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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1897, p. 6

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__________HE NEWE LSHBAITLESBIP- The m os Iow% the IMa.jete and ('anopus lasses iH lce, lit Effâclency. M ~In diseussing the four ne-w battie ships ta be laid down by the British Adimiraity this year, ',,le Pail Mail Reno ned onul wîe s n Gazette oberves tat the Maestic ciass and the Canopus class are similar E>N'GLAND9 onotiiigu sn awle sinc u the Canopus bas f ewer 12-pounders, and other guns silsaae.Se ilso 1 UN T D S A E ,about 2,000 tons lighiter than the Ma- 1pc UNITE STAESk je-tic, or 13,000 against 15,000, and, fl1~flf~1\flf~ -drawing two f eet les, is abie to pass AND CA N A D AI.~., tbzougb the Suez Canial, which is an important advantage. But the Majes- PM.' tic is much more heavily armored. She Unifornily *se th fLsot as fast, lier speed, under aturai draughit, being put at noNuie1 -~ J'~ nts, and under forced draughits as not quite 18, whereas under naturalj T TVI NT I5IAK1 u, ught the Iamopus steams 18 14I Proven by actual tests and lo ng experie nce to generate less friction, more easily ad sies when, the Majestic made justd, o betrur an t maI so years longer than any other. This is wliy the honest ful load of coal. Sbhei able toa carry high.-grades run eas for years after the would be's have lost their usefulness, and ti 2,250 of the Canqyus, and with 1,8507 is how the of course slower. Last autumnn, with -t ail coal ammunition, and stores aboard, ' se teamed not quite 17 knots with / forced draught and 16 with natural L'EVLA Î"' rü' S drýaugbit. Thus the French Carnot or Easily1CLEVEaLAN DSbutathe latter cannot Eaiyw on the- Coasting and Hili-Climbino' Canadian Chamrpionships. pTe a us war her coalapbarid, P R I C ~ s: Frec. ships just named. The great . p R 1c E weakefflof the Canopus la held to be -e làinlidefence sa tàat aie las some- , t~imeî beert calied a big armored cru- ser rather tban a battie ship; and on___________ ___________ standrd tye ofbattie -Lh!ips, and re--T E AADA ST ES N commends it for thfe four new sihps. Ait imcidenat et the Reijiachafle toutelil- genre or the fleiliehunds. ESTABLISHED 1IS4 M O B E L 4%7 9 2 8 A N 0 2 9 5Sa many terrible atonies of the fer- 81 ver annum In advance. otherwiae $L54) REMÂPVABLF CS. Ocity o blood-bouinds bave been told, Stibécriptions always payable ai the ofa oru rhti srefresbing toaread of a truie publicationi. Advertieing ratîee unle4isby con (vr"~ ~ rhot, 10 =etspr line, nouparje Atii 1-1.. L Z I..E X & C O . T O R O,/N T O .J*DOCTORS COULD NOT AGREE AS TO story of a chase by a bloodbound in r il nîsper line eacli eubaeqaunt in.- THE TROUBLE. W-hidi the hunter and the hunted were @eion. Locale, 10 cents per lino. Agents,--MASON & DALE, Bowmanville. k equaîîy satisfie.d. It is voucbed for by M. A. JAMES, ulse ______________________________ ________________ ______________A New Brunkwlek Lady lte Vîcîlisti suU a writer in Good Words, w-ho ]ad it féed ter, Thirty Veai's - The Attacli from an eye-witness.I cf drink. Cut the pulp free from seeds, Cauîseîî Partial BlhIndaess, and a Feeling The bloodbound w-as enjoying a strol add aaftr tean mi wh a ltirat- fSeiPaa i.with bis master on the sands of Wes- ' __________________er; after the ao swl trce Frbm the WoodStoc!k, _N.S., Sefntiaei. ton-super-Mare, quîetly follow-ingý the WieDNBSýDAT, JUNE 9, 1879 SPRING VEGETABLES. and the remainder of th aer, strain Mis. E. P. Ross, o f iiey Brook-, horse bis 0wner rode. Neither was and serve with cradked ice, .. aa-ILv ep ufeertîkn facoe nfc obn __________________ uring these sultry sping days no--NBsy:" nebe sleetikn facae nfc ohn Dit. J. C. IITCHEL1. thiug la relished se weii as a dish cf Iced tea ila an agreeable change from for tû1irty years, amid I uni ture I wlould seemed further from the character cf ~ MEOCOLQ FPYIINfresln vegetables or greens. One bas lemonade.- Do flot bave the tea tua still be intle Banae lamentable condi, the dog than a desire to interfere with ana SrgesOF tarOCGEOPour bcmetie of h have wine streng, andt neyer add the lemon slices tinta bad it inet been, for Dr. Williams' Man Sugeos, ntaioCorner et. ecoe treda ftheheaierwinrw-hile it is hot, as it spoils the flavor. Pink Pis. 1 w-ia married at the age any buman being. The groupa of plea- Q Office and Reidence, Enniskillen. 74-1 foods. Fresh food is acarce except iTo a quart cf tea use the juice of two cf twenty and am nDos f ifty-one year-4 sure-seekers scattercd over the sands SDRE large cities, and as the systein craves lemons and the ind of one sliced tibm, oid, 1 had alwayq emjoyed good heaitb sa,% nothing unusual la hlm. Nor did ID BRKE ilýMSONSugar ta taste. Sliced and crushed lem- ulnti after my first «hild wus bora. the poor distracted w-oman who rau Y> BRSTISOICIOR t. OPISscmething cf that kiad, the early spring on peeling gives an added niohness ta About a methi later the illness at- from one group tu another franticaily BEI ai CR. upstaire. King Street. veetbesar or rfrsa. r- plain lemonade made witb juice oaiy, taclred me w-hbas simace made My a&king for tidings of a lest cbild. No- "ile. Soicitor for the Ontari Bankc ceg the firat and. meat delicious ot these [while cruslied straw-bernies make it stillli1f e miserable. 1 consulted different body kaew anything cf the mis.sing à X lwattflenuvs loanudata the Iowest rat5g la lettuce. Thea there is watercress,L more palatable. dioctrs but they did not agrea asto boy, and wlien iu ber desparation ee peperrasdadeio ad abag, rwe Y aberbet la anotber re- the nature cf ray trouble. One said il approaciled thce'gentleman on the BOT.YONG VS.pepegrss dndlin ndcabaefrsing drink. To make it take one w-is a specles cf paralysis, others said horse, he alffo shook býishead. B CYC E N which, vni oa sping vegetable, qatbris he pintso a teoe-YposCft.1wudh feeling But though lie ke nothing cf lber I I Y IV N OFFICE IN THE WEST DURHIAM makes delicious saiad now. Radishes heapiag cupful augar, juice cf eue lemi- very w-ail wheu I would suddeniy bave boy, lie w-as flot so sure that be couid wA C News Block, wbere imscli or assistent n pnal r as ongIee n i and one orange. Crusli tbe ber- a, sensation of partial bliidness and net belp ber find hlm. Uce aligbtedpe5 toPp.. igt auries te a paste, add thc water, juices cverytbling before me would sparkie. frem bis hie, and tbrusting bis arm IS O tlraencor el pos ile îi Shd.CaV agadenpedce and sugar; mnix and let stand two heurs, Tlien my band and axrm on one side through tbe bridie, bent ever the y ntiegho r elphnewiiciv rp The Most delicion,, way of serving lcI- theit strain and serve wlth craciked ice. wlould beeome kiumb, and afler about heund, putting botb bands careasingly tuce is as a salad with any preferred The heusekeeper w-e is fortunate en- ten minutes lis sensation w-euid pass round Che dog's head. Tien hie took desn.The lettuce sbeuid be wasb- ough te pessesa a band fruit press may ta my low-er limbs, tin my tangue from lie wemnan sometnlng that look- d.P A E l resig.have a large variety cf fruit .juices con- w-onld become affented as weuid cd like a éhild's bat. and held it te-- ' y ~cd and allow-cd te remain la cold or ie staatiy on hand, and "summner drinks" algo my b,3a;xing. Veinas, ne malter ward the dog, talking te hlm tbe whilc. Gentlemen's ClothesMade to Order. water for fifteen minutes or more bie- ail the ycar round. fThLe iound sniffed and w-hinedmun- fore serving. Thc most delicieus dress- -ihhr, crwhr epnapie, fuiîY, as if unwÎllîng ta leave býis mas- & 1) iug la made or equal parts cf clive rasperries and grape are ah anicew-heu J1r. Soon, Îiowcver, be lifted his head J.M BRI ACO V[t> il ndvingar saseeciw-th eppr rusled and sîraincd, with onebaif Iheir -i in the air, uttered a short, eharp bark iland sl is lacommaonly nw-n a w-eght a sgar addcd, boiled and aealed ~or bay, and hegan sniffing about the anbat hsiscmmnykona hl ot. Al cf these syrups w-bcn di- s Fantebefliwd h 1) LNTVT. Fec resn.Arrange 'the let- Iuted and swetened are delicieus, and Fr adent inutezigzag fashlienanwd the tuc levesin bw-1 peur the dress- a frac indulgence in them vIlwhikeep seti izgfbo. n hn ing over and toss witb a fork untilj aw-ay billouaneass and kindred trouilles., à iwith a loud, loud hay, turncd off at evcnly distnlbuted. MVany people do net \1 au amazîng pace, ran in a straigit lina lieth il ndsbtiue ute.A across the siunds, cresscd the parade, »rn h eriS'( OFFICE -iRear of IMessrs. bctec and susiuebte.A W nbaying as hie weut, turned down Prfi atclr c detsttapyt exelet resngi mdeo teyolk TOGOOD RErILPE.S. o.ulprtclr e avrieets rapyt cf an egg, a liait cup crea.m, sait, -pep- Go auyPeCnt.Oeqat ,"iVa s street. Higginbotham & -Son'Ê Drug o f fieur; haif a pound of lard, eue atal field th. tet fg~~ui~wtr ie aserved lmraediately after the cupful Of ioe water. Sift the fleur mb Tintpas an texdigam ocheibel EVRBOd.T>,2 SiT TTR!T Store, (down stairs), dressing is added. A German recipe for up the lard labto the fleur unlil il la' . - ? The lcud veice of the dog couid bu lettuce dressing la inexpensive and as fne a int.the wdistheacncwa- -gu\idin\ who ollo-ed as fine aseard in lie distanceewagui-i- -t-ose delicieus. A 11111e bacon, bain fat or Who f' butd BOWMAN VILLE sait pok i ic i u m tiny cubes andte'inc to a stlff deughi, w-rking il witb The mother's feet seere swilft,bu __________________frie unl1 crew-u anci drlsp. Vinegar aý spocu until you are cbllged ta make- she could nol keep u -t the deg. - * *6 pepper andI sait are addcd, adu ai aeahl -thyu ad.Ferhw lse tt)me, %wnuid. seem ailm nihaw-cnt t libehdmnbspe 'n-ITm T r1TD 7 pcrea ver ic cisp eltue sn w-il andI knead imb shape w-ith as 11111e use andI far an ay. Tisse sympùoms w-euld ta ground; lien h tpc n an D~ o2J4.L.IJ.I.. mxd abg auu o aal f your banda as possible. Lay the lat for aboutfrt iueI duonhe111lw-ovaoe- 'heu abg suedfrsldi paste o board, floured, and rollinlao would have a vicient pain ovex the joyed te find so f riendly a playmate. shudb u rcopdvr ieada thin sheet, rolling from you quîckly. eyes, which would con iD o wev hnbcmohrieuhne n bolhactocbpevey ean When tim enougb, stick picces cf but- Ieu rs or more. , ilsnin g aI tele lbun thwere the LosI cf furiand ~ ISpri ng Tîm e get Pure Blood lef b in ice water until ruady lu serve, oý-tsadn l utdwr h cto reds w-bsn it should bue drained. Any pre- ber ail over lb witb a knif e. Rell up Ibat w-as donc for me, tiiese spelîs w-remc otanibs'w-slîgle by using B. B.B. jferred dressing may hae used, but the the pastu; fiablen and roll oul as before. coming more Érequen.tIy, and at. last 1 part w-ibh the othi r. -. cream dresaing la especiaTyg'diTen rol cut your crust, buter your w-ould sometimes bave 1w-oallcsa Tegntea atmr hnoc oohr eeypseas acipr sving dandelicu salad care sbclh upe lts ndlyti ly i thm. For day. It-sasarnle -t rn summen tie dog hefore hae wouid fect cieansing, bealing and purifyiagt f tie Ibl he eaes rcquiu leab-tic uppercrust roleut as tIbm as the chilis, w-lich added le my isery. îcnen elave the chiild. As for tbe eetc sBrokBodBtea cd; if green they w-llibe bitter. Tfhe uneron.cculd flot sew or knit, or do any work beqecol not bc led an ay w-hile It net only cleanses internally, but ut moat important thing lu scrving veg- Coccanut Pie.-Tiree-quhrters cf a thal required ls attention to it. Ah tic og rumainud, and afler 1 ho hound heals, w-hea applied externally, all etable salads la liaI îbey should bu pound cf fresh grated coccanut, haîf a this trouble had ieyer loftb me for badl disappeared. le w-as stili heard te sures ulcers, abscesses, acrefuicus sores, erisp sud cool. da pru,' Plenty cf them shouid yuars, nIa the agecf 48 I consulted mruIw-ould like Ihat dear dog lîhs rpuneclaigtt C., HARNDEN, L. D. S. ch previded, and if indulged lu freeiy round cf -hile sugar, six ounces cf anotier doctor.' Toie medicine bu gave gie for my 0w-." 1 lhskI en aind pur.e savbabe'h they may bu as geed medicine. _Whcn butter; the w-iles cf six eggs, one me, however, made me se re ead si la ifpr .g aes Brauaof huRoal oleg 0fDei~ these vegetables are gene there of w-me. Cream thc butter of btter. Then I w-as advised te îry Taen internally ut remo.'e4 ail morbud Surgeons, Ontario. lomatoca andI cucumbers te bake their anýd sugar together, and w-han w-cil Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. 1 w-as using 11 ,,, erFify ,,s. effete or w-aste malter from' the systemn, CE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE.fM place. Bath cf thcm maie delicious sal- mixed, beat vcry light with the added lie third box hefore 1 fouand any bene- r fYand thorougbly regulates ail the crgans VIAIE vn.Add the cocoanut wibb as lit- fit, but then Ihere w-as a daidud- of tbe body, restoning the stomach, VIALZE IR aRadishes and spinacb arc deliclous at tic andI as light beating as possible; fia- change. By lie time t 'used tw-elva For over 1f fty yuars lt,{g5, WiNsiow's liver, bowels and biood to liealthy thias sason. Spinach la easily cpoked,, 511y, hast the w-hiles of the eggs la a boxes I feît as wý-el ais I -did in my SooTRINo Siaur has been used by mil. action. the only trouble heîng in the cieanîng. sîîff froth and atîr tbemmbinothe mix- Young days. E>Ivery symiptcm cf the lions cf mothers for their chilu ren whlle op1 '~ The leaves muaI bue very carefully looki-. turc andI bake at once in open shela. trouble that had se long made my life ý _ n %W N1bew Ti or ShO cd over and washed in saeveral. waluns. Baie ie moderate oven. Est coitI, with miserablu had disappearud. ý For eîgb- teuthing. If disturbud at nicht and--- -- Boiiing waer aliauld ha poured ever pcw-dered w-hite sugar oven it. teen montha I ditI net usetbbc puill sud bro)kun cf your nuit by a s-ck ohild suf- Theunderoigned w-ho hias beun oarryîng on spiauach and lb sheuld hall until tend- -- ws as w-cii as cv'ar I had haun in My funing and crying with pain cf Cutig the tailorinig business in conneciion w-th er. prcbabiy lw-unty mninutes.. LTf teut ýÊ i _ 41 11 1 1 1t lM Spacialties sud Seed Potatees: Ail Canadian famre__te___ DIIONEN.dow-n antIw-as abili smouidcning, tin4 grow-u. Outtht frac. Salary paid weely. Write lu lie neal summer w-atben, for tbe ap- maîron titan loe i aid whosa casiet Finat Llterary M.Nan-Hang il ail 1 fe t'aluf ihtIou te top cf lie amui, us for particolars as are exesive tcrrltory petite is apt te fiag lu sprng, aud il is Of Icharma is yetUnerifled by lime. hr 'csn btsir etelu-tgsekthe'bedjy uofou4ug Kauf f- PpLiiAý4 NuSEP.yCo., orontanOnhablerm yb-useremena setemons, rhuhanthblati-esaîstfcl ta etc. to use aym o nîon n mcdi- Bauifilwemen iili bu gladto le budry antI have forgoblen te remeve Ihose K1manu, arned le a cniap, antI -üiilb, oranges, reminded lIraI faiing or fading hair sla uf aln ysabsu eW lttgnî eamd Tcvci. Id stoaentup Tamarind water is excellent, andtilsa n Chnisîmas. clousehed Ris th yt ad ben cuit nttIre Proteet roor deaq; thy may brIng yen weaith, tkowntl ~ -oueSecond Litcrary Man-\Vhy tIon*t o edtI en Lstotbbed dbisaul crashil .. t Wrie - beaEB N 0.w-asnt n arly epesieforaverusdonulofru rér ndgthtem Write~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ v IgwEDItoIte(0,PaetAte.nt xesve o.albeponFi fe sr ievurad gel H? can îg uie-l hwa i neys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prie offer w go dit bodyFinal Lîtcrary bIsa-Rose b'd tiajýth and liaI of two hundrcd Inventions w-nta. sen--tamninda w-lu maie Ilire glasses e's l au. Vw-mhout My shirt? For Table'and Dafry, PureSt au Best murderer b he. ot the yoaalg mataII.

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