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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1897, p. 5

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Dr. F. W.Strange of Toronto is dead.' V IfQ lI THF,~~~~p=o (IirmNwthafredv alocery r.ABCouch of Toronto was home yesterday.[A)U¶II Loca Mrd At.wie B. o~E1si1roaordA G o Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Rossetter, Toron- MisMuSnro, poi us to, are guests of Mr. P. King, PortanP r v s o te _.ý * fMrs. Mau A otp Ja E sm s u Bownianville. The annual excursion to the Ontario Ini Miss Eliza Paseoe, solina, has been Mrs. J. R. Lane and daugliter ililda Agricuiltural College and Farmn at is the kind you can place <eonfidence in-feel like guet a M. Nil sbrnes.of Farnham, Que., are visiting lier Guelph will take place under the auspices - getaMr elObre mother Mrs. W. Il. lianson. - of W est Durham Farmers' lnstitute. you are being te re'aied aind get pure good Do you want a farmn? If so, read W. Mrs. Gilbert Smith died near Cobourg This date bas been chosen after corres- goods every timoe ycou trade there. This is the C'CameraTs.ih Su' igdv.haelaT.efrrnijuis nfite y er&casei i !mstfvoabetiefoigywewatyo cvftlabu las wek fom.injris iflitedby ieronence with the College authorities been guests of Mr. A. Nicholis. Went h et tHlwrhinspecting the Farm, being then lu its Mr. Lou Buckley and the Misses England, of Mr. Daniel Batten, known nis trcieadisrciecniinTh is Stor Thi Wek ýWe reSefinga Bcklyof Orono were guests at Mr. L. ,s -Gleatper " the, crepnntfor Not only farmers, but ever ybody will Morrs'.Snndy. any ear of he esten TmesEx-find ver s much in and about the Colle ge Moris' Suday mnyyarsof he esernTims, x-and -,,iGronds to interest them. T he and we'll menit your good opinion of us every time., Camra or 2.5. M. nd r's Frnk vesonof ben etr.Farmi i s now ln prime condition. Tickets If you should buy anything from us that is not, en-~ Is made of seamless hrass, Suiiday. defeat by the Port Hoe 'nine on their gooe 17ong p.l ni.a tains ursday, tirely stfa or -p k ihouand wel'mk fias a handsome oxidized finish. Mayor Yelland and wife of Peterboro own grounds here ouStra yaJun 8 for bote time and instanetanous are viiigrelatives and friends lu score of Il to 138 e had the une A 7 andýi rea trains Frid ay t igit exposures without resetting. fown. ail their own way till te eighth innîngs, on Frîlday June 1i8th, tume and fare as ek pfulinso th vryb tgoc iste lias a brilliant view limder accurately Mr ereWlo ftePrt ilope and then lost it by several costly errors. follows, radjusted.MrGereWloofteP esafr anCn resl1cepr dbu - Ras a fine achromatie lens titat will Daily, Guide and Mr. C. A. Lapp of the Jubilce Sunday arrangements are TIME. PARE. markt foc ndau eidepr ed ui uthe plate Sharp to the edge. Brighton Ensign were delegates to bein. nia de for special services lu St. Graf ton.....6.00 a.m . $1.75 n'ess on buiespicilsadte ulelk out Wil takafvep1nýe2 x 2 on glass Conference. Pau's church. on the 2Oth, the Suniday Cobouirg-........6.20 ~bsns nnîisadui ulcii ltue camera usMrs. (Rev. T. M. Camuibell, Campbell- before the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Port Hlp...68 1.0 m.hos Evr day is a bai-gain 0 ay at our store Soe SOMP1I 0f1ok 011~nw foradMs (Rev.) T.ý W. Jolliffe, Day. The Sabbath School will attend Newtoville ...6.50 ...1.85 and we live in a busîness rush. vO inI Coiîboi.rne, were guests offriends lu in a body lu the morning. Newcastle .......7.05 ....1.25 ,~,town durîng Conference. !2At the District Meeting of Cartwright Bowmanville..7.15 ....1.20 Farmers, corne and sce us and bning your produce. .4 4 V. IurY Miss Florence Tilley played at a and Clarke Loyal Orange Lodges,it wa q Darlington...7.238 ... 1.15 .E flf ' Ilrecital lu the College of Music, Toronto, decided to make the coming l2th o; Oshawa Jc't ..7.83 ....1.10 We will give you the best prices going. S tt& u ryA last week and won mucli praise for lier July celebrati>n a County one, and 1 o Arriving at Guelphi about 10.45 a. m. splendid execution. hola it lu Bowmanville. 'The menibers and (returning special train leaves Mr .J. Gibson is devoting .pca 10f Jubilee L. ). L. No. 640, are making Guelph at 7.20 p. m. î attention te stock breeding and fiuds arrangements for the saine and a big Clurnhf-fare. lu i ewav-i this issue.dy The Grocers. Wewere nleased to see Mrs. John Mrs. R. Freeland and Mrs. (Rev.) Altcesreodtortrbyay___________________________________ Rudeo lyo ntw odyH.Barnett have beeu attendinz the llth train up to SaturUay night, June *l9th. -__________ MRuzndidafe ofe Jlydon ins town Moasye aunual meeting of the Canada7- Congre- H. C. l-AR, M. A. JA3mis, A ~ -4g1 lviI ~ U aferth seer ilnes ha ba kptational Womans Board of M issions at ___________ F o o __ t. d-%,1»e bier at home forsix months. anar t, Ont., of whicb the former is Sceay rsdn.~- _f - - ~Mr. James L. Hughes, Public ScboolSertî. r.JLAexdrwbisan lo rs P ~ ~ ý m i flLblspector,Torouto,will deliver a lecture preabin atMidlvllegv at d of Patriotism before the Local Christian dress of welcome. The meeting was a ThWstEdmtywodrepc- l Ready for useEndeavor societies1 Monday evening, most excellent one, the Bowmanîe full taectEns mth ohukn isct- June21, n St chuch u 8p.m. ldiescontributing mucb to its success .~ 11ev. Dr. Worknian preached at the Cobourg will riglit royaîly clb numierousý, customers for the patronage u Lasi J- celebrate of the past years and would solicîta Lat~ongrBase Line School on Sunday afternoon. the Queen's Diamond Jubilee ou Junie continuance of the samne. lHe is pre- Look Bette r issbetasThnsvng"a(22nd. Iu the mornîng, a grand gala pared to fetch your mowers and returu the sermon was cbaracterized by great procession of municipal councils,military thenl perfect order, that will -'ive you verbial "sweet and liglit." There was les hundreds of scbool chuîdren, and scissors, kuives, etc. I will put the W a cPcflYta ene o eltepbi h as Coe or ufae aigro hoglaaregesbth r-copfiecmpne, eeeen oue-etiestifcin.1ealosncres esyrepcful iSt, ne ,t e hepbieti cueo .Absolutely the very best Quatity. alretedae.bauds of music will mardi throu-h the price on jobbing to suit the times., A the Comiug Slaughter Sale; but for bargiin secke.3 jet if saCfficc Lx; them In St. Paul'b churcli, Rev. R.. Duke streets. Patriotie oration will te de- trial solicited. W. IL. WILLLims, West t0 kiiow that on and after SATURDAY NXMY1,w i fe Brush nd Smal Tin ()c pracbed ut the morniug service on livered by Mr. E. C. S. lluycke,LL. D., End Jobbing Smith, Bowmauville. ETMA 15weil Bnus an Smll Tn 2c The death of the proto-martyr-Stpe followed'by the singing of national ______our entire stock of Dry Goods and Clotliug at about oue haif of old-time any colon. -a sermon with fine descriptive bits, songs by tbe cildren lu a massed body.UBLEAY TNIAAFA S.pes Ths eaos hceewgos ilbe]ugtrdwtth SpeSpecial fo lpgeice etfornetlargeticlanndteyeto eminerkutly wllpractical. luE DA ATNtheRAFAtS.fionegaTisneaParkehocthereoodwill bcsbeghareroyalth evening 11ev. Dr. Crothers discoursed salute of 21 guns and feu de joie will be rs.Lreplso rbsGoswl oa HR)o eu rcs quantities. lu an impressive mauner upon beaven. fired and an extensive progranio og alntn oso nlnrs.Lag ie fDesGmswl oa IIDo reuar cs r ~ The musical service was euriched by athietie games and feats of a most ilamptoïn, are runino' a g'rand excur- Boy's and Men's Suifs, Tweeds and Cloths and heavy Stapies, at a great stott Js i>u ry. two solos, tie first, 11I heard the voice amusing nature. Iu the evening a sîon to Niagara Fu'iIs %by Steamer sacrifice of, price. The sale is uidertakcu for a speelal purpo'se, 'and ofJesus say. by Mr. 1. Donald, of fantati bicycle parade and fireworks. Garden Ct on Jbilee Day, June 22. Toronto, and tie second bv Mrs. John Jubilee Souvenir at Rickard's. Bout 3eve Newcustle, 6:00 a. m., Bow- stock must be cleured eut at any cost. IRice, The coming of the King " Mrs itianvillu 8, Oshawa 7:30,Whitby 8:00, Rice is the possessor of a ricli contraltý ete et tRcad o c Frenchma n's 8:30, urriving ut the Falls The store wiIl be closod ou Thursday and L7riday, to enable us to, voice. and us a distinct addition to the Two dippers for 7c Saturday, Nicholîs. ut 12 o 'dock. Choîce of gorge railway finish the re-murking of Stock. Due Bis taken saine ascah mu sical talent of the town. Machine Ol at Rickard's for 5c. per on Amnerican side froin Lewiston or Blobuse Sets ut Rickard's for 8c. bottle. Puark and River Electnic Railway froin W rcer' ue ui taen s ashut Silver Polisi ut Rick,-ard's-none to Quec stonon Canadian side. Enfield Rickad's. eat if lu the worid. baudn bord Hot wuter supplîcd Rickar's. bM. A, James, Issuer of Mrriage free. Returning bot leaves Lewiston BoWMANVILLEl 1 StrigSilver Novelties lu abundance at 6 and Qucenston 6:15. Round trip, ___________________________________ - u~t Rickard's. Liess omnil.fure $1.25; Queeuston and returu $1. The Choir of the Methodist Churcli We are selling a bedroom suite ut Tickets for sale ut wiurves on morning are busy preparing for their annuai 1.0 .D Wlîs&Sn of excursion. For furtier particulurs t ýjconcert Friday, June l8ti. 120 sbeets good wniting paper antd 50 sec large bis. J. T. Williams, Secre- Stabypatcbaepat envelopes for 25e ut Nichoils'. tarv, T. EI iott, Treasurer. toniato plants and' other 'vegetablý' You will find the best assortment luin ________________ __ nits ready for transplantiug. G. D. bats and Shirts ut M. Mayer's. Loaî. BRIf you have a LE'rcHnR, Duke ýSt. Allan and Dominion Line oceuun. LovEKi-n, Clarke ay a fh thson.ofF B.ake Maykin iot, he i of aFo. nice lawn and t e y %ar 'he S. 0. E. excursion to Niagara tickets for sale ut STATESMAN office. NWHITPIELD.---I Whitby, June lit, the wif e ofwatokepi Falls, Jubilee Day, Juue 21., wiil open Muke home attractive by buyiug wail Mr. T. G. WhitfIield, of a son. atokepi th_ -fe lake excursion'season. Arrano',e f0 paper froin J. C. Wecks. -Sec advt. ADAMS.-In FlintonMaV llst,the wif e of 11ev. in thaf condition -pn flicy n h "Garden City. Bs ace-urne tmpdCas. Adam, of a daughter. f ~ MI spend.-- flcdyo iyi oswthsguancssupd1~Toronto, Jone 6th. to Mr.and Mrs. yen will find thaf The popular concert of the Mefliodist on back of case-for sale ut Rickard's. W. N. Tilley, a sonl. 7Corwill tuke place on Friday, June Great value. FoLEv. lu omnvle May 24th, te Mr. such a tig is Thafthe irstimpotantworkin 8ti. No pains will be spared f0 niake Ladies' and Misses Spring Capes and anmi Mrs. A. W doey, a daugliter. ipsil ih That he fist imortan wor il hs fie "jubilee" enteî tainmcnt of flic Coats-a fine assortmenf and everv one ipsil ih the direction of examining the season. new-af Couci, Joinston & Ciyler- MARRIED. ouf a GARDEN eye for defeef s of vision was ac- Any person wliose subseription f0 man's. ByEms-WuLiÂ',1MSoN.-At l3lac1kstork, May CI TY L AW N Tint STATESMAN is paid f0 Dec. 81,1897, Ma»imoti White Corn for ensîue 2tth, bv ev. '. McFar1ane Mr B. P. nyers, uomlised y hos Yong wh singP-,n PrtPerry, aiudc Miss Lora \Villiamson. IMOWER. eompishd byTio. Yongwhomay send fis puper f0 a friend new curload just received ut West End SieBur-nPort Perry, May 27tb, by was a man of unusual learmung subserîber) un Canada or fhe U. t. f0 ouse for seed-No fluner sumple ever Rev. D. N. M ePamrus, 11ev. C. R. Sing, B. D., istees lon bis time. samne date for oniy 25c. seen lu Canada, lonnhfail, N. W T aoffd Minnie Vit Qa nly tith ea- Tic ladies of tic Prcsbyterian churci, A stock of Dress Goods wich lu ad- da~tro r n n twr rC est runniugMow- Oseawas thel firs man exurio is HIOMART >MooR.-At the residence cf the a caseOsiaw, willmn anexcurson onmitfed ou ahl bands to be fie finest ever bride's faîther, "lCedarcîli, nro ln e it,eninffifgs known f0 bave cornected a aeTucsd[ay, Jane 15, per Garden City f0set utolnw hwn tCuib Rev. E. E. Howard,ffaýthýer 0.fithe g-rom of ashymatismn. Affer this many tic camp ut Niag ara and Niagara Falls. Johnston & Crydermau's. 'z a1k E. Howard, X. D., of Lackawaxpo am sfwtot sceniicme abre.alngte ices 1.0an $.5 eseties.ud Helena M., second daughtcr of Ricard -- __ scintfieme laord aon th Tckes i.0 ad $25resecivey. If you wanf f0 be in style just euhl ut Moore, Esq. pusig and flcthe-~ ~t samne line ecdl adding lit tic by Sec posters. M. Mayer's, and suit yourself wîti a lit fie f0 flic store of knowledge ,A lady's nc'w bicycle (Crawfodbu Fedora or Christy sfiff hat. Full bine of EDpicis5 bo____ gaied y tei prdecssos.slightly'used, having becu bouglit very gents' furnisiings as usual. _MeCî LIioi.-Tn Ohono, May 28th, iDavid illat 0oU will be_ lut e iust season ut $75 cash, wil Igý be7 sold M- Within fthc past 15 years greuf for $50 cash. A odscn ud Tic Crescent, Leader aîîd Domnuîioni- .X,,g.c .yas Patiu-W4el ae onidre te esvau BATTEN.-At Holsworthy, Devon, Englaod,supid ad strides have been made and many Comef for gentleman ut $25. Patiu Wîcsaccnee i cfvle May 14th, Daniel Batten, aged 72 ycars. new inventions have been discov- bars ut STATESMAN office, for the mioney lu fie marîtet, sec MusEs.-On Dufferin street, Toronto, Joue 2, Wonlder thaf they can br. soid ous sudh a smaîl marginu buf, by buyîng in Majo Genmal aseigne Comun-sampies ut Dustan & boar's. Gen. Dennis Moscs, aged 18 years, 3 monthi, 5 a large quaututy is tic reason wliy we eau seil them 0cep ened which. enable flic optician f0doof Mao erlGsci iti hom an Tic Annual Concert of tic Methodist dt.ty, youniieoi sou of Mr. Geo. Mulses, Bowrnail -ýocep correct fthe various defecfs wifh issed odr th nt "anouea but1 bease Churcli Choir will be held on Friduy viiwhere the loterment took place. For sale only by absolute cerfai.nty. Wc have icue wihl er tae no camp fil cud June 15f i. Tic programme wilb sur- speut hundrnce-., of dollars lu flic AIl branches of our military system will pais fiat of any previous yeur. AE.MeLAUGHLIN,a latest, scienfifie instruments and bc represenfed-Canadiau, Reo'nlr. To make sure of geffing a perfect fit Bairister, Soli(citor and Couveyancer. Office:- Ul I or, Volunteers, Infanfry, Pifis ]'vi~-i aetsyead etwrnusi ialyBock, King strcet, Bowmanville. have one of flic mosf complete a.. Field Artibbery. Tic excursion on in your Spring Suif leave your ordens Money teu ban i reasonahle rates. 48-lyr, BowMSANVILLE. Phione 74. liues f0 be found lu auy opticiamu's June lSth will give you an opportunity ut Coueli, Joinston & Cryderman's. office in Cftuada. fo visit fis camp ut Niagara-on-fie We do upiobsterino' of aIl kinds, Dr. G. R4. PATTERSON, At urStreLake Tie steamtier will carry passen- panlor suites, chairs an!i lounges rccov Deuîst. Houor Graduate Torouto Uu)iveniîiy AtOu toers froin Newcasle, Bowmanville, ered, mattresses restuffed, chairs re- andi RoyalICollege Dental Songeons. Seilis ----~ ~hawa and Wiitby ut auniform rate cuned and re-perforafcd. Give us Art 1 Detrs Ko; Amaigam ing e. J you get flic aLdvaiage of alliese of 51.00toe imlitary camp and $1.25 trial whcn liavîng anyfhing donc in -Bleakley BLue-k, (tqpstirs) Bwunil.t appianesfnee of any charge aud te fthe Falls. Sec posters. fis hune. L. Morris, _________________ I also gef flie se-vices of fli the011Y Excursion f0 Model Fnrm, Guelph, We have a first-ehass uphoîsterer witi GhO AE oJscn o c fS o Fof ndut Ofcinlui, uelt.u fils ment Pate wantin uny- BFOR bogyc e .A to. A. J1Mns'm~ Couufy~~~~~ZSi an sw urhs u Or iigBomSie iI upitin oci tn îewlld elf Twlcer If "ou have'nof seen if, caîl ut prompfly donc. Orders left ut 'ieal Ae N E ~ot&Jury 'S. Bros. casýh grocers, wîll receive prompt WeoaioAa.f Nue"seTEC.D.aW' Do not 9ý-, to much ù on yzir attntion.Il-tf.Notice is .ec-y givein tuai a ted iteer abouit L)any quniyo2flic haps auJ mosf duar.1blk Doý-lei no s fo ce &l'nd you tenton *lff h Wednesday uffernoon June loti, 2 years old ai twu oetr f about the sainequniyeaps nc ted ocile iit u os T. N. Richard's Stock of Silver bute ut 4 p.m. members of Florence Niiu- ligc, hüics Plincie l, ea ian sd dehorned merebantable wrnl, for which lico h mak -ul Frmer sliol -ieü S more banm flan good. hs one of, tic fincît wc ever scen. ýiti gaeLdeN.6,I .OFiar0 veebeexi tound ruunn i:t large iu the townof th (;ma Suces foowstbeuseof totta sockof Wathes ClcksRowmanville, cotrr otie provisinuis of t iheib G rufsucei fl4wsflc ue f tof astckofWuthc, boksJcwehhry their Lodge rooiii and mai-ci f0 fié By law of (hi town in liai behulf, have bien higlieut pnice vill be paid. ene ut Thos. Puscoe's fleur l4,ýad 'ury's Pure 1 Ready for use"' PuintS. and Silverpluf e as wcll as lliugsandi cmefarv te decorute thegrraves of the inipounded lu the commnonf R.di myoril, Callacott's, 5f1 Cen' ~jos. The King of Scorcliers Bicycle wif i pectucles sncb as we sec iu this store. deceased brctb ern.ý Ail cifimns aro abov rsaid cales eem ilium by nayiug LiE1VWÎS JTR Wight's, Darlinrton, an(lqf- 011 M eàhs for b)eaiTat snd ifs Duplex Bowmunvhlbc people would bc vcry vited te contribute flowers fr flic oecea- ail eiïarg,ýs I w aul,1i siiesame hy Publié Aoc-; fo is undoubtiedly the strongesf and nnwisc f0 fik of dealing in1 Toronto sion aud leavelfiheni af fie lodge room tion at the -aidp,, outd onen()ýtaro Strectuon wed.~W anie5-PTE11'IRDS urîi n heý» at, ome fieill ste prtmc eeso vere up te12 o'iUock noon. A. J. nesdaywâ Joue ai~ thihu of nue o'l.oekýp.n5 r G. ~~~~~~~D FfclE]RJ , Poand KeWl. fsa -6h 1-7 2t. wavIaetfrau at N . G ., W . F . D Â L , N e rea My E w m a v il l, j ue i , issua 6 h , 1 7 J' 3 W M n l e f nt f r 1a l

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