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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1897, p. 7

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K 4' 'I s f Il $DRIVING LAMF' Isl about as near perfection as 50 years 0f Lamap Mak ng can 5atan te If borna kerosene, and guves s powverfu!, clearwhite light, and wul nether bIow nour jar eut. When eut driviing with ufthîe darkness easuly keeps about uwo luundred fiet ahead of your smartest herse. When you want the very lest DriviugdeLamp te be lad, ak your daier for the "Dietz." We issuea special Catalogue of this Lamp, sud, if you ever prowl around aiter night-faII, j! will interest yeu. 'Tis rnailed f ree. R. . DIETZ Ca., 6o Jaight St., New York. :$atablisehed in :1840. fleart rp Nerve Troubles, Hfavo YOU Pli ,Tbrobbing or 1rraguiar hlcatigog ethîe If Se, Milburn's Heurt and Ncrx'a Pis ai!! dcure yeu. Hfa\41' YOU Slortncss ci Bresîl, Dis- tracs after Exaction, a Smotlcri ng Fceling, Spusma, or Pain tlreui thue Breasi sud HertP If 80, Miburn's 1-eart sud Nerve Pis wiil cure or relieve ,you if taken in tune. Have YOU s Feeling cf Aîîxiery ifat scmethiog is going to oc- cor when thare is ne ne- cessity for it ? If Se, Milburn's l-artsud Nerve Pis wil! rernove it. M reYOU Troubied wîth Sieeplessness, PNervousness, Forgaîful- ness, Bralu Fag, or General Debiliiy - tle afier affect cf La Grip ? GfO, You eau tala no betr enedicine flan Mlburn's Heari and Narva Pilla. Tley will rfleve or cure You. 'Every iose lelps tle cure. IFP am8le at al Drue '8to.egh MILBURN & Co, Proprietoe's5 Toronto, Ont. We heara great deal about Aol o rms aot oae o a D.ALR ULfE lUFOR .J.'FE oftimes t will ha tampestuous or a puriyin th blod. he chopped ses, but I couid promise safe arrivai for ai l who took passage ou that way to purify it is to enrich REV. DR. TALMVAGE ON NECESSITY Great Easteru, so called by me because FOR FAITH IN THE GOSPEL PLAN. is commander came out of the East, the it. Bl1ood is flot a simple- star of the eass a badge of lus au- fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Mi iewtr ti aeA loquent Sermon to Thoe B urdetl But a vast multitude do not take re- flud lke ate. I ismad '%iItli 1oubt a 1111lhose Faiti 1111% Dccligular passage. Their theology is brokeil up of minute bodies and Sliipwi'ecke<i-The %Skt-pîic' objetions iluplaces. aheir life is broken lu pieces, C<,nclmsively Deait fla. ansd their w orldly sud spiritual pros- are efiien, te U. Tîmae peaced n Sdsypecs axre broken lu places, sud yet I when theseae eiinte D.Tlaepece on una ive they are going to reach the shin- biood lacks the life-giving, from the taxi Acts xxvii, 44, "And someiqing shore, sud i am eucouraged by the Ou brokan places of the ship." axparience of those people w-ho are spok- princple. Scott's Emulsion15s Neyer off Goodwiu Sands or the Shar- an. of ln the taxi, "Semae on broken flot a mere blood purifier. Lt ries or Cape Hatteras wsss ship in Oua sofjten this eronist worse pradicament than, lu the Medi- courage ail those who caunot take the actually increases the nuînber terranean hurricane, w-as the grain whoia aystam cf religion as we helieve of the red corpuscles in the ship, ou which 276 passangars wara t, but wboc reaily heliave something, ta drie, u te custofMala, iveinie3coma ashore on that one plauk. blood and cagsunhealthy die ute os 1Mlafv ie do not undarrate the value of s chagesfrorn the metrokpolis of that islsud, call- greaL theolegicai system, but where lu action into health. ed Citta Vecchia. Af ter a two weeks' ail the Bible is there anythiug that temptast, wheuth ship was antirely sas: Believe in John Calvin sud thou If yoU' want to learn more disbid, n atain adcre-w had be ha ' esvd r eiv nAmnu 3.'.îsae sudcap ud and thon shaît be savad I or believe lu of it we have a book, which coma completaly demnoraiized, an old Syuod of Dort sud thou shaht by saved. mssienary took commnd of the vassal. A man msy be orthodox sud go to bell tell th stoy i sim le ords H'or hetarodox aud go to heaven. The teli thstoy i sim le ord~ H was small, crooeed-bscked sudd5u'e- man who lu the deep affection of his SCOrT BONEBe1v'1ý, nt. cyad, accordiag to tradition. It was heart accepts Christ is saved, sud the SCOT &BOWE, sIkill, Ot. Paul, the etly uuscared man aboard. mnu who doas net accppt t Hlm is lost. ___________________________ 1e wbas uo more af raid of a Eiirocly- I helieve ln both the Heidelberg sud __don_________the___________________ Westminster catechisms, sud I w ish you i do to ug ha edîtrraean esail did, but you msy believe lu nothuug now up to the gate.s of heaven and they contais except the oua ides that nowsarL o itý paigwt you are net oua cf them, and you are ha was frad o s ittn psyig î ithnstantly rascuad. If yen cas corne un as tritng. le ordered them ail dowu on the grand old ship, I would rather ta take their rations, first ssking for have yo.u Vet ahoard, but if ycu cas thema bessng.£lie heinsredallOuly fînd s piece of wood as long as CURE thair luxes,' teiliug thain they would the Outspresd human arms, aud ithar of bc rsrue, an, safrrom losing their them us a place cf the cross, coma lu on BILIUSNES heds, hey ouldnetlose sa much of that place. Tarns of thousands of people 1 areto-da keptout of the kiugdoma of CONSTIPATION ocaunot fbeeliavers-ayavta rin- mni *innnimr thread of it, whether'it wara gray wlth I arn taiking with a man theugbtful SIULflHHbl age or golden wLth youth. "There about lis seul, Who bas lateiy traveled shah net a hair faîl f rom tle laad of 'îhaougî New Engiand aud passed the IWF TDlIIIEQnugî't at Audover. H1e says te me: " I AND ALL J LII IITRUBULES a.Y of you,"I caunot believe that ln this 1f e the des- Knowung that they cas neyer gat to tiuy is irrevocably fixad. I think there the desirad port, they make the seasou, will ha another opportuuity of repent- ElOPTWENT-SEVN YEASsuce after deatl."1 I say te him: "Mly FOR W 7T- p th ~AS. îe fourth night black with overtbrown brothar, what bas that te do wlth yen h cargo, se that wlen the ship strikesit flen't you realize that the man who will not strike soe avily. At dayhraak waits for suother chance after deatb Nq S the sawa ceekandin teirexigncywlan le bas a goed chance hefora desth iha sa acrah, sdlu hai eigecYis astsark fool? Ilsd net you betier resolved to maka for t. And se, tbleY taka the piauk that is throw'n te yen cut the cablas, tock lu the two paddlas new sud head foxe shore rather than It- thybdoLhoeodlss u ose ait for a piank that rnsy hy invisible bauds ha throwu te you after you are hemainsail 50 that they might cOule dead? Do as Ycas please, but as fer with sucl force as te hc drives bigh mYseif, with pardon for ail my sins of- uip ou the beach tuy soe fortunate bil- ferad me now, aud all e joys of time THE OOKe SST F IEN . lw. hereshegoe, tublig twarsud eternity offared me now, I instant- TH O K" ETR0O o- Taesh ]yt.bln owrs tak'e ihem rather than rus h rs LARGEsT SALE 111 CANADA. the rocks, now prew foremost, now o such ethar chance as wise men thiuk Stern foremost. now rolllng ovar to the they ean peal Off Or ta-lsi ont of a Scrip- ~ 5..F~~ ~q~~g siarboard, uca ovar te île larboard; ture passage that bas for ail the Chris- uew s wave dashes clear ever the dacki tian centuries heen interpreted another Way." Yen say, -I do hlot like Prince- and t seems as if the oid craf i bas gene ton theoiogy, or New Haven theology foraver. But up she cornes again. Psul's or Andovar tbeoiogy." I1 do net ask yený arrns arouxid s mast le cries: "Ail is on board ather cf these great men-of- well Go ha gien m al thse hatwsr, their portholas filiad with the weli Go ba gian m ai thse hatgreat siege8 of guns of ecclesassilcal bat- ssi witl mie." Crash weuit île prow île, but 1 do ask yen te) take île oua with such force that it broIe off île plauk of the gospel that you do haliae lu sud strikaeout fer île paarl strung mast. Crash weut the timbers tili the hasch of heaven. sas ruished through from sida te sida of ~ sm ta a:" ol i IME lIfir, zthe vassal. Sha parts smLdships, sud tend te reigle0 ifjI wss uitýeý sure TuE DIETZ , in~~~~~~~~~tousand,, tf,.nri-, h vsm aottl _trn f 1,li ~nf'.. egoes, a.nd iuto the wsvas 276 mcitassaecbtta mixas me ail up." 'towed 't of danger, theawiud shi.ftlug 2.1~ O reC utt re 8Ogetvle Those ibings usad to hothar me, but 1 50 that îlhe schoonier wss ssvad. But Seou $25 atto rd . sre precipitatad. Sema of thein had beau have no more parplaxity about tham,for île fiva e neof île stasmship ceming ~ e u 25 at eodr brought up on île seashorad bail 1 say te mysef, "If I love Christ sud back, ileir boat capsized, yaa rightad adm s trctv tc fIm- leane toswm wthther hin j.4-t ive s goed, honesi, useful life, I am sud salUe'vas throwu île poor f eliowýs, We have the largestan ot trciv sok-f lasrad t swm wil ihir hus U5telected te ha saved, sud uf I do net loveî but iheur hands ware frozan se they ordane r aboya île wsves, sud hy the sirokas of Christ sud livea s hd life 1. will ha couid net grasp it, sud a grean wsva prtdad Domestie Woolens ee shown in the Cut bith arms sud propulsion of hoil faaJz dsraned, sud ail île ibeological semis- roiled over tirema,sud thay waut dowu boucrht in the best market for SPOT CASH. -u l~ o hs tes bybv hile lu île sas of Smsuad doubt, aud selfusacrifice of île brave f eliew's ai W car fullline of StpeDyG odRaym d neyer learuad to, swim, or thay w-ra it Ivas as rougl as the Mediterranesu who can, sud canuet we not appreci-Clhno. F eore dCohioaseiat uoundad by île faiing of the mast, Soronthîl ourteenil nigbt, whan ibey ste the Christ who put outitoi a more ohn- Fn reedCohn aseily île .nervous shock wss tee great for threw the grain, overbeard, but 1 saw bitiug cold sud isto a more overwiuaiu- ihem. Aud o~therhahanw kndtare wias mercy for a sinser, sud ilai ing surga to bring us oui cf 1sf mite O u G rocery Departmient the. Ad oher ha beai eaknedpiank I1 ieok, sud 1 hava beau xvrming paril into everlastirig safety? The by long seasicknass, unysaîf by île hright liraeon the shore waves cf humran bate rolled ovar Him Oh, xvbat wiLl bacome of iham ? "Taka aver since. from oue sideansd the wava cf îeliisl Is weli equipped wiih Choiee Grocerils and Provisions as cheap as the ihat pLace of s rudder," says Paul o ut ilieumlk a ta m e, I dont Oh, îleihickess cf îl e igher sude.lieuepesi and as good as the besi. We have special values in TEAS. ose. "Tale that fragment cf a sitar," bacome s Chistiam becausa 1 do ot thundar of île tempeai ito which Fulll une in Patent Medicines ai popular prices. Suiphur in quantities, ssys Paul to anotler. "Tale ilai image balieve there is any hall at ail." Ah, Chriast pluuged for our rescue. pflastofrmndîle luxoa." "Tae sny- don't yen I Do ail île, people cf ail île I would rather Lu a rond scowx try te ai 3c. per pound, tbiug sru ted fe île leacb." Whst beluefs sud no beliefs at ail, cf good mer- westhar the worst cyclone that evar s trunggdea for ieluhe basIers! h. als and -bad morals, go straight te a sw-apt up from the Csribbaan than risk 'w-qâ*~ . île merdilass waters, hew tbay sweap bauclred bave île same, destination. Ai ions discussions lu which soeaf-myIl cai dvrehadsofthme, Aimostasd hra. ridniîgbt lu s hailway, île owner of a braibren un île ministry are inulgiug. reap1 upolyon corae. lm eb asr.housse sud s burgiar meai. Thay lotIs Tbey ramind me cf s company cf saili- HAMPTON. w lai Pul od ou.TIarethe r-f ire, sud both ara w'ounded, but île ors standing ou île hRamsgate pier lead, cedi ul wave ou.eahleaesl the e burgiar dias in liva minutas, sud île from xvicl tbe lifabyoats are nsually sad s whvone e als uth owuer of the bouse livas s weak afiter. lauucbad, sud ceeoly discnssing the dif- oui cf îlesufmîle ceu ri lsTIareWii îlheburgiar le ai île gaie cf les- ferent huud of oarlocks sud 10w dee wih ail salis set, sud averythiug pro- aotofte rfthe, censtui. s hifa van, waitiug, wheu île lbeuse weua bolet oughite oset in île waiar, wlile uisad sgrand -voyage, ibui yon bave - cliugiug fýasi tome . wTIreaoîher cemes lu? Wiihl tha delaucheeansd the a hurricane is lu fulli hast sud-tIare are sailidlunthe wrong direction or lavae piece of îhe shstterad vassal, wiîî uts libertine go rigbtinluarng île f amilles tîrea steamers crouvded wiil pssseug- fouudered ou s rock. You hava only la fraîghiaga cf au immorisi seul. Thay of heavan i I w-nder if Ierod ispisy- ers going te places lu île ofing. Au fragment cf urne laIt. TIen corne us must by ibis urne ail la ssved. Yas, iug ou the, lanks of île river of life eld tar, the musclas cf his face work- ou thai on-a plank. "Sema on broen thare cornes île last cf ail, .for le wtl île cidren le massacred. I wou- iug with narvous axciiernant, crias eut: plaices of île slip." lad beau overseeing île resi, the olil der if ClhariesGuitean sud John Wilkas "This is no0 urne to discuss such tbiugs. You admit you ara ail broen up, rissOusry, wlo wrings île xaiar froua Booth are up tIare shooting ai s mark. Man îheleilfeboat! Who wili voua- 2:na decada of your lIfe gone by, two lis gray beard and crias oui, "Thaul I do not iow coniroertith, alibcugh 1 tear ? Ouit'uithliber into île surf!i lecades, tîree decades, fouir dacadas, a Gou, ail are larea 1"' Musa SaY that for suGh a miserable Pull, my lads; pull fer île xracl i Ha, baif century, perlsps three-quarters cf Gathar around a f ire sud call e rolLehavan I bave ne admiration. But île ha!1 No-uv ivahave ihern. Liii tler In a century gene. The bour lsnd and1D N E Paul buls lire, sud wlas île bundie Bille doas net say, "Believe lu perdtion sud lsy tLarn dotu n on île bottorn cf île Minute anaudc your dcl of lula of sticks baglu te cracle sud standing aud le saved." Beeausa ail are savedd îlehestoa. ,s yon try to brin,. tharn are sîmost parallel, sud soon i wll be sud sittiung sreuud île blaze the pas- accordiug to yeur tlecry, ihat oughi net te. Put tee flasueis arouud thaur 12 sud your day andad. Clear discour- seugers begiu te recover lrom thair te kaep yen frour loviug suad serving bauds sud feet, and -f wiil pull for the agad, are yon S il admit tlat i is ïa chlii, sud île wai cloilas legin te dry, Chri. Do yen refusa to cerne ashore shore. God bek.p me! Thare! Laudedl sad tliug te give ail of our lives ilat surd warmilh egins to cerne luto ail becausa ail îlre others, te your Iuzza! Wheu tharie are se msriy strug- are w onîl arything to snansd île dj tle shivaring passeugars, let île purser tbeory, ara going t etaisale. Yen gliig lu île wavas of sin snd serr' vil, and tIen ai last maIe God s pre of île vassal ge areuud sud sea if an may hava, s diffarant thaory about sud -ara ledness, lai, ail aise go lbui sent of s firsi rata corpsa, But the pasi of île poor creaturas are missiug. Žot chemis4lry, about sstroïnomny, about île saikvatios for timeansd salvatios for- you canet race-ver. Gai os board thai one of île crowd ilat wena pluugedad srnesphere, lrorn that -ahicb etlers ad- aver. old slip youn saver wili. Hava you Price 5 cents per Box, or 6 for $2.5o. At into île sea. hIow it ralieves our aux- opi, but you are ti, ilerafora, lin- I bathink myself tlat thire ara soeaouly oee more year lait, osa more Druggists, or MaiIed on Receipt et Price by iqty as wa raad: "Soýma on broken. darad frcm action, la hre whose opponiuniiy or w-hose 111e mentI, oua more day, oua more hour- I r. MIL.BURN & CO, Torento. pieaces of île slip.' And sei came Becausa your thery cf lighi is differ- us a mare xrel, and tley hava ouly a comae in on tînt. Perhaps if yu en at to pas thai île y ascaped ail sala te euit Iroin others do noi refuse to opan srnali place lef t. Yen started lu youth to Iavan God Mnay jeti yen go oui on ad."_ý your eyes. Becausa ycur theery of sur oulSa greut mission tb soe otlar 3ARD TIMES. aHaving ou previcus occasions looled is diffarant yon do not refusa tewonld, where yeun s serewlat atoe Cne-hscur ie mk h aithea()ther passeugars, 1Iconf ine mysaîf Ireatbe. Bacause your îîeory b ot for your i5ck of service hn tîls. g i Tasebar uns ae l to-day to an examunation of those who île siailar systaim is differeni yenUde Irom àuhuny a daathbeýd I ha-ve seau geir miealie te ae oeof cama ia ou brokan pieces cf îhe slip, Sot refuse te ackunowledga île Nrth throiu bponfdcpursseo TIera is someihing about ilern tîsi ex- Star. Wly shouiýd île fact ilai your sometlingIibis: h' "My hIfelas heen CncYs u nf r epe l cites in me asnierest. I amrn nt se ileologi1al ieeries are differeni hun- wasted. la goed mental faculies Iercetrscntm frmny miroi interested in ilosa li ol der yon lro ang pnwntyusd fine social position sud great OPTley have V f yr swum. TIey got ashora as 1 axpected. kua If you lava noi s whoie slip IVIediC in es pîunty, but ibrongh wot'ldliness ailetemaryaiov o l o Artminofotr s ntau ygwrer, or î.-;niEýdyin tto heorîa, yd have aibas gene to 'uaste sava ibase fexv r mad drAkn lcforwa tr snswiery g r rea - seud u ihe lreel o iidrhdoekstemaiuung boturs. 1 uow acecpt ChristNw Msc aven two miles ara net. But I canci leai a plant. "Soma ou broutes puace.- THE O-NLY ABSOLL'TELY IEAB sîsil enter leaven tîronyl lis Mercy:,e lse stop thinking of thcsa on IndIen places of île slup." lut, alas, tîsi wjhen 1 might lava au- of île slip. The greas gospel slip is "'But I do't blileve lu revivals." PutE'Ar.ATIONS ON THIE MARIKET iered île leaves of eteruai rpsi witl A sample cop - of île following'40 île f inesi of île unuverseanau cas carry Then go te your roumr nsd ail aicue. a fu11 cargo sud beau greted ly île sud 5f) cent Music wil l e mailed te ans- more passangers tîsu auy craft evar 'with, your door llocked giva your heurt waving bands cYf s multitude lu whose address on receipi of 10 cents by île ceusirnctad, sud you could ne more te. Goj, sud jous coe cbturcî whera, the Pleasant, Pure 'arid Healthful saivation I lad berne a blessed part 1 PulisIer, Jules Norman . 2238 St. Cah wracl h than ycn could arack île titerammentar never getq ligler thaît must confass T now enter île barbor arises St., Mostreal. Quie.: The Dia- tîrose of God Aimiglîy. 1 wisl ail 50 la île dada. of leaven os broean placýes of île slip! mioud Jubîle lymu (Prenelisud Eng. the people weuld corne aboard lier, I "But I do sot blilave iu laptism. PIR OINE Gur ieedtocure __________iisl words), Dismond Jubilee March, Corai w thut sd stta iatmat iheunuatisuu, Diauuouid Jubilea Waitzes, Teacî île tan afterwand. "But thare arae mrany lllC Sciutic,Lumbuu,,ge Piles ! piles ! Itehiug Piles. Little Ones a PrayeLv' Adieu, inconsistant Chrisiaus." Then coma uso t an a o o S ngI su sow i-an y go eamialo (en sd SYîurOMs-Sîoisture ; intense iicling Ci u<amol egLiars AU ( prfesr sold aSpeciluel nonliae-and stingiug; mst at ight; worse by hueos soug'), Ose cent siamps pre Lîe iicsut, ypesibedch, osî,corenel on tîs New. "But 1 don'tliîe --irumous ferm, wlidh cites bleed aud Lik bIiuses, ysepia hadch, ont tebec-k of Romans." Then corne i lu ibcoi- er oe SAN' pation, sour siomnach, indigestion are prornptly ou Mattlew or Luke. Refusing tecorna -- uleahStpsIecem it euy sregSaYn bee"-ANA - -E N cured by Ilood's Pis, Tlay do ibair work te Christ, wîernyen admit te îýa île A sure cure for 1 isuavso l thn u le-A cHEEET Saveurofîleles, acase encauot {edaceDizi ing,, hol.~s ulceratien, aud lu mosi Put a penny betwean yer teetb4, Jý! admit other things, yen ara hIke a Man PIEN LN esscon" a*on %usas rernoves tle tumors. At drng- muni, an' me uitile lruddeur wili 11imb ont Iar lu hatMedierrssuta nitioni usts, or lx' tail, fer 50 cents. Dr.' p yar badle au t'row lis legs aroun pent atoss in îlet Meit rraeakersin- Swsyue & Son, Philadeiphia. Lvuoau, yar neck au' tale de penny from 'twean rafuing u ~aflaashee nuil l ca ~ t'oSoires, Whelesale Agents, Mentreaiî. fer lips wid lis leet, su' yen o' niaud th piaces of the broken slip. I ruls Dusablaîts uwta isd easily and îboreugluîy. ae. _ heuar hlm say: "I wn't go 1n on suy IPaaysis, convui I 25 cenits. Ail druggtsts.à Preçared l'y C. I. Hood & Ce., Lowell, Mas The only Put teo take wtt Hood's Sarsapartia. i .Il u"t' 1 CONDIIONS, U1SET THEORIES. lu, ah part of île slip thaY leloug.i.Duse.,e, etc., etc. D Annà enridlutender tuas,I Wly bave you quit fightisnfr l eyrioe ut la ChldenCy or ctrdeloorSlîoneIt single tbcruirrrliinyl ý. TIen we imust, part, île maid raplied; îî-'w. axecib h rnrnid u axmateurýs for mea. Wheu I can get the windlass iu thEý rigUr place and the sails set, and that keel piece w here it beloings, and that q d ntb l e et e e e e w ss i l C o h s floo)r timber right, and these ropes un cIdr> eiv hereevr s f tanugled, 1 will go a -iore. 1 arn an good a pili made as Averls Catharti old sailor and I know ail about ships nuils.l Theywill do ail you recon-~ ~ l l th s foi 40 years, and as soon, as 1 can get rnend t'iem for and even rmore. th-_ vessel afloat in good shape 1 will V7e Ilav cold and ache trra corne in." A man drifting byon apiece isedu eîs oeo too :ee h odplthsago of wood hears him, and says: "You will îsi i h de or neededtf t coat.The opil coatserveso drow'vn before you ge't that ship recon- 1 'hemc again Fonhcdce,: ta o Tpu ose t srtes structed. Better do as I arn doiu-g. 1 t /uro.At ___tets(â kmyw' nothing about sbips sud neyver ssw ~~ -. ~ h laddeussito ouef before I came on board this, and theo zcsitv aae oecasaet ha-;te icannot swim a stroke, but la mgoing w n issove, an te pi6cs re co e avs thug # ashore on this ishivered tinibar.- The wntdsovadtePI hycvrps hog man lu the, off ing while trying to thoetzystem, harmiess as a bread pellet. Other coats mend bis ship, gees do-,uv. The man are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of who trnsted to the piaule is saved. Oh, topl.Atr3 er xoue yrsSgrCae my brotber, Jet your ernashed up sys- tepl.Atr3 er xoue yrsSgrCae tem of theoiogy go to the bottom whiie Pills have been found as effective as if juast fresh fromn you corne lu on the spintered spar the iaboratory. It's a good pili, with a good coat. "Soema o broken pieces of the sip." g._ tP As)y You msy get ail your difficulties set- As aur druggist for t led as Garibalai, th e magnetic Italian, A y er s C t a t c D I got bis gardens made. When the war Aye's Cah rtc ils bewenAutiasd adii bok ii,# hs etioial will l'e found in full in Ayer's "Curebook," witli a he wa.s living at Caprera, a vary rough huadred others. Free. Address:j.C. Ayer Co., I.owell, Mass. and uncultured isiand home. But he hr c dýAe w went forth with is sword to achive the e r liberation of Naples and Sicily and gave 9.000f,000lf people free goverumeut'under - _____________________________________ Victor Emmanuel. Garibaldi, after ha- iug absent two years from Caprera, re- turned, and when ha approached it, het fouud that bis home bad, by VictorE dOt ' G ,;,o n D e am 3 Emmanuel as a surprise, been Edenized. Trimmed shrubbery had taken the place- of thoruy thickets, gardaus the place of barreuuess, and the oid rookery lu The uîdersigned desire te thank the farmers of West I)arharn which he once iived had given way to a pictured mansion. And 1 tell you if for the liberal patronage ýxtendüd to us during the past season, you Wili corne sud eulist undar our Vic- aise Le remind them that we are stili in the market and tor Emamanuel and f clow Hua through thiok sud thin and fight His prepared te pay th e battIcs sud endure Mus sacrifices you will find after a-hile that 11e has changed! your haart f rom a jungle of EIFIHMST JVARKEIT P1R«bICE thoruy skepticism iuto s, gardan ail ah- iornm with luxuriant joy that you have F R ever dreamed of-from a tangled Cap- rera of 'sadness iuto, a paradisa of God do not know how your tiieologica- LL KINDSf C1A E H P system weut to places. It may be thatA FC A S R I E D your prts started you with only onedeird at Our storehouse cor. King, and George streetss., or at Por plank, sud you helieva littie or nothing. Darlmngton. We have aise e n hand a large stock, Or Ëhey may have beau too rigid sud severe ln religious discipline and crack- ed you ovel' the head with a psaimbook. NEW ANDi. FRESH, htma e that soe partuer lu business o aainadLvrolCas atiiBg, Rc atfrcti who was a membar cf au evangel"IO al ainadLvrolCas at nBos ok'atfecti church piayed on you a trick that dis- and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey uPlaster in Barrels gusted you with religion. It may ha that you have associates who have talk- which WO are prepared te Bel ed agaiust Christiauity lu your pres- ence until you are ««ail at sea" sud I you dweil more ou things you dýo not C L J ~ O A E believe than au thiugs you do believe. You are lu one respect like Lord Nel- Ail kinds of Lumber, Weod and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL sou, wheu s signal was lifted that ha tok wished to disregard, sud ha put bis ses- awaysinsok glass to bis bliid eye sud said, "I reaiiy We invite inspection andl guarantee satisfaction. do not sea the signal." Oh, my hearer, put ti fipidglass of the gospel no longer to your bliid eye, s.d say 1Ià L E LN & C cennot see, but put Lt to your other M cCud.I.. .1 eye of faith, sud you wiil see Christ, sud li s ail you need to see. If you helieva unothiug else, you car- tainiy bhelieve lu vicarlous suffering, forÈ-&%à you see t almost every day Ëu some New Orleans sud New York, was ti grathetrmansd the captain sud crew awheschooner Mary D. Crammer ofr Philadeiphia in distress. The waather cold, the waves mountains high, the f irst New Spring G-oods at prices that will astonish you officer of the, ship sud four men put outfo Cep ad.'uaîy lu s life boat to save the crew of the fo haness n Q aiy vesse. ana! mils. He'art ! i AqT AMATEUR qNTIRE-Pý-D-

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