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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1897, p. 5

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lu Choosing a Bicycle some people (in fact most people) judge of the quality by the price asked. That this is a mistake eau easily be dernstrated by calling at our store. We are Offlîering some genuine bargains and it wil pay those looking for 'Wheels that wil give unbounded satisfaction to eall and get our prices. STOTTl & J uRY. PULZTY OP SXING P5OWDEr.; rne IPeople have becorne acc-ustomned to paying from 40ce. to 60c. a lb. for Baking Powder that they are slow in understanding how we can sup- ply an article which is guarari- teed strictly pure at so low a price as 15c. a peund. Our customners tell us we make the Best Baking Powder on the Market and we ask ail who desire Jsomnething better than they have been buying to give our purity brand a trial. WE CHEERFULLY RETURN your money if you are flot perfectly satisfied and remember we guarantee our powder to be absolutely free from those cheap ingrecients bemng ised as extensively by some man- r,ýSOlni AND JURY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÀNVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. Gosse Wr.sT Eixpress .... 831 a. m. 1I'Express.. 5 23 a. m "Bxpress... 10 18 a. 1,ocl.1 5 ~'assenger .pî.M:Pasenr. 2 f05 p. Loa.l .6421 p *.Express...5 -922 Enxpess.. .10 35 BOWMANVILLE, JULY 7, 1897. Local and Otherwise. Mrs. M. Porter is homne again. Strawberries at Trinity Pars onage TO-NIGHT. Mr. L. C. Haqll bas been appointeti Landing Wai i irj at Oshawua. Mr. Thos. Conant, Cedardale, bas the javus of a vhale fart gate posts. Atijt. anti Mrs. Maltby have been ap- pointedtat the charge of Barrie Corps anti District. Their successors'are Adjt. and Mrs. Moore from Toronto. On June 25 as liarry Saiter vuas re- turning from Whittsy saine reckless driver rau into bis carrnage upsetting Jlaury In ta the titch anti smasing bis bugg,,y badly. Mr.Chas. Goodman, formerly of Hanmp- ton is a constable at Oshawua and assist- eg 'amrdiay in arresting John Cashen for whom Provincial tietectives have been -watching for 14 moatbs, WNatcring Pots eheap at Nieholîs'. Blouse Sets at ickard's for 8e. Grocers' Duc Bis takenans cash at Rickard 's. Sterlingi Silver Novelties in abandance at RIlTardà's. Hlammocks inalal styles anti Colors at Duiîtan io ïar's., WVindo-w Sereens and Screcu Doors coi nplewte lal sizes at Dustan & Hoar's. Our Dîning Boom Suites wiul surprise 4ýL. Mrris. 7' t' do upholstering of ail kîntis, paioî() suites, chairs anti lounges recov- erei, inattresses restaffeti, chairs re- caiw'd anti re-perforaffid. Give us a i whien having nnything donc in tliuui l 11h. L. Morris. jVe iind the public awaking to great i 1ort la nthe uvitings of "AuOld Boy" on b'is recent visit to Tyrone andi vicia- ty anul back numbers of THE STATES- Sare in demauti. We can stili supply a rcw sets. Don't delay if you att thexa. Our price is three cents per copy, taialed to any address fromn the office. 'lle series wl rua somne weeks yet. Th'le funcral of tIhe late Miss Annie M. 11eIlyar ou Wedaesday afternoon vuas largely atteutiet. Service ai the bouse'. was couducteti by Pcv. J. J. Rae assist- eti by 1ev. Wm. Jolliffe anti Mn. James (4iltillan, B. A. The pastor's address was very appropriate anti consoling to thie family and Mr. Jolliffe's testimony 1fo her exemplary Christian character .1 anistroug faitlî tethe cutiof mortal I xsteie was ai ,icentive to al who hieard bis earnest vords te imitate that Iholy life. The floral tributeswvere most beautiful anti namenous. Six merubers Iof th-, Metiiodist choir vere pail-bearers ---esrs. W., . B. borniJsh De msnrs.W.1S. BatiH. J. b niobt Ja aniT. E. }igginbotham. Leather Beits at Rickard's for 8c. Trinitv ehureh CE. StrawberrySocial to.night-good programme. Prettiest designs of wall paper iu towu at J. C. Weeks', Ontario St. You wiil finti the best assoitment la Bats and Shirts at M. Mayer's. Will you paint thiis season? J. C. Weeks ganrantees satisfaction. Allait andt Dominion Line ocean tickets for sale at STATESMAN Office. M. A. James issuer of Marriage hi- censes bas been notifieti that the new marriag-e net bas corne into force, andi biereafter prospective brides are not re- quired 10 appear wben the license is issued. A party of cyclists will meet on the bridge by Vanstoae's Mill Fiday evea- ing at 6 o'clock sharp, anti ride to Osha- wa barbor to meet the boat anti return on hier. Evcrybody weleome, the more the suerrier. We do not pretend to publish Domn- ion news in THE STATEIAI, because it requires ail ont space for local anti dis- trict news. Indeeti se could furnisb far more news bati we the space as every week vue condense anti strîke out more or less nevs-matter fromn correspondeuts letters in order to make room for nevus offereti. Mr.:liarry Quianey, who lives near Providence, Dnrlington, wns burneti out on Sunday, June 26th. Among other things tîtat îvas lost was a £10 Banîk cf Englanti Note which liarry hati recently receiveti fromn home. The coat, la o ne of the pockets of whicb the note vuas placeti, was throwa ont, but u'as alloueti to remnin ioo close to the bouse anti wns burneti. Boss vatches-guarantees stampeti ou bnck cf case -for sale at Riecknrd's. Great value. 1If you wanat to, sec some niee parlor suites caîl at M. D. Williams Son's warerooms, It will pay you to caîl anti sec our new anti nobby desigas la Suites of ail kintis. L. Morris. furaiture denier. A big range of Ladies' Parasols fromn 25c. up to $5.0O cvery onue uw, at Couch, Johuston & Crytirman's. The bicycle livery couducteti by W, Fislileigh & Co., Market Square, is a grent convenience when a vuheel is vanteti. They bave a fine lot of gents' anti lady's vhecis anti their terms arc very motierate. Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman have been appointcd sole agecnts in tovua for the celebrateti P. antib. Corsets whicb is said to be tbe most perfect fittiug French Corset iu tise market to-day. We have n first-ciass uphoîsterer with us this moatb. Parties wanting aay- tbing donc in ihat lune wili do vuel te leave orders cnrly andt tev wili receive our prompt attention. Prices will be righlt. M. D. Williams & Son. T. N. Rickard's Stock of Siîl verpînte is one of the fincst we ever sean. With a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewcllry anti Silverpiate as vucîl as Rings anti Spectacles such as vue se in this store. Bowmanville people would be very, uuwise to tbiak of dealing in Toronto, more especially as the prîces are so very rensonabie Go to Murdoch's for Turnip, Carrot Maugniti seed---Jumbo Improveti Parple Top Swede, Skirving, Ban- hoim, anti a ;great variety of other kiuds of secds.I'fhe beat Dwarf Essex Ra p e for sowiug anti ait other Garden aniVegetabie Seeds. rM ý were very choice aind useful including a i] check fromi her father of $100 and aL Dominion piano, and from her mother a Singer Sewing Machine boaght from 'John N. Kiveil, BoWmanville, and a diapiond and opai rinoeand $25 îfrom the D groom's mother. The ride was organist of Salem Sabbath School for some time and bas the best wishes of the whole community for a happy wedded life. D Attend MÔnday night's concert. Monday and Tuesday were hot. Jlead The Mason & Co's big advt. Read Dr. Taimage's sermon inside. Get your lunch at Mrs.Keys' Monday. Attend Miss Milne's sale Saturday. Corne to Bowmanville next Monday. Bowmanvilie Fair, Sept. 16 and 17. Citizens decorate for next Monday. Mr. Thos, lioar's letter next week. Strawberry crop in town is a failure. Mr. J. N. Kiveli is home from Toron- to. Town Council had a hot session Mon- day. Entrance examination report not ready. Attend the old-time Orange Walk Monday,. Strawberries at Trinity asng TO NIGIIT.Pasng Bowrnanville Firemen cleared about $350 by their tournament. Pearce Famiiy pienie at Port Bowman- ville Thursday afternoon. Methodists heid a reception for Rev.J. J. and Mrs. Rae iast night. Work has begun at the Rubber Fac- tory-$22,000 stock subscribed. Mr. T. F. James' littie girl is very 111 with siight hopes of recovery. Coal Oul Stoves cheap at Nicholls',jusLý the thing for the hot weather. Mr. W. L. Law thinks the 4th line road can be made passable for $150. Mrs. (11ev.) J. H. Barnett wili preach in Trinity church twice next Sunday. Mr. Jas. Painton is home from Water- loo and has charge of "Ingram's ieir." Campers! ! get your Tea Spoons for 10c. per doz,, Table Spoons 6 for lüe. at Nicholls'. St. Paul's Ladies' Aid made $45 at their strawberry social at Mr. J. Mc- Ciellan's. Methodist parsonage is being repair- ed'and renovated prior to 11ev. J. J. Rae occupying it. Our thanks are due the R. S. Williams Co., Oshawa, for invitations to grand organ recital toraorrow afternoon. South Ward Metliodist Suadav School Picaic wili be held on Friday, July 9th. A cordial invitation is extended toý their town friends. The 11ev. R. Douglas Fra ser will de- liver an addess at the evening service in St. Paul 's church next Sandav on "The Presbyterian Church, lier Consti- tution and Courts," This is the monthly topic in the "Plan of Study" used in Presbyteriau Young People 's Societies and the address is given at the request of the Y. P. S. C. E. See those BeIt Pins at Nicholîs'. Campers ! ! ! you can get ail kinds of Cooking Utensils cheap at Nichýolis'. Fiat Bottom Tea Ketties, regular price 20c. for 15c. each this week at Nicholls', Bananas 5c, 10c, 15e, 20e per dozea, and Tomatoes 3 lbs. for 25c. Oranges cheap at .Tux ITALiAN FRUIT STORE, Bowmanville. Make home attractive by buying wall paper fronî J. C. Weeks. 'See advt. A stock of Dress Goods wlîieh is ad- mitted on all bauds to be the finest ever seen in town now sbowing at Couch, iJobnston & Crydermaa's. Order yo~ Binder Twine from the F Wr ' der Twine Co., Brantfordl. Peter Murdoch, Bowmanviile, agent for this district. Ladies' and Misses Spring Capes and Coats-a fine assortment and every one new-at Couch, Johnston & C-ryder- man's. We are sellino' a bedroom suite at ï$10.00. M. D. VWillims & Son. Juabilee Souvenir at Rickard's. Machine Oul at Rickard's for 5c. per bottie. Silver P olish at Rickard's-none to beat it in the world. Ifyou want to be in style just cali at M. Mayer's, and suit yourself with a Fedora or Christ.v stiff bat. Fuîll line of gents' farnishings as usuai. Sewing Machines, the very lowest at Rickard's. AUCT ION SALE. SATURDAY, JULY 10.-Miss Mimne Wîll seil on the Market Square a quantity 1of household farniture. Sale ati p.m. Terms ; Cash. L.A.W. TOLE, Auc- tioneer. Twelfth of July Concert. Messrs. H1. J;RKnight of Bowmanviile, liarry M. Bennett of Toronto and Miss Effa Glover, Bowmanville, have been eîîgaged to give a concert and humor- ous entertainment in the town hall next Monday aight. 0f our own local talent it is flot necessary to speak, but Harîy Bennett is a stranger. lie is a humor- PEIRSONAL. Miss Eihel1 Mollon is visiingl friends at Rose- liank. Miss Hollaîsd lias gone on a trip to the North- West. Mr. Norman Norilicote, Toro»to, is home for liolidays. Miss Archer of Toronto is guest of Miss Allen, Beecli Ave. Miss Violette Osborne is home fromn lier sehool at Brownsville. Mi. Franki C. Trîbilcock is visiting at Toronto and Niagara Falls. Miss Gertie Brock, Toronto, lias hein guesi of Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M. Miss Allie and Mr. Bertram Socch spent the First with Oroco friends. Mrs Me Lean, Winnipeg, Man., is visitlog at lier father's, Mfr. S. Borden. Mr. Chas. -Durden is home from. New Hlaven, Coîsiecticuit, for a few days. Miss FI 1 irne Argue, Maple Corners, was guest ol Miss Eihei Trebulcock, Sunday. We sec by thef War Cry a former citizen, Adj. Mark Ayre, is li command 0f the S. A. corps ai Roesiassd, B. C. Mr. James Goard, acccompanied liy Mr.Fred. Rowley,wqs hlome from. Toronto over Dominion Day and Sîmday. air. acd Mrs. Thos. MeLean and Misses Ida J. and Mary. cf Toronto, were guesis ai Mr.Jas. MeLccun's, last week. Mr. Sam. G. Brown lias sold the W.cgliam Timces to Mr. iH. B. Eilott and bis valediciory appears is îhe last number, Mr. and Mns John Bread acd two daccliters ot Detroit, Midi., are goisis cf lier fatiser, Geo. Haines, Esq., Police Magistrate. Mr. à. W. Odeli, B. A., Cobiocrg, lias heen ap- poiciîd as onie cf the Provincial Soli-Examicers for tlie Departiental Exaîninations. Mrs. Johc Brîmýacýomh), air. acd Mn . J. O. LaBelle and soc Oscar were gcests Dominion Day cf Mr. W. T. Greecaway, Port Hope. Miss Moore of Toronto lias rîtcriied home af- ter a 1lîasacîvisii ai Maple Corners. She leii M.ondtyte specd ltii sommer lu Mcskoka. Mr. andairs. L. S. Ho 'ges, American Consul ai Behlinn Sea Arbutrathio, and Mrs. B.Adcms, Chicago,il.,liave lien guests of W.F .Alleoi,Esq. Beecli Ave. 11ev. W. C. Washington, M. A., wife acd son of Minesing spent Scnday et lits failier's and are nom, vissling ai the homestead, Darlingtoc. He will preali ai Zion Sccday evening. 11ev. S. T. and Mns. Bartiett, Madoc, Mr.W. H. Hellyar Cobourg, Mfr. Wm. Brenion, Fenella, Mr. .. i. Brenton, Treîston,Mrs. RicliBrenton, 'Eoronto,andMiss Hampsliire,Colioorg,were boere lait week atteeicig the funeral of the laie Miss Annie M. Hcllyan. Miss Edith Washîngton, M. L. A., visited lier grandparens, Mn. and Mrs. S. asahington, she goîs to Te1 ýok , Japan, as a rnissionary cnder tlie ausies1 the Woman's Missionary S;ociety acd is o laveAngsi /Ahfor thie work. Slie lias qclie itle Diaconesses Home taking the ininisierial exainations making, over 90 per cenît, a rîmarý,kehly brilliant record. 11ev. R, \ AEsrrisi, B. A., pastor cf tlie Dis- ciples cic(reli, Bowmanville, preached ai West Lake in thlel'Garden cf Eden" June 28. The Cliristian Messîngîr report cf 1he June meeting sayS: "Bro, 1R. A. Bcrriss cf Bowmacville was th chief speaker and lie made many friecds. aiis sermons were deep, cicar and refreshing; liegsets people thiokiiig; licelias helped uas mchl in or work liene." Ansoiig the Bzowmanvilleans wlo spent Dom- inion Day ai Port Hope were: Messrs. W. S.Me- Kowan, Mialcolm Galbraitli, Clarece Wright, Chanles and AlbertMcdland, Morley Cawker, Frank Dcwvns. Tlieodore Fîshlcigli, C.Cox,Wcs. Percy, E. Loscooi,, John How arC -ýlMiMiry, Henry 1%McCaffer-y, John Hlorn. Fred. W. Coiscl, Walter Blake McMurtry,Frank Bennett, Iiram Burke, \Vill Alexansder, W aller Cliarîran, Will Spry, Hatny McKowan. A well kssown Bowmanisvlle boy, Mr. H. G. Hotelieson, son cf tle late St. Joli Hoicleson, liarrîsier,hlas beeu appointed manager of tise Western Bank cf Canada ai Port Perry. Hîl- lien is a vcny worthy yourig man and bis crnet- ousS frieisds lien sit rejouce et lis îO'cîoîi. Fr gettino ,ýisto positiossof trnustead responsiliility West Durhiam boys seem to have a specïil i nuis. Mr. P m. MeGili the laie manager is te- moving with isi family to Califorîsia. 11ev. W. IL Adamns, thie energetic acd popular pastor cf Croco Methodisteliucîl, and Mn. F. b. Fulis, ex irinolpal cf Itampton Pulie Selsool, sailedSaeir';iy frocs Monineal on tise mani cent steamrr "State cf California" cf île Ian Lice. Boli1 wýýere hooked ilircugli to Losîdon, Englandý .,yM. A. James, steamnsbip ticket agent, Bojwmcn Luville. Tliey are pretty sure cf a pleasasît voyag ýe; ai ibis season and ther malny frieîsds n isi li 1cm an enjoyahle visit wilh their srelatives assd a sale i etursi. An OlltarÎo Lady Hlad Rer Iiands, Poisoned. Ladies shoald remember that the Diamoad Dyes are the only pure, true and unadulteratotd dyes in the world. The imitation dycs sold under various Dames have bulk enoagh, bat tbree- foartbs of the contents is composeti of- cheap anti worth!ess ingredients most dangerous to use anti hantile. Diamond Dyes, prepared according to scientifie principles, are alu ays. the same in color and strength; these great ativantagun, the woshse of Canada fally appreciate. An Ontario lady writing about Dia- monti Dves says : "Yoar Diamoad Dyes are the best I have evet îîsed ; tbey are quite lsarm- less to work with anti neyer irritate the skia. 1 hatioccasion to use a package of cmmron, cheap dye that was soîd me as bcing equal to the 'Diamond,' but it proveti-a soarce of great trouble. After usiag it a severe rash appeareti on my hantis, sbowing it containeti poisonous matter." BORN. ' Orono, JoUe 1117h, tise W'ilecf Mr. Ciscs. H. WXalters, of c son. CAMEP.ON.- In Clarke, Joune 29th, the wlfe cf Mn. Jas. Cameros, cf c son. PLUMEis.-In Oshîawa, Jcne ilili, tise wif e cf Wm. 1-lummer, cf a son. LANE.-In Oshsawa, Jonc 211h, wife cf Josepli Lace, cf c son. RARRIED.r I3OWMANVILLE. dfl ake&Tit The Grocers. TLime Fl»waAVics and F ly Tine. . Impossible to jÉüp eîther. Since it is impossible to evadQ fiy time it is better to coutrol the little pests and keep them out by the use of good sereens It wou't do to use old and poor screeus,but have screens that are properly miade and fltted and you wvil]. not have the fles. We carry a ful assortment of Screen Doors and Windows, also all sizes lu Screeu Wire. BOWMANVILLE.- Dustan & Hloar, Phone 74. H e won't use - t to i it, because its " shine " Iasts c long, and seems too simple. 'Py him better to use aj Lwax pore-filer, and polish] ,ýk up a previous polish, Paid by the week, instead of by thepar he'd shine the actual leather> harci and smnooth surfaced, with Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYAI3, Farmn for Sale. 'The W est 70 acres Lot 16, Con 7Daningion, îlehomsied pcpety cf John Sýylser e ceaseti. Th!s is a verny desirabue fanunwell watercd,in gooti state cf ecîtivaîlon aînd iurnisls- id witli gccd buildings, iicludiisgz rouiglcast liouse 26x3î6, 2 stories 11gh, large triame baris 86x80 witl Stone stalles usuden aasd fraase stable anC drsvsng she. Possession cf tir isanvest. For funthen partiiculars apply oui the picouses cric F'edet-ick Rogers, or J. J.Vil-tue, FExîco_ ions, Euniskillîn or île undersigneti. Datedthtie 21st day cf Joue 1817. D. B. SIMPSON, 2 6 1 w V i Co r 's S o l îcto n AUCTIOIN SALE 0f a Desirable Farm in the Township of Darlington. tJnder acd by virtue of a power cf sale con- tain ed lu a certi in Indentune of Mort gagi whieh wihllc producetiat urne,thIeewul le solti by publie auction ai tle Bennett House in tle town cf Bowînanville,aethehout cf iwelve o'etelc on Tuesday île 20day cf July ý1897. TiseSouihi hli cf Lot numben H6,ic le hi thConcessionin tise Towship cf Danhingns, in the Ccunty of Durlan, cosstcioing 100 acres moue or liii. Theri are salC to le on tle preemisîs a Crnfort- able Cwelli ug lieuse, parîly lnicksanC parîly fraune, goo.djfname Icnswitl Stone foun îdations 1cîsdgoot nilIngs, c large assdtiluru ýicg on- pemises are well watcned asnd well feccet. Abut95 acres cheant andi well cuibivatet ; the balance is coveret yulh mixed timben. 'T'e e usor will only produce tle abstr-sct ccdile cicedsin0 is psossession. TERMfS 0F SALE.- Tisene will be c neserved ibld. Tlie punehaser will lu nequiresl tri r"y COneTentl ohfithe pu- iase sMouîy aI tle lime cf sale cnd the balance inOemsili will lieresl ai 6 per cent,.l'or tunther particuhans apply 10 S.C.HIaLîxu, aID., or 'Huca OILEARY, Bowmasvlle. Vesîdor 's Solicitor, f7-3w Lindsay. L, A. W. Toaz, Auctioneer, Bowmauville. A. E. McLAUGHLIN, tiarrister, Solicitor acd Conveyancet. Office:- Bleakley Block, Kinsg sîneet, Bowmanvllc. Mocney"to boan aI neasoniable rates. 48-lyt, Dr. G. R. PA7TTERSON, 'Jentist. Honor Graduate Torontc Unsiversity sud Royal Coliege Dectal Surgeons. Spicialties A rihicial Dentures b8.00 ;Amialgans Fillings.We.0 i'irsb chais wcnk Ci very usoterate prices. Office Otoco. UlOARDERS.-Mrs. Bhoomcer,opposite .J" Market Sqluare, Bon mauville, lias accomn- notations for respectable boarders. Meals at iii leurs. APIIIAGE LICEN'SES,-M. A. M JAMES, Issuîr cf Maniage ens. Hesidecce; Centre strict. _IOBSE-MEN.-Will finti gooti stnb- .A.Llbg and prtompt attention et Bloonscr's, (fosmes ly Lossg's) stalles. Exîcîhent sliets. O YOU WANT A do k-F apply te T. BiNGcîÂ,s for a nice solid brick cottage cleap and on easy terms. 31-tf. CEAN TRAVEL.-AIl lcatiing 'PAmesican cisC Canadien steamship iunes are represented by ai. A.- JAMES, Bowmauville, W TANTED.-Agents for 'Qucen Vie- tV otia, Her rcîgss and Diamnd Jubîlce."1 Ovcrflowing w thlatest anC ichest picicres. Coctains île ciidonsed liogs-aphsy cf Hel- Mctjesty wiil auihentie Hîstory cf lin nemankable reigu anC full accouni of the Diamcîsd Jubilce. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremecdous demand. Bossa- za for, agents. Commission 5o pet ceci. Cnedit given. Freighi paid. Outfit firce. Duty paid. ",rite quiik for outidi aid tennitony, Tuii ThsuNss.M5IANY, Depi. 7, 356 Dearborn Si., Chicago. B110AR FOR SERVICE-Tlîe regist- c"reC Ber-kshii-e liar, O. A.C. (4522) bred on île Motel Farm, Guelphi, whchli a well frameti animal ; cisc a thor' Ineti Tamworth cf extra goot Oulity.Pnice 51.00. i have aise a blicro' linre oht uin Bull ion service. Price $1.00. J. D. Ginsose, Lot 34, Con 8, Clarke, Bowmanvihic, 24-if, _OARS FOR SE11VICE.-liavin,-, Bpurisased thé,tsro-bred Bferks tiri,"Samp- silfrocs lis famoussie"u 3ow - (irnpcrted)-2.552-lned by Russell Gwansiek, Citceester, Ecgland, dam 1Maiti Maan"- 2762 lu-cC liy J.C. Snell, Scelgove, Ont ;lie null tic kepi for ser-VIce On lot 210' o.'2,Danjiug- tn, MVapie Grove. Aiso bie tîcro-bruti York- slieWhti"Jumbo Il" .Terms 75C. Have foqalesathoro-lreC Berk-siirc Boarshot 18 inonîhîs olC. SAMUJEL SowsEss, Je.,Mae Grove. 27 1wý Refreshment Booths. Seaicti Tenders wllbcie eceived up to THURNDÂY, JULY StIî, forRtefreslsmeiusîEccils on tise Fait Grounds, Dcwmianville, on JIJLY 12th. Adness coin- manicciions to S. S. EOSALL, Bowmauville, ~e le on 14 §orys ffl lm&e1h e A Good Up=to=date Grocery and Provi'sion Stores, is the kinci you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. This is the way we want you to feel about This Store aud we'll menît your good opinion of us every tirne. If you should buy anythiug from us that is not en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. We keep fulll hues of the very best groceries the markets afford and noue seil cheaper. We do busi- ness ou business principles and the public like our rnethods. Every,'day is a bargalu day at our store and -we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produce. ýWe will give you the best prices going. TcanIFIu.-DrOWnid lu tise biLan rince Rivet âmse 28rd, Albsert E. Tordîi, son of the laie soard TonCff, Darlingiosi, aged 21 yeans, 9 inonils. w ANTED good oeeneral servant ata oe.AP ly b ta ÏS. SOUTrnEY, et Mss. )c.ncBeitih's, dowmacville. 28 1w- W XT.ANTED at onîce a reliable girl1o mon wossau te lake charge of a baby flou a oblnd. Apply b 'Mii. SOUTHET at Mr. Duncan Bplle, EoBýwmasvlle. 28 1w"

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