Your cough, like a dog's bark., is a signi that there is somnething' foreign around which shouldn't be there. You ean quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver 011 is not a cough specific; it does flot mere"y, allay the symptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old prov- erb of "ethe ouince of pre- 4vention?" Don't ïieglect your cough. Your duggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oit. * Put up in 0c. and $iloo sizes» BILIOUSNESSE CONSTIPATION SICK HERDRCHE LIVER TROUBLES POR TYiW'NY-SElVEN YEARS. DUN ý THEOOKS BST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. THE DIET7Z, eeDRIVINGLA Is about as near perfection as 50 y of Lamp-Making can a ta: f Sburns kerosene, and Eivc7 a c'earwhite lght and wil rc: - e r nor jar out. Wi 0 -,t h ri h it the darkness ea3il, - .ecps ,hundred feet ahead of l r r Ahorse. When you t~ 1 c , Driving Lmp to 1~l a- r, dealer for t*L We tSsueal p 1 . cf Lamp, and, f you exer p: c'w ýruiJid ater night -fal i wll ieetvu Tîs mailed free. R. Z. DIETZ Me, 6o <ight St., NewVorkr. Xstablished i 18l40. ~Nerve Troubles Have YOU 1'aipadtin, Throhhing or irregular heating cf the Bu eart ? If S0, Milbu'r 's 'lcoort d Nerve PFilsxx :licure yeu. HaveYou hîetcra & ,ir.thDis- fressas ,Jîr h' rfieî, a Smotirluuiin,-Feeling, Spasins, or Paiîn tbrougb th5. Bra :is- ad Hearf ? If So Shibrur Hartand Nerve Pli- hL cre or relieve c uif teushis [isse. Have ou oYe1hg cf AUrxaey ftiat soiet'hing is gni'xg <o oc- c ur whon thar icrslanene. 001<>it for it ? If S80, Mibuz-n's ; i ,and Nervi 1-bus xxii uuoeif, Ar-e YOU Troubled wi i Slecuuessness, Nervoo'uiiLs~, Ê'rgetfui- ness,hLri ri n Va g, or Ge'ier l DcIDility - thse afer effèct of La Grip? gr Se, Yen enatako ne bttai rnu ,diciue tflhsusMitur's Iliar. and Neuve Plls. Tioy mxi Proioeve or cure 3'0u. Tsery cdose ielps the cure, lor Sae at al ruitaug stores. L. MILBURN & 00., Propretai's, Toronto, Ont, 2â0 tTrll 11AIIT<' alysis hatis shrivelled,er machin ery bath wi ýÙ1 crnshed, cr snrgoon'a knife bath ampu- C 0, tated. Thse Bible henors it, Especial va --care, " Lest risen dasis tby foot agairitnat A SWIFT, ASPIRING, RADIANT ANDI a steone," '« e xiii pot suifer tby foot el BUQANTSERiH.te ho moved. ""T'hy reet shah not stnm- hie." Especiol charge, "Keep thon foot - whenthon. goosita othse house of God.")V The Erolied- Th,îo' 'hnt nov. Dr'. Taiilagi' Especial perdl, 'Their fer t shah slido in G, xi 'IL W a a ,.o' C ývniu, of--due time." Connected xx th the xvrld'sai r~ e. ~,i ~~,<tîe idis.solution, "He shal 'set Geefoot ou thse A ý sea and tise itler on the earth. a i Giro, me thse history of your foot, and t Rev. Dr. Talmago pvrisced on Sun-, 1 mli giveo ycu tho history cf ucur lufe- th day froc tisa toxt Isalah vi, 2, "Witis time. 'Toli me np iriat stops it bath bc tirain hoe covred bis face, and witb gene, dam irbwat de',.iities and lunxx at roads and in misat directions, and Iwili tirain hoe cevered bis foot, aundxitb kueir mare about yon than Tiront ta de tixain hoe diJ fiy." kueir. None of 'us culd endure t heg iu aisspitai Of leprasy good King srutioy. Our fot nat airays in patissth Uzziab bad died aud the irbole land iras' af God, som etimes in paths of xxorîdl- th tielg-neas. Onr fot a divine and glerians i<n shadoxxed witi soslemnity, and hog- machinery fer usefulness and work,5s0 bc cal aud phophe tic Isaiab iras tiinking efton making misai eps, so ofteu geîng y, about religions tbings, as oee is apt1 in the wreug direction. God knoxring ri te deo in timeoef great national bo- every stop, tise patriarois saying, "Thon sa reavmen, ad, frgetin thepreenc lýsettest a print on tise heels cf my fot.' te reaomot, ndferettng iseproonC iCrimes cf tise baud, crimes of tise tangue pr ef is wifea and tire sens, iris made up crimes cf tise oye, crimes of tise ear, not Of bis family, hoe had a dreaca, neot liko tise ixorse thon crimes of tise foot, Oh, iret dreams ef ordinary cisrce, rii vant tise wiugs cf humiiity ta cvrts ,harcte, wichfot!1 Onght me net ta go ista self-ah- a gonerally corne froca indigestian, but nogatien, before tise all-searching, ail- vision mnost instructive aud nuder tise scrntiuîzing, ali-trylua oye of Godi Tiselie tennis of tise bond af the, Almnighty. soraphs de. Hoir mucis more ire? "With bc tirain h o eeyed tise fot." b Tise place, tise ancient temple, build- Ailtisis talk abant tise dîgnity of bu- p i'ng grand, airful, majestic. Witbin that -man nature is braggadocio and sin. Ours, temple a, tismone iigisor and graudor nature started at tise hand ai God rogal, in tison tisat occupied by auy czar or suî- but it bas heon pauperized. Tisere la p tonor mprer Ontiat isrne a irellinluBelinr hicis ence isad vory Lh or nipro. O thatthrnetise pure irofer, and it iras stontiy masoned e eterual Christ. Iu linos. surrounding with tone and brick, but thaf ireli ai- u' t1isut tismene, tise brigitest celestiala, net termard becarne tise centre of tisa battie Eu tis ciemhlm bu iigier isis ise, f Waterloo. At tise epening of tise o the ebiibt hauJ radian tho iebattia tise seldiers, mîitistoir sabres. eÈ tisms xuiieadrain te compelied tise gardener, William van tai ieavenly iniaitants-the serapii. Kylseca, te drair mater eut of tise wirai Theyarecaled urnes, ecase heyfor thorm, auJ ifiras rery pure iratoir. et Tokbey are. al dditirorcna t ea But tise battie ragod and 300 dead auJd<M looklikefire luaddiion e tie f a sf deod more flung inta tiseireil faor lu tuiras and tise limbs, rnici.susggeat a quick and easy huril, so tisat tise irelil isunsan behssg, thora are piions, wiucsoa refresismeut became tiseireli of deatb, th sn'gfest tise litheat. tise swiftost, tise auJ long aff or peopie looked downi itoE Most huoyant auJ tise ms imar teWil, anJ tbey saw tise bleacised a of ailmeat inellriing sknils, but ne mater. Sa tisehumis an of Ilntnehigutcreation, a bird. seul iras a mal ai goad, but tise armies GE Eacis serapis iad six wings, eacis tirefai sn have fanught arannd if auJ f ou.gitdi, of th ag o ifeetproe crossaif anJ been siain, auJ it bas ho- TI tiserfng fora diferet pu'p ",Orcae a. irli of skeletons. Dt'ad hses, ta! Isaiai's dream quivers anJ flashes witis dead rasainfions, Jead opportunities, . tisesepiniens. Noirfolded, nom spread. edab, n.A bndndul i now beaton in locomotion. " Witb less Christ sisail reapen anJ purify and twain ho covered bis foot, mitistirais fUi ifas tise uai egumnvr rs hie coered bis face, iriti tirain ho did Anotiser seraphic posture in tise text s t "WiÉh tirain bho cevered tise face." Tiei Theproabiityistlit tesewins ean reereceGadmard. Nover cai, fl. unch iroverence abraad lu tise wrd mre nef ail used at once. Tise serapis as te-day. Yon seea tifnlutiseJefaeed standing there near tise tisroe over- statuary, in tise cttiug eut ai tise fig ga wlielmod. at tise insignificauce of tise ures frem tise panrtings, in tise cilpPii pathhis eet adtrddenascopar aiOfMoinments fer a mornte, un tise pats bs fot ad rodanas ompredî0t thaf militory guard must stand at t iitistisa paths troddon by God,aJthgaraiisci and hafodaJ1 witistise lairnnesa of bis locornotion, Chsat aid sisade trees must ha cnt dams ný ameunting almiosut t decripittide os f9r firoiraad, tisaugis 500 George P. MOI- ' cornare miis tse irie reociy. ri 50 beg tise moednan te spare tise tree, n Comare wih tef dingle rnoostybwidsth atdtisat calîs a cerpse a cadarer, andh feathory railofaglcmdsybestt speaaks ai deatis as goig orar te n itise fot. "Witb tirain ho did cover bis tisernajarity auJ snbstitutos for tise re- i foo."varend terms f atiser and metiser "tisa,, aid main" and "Itie id ireran" andCI Standing tisere, overpoeed by tise finds uetiig bupressive iu tise luisfc overrnateising spendor ai God's glory af Baalbee ar the cluanus of Karflaco k and unable longcer miti tisa eyes te look anJ sees ne difference lu thse Sabbatisw upon thoam aud risbiug tisosea eyos sisad- iranî other daya oxcopt Lt alloirs morew dissipation, auJ reada tise Bible ini unit eJ i ronstise insuffeorable glory, tise pin- lacOe sgsrciiiimkn fn f ions gathar over tise couttnauco. tise mord ai God, but a goed bok iitisw "Witi tirain lho did cover tise face." saine fine thinga in If. IrrevereoiS Tison, as God toila tisis eerapis te go te nover sarancis abroad. Hem manY the arthst utpot ofimmnsit ontmke tise nainse aiGod ini vafl hemmnY tis fatisst utpstef mrnsssty 15trivial things saad about the Almigs- a' message of light auJ love anJ jey and ty 1 Net miling te bave GaJ in tisa get bock hefore tise f irst anthens, if dees marld, tisoy ral np ans idea oi senti- noftoke tise serapis a groat unie teaentality and bumanitarianisand uJli- sprad simaeî ~po tse iriviisnnin-pudence and irnbeciity and Cal if Ged. spred hmsef upu te ar wih uim-No inga orarouceavor tise face, ne ý agiued clerity, eue strokeofaitisaring taking off ai sisoos au boiy greund. Yen i 7equal te 10,000 beagnes of air, "Witis can fell fram tise ay tisoy taik tisay twai liedid ly."cculd haro, made a btter marld tisaisï trainho di fly.tiis, anJ that tise God of tise Bible, Tisemnsst practical and useini lesson siosce very sasse ai prapriety, Tbay for yoyu and me-misais mec0tise ser- taik aif tho love ai GoJ lu a mway tiat apis spreading bis iringa over tise fot sbexxs you thoy hoeaif i doos nef maka -is tise lassais of isumïility at im-a-ý diýferenca hoir bad a manis l bore hoý iperfection. Tise brigiteat angeis of willcerne in at tise siiniag gata. TbaY talk ai tiselove ai God iii, a iay mnicisr God are se far'heneatis GeJ tiat Hë shos yen tbey think if is a ganerl l charges tisons iitis f lly. Tiesa srapis joli Jeirery for ail tise abaudoised audJl se for beneath God, audJ ira s far ha- tise scoanfdrally of tise univarse N punialiment isereaiter for any wreng-c iseati tise seraphin l service, me ongist daing e.0 Pte ho plulnged un hurility, uttar and The Bible givas tir e escriptians ai Complota. Our' foot, hem laggard thay Geal, aud they are juat opposite, and have been lu tise ivine service!I Our tisey ara bath fmue. Iu ana place tisa Bible soya God la love. lu ainathire foot, hoîr maurv misstepa fisoy bava place tise Bible says God la a consu5liig takouil Our foot, un hem mauy patisa fire. Tise axpiana flan is plain as plain of morîdineas and fehly tisey haroeirais- con ho. Ged tisrougis Christ is lava. adl God ont ai Christ is firo. Te min tise Neilie Gonorserph ntededtao ne and escapetise otiser me bava oulY Noiise Ge ur sraps utedadteta tismoir urseives, body, mind and put any diahonor upon tisat whicis is eue seul, qita Christ's keeping. "Ne," soya of tise masterpioces of AlmigsyGd- irreverouce, "Iiront no atouamaist; 1 tis iuiisfot. issieegafadan ra- wanit no pardon; I mant ne iLuervois- tomit are overriselrnod 0ftiserendons titan, I mili go np an face Gad, and f Treatise," irrittain hy S;ýir Charles Bell, will challenge Hlm, and 1 miii defY lm ou tise mfsdom auJ goodnesa of Ged as aisd I wvil osk Hlm mat Ho rants f0 llustrotedin tisehumais aud, ritis a de mitism. Sa tise fin te couf renta rasuit of tise ý40,ùüühequeatised. un tiseftheo Influite, sa a tack bammer tries ta at wil and tes-tame-nt of tise Ear ef breaak a thunderboît, sa tise breafis oi Brldgerwater for tise encouragement ai humain nastriha douies tise evemastiisg Christian literature. 'Tise werld couid Gad, unietise iierarchs ai b1_-e7 eu bar offerd te largire bis eccetricifios, tisebond anJ band tise knoe as tise, tisongiho ishad tire doga seated at bis Kîng's chariot gools by. auJ tise arcis- table. and tisougis ho put six degs alaise angel turns away hecause ho caunot ais- lu au equipaga dram hby four hersas, duretise spieurar, and tise chorsarnf aii auJ atteuded by tire footmneu. Witis bis tiseeprsof iseaves cames un mitis large boqnesf, inducing Sir Charles Bell fuldapso, "I-aly, iseiy, boly 1" ta irrite se vaînahie a book on tisa ris- Reiverence for sisam, rovarence for tise dam eT GoJ us tise structure ef tisa bu- aId rnreiy becanse it la oid, revarence msan baud, tise xrld could affard ta for stupidify, bowve r learned, rover- forgiva bis oddities, anJ tise morld cenid ence for îueopacity, isoerer fineiy lu- noir affard te have anotiser Earl of anugurate, Ibore nn. Butme ironti ulsilo Ho bas tise stars oeT blaron for Eartbly poWer goois from bond ta baud, frein Henry I. te Henry Il. aisd Henry Ill. freti Chalas I. te Cisarles Il., fraiesLouis I. ta Louis Il. aud Louis saud: "Yeunever knaw yen III., but froeti verlasfiiag fa ererlast- bave tokan a pili til t i l at îng is God. Gad tise firat, Gad tisa aver." 2me. C.I. Hload & C.,iast tise eniy. EHa bas oee eleýcepe, Propriafars, Low'ell, Mass. hlrn r o -fihe enly pills tote lowitbhaMod's 5:«saparih1b Pitcher's Castoria. vith whirh Ho eo s ex erythïn'g-His isoence. He bas one bridge withI lhich He, crosses evervthing-His cm- ipresence. 1e bas one hammer xxith ýhirh HP, builds everything-His on- ipotence. Put twe tabiespoonfuls of 'ater in the palm of yeur band and it viii overflow, but Isaiali indicates that <ai, putS the, Atlanitic and the Pacifie i the. Arctl,'cand the, Antaretie and -e Mediterranean and the Flacli Sea ind ail the waters of the earth in ,h holloir of Hiýs bind. The fingers ,h beach on one side, the xxrist the each on the other. "Ile holdeth the water in the holloir of lis hand.- As yen taire, a pincli of salt or pair orx hetireen your thumb and two f in-1 oers, so Isaiab indicates Gcd takes up ,h earth. He moasuros the dust of bh earth, the original there indicat- sg that God t&,k3s ail the continents het-ween tbe thumb riand twoe fingers. You wrap around your hand abn ribbon, fivo, times, ton times. e sy it is five handbreadths, or f i bn handbreadths. Seo indicates the I rophot. God winds the blue ribbon D the sky around His hand. "He me- Leth out the heaven" with a span." aou know that balances are made of ibeam suspended in. the middle with w1o basins at the, extremity of equal ýef t. In that wvay wx at vast heft bas jean xxerghed. But what are ail the )alancos of earthly manilpulation cm- ,redc with the balances Isaiah sair mspended whebn he isair God putting nto the scales the Alps and the Ap- aulnnes and Mount Washington and he, Sierra Nevadas. You see the srth had to bc ballasted. It would et do ta haveo too rnuch weight in ,uropo, too much weight in Asia, or S0 mnch wieight in Africa or in Arn- rica, 50 xrhen God made the moun- ,ns Ho, weigliod tbern The Bible dis- uctly says se. God knows tise weight î the, great ranges that cross thse intinents, the tons, the ponnds avo ir - lupois, tho, ounces, the grains, the mil- ' gram-jn st how mtrh they xveighed ,hn, andhow, mucli they weigh noir. 'ieý weighed the iounutains in scales ind the, hilis in a balance." Oh, what iGod te rua againist 1 Oh, what a ;od týo disobey! Oh, wbat a God te lishonor 1 Oh, wfhat a God to def y 1 Fbe brightest, the mightiest angel Lahes ne familiarity wxith Gad. Thse 'bsngs of reverence are lified. "With ,wain He corereýd the face." Antther .serephlic posýure iu thse text.j rhoe seraph nmsý.not always stand stiil. He, must more auJ it mnst ho witheiut There must ho alebrity anda beanty in the mûrement. With twaia ho, did fly." Correction, axhilaratistn. Correction at aour slow gait, for r e. oily crawl in thse service li]en ire onght te fly at tise divine bidding. Exhilaration in tho f act that tho seul bas wings, as the seraphs have, irings. Wbat is a wiug f An istrument of locomotion. 1lhey -aY not ho like seraph's iring, they may npt hoý like bird's wing, but tise seul bas wings. Goed says se. "He shahl sount up on wings as eagles." We are made, in thse divine imagine, and God has iugs. Thse Bible says se. a Utsdor w1spse wings hast thon ckDe, o tetruist." The soni, iti folded wing noir, waunded wing, bro- kens wing, bl'eeding wing, caged wing. Aye, IlI haro it noir! Caged uithin bars of bone. aud under curtains «Ê flesis, but oe day te ho free. 1Ihear tho, rstie of pinion in Seagrare's paem, which ire seeimes sing: Rise, my seul, and stretch tby wîags. I bear tise rusitie of wings in Alex- ander Pope's stanza, irbere he says: I mount, 1 f ly, O doath. irbere is thy vîctery? A dying ClurLst-ian nort asong ago cr5oda ont, "Wings, wings, wings 1" ihe air i s full of tlsom, coming and going, cern- ing and going, Yen haro seen hoi tise dJuli, sluggisis chrysalis bepomes the brtght butterfly-tse Juil auJ tse stu- ,id and tise lthargie turned into tise alert aud the boantiful. Well, my friends, ln tisis world we are in the ,chrysalîd state. Deatls mili unfuri tise vings. Oh, if woý could only realize what a grand thing it rwili ho te get rid af this old clod af tise body and ma!unt tise ieavens!1 Neitiser seagnîl ner lark, ner aibatross, nor falcon, nor condor, pltching Tram. highast range of Andes, se b.noyant or se majestio'of stroko. Seo the eagle ln the mountain nesti It looks se sick, se ragged feathered, sô worn ont and 50 isalf asleep. Is tbat eagle dying f No. Thse ornîtisologist will tel yen it is tise molting season mitis that bird. Neot Jyiag, but molting. Yen sec that Christian sick and iroary, and worn eut, anJ seemaing about te expire on misat is callod bis Jeatiheý-di The irerld says lie is dying. I say it is tise molting soeason fox bis soni- the.bedy Jretpping amay, tise celestial piniens ceming on. Net dying, bnt molting. Molting out of darkness and sin and struggle, into giory and into God. Wisy do yeunont sisout? Wisy do you sit sisiveriag at thse tb(eught of death and trying te look batik and wîsls- ing yon conld stay bore foro'ver and speak of departure as theugh the suis- joot were f illed with tise skeletoas auJ rniss of coffins, and as tbongb, yen preferred lame foot te sift ming ? Oh, people of God, lot ns stop play- ing the fool and propare for raptur- eus fligist. Wison yonr seul stands on thse verge of tisis lii e and there are vast procipicos beneatb anJ saphired dames ahore. irbicis îay miii yen flyf Will yen swoop, or will yen soar i Will yen f ly downward, or will jon f ly up- ward9Eert -in o he wig bd- PHRENOLIN E Rheullatic Specifie Guaranteedtocure biheumatisin, Sciatica,Lunsbago Gent and Neural gin. AVE R'S ARGUMENT. e If there is any reason why you should useQ auy sarsaparilla, there is every reason why you Qshould use Ayer's. When you take sarsaparilla ®you take it to cure disease; you -want to be cured @ as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible. @ Trhat is why youi should use Ayer's:, it cures @ quickly aud cheaply-'and it cures to stay. Many Q people write us: " I would sooner have one bottie of Ayer's Sarsaparilla than three of any other @ kid."A druggist writes that " one bottle of Q kiud." will give more benefit than six of any other Qkind." If one bottie of Ayer's will do the work Qof three it must have the strength of three at theQ costof ne.There's the poiut in a uutshell. It @ Q pays every way to useQ QAyer's Sarsapdjarilla.. Q East End Grain Dpo [The undersigned desire to thank the farmers id West LI)rham for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, alIso tu remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKEfT PRICE F 0 A1L KINDS 0F C 3 7R-%7-en 9R'," & Ei"7 dliverfd at our storehouse cor. King and George stee-i.or at Por Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bacs. Llotk SaIt roi cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli OASLEL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEJ COL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN & C>ý' Ha Mp&ton Ge(jner al Stor e. New Spring G-oods at prices that wTil] astonish you for Cheapness and Quatlity. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the laro est ai-d most attractive stock of lIn- ported and Domestic Woolens ever shown in the County, bouoght in the hest market for SPOT CASH. We carry f ull Unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing. Fine ordered Clothing a specialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best, We have speclal values in TEAS. Full lîne in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Sulphur lu quantities ut 3e. par pound. HAMPTO)N. Frank A. e2ole. ouf au the ming. Tisa, on tise ming, f ly- ig aay froua s. Eteniy on .tisa -in-, f yiug toirard us. Wiuga, mluga, bive se isear te Christ, tisaf misai yen ara deaJ, peeple standing by your liioless body, xiii nef soliloqnize, say- iu: What a disappointraent lii o as tehm hem Jd'verse lha mas te depart- ure; misat a pity if mas a isad te dia; misat an aAmmni calaumity." . Ratiser, standing tisere, may tisey see a aigu mare vivid ou yeur stili fa.ce tisastise vestiges ai pain, sernetising tisaf miii indicate tisat if mas a ha.ppy exi- tise clearance fmam oppressive quaran- fine, tise eaat off cirysalid, tise moif- iug of tise faded aud tisa usalessandu tieasceut froua malaxial volleys ta brigist, siiing meuntalu tops, and ho led te say as fhey stand tisera contesn- plating your isumility and yonr rayer- once un lufe aud your sappiisess is deatis, "Witb tirais hae ooverad tisa foot, mitis tmaiu hoecovered tisa face,1 miti tirain hoe did fly." Wiug, , inga, mingsl Piles 1 piles ! ltchiug Piles. SrxiPTOMS-Moisture ; intense itchiisg and stuig; meat at niglit; marse hy sera=in If alioxved te continua tunsors form, mnicis offen hieed and nicerate ,hecoming ver.y soeaSWAvslx s OINToMEN stops the itciing and hieed- ing, heais ulcemation, auJ in5 moat ses reissores tise tumors. At Joug- gîsts, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Srayne & Son, Piiladeipisia. Lymani, ,Sons, Whaiesaie Agents, Montreol. A sure cure for leadacisaDizzi- NONE IN STOCK. PIIREINOLIN ne sss,Constipation,, s.N bi-ldn'lketh er onaneas, Brigisa ye n y Messer isoclatef Pis Diseasa, Diahetes,' EHesta Dealer-No, madam, noue Paraiysis Convul- meOisar tisais fiaf I sold yenat. aieus, h[lart -I Diseuse,, etc., etc. ! A PUJDDIN'. Manifaturdonono&Sodonori 1.TisaFrenchs Amiassadr is Lnda, Manuaotred n ionor& Sld o Met 'hoeoyoariy salary ia £12,000, is tise 19-4w. basf paid Ambassador in tise uorld. * BRITISH, NOT ENGLISH. ISpirardls cf 35,000 signatures have already been ahtainesd for tise Scat fiis National Mernrial ta tisa Qneen, pray- mn.g that lu State documents tisa merda "Great Briftais" aud "Britîsis" shouid olirays bho onbstifnted fier 4"Eglaud" auJ "Eugiah." Asmong tise signera ef tise memenlal are tisa luke of Sutiser- land, anany peers, sony members of I'arlbamiest, and more fhau eigist bun- dred provostsanad ethar inmiers af tise unicipai corporations ai Scot- landl. New Music. A sample capy cf tise iollowing 40 aud 50 cent Music miii hacrnailed toanay address on racaipt of 10 cents hy fthe Puhlisaer, Jules Norman, 2238 Sf. Catis. ormnes St., Montreal, Que.: Tise Dia mand Jubiiee flymnu(Frencis auJ Eng- lias mords), Diansond Juhilce Marais, Diamoud Jubilea Waltzes, Teaci tisa Little 1nas a Prayer, Lova's Adieu, Cbip iu (a mettesong), Liars AIl (a humorous sen), ' Oue cent stamps pre ferred. 23-4w WIIEGIKED. Argeutiua's nom torpedo boat Sauta Fa, misici reStnly arrived froua Eug- land, bas beau wrecked an tise Colania reef. Tise guns auJ boliers more saved. DEArH FROM DELAY. A liîe lest by isearf disease miseu prompt measuras meuld have saved lit. Thsis is net fa ha aaid of ana deafis frorn iearf disease o'nly, but aif eus af t.honsaisds. If tise symptama fisaf mars oe of heart trouble are nef iseededý tisa outceme is almaf sure ta ha sari- ous. When ana is fortunate eoagis ta ha acqnaiuted mitistise monits of Dr. Atuams Cure fer tise Hearf iu 95 per cet.aicasfl Jisaster 15 arerted. This madicine miii positively gira relief lu balf an ho4fr's fume, auJ faken mitis soea lîttie degrea ai perseveraineradi- caliy auras. If yenr hearf paipitates fintters, or tiras eut easily, aud yau vaine lii e, use f bis ramedy. Fler sole by Stotf & Juary r CIIi~LA2P J~'o~