugur ta- gerber te, a ceam, put in tic fleur, tie;n thc egg and ronta, place juin betweeu tlient andtserve w hile stili w1amm. Spouge Cake.-Tbree eggs, eue and one-haif cupfuia. cf flour, one and eue- inif cupfuia. cf sugar, eue and one- huif teaspoonfuls of baiing poriter, twc teaspoonfuis of lenton extract, one-haif cupfi cf hciling -water. lientthCe white- uns1 yiclks cf tic eggs separate- iy until ligit; tien place tient together antdlieut again. SAin lutie sugur a littie ut a timne tnt ndtdhre flavoriug andthtic flour andt baking powder. lient ail weil togetier and ut the last cir in tie, hot water. Baie lu one loaf for thrce-quarters of an hour. X OUR BUREAU. Tic acceptet kin t uthle present time la. itier cf mniogauy or of curly birci, witi sweli front ant very plain brass inîtes, uftcr thc styleef forty years agu, or %vif-b cut-gins mois. If must be of generous proportioncrs, witi n large top, and above ail tiga., ba u n eveti lurger glass. Tbis glass ieliter ovni or has a squaere bottent, uiith un ovni top. Tic funcy giove or mouchoir case je, no longer neetet, us fhe comprtmnieut for tie-e are fount lu tic top bureau drawer. Usualiy a -sachet is mate to exactly f it the bttom of enci comprtmeut. Il is mate of china siik lu tic chute of tic ,room, bas trio layers off rotton wad- ding, iet-weeu whicie a.put tie sceut, audthti outsite ile tufted with tiuy beris of satin bebe ribion. Thbe cever to be lu goot taste no- utay% nmuet lie cf pure white, ant just fit tic top. Thc kind w,îth tie ends banging over la. out of date. White linen iermstitciled ail arounu witi a border cf trawn"work, la. pretty; wbiie unother kint moci uset bas a seailopi uroundthCe front,- nud cuci eut cf white silkinliibuttouhole stitci, and n few embrolderet cnveutionaiized fig- ores ceatteret uver i, but al lu white. Tbe large stuffet pincusiions are nof uset auy more, but a smali, round une, about four incèinc.l diameter, ceveret -witi rwhite chinua ii. Tiey arc ornametet iiLhdouble ruffies of the same arcundthtem and coveret witi rwhite linen iawn, embroideret with wreathý cf miiuty's favorite fiow-er. Tie pincushion is placet at tie upper right baud corner cf tic bureau, not lu tie-centre of tic front, ns formcrIv. TE-STED RECIPES. A Disi fer Breakfast-- Bull tiva ounces cf macarouniCii perfectiy cook- et, tien train and eut into short lcngtiss. Mix a teaspoonful of flour jutoa npaste wltli n ittie colt miii and Asic your groser for net ho deniet auy child, It is nature's wny cf giring tic cîitren tic soutd bodies wh'ilci tiey tieet. No systemafîn drill or exercice w-hici requires preci- sien, rcgular movemeuf or mental ef- fort will bave thc sente effect, and for Ciat renso-n Cie children shouit bave fron ten to fifteeu minutesJ reces e v- ery day turing sibiool heurs w-heu ficy eau mun, lugi and shout 10 thii heurts' coutent. Notbiug le more healthful, and ecpeeiedly so if out in the open air. Moti-ers shouit sec riat tie littie eues bave pleuty cf play. If tbey are too nuisy for comfort, sendthetient orevbere rihere tbey wiii be saf e and -bore tbey eau exercice ticir limbe and muscles witiûut re- satrictmon. A nomber of eduentora. bave conte te the conclusion tint even as boys and girls gef citer they shoitld bav e salue fort of gymnastic exercises aud atilJetic sports-sctmethinmg toeieep lient eccupiet. A coliege presitent le respousible for the foiiowing sentences, wbici, aithosagi amucing, are neyer- tboi-ýe-ss ery truc. Be -ns tiscussig advatÉages and disudrantages cf uti- lelic sports and sait: A singular recuit cf rhinitroductiou of these -Port$ anong tic boys is tint since tien tic number of flirtufions ant engagements between tient andtheticgr1le in the vil- lage ina. faileti off bne-half. A boy wbso bus net oniy is boks but bis rcw- ing tint intercoilegiate gantes teo- ctrpy bis mind, bas little ime Ce give to monflight, and pcctry, and girls,. Wîicb, w-heu w-e remember bomv short- liret andt brtfui arc generaiiy tiese flirtaions and engagements, appeats te bc a ntost desirable recuit. "AFRIKANDER- COFFEE. Tic Boer f rau of Transvrani ahue c e- tin)tation for muklug a better cup cf coffcc hat even !tic French bouse- wifc, Tic water ie bomid iti a kttiet iept for coffee-maing only W heu the watcr bouas, the coffee-fresily grount, and mixet wiCi a vcry emuil quauîity of cbiccry (tic proparion bing linif anu ounce te eule poant cf coffee>,< and tic qunntity cf coffee uet a dessert- epounful t a cri reaifnst-cum requir- et-le put into thp, kettie of bail ug w-ut- er, w-iicb le removet from thi tre, lef t ta stand tie minumtes, after w bici a quarter of a teaeup of colt wuter is pouret inte it quàAcly. lu a f ew mom- ents tie gro'udcs a 1 settie. Tic coffee, srrong and clear, is tien pouret Cirouigi n flauncli-a g int o a saucepan of1icit milk, tic wýilk and cofffce to- getier are tien br:.agit Co tiche oi, ,ant rie recuit is ths e et up of cof fe in Cie worit,1 as ta.ij a travciier and visitor have fount, mo their astonisi- meut antdligbt. WVIEN h UYING 5HClES. iu buying 3bioe if is wcll îo remet- ber tiat tic feet arc one-thi, i of an inch langer Nwien tie body la.-ýtandin9 tian --ien seated, andthle elaugution la. fort-ber increaset w-ie'Iî uaiig, fer tic w-igit le Cisu thrown enCire- Iy on cne fout ut caci aiternute step; se Chat iiehocing ,suc's cote it is absolute necessary Cl ut alcow- nene cjiouid bc mate for tisl. Tic siortces may net lie fc It ut once, bot aftcr a fec'a riecsis If ecomes vrry manif est; and, morecre;,, by forcing tic grent toc bncki i la fta oprotuce n hulon on'thbe joint. TEACII BOYS TTOW.T Tint goat heathislebutfer tn wealti. Tint baneet, industrieus habte are botter tien mney. Tint rnanly boys love and obey their parents. Tint te speai or even thini ticre- speotfully cf womcn le ta tisionor their own sweet mothers and sisters. Tint a ecar conscence is riorti far more tian the uppiause of men. iJUDGED -BY IlS IJISCORDS. Wint la. Chic concert of Europe tiey arc raiiing about on mec otier sitee asiet Hlieks. Ob-I ton't inow, it Dawsou. I jotgc, iowever, front the magnificence of tie discord, it's a sort of effort Cc ron au opera seasen ever tiere. THE C.HAIKGES 0F lMýlE. Wieu w-e wcrc firet marriet yen gave me balf tic closet. [Yes. And now ycu net as if I cugbt ta keep my cat and trouecre ianglug over tic hall hanisters. f / - DANDY 0F THE ORIENT. A tesplndent Cliimmse Ambassador letit 0f Chang Yen Huan, w-ho w-l rp- rasent Cie Emperor of China lu London turing tie Qoeen's tiamont jublce, tic London " Mail " enys: " Chang Yen is fumons througiout Cie Ciuc Empire as tie ' Dandy of tie Or!tint' Rîci and radiant is tie far Basf lab color and magnificence cf costume, but hy tic site cf the ntost respientent cf' bis cautemporailes Chang Yen Iluan stands eut lie a peacoci in a crowd of harnyard poultry. "Ris anllloer's bis wouit. maie AMrs. Patrick Campbell gasp, and Worth tat gnsi hi-, Ceti, Satin je ils faucy ma- te-ria, and us far as possible he sticks to satin. But wiiti regard te eolor thore je ne exciosîrenese in bis Caste. Be ba'î satin robes lu all Cie iright col- ors of tic maiuboxe, ant w-len he taies a w-atk in tic grounids of nie palace, ln Pekin Cie populace knowýs cf Cie circumestance hy thet refiecticu lu ticý siy. " And net euly lu hic cloChes il e. respieudent. Bic tiamonts arc- the en- ry and admiration of ail tic Mo-,k fat1- cas burlesque actresses in China., and is collection of precloos stones la tic meef vainable in tic Empire. Re neyer w-cars tic camne gowu twie lu tie came season, anud for erery fress g'own lic w-cars a spedial set of jew-clse t match. But nef hie diamants, nor hie muhie, norbis ememaids, are is ciiefeet glory. Fortunc, sait tice philosopher je a jade. But Chang Yen Ijuan's jade is -worth fcrty fortunes. Jade, is cf ail prec- ions etones, Cie anc wiichi temorct higi- ly prized. lu China. Tic Entinscador hue one uncciluce cf tic raret and niost' beautiful green jade wiichi le minet ut over £5000, andtlie neyer wcars this exeept wiCi a special costume w-iici cx- actly matchesila oclor. lHc hue exant- Ils f 'tde arriti'g w-ici are upywurds ef 2000 years cit, and. he bas carret, jades which show -Éic progrescf' Chinese art freithti dawn ofhiistory daw-n Ce modern imes. "ýCbnng Yen'e is a fine figure for ti oipu f glcwiug costumes ant glittering jewelci, fer lbe stands orer 6- feet lu beigit. is iront ii propor- tion, and, nctwitistauding bis 57 yeuqr, carriers himself as ercot ns a to-,cr. Bie ie expecte tet arrive lu London ut tice end cf May or lihcbgnnîng of June." ic proprietors of Diamout Dyes arc> tic onl.v people lu the wordthtin aie special tye for coloring caftons and nil mixet goots. If is uow udmîttet by ail the bcsr cal- er chernists tint a tye, preparet speciai- ly for ail w-ooi. good e w-i net color cet- ton or i"ixet goots snccescfully. Wbeu Diarntout De Pink, Pttirpie,, Orange, &pxuet, Nauvv, Yellow, Biue, Scarlet, Turkiev Bcd, Green, Cardinal, Brownu and Biack for cottan or iiaedt goods arc nccd, satisfaction is ulways guaranteet. Bewarc of heicdeChat pretendt o, color ail woil goats and cotton with Cie came p&ckage cf dyo. Tic verdict of millions ou Chic contin- ent is, "DiamnîtDb-es are first and hest." EN RE GLE. Suicidas puy Niagara Falls anc s:ora- plinient, at least. 'WbaC t i tt? Thase %vho jaamp orer arc ulw-ay te- ecribet esc hemg wel-drcsset. 'F"or Over FiftyYar. For amer lifty yeare Mas. \Vîxsiow's SeOTurNo SyRtur has been ased by mil- lions cf mathers for their cilidren whl teething. 1f tîsturbet mit nigiht eut iroken (f yoair rest lmy s sck chlmisemf- forinq aut erying wmrh paimn cf Cutting Teeth send t ahomce ant get a bottie cf IlMye. Wiuslcw's Sothing Syrup" for Childrmsn Teethiug. It will relieve the peer little suffemer immediately. Depent uponit,mothers,Chere-is no mitaka about it. Iii cures Diarrhoea,regulat.es fie SCcm- ach and Bowels, cures Wînd Colie, aofteus Che G;ums,ý reduces Inflammîation, and givos toue snd energy te tic whole ystemn. "1Mro. Winslaw's Sootbing Symup" for children teetiug l pleasant ta Che faste and is tho prescription of one cf fhe oldesti and beet feinsie physiciens sud nurses in fihe Uni ted States. Pricetwenfy-five cents a baffle. Sait by ail druggists Chrougiant the world. Be sure an eutak for"Mus. jWINSenoW'S ScOvasîxe S-vUPr 1 1