TERMS--81.50 PEu ANNum. Nirw SEE.RiEs. C ýuch, Johnston-& Cryderman ISot only carry the flnest stock of Carpets and Lace Curtains, but they also show the finest stock- of Dress Goods, Silks, Musîjus, Prints, and Fancy Cotton Goods of all kinds, in West Durham. Also a big assortment of Parasols and Umbrellasimported direct from the rnanufacturers lin- England. They are also showing a y big range of Ladies' Blouses ,\.'i made by Williams, Green & ~~- Rome, whose goodsý are ad- mitted to be the best flttiug -ý4nd most stylish in the market SThey have aiso oceei appointed agents for the P. D. French Corsets, every pair of which is tailor cut, lits 1'to perfection and warrantçd to be malfe of the very best material. Also a big stock of White and Coloreci -Shirts. Theso are made in the newcst Ç patieras ancU guarantced to fit perfect ly. We wo'uld emphasize the fact S that W'e are the largest importers of Dry Goods in West Durhamn, t bat we are strictly cash buyers, aî;d that no0 house ini Canada selis as gTood' gpqdsfor less mondy. N ECL IG E.E. and Inspeet Our Stock. a 0*00 0a. TRDE5' MARK i3OWMASÇVILLE.Jo sln&C[@FflU Kincora eeylon Tea.. in these days of Package rieas one sometimes hesitates as to the paricular brand to use. If you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no mistake. It is th(ý;1atest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blencling, comibining, Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up 'n or- iginal Lead Packages of ý lb aind 1 lb each, in black and black and green rnixed and sold at 25c, 40c and 50c per pound. . Caîl at Yvoung% & Co., adget a package and you will be convinced of its superior ecellencýe and delicious flavor. We are special selling agents for Bowmanville of these fine Teas. OuLr Grocery and Crockeryi stock is com -- .ite. We ask you to favor us with a trial order. Prodi c.e taken. CHINA HALLYIN O A1fter You Secure you,-r Furniture at M. D. WILLIMS &SON4 S Youre best and cheapestplace to do so is at their- ware- rooms. A V ~wi1lbe pleased The Grocers. with w.-h at yo u bu-y fromi us;I our, goods and prices suit ail classes. Dm WILLIAIS&ON BJVMAN VILLE. Furniture Deaier and Undertakcr.1 SUndertýakinig a]ways reeeives proîrspt ia4 perfsonai attenltiont day ~rnight. Bowmanville. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TErE WORLD AFTERWARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1897. Tytfone e-V*sitecl. An Old 3oy>s l4oliday. CHAPTER V.1 What geed eid limes wo bad skating here, a blaziug stump ut the nenth en3d cf the pend sufficed te liglil cur way, whether the usoon sisone or net vie viono nQt panticular; and as for lectric liglîts, wTy tisey viere no way cesnpared Ith tise tun cf steeing Our course b3, itsý flickering uncertain gleam. Ou the western side vihene Mr Wm. McLýaugh- liis's lune lopes dowîs 10 the pend "tise spring that bubbled 'neath tise bîilliasý b,,n utilized bv tise insertion cf a hy-, draulie rase te oi ce tise water Lip.labo tise waloriug trougli for tihe couvenience cf Mn. McLauglin's stock. I should liSe te have met hlm. bis parents une W~th dead. What an aient intelligent eld gentleman Mn. John, Mclaugýhliu vias ! an ardent polibician inlutise Iiberal ranks as weli and seucis nesembled flu feature, lb is said, bon. W. :K Glud- 'Ko turn backsvard asnd slipping ve tise bunk lot curselves down by tise mill race where heurs and heurs 1 have slay- ed, rod lu hand, inspationubb waiî In- fo ri tise bite vihicîs îreved to h a. club as cf- ton as a speckled trout. Oves' tise- wai vie cee Mn. lRichard Coates' wbito bouser. Itis said boeis in easy cincusustassees siev, owinsn te certain pncpenty lot t him,set le likoly ho viii hoe coekiag a sacre proe tentions abede sos ; blicugi this is se aicelv ituated. I tuni sny eytms longissglyI up te "the, weods that crown tise uiplursd,"thaýt clîcice bit ownied hy Mr.î-Idgsois whe.ro picîsies amnd lots cf good times have becs) spesît. Long muv il romain an objecb cf leauty ou tise iasdscape. Satardav nighît dovi boere is net veryý, noissy. We liavo a pleasaut tss ni a lute heur lun rcalliisg old fiesd n incidents connected -%vitb thoirilos Over ansd ovor ve lagh tlii on could have l'ltied me w itis a stnaw" a,., we tell about ami oid chitn cf mine-Juck bix nuneso evenul Ncars amy ben ion, a telle w hopelessl 'yuddicîoss te the use cf toisue ce. TFry my hiest 1 cosîld îlot get himi te ( break tisehabst. (lI niglit have fon med it m1'sclf if it tlidss't muSc mc e best sick ahi avs.') W cli, oeenig-lit a ir broke ont lion uTvnone and eey -bs d~was-trshttsr- e-ont it out ini lion et a lire engino, ail shoutiugthnsle bour-se as thiey rau with cries cf ire lire! Jacl, was sleeping etorplc that nliglit antias I jumored and rau eut" haîf dressed 1 ne'ýer (,,\pcted fer,,, aI moment but whiat Jack west1Id sL tss' lieds, suds. a pinching Isad 1 givon im ý te ho sure of bis uacig ol Sir, do von. knowv what that fellow dsd?' lIe actually dressed hiniself, refilîcd at lit that despicable old pipe before li hssdged ont of thse bonse. It wms Ibis nerve soother. Once ou the sceiie h!o workod with the best cf thomi. At unother time Jack, was helping,ý russe a bansi. A lieavv timber w a about tu, go iii a wrong position, involv ing disaster aud perhapsaciet "blld biard thero a minute. boys shouts Jack. The bo.ys held whiie Jacýk went off as the 'y supposed te gjet frie assitance. Back ho cernes in a mnteiii or two witli what do yen thiuk? That pipe again! A n hiff or tw o, an erder is given by hsm and '" o! beave 1" she gees into bier proper position lu a twink-l ling. Yes this uoighborhood bas its ciaract ors as well as ether important places; Another cf the oddities, about ise groutest that cou-id ho, was a being-ý known as Joyfnl Johu,thou'h the causeý"1i cf bis joy was net very apparent. Ho lived along wuy ont cf Tyronie iua dirty little hut Which it would ho ert satire to diguifywnith the name cffhoiue, and kept a miscellaneous quautitv icf stock round and near hlm. Wbeu ho11 sallied forth te the ueighboring villaes or towu bis appearauce was tesbj cf genorul comment. As for costumew Taik about McClure's cf Drusntochty.ý, dR was nothing te Joyful John's ! lHo % a iutended for an oriental, 1 think, bt somehow had slipped ever te tbewrn sitlecf the globe. This idea fsee itself upen sue, I imagine, because cf ts fatal prepeasity hoe manifested cf gird - ing himsolf about witli whatever cameý(te hand-au old rope just as like as inet. The advaatago in bis case must net ho ovenlooked bowevor. Tihe other r 'With Hood'c Sarsapa- rlla,"I Sales Takau shosw that thi- Oi ciao has eujoyed public confidence ansd patronago te a greater extent thanacod ed auy ether -proprietary.rnedi*cine, 1JU)s ta siruply because it possessee gre"atelr1 mnent anid roduces greater cures Èthan auy et.her. it le net what we sax,. but what Heeod's Sarsaparilla dees, thae'ÙsUg the story. Aladvertiselouts ef Hoeýd'O Sarsapae~lla, lts $ood's Sarsapar-illa E- self, are honest. WQ have neyer dcie the publie, antd this with its su.pýiatve rnedkclùal mert, le why the P peLae"v abl dig confidence in It, and 1buY &IrncSt. te tue exclusion of aulobr.~r L Prepakred on!y by C.L L Iood & Ce., LowlIN> 11 s .ii~~4s P Isare theenluy plajL)tc tIz1 monits unden the old sloppy coat of al size-s and shupes coald' be held iu place y oui sec hbis outer girdie or boit. 11overon is nationality and ugo was ai%.ys a puzzlen te me. At limesI ýay-e'set hlim dewss as a relie et the ante- d luviali ago, possibly some uneccrded ,I j;msIdscn cf Noah's viho baving sncb a sui e uofwter during tise flood teck a solemnii oath te have notlîing more te do viltisl fromn that inie f orviard. By this luet( nemank you may guther hoe was mIlotl ) cviy given te that vintue which is suIid teIo "next te godliness." Ho prctessý,ed the latter, however ,and asedr to liii lisLte cburcb service quste of ten. r iseinisten ef that lime had a daînty Ïli',tîle v\itFe whe used te appean ut chanch ili cIiairmiing costume and marvelloas bonts ats,etc., thougis ote oinitiai- cd, sti wus wvoisknown cee vrcuglit mcst cf these effects lber cwns seet self. Joy- fui] Johinsglance teck lien !isi usbeing tonea mest important person and a pattonsi foi' ull tise oIsons te go by. It (oigit not te ho. Mighlily hoe vrestlcd ustise feelingsfer a fine but it must l o eH mnst perfores hic dnby and seve t ifssprecicus oee rom ruinionss ini ut any nîisk. The gransd finiale was relCýlacnes mrnnsg vien Joyful John 1b4)dly stepping ut) te the pansonage dorand as boid ly ringing the bell unnounceed te the astoundoîl pusten bis deep grief on elicerving tise vay bis vite4 pcrsisted ln dressing. -Itdident alrtor ho ýaIlleved, ne hosv, parson. Jes 11;e wt exýtra vag'ant citters vilmisi tolks- is amîywuy'-,,arsd wiîn tlîey cee that Wfo etof n a settmnsncb aisn ugdlev cxîpeil jos sorvcs te make 'eln setter ani setter la tiscr reckless notions." Tisïe inister pausoti te take breulh lie- fre npiying. This dirtv, f earfully, osasoicroature 10 criticise his vite! ýWeIlet ailthings' île wustoc imdignarsi teý sectise cnssii (ýside jtsst thon aand simply c i uIis rost treezing munner "My%-vite dresses te pieuse bhrenoîtandi w-ent yon on assycuie cintise circuit. Icli11Ilbe pleasetiteo xcuse von frein ýi.n fun(ther rensank c" se sas in- turnct andj venl. Joyfnl J ohms turnned hia seli awuy freintie closetid cci', net ut ra ýi; ltbhshedrumsîteist iliti' ,,sienstitsus ofscare t is duty,vile tisesinister simiinîsoît lu hic study 1111 calm is ne- steret fluai hmîsti iz o telaio'htei' fintl evrale 'gad t sacaia Stoy tliig a vi ai Ssoare ls aut ut ihs rcn rsainviehaveg ilk-e cf t alooksmenrykiss sud, have Esr.od lios augto tie vened cf îg higbdthi cn Ssday uson q ig te mo or less dees neot doter a nnbrfrorn assemrbliig at the hiurl for the spocial S. S. Anssiiversarv services hold tbero te day. 11ev. J. T Morswhoso attractive face 1 bave ftnseen lu the citv aud who thougli ie ox actîx iu tbe lioart of the cityr as ye 5workiug his way, is uow sitting, iu the platform propared te conduct te- da y's 1serýfvices. I rnafraidliarninet as 'a-Ituntive asl should be. Uuimssscios1vi -i ar compelled te listen and engage lu [retro(speet ut eue and the saine timne the speak er's earuest words about the C-reator, the AI-Fathor's tender care 1 over thlie most insignificaut of his creat ure, irgles with tbe queorness I ex- pceseuce inu fading mysoif lu this church once more. To be cont înued. TH E ----- PH RENOLIN E REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are workiug day and uizht to ,suppIy thse demaud. Our cerrespondenco shows that bundreds upon hundreds ef poor sufferers are -being restored to heaitîs and happinoss daily. "Fry our-~. Rqheurmatie Specifie or Kidney and Liver Pdis They are absolutely pure aud beaîthfni. Guaranteod te cure rheumatisiin, Selatlcu. Neuralgia, Lumnbage,anid nil formns cf Kidnoy and Lver trounbles, Beware of Spurious imitations. So~dluinBowmsmnville by STOTT & F or In2,auts Ondc u'lifidren. TURDOCK PILES do "net anme ýors sik- e.Tliey Cure constip)atîià asnd Sik 1jieusiaclie. Tise Late Richard Feilds. Mr. iRicb. P. FýiId, cf tise Morris, Feiid, Rogers Ce., Listoeo, Ont., came te Toronto iust Fridav for special treat- meut for supposed stricture cf osoph igus audafter examissaticu sat onua vert, clah and teck a chili which breughton double pueumonia from whicbheh died early Moaday morniug. W\'len taken iii ho weut te Mr. N. S. Yeonng's, Il. lwin Ave,, whoro everytbing 'was done te relieve his sufferissgs. Mrs. Feîld and son Percy reached tisere Sunday usera- ing. Hiis verv sudden domise lias eas ed a sadriess te pervade a wide csncle cf acquaintasîcos. bis romains were brouglit te Mn. Thos. Il. Spry's, Queeu St., whenco tise funacrai took place vosterday under the auspices of Bow- manville Lodge, No., 99, Ancient Order cf United Workmen et which ho was a inember. THE PEARCE FIXlLL PICNIC. Weduesday week there was beld at Port Bowvnauville the annual picule cf tise descendants and connections cf Mrs. Henry Poarce. The day was most en1- jevablo ut tise Lukeside assd lie youug felk had a jolly time with lioating, bath- ing and varions other amusements. A splendid suppen was served. in the shade et the elevator te which nîl did full jus- tice, the roast chic1ken beiuJ' a specially ploasino teatsîre with the writer, witis Mr. J. Y. Mason a close censpoetiter. Mr.i Thos. Baker, Ccussty Counilor. pnesid- ed, and 11ev. Dr. Marvin perfonmed thse duties et Chaplain. Complote arrange- msents wero. made for senvsng the repast but we beg te suggost te tise-authorities that a gocdsized diuing hall witlî tables1 and scats would make Port Bowmian. ville a mucis greator attraction for pic- nickers. Among tisose presost were Ms.UTeurv Pearce and Mn. Jas, Peance . Msj. aud Mrs. W. H.Peurce and family,Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Ooo. Pearce asnd fumily, Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce ; Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oke and fasnily; Mr.A.B.Werry and fasniiy, Mr. and Mrs. J- A. ThompsonOsliawa; MNr. and Mrs. S Barker, Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mason, Mr. John James, Oshauava Mr. and Mrs. M. -A. James and fauiiy ; Mrs. Vanaufp and famiiv; Rev. Dr. and Mss. Marvîn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Eastwvood, N. Werdem asnd mauv others mak<ing- about 70 per- sons al bld. After dr ikietbhe balth of gradmoa POI Vo oii1 nri nn pn nansmilts sociai lhoun ,or tvc the'j.yoas cempany dispense, ho kfping te celelîrule this famiy re ao s merrily 12 months coise faor estptin , cmpart NikhaçahEW iCSTLE.s amîie mIy babyet j anbof atton al ethor mnls faileti, so I gise il great praiso. Il j-s ecilenb tonail îwe-l compiaints. Mxsý-. CIA.; 0T 1Jalv.Ont. ýI I i LMEi)-iOIÂI Evermore wvus hlm bte e, She lias gosse, iso more te suifer, To a land vusene ail are vieIl. 55e lias gene to ho vilti angels, mauville.. ..Tise schooner Itapid City She lias gosse, Oh, biest assurance, lcaded vils grave] ut Port Newicastle Wlîere a crovîs cf lite sho'Iliveur. ....Mn. and Mns Artisan J. Counlice, Slie bas loftItise friesîdi viselevet ier, Elienezen, visiteti Mn. W. C. Ashton ou Ansd theirnunmben vus net 1ev, Sussday.. . .Mr. W. H. Crnccpe,Ha.vdon, But vo Suovi agala we'll meot lhon, cpemt Sanduy ut àMn. John Douglas'.. Iftot Jesus vie prove trac. .Mn. John Rickard is vcny il.1*.Mn. Yel vo cansiot iseip but miss bier, Robt. Moment, Orono, was -uest et Mn. Miss honr sadly, yenng und old, W. 11. Chaplin Suvisted ber Mabel Fer she over vas a favorite, Rickand, Shavis, vsti irfrienti Miss Adle an a f xold Gertrude Poance recently . ... Mr. Ros Adbrnm osuf vcl Crozier, Toronto, is home .... Mns. M. Bat carIs lest ton bier iLs baunty, Cocopor is cericusly 11 .... Mn. and Mrs. Andi cie longeti for wiags te fly J. Tisos. Clarke, Hasmpton, visiteti ut Avay le tise houvenly manchon Mn. W. Pickard's Sunduy. . ... Mrs. Ira Pnepuned for bier on bigis. Peance, Ceuntice, vas zuest ut Mr. W, Se vihen ungels camne te lake honr b. Pcunce's necentiy .. .. Miss Evie and To tiseberne beycnd tise sky, Mn. Clevcland Clemeuce, Kinb y, vssitcd She vient vîtiont a marmur, friends bore Sunday. .... Mn. John Hall A trnggle,eor asigis. bias cemmenced building epenutions cmi And as lhey neancd tic cily, bis nov rosidence on Miii St._Tic And she su itis iseavouhy nuy, Moîbedisl Snnduy Scisool heid thoin an- "It is beautifuil and lovely," nivensary Sunday and Moutiay. Ser- She vas faintiy hourd te sav. mens voeeacc yM.R ouet, And nov lunsshiug ruimont Orono, lu timnig and by 11ev. M. 9 nvsohs iie E. Wilson, Nevlonviîle, is the evening Siofis oy teilcoelovoitnes, -bolS practical aîîd interesting. Mon- STo atisI lanc pure d oni day lie usual tea vas holti toliovictiby TÀ. (ladJfourie.iht a lecture by Rev. J. J. Rue, Boviman-A 0e ville, on "Monvilth tiseir eycs open," visicli vas tbonengbl *y enjevedbv thc lange audience .... Mn' andi Miss sains- bary, Nevitosîville, vicitcd ut Mn. A. Elswvorth's on Sunda.y. Mitisummen promotions lu bbc Public Seisool, sabjeet te tise approval cf tise Inspecter. Names givon is onder et î menit. Sr. Pt. I tn Jr. Pt.I. bF (Ah- son, S Moise, F Lyclît, A Gibson, E Tobbhe' Jr. Pt. II te'Sr. Pt. Il-N PanS- er, E F 1ev, 'C Finies', D Pansons, B TosWlmsle 'y, E Quinlan; Sr. PI. II te Jr. Il S Panfoît, C Picland, R Cemlsen, J Brunit, W Rutherf'ont, J Davidson, P Taylor; Jr. Il to Sr. 1l--J Wrighst, L Kenifiek, E bunter' S Park- or, W Lyclît, E. Atkinson; Sr. If le Jr. 111-E Toms, 1 Riekard, J Tuti, G Fi i g , E B u n e t; J r . 1 1 11 t e S r . 1 1 1 -- 1H NA N Teins W Iliiter, A Davidsoss, Il Bus'- reît, i Osiove; Sr. 1III 10 Jr. IV--A XiI- F mot, R Pickard, b Taylor, W MeLeot; Jr. IV te Si'. 1V C Toms, A Bosiatisan; Sr. 1V 10 bHi"s' Sciool-R Meluîct, EY iBoîvoîs, B eroad, A Hamter, J Fana- ccràt, A Lisitcm, F Keniýi'k.îî A Poaer;-Lavon itrICvCLISTS' WlIOsI yoir joitts ee stiff anti sore after vusecing, se tisat goïsg p rdovn e stain i1srnsploasunt, ausi ahi novemnont is distressissg, ru Tracs'- Magmîctie Oirntmnîst on s,'our noess, thighis, sisouldi ors on (,k--veuIl bedeli 11istet itis the qaick anti socthing' efiecttlias eivigevtnv trace of soroiicss ut, once. Boetterlkeep seule imitisehoiuse; lb 0111Y coîts tsvouty-five cents aisd is of, During theY1> 8v value fer mnsy oison -ilîs. laiemîiua.ssJ cn o~tls LEVER GROS., LTD., 23 ScoIT ST,. TORONlTO The fsas n Nlt'A IES'SJ --~ ools minis *veon (ols, HoY IuNsEnsiS YRe Icul-s A s.a signaturie- l'Brnltiec A. JAMES, Editor an,ý Proprietor. VOLUME XLIY. '. o. 30. Dr. lloskin inu Li land, The Holsworthy, England, corres- pondent to the Exeter Western Times, writes -A distiiguished Canadian visitor, who bas been attending Jubilce festivities in London, is now paying a visi t to lsworthy-,his birth-place- and is the guest of bis cousin, Mr. W. J. ilolman, mâerchant. le is a grandson iof the late John. llToski, Esq.,, of this town, and is a well-known barrister of Toronto, being a Q. C. and LL. D. Some tirne since hoe was the recipient of a gold moedal frorn IL R. 1-. Prince, of WVales for special favors rendered. Dr. Jno. Iloshin is a most successful practi- tioner lu law aud is official Guardian for the Province of Ontario. Other memibers cf the Hoskin farnily are practising law in Toronto, and D)r. Hoskin's nephew lias recently successfull 'y taken very higli degrees in law there., À JULY WEDDLNG. BUNNER-GRÂNT, A pleasant social ovent took place at 8t Robert St., Toronto, on Tuesda.v,Jul.y 1 3th when 11ev. John W. Buriner, of Hlal- iburtonr was united lu marriage with Miss Nellie Grant, eldest daugliter ot Mr. John Grant. The ceremiony was porfornied by Rev. W. A. lunner, Myrtie, brother of the groom,- t 2 p. m. in the preseuce of a few intimate friends and relatives., The bride wore a blue grey travelling' dress and was attended by lier sister, lVliss Minnie Grant, who was also becomingl y attirod, Miss Nellie Gould, Bowmanville, made a pretty littie maid of lionor dressed ln mrain silk -%ith silk lace trirrmiags. Each carrieci sbower bouquets of pink and white carnations. Tire grôom was ablY supporte(l by 11ev. D. C Day of Arden. Af ter partakîng of a most tempting weddiug luncheon served frorn tables heautifull.y decorated with plants and flowers, thoelhappy couple teck the boat for Hamoilton and GrimsbY te speud tlieir lionoe meen. Thpresents te the bride we(re a very useful collection, The guosts f rom this tewu were: Miss Buriner, Miss eu, Mrs. E. N. Gould, and Misses Nellie and la. Mr. and Mrs. jos. JeffeýrY and Mr. [Z. A. Treleven. TrifTA MA joinls their 'nanv frieads in this thiqir native tc-wn, in heartiest congratula tiens, BABY WAS C[JEau.-DEAR Suts. -I eau highly recomrmend Dr. Fowler's 1Extract cf XVilcl StrawiOerrý. It cured 1 ý-L -r