TERM$ :-81.50 PER ANNum. NEw SEPRiEs. C< :-ch, Johnston & Crydermanl only carry tic finest stock of Cfarpets a nd Lace Curtains, but they also show Goods, Siiks, Muslins, Prints, and Fancy Cotton Goods of all kinds, in West Durham. Also a big assortmeut of Parasols and Urnmbrellas,irnported direct from tie manufacturers iu England. Ticy are alse showiug a big range of Ladies' Blouses moide by Williamns, Green & Rome, whose goods are ad- mitted to be tic best fltting and most stylishinlutic market to-CLflT. patterils auici perfectly. We would tic fincst stock of Dress .r9~ -. ~KcRrr-L1 I dI îL '5inf .R VJAIS'n They have also oceeu appointed agents for tie P. D. French Corsets, every pair cf whiiei i tailor eut, fits to perfection and warranted to be Sina dle cf tic vcry best nîaterial. V Also a big stock of White and Colored Shirts. Tiese are made ini thc newest guarantecd te fit cmphasizei the fact mat wve darcume iaigesT, impo¶JI of D)ry Goodis in -West Durham, tiat we are striçctly cash buyers, and that ne icuse i Canada selîs yas good goeds for~ less money. ealland SnozkOur 13OWMANVILLE. N E L 1 G EL ie TRADE MARK Coueh, Jollusion ~ CryUermuu. E!eylon Tea... fil these days of Package Teas one sornetirnes hesitates to Che particular br-and to use. 'If you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no0 mistake. It is the lts and greatest success iu the art of Tea IBlending, com1- îiing 1Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put, up in or- iginai~lead Packages of -è lb anid 1 lb ecd in black and black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c and 50c per pound. Cali at o& Co. adget a package and yout will be convinced of its superior excellence and delicious flavor. We are special selling a.-nsfor Bowmanville of these fine Teas. Our, Crocery -and Crockery stock is com' >1.jte. We ask you t%'o favor us with a trial order. Prodi ce taken. CHINAHALL YOIIG &ol Bowmanville. The Groéers, Arter îYou : S*ecure your Furniture at Al. D. WILLIAMS & SON'S Your best and cheap)est pDlae to do- so is at their ware- rooms. W0~ will be plcased witlî -whrat yen buy frein us; our goeds and prices suit all classes. BOWMANVILLII. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Ùîsldertakirsg aJways recives'pî'oipt an, proa tetnday or~ igt. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TITI ORLD FTERWARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOWDSA, JULY 7, 1897. Intrînaic value o! Hodsaraaii-lTaNks Meit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood'a Sarsapanîlla possegnes actual and unequalled curative-power and there- fore It has tris. melt. When you buy Hood's 8arsaarilla, and taire iii acoording to directions, to purify your biood, or cure any of the înany blood diseuses, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure la there. You are not trylng an experiment. It wiii make yolr blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germe of disease, îtrngthen the nerves and build up the whole system, Sacrsapari lia TH E- PH RENOLIN E REMEDIES Takînig the lead everywliere. We are working day and ni2-ht to supply the deîuand., Our correspoiideuce shows that hundrcds uipon liunidrecls of poor su 1fferers- are bing restored to health andl happiness dailsý Try ou r---- Rheý-umatic Specifie or ~n ey and Liver PiHls la the best, ln fac-the One Truie BloodPurilfer. TIie., are absolutelyipune andJ ]PreparedonybyC. I. Hcod&Co., Lowel,Mlaîa halbl.Gruianmteed b cur Lile 11 mmlrge, MD nor nsaiîaucSciatica, Neucralg, Hlood's Pffis Do fe. ldrugU?.ts, unlgoa25i0o.scfI.im rTh fm. ![leware of Spuroums imîntations'. clialle 1 lu Bowanville by STOTT& Iytone Pe-Výisitedl. An 0Old 1oy's $Idy CIIAPTER 1 ti11Sot ar dad. Tise only boy Tomn, 1 retrace my stops toxvards the village, lives n h farm just southi east cf the pausing a few minutes on niy way down1 vi]lage. om was always a lively boy to tunuil at tise old, now aliost de- aJlmsfotqieîm d dwîy serted gravoyard. Most cf tiose who Miss Scîtsý home snnncundings are formerly rested here have heu-mm disin- beauilith ilade trees, ilirubs, grass terred by friendi andJ laid ln Bo wnsan- an(]ioees ville cemetory,bsmt a 105vfainmisams iec to tîsis is [lie house cf Mr~. Thos. art, sili engnaved oni tho slting head- Curtýis. 1eat s a iiew pin. Folcwiiig stones. I Jo îlot cure to linger bore 1 ion owu arive ut Maple Shade, the musing ovon suds thougmîs nas arepîpcycfMns. Agîses Marris aud, uow contaiîsed iii Grey's Elegy, fon it always renîed nd 1orccpied by Mr. Wm.Wight scemed to me the sentimîents cf tîat aJfmU.Mn. Wi ght is lu the stock icmaable poeum would mincî more Ib'n uiesand is aiso samitany t ly îlvo Bethesda comeier:v than oiiceuor Trcm this season. Mn. this it boiîmg the lait restiîsg place cf John hoidg au faîuily used [o live lu so nsanY old residents cf thus neighîbon Ibis hocc befone sttling lu the eity. I hood. There is one grave, hespever, sîilil ea ,, trIhe bo ys initiais on the even here where the mould liles compar-eve-ecei i k front cf the door. atively es iil[eyelmiecvr Asor distance down I espy a hnild- ail [luat was montai cf R. Bancroft.Iig f[h.mînstkabeS.A i.,le cf Poor geulal "Nortliwand," wlat an rhtcue lt; was formerly a bar- j flîghts art thv spirit uow talcig,my nacks foi that organîzation but tihe old timne fniesdf Peace [o Ihy ashes corps wiih(ihfiounished bore longer Ilian aud f"agramut thy uumenory. 15 t toc an' cfthe surroundiisg villages muih to heave a 51gh or dnop a teai- ait iîalyisb)auded. Mn. John Collacult the necollection cf a once brilliant but had lb eý-onv erted mbt a machinery hall, erratic genlus forcing lîscif imto chan- not a 1:- (!i use. Ho does quite a Ihrivîng iels wiiere tth, sIclm ias bliigtesthucesI'mtiiitsefmipe boit nover did rnover coulJ inJdevelop' m"Ili îsdbiccle ageoîcy lices ment? But ail tîat happoned befosre 1 Rwihrd ÉBrantoni, I soc, toiliîsg, 1 knew hlmismyii acquaimtance began away, a1utIle stiffen, a trifle cimier lookF ln tempernîce wonk, a cause lie ivas ing hbu adwcrliiîg as even He 10e oser îvilling [o aid. 1 was s5cm1 10 tind lias liou akiîg suprovoIenets lu bis bis iast resting place lu this louely home suds (ýas hansdome wviisdosvs and neglectemi spot, but ufter ail wîîat mat- newi-trouit doon. Gnand'fen Branton tors it. 1 go contou iegrl)~ ias passed ýAont cf t[lifle and liiiformer, te [lie ssvamnp wisone 1 do a little bottan bm mtotli isl f str.usgýenýs. 11.t iziug for the ilue cf <sIc)limes. Manxy hie(- uiia ng1tkmimno ighltwel gr'et a tussie ['vo nuruuunagcd thro ili bit 04 ins-vi ie as lI leistirel 'v male my îva ' bush for tenus on lowercs ini nyvcuthful cvi sru., Nontih side. mîcue other duys aud got lbit liere cime evesîhur in a bis the bolot ai shoe hpo n V tangle cf uudcrbrushs. H E.HIl -.jovial, bnuuk, auJ umtoucbed by tÀ.iie so tfan as I can sec 3fr. icks The lounit' fa rin lxworkeul hyMn. comIîtinues teimake and memmul.buy and dos. Haîvkey. île is a iver y thoncugh soif. ýynone w-ould usot kiiow itici1f g cn, psigimce n aes tleY withu[ hlitm. Iliiismueirgroussuls, tel me as well ot cf ma reuited place as etc.. ar ýe veny prc Il','anJ iîvi timg but. domy con thr ocxii. 5cu wolildli't sicmnetsg or soiîribcdN seelrned want- Rnow the placé arrosi, [lic noad here- iîsgaootfise place. It as Jo1sîni Mn. JosepliPeoifoiis ',,itîs s0 changed. veýs, 1 issed Johuimvý,1 for tisat ivas tbe B', Ibis flime 1 ans g rttiîig used [c it,but isarse iVe knew lsun b)', from tise oldeit sîotwithsiamidiru.g [tuu ilis at thse gale cf t 1 [ longest. Itis ivelYiserscuutity lime orsamentalwire fonsce [o asako a auJdhsýunvxdisposition 10 m. inagelu mv brief rail aasut Ctisosame tusse tai5e in goodsxfonkmamie lsimna gemeaifavorite. tise tastebai surrmnnoanmgs. Year aller But ý,tiiý1ideliai carieud liut ulauJ year cf improvemnentu cii the bousie las aw' a., [nom bis native Isaurt,, et umot so l)eesm anpl v rewarded by-tise additionai or if or 1tiey bell me li iicelv coinfoni th le ihulottes. Tisessadle stemj i,l is tle family lu busîness lawsu anJ floîver ormier are testisionials at Tmssi nooJmcto bo a loive Ion the beautifi. Tho Tyrnsese A !iitjl1 o bise1vest anJ back. (mcm the are pre-cîusîsmcutIy a ilouer iov 100- ncad Ythe ong-grcîs liseisise pie. Mrs. 1'eîfouild aanugistoshv nuu. , looks, g-od 1bouse wbere r isse rare ivnces as xx li as mînmy ud S mc Robet Hom!_igiusued1 gesserai favorites. 1Isvmulc[ gladly pais tisse(m stewiltiesi old mwo ffbia.y oves-but cansuol omit îssestionilîg the waas Ii Hodgsn andusany is od saciox tîut darkened tlseir h011onue50ewe iicflslsiitrauo iy early- sorsimig last Noî emuser, fticse ms [liec O imî,4abibunt ho thmeiu cf recious coispaniomssbip, iii _Nov tjamiiirct cf the cîcliut I! the deatis cf tîmeir son ancd brother,ssaibuetme1iok Itatcro- Frederic. rThe perfect cincie is broken, noîv. J sto ane pu o 0pi tho lighsi naclîatirmginschien spiesc'anJ ligliti ove. BiLit roxt it, boweven, yet lie is isever nealiy absouit, iseven a'u1oh uprsnav imse. Mrs. forgobuen iii th isearscanasd housse lie Gnegc -Y tsed [o live liee 1s1lien tiie loved. lbix-aa gesierali 'y dilupidateul old Tisene is juil assothen place I slcpped buiLdung,_1 huit since 'Mn. John Muttomi [o look ut alosig mls iii he, tii-.' ormnertook hsolul cf it the chanze isnmuanxelons. nesiencecf M. Jois Muuuisg, r M. Jobîs Coiwili, jr ,oîvilsîaumiocesupies pnovio S co [bat tise souse ofMn. John~ Mrs. Býel's utIle cottage. Ile liasa Hielyar, in.,,up [o bhe fimnie ho ef t boot vaIiaiule adcditions erected ini bbc rear and suce makisîg isere bo enteri on a and trie grc ,'ds eneraliy intpïoved. more lucrative business in Bowinassvilie. Mn. m'îsil is one of lie steanslinslen Mn Manning's canthix' labors are over. ownensý. Mr. John-Pliure îvho bonghLt Afler ]islufaIsons dealli bis sous John aJlxdu b l m.Hoe disposed of [lie prcpenty anJ punciased wluîmgsieur tise oust endilus[lie othen one rauch more comnfortable an,] attrac- steoum -tlinesher owner Tyronebousîs of. tive ou King- st., tise. bouse.MMn T. T. Mn. Fos.Byers'hlouse:(foi-mei'y widôw Jardjine renodelled soine yeuns ago. 1 Gnav' ) sl shut up for tlie summen as ho missed [lie old HIllYar shop fnoînils and Mn-s. Byers are ruslicatiug on their usual place but fouud ilubail morcly funm baci nonîli for tise sumimen. jcurueyod a littho [o the ixest îvbere . nnlu th days wbeu tise iububitausts of Manning, for comvenienco sake, liad il Ibis isýtrict consîdorcd it unususal and placed on bis iawu, ausothen oxample cf unseoml,ýý y for a man on womuu te louve beauty giving place t0 ulility. J oke one and returu witbout getting over [ho fonce a minute or two ut bis "gloriouisly full", tîvo boteis woro bultit apainy, for 1 am aware John liai kcpt su Tvrono. To-daY. thauki 10a tunils becs bis muiy ayoanI sawwbat ltde, not a vestige of boteldomn is le iooked iike a gardon full of bives and lie fouind. Thc bouse 1 amn lockiug ut hummens., Il is [lie lungest apairy lu now wa-,,,is for manvyvears put b Iliat bbe vicinity and Mn. Manmning, 1 under- use i oit bas for lonig onougli been sncb stand, findu ready sale for the Jelicou a dîffrent looking place [bat people produet of bis busy 11111e okers. haveý weli nigli forgotten il. Mn. anJ Mn. Juas. Bingbam lîve there ucw. Mis Juil across on the othor corner lob brother Mr.Gilberl Bingham asd famailv live thie Misses Scott. Mn. and Mrs. lîved Ibene for severai youns preceding ____________________________bt now like toc rnany familles are catedfar and wide. Gilbiert we biveis favored in baving bis lhree ý1 dauglibens, Mr. John 1. Bell, Mrs J.W.1 ~ ~ MePienson and Miss May Bingbam, ahl vs11nswitb hlm cf the saine town, 1Total CL.ARKE. 1 Florence Recd, Port Granby, $21385 2 Louis W. Atisiisomi, Newcastle, 17.20 4 John W. Bradle ' v.Clnrke,. .10i 5 Famînie M . ECllenor, Newcastle, 16ý.70 7 Clrec Rc. lrlie,........4 8 Minie isloCoc . 7 9J Agnzes Waone, Nxc8te ..2 0 10 BertF. ha auate, rkv .1,87.0 15 utephSi Mpsouýi, lekq )..7 1 Ehe W. ADr, NwateJ ..09 17 Chas. E. Sutton, Kendal,...19.95 18 Eva Jolinstone, Kirbvy ........25.45 19 Bella McKay. Pontypool .9- - 90 20 CUnion with 20 Manxers, ........ 6.00 21 Stella Cobhledîck, Ono 90 22 Irene Joîvoîl, Orono,..........1.0 23 Unionm withiiDnigl 1...7 1Total $5382.00 This Hot Weather' YOU ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLI EXHAUSTED. Paine's Celery Compound is the (Great Builder and Recuperator As a rule there is no pain following psical and mental exhautstion and dbility. You know you are weak, faint and languid, have loss of rnemory, depres- sion Of spirits, with a wastmng of fle^bi Your troubles proceed simply from nervouas exhaustion, and though you are flot suffering pain and agony, be assured your condition is extremnely perlions, and demands imnrediate at- tention. That wonderful streamn (the blood) that runs to every part of the body, supplying the most minute nerves and tissues, is foui andi poisoned. lu your present condition vour blood is flot a life stream ; if is a stag nanit pool of disease and dealli. The healthy', haie aud strong, that bear up during the hottest weather,a id that are blessed with cleant. pure blood ai-d steady nerves, aie thse people w ho make use of Fainecs Celerv Conpound, t4e onIv medicie ,tha t rex it-iizes the biood, tisat fortifies tho ners cils SvSti, that givcs perfect digestive power, sound sieep, aiuJ aiiewleise i if tiiose adi anced in s cars. Paiie's Ceierv Comi-pound î.L the ,great. miodeviielixir of ut, ,and nei w 011(er t1hat (lOCtrs approN e cf It u stroniglv recoiuauud it, Wb ii go on inw xkelesai iiiisery ,v ie sba icdicne i r S lîeaIllm, iges at[1(1new- h e ? Ve recr ommiend lic untried reaiely.Exn bottie of Paluses CeleryCnpudi w arranted to do the w ork it proirises. Thiere is health and lite in every drop A. jAMES, Edi1 àr an, Proprietor. -VOLUJME XLMY, o. 28. CARTWRiGý 1 Georgina Iland, BuÀ. eton,. 20.30 2 Isainli Barclay, Black5îock,..66.50 3 Emma King, Cadmus,........ 15.75 4 Mary E. Virtue, Purpie 1H11,.,.. 11.00 5Percy Edgerton, Cadmus,...26.25 6DW.Ciarke, Cadmius,....... 24.80 7 Thos. A. Milîs, Coesarea,...81.85 8 E. W. Mclaug-hlin, Blackstock,25.35 9 Frank Jobllîî, Nestieton,...14.00 Total $236.00 S. MONAGiLXN. 1 Peter Gillespie, l3ailieboro,..25.50 2 Addie Staples, Bensfort,....31.50 ii Francis Waterman, Bensfort,. 15,80 4 E. Chas. Beer, Bensfort"...2635 5 Perey Wîlgar, S. Monagliau,... .19.35 Total $118,0 i Eber R. Frayer, Yeiverton,.... $518.30 2 Carnie Syer, l3allyduff. ......2,.30 3 Isabe Robinson, Bethany ...16.90 4 David Sornerville,' ". *...19.65 5 Ed. Mitchell, Lîflord ......... 21.20 6 Edgar Staples. Fleetwood..18.00 7 Thos.Birchard~ J a netville... 61.20 Hlattie Sodeu5ý 8 .Robt. W. Clarke, Pntypool... 17.15 9 Jos. Gmllesby, 1 . . 68.10 10 W. S. Irvine, Jaîîetville ...11.70 Il Albert Bradbumn, Franklin.... 9.00 12 Burtons Blackwell, M t. Hemoh.. 2.00 13 Jennie Sherman, Lotus... 21.10 14 Laura MeNeil, Pontypool.-27.40 laimes Moffat 15Esi Matson Bethariy..58.90 19 UJnion with 18 Cavan,.... ...... 7.35 20) James Ryan, New Park.....5.75 J)URMÂM COUNTY SCMOOLS. Beiow we give the naines anîd posl office addresýs sof the Public sehool teacmiers ot Durbamn Countv, icludiag the town and the incorporated viii ses, for 1897. The grants to the vai ous schools for 1897 are also given. 'l sie grants are appontioned 10 the Munieý, al. ities on the ba sucof total population and to the schools lu the rural sections' om the basis of attendance for the whole of tise previcus year. NEWCASTLE. $65.00. HughlDavid 'on B.* A., Principal. L. 13. Davidson, Jennie Curtis, Agnes Delamioun. AIILL.BiiOOK. $12'9.00 David Hamnpton, Principal. Charles Irack, Sarahi Dean, Eunice H-etherington, Annie Pendrie, uowMANvILfLE. $368.000 R. Dý Davidson, Principal, Sarahi E. Moorcraft, Ethel Hall, Malcolma McTavish, Ella Fligg, Ida Gould, Minnie Jennings, Bertha McWain, Chas. Kei hi. Jossie Laing, roa nOE. ODEL SCHIOOL $578,00. Frank MWoodPrincipal. R. A. Lee,' Ada 1-aidav, Mary Strickland, Lizzie Walker, Annie E. Wade, Annie Cheer, Mary Booth, Bella Stevenson, Berîha Sing, A. E. Shepherd, tfende Sinail, Alice Budze, Eunil', Harmuer, "dai'yMuie, Mand McCallurn. DýARLING VON, 1 Ada Bickie,' Bowmanville ,,.$15.W) 2 Bella Lawrie, Bowmnanx Ie,...oc.0 3 EdIgar Alln, Bowruanilile,..25-80 4 We le ancock, Countice,...21-10 5 l3etha Morris, llowmran vile- 30.00 6 Mim-nie Spry, Boxvmnvillc, .... 25. 00 7 Frank MXoore, Burketon,.. ý21.1,5 8 John M. Roberts, Courtice,..37.70 9 Miiimie IIow son. B9,wmuanville, 27.40 10 ary Creba, TYroie,..........16.355 Frank J. Uroat apo, .85 Anîx Armour,' arpon .85 12 Edith Eigg-s, T1aunton,........ 21.75 13 Rolit. H-. Sephiens, 'l'roie, ..24.35 14("Cyrus Siemon, Enfielàd........ 20.35 15 Edth Wigg, Emfield, ........ .0 16 Win. A. Noble, Eîsniskilleiu, .,.38 00) 17 Elijalh Hezzelw ood, Enriiskillen,13 45 18 Adelaide Masvlbray, )'voie,07 Mai-y Potter, yrîe1.7 19 Wm. Trenonîli, Sollua,......... 9,0a) 20 lialph McLaren, Solimia,........ 38 05 2t Ettie Carepocil, hlaydomi, '.21 380 22 U nion withî 22 Clarke,...... -.... 3.50 23 tno wiriwth 20 Manvert..... .....25 (C VAN. 1 Ida Skume Mt. Pleasant . 8 9. 00 '- W. J. staey,.........3090 3 W. T. Halligan, Fairînount.. 18.20 4 Ethel M. Sharpo, !da. ....14.95 5 G. C. Staples, Cavan.....46,00 7 Victoria Sharpe,.. ........16.05 8 Ida L. Preston, Millbrook,..23.65 9 S. M. IIawlkis.rasrville . 23.65 10 Lottie Lee, Millbrook......22.00 il Uniomi with Millbrook...... 18.00 12 lÂia A.* Mig-ht ......6.80 13 iMarg't Whiie "...[16.65 14 J ennie li'obiinsoii. S. Monaglian 24.00 15 MNaggeeLucas, ]3aiieboro .... 13.70 18 IaShw, Millb.ro-z ......... 6.75 19 Alarion L.edîhbrid' e, Millbrook 10.70 20 U nion with i Maux Crs....... 9.60 21 cljion wiffh 5 S. Muonagî;an_... 9.90 '22 Unaion with 1 S. Mooiaghan,... [7.50 Total $338.00 110 lkE. 1 ACa V. Shas, Port Hope.tf40.80 2 Lena M. Day), esl.vill.9_1.10 3Maud V . BrandlPort Hope. 24.80 4 Florella S. Pearce , 'Wehoine. 58 90 5 Neil S. MeDo0a-,1, 11 ... 28.45 G3 Eliya S Zmifi iomi.... ... 17.00 7 Sarali-A. Rbl o eu.Hope 29.15 15 etud a kinsCantoll.16.40 10 MAniel i)eyut.ol saca..ooýý......122.50 17 HMarper Cr, oGarden 1h11.. 18.40 18 Stanle, I1. Pickup, Millbrook. 16.60 Total $463.00 A NEW MORSE. Mr. Chiester Power, Maple Grove, has had suchi extensive patronage of "PeteÎ thse Prince" that he has got another Clydesdale staihon '-Ingranis Heir," 6950, and lias put hlm on tIhe same route with [theother horse and will keep hlm for service at his stables wherm the route season ends. "Ingram's Heir" is a wýell.bred horse,' with much quality and style and was fourth prize winner lui a strong class at the World's Colurnbiau Exposition, also hi class for American bred Clydesdales. Me is a beautiful bay with wvhite stripe on face, off hind leg white, foaled April, 1892. Fie is a fine looking horse and should cominand a large patronage from farmers of this district who are going more extensively again into horse breedinir. See hlm. eý( J. For ,l.l i LEVER 'r ~. ta.ISV. 'TP T'~0iiW XV PESE SVÏSUP n1-es (ouglî'm, olir, 1ioam~se eus,. o, t. 'I1'ismo~st,.tsthmn, lEro ichttis, et", I1URDOCIÇ i'lLL'~ ,im flot gr.tpu~ (mi. Hencinelse, Total $555.001 x1 ~ $408.00