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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1897, p. 7

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'r 1' /~ /~ c' 4 hi bah... OW 4 ItYUUI soplasnt use. ....... whissn you e for at lenhisofath ..... 44 Th letTîe opC. ss Montral. à Royal Mail Steamslrlps. Livorpeci. cati- Iiug at Mevilie, for Londonderry, evony Satunday, from Mlon- tme,i, caiing et Quobse. Peiin IitlrMy, 22 May, 2O. m. Catiriain 22 it'ay, 30 May, 2 p. in. *Laureutian i June', à i uue, 2 P. M. Nemnidian 12 Julie, 13iiiJune, i . rM. Parisien 50 lune, " 20 Jue, 9 a. in. aCartbagiiniaul26 Jane, n 26 Jilne, 2 p ma. Crliferni.a i Juir, 4 July, 9 a. ni. Laurentian,ist cailu nly, Catbagieflan, sud eabin oiy. aDo nt cali at Rimouki or i'novitia. RATES 0F PASSAGE., Bx Paris-aaird-c l fecuraLîverîaool aiS icon on 'ir o- r rr n 1is 7),, 50; 'oter, cil -lSe, 535, nii2 iruSCaIn iled Loudon,6.a5. Stere.-.Liverpoo,ilerry,' efat,ogw,Leudoia .950. BNLinidin or Lauirectkisit (abin, $52,5 ue60~i; rrturrr arOl,'1. $20. l cn LrrnnLorn), iii [Expres raIinrs frour Toronto on tira IridavY f %f 4enrrg aria aimoitr eat il-alie eveIinrg. ;î JFortic' aet a sriery I termutIon ap- c ý2 Yti'cHMayc Aouere rr -e o re iptis m ,yu ' 1 a Rlar irew, v-r'[w rrYOtrIf'y reel a 'y ptew '1v. ILr r' n -rxio feiciiy a w ' e'coce Ael ira UerXi e e - Irr[ru 'Of 1,'-".r r~r cur, r'rrl) rth anua ecarve tWmr'f-ly iica I-, tîoriI ci' ra c Vaiocl yph1ila Weakness' and Il Men Cured. "9 yoI 20i as in Mîich. 4[ Years Expciioncc Thosauda o youug men are made : norneus wrecks, unfit ior busin"ss, se. loi plecenîrca or home deies hy ovil habl.I.l youth, leter exceses, or pri- dtraiedssOr C_ P r] ir rata, ofAkron, 0., seoya: "i rn'ad this papor eue have soen me ry jaports oi remarkablo cures marie by D)r3. lKennedy andt Kergan. 1 decideit te treat wth thora. Iniscre- tHou ras the cerise c my trouble. I vas weak and Ilnrveus; no ambition; bock weak. pimpisou the face; thin sud haggsrd; eyes suaken eue cheekas hol- 10w; dreems andS drains at nigat, oce ory per; variceceto sud weak parts; Irritable; snkiug splia; specks beoro the eyea; teck or confidence; noeneergy; snd uîauy other comotaintaf 1 had triedfi ouiteen decters, becght feur eisc- ý trie bota teck scores o botties of patent mericinos all isilod. I trionS the New Ilethod 'frertmemt ofDrs. lKennedy and Kergs.u, sud it curefi me. ' ans e Man A&,ate. ihneegalled iwenty'six peus aud ou streug motaliy. phyaîcaiiy aud sexually. ItleI a wondrul treatreent." Blooni Disase-with the wort symp- toms: Utrers lu the Moeth or ou the tengue. bltches, eruptiens, heaito ln cul, boue paies, eyes roi, stemach trou-1 bles, sera throrat, etc., positlvoiy ured forever. Yoeu dare ot marry until cureni. Cures greranteeni or ne psy. We cure Syphilis, Nervous Deblity, Vaticocele, Faling llanliood, Stricture. leet, Unnatrural Discharges, Weak parts, Blunider snd Kidney Diseuses, Consultation ree. Books Free. If uneble te ca&I, write fer Question Blank for Hoe treetuient. Evrything cofidenial. Nothing sent C. 0. 1). No CURE NO PAY ORS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, - - IH MRE SUNDAY SCITOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 20. ' Fersonal 1epoislldllty." o.1,1-1 Goldenk Text, Hom. 14.21. PllACTIC AL NhTES. Verso 10. 'QVhy dost thoui judge thy brother? Revised Version- "Thou, whY dost thou judge thybrter1 There, are among the Jews many ve- pile givron to rigorous self-denial. The Essenes, as a. party were as ascetie as the puxer monks of the Mid.dle Âges. MauY of these Ëevere-minded people, becomîug Chriatians, hrought over in- to Chiristianity their sentiments sud methods. Butmamy other Christians wore converted froim the mest soif-n-- dïlgent idolatry, xhich revelod in feastiing and drinking aud e en se.- suai indulgence. They, whencouvert- ed to God, droppoed, or course, their sn- fuli idulgence, but retaîned neverîhe- less a more generous and genial de- Iîght in the goed Ihings of esilli than the others. These two parties dif- fored widely, pulled far apart, aud their hostility toeah other rent and tore some of the early churchos. The convrted lieathen, knowiug that tha gods they used to worship were n0 gods nt ail, feit that the food con- secrated to therm was consecrated to no- thing, snd were quite willing to eat that fooed. The converted Essenos, h- lieviug that the idols were inhabited by cevils, had an unspeakable repugu- auce for the food. that had been offer- ed to tliem. Paul regarde these as the weaker brethren. Evidemtly bis por- scual juïdgmentL js nearer to that of thie firsl class; hut ho warns both class- es against iacdc of charity; and this first question is ad.dressed directiy to thie "wealkor brother," the man who blames another man for indulgences which ho hirnle],drenot take; What business have you to. 'ju4 gO t WhY dost thou set at naught thy brother? This ou the other hand, is sddressed t o the streuger classa: Wby do you de- spiso the conscience of the narrower- minded man who is shocked by your behavior ? For we shal ail stand ho- fore the judgmeut seat of Christ. The strong and the weak, the liieral-minded and the narrow. We may poe as judges bore, but we shall ho on trial there. For " Christ"1 the Revised Ver- sion of " God." IL. It la written. Isa. 45. 23 As 1 livo, saith the Lord, The Ilehrew is "13y myseif 1 swear." Every kiiee shah bow te me, and every tougue shall confess te Ced. The time is ceuing wxhen God's will shah miue despite ail obstacles. Bowiug the knee may rofer te kneel- ing, formai homage; the confession of the tongue, te praî ors offered from the heart.. 12. Eve-y onelo f us shall give an- ceunt of himself to God. Revised Ver- sien, "Each ene," The account is not, thon, te ho given to eur teliew-men,; but te God. No influence. counts lu that court. There la no evasion, ne sliîghtirg, ne brihîug; ne morËai could bear te face Ibit piiYOlju<raeut were it rîot tha t -we have an Adve- rate with the Father, Jes'us C' rist tbe rigtous." Our lives, if wo trust lu Christ, are bld w 11h Christ lu God. 18. Let us not theretore judge e another anu; mre; but judge tbis ratb- er. Ilere is a witty turu v hi"ch briugs' eut ft protouund trutb, "Lot us n-t inake bel 'eve any longer thal we ar'e .iudgesud censure cur ueizrhbeurs, but let us rather hring ilu oee judgment" And vwbst that judg- ment iis tha rosI ot Ibis veise tels. Tht ne man put lu a stumb- ]îug- lin k r an nu'arion to fIslin ,his brother's way. The 'Itumblinlg-hlock" and the "osca5îeu te all" are almost Synbnymous - 14, 1 kuow', and arin pearsuaded. There la ne doubt left inl the ipmtle's mind. By the Lerd Jesus. lu consequeuco of is identificutiou cf soul with that cf Christ. There la nothiug unlean cf tself. Defiled or "cemmen." libat la, intrinsically unfit for the service ef God. Tlhe a-oo5le býas the LevitUcal view lu mi, xhicb regurded 7-'ertain th ugs us ly sud pure, aud the rosI as cosuron or unclean. -But te hlm thiat esteemetb auylb'ng te be unclean, te, hm il ma unclean. This is neot diffi- cudi te understand. It is lu accordance wiîb. a moral law everywbere recoguta- ed. A. man dtermines lie tell a lie, or wbal he, thinks is a lie, but 'abat ho sau s is really thre trulli. Nuw, that man bas nut deceived bis fellcxxmen, for ho bas told the, truth, but ho intended te doceive him, o, hho is guilIy of a lie. A man determines te steal certain thinoys frorm a ripfb neighhor. Unknow n to eatng o dinkËiug or Smoking, or go- iug le a place cf amusement, or indulg- iug lu a game. It has heen proed over sud ovci' agaîu, ave xiiisuppose, thal the st is intrinsically innocent, sud some man with much greater inteliec- tuai power Iran avo may laugliaI the idea of any oee esilatiug te de il. But I caunot do Ihat thing aithout aeakeiug my seuse cf riglt; 1 can- net gel rid of the feeling that the act la wreng. Very well, then, il is w reug, "Te hlm that esteembli aîything ta ob JFAUUIIUIlf 15. eut if thy brother ho griered__ avîi tb y moat, uow wasikest thou net ciraritably. Revisod Version, "For if, IN A MOMENT THE REV. T. C. HANNA becauseocf meat Ihy broîber 15 grieved'i BECAMVE A CHILD. Ilion wakest ne longer lu love." Wo 1 aili continue cuir "maire bliers." SUP- 1Hoe Loelst AUi ~enory Aften a Fail and pos now, that you sud 1i are ne long-' ,,,, v R ,A, ain tir,' te-rrous of ër she "-ý,,ck" people avisose consCiences JSltyod.. ae n ai are soesasily hurt; suppose raîber that Ilis e ho n asr u I.i ave are tire "stroug" people, avbe sesc eilr cliearly tiraIte go le a certain placer or M.any are thre recorded cases of bs te do a certain doed is net areug; but of memory folloaving upon accidents aveknoav at tir saimne time that the poor Christian aeakliug that lires acrosIlie tiraI affect the apine or nervous system, street belieres tiraI il is avroîag. W1,hat but few, if auy, have been accempani- thon-? Wliy, sccording te Paul the Sp- ed bY sucir poculilar conditions as those ctie, avho ariles uruder the direction obaerred in the case cf the Rer. Thoin- cf lire Spirit of God, ave are net avalk- îng ini love if ave "go"sund «"do," and as C. aenus, of Plantsville. Conu. ave are neot walking lu love The peculiairity that maikes his case wheu ave thirk of cuir neiglibor as exlraomdinary la tirat,, notwitbstandiug a "peor weaking Christian." "Grieved" haro means "made tae bel pain." " Ibrtese important lapses of meutshity, is isas hurt le conscience, avicb, vhie net ri'ntellectuai powers are lu otirnre-1 ireeessariiy fatal, may lead te violation spects more than normal. Ris acuto- or hardening cf conscience, sud f naliy nos bis poavers et observation sud bis ta a fall."-Marvin Rr. Vinoent. To aiiyt cur rfrgetrta11 walir ciarLtably, that is, inlu ovewithabiytecqrorefn reerta our neigirbors, is ouly bal of our dutY tbey ever aers before.r as Chrisîlaus, sud il is the, inovitable When Mr. Hanna avas plcdced up aft- outfloav et the other hall, aalkingine ifalh wstkntaisbrd love with God. t)estroy net hlmavth e i alh a arnbbsbad thy mueat, for avbom Christ died. "Meat" i'ng houslu an uncOnsuruns condition. mneans food lu general. Ris fathor, thre Rer, Thomas A. T. Han- 16. Let net thon your goed ho cvii Bptist clergyman of ssome 'ml lui- spoiren cf. "Your geod" bore stands n,5B for «"your liberty, youn ights." Do suce avas sent for, togoîber aitb othen neot stand up for yeur righrts if hy eofiris relatives. maiuaîuîng Ihîem you aeaken sins- Wiren they arrived tboy fouud hlm body else; do net lot the Gospel doc- trine ho diseerrntod by your 'pertili- In a staleofe comploe couscieusnes%,but aciîy ilu mainîaiuing au îusîg- with bis mind a blank. Rlis ability to nigicant principlo.. Pa agal.Swsalhikn - 17. For tire kingdom et God, aviicir55kwsgn.$oaa i i uw hors mally means the cause of religion, lcd9ec' fHe ie ticed nolhing sud no- irs itt meat sud drink. 'Not ritual, body, sud did not even sein te under.. net ferma. Il is usither performance stand tire nature sud purpose et the nom abstention, Il is "tho hearenly food brouglrt te hm. spirere cf 111e. lu whicli God's word and Spirit govern."-Lange. it is right- Yet iis physiosl poavers avers net soni- eeusuess, and pesos, sud joy in the OUaly impairsd. Howaas practically HeIY Glrost. Mutual coucord sud a uniujared. moral giaduess of beart; rectitude, LK AE harmony, sud giaduesa lu God's pros- LK AE once. Soretimes, ass ailty Funghish "Hoe avas a baba," said bis faîber, Iheologian lias said, Christianiss eom lt in speainig et bis condition, "mentally tijuitiraI God davoila avilir us for theasinrtofhehig uondg purpose of as gnorntinglI lbigsssrrruit- ual bll o , fre, and for h m as any nsw boru infant, I amn bld plimpose of giring us tirs pivilegeofetIhal dlurng thos final f ew da», afler tarking ahal we pleaso. This la cniy coming to s realizing senso, lie looked part of tire trutb. Our joy in the 1101Y Ghost sud our barmony ailir the up1)01n1tir e Poplelu the reom avil as brelhrou are as neal instruments sud lutIle concemu as doos lire few days old as uecssary instruments b aor ont chid. Thon lho began la 'talte notice,' God's wili in Ib-is worid as is rectitude sud then te leamu." cf belirvior. 1 Whe of ie bgan ta leamu, aller pass- 18. For ho u t is hse thinga serreth Two thînga only reursiued te hlm Christ, Rýerised Version, "Hb that froin the arecir of bis necolection. He hoerein arreth Christ," relerring le tlie had ben a silful and artistie, draugirta- Ibreefeld Christian ife liraI ave bave in. Ris siretcesaof mon and places jual ohserved. la accetable te Gcd, aers rivid sud trullitul. He bad net sud appreved Of mon.- Revised Ver- lorgetlen leav b sketch. Ho 100k the sien, "aveu piessiug te Ged." peuci sud paper, as hoe lad formemly 19. Lot us thorefore floea aler'the doune, sud sketched naturaliy sudailir thinga avirci make four]pesos, sud bingas eas. But iris siili sud originslity irad wheroatb eue may edîlfy anethor, Fol- gone. Mis draings aers noir cmrude. loaiug saine ancient suthoities, tbis ThleotcIer remuant efthIle pasî avas verse migirt read, "Seo evon ave follow tire alphabet. Hoexaouid peint eut the tire tiings cf peace sud the tirings Oet bItera avhen lhey aers calied sud in mnutuai edification," a short lime ire aas laugirtalejein 20. For meat dostroy net the work them inte avords. cf God. Revised Version, "O0verthrow 1 ERNN O ED not for rmea's sake, thre work 0olod. EAN-GT AD "The opostie sees lunaviatever tends tea"I remoember ailirgreal ririduos," 'villte. a brotber's conscience Ilie in- said bis faîber, "lire tiraI lest we made cipieul destrution of Goda a-wvork."-iDr. t e sc if ire couid resd. Upon tire Broavn. Ail Ibings lncleed sro pure. trahis oetiroom bong saine scriptural Ciesu. Ail riluai distinctions are aI au quotaticus. We shoaved hlm oeeof end. Tire principlo aviici tire "scrouýg" tos. At firsrtirhe combination et lot- prrty ihalire Crurcli mainlaineri is a tors iade ne impression upon bis mind, truie prin-,ipie, but, lire mo'rI other truie but sovly ho seomed te make cut tire priniciples, il la capa'hle of -very fl-maan nig of the smaller cnes sud pro- iscicus practice. But il is exil for tiraI nuuncei lire avords. man aviseaets witb offense. "ihoro "Tire b'g aords ire coeid net mast- ta, cririnsily lu tire minu vo se doesi or, sud ave tld hlm traie,-until ir e b- as te stumuletirs aenir hther"-Dr. came, able ta rosi tie taxis readiiy. Brownv. Wearme ail ilirta, eoxampios; Facir day ave turned over a ioal sud otirers lollorw us. gmave hlm a text te study, sud il avas 21. Thia verse tire RËvlsed Version avouderful le watch hlm- îiregross. closes witi tire word ý'Iunbleth," "The remrarksblo qualiy cf bis mind avicir indeod inciudcs ail Lire tirouglit Iing rapidiy Ibrougir tire abybocd peri- gitan in cuir vrsion. Tis sentence ccv- ,od, his pmQfress avas marvolîcus. Tiýre ers in iîseif tlIa glat of tire lessen. iras uàochiug; like eturiug memcry in Il is a xvrning againsl tirhe,> l ul thia acquisition etfirnewied1ga. Tire use of Christian liberty. procesa avas irhcliy liraü ettire ciild. - - - -- -- - - -Ererytiring was as new te hlm as w bon * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h BlR NRYS e as a baba, in lac,. Ris progres E-IAD O EYS.avas 'tire progress cf a wondemllly MirEs. Jaggs (suspicioîSsly> Ycuir eisireen uind. ara watery ssd terribly infllmed. For instance, tirey aveuld show hm Mr. Jaggs (w 11h an.iujured air>- a pLtoer. neavould l coraI il ailir Weil next lime you give rue a bible an expression cf complote hlauknass. fov s birîhday presaul don'I select 'eule Tiîey wouid repent lire word pitccier, ailirsuicirline prînt. P0intnug ta ithoeabjrct. He would repeaI iafter them. but wlthnon flash cf in- THAT MUADE A DIFFERENCE. tellhgeuee luniris face le show tiret iro And ou enthLm n ubrela?11Hew rememb>ered hsving beard tire word ho- very remarkabie! oe fw,.bolti e ohm Net sa very. Il waa one ]I mýd ber- But. iraviug heard il sud repaeated it, rewed from hira six mnnths hefore. th'e w erd shouid nover ogain ascape hlm. W benever ire wanted tire piteher ho would eau fer il. THE SWEET GIRL GRADIJATE. And se ilwaas wîth everytbing. Tirey TiraI Miss Wilcrwvby, thoey say, is a lauglit hlm lire naines of ail tire l'tm Didukaly snlgirî girl. hu iar jects arounul hm, sud ire acquir- remsrksblyon have t e lep ber oc, cd them in tire saine mannar as doos her esay ý1 theciid. bltaitiras remarirabie quiick- Yes, bei father arete liraI, bL, just u nsansd grssp of comprehension. in lhink, sire made ber goavu bersal. the saine maunar hlaarned tire naines of bis latirer sud tirose arcrrnd hmm, Ne M(imlUD DL Uumi~ r2coileclicu or appnecishion of relation- S NOjIYJIIlHlE IWUJIIJsJ U ship came te hmm xitb tira naines, how- AS TEY EE TIEI LITLE Jis l, vor. AS TEY SE TEIR ITTE ON'S' Thon tbey laugirl him ideas, sud ho MADE STRONG AND WELL E Y galirered tbem lu as quickly and as KOOTENAY WHICIR C01TAINS sureiy as ho did naines. lils present stabe is ils avouderfuil me- THE NEW INGRIEDIENT. tentiveneas. 'Hoeiras leamned waithin n sud ympairy.~ ~ te ca'- ovefew aveois warl aould urequiro sorer- A ick cbild always peltourov ai years' hard labor sn scireolboy. and ympthy Itcommands tbe tenderest We lare been wcrkiung paîieully ailir caceansd watcirfulness et its moster, wlae hlm, tescbing hlm te read sud dcýiug werîld glasdly sacrifice anyîbiug tb bave b-si ail ave tan le aid hlm sud heip m dacling mcili. acirta le relire avas." a chiliS as oeecoule virsh rer. Instances like tirese are viel Worthr ilý %;erious corsid eration oethiose baving si c 3r' sfforitîrg cilidren. -be)Ieteiail dswon istatemniS i'>of tiI&r- BESFORTABLEUSE above cases, tog-etber w us tmunidreilsco BEST FOR DAIRY UsE o)tiers, seul free, 1w' aridres-riing ire yEk ton UnA,'y man Medicine Ce., Hail'orrnt.CNDSATSCAINLrTO, ONT. Tire New lugrediarit r',oîrs wei. qDASLsoiAINCWNN rn otelssovranol.1 171 Promotes 'Digestion,Cheerf'ul- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opi-udLMorphino nor Miwcal. ]Noi' NAU C0 TI1C. rid SwmBrim- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms Convutsîons ,Eeverishi- IF Tac Siulçik nature or IS ON THE WRAPPH PR, 0F EYEIRY B3OTTLE 0P casIons ise put ap la ene.siîe botules enly. R fi nst soldin fabulit Dou't sllow anymne te oel you ssrything ese on thre pies on promise tirat At fi l"jist as godv anadiliarnswer every pur« pose," *rBSes tiratyen get 0-A-8-T-0-B-I,-A. Trhr foc- of 4 . 1e wrapPes. WIII be LeaSed oc i uatit'y, twîci la Qaity and three tinies in Price who inspect the -nequalled assor"ient ot Sip.pers, RubbersTks, Valises, &c., At our Store, MW-BEAVEÀR BL6Cli,-%U Bownialivill a BICGFEST STORE, BIG-&EST VARIETY, BIG&'EST VALUE. E vr vîy nvited to ciia itd sce our uew-tootv ea TEE S1E MÂ'I4 retuu sddeiyethos tkiu th ~-wbich mun within the tube, each carry- retrn uddnly oterstakng he p-iulg a piston Ihat fils the tube. The pesite view. pilales are previded at their periphery Meantimo the youug man's parents witb an olastic packiag fer making an have giron up theer hbenl Lewis- burg, Pa., sud have moved ta Plants- air-tight joint wlth the tube. The long- vile aill thir blîren Thir ffotsitudinal opening lu the tube is cevered arle repamd,, fr cidt hegmi net by an e si valve formed preferably are epaý fr te youngmanis otcf indiamubber, irnbedded lu the fae cf 0111Y unflagý gn u is deosiro ta iearq, whioii is a strip of steel. but appareutiy forgels ncthing once bold hlm', ne malter bow lrifhing the MOTOR. POWER. tubjct~The, pendent plates which are attaohi- ei te the carrnage top~ are fermed with laIerai flauges, whicà jotn aI the for- Baptist Young Peoples Exeursion. avard end et the trolley sud constitute pso hsa kiud of avedge for lifting the longi'. One ef the pleasaulest trip fIi tudinal elastio valve from ils seat te summier aili ho Ibal cf the Baptist open a passage for the pendent trolley vouug peeple te Ibei aunual ceîsvesî- plates tien te o beid lu i Chattaneoga, Tenues- The compressed air used as the mo- see. lu July next. The official route tiva Power ls pumoped aIt permanent sta- fer Cunadians avlll hoclihe C. P. R. R. to lions inte roceivors sud counected ta Detreit, tise Cleveland, Cincinnati, the permanent avay tube with pipes sud and t Luis Big Fou Rete)caps. A small higl pressure pipe fixed Chicagu n t i BgFurRut)aieng the tube serves, as the end valves from Detroit le Cincinnati, aud the are closed sud communication is open Leuisville and iNashville, Ciattaneeg9a between the pipes sud the susponded and SI. Leuis llailrosds from Cincinnati tubes or tubular ay, te suppiy the le Ciattanooga. Returuing. tickets compressed air ta the back of the piston wi 11 hogood.le stop ever aIN asbville sud ta force forward the carrnage. Expesitie n sud Mammentli Cave, One This arrangement provides for th. lare for round trip frem ail points ipressure being putt ou aI convenient Canada, anîd special threugb cars frorn points in the system. lu ioug distances Terute Fe fui nfomaton ddrssaddilional pumpiug englues may be Tornto. Fr fll nfomaton ddrsserecled. At the jonction cf the sec- Fred L. Ratebiffe, Canadian Transport- lions the tube wvli ho open ta the st- ation leader, 21 MeM'ilan street, Tor- mosphore, and the impe.tus givon ta the ente, Ont; C. S. Blackman, G. E. A.. trolleys aili suffice, whon dasîred, te Big Four Roule, 447 EllicotI Square. pass the suspended carniage from oe BufÉfalo, N. Y. 23.3w section te the other, sa that on the -- ciosîng of the end valve in the new section reachod, the propeihing powver, A RAILWAY IN THEAIR' sppliod as hiefere, wihl continue the pro- gress cf the carniage aitheut auy iuter- mission. nirhard Iix's Selhenie for Propelli Aëial Cars By Cenapressed Asar, NEW PROCESS FOR IWAKIXG STEEL. -Wheu the ides of Richard ix 1o A despaîdis frein Chicaigo says :-Fred- London, Engiaud, is carried out, people t oricir Haakinsý, of Detroit, sud T. P. wil ho able ta travei tbrough the aI- Laphage, a mechaniiaesisginser cf Lon-. mosphore In cars hlrgh above the earth, dan, Eng., avis buduit erorwyl iron f ur- itnpelied hy conipressed air. IL aili ho naco lun the Brmingbam, Ais., district a rsilway aithoul engines. aithout avrill the excoptiKS cf four, are ta dom- cabls, wtbou elctriiîy.The on-esrate te sn Englis1h syndicats that cabeswitoutelctrcit. Te ps-tboy caf procure tugots from avhicli songer coachos are tb ho pendent from steel la tmade at a ool cof twc,-tblmds a tube overhead. Compressed air is taocf that now chaxged. Laphage enys ho forced tbrougli Ibis tube from the Ibal ho, had alreadly made the epri cenralpoeýrstaio an th cr wllmont Iwico at Birmnigham, sud only cenralpowr satin ad to cr ail came te Chicago aI the invitation of ho propellod. This suspeuded tube or Greene Brollions, who are thie finsuncial permanent Wvay is made cf iron. It is agentýs iu thes city osf an Engliali syn- open aI ils under side from end taenedi diat' of which Mr. A. F. Bowni of sudsuportd a au dsird biglt h tLondon, !S at the, bead. MIr. Boven la attice girtdr a rri e i rerinhter- newenroule tate rUnited StatIs. lattie giderscaxred atPropr iner- mWreil is said ho will immediaîely let vàls hy pîliars or posta. The tube is contracta, for more Iran tw'enty of lu sections, aill opeuings at the suds tire biggest factories ini the country. Il vins said home on Thursday niglit tirat cf escli section whiicir are closed by the fllnsis Steel Comapany bas offomed valves. Haavkiaïs tire inre4se sum of $60,000,- The longitudinal oponing lu the tube oco fer bis patent, sud that tire offer provides toorIbhe passage frein end t w-as proîmpiy refused. Il is positirely end et s pair of pendent pistes, from know'.n that Hawkins bas rsifused $500,- which the carniage 15 suspended. These 000 fur arne-Âgith intoeet in tho plant pistes sererally depend frein roley, thal le te be conestructed aI Chicago, VIWIWwvwww

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