1 m 0 a This Woük We are Sellîng a Gainera for $2.560, Is made of seamless brass. Ras a hanfisome oxidized finish. Ras a Si-pl durable shutter adapted for botimre and instanetanous exposures without resetting. Has a britant view finder accurately h adjusted. Ras a fine achromatie lens that will uý,,t the paesharp to the edge. WI11 taee pitrs 2 x 2 on glass -plates at one ladlng. Is the easiest camera t% use., M<e 8001ie 01f olk in off Iingow. Stott & Jsury . Pure Mîized Paints-- Rea1dy for use Last Longer Look Better Cove r M ore S urface. Absolutely the very best Quality. .Brush and Small Tin 20o any color. Special. price for large quantities. Stott & J ury. nthe yéar 1 3 j That the first important work in the direction of examining the eye for defects of vision was ac- uomplished by Thos. Young, who was a man 1of unutsual learning trhis time. h tl{e was the first man who is known to have corrected a case of ashymnatism. After this man'y scientifie men labored along the same line each adding littie by littie to the store of knowledge gained by tkeir predecessors. Within the past 15 years great strides have been made and many new inventions have been discov- eredwhih "ab1e the optician to correct the various defects with absolute certainty. We have spent, hundreds of dollars in the lateat scienti.fic instruments and have one of the most complete hues to be found in any optician's *fflce in Canada. At Our Store yon get the advantage of ail these appliances free of any charge and also get the sevices of the only Post Graduate Optician in this County and as we purchase in large quantities direct from the factory our prices will be found muehl lower than can be securei elsewhere. Stott & J ury, T he\Dru5gist and Optician. n. B.-We silà Bel the bast baking 1dur at 15e a'pound. camleras. is suid to be the most perfeet littiug Prendh Corset lu the market to-day. T. N. Rickard's Stock of Silvemplate is one of the finest we ever seen. Wiib a stock of Wutcbes, Chocks, Jewellry and Silverpiate aq well us Rings and Spectacles sncb as we s00 lu this store. Bowmanvile people wouid be very unwise to tbiuk of deliug ha Toronto, more especially as the prices are so very teasonable. I I Local and Otherwise1 I Blouse Sets ut Rickard's for 8e. iNicbiolls'sells Blouse Sets for 7c. Nicholîs selîs Leuther Boîts at 7e. Remember the namne, its NICHIOLLS. Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash ut Riekard 's. Sterling Silver Novelties in abundance ut Rickard's. We want sevorul more correspondouts in unrepresented sections. Diamond Jubilee Bouquetsut Nicholîs' -Thelutest New York fad. Oh! but tboy're pretty. See them. Strawberry plants, cubbage plants, tomato plants and other vegetable plants ready for transplanting. G. D. iFLETIRRI, Vuke St. The S. O. E. excursion to Niagaru Fulls, Jubile Day, June 22, will open the luke excursion season. Arrange to spend the day on the "Gardon City". An yporson whose subseription to Tus STATESMAN 1s paid to Dec. 31,1897, may send this puper to à friend (new subscriber) in Canada or the U. S. to samne date for only 25c. Annual meeting of the West Durham Farmers' Institute, Council Chamber, Bowmunvilo, Tuesduy, June lst ut 1 p. m., for election of oficers and genorul business. Every member sbould attend. The ladies of the Presbytorian eburel, Oshawa, will mun un excursion on Tuesday, June 15, per Gardens City to the camp ut Niagara and Niagara Pulls., Tickets $1.00 and $1.25 respectively. See posters. A ludy's uew bicycle (Crawford) but slightly used, having been bought vory late last soason ut $75 cash, will be sold for $50 cash. A good second band Cornet for gentleman ut $25. Purticu- lurs ut STATESMAN office. A very sud incident in connection witb the voting ou the rubber fuctory by-law occurred Saturday noon. Mr. True- nman Scott, a former worthy citizen, came over fromn Orono where hL resided with lis sou to cast bis -vote and on reacbiug the head of tbe town hall stairs bie staggerod and fell Mr.J. B. Martyn anduDr. L. H. Reid ýeing cose by, canght him as ho was faling and laid bim down in Mr. Windutt's office where lie expired without a struggle. Mm. Oscar Scott, bis son, was telegraph- ed for and came and conveyed bis fath.- er's romains home for interment in Or-, ono cemetery. Our citizons doserve credit for tbe ex- pense and, trouble expouded iu decorat- în and muakiug attractive their homes for the 24tb. It gave visitors a favor- able impression of our town. Muny were the complimetary expressions dropped by outsiders as they passed through the streets in the parade. While ail did well we notîced some who deserve speciai mention. The most elaborately decorated business places were West End flouse, Young & Co's, Big 20, and the Muson Co. Among the p rivate residences we may mention Dr. Beith, Mrs. Younie, J, B. Taylor, S. J. flosken, James Elliott, H. Basker- vilJus. Mann, J. K. Galbraith, Thos. CBinghumn, Win.Canu, Jas. Morrow, W. G Clovýer,) J. T. Allun, tailor, W. F. Allen, Everett Crydorman, ouly and behoved six-yoar old son of Mm. and Mrs. W. C. Anderson, Janetvilie, pussed away after a severe iilness of twelve kours on Saturday,, May 22nd. Ou Sunday Rov. C. H. Coon conductod a ver aeppropri- ate service ut their homo, a rge uum- ber of sympatbiziug friends and ac- quaintunces being prosont. The 'ro- mains accompauied by a few frieuds were brought to Mm. M. Cryderman's, Bowma nville, fathor of Mrs. Anderson, whore it rested uintil Mouday 24th inst. At 10 a. m. the prcsin, 'ton curri- aies in ahi, p=oeee to Bowmau-. vilie's beautiful cemotery and there kiud bauds and ioving heurts laid the ittie one uway to is quiet rosting place. -The floal offeriugs wero choice and pretty. Rev. R. A. Burriss con- ducted tfie banial services. iMany frîends bore symputhize with tbem lu their bereavement. Excursion to Model Farm, Guelph, June l8tb. Our Dinîng Room Suites wilI surprise you. L.' Morris, Mummoth wbite sood corn for ensilage ut West End flouse. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmunville, Aoency for tho CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN ut ~'IÎ STATESMAN Office. Prettiest designs of wall paper in town ut J. C. Weeks', Ontario St. Will you paint this seuson? J.?C. Weeks guaruntees satisfaction. Graftiug, punin- and spraying doue systematîcally by &l.ID. Pietcher and sons. Diamond Jubiiee offer-TuS STATES- MAN to a new subscribor to end of 1897 for 25c. In all the womld theme is nu other truitirmeut 80 pure, su îwect, su safe, su specdy, for Ire. semving, punifying, and hecntifying the siîn, scalp, sud baîr, and eradicating evemy bu. mur, as wamm baths with CUTIcuRA SoAi., sud geutle anuintingi with CuTicu". (oint- ment), the greet skia cure. I odth.rgoithe World. raTZCi flanc & C'TE o,.Cot. Sie'opo.,Bo,îon. .s" uAbout iheSio S alpntd Hair," fre. EYEY IJIIR rom impkto Sc-i. T'OYOU WANT AfHOME.-If you do Â3pply to T. BiNtHIAm for a nice soid bri cottage chsap ad ou easy iemmis. 31-tf C 0 FOR SALE.-A good gae JesyCwfor sale. Apply t oîPec Jubilee Souvenir st Rickard's. Leather Beîts at Rickard's for 8c. Big bottle Machine 011 4c.-Nicholls. Remember Nichoils wont be undersold Machine 011 ut, Rickard's for 5c. per bottle. Silver Polish st ickards-none to beat it in the world. Wo are sellin a bodroom suite at $10.00. M. D. Willims & Son. You will flud the best assortmont in flats and Shirts at M. Mnyer's. Allan and Dominion Line ocean tickets for sale at STATESMAN office. Make home attractive by buying wall paper from J. C. Weeks. 'See advt. Boss watcbes-guarantees stamped on baek of case-for sale at Rickard's. Great value. Dr. Patterson Dentist, bas located in town and is reaâiy for business. See his card on this page. 1 Curtain Poles and Window Shades in large variety at pricos to defy competi - tion at Dustan & Hoar's. We earnestly request our readers to shop oarly the next three months to let the clerks ont at 6:30 p. m. We have a line of Sideboards that cannot be beaten in quality, style or price. Caîl and inspect. L. Morris. A fine stock of Ladies Blouses' made bv Williams, Greene & Rome now show- iig ut Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. Ladies' and Misses Spring Capes and Coats-a fine assortmont and every one new-at Concb, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Mammoth White Corn for ensilage, a carload just received ut West End flouse for seed-No imer sample ever seen in Canada. A stock of Dress Goods wbicb is ad- mitted on ail hands to be the finest ever seen in town now sbowing at Coudh, Jobuston & Cryderman's. If you want to be in style just cal ut M. Mayer's and suit yourself with a Fedora or éhristy stîff hat. Full lune of gents' fnrnishings as usual. The Crescont, Leader and Dominion Wheols are considered the best value for tho money in the market, see samples ut Dustan & floar's. To make sure of getting a perfect fit -the latest style and best workmanship in your, Spring Suit leave your orders at Couh, Johuston & Cryderman's. We do upholstering of ail kinds, parlor suites, chairs and lounges recov- ered, mattresses restuffed, chairs re- caned and re-perforated. Give us a trial when having anything done in tbis hune. L. Morris. We have a first-class uphoîsterer with us this month. Parties wanting any- tbing done lu thut lhue will do well to leave orders early and they will receive our prompt attention. Pricos will be right. M. D. Williams & Son. Chas. fleal, Bowmanville, Carpenter and Contractor. Repairing noatly and Srptly doue. Ordors lef t at Heal mos. cash grocers, will receive prompt attention. il-tf. If you waut any-thing in hats,Fedora or stiff in colors, drab, brown, fawu, black and siate, M. Mayer's hat store is the place whoro you eau find them. Alwa,ý.s in price as cbeap as the cheapest. The fine appoarauco and gentleman. ly demoanor of the vîsiting ire comn- panies was a credit to their respective towns. We heard nothîng but praise for tbem and thoir brief visit will be a pleasaut memory. The Niagara Fulls and the Merriton laddies in their liq-h' drub suits won the special admiration of ail. The Oshawa mon in their helmets also made a most favorable impression. Chief Pellow is jnstly proud of bis brig- ade. The Trenton compuny did nobly; they are smart lads, and made of the right kind of stuff for firemen. 77bit- by, Thorold, St. Catharines, Riorden Ilose Cos.,aud Osbawa floso Co. were handsome men and won the heurts of our ladies by their neat appoarance and manly bearing. A streamer greeted the visitors with "Tbe Town is Y ours" and we feol sure our brave guests al acceptod the wolcome and freedom of the corporation witb the hourtinoss with which it was exteuded. Sewing Machines, the very lowest at Rickard 's. New Fountain' Peu, a eal beauty, $1.50 at STATESMAN Office. $30 cash wîll buty a good second baud covered buggy. See M. A. JAMES about it. The old reliable stand, W. Chartrau's flair Dressing and Shaviug Parlor. Opposite Standard Bank, Bowmuuvillo. Large tent and complote camping out-it---everyting necessary-to ent on moderato terms. Apply ut STATES- MAN Office. Ordor youi, Bindor Twine from the Farmers'ý Biri'de Twine Co., Brantford.' Peter Murdé C,-Bowrnanville, agent for thîs district. Go to Murdoch's for Tumnip, Carmot Dr. G. R. PATTERSON, UEIVTIST. Flonor Gradmate Toronto University and Royal College, Dental Surgeons. SPECIPLTIES. ARTIPICIAL DENTURES - - 88 00 AmALGAM PILLINGS - - - 50 Firsi 01118S ork i ut ïy lI ola i c ihs. OFPICF--BLE.iXLsuv BL.ooz(npstairs) Bowmanvlle.: ~ QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY VISITORS. Among the hundreds of visitors wbo came to celbrete the 24th in town we note the foIlowingý Mr . W, MClellen, Whitby. Mr. Edgar Phllp,Wbltby. Miss Rose White, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, Coiborne, Misses Gould, Toronto, at home. Mr. John MeClellan, Gaît, at home, MrFrank Burden, Buffalo, ai home, Mr. Paul Blkey, Toronto, et home. Mr. Abert B. Couch, Toronto, at home. Mrs. Seripture and daughier, Coiborne. Mr. Harry Weekes, Coîhorne, at home. Messrs. Will and Albert Bleck, Toronto. Mr, W. J. Tod, Toronto, at Mr. T. Tod's. Mr. \Vill L. Allen home fromn Peterboro. Mr. Fred. McClung, New York, at home. Mr. Franklin Northcote, Toronto, at home. Mr. Neil Yellowees, Clinton, at bis mother's. Mr.J. Christie, Monireel et Mr. R. A. Shew's. Mr. E. T. Brittelu, Turuntu,et Mr., C.Young's. Mr. S. A. M'eMrry, Montreal,et lis mother's. Miss Lily Butt, Toronto, at Mrs. J. P. Iice's. Miss Minnie Grey,Lindsay,at Mr.J .Meltyre's Mr. Upton Runnelis, Port Hope, ai Mr. Wil- litems' Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Port Hope, at Mr. S. F. Hll'$. Messrs, Wil and Geo, Freeland, Toronto, ai home. Miss M. Sinclair, Brantford, et Mr. Trebil- coek's. Miss Ada and Mr. Fred. Pethick, Toronto, ai home. Miss Luke, Oshawa, guest of Miss M. E. Jones$, Mr. N. S. Young, Toronto, et Mr. Mr. R. Dumes. Mrs. A. Biughiam, St. Thomas, et Mr. W. G. Glover's. Miss Eva Braund, Port Hope, et Mr., J. Elliottîs. Miss M. Curtis, Port Hope.guest of Miss Nellue Williams. Mr. Alliston Ieil of Toronto visited at Mr. W. H. Dustan's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickinson, Osbawe, et Mr. Thos, Veel's. Mns. T. Humphrey, Toronto, et Mr. W. Rumphrey's. Miss Berthe Williams, Port Hope, at Mr. J. Alexender's. Mrs, Geo. Wbiie,Newtonibrook,at ber father's, Mr. W. Law. Miss Mebeite Wiliaims, Port Hope, et M1r. W. McKowan's. Mr. P. K;yle, of the Vindicator staff, ai Mr. Mark Hemn s. Mr. end Mrs. T. J. Sheridan, Oshewa, ai Mr. R. Trenoutb's. Mrs. Geo. L. Stevens às vlsiting hier sister Mrs. Joues, Toronto. Miss Maiud Bassett, Osbawa,was guest of Misa Jennie MeLean. Miss Berthe Crago, St. Catharines, was ai home for the 24th. Mr. aud Mrs. John E. Cochrane of Cobourg et Mrs. J. Stewart's. Miss Annie Berson, Toronto, was guest of Misa Lîllie MeLean. Miss Ida Osborne, Gananoque, et lber fcther's, Mrlihamd Osborne. Mms. Peters and Miss NelUie Peters,Port Hope, et Mr. R.ilD. Davidson's. Misses Harvey and Mr. RendeiPr oea Mr. S. Baskerville's. 1,Pr oea Mr. and Mmi. Fred Biekeil, Oshawa, visited friends in town Tnesday. Misses Etta Batten and Ethel Andrus, Orono, guesi of Miss Annie Berry. Miss Spencer Oniterlo Ladies' College,Wbitby, guest of Missa âaud Fleming. Mr. Cecil Mcynerd and Mr. Fredrîck, Camp- bellford,ctt Mr. H., Baskervile's. Miss Ai ette Maynerd Mrs and Miss Woods, Toronto, et Mr. fi. Bâ;lerville's. Mr. A. J1. Saunders of the Gueidian ofice, Toronto, gave us a eall Saturday, Prof. W. A. Parks of Toronto University wes a recent guestaf Mrs. W. H. Hanson. Mr, and the Misses Kerr, Columbus, Miss E. Pbilips, Toronto, at Mr. H. iR. Hoskin's. Miss NelUie and Messrs. W. and J. Walker, and C. Morrison, Toronto, et Mr.W.Morrison's. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Windatt of Winnipeg, Ma., have, been guests of Mr. R. Windett,Town Clprk. Mr. James Goard, Torono, Miss Lawrence, Mrs.R. Biniu son Mark,Kinsale, ai M4r.T. P. Goardj's. Mr. J. j , TýlIey, luspeetor of Model Sehools, gave u esbonus. ci i li 1Sturdey. He came to Mr. Thos. Lynden, Toronto, a gradncte of the STATESMAN office, wcs in town receîîtly renew- ig oid acqueintances. Mr. TRobert Beitb,M. P.,wes guosi of Lord and Lady Aberdeen ci the reception gîven et Gov- urLnent Ilouse, Ottawa, lest week. Mr. A. J. G.Ccrsccdden wou the Yale lectures prize of t15 et the recent Conference examin- ations, pessing inicli subjeets in the speciclis' course. 11ev. Mr. Farucombe, Newcastle' conducied the services ai St. Peter s church Suuday week. 11ev. A. W. Sprcgge offlaied in Newcastle - Sentine-Star. A number of the friendi of Mrs. Jacob Needi sumprised ber on fcîurdcy, Jue lth, being lier 83rd brtliday, and speut e feur social hours eujoycbly together. Misses Ida, Suite and Mande McLecn, Messrs. James, Thos.anid Bert MeLeen, F. Carman and C. Sulton,Torýoito,and Miss Annie Cola Oshaewa, et Mr. Jas. McLean's. Mr. R. B. Andrew, Manager of the Morris, Field, Rogers Co., Listowel, came home to voie for the by-lcw. We sec by the Banner thai bits compcny le increasing the staff of workmen io keep up wîîh orders. Mr. H. E. Stephenson, manager of Canadien Agency, Toronto, gave us e eaui recently. He and wîfe were meking e trip to Ottawa on iheir wbeels. Mrs. Stephenson wes guesi of the Miss- es Trehilcock whie lu town. Lieut. H. W. Laird 0f Cobourg Sentinel Star bas returned froîn e special course of Miliiery iustruction ci Wolseley Berracks, London and beers strong testimouy to the effliency 0f lt. Col. Henry Smith who la in charge. Miss M. Mosetta James sang Thursdey even- ig et e recital given by the pupils of Mn. J. W. Bradley in t,e Normal Schoul, Torunto, ln aid of the Siek Children's Hospital and is spend- lng a few days with frienfis lu the city. Miss Mary S. Colville has returned. fmom BOWMANVILLE. FOOt% E a The Grocers. a & m 0 m a -zýAt John Hellyar's. 1 take pleusure la announing to my nnmeî ous customers and the public generally that the purchases for Spring and Summer have been placed lu stock and as a result of a very large increase of business in fine goods iast yeur I have bought a larger supply of very stylish high grade Footwrear in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. We keep also a lower grade so that al eau be snited. Our objeet is to maintain the position we have jnstly gain ed-that of keeping the b, ' -- ' ' -btained. from th Il ea~dingManufacturers. Our prices will always be foulnd to be as 10W as they eau consistently be and our aim shall continue to be to give our customers the very best possible for their money. We invite ý,ut 1.-u L-IîzÉlon of our stoe. anduu wiïilwitb pleasure show you what we can do for you. A large assortment of Trunks, Bags, Valises, etc., niîwî s1 I.- , lm I SBOWMANVrLLE. If you have a nice lawn and want to keep it in that condition yon will find that such a thing is inmpossible mi Wxîu out a GARDEN MOWER. It is the cas!- est runningMow- er, in fact it goes almost without pushing and the price is so low that you will be__ surprised and______ wonder that they can be sold on such a sinall margin, but by buying iii a, large quantity is the reason why we can seil them so cheap. For sale only.by Dustan & Hloar, BOWMANVILLE. SOWMPANVILWE, ONT. E I. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and Sde aler in Fine Monumental Work of every de-. scription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work, Ail orders promptly filled in a satisfactory, Smanner and at reasonable prices. 9i ~ P 4V< 0)9. f ýWOLt ýWA NIE Dany qnantity o merchantable wool, for which the' highest-price will be paid, LEWIS QUICK, BowmaEville, I ~May 26th5, 1894 Look ÏHerel1 Before buying or puttîng up,,»y "Fonce" sec the Gem Wire Fence, the cheapest and most durable feue on the market. Farmers cau eaSily build it. Farmers should sec_-he fence ut Thos. Pascoe's near Eý4d or R. IL. Callucott's, 7)th Con. ý. j Wiglits, Darlington, and ut PETER iM1RDOivei 7. ~ 2-f. tlowmanville, agent for ]im A Good Up-,=tno=date Grocery and Pr -V~vSoc is the kind yoLl can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and uet pure good goods every t . rade th,- - This is the way we wal, nto feel about This Store and we'1l morit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is not en- tirely satisfactory-speak riglit ontL-, and -vve'I1 make it riglit. WC kccp f Il linhuel the very Lt'1 groceries the markets afford a'Ân one seil che,.juer. We do busi- ness on business prirriples and the vridiblic ike our methods. Every day is a bargain day at our store and we live in a bustness rush, Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produce. We will rIT.y-v+hz best prices, goirg- ~~;r&Tat , 1 - -nw -4w -,m- -7îe -'Me, liiý ýî