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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1897, p. 8

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The1B Brnfrd cd Brd s Are note frtei Easy Ruuniug, Beauty and ýt,ýîgt1h. Patronized by their Excellencies the Earl and C ountess of Aberdeen. We keep a supplyof Lamps,"Belîs, Whistles, Cyclom- eters, Lnggage Carriers, Cornent, Patchiug Rubber, Pumps, Grips, Ollers, Clips, 011, &c.' JHigginb..otham &Son. BoWMANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists. Don't do it any longer, Buy poorly made shoes, when you can get some of the best shoes made. Babcock, the Shoe Man, selis them, and at reasonable prices. Prices which do not need cutting in two to seli the goods. Ail the latest styles. Ail the different widths and the newest shades. We carry the finest lines of Bell's Gentie- men's andl Ladies' Foot wear in town. A full Une of Trunks and Valiseos in stock that d efy competition. Repairîug a specialty. Due bills taken as cash. J nBabcock, BOWMANVILLE. Treleven's 014 Stand. We' Are Headqllaters. For- Al Kinils Of SUffffer Goodsa Quick-Meal Blue Flame Coal 011 Stoves are the best, oaîl and see them. Window Screens, Screen Doors, Spring linges, Green Wire Cloth, at very close prices. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes and Garden Tools ir great variety. Sherman-Williams~ Paint is the only pure Paint or the market, every can guaranteed. Try it, White Lead, 011, Turpentine, Glass, Putty and a full hune of Painters' Supplies. Fonce Wiro of ail kinds at close pricos. Sole agents1 anrd Furnaces. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 26, 1897. ti n Edsall & eo., for the Gurney Foundry Co's celebrated Stoves, Ranges BowmAifviLLE. We Have It!= You ,,.,AN [laveIt! That Fu~ or pioce of to place in and our pri without it. Cail andi the newest are always Bowg4iuIza CrSE JNOj -M.Al'il Panker bas a fiue CÎ2Risiter lIer ivsteAr esInaL B ewailaISi weel si. s , r. reiFlysd neerEa u h b5se. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,i husdMs l ooBowmauvilia,C 'eltad haro Suuday waek ...Mr. sud Mrs. AI' fred Ailin uf Providence visiter] Mr, John Par- kar, reeuntly. RJUSBAND 15 WHLL.-MrWM.Rambl111, Belleville, Ont., says : "My liusband1 was troubler] witis kiduey comupiaint,1 riseumatism, lues of appetite, sleepless-i ness, etc., and could flot get relief until I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pis for hlm. He bas niow user] four boxes in ail sud is perfectly cured." Doan's Kiduey Pilîs aretise ones that cure. Remember tise name, Doan's. S. S. Nýo. 5-air. T Hayes bas soIr] a fine hor- se.... Mr. J. Rinch bad s dune sheep killed by doge .... .Mr. Joseph Heard bas pianied sume fine maples in front of bis bouse.... .Miss M. Heard vi siter Bowmeuville .... Mir. Siephan Perrin sud Mn. Pas.ofutEugland have beau vieiiing Mn. Sam Pann_.e-..r J C ke le wurkiug soma ut the t arm racenily owned hy Mn. J. Cowsu ou sharas. tir. W. Hanite as juiued the Temper- suce baud t fNewcastle. Puliorsary cousumption, in its early stages, înay becicheedb y the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I t stops tbe distressing congir, southes irritation of the tbroat sud lueige, aund luduces mucis needer] repose. Rundreds have testified to tire remarkable virtues of this prep- aration. ENTÊRL'RISE.-Mr. Philip Bigeiuw tes sick. Mn. Robent Johusion sud iamiiy have gone to, Manuvers- .Mies Maggic 'Northcott was guestuf Mrs. Thos. Cochrane raceuily G. W. Giibauk, Toronto, tes visiiug han brother, Mn.It. Raiuay. .....Messrs. Wm. sud Ainos Gubeen, PuntyPouo, visiter] Mn. Jas. Webb. ... Mr. Thos. BradleZite oui again after bis iiiuess .... Mr. J. Lokwood bas punchased s uew Bell Ongan.... Mr. Bert Northcoii visiied Cartwright receutly - . _Mr. Rubt. White bas pnnchaeed a new buggy. THE PEOPLE ARE CoNvutcsn)-When tbey read tire testimonials of cures by Hood]'e Sarsaparilla. They are written by isoneet men and women, and are plainî, straightforward statements of fact. Tire peuple bave confidence lu Rood's Sarsaparilla because tbey know it actllally aur] permanently cures, even when other medicines fail. IIood's Pills are the only pilîs lu take witis Iood's Sarsapanilla. Easy and yet efficient. Krmvy. Mr. Jas. Mornow aud wlf e uf Bow- mauvîlia, aur] Wm. Mornow sud tamily ut Pou- typooi, spaut Snuday woek ai Mn. Audnew Mon- row s... Miss Ida Lang aud Mies Rallie Houdan. sou, recenily visited airs. Wm. Kerr, Salem ý. -.. Mns. Thos. Heudanson sud sou George receutiy vtstd frieudsata Pont Grnby .... Mr. Alex. Henry le impruviug in heaiih.... Mn. A. Thorn- ton te ont aftarbis illness,..Mrs. A. Morrow bad s fellun ou hon dunger_.aiMr. aur] ars. J., L. Powers spent Suudsy woek at Mn. Muses Rob- bine', Leskarr]. THEY Do GOOD Wonxs.-The following letter tells what peuple think about Laxa Liven Pilis: DEAR SîRs.-I gladly testify to the virtues uf Laxa Liver Pulis. 1 used to be troubled with severe iseadacises and constipation for a long timo, sud tok these pilus he )i g for a cure, and my isopes were rapîdly fu- fiîled. I bave fonnd them a neyýer fail- ing remedy and iseartily recoummessd tbem. Sig-ued, MISS S. LAwsost, Moncton. N. B. .OONO.-,-Mr.Bellhas a sprained aukie. .... Mr. Joe Hfery shipped to Boston, Mass.. anoibes- lojad of ehoice heavy horses. ... .Mr. Itullie, Bell, and his unele, Mr. Arthur Bell, Dunsford, were here recently ..Clarke township S. S. Conv en- tion will ho held in Leskard, June 25th. .... Miss Hattie Batten, Iflampton, speut Suuday week ai lier fathers..Mr. R. T. Ruowc shipped a car- 1usd of hugs te Ottawa Wednesdsy week .... Mr. R. Huekin is muoviug iit t twn ... . Mr. H1. Geu. Beers visited Lindsay and Peterboru un bis bike -... Mr. Auldrew Thompsouu, Oshawa, visited hie stter, Mies Tbompson. .. Mrs. Petine and son, Guelph, are visitiughler brother, Mr. Robi. Fos- ter..... Ditriet Division Sons of Temperance wll meet in Orono lu June .... Mr. R. 0. MceOni oungh hais returned tu Eikhart, mnd-.Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Branion and Mr. sud Mrs. Samuel Cawker of Oshawa visited ai Mr.M.L.Travelle's Sunday week. -....Wster tauk lu rear ut fire hall wili ho ulît hylr. Wm. Pingle and the exca- vsting hyMr. Jas. Wood. .....Mr. T. W. Jackson lniendsgolg te Eugisud suon in counectiun with au astate tu which lha daims til. UNDOUBTEDLY TFREBEST.-Gentlemen. -1 wish to Say that Dr. Fowle's Ex- tract, of Wild Strawberry bas proved a wonderful remedy in m y famiiy. We would not be without At for twice its price. 1 Say it iS THE DEST (flot merely one of the bes--but thre best) medicine ever brought before the public for summer complaint or diarrhoea, either in chilîdren or adults.- JOHN UNDERÉaIM, License Cornmissioner,Strathelair, Man. NEWTONVILE-W. P. Tich bas Ipatnted hie bouse ... .Mr. John McCulongh le viiting Mr. T. Watt .. --Mr. Walter Joue as ases yung fox- e beaaaty. ... Mis iva Rid visited Mrs. J. J. Raid, recontly. -. Mr. Perey Edwards wae ne- cent guast of Mn Edwsrd Buwenu.... Mr.and Mrs. H. IR. lunes viited Mre. Thom pson recauitly... Miss Loin Haueook wae guest uf Mise Bertha Reid .... Mr. Ed. Thumpson le workiug Iu New- castla. .,iss Ethel Bouathan of Newcastle vis- ied Mr&. Samuel Bonthan .... Miss Rllie Watt bas a new bicycle aud te a graouetnl rider .... Mr. Jenner Bates je hume from Peterburo. .... Ep- u-ortb League je prosperlng .... .Mr.JohuGlIhiunr bas muved sud the Tempeasca Rotai wtll soun be ruunng.-Tlmes .... AiCobourg iset week the law suit was tri er uf Joues v. Jones. Aldrich et al-This was an action bronght by Henry Joues, of the townsbip of Carke, against his breiber, Thomas Joues aud f amily, sud Dr. Aldrch a&H uf Clarke townshilptoest aside the wll of the laie John Joues, a rvalthy bachelor. fariner oftbih township uf Clarnke. The casa leSter] two full dayesud iumerons wîtnese wsra nWamiued. EvIdance wae gix an that the r,decosed bad âseir]bhawould neyer isave the, terme cTapcssýas hntahed laie Tuasday nIgbi. sud abs argomnit wilii hheelr laTorento Mey â8tJ?-Sentiiel Ster. 1.rinit FAYORITiES FOR LO1XGUYEARSA Furuiture yon are wanting this S'pring Frln er 'imn 5shv iyour home, we have in great- VafietV beau the fa-vorite family dyes lu tise - Bominion of Ciinada; sud a.tbouIgb ices are so low you caunot affcrd to be imitation packaje dyes bave linon plentifully offes-e for'sale. tbeie great mf erioity te the" Dlaubond'"in strength, fastness, beauty of color and brlliancy ÉQ was known te th( greaI usajoity of women, aund they were coudernner] and L See avoider] by ail -who valuer] geod aud brgtcolons. No sensible woman eau tdesigus ilu ah kinds of Fui niture. TOn afford te iiskz ber gcodQ with pour dyes :nwbesr the "Diamsond" are admittedly -S welcome tise world's best.. A4 moit Important po&nt te rememb"er, Itiraitise Diasuour] Dyas cost no more Z hnthe ret d dcommun d-ýes Seld j v Sone dealers for - l isýe ie alarge il Le alues yo I isdt wi l ibnD 'lREMEN'S DEMONS TRA&TION.I FINE WEÂÀTER tAND AÀ'GRAND SUCCESS.I Last July, when our Firmêl i lu ro- u?~t~ n fngitatlon from St. Catha- fln, Viatted that town on the occasion iftheir firemen'a demonstration, the les. was oonceived of having a sîmilar me here this year, and accordingly, lay 4 was choeen as the daté for ilding it. For weeks the immittee Lve bison preparing and gettlng their 'rangements in ',roper shape, and bey. are deoerv1igo aget elo edtfo ke energy displayed. Atter Iemm6',,cing it was found that the affair Na" developing in size, but nothing launted the members of both conipan- es, worked with a wlll, and de- 'ermîned to do their best to make it a Iccess, and show other visiting fire- men that the old town was not, quite eoad yeti, and we believe there is no ne who was hers on Monday, but ras delighted with the visit, and eover did the town look better than on Monday. Mont everybody vent in for eneral decoratian, and King nitreet ws live with streamaers, fiage and bunting, while niany of the privaie reeldenees were aiso tastefully decorated. Among r te mont conspicuous was that of the Dominion Organ & Piano Co., there being over 500 fiage adorning the many windows and doors of that insti-g tution. Obalrman J. B. Mitchel, of he Publie Property Coin., had the Town Hall very prettily decorated, whlle a new 22 foot llag floated froma the taff on the dome. The Fire Hall and Tower, Band Stand and Market Square, were also covered with fiaga, bunting and evergreena. By request of the 1'rremen the Council agreed to enter-2 ain the Ohief Yistng Municipal officials snd the Proes of the various1 town 1 The forenoon was chicfly taken up in abase bail match, between Orono and2 Blownranvîlle, in whîch the home teani s'ere the victurea by a score of 18 to 5. T'he firet of the visiting firemen to ar- rive was Trenton, on the regular train from, the sont, accompanied by their band. These were folidby ;wo companies from Oshawa and one1 fromn Whitby, who drove down. At 10.30 a sapecial train bronght about 400 excurisionistis from the Niagara Penin- suia, ineluding Fire Brigades from Ni- agaraFai , St. Catharines, Merritcn and Thorold, serompanied by their bande, snd at 12.30 the steamer Glarden City came in bringing a large number of excursionistis frumn Toronto, Whitby and Oshawa. At 1 30 o'clock the Brigades and Banda assembled on the Mar~ket Square, where Ris Wor- ahip, Mayor R. R. Loacombe, in a very rieat speech fro-im the Band stand, gave theni a hearty welcome te the town.- Thie procession then formed in the fol- lowing order, Mr. C. M. Cawker, beingi the Chief Marshall,, and paraded the principal streets to the Pair Grounds, Mounted Jlarshals. H. Caun M. Worth, Cab eontaining Mayor Loseombe, Dr. Rillier, Councillor Worth and James Gale, Editor ef the NEws. Merritton Baod. Riorden HueCo.. Merritton. Merritton Pire Dept. Marehals Dr A. S. Tilley and N. James. Cab containinz Couneillor J. Lyle, chair- man of the Fire Committes, (Jorp. A. lfobbs and Me8sro, Les and Phillipî, uof Merritton. S- Catharines Garden City Band. n rew Riddel Hook and Laddsr Co., 1St. Catharines, Cab with Reeve A, Pay. St. Catharines, Reeve J K. Galbraith, ex-Wardsn S. Bur, den, and Gý Porter, Bowmanvilie. Trenton Band. TrentonFire lJept. Oshawa Pire Dept. Marehals Arthur Oawker, D. MeDonald, and A. McDonald Cab conteining Chief of Police, R. Jarvie, M. A. James, Editor of the STATESMeÂc, Cuneillor Percy, S5. Outtle. Orono Newe, J. H. Horey, of the Thorold Post. Marehals W, H. Oawker and P. Real. Niagara Falls Baud. Niagara Falls Rose and Steamer o. Oshawa Maileable Trou Ro)seo. Cab containing Coun. A. Tait, Depnty- reeve J. Jeffery. P. A. Les, Port Hope, P. Williams, and R Z. Hall, of the Orono Fire Depariment. Thoroid Band. Thorold Protection Rose o. Bowmanviile Pire Engins and He Reel Dominion Organ snd Piane Ce. Band. Bowrnsnvilie Pire Department. At the FalI, Ground, where Romne 3000 peuple liad aosembledl a gond program of sports was carried ont. The following were the succesaful competîtors and the. prime awarded: Haie bicycle race-A, Thoppson, Oshawa, Goid ring, value 89,. Rose reel raceit Trenton Pire IDept, 1840; 2nd. Merritton Mira, Dept., $20. Two-miis bicycle race-lot, A. Thompsoa, Oehawe. Gold Medal, value $15, £nd, W Csyderman, Bowmanviie, 8 day cioclr, val. $7. 100y-ad-aceforhosisW_ oi bleaetyappla". Tlreîr feats have lnover beeér equelled liera 1>y &y Cqe. lit.TeComic rssof the clownig and the pastiraes i n a Ohînese 1nuudçy by tisa Partellos Bras. vers er)eý aonnBtng and interested tibe large audi- oece. Master Tommie Brown vae 'klghly comreeended for hMe Clariuuette solo wiflh hanudiu t~ 'lIb dis' sibe4eurxofgif te tdkPlacé A te abo wSube cky Âre urer wIi s Tlhe Mason Oo.1 Gigantii'c W Arg - Sale Tues day 1Wed' sday ITlilrsday 1Friday& Satllrday,- JEYZNZmT*I 1,2, 3~4,5~ To give ail a chance to pafticipate lu our big purchase of over 4 tons of Groceries, just arrived from the Sa1vage Stock Sale of H. P. Eckardt & Co., wholesale grocers. We au- nounce 5 Big Bargain Days. The goods bouglit at, above named sale will be a leading feature, but our entire stock will also fail in lino at special bargain prices. The printed Bar- gain Iist does not mention haif the bargains we will offer you as it would take too mucli space to print them. But'here are some of them. 2 lines of choie Hyson Tea good Jean flavor- 1 fine high graie Japan, reg. 25U. 6 b for $1 ed, heavy liquor teas, reg, 25c. 6 Ibs for $1. 14 doz. Hair Brushes, reg.- 25 & 40c. eaoh 1line Oongou Black, reg, 35c, 6 Ibo for $1 .00. for 10c. Finnan Haddie, Cod Roe, Fresh Herring 1Ulne fine Indiau blond, reg. 50c. foi 25q.. par can 100. ,2 ines Indien and Souchong blond, reg. 30 and Choice Domestie pickles, 2Ooz. bottle, 3 for 25. 350 5 Ibo. for $1.00 Boat brand Lobsters ver tin. only 100, Best American Coal Oil 2oc. Best Canadian Coal Oil r6c. A No. i Pink Salmon 3 tins for 25c. Cross & BlackwelIs peels wilI go at per lb 15c. Fine.shrdded Cocant reg. price M5e for 20 No. 1 stareli for 6c James Domo Lead, reg. 15c for 100 Box Can Corn 5c. Can Tornatoes, Peas and Pumpkins 3 for 20c. Can Beans 5c. Can Peaches ioc. Choice Layer Figs 5c. Choice Evap. Apricots 6« pr lb. Can Pears [!roc pr tin. i Box 28 lbs 1895 crop, select Raisins in good condition, 85 cts. We want ail our regular customers to corne early in the week and flotallow outside bargain seekers to get ail the snaps. 16 only, Men's Suit* Halifax Tweed, plain colors and checks, relg. $6.5p, sale price 4 75. r12 only, Men's Suits, Navy Blue Serge Suits, reg. $5.oo, sa, price $2 Black Worsted Coats and.Vests, very nice choice, only- $6t Odd Vests, scores of theni, from - - - - 75C u - Odd Pants, good ahl wool Tweed, pnly --$1.00. A few left over Suits were from $ 7.00 to, $ io., now any of themn and ail of thetn go at $5 per suit. We have laid, out for this sale 40 Boy's Suits,- making a good assortment,, both in styles and sizes. This lot will be sold at exactly half price. Working Pants and Coats, both iined and unlined. We have a few odds and ends of these that -we wili selI at one-third discount off regular prices for this sale. A line of heavy weight Black Wor 1sted suits, in large sizes, suitable for old gentlemen. These were from $7.5 0 to $II r. Reduced foi this sale to $5. 5 doz. Mens and Boy'e shaker shirts aIl sizes, ulce patternes, reg. 35 1 for 30e Boys ail wool sweaters size 1 2 & 3 cardinal, corono, bIne sud bick, reg. 75 for 35e Youths black and brown Faera bats Ilaet S styles worth 1,50 for $1.20 2 ends speciai iron tweed at 22oe Men's SeamîesseCotton Sox 6 pro for 45c Meu's and yo uths enspenders %eb strong and neet worth 20e a per pr. et 2 pr. for Zye Men'o fine rihhed cotton shirts sud pente for 24 1 piece Canadian tweed bougbt job, gond patterns, reg. $1 for !lO Men's sud Bcy's siik necties very prstty 2 for 2e. Dress CoodL - About»500 yards new Dress Goods latest design, worth 3Oç >, and 50 cts i 25 cts a yd. J3est English prints regular ir 4 cts for i o cts yd. reg, 7 5 cts. Crompton sum- mer corsets for 5o ets. Fast color American prints only 8 cts. a yd. Oxford shirtings good patternis worth 12i for 9 cti Special prices on Ladies' and Children's straw Rats. Handsome silks suitable for blouses worth 35c or 40C for 25 cts a yd. Very choîce, plain and figured silks - 5oc and 75c a yard. Ladies' White wear, well made, perfect fitting, good quality at Toronto Factory prices. Aspecial line of Parasols at M - 7 c @h., 3 doz. Ladies' Blouses at 25c each haîf price. La,-iIes Fine Cashmere Hose, Searxhess, very special t'alue at apn' Ladies' heayy biack Cotton Ilose - Pair for a5«. Ladies black Tafletta silk gloves ..- r c a ai Regular rgc Pillow cotton for - roc a Y Regular r 4c hand moide Russia crash toweling - c sy4 Lace curtairis (special purclase) 3yds long- for 75e a p;Jr, Ladies summer vests, special heavy lrne xr 4 c s. »eo;,àU &3hoa Mens Dong Bal fair tMstchfor 1.75 ver,,$225 Buy~~ff l'es 1,25 Fin ~1Dong 10e L tû tue ir stife4a L.25 siere1.15. Strong Bsaoebooat , 7b "es81.1w Women e dong butt Pat. tip 1.20 11 1.615 misses Olive tiares best extord $1,10. ware $1,4# Woeion's3 dong. cscforê$, tuer sole, pal.j« lmsed Dong. bntt u0fcredymeke 1.001mb Mimses r*AiDong Oxfer4 Ipat. gr) 7kwr Touth's Coffesester steap sEtiier Na s weugf Ohildiree's Oboucolatl Il 0t 576 O~ub Bage, 'Telescopes,. and Wrurrks a mpteQiay. Don 't Eurg et oLir Big Stock 'Of Ensilage corn.1 We intend thîs sale in be a re cord breaker, and the proof to you oi tbiz great purchaaing advantage is a visit andinsp#ctign. Yeur prodrcç teen at hîghest marketl te",. The-I

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