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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1897, p. 6

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fo edceand lee ail the troubles iel- tit te a bilions state of the systemn, such as lzziriess, Itausea. Drows1uess, Distress af fer ea$eg pain ilnithe Sis, &c. While their Mos ~m~I acl ucess has been shown in eUrng Wgeadacbe, yet CÂiRTE's LITTrLE LrVca ia are equal5 raluable in Constipat.,on. curing afpreventlngthis anoyiqg COYIplaint, whle1 tsyalso c'-rreet &il disorders of tneStomach, g4uaethe liver and regulitte the bowela Si; ey ouiy cured AAhe tbey would he almoest PrîceseItc these who suffer from this distressiDg cOmPlait, but fortuaately their goodness dccc nt end bore, and those -ho once try themn wil l lnd thiese little pille valuable iu s0 man ýways thLi they wi net be willing to do ýwt out thora. But alter ail sick head ta tbebane cf 50 mauy lives that bore la whs VaeImaire eur great boast. Our pille cure il while others de nt. COMrrsa's LITTLE LiTESS PIane are TMrysiasl gadvery easy te take. One or two pulis mako a dose. Tbey are str!tly vegetable antd do flot grpe or purge, but by their' gentie action MieWeal Who uie thent, In Viala t 25 cents. for $1. SoMovrywhere, or sent bY MaIL. lÂTEx m , 1,wbdsEQ WAiÂ\TjTE gent men uflth good edueation, who want to better their posi- tions, andi woud be content for a year with $600 sud expenses. Write us with description and occupation, andI we wîii maire a proposition for now or the future. Also needed reliable men for Australia. Write to-day for we are lu a hurry. MIE MANAGER, 49 Rchmond St., W. , Toronto. 11RUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES. F1-700 acres, shrubs, roses, vines andI seefi cpotatoes. We have the l8rgest assortment and _mpioy the very istesi and most Improved meth- ada for propogatinig. Ail stock carefully packr- .id uer or personai supervision, andi ail new varieties tested t our trial farms before being ccafalogued. These are the oly festin g orchards connected wth any nursery iu the Dominion. Agents wanted to represent us. Special atteni- tion given te park, cemetery,boulevard orders. Estimafes furîlslied for suppiying entire or chards. Why buy of foreigu concerns or of middlemen when you eau purchase as cheaply from us sud getbetter value. Our stock is Can- adian grown and aclmated. Catalogue (E. or F.) free on application. SroNE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Fothiii Nurseries, the leading Canadian tree men. WANTED CANVASSERS. 9"QueeflVictoria: Her Life and Reign" Has caPtured the British Empire. Extraordin- ary testimondis froin the great men ; sentI for copy free. Marquis of Lorne says, "The besi popular Life of the Quecu 1 have seen." lier Mjsysnds a kind letter of appreciatien. Sel- ling by thousands ; gives enthusiastie satisfac- tion. Cost a mini of money, but large circula- tion ustities iow retail.. $.00. Lots of historie illustrations. Large Book-over ail xbx1&l !ruches. Meunud women of standing in the comn- muity making l$15 toe$40 a week. Exclusive territory. Prospectus free lu agents. Books on fimie. 'riir, BRADLEY-GARStETSON C., Ltd, Tor- onto, Ont. ONTARIO BANK continues lia do a General Bauling Business Eowmaaviile Agency. DEPOSITS ecelved lu Savingb Bank r)epartmnenl and on an iîterest allowed atourrent rates No tlice ofwthdrawal necesaary. Ail deos0its yable on deusand EXCIANGE Dugh tand sold ând Drafts Issuedunpon lînrope Uited States and anada,also Gold,Silverand VUnteffltes Greenbacksbouuht andI oid COLLECTIONS Pranîptly made at urrent rae@ upou ail ipart f Great tirittain, the United Slalos ana the De ninflon o iCanada, Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smail sanme on ail part ot Clanada. This is especially advantageoum te parsons living in Maniloba or the Northwest, itms.kes the funds availabie ai once ai the place of paymeut, Other particulars cail at the bauik. ~.L. FORTT, UEO. McGILL, Accouritant. Manager. BOWIVAN VILLE BICYCLE -ANý,D - General REPAIR SHOP. W. FIHIM Practicai Machinist, Tool lWaker, Lock and Gunsmith, Special Machiniery for hsndling Bicycle Re- pairing iu ail ifs branches, and ail Fiue Machin- ery. CYCLISTS.-Have your wheels put lu trim liy a thoroughly practîcal maehlinist. Bicycles, Lswn iowers, Scwing machines, Clocks, Typcwriters, Rifles, Cutlery, Locks, Eleetrie Belîs, Denital and Surgicali nstruments. knds. MARKET BUILDING, BowmanviIle Rochester Route. Thec Canadian Statesman'i , ENESPtY, JI NE 9, 1879 yi 8 SA Y.D COMI!ENTH. Visita efthflicGennan emperer to VLona antiof flic Austriéan emper te St. Petersburgflic grcwing polit 1- cal fnlendship, et France sud Engiandi anti the separafive influences oethfli fi-neci trouilles are anccepfcd as con- f rming tIc reports cf a, rearrauge- me-nf of Eunopean alliances. The Tri- ple Alliance andtihficDiuai League have befli I las aid, blioususpieudet by sai icýagn f fcf tietre iwperial powens Gcrmany, Anstnia anti Russa, for fie re-estabilalimeut et peace lu seufliesf- cru Europe, andtihficregulaf ion ut Eu- repeau iliteresta aireourglouf fie world. Ifaly jesf111l a parùuer otflithe o form- or pewers, anti France an ally ot tho latter, buý,thflic cunection la ouiy nom- inal, Ifsly lieiug se discredifet by lier dotent in, Alysainia as te lie ne longer useful, aàiti France iaviug served lier purposca us Russia'slia-hier sud licou east off. Tise Tlinec Empororsý Leagno a-ai If existot inluthe fume cf William I., inas, lutact, be-en revivet, ticugl if may! bhociuliy Lu hfliorm etau under- standing, nef flint et tormal tnesfy, while ErugluntI sud France are teudiug te dloser relations, ]lfaly lieiu.g let.f ositlier weiglit as lier lutereste msyý dictafe. Sncb la ic herearrangemeuf eftbfli Euslope-an balance cf poweri wllisdl, if lsaesuied, fie force cf even ta, tire ilinlations oethflicemperers anti ticir intereafa, have breuiglt abeuf; sud altioug I lt is too definiteiy stat- eàto e cwhlly true, it is, ne doubit, thle foi-m Lu wliicli, shotal theli concert break uly,,flic poers will lie tound to be unifed, Lier, far if lias gene now penlispasnooieee part frein licemn- perasknuws; antI if tlhey hiave realiy agrecd upon cembinet action iu senti- ost crnu repe, whlcl i atflic ypofliesis, if weiuld bi nte-reafîug te iunow liow tse finfereast Auafria antiRuseiin utisait quarter, assumed te be irrecoucilible, bave lie-n adjuisted, sud wbafl Germauy la te have as lier reNvard.r We lave alovaasliiieved fiat a com- promise ceuld lic reaclied by tflforn- or, slnd tfit wheu fle ic be was ripe Riusala would find a way tei aquare lier rivai, but wili Gerrny, wbicli las ne direct luferest lu Tua-lkey, le permiffeti te, fiid lier compensation l ineliaud, olndse e-frengfieu lierseit at once by slips, commerce sud colenies i Nover- flielosa, tlie arnangemenut la eue te-ward whscb hnet oniy flic situatiou but flic prolivifies oethth lrce emrperers fend, ahl alike deemiug if thoir dufy te main- talla fie riglit of ingesud te oppose fie pregreaset democracy, sud desir- lng te ufilize events te consolidafe flicir pDer. QuenoCtien is in open anfagenism te Englanti sud ail dis- like lier anti distrust flic aspirations ot western Europe. ail iuewfliaf, unit- cd, flicy weuid ho irresistîbie save ait ses, aud all %vaut te gain thoir onds wiont iel etfxvar hefweeu tien- selves. If la suiny natural, flien, fiait witli se uiy convictions. anti interesfa Lu, cemm6n, fiey -shoulti soeclcearly fie advarntsge et an alliance, aud fliaf xxlth a waxrilu progresa te give flien pretoxit for private consa*îflatîci, flic neýce-samy nisderstautIiisg eould ho reaclicd. If will b saitI, et course, fiat nelfier Fi-suce non Russa wili jkive up theïr alliance, thc fermer deorning if ion oniy sateguarti agaLnsit isolation lu Europe, ahd fie latter wanfiug Frenchi aid agaluaf affaci wliile sic is setfiing tlic Estern question. But Ressaa wou1d ho reileveof et lclatter danger biy agreement wLvh Gormsny anti Ans- tria, and islanov' lunenopressing necti of mouey frein Franuce, w'îule Franco for ail tlic aId be lias given Russa, lias receivetI a dlean retutsl et lclp te redeover lier lest provinces, anti las no- liig cisc te gain wliclisic coulti nef mono enslly oltain frein Englauti. The Europesu alliances may nef yct ho ne- eaf, huIt it la ditticuit te blieve tînt flic proiesa is net goîng on, andti lat flic cureuf view cof lie rearrangement isl neftfliccorrect one. Mr. MueaAlliat e-r, ftle British Con sul in Ugauda, aneunýceýs fiscsirival tiere ef a missicuai-y w'lio lad mounted lis wiîieoi ait flic Ludisu Ocean, aud rolied' ail thse way te fthe Victoria Nyauza, abou160-mils t1fli asoniaimet e basf year, made tf irst complote de- seit of tie Niger River, brought home a curbiesapisefgrapi. Lunfie- rear waa a long lhue etnatives, nssny o et li Tuai-cga ofthfe Sahiara, cOi t lerrlorses CbiIdren Cry for suete corne-, and ïtsviljl be a contin-r ental caaimity if weheeis canot lbe dis- tributed among thie 200,000,000 ibiack,9 luquantifies sufficient f0 meet flicir ambition for this great fruit cf clvili zaf ion. Sit iais been fhe, boiRe of ail good mon that the tide otfsvUr whici set lu ou the Tfjessaliaýn border, îwould nef ru- cede without engulphing, the meaf liIodt-stainucd of fthe t-wto rémaining Tarfar thrones. But hisfory lias re- peated itrplf, sund thib M]ougel fliood bIas again oyerfloiwed and submuerged a civ!izet d nd ristian state. A ri-glit cois cause lias lico f no alvail against the wvcight cf njumhiess sud superior ar- mament, sud for the second time wif b- lu flic year blsîbarism, hus friumphled over civiizafieu, Thea Ottoman pow-er gihicli since, if aas bcsf1en back beo re Vieuna more than fiwo hundrýed years ago, -hap steadily diminiashed, sud a yeair ugo, seem»ld ready, te coliapse, lias lie-n rcvivified, sud becorne a sturdy gisuf. Thé facit a.grelMent of Europe that Tmrkey wge te le gradually shoru of her ferritcry, and tiat on ne- part1 of if once releaiscd Wa{s, lj a.uthority tei ibc reimoeed, lias been reduced te uullify lsy the Off o¶nan occupation of Thasay. The Turk, iWho, sîxteen years ago at ifs ord1er handed uver Thessaiy te (lrelene, te again iu posses- sian, sud wM u se it toi se-cure good terme for hlinseif. Thse, peWers wlio coddied hlm aud use-tIhlm a" a scourgQ tu chastise anu indepeindent Christian state, ;xitli equal rigltinl the forum cf nations wif h fbiemselves, for deing what tltey had pledged thensselves te do, bas uow te dcad wiitb a ncw lpower ne longer -Willing teo take their orders. Lt is a discou.iraginjg situation, but if lias fis adventage. If wili cempel the Elurepean federation te show whether if la a Ireal federation, or ouly a maie- believe. Thse defeat -of Grecce liy Trur- key-the defeaf of international riglit by brute force is virtually the set cf flic powere. ltif la e efor wiicli ticy have offered ne detence, save that it was necessary te averf a general Enrepean war, au excuse whicli may lie used te jrustify any oppression. It lias settied uothing. Lt lias net even facilitaf cd ag- reement upon the iind cf aufonomy te be iven Cirete, whicli it bas su embit- tered fthc Cretans thaf they declare t heir purpose te tiglit f0 thl st m=n ratier than acc4opt any goverument ait Rurope's bauds. Lt has not advancd flic solution of the Easteru question au iota but ha:s reudered its solution fenfold more difficult. Lt lias donc notbing te further the refo)rcs in Turkey for whicl tlie powers have been strivinig te secure guaraufees, but lias increased a 'huudredfold the dangers cf rmisgovern- ment aud massacire. Some of flic reforme demauded lirit flic sulfan's confrol cf bis freasury, others bis auteracy, sud 1 sill et bees bis ebuice et counsciiors. 1 Hifliertolie h4as met fthc demand for 1t heir enforceinenf by evasions. Is if reasenable fo saippese that witli fli prestige cf victory andI adviacd by sol- 5diers, ho will yieid flic more readiiy I Wliat flic powers have donc is wliaf Jtiey bave striven for yoars fo avoid doing. They have reliabilitated Tuir- key, and madIe hlin facit wliat slic las beon only lu naine, a European power. Victerlous in w ar, flic position cf flic sultan as a truc sultan favored liy Ai- 1Lai svill lie sfrengtheued wifh lis Ot- .tomnan subjects. Witli au aruîy cf more Lhan 40ý0,000 men concenticated iu Eur- e pe, bier eau afford te opeuly oppose flic interterenceoef fthc powers lu lis af- Sfairs, andI with, the five iuiliions of Grochajas i i mre -,qbsues u ;witb Tliessaly te barter for good terns, .may lie expected to do seo. unfliat cv- 1eut, fthc concert must ieid or cerce .hlm, fliat is, maie gond ifs assertion c f puwcr te make a peace satisfactery te all parties, or cunfe-s fliat if la ouiy a maie believe. No doulit if flic powers ; hld tolgeflicr, fley eau cuforce their ;owu terres. But wili thcy? The sul- [t an cap ibckdly 'give up Thessaly sud -mainfalu Uis prestige wifh-bis cwn suli- ;jecfs. But thouýgli flic firce emoperors .maY ceusent te his refoutien cf some c f flie fruis cf bis victories, if la prefty certait that thie western pow- crs will net agree te lis rctcuntiuu fo any .part cf Greece. Thse concert wiil thus 1le f t virtually svliere if was bce'ere, !witli Crete refusiug te accepf ifs de- blaci ecomradcs uearly starvetotudeafli, I mnay lie crosseà almost witlieut fatigue lin fhlc sunlif heurs cf une day. (Elisce Reclus, flic geograplier, wref e a whLle ago f haf lie was amazed wlieuever lie contemplat d the vast work dloue on the C!on-go, lu se short a f mc. Thaf wori exte-uda te evcry part cf the CSongo liasinu, flic second largieat river systen l'a ftle world. If la prcmoted by forfy steamers and fort y fowboats, carried in sinail pieces on flic licada of men around 2,35 miles cf cataractsansd nelw aflýoat on 7,000 mlles of uppýer Congo waitcn- waýys; sud f but wolk, marred flicugli if lias bean by rnany instances of tic cruel sud unjus-L treafmeut of natives hy bieon wbo werc net wortliy et their trust, mli li e.remembered iu history as une of flic great acliievemeuts of fis ceafuré&. - îA wrîiter lu au Engliali review ays ut Thackeray fiat "if la lis weakness, hits comapicueus wýeaikness, te lie con- cerned wiiti trivial détails teaflic ne- get cf priueipes." ift f bisla arash judgmeut if la stili important, be-cause it represteuts a generafion lunlEnglisi literature whicl islatee busy lucrifi- cÀisirug its betters te, produoe aiuything wurth ceusiderafion ifef. T-ho Engband offie, paeseut day lias nef eue writer wbes la even suspecýted cf be-iug WOTthy te rauli witli Thacker- tty. JUitlasliard tfo fell wb-y'.Perliaps itii l largeiy becausîe cf a oduteipf for flic "trivial detais" wici Fieldiug sud Thiackeray, Scofttsud fDickens, kuew liuw te, use te make flic perfect whles of f ho-it' pietures orf humain litýe. CmDý second flicugif liowever, if seems fiat theý faîrlure oethficereafive faeuify lu iterary Engiaund ray lie duc, f0 exces- sive uýse of tho facuity oet hritiisui Crifircisinalwa -ys tepreludson sualysis- on pulibinlf ings to peea. All greaf work JE- tho exaot opposiftc cf thaf. If eau come cnly froin miluds trained te fthe, habit etflîeistrutivcncss-ot put- fiag fhluga fogeflier. S& long as every frcog ia icEugisi litcrrsry marsli fýhitsiks týo grow luto an ex by, înflatiug biýs facuif y for judlging Uis bottera, wc are nef likeiy te have anotier Thaci- eray.iFortuunatcly,,liowever, .we liave thoa oltI one witi us ycf lun al fie in- morfal part cf ihlm. i GREÂTi' -1Ai~ SAE SKETCH 0F THE GREAT EXTENT 0F HER TERRiToRJES. Lt l aet o say thaf nover bas a' munarcli lecu calletI upun f0 rcigni ovcr a realin et greater exteut or widcr influence than that whicli ackuow- lcdges Victoria as Quecu sud Empreas. The Britishl sies alone cousiet of nef far short ot a flieusand distinct islauds or isiofs, excluding iselafed pin- uscles or rocks. ThoNir ares is 121,115 square miles, tormiug the boundarlea witiin wliil i one cigiteen antIa hli millions ot maies sud ucarly ninctecu aud a hli million te-maies live, move, sud have their helng. Tliey aref cr fully iu de-bt as a nation, teheamou.. of somefbing luke 680 millions, wif i an income cf uîuety-one millions. STic Britishi Empire la a political creation wifliouf parallel l incheorld's histery. Lt la scatferod liere, there, aud everyehiere, -eatli an arcsa ap- proaching feu million square miles. Ifs 400 millions of luliabitauta re-preseut ALL DEGýREEýS AND PHASES of civîlization. The Qucen's Chrisian sulijees are ithli miuority, tbere be- ing two bundret million Hindous, some sevenfy million Mehammedaus, sud ciglit million Buddiats. Somiefhiug like 13U1 languages sud dialects arc spoli- theic-Bible la printied. The Union Jack now flesits frium- j hautly over a continent, s buudred j euinsulas, tive iuud-red promuntories, a fliousaud laies, &ab-le fIat number of rivers, sud no lese flian feu thouu saud siaudal This efupendous estate enabiles flic Britîsher f0 pertorrn s test îvlilci tue native ot no oflier nation eau îmifafe-'to- circumuavigafe the globe sud foucli a portion ofthfli na- tional possessions ftle wliole jouruey. Ssiliug frein Englaud lic mnaies for liaifa, N S. dahesacrseCanada- te Vancouver, flienoc by tic Pacifie fo Hong Kong. Resumiug lis way lic liaites at Sîngapore, Penang, Mauriflus. Cape Town, St. Helena, flic latter place lieinlg the st stoppage ere Britain's white cliffs are reached. Tlicre la, liowever, an aiternaf e route affer ar- rîvîug at Penang; theuco hoie au go to OCylen, Bombay, Aden, Perim, Malts, Gibraltar, sud home agalu. Ail zones arcernmbrsced lu fhe British dian Empire, sehic isle equalinl sixe, if wo exelude Russa, te flic Continent ot Europe. Ifs population, liorderiug ops flire bundred millions, is cemposed of s varîefy of distinct ustionalifies, pro- fessing a multitude of religions, prac- tising diverse rites, sud speaking dit- feront fougues. Officiai reports state thero are over a isundred distinct lau- guages, as spart frein dialeof s, spoien lu India. Many of fth& races are fur- ther divided by discordant prejudices, confiicfiug social usages, sud antagon-. lafie mate-iai interests. The diversified ciemeuts constifuting flic Indian possessions represeuf, ac- cordiug ho a late Governor-Generai, as complicafed a social aud political or- ganization as lias ever faxed buman lu- ge-nuihy f0 goveru andI administer. Atter Indis coine Canada, sud the Australisu colonie-s, whicb are about te form a ne-w southeru Dominion. AN INGENIQUS WAY TO FORETELL THE WEATRER. Excellent Itestills Ott aned by Measo f M. jaubert's IMdcc remelrie Sysiell-Sienit- ists Approve of the New- Metijoil sud Are- Aclxieus ce Have It 1'erfected. A1 uew aud tborougbiy scient iticeoti- cd cf maiing weafhcr prediotions la now being- test cd lu Paris. 0f ifs succos no eue who bas examined I iasmflic ligit- est doubt, sud certainiy flic excellent resuits aiready obtained liy means of if an u7 n me mensure a guarsutee fiat if wiiI lu fume be founrd te ho Un- e--ing. Mr- Alphonse Bertillon, tic lu- venfor et antisnopomefry, la îudineetly flic aufliot-oft fils new method. Te M. Jroeph Jaubiert, hliever, tic credif ut beiug the actuai inventer la duc. LHe la tlhe directer ofthflicmuicipal servie of mefcorciogy in Paris, sud for some t.laue lic bas bheentryiug f0 discover s meth-i by imeana et whidli reliabie weather predictions eau ho matie. One day if occurred to hlm f0 folloxv ln M. Bertillon's tootsteps. lu other words, ho saad to limeiL " If iuman bliîngs eau he unerriug- "4y classifieti by meaus et anfliropome-- fi-Y, wliy cauruet atmosphorical coutil- flona ho classified lu the same way?5 Wlsnf ho -iated was somo metiod whici wouid enabie hlm te predicit fie woatlie-r a day in ativance, bis guide foir fie purpose being flic atmosplierir con-1 ditions Prevaiiing ou fhe day wl-sou fie predictieu swere ma&d. Wbat dos M. Bertillon do wlicu he desires te ciassity human typesl He observes bis subjects eleaely snd min- utely, jets dowu numerous notes lu ire- gard f0 thoir phbysical formation sud Points cf dittetrenco. sund concludes by cla,-sifyiug those notes, taiking as hie basîs of Classification tho lienman heaid, since there arc te-won peints et differ- ence, or rather, le-te likeliliood of change or variation, as regards flua part of flie body tisu tie-re are as regards any othecr paxt. Nbw M. Jaubert uses a similar ineÉbod...e styles if the met- corometric method. CLOSE OBSERVATION NECESSARY. The uninferrupteýd observafiou,iici a&e madIe every tuirce hours bs' the of- ficiais oethfoenmeteorologic bureau, as weii as meclianicslly by rcgistcring iu- strunmeufts, andI vbcl fluaslihow flic liouriy phYsicguamny oet fhoeiy, are- tPiirscrilid on flic lefttbaud pages ut a large iedger, w hile ou the riglit baud pages are recorded the carda publisied oaci day liy the Central Wcatlier Bur- eau lu regard toteicatmosplieric condi- tions prevailing thr-oughout Europe. By mea ut this letIger, or index, M Jau- bort arrangeo s a dail w estrer guide, cf whiii flis a amotel-:- State of fthe v.'ciher ......- 189. ...ce------w itness. Prevailiug Wirid. ý Asceeding. ieseudiîîg. Mean Temperatnie......... Mean linmïdity.......... Nelnlo iy.....Tension ut Vapor Býain or iSuw ....... .... (ye'te3 Eî cing .. .. Siate efthfle wcatlier. To.-day..'........... I To morrow..... ....... WIND THE CIIEF FACTOR, Tise diftieulty iay lu discoveriug flie best meanis ut ciassitying trhO5O data. Finaliy, if Oas decitied te choose tin pienuomenon wlicli, popular opinion f dixiýty thon any oflie-unamely, flic wind.That is wby flie wind la flic firsf cuti-y onufliese wcsf ler guides, aud wliy attention is tiraf given te ifs atreugth sud fIe direcîtion lu whicb if la blow- Those ýecafier guides are placet inl pigeon holes, sud flie -sri is flien doue. Auy une knowiug tic, afmos- phonoc conditions prevailing on auy day cau, uew fell wliatkintI of oest ber fliere %vlii ho on fhe following day. Say fI-tat a northwesteru wiud prevails al filait-ueced-lie doue- is-te seamic amoug'- the westlicr guides for one whicli shows fhe resulit et a uerthwestern w menA n- tIer cecrtain conditions of femperafure, liumirtity, etc. Tic simple rule la wea- fier conditions thaf prevaîl once sud produce a somilar resuif mienevertf ey prevail agalu. If fbis ule doeca nef olýd good, ftic ouiy reason eau be because flicprevailing conditions, flinugl appar- outly tise saine ounftle van-bus ooca- siens undeit observation, are roýaily nef quite fhec anme. THOMAS PEATE, Dver and Clothescleaner [las rernoved bis works te the well1 l-nown Eastern bouse. PRicEs-For cleaniug, dlying and beautifuily pressing an Overcoat 75 cents; Complote Suit $ 1.50. These pt-tees are flot more than one half wliat you would have f0 pay any otho'r Dye Works, and the work wl bc as gooti as can be donc any- where. 3-m Heacbing ail Canadian Points: Loujilin H iamilton, Toronto, Monftreal, Qne1,oec,. Hlalifax, etc. And all UnitetI States Points: Chiicago, sud West, Detroit, Buffalo, New Yerk, Boston, Portland, etc. THE POPULAR TOURIST UNE te Niagara Falls, flic Thousand slandis Rapidfthsetfi St. Lawrece, Georgian Bav and Muskoka Lake Rogions,'fthe Hlighlands cf Onfatie, Gulf Resorts, Sagucnay River, Atlantic Coast. Bost spots for Fishing, Beatiug, Batbing- antI Camping. Equipped wif bthfli uct Day Coaclies Pullman Wag ner Drawiug Ilon sd Sleeping Cars. For full information apply te Wm. Woods, Or write te Station Agent. M. C. DICKSON, D. P. A. HEAL BROS., IN PACKAGES, the pure Ceylon Tea eaui- ed Bee's iBrand the in the market. Try a package. Telephone 57. A.Wise manl Especially weou le eau perdisse the good article for a neasonabie surn of uooney, fberetore if you wish a wacliî, ciocli, weddiug ring, spectacles, a wed- ding prescut, a birtbdny present ou- table ware ton ycur own use eall 5f Rickard's. No letton goods for youî- mondy lu Canada. Any' vaiount of prcfty thiugs. Bownoanx iiie,Cauadiau, antI Jubiiee Seuveniers. Ail t heso goodsansd many more being soiti ut pnices wit lin tp fnlic eac et evrxreue. v and hundreds et flic river negrýoce, ail fluent cf the great river was completed u1teut upon une, of I{lonrst's men who and the first locomotive erossed theI was riding up and clown fhec une on stream. Trains are noiw runuiug daily t, bicycle. T[ho show wasircpea ted ail to the Inkissi, a, distance of 171 miles aieng the river, and it drew, like a from fhe, starting point at Aîatadi, and arcs.the last large strema on the way to, Stanley Pool bas been bridged. Tweu-l Many things are ehangiug lun4-ri- ty years enriier, lackiug four days, Mr. ca, and the bicycle la oee of th'e lac"st tanley, on his famous boaf journey proofs that the Park Continent is colrn do-xvu the Congo,, discovered fli Inlkissi. ing more and more into touc I with thieIt was in that region cf catargtct that outer worid. Bicycle 'manufacturers he, found his greateast impedimenta, andI had botter keep au oye ou Africa as a if took i hm f ive mouth, froi Marci field offering te thon limifless possibil-; 16 to Aug. 9, 1877 to crossfthe difficuit ities. The natives to-day look nupou the region between Stanley Pool anid Boma,, 'siti the feelings thaf once fifty miles f rom ftche s. ýTWenty rosie lu the savage bireasf at the siglit years la&;er, 171 milles of the jouclnoy of the locomotive, or îrou borse. But;iho ruiade lis covered every day by travel- some day the kepw(ledgle -'il1 dassu lers in a consforfable car sud ilu eight upon hlm that the bicycle won't Ibitei to feu heurs. Next year the ralroad sud fliat anybody may learu the secret1 will bec complet cd te Stanley Pool, andI of its equilibrif y in flve haif-hour les-I thon flic cutire region wliere Stanley sous. A bicycle era-ze lu lAfrica is toiled for five monthis, andI wlere his 1r4 GAsLGoThesGretEmreyRmd Many of the best known peopie in the land testify to its efficiency. It promptly cures Toothache and ail pain. Quickiy aiiays inflam- Mation, Wherever the shin is cut, bruised, burned, inflammed or diseased in any form 61Quickctre ' will. do its wonderfui work. Y PDr. Z. B. Ibbotsou, Major Royal Scots, Montreal, and Coin- mandant of Bisley Tearin u1894, writes: "'Quiekcure 1 is a treas-are,

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