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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1897, p. 5

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In camneras. . Thîs Week 'Ne are Sellillg a Camera for $2.50. Is matie of seamless bnass. R las a bantisome oxidizeti finish. lias a simple durable shutten atiapteti 'IIfor boti time anti instanetanous exposures witiout resetling. lisa iilliant view finder accaey a justeti. Ras a fine aclinomatie lens that wili iltaefve pietures 2 x2 on glass plates at one loading . Is the easlest camera toue sec oe 01W ai ork ln ouf fifdow. StoU,%tt & Jury Pure Miz ed Pai nts-- Ready for use' Lest Longer Look Better Cove r M ore S urface. Absolutely the very best Quai ity, Brush and Srnall Tin 20e amy colon. Special price for large quantities. Stott & J ury. That the first important work in the direction of examining the eye for defeets of vision was ac- -.omplished by Thos. Young, who was a man of unusual -learuing lor lis time. -11e was the first man 'Who is known to have corrected a case of ashymatism. After this many F sclentific men labored along the same hune each adding littie by lttle t .-.'the store of knowledge gae by their predecessors. Within the past 15 ye ars great strides have been made and many new inventions have been discov- ered whieh cuable the optician to correct the vanlous defeets with absolute- certainty. We have speut hundreds of dollars lu the latest- scieutifie instruments and ha ve oue of -the most complete lines to be f ound iu any o ptieiau's of1fice iu Canada. At Our Store yon get the advautage of ail these applianceýs free of any charge and also get tlia selvices of the- only Post Graduate Optician lu this Counity and as we purchase iu large quanLitities direct from the factory our prices 'will be fouud mudl lwe than can be seeurcd elsewheIre. Stott & J ury, Âf The Druggist anîd Optician. N. B.-We stili seli tihe best baking powdcr at 15c a pound. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 2, 1897, Stott & Jury are showing the latest uovelty lu the way of Bicycles. The Twicer is creating lots of com- mrent lu town; it is eertainly the inost attracting thing we have ever seen in the way of a Bieycle-Stott & Jury are agents. 'p peopte dan sit si*d6 bv Aide on the Twicer. If you have not seen it, caîl at $kst & Jury's. Do not use two much oil on your, Bivecle;it tends to collect dust and does a Wheel more harm than good. Great success follows the use of Stott &~ Jury's PuilB 'Ready for use" Paints. The King of Scorchers Bicycle -with its 011 Bathsý for bearings and lis Duplex tubing is undoubtedly the strongest and, -,es runnlng- wheel on the market. seeltt t i JUry'&.ý T. N. Rickard's Stock of Silverpiate is one of the finest we ever seen. With a stock of Watches, Clocits, Jeweliry and Silverplatc as well as Rings and Spectacles such as wc sec in thîs store. Bowmasîville people would be very unwisc to think of dealing in Toronto, more espeeially as tbc prices arc so very rea sonablu. Local and Otherwise. Blouse Sets at Rickard's for Se. 1Nicholîs' selîs Blouse Sets for 7c. Nicholîs selîs Leather Beits at 7c. Remember the name, its N1C11OLLS. Grocers', Duc Bills taken as cash at Rickard's. Sterling Silver Novelties ln abundance at Rickard's. We want several more correspondents in unrepresented sections. Premier Marchand savs he will sur- 'ound himsel! with men of probity- honest, sterling mcn., iDiamond J ubilce Bouquets ut Nicholis' -The latest New York fad. Oh! but they're pretty. Sc thcm. The Choir of the Methodist Church arc busy preparing for their annual concert Friday, June. l8th. Strawberry plants, cabbage plants, tomato plants and other vegetable plants ready for transplanting. G. D. FILETCHIER, Duke St. The S. O. E. excursion to Niagara Falls, Jubilee Day, June 22, will open the lake excursion season. Arran-e to spend the day on the "tGarden City ' Tep lar concert of the Methodit Ch oirwiutake place on Friday June lSth. No pains wîll be spared to make this the "jubilce" entertainment of the season. Any person whose subscniption to THE ýTATEsm5AN is paid to Dec. 31,1897, may send this paper to a fniend (new subseriber) in Canada or the U. S. to same date for only 25c. The ladies of the Presbytcrian church, Oshawa, wili ruu an excursionî on Tuesday, June 15, per Garden City to the camip at Niagara and Niagara Falls. Tickets $1.00 and $1.25 respectively. Sec posters. A lady's new bicycle (Crawford) but slightly'used, having been bonght very late last season at $75 cash, will be sold for $50 cash, A good second hand Comet for gentleman at $25. Particu- lars at STATESMAN office. The Court of Appeal has decided in the suit'of John Beatty vs. the trustees of the Landsdowne' avenue Baptist church that trustees arc not personally liable under a mortgage -which. they have sigîîed on behaif of the church. This judgment is important. Edmund E. Sheppard, Toronto, who bas been appointed by the Dominion Government a commissioner to go to Mexico, Central and South Amenica for six months to fiad ont the possîbilities of trade between those countries and Canada, is expected to leave about the lst of June. If the success of Mr.Shep- pards's mission warrants the venture, the lne of steamers British Columbia is asking a subsidy for may be placed on the Pacifie to carry the trade'betwecn the countries. Mr. Sheppard speaks Spanish, and is familiar with the people to whom hc goes. Major General Gascoigne, Comman- der of the Canadian Militia has issued orders that "Inoue but selected men will be taken to, camp this year. Ail branches of Our m'ilîtary systemn will be represented-Canadian Regulars, Voluateers, Infantry Pilles, Cavalry and Field Artillery. kIhe excursion on June 15th will g-ive you an opportunity to visit titis camp at Niagara-on-the Laike The steamer-will carry pasgel- gens from Newcastle, Bowxuanvillc, Oshawa and Whitby at'a uniform rate of $1.00ý to the militarv camp and $1.25 to the Falls. Sc posters. This complimentary panagraph refers to a man w= got his early training on a farta lu West Durham and his many friends here will read it witlu mue h pleasure: On Moisday mornîng Mr. Isaae Smaie of Opi delivered four extra fine two-year old high-bred Durham steens to Mr. M. O'llalloran, butcher, that weighed almost 1,100 each. the eom- bined weight beiug 4,336 pounds. Thcy sold, for 4e a pouud live wciglît. This is the kind of cattie that alv1 ays finds ready sales at rexaunerative pnices. Mn. Smale believes that what is worth doing at ail is worth doing -v.ell, and it is this motto tbat has placedbim in tbc frônt rank of prog.ressive farmens lu thîs dis- trict.-Linl'ay -Watchman. Excursioni to Model Farm, Guelph, June l8th. Our Dining Room Suites will surprise you. L. Morris. Mammoth white seed corn for ensilage at West End Rlouse. A-eeucy for the CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN at 'I&E STATESMAN office. Prettiest desig'ns of wall paper lu town at J. C. Weeks , Ontario St. Will you paint this season? J. C. Weeks guarautees satisfaction. Graftîng, pruning and spraying donc systematîcally by G. D. Fletcher and sons. Diamond Jubilce offer-Tum STATES- mAN. to a new subseniber to end of 1897 for 25e. Most torturing anti disfiguring of itching, buruiug, seaky skinanti scalp humors is lu.- stantiy relieveti hy a warm bath with Ccxx- CURtA SoAP, a Single application Of (JuTICUiA (eiutmeat), the great 5ki cure, and a fuit dose Of (JUTIcURiA RESOLvisr-, greatest ofblood purifiera anti humor cures, wlen all else faida. Conr., Props., Beston. -"flow lis Cuis Saltiillum," fIe. FALMINflHAIR F4tIbyB5fili J ubilee Souvenir at Rickard's. Leather Belts at Riekard's for 8e. Big bottle Machine Oul 4c.-Niehiolls. Remember Nicholis wont be nndersold Machine Oil at Riekard's -for 5c. per bottle. Silver Polish at Rickard's-none to beat it lu the world. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmanville. We are selling a bedroom suite at $10,00. M. D. Willims & Son. You will find the best assortment inu Hats and Shirts at M. Mayer's. Allan and Dominion Line-ocean tickets for sale at STATESMANoffice. Make home attractive by buying Wall paper from J. C. Wecks. 'Sec advt. Boss watcbes-guarantccs stamped on back of case-for sale ut Rickard's. Great value. The Masscy Rarris Bicycle Co. donat- cd a finegpair of adjustable bandles won by GuyPethiek. Ladies' and Misses Spring Capes and Coats-a fine assortment and everv -ee new-at Coueh, Johuston & Ci y er- man's. Mammoth White, Corn for ensilalge, a carload just reeeivcd ut M'est End Rouse for seed-No finer sample eox seen lu Canada. The Gendron Bicycle Co. doîaýtcd a handsomie rattan rocker for the 2-mile race whîeb. was won by Mn. A. Tbomp son of Oshawa. The firemea wish to tender their sin- cere thanks to ail parties who so ablv a ssîsted ini any way lu order to make the day a suceessful one. A stock of Dress Goods which is ad- mittcd on al bauds to be the fiacit ever scen in bown uow showing at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. If you want to be in style just eall at M. Maycr's and suit yourself witb a Fedora or dhristy stiff hat. FullI une of gents' furnishiags as usual. The Creseent, Leader and Dominion Wheels are cousidered the best value for the moaey lu the market, sec samples at Dustan & lloar's. The Annual Concert of the Methodist Church Choir wili be held ou Fniday June 18th. The programme will sur- pass that of any previons year. To make sure of gettinga perfect fit -the latest style and best workmauship lu your Sping Suit leave your orders ut Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. A big rush of people to the Oid Coun- try is certain this year. M. A. James is p repared to give summar rates now. Cabin passages should ho engaged car- IV. We do uphioîstenino' of ail kinds, parlor suites, chairs an~l lounges recov- crcd, mattresses restuffed, chairs re- eaned and re-perforatcd. Give us a trial when havinig aaythiag donc in this Ue. L. Morris. ,We have a first-class uphoîsterer with ns this month. Parties wantiug a ny- tbing' donc in that uine wili do well, to leave orders eariy and tbev wili receive our pro mpt attention. Pnices will be right. M. D. Williams & Sou. If you want any-thîug la hats,Fedos-a or stiff in colons, drab,, brown,fau black aud siate, M. Maycr's bat store is the placewhcre you eau find themt. Alwa'. s lu pnice as cheap as theceaet I40oon REsPECrALîîx-YOURg men an d old should look respectable holiday times. Place vourself lu the bauds (or chair) of F. C.'Petbick la bis tonsonial panlorand ho will trim your hcad and face tili you'll look so neat and respect- able that yornfriends wont reeonize you tili you spoak. Caîl at the old ne- hiable, and get your Sunday clip. The publishers of the Montreal Stan arc bringiag ont two magnificent Jub- ilce souvenirs. A grand photog-raphie portrait of Qucen Victoria, 2-2x30, said by cveryone who bias seen it to be by long odds the finest tbing brought ont lu conîtection with the Jubilce. The Star bas also bad executcd a grand Canadian Jubilce Medal, beautifully desigîîcd and struek. These two sou- venins by bbc Star will make Canada taikcd about the wonld over. Happy indecd should those ho who seec,în thece two treasurot. Sewing Machines, thc very lowest at Riekard 's. New Fountain* Peu, a real beauty, $150 ut STATESMAN Office. $80 cash will buty a good second baud covencd buggy.Se M. A. JAMES about it.. The old reliable stand W. Chartnan's Rlai Dressing and Sliaving Parlor. Opposite StandardBank, Bowmanville. Large tent and complote camping out-ft-everything neccssary-to, rent ou moderate tenms. Apply at STATES- MAN, office. Order your Binder Twine from the Farmers' Bindel- Twiue Co., Brantford. Peter Murdoch, Bowmianville, agent for this district. s TOCK NOTICE,--Registered Hogs arefl'- k enIt foi, service on lot 19. Con 42,. Dmr j ingo. Berkshire,Prince Lee, No. 4302 bredby J. G. siie11l. Esq., bnigrove. l'isslio4-wassired by 1arn Ls 4 -1344, Imr, Also ain improved Larga YorksIt'ak Lofige Seaman, No. 1467, liretl~~ . E. rethur,'sq., Burtorti. Ttrm 75 ent. leeeeers sppiesfor sale. A few Grove, Bowilsnville, P. 0. >23_.4W. PEIRSONAL. We invite ail oui, readers to contrïbute to this colimiu arrivai and departure of guests, move- ments of weliknown people, business men, etc. Senti a postal card to THE STATE5MÂN, drop a note in our office letter box or ring up phone 52. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell Is visiting frientis ln Rochi- ester, N. Y. Miss Etta Wilmott, Toronto, visited bier molli- er, Concession street. Mrs. Hloward MeLaughlin, Lindsay, is guest of Mrs. Henry Hesketh., Mis. M. Henry, Port Dalhousie, Ont., is guest of Mr. Geo. E. Maynarti. Mr. J. B.Mitcheilibas been on another business trip to Washington, D). C. Mn. andi Mrs. W. H. Williams lefi yestertiay on a trip to Winnipeg, Man. Miss Craîg, Kingston, was guest of Miss Tiiley, Chuirch St., lasi week. Mrs. Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Euniskiiien, was gnest of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell iast week. Mns. M. W. Williams, Cobourg, andi Mr.9. A. Davis,Woodstock, -wene guests of Mrs M- 1trsy-. recently. Miss Mary andi Fannie Wiiiis, Whitliy, Miss Ida Souci Oroio, spent the bolidays witli Miss Allie Sou&li. Mr. Jabez Wakeiey Bouiton, las been visiting lits aunt, Mrs. Geo. hiooper, aund many 'other frients here. Mr. F.A.Parker,Ontario Agnieultural Coilege, Guelphi, spont fionday with his parents at tne Parsonage. Miss Bassettlias returnet Toronto after a pleasant visit at Mr. Thos. Bassett's and with othen friends. Miss Lottie Brimacombe lias returneti from a ,very pleasant visit witli inientis in New Orleans, La., andiletroit, Midi, Rev, A. J. Hiarvey, Sirke, Murraywiil occupy morrîng and evening the Whîtby pulDit-Revý. T. Manning, M. A. ,pastor, on Sabbath,Juine 6th. Miss Amy Wilson, M. E.L.. of Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Whitby,', was guest of Miss Mosetta James over Suntiay. Her home la ai Biooming- burg, Ohio, Mn. M. J. A. James icturneti Monday fnom Phuladeiphia, Pa baving compieted iis second year 's course iii tLe University ofFensylvania in Dental Surgery Liberal Convention. One of the best attended conventions ever held in West Durham was tlîat on Thursday last, but a candidate was Dot chosen. Dr. J. C. M itchell whom. the Liberals expected to honor, positively dedllned to be a candidate, so the con. vention adjoined for a month. Bicycle Parade. Ail persons in Bowmnanvjlle who ride a bicycle are requested to meet at the Market Square next Friday evening at 7 o 'dock for parade to let citizens see what a large number of wheels are, in use in this town. Mr. R. D. Davidson and M"r. Carl Kenit will have charge. Let th ere be a grand rally. Lawî XMowers. The Wýest End Smithy would respect- fullv take this method of thanlcing his numÎerous customens for the patronage of the past yeans and would solicit a continuance of the same. 11e is pre- pared to fetch vour mowers and return them in perfet order, that willgive you entire satisfaction. 11e also sharpens scissors, kuives, etc. I wlll put the price, on jobbîag to suit the times. A trial solicited. W. H1. WILLIAMS, West End Jobbing Smîith, Bowmanville. BORN. HATIHERLY.-Th Burketon, Wednesday May 2tttth0e wifofMn-. Thos. Hatherly, of ason. MARRIED. BErsriyw-P!angnt.-At the nesitience of Mn. Rober Fstr, Oýrono, lirotîter of the bride, May 24th, hy ý Re v. J. A. MeKeen, B. A., Mr. P. W. 1lristo0f Brighit, Ont., Elizabeth Petrie, of <OIED. SCOTT.-In Dowmanviile, May 22nti, Truman Scott, ageti 74 years anti 9 monthis. SIsii'SON.-In Clarlke, May 201h, Hugli Simpson agefi 9l years 8 mouths. SroTvT.-At Tiffin, Ohio, Sunday May 23,Aibert Ernest Stott, ageti 12 years, lonmerly of Hamp- ton. A. E. McLAUGIILIN. Darister, Solicitor anti Conveyancer. Office:- Bleakley Biock, King street, Bowmanviile. Money )to an at 1neasonabie rates, 48-lyr, Dr. G. Rt. PATTERSON, Dentiet T{n rin,1rw'!. TorontotUniversity Artificiel Dentures *cico0; Amnalgam Fillings 50e. F'îrst ciass work at very motienate prices. Office -Bieakley Block, (opstairs) Bowmanville. BUGGY FOR SALE.-A gooâ second ...Piatihuggy,eheap. Apply 10 M. A, JAmEs. X'FAilRJAGE LICENSES,- M. -A. _2L JAmrs, Issner of Marriage Licenses. ReZlesie Centre street. I0-RSE-MEN.-WiIl flnd good stab- ..LA.lug anti prompt attention at Bloomen's, (fonmerly Long s) stables. Excellent shedis. ('h CEAN TRAVEL-Ali 'leading A Àmerican andt Canadian Steamship lines are representeti hy M. A. JAmEs, Bowmanville. 1)IU ADERS.-Mns. Bloomer,opposite ..L>Market Square, Bowmanviile, bas accom- mnodations for respectable boartiers. Meals at BoWMANVILLE 20-4w. If you, have a nice lawn and wvant to keep it lu that condition you will find that such a 'thing is impossible with- out a GARDEN0 CITY LAWN MOWEIR. It is the easi -_ est runnnm11,Low- er, iu fact it goes almost without b Y pushing and theÈ price iS 50 low19î that you will be surprised and f wonder that they eau be sold on sucli a small margîn, but by buyîng in a large quantity is the reason wny we eau seli them so cheap. For sale onîy by DuILdf or BowmANvILLE. Phouc 74. Tht. shape for slendcr fcet aid stylish diess. Stra it sided Anierican SLXf type, with hA .if ocacy~r full, box toc. A man-of-fahion Lace d-But toned-Co.'ýjess-Ox ford. Dia ck, Tan, Seal Brown, C armiÀne cr Wrne Color. Ha'if sizes 5 to îIl- 'Vidths A. to -E. Goodyear XX ot. $3-00, $400, Ï5.00. Stampcd on sole. CATALOGUE £ J- - eV Sole agent fr 'mvle, YH U YR Lok e rel WA NIE Dany quantity-o merchantable wool, for which fthe hig!tiest price will be Li LEWIS QUICK,. Y'ay 2fith,, Q97, Before buying or putting up =tty "Peuce" sec tbc Gem Wire Fefree, tbe dlieapest and tiR, .*AIUCC on fthe market. Farmers eau easily build lb. Farmens sh ui d cee i he fence -ut Thos. Pe~- ,'a or R, IL. Oallacott's, t ~.jOS4 Wight's, Darlingto,,dut PETER rDCS fl*mniMagcni f"F-r ï A Good, Up=to=date Grocery and Provision Store.e is the 'kind you can place cunfidence in-feel like you are being welI trepted and get pure good goods every time yoii tvq e there. This is the way we want you to feni -- This Store and we'll menit your good opinion of us every time, If you should buy anything from us that is flot en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. 'We keep full limes of the -very best gro ceries the markets afford and nono seil cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principies and the public likeo our methods. Everyllday is a bargain day at our store and we live in a busincGs .rush. Farmers, corne and see as and bring your produce. We will give you the best -prices goîng. Tait B1o WMANVILLIE.The Grocers. Foreed CG sh SalebC&-1qC We say respectfully that we need not tell the publie the, cause of the Coming Slanghber Sale; but for barg-aîu seekers let lb suMYce for them t0 kîow that ou and aftcr SATURDAY NEXT, MAY,15, we WI offet' our cubire stock of Dry Goods and Clothing at about one haîf of old-tlme pnieus. This scuson's choice newv goods will be slanghtercd with flhe rcst. Large piles of Drcss Goods will go at a TRIRD of regular priecs, Boy's aud Meu's Suits, Tweeds aud Cloths and heavy Staples, at a great sacrifice of price. The sale is undcrtakeu for a special purpose, and stock must bc cleared ont ut any cost. The store wihl be elosed on Thursday and Fridlay, to enable us fo finish the re-marking of Stock. Duc Bis taken same as cash. 0 4 uL&

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