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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1897, p. 3

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We wshwe could make ,v e r y bc;dy believe that prompti-ess is prevention; that there should be no de-. l ay when you are losing flesh and when you ai-e pale, espec- ialy if a cougb be present. The continuedi use of Scott's 'Emulsion in the early stagesof lung affections does prevent îhe development of Con- "Sumption. Your doctor will teli -you this is true and we state it without wishing to m-ake any false claims I or false promises. Free book telis more on the subje.t. SCOTT & LOWN a, Belevilie, Ont. g, ABY WîS CUREi3. g, mi 4 r. iwlc r's Exttact(, li.g g, 1t20Nr. h - r inipahlv, + î MUS. CHt Ri1verFharlo , Or'. 11111TWENT-SEVEN YIARS. De E. r a.a m, R41 I LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. m ..6 Ti2-IE DXET'ý la bou a near perfection as 50 bnskrsne anid gives c ceru clawieIghýtand wli n cit or ~ nir arout We-i out drivirg ,xhe, ~ itîh d ,3.:es aily keeps abc r tsz,7 h:--e ~et ahaa2d of your s mcrI, hors Whn you want the vo Le Drr-îg urLap 10 be had, ask our d 'le or the -Dietz. A W isuea Speoral Catloe g01cfLAui 'La anif you ever prowl -cl nc a 4jn htfaIliit wil i t y RELIETco., ENGLAND'S QUEEI. TOWN. 112e most etarlous tow'e ie England le Northwicb. ibexe is not a straiglit .street or, je fact, a straigbht house in the5 place. Every part of it bas the ap- pearance of having suffered f r<m the vsitation o an earthquake. North.- wich la the centre of the sait indisstry. On nearly al aides of the town are big sait works, with their engines puimpieg hundreds and tbousands of galions of brine every week. At a deptb of 200 or 300 feet are immense subterranean lakes of brine, andi as the contents of these are puimpet away, the upper crust et earthislacorrespeîn'dingly weakened, and the result is an occasional subsi- tience. Tbese suLsidences baxve a "pull- inr, " ffect on tbie nearest buildings. OÂLS A ATONpeople sing, "I wet te be an angl,," fod anOw»rj ptayer. Y a My get a 'CL SA N TO = tbey Ortepoorest brulfrefiéi or, Possible for angelhood-boors wattý o 15 f tLime 2501 &lm-Wr it, ýbut GOti " tl TO 1T8 NLESI e sent te foreign paaes a bassa-eJ«r gets 8, gentssine ietteé- thethe m atb qualifications wanting to be ooesuJis eplyr ete o i baen- falliiog otit,i foreiga ports ted. illiterates, capabýle je Iy Father, and He will answer it, and eerOma REV. DR. TALMAGE ON THIE SUBI ROT onle letter of wrecking ail the lawF of thougb yen may gel many letters from continuance 0F PRAYER FOR RULERS. orthography andi cyntax, desirinig te bc' Youx child before you respond, some 9 ohtained nu s put Lnt.o positions whbî most of lteý day you saay -. "Tbe-re I bave re- Ayer's Hiair - M'lsy Thoe<'lu Aaqtiîrii> Sliould nU. rra2 eawo3rk la done by correspoedence. 1f di- (ceived 'ten letters froin My daugbter, bottle, my h2 For B i ina~ls'.fs uoitiae reopli' A vine hielp La eeeted ie any place in triea21d I will answer tbem ail now and riAloRtySerice-4 e ostraiona. wûrd, it is la those places wbere Pt-,ait once, and tlbieugb net le just the lllgkty crairo ~ ronage is distributed. Ie years goneý way tbat sbe hopesefoo, I xiii do it laI ok. 1ev. Dr. Talmege preacheti on Sue- hy aw'ful seistakes have b&en madpe the best. way, anctti eugb she asit me lok.N day frein thte text I, Tirnotby ii., 1, -j Oely God wilho matie tbe world eut ofl for a sbeet of musie, 1I viii net gis-e beauty sc exlaort, tberefore. that, firat of ail, sup-chaOs, couici, eut Of tbe crowded pgo-il b bher for I do net like tbe moisie oooe boles of public men, develop symmet -sokn f bitIWi sni eradet plicatioîns, prayers, intercessions and cal recuits. For this reasn payet'I- ta OnjseOf btd l e heber foree.dh r giving of tbaeks be madie for ail men, Mighty God for ail these le autbority. S.. Gon, does not ie ail cases aeswer je wa ta for kingsantd fer al l taI are in au- of e he are the vaster perpIexities tbL8 WaY IbOse wbo sent tbe prayer bop- wyta titrit."o ur relations with fereige gevere- ed4t br, bu.. He ail cases gives vbat bholrty." meets. For directions in sucli affaire ta aaked for or semetbiýng better. So ThaI wbicb Londion is te Englanti, thee God ûÎ nations abouiti be imeplored. Prnoers "ment up from te eortb and Paris te France, Berlin te Germany, Th2etierand of tbe people la somaetimes the -ýstoutb au, tbe tinte a our civil war, Reome te Itaîy, Vienuatat Austria, St. &0 beated, sE unwise, that it must net ti dtbeY were ail anawered at Gettys- Petersburg te Russat WasiÎ-toinee Ogue whiicb sends frei tbe Ameri*can tia't Goti anawered oniy thse nerîbere hoodreif o'5 r th Uitd taesreubic Tepeople steamer San Jacinto a sdxt tsePreiei for titere were ist as devout who ilve biere see more of tbe chef men bow of 112e Britiali merebant steamer ýP17a PýS ns wered souLth of Mason andi of te, atin thn ay wo lie, nY-Trent, Nov. 3, 1861., Twe disîleguishetqi -Divon's liue as nerlis of it anti Goti gave of he atIn hananywb lie ay-souters, witb tbeir secretaries ant -wat was aketi for, or semetbieg asi________ where else between Atlantic ted. Pacidic familles, are on thse way te ngal unchi more valuabie aa a bouse anti lot ooeans. If a senator, er member of the anti France te offiially enhaýt them fery are wortb more titan asheet ef music. houseef representaîves, er supreme the Soutlbere Confederacy. Af ter mucIb-I here is not a good anti intelligen t man IfC colr~ ju.tie, r ecrtay e tie abietbarked for Englan antd France surren-r S9t. Lawrenoe River who does net be- Or representative otfereige natien en- dereti anti were laken te Fort Warre, blieve tbat Goti didt te'best thing pos- ters' a public assembly ia any other city, near Boston. Tise capture was a pla îie, ibIe wbe H stoodt Iis nation tiewe his ceming anti geing are remiarked up-invasia>e of the iaws of natiens ant il- Ile 1865 a glori>us urity, neyer to eielh udr on, nd uusul deerene i pai totagonist te a priecipie for the estab- renat until the waters Of tise Obio and TeildPýe onant unsua tiferncela ald10lisiaseet of wbicb tbe United ti ttes ie Savannab, tise Hùdson andthte Ait- for the liber a. him. In this capital tisere are se many govexranent hati fougbl le otiser days. bam,,ia, are licked up by tbe long, fire poliica chiftans i ou chuche i ou axever, se great was the excitemneet teegues of awevrld on f ire. Yea i Gotils o e post clcr elin eeu isrbs, our hls that tisrcmigad htte secrettry efthbie Uniteti States somuietimes answera prayers on a large as e strets ou halsIbt teircemng ednavY wrote an appîauditory letter te, ae geing make ne excitement. Tise Siwiss Captain Wiikes, commander of teSe l oa rtlaetnto ee seitiot look up te tise MVatterhorn or' Jacinto." for his "-prompt and decisive xs w- tlisteb Israelitish nation on tbe Jungfrau or 1Ruant Blanc, bscause action" ted tise bouseofrepreseetative.-s 1bisk of tbe Reti Set, tise rattlleg these eupe ae uetite be lps1Sepassed a resolution ot thanits fer 'bras-e, sisieltis andthie ciattering boots of an these eope ag ued o the lps boadroit anti patrletic ceeduet," andti tise eerxwiseluîing hoat close af tes' tbem. w tisaLs capital are se accustometimilions ofthtie eertb went wilti xitb Anarmy couldt just as easiîy uttie VN le xxlk arneng* meîntains ef officiais entisusiasm, anti ail tbe enewspapers anti ibrougis the Atlantic Ocean from NevwALL EUH U" churobes joineti le the buzza. Engïtýlati ork te Liverpool, as this aelites anti politicai emineece that tisey are anti France prote.stedth ie fermez du- c--Ultiave waded tistougl the lied Sea. delivered at Our nol tu us a gret nos elty. Mornang, meeting tisaI unle.a tbe distinguisbeti Yoo nee t t sail en is waters te, rea- Dri noce anti night w e meet tise giacts. But prisonera shoulti be surrendereti;,antiie ow bg if Îs. Bow was tise cross- Dri tisere is ne place un nartis wbere tbe apology matie for jasait te tise rts ing eftected ? By prayer, Exodus xiv., f iag witiL tee titys, Lord Lyces muît 1-5,-"Andtihte Lord said unte 1Moses, imnportance e 0 ttie rauliiae injonctionr retute te Loedon, takieg ail tise air- Wisherefore uia.tboan unIe me? Speak Cnda n te prayar for thîinlaemnent places ebives oethie Britisb legation. War 1 I, be eilirot -raes,ve'.haItisey Of Cnda n ougisu.te be bette-r appreciateti. Iwould withhEialtran td France 5eemed imes-t- gofbrwarti -_tisat liSStoe rltn n o able, anti wax'witi Englanti anti France a nti take the aawer" Atiobeesb lik tequoe n beI wtisisoe tn-able, anti war witb Englanti anti France wters began t be agitateti and swong nage et emphasis-words writtee by tbe -aItishat lime wouiti have matie a r_- Ib is way anti that wty, tendlise ripple scarred missionary te tise young Iheelo- stereti Amerîcan, nation impossib1,lu ori1e'tea billow, andtihte bîllocw ciimb- E giau,.Timothi ,-"I rxbor .tiserFforPr, tisai',a long wihsile, if not tores-er. Iýhen (otii et e ther illows, anti now tbey rise in- ine-came to the rescue anti beipedthie Prs- o wll of SaPppiire, anti invisible brew- tirst et ail, splaies, prayers, intr- iea, ant i s seeetary of ste. eh mason thien inmbfirmeess, andthte Alk so ceson nt lvn o isns emai Against tise aluneet unanimeuàssenti- uila becoma like mounntains, teppeti for ail menj, for kýings andi for ail that ment efthtie peuple of tise norîbtisted turreteti anti dometi witis craga eofaa ways in stock, are an autisOrity.' distieguisisetiCenfederates were sur- cnyîatalÀ anti Godti istows an invisible We invite il rendereti, tise law of nations was icept i>hain arouneth te feet oft Iose mnoue-- if 1 bave tbe tlime airnd do eut forget invilate; tise ion's paxv waa nol 11lt- tans SObiaI Ibey are obligedtt stand srea o, tliem before I gel thr-ougb i edt t stxïile the eagle's beak, anti per- still, anti there. rîgbl iefore this ael- xiii give you four or fis-e reasots wisy bapa the xorsb disaster 0of ceeturies îîbarmny. in a turepîke5 roati -itisal thpol fteUie ttsoagb wa avoldeti. tise emerald gates ss-uieng widie epen._____ tis pepleet iseUnietibItesThere came anelber criais wibthise ibeT18Passieg bost did not even get tiseir te make earuest anti contieinoos praYet lasI caso ybars, whesn millions of people tetaset. Tbey paeseti dry shoti, tise for tbose la eminent places. dernandedti ta American wtt vessels b>Ottcnofethte sea, as bt-rd as tise pave-0 i irst, iecause tbat xx 11 put us in saliinto 0Torissi waters anti stop tise Ment of Penns'ylvania avenue, or New ý atreelties against lte As'menians. Tise Yrks Broadwty, or Lention's Strandi.A mneaofthlie nation. Afler yoa have sure brougist upon tihe goverament e will change tbat andi say, "Wisat a prayAti for a rnata îou wlll de hlm jus- do this rash t ing. Missionaries anti Gýoti we bave 1" lice. Tisere lsaa bat stretis ia n an otiser preminont Americans la anti Wbat poxver put its banda upon as- arounti Constantinople assemisietiat th- rofip n .ea tslimte, antimatie nature tisaI temanti' us to assailt teose office of ;tee Aruerican legation anti de- lite ,son anti meoon stand stili f Iasi- Ne w Spr Ibat are more successful titan ourselves. mandedt tisO ur ministes' plenipiote- utx-, 12, ",Tbeu ýsp)akeý Josisua unto thse Il shows itseif ie boybood wbea tbe tiary eau te Wasisngonfor LUnitt Lod."Pratvy,.r I As a glnt will ake fo lad., ilruniegtegelther ideonedthe b xxs afor the cabiegrams- Iad io'nigway sw,,"iing Ibem el isisay or Ail Wool thse ba« o a carriageand one gels On our chips gene inte theoe wateres tisai, or isol t txvofettbei atL arm's tisose faiin1g ce get on sisoalt tbe guns et foreige nations, everlmstingîy lengtb, 5 tise Oii5iptexst .dnes as e Seou "Clbesni'jtons of us, xveuld ihave been tomr- i;i -ith tbe great orbe of w-orlds, wltlis Se drive, binuccesful d against our sipping, anti our navy-, iwbeelieAg ôooteiiaitions anti cirC fl, e a m'en seltlom like those xxho in tnY de- witbïle a. texv tys become re- galxies, swinging ensiiy starareat nirîment. are successiul.rlise cry le apectablein l power, would bave craw]eed alas', or sue anti moon iseid eut at gm - oted and Dl HBe i a pltical accident!' or "lie bougit bis xay upi" os' 'It jusî isappe- eti seol- andti hete is anie ipýatient waitLng tu-r hlm t lu oe 'Itel mre, rapidly Ltisse ise we-tut. o Tie besi cure for suc], oye ojsin ta prayel'. Atter we have risen frein or- kees we wil beB wishtng tbe efficial geeti instead of evil. We wiii be heping for bia bene- diction ratiter tisan maiediclien. If lie biasard ted digrace. 'lie proposîiion te deoxs-at. coulti not bhedons-t a sus-r- cituliy witbdra.wu. There xiii net bs- a year isebweeni nOWantI tise next 20 yearc whenl tisons wbe aaileautbority xiii not eeed tise guidange oft te God et una tiens. God oeîy eau tell tbie riglit limýe tor nations le do tise rlgisI Lhing. _ro de tise rigbtl thlnfg at thb i rong> lime- la as bad ia s it hov Bf.w lwss-W ine' .1 makes a mistake, w u ai i. sa miia am- ine O 1b iiOn» dyÎbefrue,l take îastead otf aifas nceleoffice. but il iiiIsbe after aise bas sisown lier- Ainti, e0,11,bw mucis bappler we xiii selfcapable of free gevernmnt. Teý ha, for wicsirg one evil ta tiabeiic,isrst aekn[oxvledlge Cubain independence neaxl wusing cmas-guooti s santly, le angelic, wield ise te esçkntowledge wbhat doess Ls'go dîmkeb 1 Weautise Lord tirops e. Mauenet exist. Ie al national affaira tisere; itledeplisa beyonti wbicis tiere te ne is a, Iuck. 'lis-e Isauis oet hait dock; lower daptis, lie ailows hulm te Put On are nt aisays sean by bomn iye. an invesigtiag committee witis lie Boýt Goticsffs i , net only tise heur ane isupaetffindng cometing wretg. isanti, butl tise minute band, anti as-bs- Ia general assemsbles et teee±'reshyteri- tise itande aneounce tisaItishe rigist butz tsn cisurchinlecentereeces efthtie Mets- bas colite tis eleoolg xviii sIike antid odistl cburcb, in conventions efthtie Dpis- ongist leise in lîstenieg attitude. 'lishe copal ebarcis, in the bouse et repre- Lord reiign[eti. Leît thse eartis rejeceý; senaaia'es andthie sentIe oethtie United le thtsi multitude ofthetislies ýe glati, States Ibere are men always gladt, taIereof, 1 beý appointeti on the comnittee of mal- etiers, wiile bistre are Ihose wisa are 'You $Me t liee arle tll4aya l in ee glad tc bi puth ie commnittetetfcul- of aucisority nebalanceti renuxi tn eg uni'. Atter ye avse prayetinl watx, becauice Iley do nol reali /e cwi:a tise words of mny text, for ail tisaI are war iis, or tbey ami designing mn in aatisortity, yen xxiii say, "Bretbren, wbW wat wa-after tise saine riasonisaIn' J gentleman. Msr. Oharman, excuse mue wreckers like burrlcanes antid ndr riem sers ing en tise commîitîe etfmal- iîng chips, beiiseofeetwhac. may f'loatý odors, tes' bai nigist, just belote Ipray- asisors- frein lie s'ins. Yon see t Ibat, et for tisese in eminent position, i tead men who setart wars as-ver themaci&ves- that ciapter ef Corintisians about gel burt. Tiseýy make lise, peecises anti1 cbarity xxtuis 'isopets ail tiigs' and titiers niakB e seslf-sasesitices. otice, tisinketis noecvii. "Cuuaittee oft mal.- i bai.ail lisuse whn inacigatet eus'cii odesa is an imprtant commitet, but wxarevsr a s a consequence gel se; 1t bore aria tieclare îuai. tise are ie- mnnos ta a 'plieter under bise thumi compaIent foes t. xosk, xvuio have, net eaul, andt iey ail dispeacfiy i î,nspirit et conseticnality, but le spir- tiseir betis. I bad A t rients-as ier itt Lesteesît -putnity, prayeti for ougis trie-adsast olti mes- can be t'e la highpeslirion. I cannaI iselp young itn-WeuMdl Pililps antid o- lt, butar IiK taa St.-Bo-rîniarti better ert 'bombs. Tisey aere netnmg tisan a loodisant, anti-L wouiti rather tisosaviso expecleti tnytising ativan- bea a urmmg i irriamcng isoeeysudkies lageouýsfrein tise strîfe, sut teok tieir, iban a croxv sxxoplng upon fielti car- Tb- ot casses. utof a-ar etween tise nerlisani is Anelisie rtesson avby wes sould pray sentis as any otiser taxe ms-en Aral fo>r these la elmnent place la because Lien bras-e nortbern and soutier e aetti lbay have sucis moltaplis-t perplexities. werepot inthie grave trencises, but tise liais city at this liane heids buntirets of 1xoiisresieetme a- men aise are expecant etf prefermneel, mentloned wa-aie in geo etisalh long' anti Unitedi States mai baga, as ns-e'ertter thia einding eft tisaa Apposu- betere, are fllu et applications. Letime attox, ted I is oswio ativocaledisrt say I have ne aympatny syth is ler tise cers tec ly taI would bave bîrougisl uttes'sd or priatet snee t aIxxiat are onwtt hetas-peaut country anti clti-'ofce cees" IfIbtntSpain etrlEeglanti os'Tuwrey Iatwb-e al'eady receiveti appointetnt as minis- fuc>ccsstuil isiinging on the vslsl ter pieniptentiary frein tiseiigiscourt murder, îissy bisenssellses axuli o etfbsave-ted Iisati at my tack a bave bs-se ase-egrouini.t £isp tamily for wisem I wisised Wteise tsy vl ie eceebtaelseba liveliliscet, tisrs- h noe anployxxe" avisse cf che taientietit ceUtsury. Il Goti at services I1xoulti sooner seci than city, net ýnterfteretl -Me wouldbaebt clate, os' Unitedi States Gesereiment. taresa-rTs waviitluitiseiat 0yer Tbo'.e goseiements are tise promptest ~wiîli Englabsti, wt w-iisSpin inteii paymeuts, paying just as well ted war with Turrkey, biisittL oest le bard'times as le goo tinies anti dur- by thernations transatlaei. T ing summer vacation a durîng winter prsrete pea-etiol eupiexii work. Besides tit, many et as bave Isuob mess aire tistutisig, av'e ne"t! ia bsen payieg taxes te city aed istate anti divine balancinig, for wxl7ieb il gooij nation for ysars, andtilaeave are in- men ou both sides oet thtset.,ogit te debat ifer tise protection et gevere- be every day prtying. ment tise gos-s-ment is indebteti teous Agaisi, prayer le Go& es ton l xo the bonaet support ase bave rentier- auritjy is on-r onRy aay e e ati it. Se I xish success te ail etreesl of any [pxacliotcl service t tri n b anti competent men -tiseappeai te city i the meist part aun metnec.Te or state or nation for, a piac 1taor h as-s-ail tihe tacts as ave cann t bave D-ut bcw mnny men i lilgb lae e ble, ainsd tlsy saithtie subjeot ini ail1 city anti state anti nation aeaIlsilstbeaxinsgs andi as-e can be et fneo e wits' ensd te know asbat.b ew tef, tirr,-n py,-ipil-. hs,-,,-i lsp'the iiau a t, ati p-etfectly stili as le ans- we aJto2huWs'epraykir. Te God tibe carseLtwirId 15 a pebisie. Another reason wby we sisoulti ob- trise Pauline ilju*clion ofthtie texl anti prnya, for ail tl balteare le 'autbos'ity is ti,sat 1muricbof aur own preaperitly (anti isappiness are îevoived in Ibeir doinge. Al selýfisb reason, yoiU say. Yes, but a rigsteos efisbness like tisaI xx îcis Isealtis anti preserve yùur owulilfe. Prospereous goseremeni. mates a pros-4 paospeople. Ilemageti geserement m ans tamageti people. We ail go up logetbe[r or ave ahl go dewe te- getiser. Wbee xxe pray for our rulers, we pravy for oorselves, for ou-r homes, for tisecaier' gaieing cf Palivelibeoti, for bettes' prospects, for ous ciiltiren, for tise ioriing of Ibese isard times se tras'w tovt4e ent-iankinent tbey can ns-et lÏnIl p agateu. Do mt lookatt angopthlng tisat pxa'ins te public ie- taeet as bavieg no relation te yooir- self, Ws- are Ipuchet by ail tiseasenta in eu ntina htory, by tise signing etLse cetapacl lentise câbla of tise MJYIy flt-'by lte amil cip, bise Hait Moo, aîieg up tise Hudson, b'Ylise tre4aty of William Penn, by lise bauti ia matie lise "Libserty bell" coundtls firat sîroke, isy Olt iIroesides plowing tie igi sceas. Anti if touciset by al lise eve >Ëo tise past America, cer- lalely by.)Yail tiseevents et tise pre- sent day. Every prayer y-ue4 make for ogur rulera, if tise prayer b3 o eisesgit taoap anti worci anýytbeg isas a re- bîsYunt of bens-dction las- yeus' wn býoty, tint anti seul. Aniotiser reason for obedience le my lent is jisat tise prsperily ol Ibis coun-1 try is comieg, andi ae want a isanti in heplg n tacomiing. AI any ratelIdo. Ilt is a matseteifsenet satisfaction 10 a silieatter soea great batle isati ieen feugisl ,anti came great vicîery 'wen, 10 be , aiiesay; 'Yes, I1xvas tiserel I w-as le- ise brigade tisaIstoruiedti hese beig!iss, I xvas in tisat bayonel charge tbalt put the enemy te fligisl." Well, the day xiii comie xialal thte tintem- clial, political anti moral tees, oethlie re-ýpuble xvii ha t diis-n back ant i nen dexvn iy thse proaperilles tisaI are noav on tireur wey, but avstiis coene ailis slow trend ard le "fatigu ess"s-ban xs-e aant theirnte take lise "double quicis." By eut prayers vesmay stand on the mountain top anti ieakan thein oanti aboaw- liema sisorter cul. Yea, in ansaver te eur prayers, tas- Lord Goti etf Rsta mny trom tlise igi beavens coý,mmandti isem forxvard exifter than mounteti troeps ever took the fieldi at Eylau or Austerlitz. Thse corner sI-es-futour s'episblic was firt laid in 1776, anti at lise re-estais- of isssnte ur national geseremeet xvslid again ie 1865. Bol arexve noti Ltebiliouness, dyspepîla, headacise, consil, pat,Àmsa-ýur stumacli, indigestio are premptiy cueiby Hloods Pills. They doeïs.r work bogtin thE We cr Clothing,.F Ou more than a year ago, 4an turnîng gray, and Hw aeiu and although I tried Hw0Jaa ny things to prevert a of these conditions, 1 It makes no diflerence satisfaction until I tried whether you ansiver or Vigor. Aiter us"ng one air was restored to not. It is always triue that Nothing s'ets the seal of age upon a wosnan's 3o depyas gayhar. heearoiseheit .erally from lacJk of nutrition. If you nourish the normal color of th e hair is restored by Ayer's H iair Vigor. ,t'mnia wil befound in foul in Ael "Curebook" witha ree~ . Address J C. Ayer Co., Iowell, Mass. End r ainiDpo ned desire to th ank the farmers of Wehst Durhara ipatronage extended to us during the past seasun, mind them that we are eu lei the maai et and prepared to pay th e REST MRE RC ir storehouse cor. King and George, street s., or at Pi c igton. Wea-ave also on hand a large stocý, NEW AND PRESH, d Liverpool Coarse Sait ini Bags. Rock Salt foc ëcatie is, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in arl which we are prepared te sdIl ~IAoe M1O~ OASZET i Lumaber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCRE.ENED COîî I inspection and guarantee satisfaction. pton Generî1 1al Store.5 ing C-oods at prices that will astonish you ýs and Quality, A Tweed Suito order $8.00, great value. $2.50- Pants to order. ethe Iargest and most attractive stock of lai- Domestic, Woolens ever shown ri n the County,ýv .e best market for SPOT CAé-S-L -Y fui lilnes of iSta-Lple Dry Goods, Reàdy-made %e ordered Clothing a specialty. r Grocery Department iýS "i rqippri mmr unwu uuciizeb onu rieovisios as cuieap t3;, tie cheapesi andi as gooti as the best. We bave special values -n TEAS, Full line în Paiernt Medicînes at popular prîces. Suiphur in quantilies at 3c. per po-tnti. HlAMTî'ON. reatiy for tise laynge-aJ d ist cone Ple31JiesU Inf et a broaties'ani4isgier nationail Ile?s PleIIthn I We have as a nation sseived sa muc-b.sYMTAÎrvS-ýMoiStulre zniený titeseGoti. Doe ave net owe eeav conse- anti stinging; meet aI nigmh; crabiÎon f Arew-e net readi' teaiecome scratclsing. If. tîlovedti t ?Ë» helle-r Stbbath'keeping, peace-los-- tumers forte, ahicb oftess b ieg, virtue-isouerîeg, Got-werasipping ulcerate ,becomîng vers- sore, naione? Are vie net ready fer tench a ' corner stene î aying i Wiy net noxv let OINTMENrr stops the itcaîng- a il te-lot, place,? Wish long prossiaortieg, beals ulceration, anti pruyers, mosing fremtbise norîbte ad %ees reineses tise bumors. bise oulis, tise etalt andtihie asest, leti gsts, or b y mail, for 50 cý bihe scene ha matie auguast bayent cein- Saayne & Son, Pisiladelpîsia. parison. Sons, Wisolesale Ag-ents, Men Tise Gaofanatiens, wa e als dealî ailis us as witb neo tises ps-tapIe, li presitie aI tiese oiemnizatien. ytis DEVOURED BY SHAH. square anti tht les-el anti the plomb1 of tise everlasting rigist let tise corner h los'e aeofaS atone be adjosteti. LaI that cerner Ti IortleFt tas clone be lise masonieg tagether of tise Crew. lave granite tables aun viici tise ltw A despateh front Landon E avas aritten avien Sinai shoois viti hese pateiss ahi.clshave bean rec, eartisquake, anti i-ncide thal corne tts oner igftseId stoeaput the Sermns.uon the lMiountofteoudrnofh, di anti a seroil coetaining tise naines of stea.mer Sultan 100 miles etý ail lise mien anti a'omen avio bave Island et Socotra, the, first fougisî anti prayad antitolieti for tise aviics -as brougis ta Colote gouti of Ibis nation, fron.thtietirsaIar-PnnaasatiOeti tyr of the Auterican lievolullen doav enimlradOina ta the last womau avio bound up a steamer Valetta an June 15 soliers wun intfieldhospilal. tiset the tirst boatlaiweretiJ Andtilet senea, avortb& ta do sa, Sultan aas sinasise t piece, strik eia stona Ibree limes with the ils occupants xvere eatan by gospl hamer, in he nmecf Goti sigt of tsee remairning on tht Father, Gadth ie Sdn ted Goti tise Vle . Twanty etiers aý Roly Gisost. Thoan laetishe building rise. rescueti succumbed te tl' oae waill las-et by tise Pacifie Oceain, W-ble au tisa way ta Colomb andt he other wasad oethtie Atlantic, u(ntil tise capabone sheli be laid aiith ie siseuieg of ail nations, by tiset lime as OneaHeneet Mais. free as our own dvinely foundeti, di- sinoýly contructeti, diineeiy pretecteti republie,the at Ibrona -of oppression Dear Editor-Please ual, baving fallen flat intû tbe duel, ted tise seaders,t ait if written te ceai lasI shacisiaetftyranny being bung up I1aili mail, in a sealeti loer in museuin as a relie ot barbarie ages. lars et a euine, isonesl, ho u Tise prayr tisaItishe great exp ounder aviici I 'was permanently s' wrote ta be put le tise corner atone aI isealtis anti nly vig or. tf tisa extension of tise capital I ejaculate s-cars et suffering frein nerx'ou as our 0w-n supplication, " God sas-a tise sexual weaîcness, niglit bases Unitedi States et America 1" only att ebrunken parts. I avas mel ing tise xorda wils aviicis Robert South 8ý wa.a apt le close bis sermons, xvbelisewsaintiletibytlie quacks uebil dalisereti before tas court aI Christ- lest faits le mankieti, but tisa cisutoi chapai or le Westminster Ais- I amn now xvtll, vigorous ai bey, at anu's-ersary et resteralion of anti iis te make Ibis certui Chrlres Il. os' on tise deabis et Oliver cure kecave teail sufferers. p'iles. nseilin bleed au and bei At du ents. Dr. i.Lymait, RKS. eîved liera te ,piigrina Is of the news of nbe by the Zoompâ4any'â last, show frem - the es, and al sharits in board the vho were ir injuries M0. 'oris y ta fite nbtilly, w, parbica me cure, by restereti 10 Ifer Inanyi 1s tiebilIto, santi ati bbet anti il 1 nearîy- ait: hets-eu titi strerg sn ins of liave 1ne 1 il 1 L@peQs Yeu &Q> Laýe8 eme Gi yýGur- Gm'ajjýj Wei f jý,ï, 1- r, rlooý

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