77, The Bmest Bicycle Is the one thatdies flot give the rider any trouble in repairs. The total cost tor repairs on the Crawford did flot average 7c a wheel, last year and for this reason i is no wonder that they are kept running night and day this year and are turning out 1,800 wlieels a wcek without doing- anv Methodist church Choir Concert in Music Hall,Friday night, this week,will be the best musical treat of this year here. Only 25e to ail parts of the Hlall. See program and be convinced. Send this paper to a friend. Nichoils selîs 10 qt pail for 121. Some news budgets crowded out. 1.4t qt Flairing Pail, 15e at Nichols'. Next Taesday -is Jubilee Day : TiE STATrrMAN will be printed Moaday. Secretaries send lis condeusodl reports of anniversaries early for next issue. Our beloved Premier,Hon .W.Laurier is receiv ing a royal reception in Great Britain. The Victorian Jubilee Globe surpas-. sed any former production of that ai- VERY CHEÂF TRIZP. 1The 3-days' excursion to Guelphi this week-June 17, 18 and 19-is a cheap trip. Return tickets good up to Satur- day night from Newtonville $135; Newcastle $1.25, Bowmanville $1.20; Darlingtou $115 and Oshawa $1.10. Joinyour friends in a big day's pleasuire. Special train passes Bowmanville 7:15 a. m. This is a grand chauce to visit friends in Toronto and the West. You may go Thursday afternoon and returu b-y last train Saturday. See the new railway time table. Trains for Toronto nowpass Bowmanville at 5:23 and 8:18 a, iu; 2:05 and 5:22 p. m. This is the onl excursion advertised to rua from this district to Guelph this season. Do't miss it. Into buying shoddy bicycles made by unknown manufacturers when you ean purchase the WORIm RENOWN[D DU81I AND WAIR PROOF CLEVELAND 1.0 - q ,fi f j "' 1~