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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1897, p. 3

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HAVE USED AND ITS SALE IS STEADILY . INCRE-ASING. Have vou tried it ? The AiDertToilet cap c'., Mrs. ~Montreal. SUoyaiMaIl Steainships. Llverj oo,cail- ln,- at Moville, for Londo-odery every Satur ty, fiom M'ýon- treai, cailhg Lit Que3bee. MONTREAL. QI EBRO. 'NunIdan ..SthMay, Day igt..Sthi May, 2p.m. Pr s ný.,15tbMay, ' 16 -Maya.rln. inrt uln 2May, - M l~2 .ni. dalîfui i 29 Mav, 30 May, 2 Pl n. "Laurentian 52 une, )Jne .M Nurndîaîc 12 Julie, J12 n ý, a. ni. Parisiar î9ýj'aie, 50 'ien, 9a. M. Crtgnan2e, Jnuc, 2f; June, 2 1 ln. Calîforia 2, July, 4 Jnly, 9 a. m. Lanreriian, lit cabin only, Cactbatglin, 2nid cabin oniy. Do flot cali lit RimonokI or Moville. RATES OF PASSAG~E. By Pari I&nannd Califoria LIverpool anud LouDdordrry-Ist Cabin , i52.50, 60. e71), -î50; returu,0, $114, -433, - U~. 2nd Cabîn, (Includ- ing Londoni)436.?5. Stecragýe-Liverpool Derry, Blfast, GlasgowLonldon -e23.50. By ~umiis.i n a~ r~c-esta.Cabin, $32.50 yNnuidian or Carthaginian, 2nà Cabin (nu e loding London), 8341. By Nnmidiauý, steerage, c2 0 MExpress trai!ns from Toronto on the Frid'sy Mrnîng arrive at Moný'real 6 saine eveaing. Pasqsengers eau go on boîtrd ai once. For tickets and excry informatiol csp- Ply to Ii. A. JMS AlIain Lione A nt, I3owmacax ile TRADE MARKS, DE SIOCNS, COPYRICHYS &o. Acc-onc sendlng a shetch and description may quîeltly,%ýccrtain, trac, whether an Invention ta prcbably patentabi-. Commnuicatons strictiy con"detiai. Oldest aeuey for securing patents ln Amrca. Wc have a Washigton office. Patents taIr2n ibroueli Munu & Cou. reccive apecal notice in thei 0LU EN'dTI10 AMERICAN, beautifully illi'îtrated, largecît circulation of iflV scientifle journal, weeiy, ternis $.t aâzcar; $i.â0 six ironthi. Specien copies andRAND fleUK ON P-ATENTS cent froc. Addresa MUNN & CO., 161 Broadway, New York. KEN N ED0Y &E R GAN Specialists in the Treameni of Ne'rvous, BIuod, Sexual and Private Diseases Y M -iYea- re. amiu s j YUUI1 IMNdespoudent; Weak andJ lbltated; tired moruinga; nu umbi ien: IE ina mcmory puer; eas l atig ed; ectable -eyes aunke n sdbnrrcd; c cm ls on fce dre nsadight losset; i n cs t stool eoozing on exciteuient> bp.-rd l.ouking e ca ack; bouepainis; iohms barloose; sure tbroat; vrijoi-le; ri' d!nc onfidence; cînpe ce ;aok of eurgyand This important ptcp ini Glife sbonld nuer rbc i- ,I until youe are positirely curerai it b ave been weakenced or dcseasù ., tiemember "Likefatet/c, litce nlee ions, varicocele, permtorrboc 'n syphilis endanger buppincs i marieC 11e. Oir lNew Mtbod cures theni pe - nanentiy. If you are Married "ensult ns ai oce, as we eaun restore yonr strength. vial emergy aud cesrffl. if yiau wish i, arry, oui- advicemay be worth a fortuno 7h~N~wK~to~ 'i'at~ntTb's lys. New Method was discovered by os several eears ago. It buds np and streugthens r the' nerroos system; restoras iost vitality r ta the sexoal organs; stops ail drains and M loses; invigorates and restores lost man- ý-, buod. It neyer failsnlu cring tberesuLItSý of Self Abuse, Later Excesses, Blood Dis- esses, or the effects nf a Misspent Lite. SCURIESGUARINTEED (er* 01n NO FAT Wîhat we Treat and Cure! F-misslons,Varicocele,Sypht- Glee-t, IMpotenCy, Unnatural umischarges.LostMaflhood,Kid- ey and B 1derD 1ea. . Con- t".Wit f u e sti on B ankfor D _ e emas n._t w eek 148 heiy S.. Dtrot.- IcS r ~~ ~redr ',i îjý Jl ac{ red than alxty yr Dashnnn 'N TE A OU T E UE N te uen lA frexampleLnrmte u±LII .)0 1 ll~Jthe catbedrals cf Salisbur-y, Wn b nu u -OU- ter, Wocester, jler-ford, Oxod hs (TI FORGOTTEN AND HITHElfOU- e.Pagr iehfield. lExte ,Yok KN ICIEI~j ad ctrbrogb ae adthe great ports oýr arser-,î,s ai Ports- A young woman walked mbü the nof- Thue lîe s1uc lllElýýîMOnil, Plymouth, and W coInicli; she fice of a -well-know-n corset maker ia îîu 3 1 nîco 5 Esii liaitadbeen prescut ut un Eisteddfod' i atr ct n ad 411: fi&îîîo tihl i.kblvem-ts ashe haid ceeu Stoccebeuge, aud Strat' nEseuct n ad Pc ',iîkei' fed-ou-Aven, und Eenilweortb- sha "MY figure is su dow nright uglyi Tue crut n u'el during the sLately badl ben ever tbe ctnon milis at Bel- jthat Plu a dismal failure lu: Suciety. iu'îic - - c~iîmmotixîleib e r îe laaos -, aa iranhn.WGuld it be possible for y ou te build tia-ciccl is famliar te ibis genera- 1 had been n gcce-c at great cuntry me cp" tien in sketches oi? the Qucen %7when iOci'Uessl ~tîtel Park, Aton The corset maker looked ut lber sudi holding -c drawing-renim. Tbis w- mn- Towers, Eateu Euhl, Cla'swortb, Wy- amiled. Ile balfceut une eye and wviib ufatued y he tae eneles i 112thaîr. ALbey, Went-nortb IlIeuse, lufctued y te Stae j-vvlle i 182 ishor)sthorpe" B-rew cd, lei'oirsdth, ther îaeemed te penetrate her 'ery at the personcal test of lier 31ujesty ansd, Iatiîedlrîa.Finllandsid ~n eue~a teni, cay e aidtexvegb TEIE QUEEN AS PEACL\IkKEIIR. "Oh, Yes, you are possible, very pus- oight îroy tnunicea. Ili a liglit sheli Agacî sund akain she has inter- Sible ma'mn'selle." H1e la a Frenchmaan, of gold, euriroly eucrusted witL dia-. vene'h. ixth scning suýccss, te cou- d anb -n nwi hth nhaae mouds, sud comprises 2,f73 briliants, ï, liste tic runcur cf party striec, or of bis race; "Yen might be 'Worse. Yen beie '3 rose diamonda, Llaocgun ýax'ert dauge-ruu "ol[;lsons betw'eeu inknga hatwe lieuses of Parliamneut sud Le-hv ebp o uto ymmetrical aggregate cof 3,U'6 stones. Tt is re- tween tLe Goerumeni aud the Oppo- lines-, but that can ail bce remedied." tained lu the charge of the Sovereigu, itien. One glicipse of au.ic an inter- "Yudntmait1ecamdte wicritisa eronl oaescoontie* asg-cnin she life of ArcJ- egirl. "yth Of? ahoil it entasd lposesso, -c lishup Tait, fi-cm nlich the public gi-d.f ou can gi-ce me a figure that and> te i net ndpraen learned, for the firat time, in bew- wî l efy ry big brother's comments! er requic'es auy attention. It was spe- ag amaure it ewved te the Qucen Thait ean't be posible."1 cifcillydecisd or seitîcoynn-thur-'h uisettiement cf the Irish "Perilaps I oughtna't to w car a corset cifcialy evied or se Li onjnc-Chuchquestion. Similar examples of tien %v-tb a veil, sud aarc'- icom the more recent date uight Le quoted. if at ail," sbe went on confidentlally. draniung-rc'oms Las scarcely heen used ibteY did nLtLurc i tpen disputes chat "Do you kuowý, they tell me ibat ibere at al, have net beeu tinally determned, and i-soteyn isolgc aum t TUE OLD CROWN may Le at auv tume îeopened, B ou hecrethti wewone ul THEý OLD COWN. lvhenthe time cornes te ravealth fote retta i v enol TheCron ws peceed n pintof forces ut work behind the- course of1 aee Our interiers by meaus of the Ru- TheC-onn asprceadinpont politic-a ie-cen ta durng the pxeseuti enî-gen ray, w ie would neyer put cor- trne by a diadem Or cirelet of gold. reigu, it, will lie fonnd Éthat, for the sets on again." eheicely bejewelled, wbîcb was rnade smooth workiug- of the censtitutionai for the Queen lu 1858. The stenes us- macbinery within the asat sixty years. "Bosh 1" ejaculaied the Frenchman.' ed n tÀs occsio, wicharewholYthe nation la iudebted te ne une more -EyerY w-uran cihould nwear a corset. cd n tis ccsio, wicha-e wolltian te Quecu Victoria. Nuor ila heuly There are Places -wlere a cor-set sbould diamouds, were in the imain Crown at those siorrny crises ut domestie or jew-els, and the diadem w-iliherefore foreigu politica w-ieh arreat the pub- and ShOuld flot press on the figure. rerainth prpery f te ýron, i-lic bz tatler influence has been The danger frorn weariug corsets lies thogh heces utrnuninrgthni orexerted. Thronghouc bier long reigu in cmpe'eperly made stays w-ru tue tîLeg ustfher lldafjesi w as brnfoeuthîe calm, xoderating pressure cof he r ftighî. Acre htft h or the se f ler ajesy ws brneoutbaud bas been au general aud perx'a- Acre htft h oi uf the Pi'y Purse. 'The diadern i si-cc that, like the pressure eftthu- perfectly keepa ht straight sud holds tecbuieally knewn us a mcis l, sur- jMOSPhere, its touch bas been untfeit. it as it ahnuld be beld. When a w-o- !No v ýsresman bas ex corne in cn u usaraymd oc b a rnoutedLy ie coes ute, whnee ta thiL er witheut being impre.ssed alteratiena made lu id. Sle ducs nue the M1altese cross la a decoratien vu-e Ly her ,ingul,%r îew-ers of concentra- iant and the tien-c-de-lis. The gene-cal 'tion; c cry f cxv, sud those not Siw-ay5 expeoet it te fit ber. Theu why -,hould. the niccls capable cf estimating the ca- she expeci a ready-made corset te fit effcietthi cow laexeleuiy ho 1npaity - others, bave failed to teed her ? Most woumen tbcnk that if a cor- lu tLe curreut coiuage, lu wbich it is ý that. t'î'dwith bier wide kuon- set tits the -waist alone. it is a w-ec- hait eoncealed by a vsel, whieh w-as ntetl 1 dgandi'l ong experience cf affai ' woru in the eaî'ly years et the reigu, theC O".fi -'quaintatice witb pulitica is fitting garment. Ail wrong! 'The wbienib is forn cof circlet w us ln or- short and stiperficial. w alat is the toat important. If a nu- diuary use; and, indeed, there weuld ' -'macsila ahort-w-aisied abe shonld ne-ce-c seern te Le seme doinhi as te vhetber' D'or (hver Pîfty Years," wear along -isted corset, for ih h e peculilr terrn of coronetdpitdtù'row lber huai up under ber chin ou the preseri coin issues bas -ecLe or urer ift y years Mac. W1NsaLews and aLccentuatea e'very fauli ut ber adepted Ly the Q.eeu in uctual use SeoTHaNte SncRuphbas beeci used by %1il. figure. Ou the contarary, if a woman ai ail. t'-as this diadem, and au- liensoff muchera for thein children whi) e ilngwaisted she cannot witb any -other cf a like shape thuat preceded it, teething. If dîsturbed ut îîight and degi-e ot comfont w eut'a short-w-it n hich w-as used wheu lier Majesty epen- breken of yuar rest by a sick cLild suf- ed cre. ed r porouedPaliaent an alsoferiug and ci-y ig wîîh pain o utiig "Hlow shouid a corset fit ?" asked ed r perouedPaxlianen, sd aan eeth aend at once aod get a bOttle ef the Young woman eagerly. "I aiw-ays ou such occasiens as the marriage uof .W , ' ot igSrp"frtdlieplig ycre dnn nberine oal.nen w h.teChildresî Teethwîg. I c wiul relieve the l, ihe Most disagrecahie sensation, and Ou '. ry stesio unw-bcb bepouar ittie suffere)tinediately. DeperG olaud-ý u girls and w-ornen tell me tbat Quecu xisited the lebuse of Lords the upon itinmthers,there is nu cniaakeahcut they bave the same iendeney. Wben Stata Crown w-as taken eut ufthîe Re- it. Tt cures Diarrboea,regular-es the Storn - wa ucleew- oue 1 il galia roern lu the TIo-er ut London sch and Boweia, oi-ees Wnd Colle, seftcens 1wsi olg %ecutd9 il aud w-uc borne betore bier ou a cushion, the G-oums, reducces Juflarmmraion, and ont ut 110 une day- s-huo said that tbey Excepi for tbis purpose, the Crown bas givestoue andenerqytouthe woleaystem 'sacre ne-ce-ctree f nom that feeling ot only leftithe Tii-uer on two occasions "INrs. Winslow'B Southing Syrup " for wnnting- L upal heir corsets duwn." dnring ite rin-onýce fer repair- bidresi teething ia pleasaxît te the taste "ITher. flow 1 Thene now!-' Lîke oui saue part cf the setiiugba-ving bc- anisl the prescription uf une ut the oldeat the authority. "Yoil make my point jand best fernaie physiciass sud nurses in frm.Tecre bude--el corne looseued, sud once lu order ta1 tLe United States. Pricetwenty.five cents wfcilmai hew-ost su rduay sinp modity tLe ci-mine. Tue Crewn bas abue edb h rugsacrniiu ward, t ot ai-m tend îLe ain-alop ne-ce-c been actually 's-crn ,by thea ote ody.lrggttru4it wrtecnrm othntrl w-bai-ce- sin e worid. Be Aure aud ask for -"MRs.swelt L fiu;ifothg-s Qheen ai any funciions wWatsver'siScernîao Sa'aur.' Ihe wearerfthat uig urifnor ibies the aci cf Corenation sixiy years ago, 'h errta nofral el sud ihere is uetbing in tbe episodes ut SUMWER SiMiLTES. iug, -as if her corset always needed tLe teriheoming cormcrnoratiiun bat pulhin-ýg dow-n. The graduai curvi'cg ut will require its -ene-cal trom ithe Tow-- Dora-"Il.- said there w-sa une thiur th" p by coniinually pnsbiug the ill- er. The StateCro 's-as Made for the about me Le, didn't like." Cora-«"whalt itting s "tay up, causes ibis feeling." Queeu by MessXus. Rundeli & Bridge, w-as ibail " -Anoiber nian's ar." "hscouts to me." said the young 'Yenr i'-e bougbi ibose cigars, did womran, snrx'eying hen funil leugib in îLe redeesses cfihe arrads, h§ t.cht?' "Yes, lon-did you guesit?" amuirrue' critically, "that nMY figure pressent Llders of the appointeiiîiîan sd iiey're lu sncb a îîreliy box,1v is consruction is tarniliar bisiory. hi -"Aluiesi any macs will admit that ho' sw-lls in w-bore it angbt te sw ell oui, may, hoevcaer, Le inleresting ut ibis hiable to mnake mistakes" "Yes; exceptadvc exa fcusei aepd juucture te say iliai tbe ectimratied vcal- w-honlho makes theni."ldn u nalM gii u U o ue t tat îrn Ofitsstoes-ompis "Matdge la ain-nys ouit f munoy." body would take me for a Venus.", ne i iat ni etus tens-omçnîs "ow-dues thai happen?" "She can't ne- "Tbere's wbe-ce yen ruake ag-ceai iug 2,783 diamornda, 277 pearîs, 161 sap- sisi bnying overy kind ef Pooketbook msak" aithFrcrn;"Id phire,,11eîuer'alds and 4 cubies-ivas shie secs."sidte xncma;"Id £112760 aprt roi th prcelssrby It ake MYwif, treeday to net mean about Venus, but about the £11,76. sarttroi te nicles ruy " taosmy -ut ibce aystogo te padding. Paddiug that presses dow-nse which Leienged te Ediward, tLe Blaek a P)icule." "How's ibail" "She takes a ont1Ld r"ut eeoret Prince, an alarge sapphii-epurebas- day te get c'eady, e, day to go and a on eoy prres rowi uit edutes a . dayorgteI.gIn te .'eroniof ti. Oh, if you w-uin w-ho ha-ce ibail ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u LyCe-g V uîe<unu t wLa h assîu"h edigi adding put in your guw-us, unly knew-se cemetei xpetsib atne stli a-e fi -ether.' Wbsi bie wanted te say: the dîsasirons etteet ih bas un yuur w, au intrinsic wexth cf a likesnrn e-cen Baneybak lney bak fiue.1tre ro.amn'tio o if ne acceunit Le taken oetile -aine luoybak luey bak iue.1mc nmauiustio that w enld attasch it ieir illustrions blîskl blauki blankiblianki into a dressmaker and f-cern a dresc- ax associatiien.-St. James' Gazette. fPiinsDd' Mr. Goudmnan say tbut maker inca a corset maker. 1 knew nu- te Coi, iBluegnass Lad Le unie a probibi- rman's figure." e A BIRfIEDAY GIFT. j h nistf Secncds-Yea, and non th.i "Well, w-bat ou earlb ta a w-uman is One ofe Quecu Victeria's binlbday colonel iasning hlma fer lîbel. with nu bipsanad no u bnciguiug te c gifla n'as a peculiar eue. Farn rnes WltL une hand, Fnanl, Bntier, cf Wa- do if teadoeesut w-car pudding t" w almsiimemril.cspto184.h p-terville, Maine, reeentiy lilled aw-eigbt "Ah, that is wbere 1 corne lu," uns- T almýstimmmaralIuDte 834 itap-of une tbouaand puunds. H1e assena itbat wered the Fî-encbrnan. "For yen-ca h( pears the city or louceter w-taluinenoether man lu the Siate can eqtiai %tudied ihese thinga, and now- I make-n the habit et expreasiuig is luyaliy to ibis test-ut sire-ngth. -mnabn ut n islo tLe Tbroue by sending te itsic'egning bealitLhanoplup;anh ake looe sox'eneign a lamprey pie. Iu tLe 's-ar 1-bauiu n lm;1iaetýi rnetiue îL acini uaen fe itoBaptist Young -pcople5s Excursion. vi th iIoverhangiug Lips look, nul thin, mbut very tthen sud satistaciery to ihcm-ni desueinde, but iw-as -e-i-ed in 1893, c, eyti.adstsatr ote. sud lias bec i felio-%ed with full uppre- One ufthîe picasantesit rips oethibs. ciatieýn oet liapictiresrqueness. This stccuiuec-w-luL e ithteftnîe Ilaptists year tLe peuple ot Gloucester' felt ibai ou' epe etSinauaicup they sbeuldi raka spe-ial effort, aud 1 tieple tbeidinCaiannuoal oTene- ASHORT CUT TO RELIEF th the pie sn oBloabsds c int eledi Cat iea en--P [cngeon a gold laie, nus ilselofansee, in July next. The official route FROIVITHEF TTCINÏI ANDl PTUMTNI -unuuaull claboixîte .-"bai-acter. itIo uîtliSwILeii'.1.fR.t wseighed tN'senLy pounud and n-as adoru- 1D1etrui, thce Cleveland, Ciinlnati, cd witL inufflea, ficne prawsvs, ou gcld Chica -eo'cud St. Loui (Big Four Rente) skew-cra, and aspnie jcly. On top o? the ifroi letroit te Cucinati, ancd the pie 's-as a cep-cscntatien iu goid et the Louis'.vice cd Nashv. ic, Cliattacceega Royal Crcn n sd Cusbion, witb a sep- sud Si. ILouis Railîoads frein Ciîîciîcnaîi te, te w-lich 's-e-ce aitaebed streamers ce Chattancooga. R-eturniug. tickcets et royal bIne., and ai îLe baewecw Le t povruNshie tout' liocns, aise ut guld. Thae golden Expsii on anotopMuncrt Cav ilne skewer beada werie luib te foi-m E psto n an ae n Creimnsansd there w-rc six lieus fart' foi'recîxîd trip fc'eîccail poinîts lu bcads luneigod round the pie. On Canada, ai special thrng-h cars f-rn ilLer aide eftihe cent-ce creimu's-as 'fomente. For full information addiress a sil banuci-ette. One boecthe ciiy1 Fred L liatelifte, Canadisu Transport- armsansd the narne of the, mayor ut atioci leadeir, Q.1 MciMilan sircet, Tor- Gloucester, snd on tbe etber 's-e-ce onte, Ont; C. S. Blackrnu, G. E. A., iw-o lainpreys enwiucd beneaili a i11Four Roule, 447 Ellico il Square cren'n, sud a senhIl seuting tuiih ibat -B tLe "rnayer's ismrpiey pie" 'w-as sent ln uffalo, N. Y. 9-3-3w- aceerdance with "Gloncestei-'s ancieut oustorn tnor îhe Norman periuî teithe j 11W NAILS ARE NAMED. Vicie-clan e-a," Alh 'bis sasa bad- « -Tw consaeginofh rgn painied, as w'eîe ta-cesbields, oeebeing niacut a- icn1tieuii a vie'.'ofe Glenrestei-'s celebratcd caib- of the, ticm "sixp-enuy," "eigbipenny," edral, and tLe otbei- tLe ronogîrn "V. ';tcuprenuy," and sn ou, as spplicd to the R.," a cre'sn, sud the dates et 1837-1897: -ai eus sizrcs ut naîls. Accrding te one The larnprey was ai oee ure cenaider-sn ed a g-eai delieses', and il is a matie-c ttemeut, w--en nails w-e-ce made by ot bistors' that a snîrteii ni? been cana- baud, ibo penny w-as taLoen as a stand- ed tLe death et King Heurs' I. In the ai-d of wecgbt, sud six ne-ce made1 to reign ut Henry IV., se bigbiy ne-ce ibes' quai tbe weghi of a cupper penny. esteerned, tLat special pi-otections werc granied te sucb vesseis as migbi bring Ibis iexplunatioM iî open tu criticism tLemn in; and bis successor supphied a ou account ufthie -cenys ai size efthie warrant to William et Nantes for sup- nails et w-icb six -ce needcd te Lai- plying bîm and bis arrns'with ihern w-erever ibes' migbi bappen emrhancoe-en the inxtg-sized oid-tashriuued BEFORE TUE QIJEEN WAS EIGHT- cop~pr penny., tess- ne o- probable. One expîsustica bolds ihai EEN. ioupenny riails cDrigiushiy sohd for ten- The felening descrihes the pains pence a bundtred, sixpenus' nails for six- ibatw'-e-ce taken te tarnihianize the Queen pence a bnndred, ansudceou, the sinail- wiiL îLe ceuntry' e-en wbicb she had ot nails seling for the leimer prie. to e n guw-hile che 's-as sth11 a miner: Anoibor explantion, la that 1,000 nails -"Atter tLe accession et King WiI- of tLe tenpcnns' sire nsed tu weigh icu lian IV., wheu the Princeas stoud nexi peunda, 1,000 ufthie sixperns' size six lu succession te tLe ibrone, tours w-e-ce pounds andI suou for other sizes. 0f matIe ibrougb nearis' ever' ps-ct cf the ondiczary isixpenus' nails th.eie are E-gasd antI Wales. The maee isi of eigbty te itre uourcd; ufthibe eigbtpî-nuy tLe places te wbicb visita w-e-ce ius there a-ce fiftis; teupenus'. ibiriy-tenr; paid wouid surprise sud intereat tLe ineive.penus', twety-nine. Opii,Mvorphinie nor mineira NO0T N A C 0T C'. Jln esdS' tîo , Sur Stma chDa-'ý-,, nes n 8ss o SLE lionSiore Soach,Daho r ACT COPY 0$' WRAPPEn. wlitljltffllm,ýw u ý mfiw or EV'llY BOTTLE 0P castaha is put rp il eue-suze battues caly. lb ish not scld il br-l. Den't allow, anycue ta sali ynanything else ou tlh plia mn pi-mLe ibat At l. jusi as gcco d ua will encuer evsry pur- pose." £W-' Seo that pou get 0-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. ofiatus - ~ ci VîIbe, PI7e-d once lu ÇQRiaýnti9 ty> twie irn Qutà;gI, anid threc limnes ima Price who inspect the unequailedl assortrnent of Stippers, Rubbers,. Truniks, V alises, &o, A o8r More, se-BEliVER BL9CK,-ffl Bowiliaivilla BIGGEST STORE, BIGG-EST VARIETY, BIG-GEST VALUE. Every'hody iniîvted to call and see our new tooi.-vrea TaE SI-IOE MAN selves, and it is ail su easy. You sce, 1: and conquered as well as a lade ef de- .uderstaud my business. 1 arn a man;, veiopm.ent. Women thu3 afflicted moit corset makers are girls. Tbey, %hould w-car a corset thus extending larn the business, set up for them- -as far down as if compatible witb the elves, and after four or five years comfort of the w carer. it sbould fit i-heu tbcy are just beginning to learn well over the hips. Many women bave to find the fauits in a corset that they greatly reduced stoutness by an irn- are fitticcg, they marry. It's a good-by lixovement thut la found in a beit to the corset business with tbem, and w-hich la designed on an exactly oppo- other green girls take their places. It site pxinciple from that -whieh gi-cea is nut r>u with a man. H1e learns to a hiples woman býips. This belt is make corsets and if hýe marries ten made on tbe outside of tbe corset and vivesý be doca net give up the business, laces on the side. It eau be adjusted ?ben man la creative, inventive, and jto suit the wearer, and greatly assists he la quick to ses w-bat eacb individual in reducing size -withiout injury te tbe needs. wearer. 1 bavïà une customer'n a "But w-bat do I need 1" interrcpted bad thirteen of the:se corset!4 Made to he yuung woman. urder witbin the last year, and she "Yen lar-k bust and lhip develop- says that she bas reduced bier waist nent," iiaid the autbority, taking down at leaat ten inches and feils muoli bet- a Lox holding rnany corsets, "Foryour ter. 1 dun't care what kind of a shape style of figure a corset tbat bas a a w%,-oman hua, w'betber it býe good or spring in tbÜe bust and stands eut froni badl. I can improve it. The humain he budy in sucl1i a Nvay as te prevent figure is like a beautiful piece of mach- pressure is necessary, and it assists xnery tu me, and, W'bile 1 dun't know nature. Yuu see w-bat a simple ar- the first thing about an engine, I -'-' Iqx Mi ' Dn "l'Nu angemenct, is-,, rue went onc, puecîng undcertanu wocnus toiru perfeetcy. Tt OF ECZEMA. oui une ,pring sud siipp iug lu a longer la a delicate business for a man tu, fit Whatis czea, nywy? et im ho une. "Yen eau ireadiiy Imagine w-Lai a corset, cire mure would go luto the WLa haEcaoîn auwa? Ll hm wua.sgymcnrirical figune ihat w-ould business and the w-ornuw-onid sutier, bas Leen afflicted answcr. gi -e. rucb leas t-crn 11-f itiingcorsets, A IL ia an itcbing and borniof uthîe skie "S1pIendid 1" exciaimed the ensitomer. mun sends for a doctor w-heu she almical eyunu endurance. "Eut ens' Lips, or raiber rny absence is ill. lie cornes and Le looks until Le It is thousanda ut' littie 'sesicies filleci ut bipas." tinds tbe cause ut ber illness. hi should witb an irritant iiuîd, 'vîchb Loi-t aiid flw "Oh, but h can f111 that w-sut tue., Le thiat w-y ny u ittiug corsets. The o'. ethîe raw surface ufthîe denoded skie, i e deciared iuughing. "Now,bei-e is maker -ffiuld iook for'îLe tacîli nutil casiing mure tortore than al ather skie a cersýet h made tuor a w-omaun who bas ho finds it. and then lie sbould alter diseuses combined. the neurecat to nu bips ut al the per- it. Sornetirnes the tanit isluib te fig- It erns n amoi as' ar et îe Ldysons- 'e e-cer ceeu, lier figure la ure, but otteni ta luinthe cnt outheb and is ne respecter ut' age, as old peuple perectiySin agf-ernignurr Icer cjore. as u'eli as tender infants are tLe subjectsdw-.So -awcingb rzyo'rr of is atac. ber lop-sided appeanance. sud se I made ut' is atack.ii corset for ber. You see h bhas LIMS PAMSi. Whnt abouottLe cure? Physicians semr an inside belt e'.er ecdi hip. Tw-o ICentract Rboumatjsmn and you w-ll prune te regard i as aimost Leyund their pieces ut coutilie about six icees suffet' untorld agonies-Use South Arn-, reaeb. (rud are st-itched on ai the front sud ei-ican Rbeumatic Cure sud yen w ilI WLat abhut Kuotenas' Cure ? WLy, is baek utf each aide ut the corset. These bis-c e-cllet lu a few minutes, aud a tLe vsery remedy imerever there ha ans' jduoni mcci, Lui are isced together cure lu tbre'e duys Tesiimony pro-ces deterioration ot thce lood. just as tLe corset is lu tbe baek, sud it. '"h w-afor IL-cee years a g-ceai sut- honLice case uof Mr. G. W. Daw'.son, Fulton chey -ce-ct on tLe hips. The coi-set pro- te-ce-c t-ceea rbocnnaismrnjacns in rny P. 0,, Ont., stated under oaîh, it simpîs pc-c bas a spning in ih sirnilar tu the Ilirbs w-ere pai'tiisulamly distressiug. I worked mura-cia. He Lad Eczerna fer fia-e huaispxping sud stands oui fi-unithe bad tried asrniasi evsery kîno',.n-ernedyl yeas, ss reacd y îan phsicansinfigure, gc'.ung a tiin, beautitul hip- Lut recemivl ne benefît. I w-as advised Ceans a aîeUed Satephs, Lo gets inpparentîs'. De you sec that w-omau te gi-ce Seutb Amarican libeurnatipj Laada hastheiUniLed trtesbtcigo undcoming oui ut the fitcing -oornIWbst Canre atrial. h pn-cchased tw-e Loitheal badatlat it te rihtul îchgan <do os'u thinle ut Le-cfigure?1" Wbc; 1hbad .sidodesand a hait Lot-, Lîrning chat Le thoughi he would go j If I ouhy Lad oui' like i,"' sigbed the tics h1i-as pertetity cured. h consideiý nanue. Sx ure t iese Rcmn' ueryouug w-uman n itb genuine admira- ih sw oudenful mnmedy, snd take pheas-I oua Cre nrd Li.tion. use lu reeemmending it." F. Nugeut1. Mr. William Marcham, an Engincer, "Sibe bas nu more bipsanad busi iban r NiagaraiFlls. Cnt. 11 r ;i'.'ng ut 242 Catherine Street North, Ham. you bave. She ba% on une ufthiese cor- Fer sale Ly Stuai & Jury. îlton, makes a sn'orn statement that Ler sets wiib ibis buat sud hip arrange- snfered lîtensels' with Eczema wbich I ment," a'oluntecred the autbonity. "Shc covered Lis wshole body. He was in Lheices a great society w-eman, sud is cen- DUbPED. City' Hospital for six weeks sud imas dis- sidered to bn-ce oeeou the tinesi iig- ileýhtmd o hn elv chrgd t heen o tattie s-inur ue- mongthe wmnincrse d Yen ? caledFurt Lendof that teas er. yFunuy, isn't ht I One cau'i aiw-ays tell." jMVaidie-lie did. aLle. Four Lotes t oiea etre "Se rnany ut yonr cusiumris seen One -arcety et thbecricket Las its cureci LisEczema. 'to Le very stout n-omcu," rcmax'ked or alsbu es Other proofs ut the remai-kabie efficacy tho "oung -emanas thre w-hoegose of hiyckîau's Koolenas' Cure mas' Le bad .aa if tbeymghta-pthreeai ai 200 Ly uddressing the Ryckmau Medicine Co., men u d t isapea ed luu tee tiîi20ACOJETUE Hamilton, Ont. * oom. Jirncy-WLat do s'eu suppose thes' Hundreda ut' peuple testifs' under oath, "Yca, I have a g-ceai mans'," Le ans- 1meanby" maertcaipsih- The New Ingredient uscd iu Koutenay wered. "hI think tibr i stoutuesa la the' t y" ahmaia mosbl Cure w-i revoiutiouizc medical science. persgoual dei of a g-ceai mans' w-ornu Tommy-I guesa it muai Le. a aura One bottle lasts over a uiouth. luib tis w-urd, but it can Le fongbt ihat the teacher can'i clu, IL SIGNATURE IS ON THE

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