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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1897, p. 4

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B i n d e r ~~~~~~~~with great enthusiasm~. CoukL' th~ e n, fwelnwPE oknn sm ,et innumerable flags and bunting have We invite ail our readers to contribute to tbis take wigs herewoud fot hve eencoimon arrivai and departure of guests, move- arelie of the cit y left. The great1 par- Send a postal i'eriltouFTHE STATESMAN, dropa ade came off at 10 a. m., headed bN- the note in our office letter box or ring up plions 52 grand marshall, followed by a large M4r. Fred Brirn'combe, Toronto, ks home. pose of. police, Mayor and aldermen(,), Miss OJive Morrison of Toronto, le home on a infantry, artillery, cavalry and also a 'îsîî, regiment of Japanese soldiers. The MI Carrne Babcock le visiting frieîîds in Tor- W ' s T wine!!! Enstd "nluseu W -11 n eWire Manutacturing Ce. had a' large MrsaGeo Pearce visited Newcastle friends wire cable drawn by 48 heayy horses M1110nda y knon ad ppuar ransdecorated with plumes which was a Dr B Brimacombe, Marion, Ind.,Is visiting Mr We offer'the well nw an pour ads grand, show of itself, In the evenling J N KivelB W A VL E iRED CA and BLJE RIBBN. Thei qualiieste display of fire works was from ene Mise Sophia Cherry islhome fromn Guelph for aBO M N ILE RED AP nd LUE IBBN. heirquaitis, end of the city to the other, thousands few dave. are reliable and unequalled. and will save tine, ef persons were so loyal te the glo rio th. mtn isbe iiigMs rnoeyan tmpe. ecou smpls ndprce Fonrth they could net wait until the 5th iMis Jeniniu Grose of Lindsay is guest of Miss mone andtempr. Se or saplesand ricse ire crackers were g01i19 off from Nellie Hall. early morn until late at night. The Miee Kennedy of Enniskillen, has been visit- before buying. general business of the city is very lng in piwn. adwf iie nTrn_ quiet, lething, boots and shoes, ail Mr. Cyrus D. Pinel an__evste nTrn LUdown. Restaurant prices fromi 5c up1,Loiss Irene Bray of East Wbitby je guest ata led u resfrlodging 15e and up per niglit. 1buse lore Villa. r)aEg a in s rent is very high and yet there are Gertie Cawker. lla Forks, Barley Forks, Fork llandies, Tturnip thousands of unoccnpied bouses te rent. Misjesele Badnock nf Chicago is guet of yes iercnSyhsSahWe tns Newspapers men apparently are the Miss Jessie Hil. o ootl ii mOst prosperous men in thecity. Three Mies Barbara YellowleesofTrn, svit M jachine OisOil Cans, larvest iRakes, and of the largest daily papers have splendid ing, ber mother.I buivdngte ore bil ig, Then oex dandr Ariu BeneoBrnibiaii Toôýls of al kinds. building, The Cali is now completing aîdandAthr eodByTron, Mibast En .IA Ail Prirpn me is no buildinge fThe Ea - ing Mrs MeCeady meualitv idig ne o temeet Mr. Frank Brown, Gaît, was gueet ai Mn. J. J. Q te U~L -~"vvm..beautiful buildings ini the city, S0 prifit- Masoni's, iaet week. -'ing mnust be profitablie. 1 havýe beeni Dr. MeLaughlin attended thé recejit Medicai WTe are stocktaking this rnonth and lu i AYtakiug a stroli through the cemeteries convention ai Toronto. -Mm of which there is a number here aud Mn. W. J. Fleming, Cleveland, is visiting bis must clear out a lot of goods. This is your W ~mauy of themn well cared for. One lias parente, Wellington St.1 EU Miss Ethie Knýigbt bas returned borne froîn ' Ra w ~ 7~laige Crematory lately b:ilt::îesailvsiig rensinande otniv the latest improvemeuts, opened 18 Mr, and Mies Arnott, Lindsay, are zuesie oniP BowmANVILLE. Opposite Ontario Banuk. mouths. It le elegantly fluished with a Mrs MeCready, Silven et a ___ __ __ __ __ te odtefnlsrie fteMs .A.Bue tafradtocide Vl dead. The furuace cost $5,000. 275 are at Mr. S. Washington's. ~ OÂIS ETE. bodies have been cremated since its 1ev. J. J.ltae was in aitendaneathbi Pl tZ 11- pi___à-rI opeuiug taking from Suý),, 80 minutes No. 11. using 10 to 15 bags of Eiîý,i. , coke for a M1t is cred Faie udnDyStrwt body. Copper urus are flsu,,5as are- n.Js endoe etrIed, N. Y., is Sa ruic a u ftelretceptacle f or the ashies of the departed. vislîing Mne. Aikin, George et. UIIrwIU II ~bays or harbors n the worldsfiinl A new bidn is beinrected for the Dr. J. M. Brimacombe je attending theDna s&rge fer l of nl Sami's uiavy. repository of the urns. To-day Pvery Convention lu Foronto ibis week i eitline rydptetoforbgsre c milesefrem the ceast, iofGolden Chrsstran Seve mies romthe oas, i Godenoverland train is bringiug hita Mrs. and Miss K-me 'St.LusMoa it Ait. Gate, one mile lu width frein tip te tip Endeavors; 15,000 are expected. There iug ber mother, Mrs. Nunu, Queen *of land, looked uipou here as the dump- is a vrygearc rctd Mn. D. B.Simpeon, banrister, and Mr.Southey, Dress Goods at less than wholesale ~ >,4 n rudfer ail nations. At 7 a. m. Stetwtj h ote ocm.A are on a fishing excursion in Muekoka. 4t. whnth grouud ariea.tagrStetwthte oto ecoe tWe inotice that Mre. W.H-.Warnlner,Monti-eai, nc 4i-whenthe erryboat arrve astr nig h îlt the arch isl lit and at a short dis- sendes 10 i he cidrenes fresb air fuud. eW5jan invading army and at 6 p. m., that The flags are uow hoisted throughout longed vieit with frietîde ai Woodsîo kp W._ al wsiiain heciy o. reis tii the ,city, welcome te C. E. $15,000 te Misses Cawick and M, elow cosronto ULILt.L mIUt 4aklud$16,000 bas been subsbribed forthargeîtDA.ib',bretee b Bys __________________ the city of Alameda wth 16,000 inhabit- meeting. is viiting ai Bowmanville and Newcastle. miles, ~~~T. bOAR. Mn. Frank MeDoweil, wife and Frank, jir.,areMns -tin wy on _,J&is he cty f Bekely wih apopula- San Fraucisco, California, July 7, 1897. guesîs ai bis father's, Rev. D. C. MeDowel are the patterns of Wall R ino 200 h ra aoiyae_______1ev. S.Jollilr e,wifc and son of Waupaca.(J %l professional men, merchants and arti- are guests of lus brother, 11ev. Wm. Joiliffe. Srwiasa otpie Papoer, and the prices are sans put in their daily heurs of labor lu A DOUBLE I)ROWNING. Miss Edilli Butchari is borne afler viitiiig ai Mcn's Fine Boots, some odd Unes to veylw n h lcet a acso admu rvltn- Toronto aiid othen places in Western Ontario. STvery ltstdsgn owl teaacnfedv. hnovravhydepbe o asMpJhlaeceek if n tocilnn -We Good. Coplot comina-les oth haveeor lsied.contstin n alg watchug lmnd soig neisAcMok. lf at ek iice cera cua otpie buaainad AercnyNtr asdu oefritta n ent siu. oug orrw va st- lieg, Dr.E. re geste aiNr oien . P 1 ~ Celiig, î'ell tituem, c osperorv, c rrei o uf- eou tedbisrely ief. ke amt oe theSurMBenson, Byron, Mich., aresuotasnthMn Joli .$~fao udder.Frîmitwlv t fftenfae aai ad eiisg1 ~ow bay he Feg WCh blas been vsitning i es~1I 9 hesdvsthe he pofOadadandk evor uay. tea od eto b otbsute. Fberad, Wrolidontofra ewcyeleetip home ampauie-yI1i I fery apcit iWfom went o4,0ward a toad Nran E the ater befothre Mn. Arihur Doney, tlls ____ ifeontae s f hdieaeec a sgli se witiNorfotal, Iloi. oea r .J als 4 nd wav.sitingihetr aunson ofethA.lNtn Rioher anrevltncisoth atInynwish te ec agin. bahoid trutbfuly tatt Morrdow siemad Bmrra fe ii iget rc fral idso rou Th £ ewa4an latts t desgns11 itheO sacedofthen nî hn bs 1fea edeote euwbs r. end.ryenaweadMisLia Canadi n and merica lk aturbbe asidocaxlrmore f toratic da ud ave rablyi k o uin th boc, al ityChca , Mri., ia e ts iweek. he' r.P cd.Clpeecmia temardedby heerd 0fthe baIte.theigre alo atcadeselu hin eerlgtsfrbicH.W.Brbareredonefma ÏF ea-ityis iad t beout on wih lrge tha le h d s nk scon fiie w i el ai Li nd y, ccompnsed byndber.grandur tion o Wall Borde and raie u ttiug n e plnts , on tel brokon fot o hi homief.utOke a me tedthesr e aid Ga Br n itb h .a e g e so f Mcig r o Kingston antinAlex.ndlemiBay politcal uestons o reaing uch o andin te.wFouin thele bead cary- enaceda iabo iscg ore rom t MesîAndneFrye Rob ers, isiel ame her b.eongvn t edr o ae oista hand heen luthe ateer andaey. fun el s aner bage eue.nd Fre. MissfoLialiew Tambl i hope bmas niesi aih l l u " butebon.J. 1 Tare an bon Mr rt1 iico tepeta it b ae fdie. Mrowe w smiodutUSion omte, Mns S.Wlho. hisnerwyumho Mr nk: Se ntidA.icerncial nitoro, ndoB½/X~NILO the ewsnus eenmtgo tb leerton o ta he sie ft*y ise avee woro m er o t. arswelbuDivson enthustieyorantsi, says theOaile tar.s streuth e ailged nteriewswithib- rined wit caunon allsaud evry oedrens of te aercefn h isLlinHwien oothsrî erl, etzassurebsomehoy bas filed uppeto ardee etthe rounding are v erebdes tured eut iregalitheireihneatrasuor iirsmotei .B USLmnfcue fa te ge the ur etthe Gverumnt ori attrative fthe eeaýi of erfuorin age enumbeehoers udcodt- Bwmanv iidane gues iMel11.11. Fnekirn telri-ieMnmetlWoko vr beig tragheud u h i, MjetyQueu icorm'sDimou Jbied heceemoy f he rdr t *he frda. Colin e, Hapt, wae guesi teMn. ___________ t~ee was celebat e brewihtb ompcaugavn e s. Yerthung tht oke ws a-dson uof e oelr nyatie lterengcnlet itoa i id fCmtr ok dl igite thene iar-eme tego hen MrleW.nPare f this to. , ýiii, re hn .CrBeofrbaltowifndMssowa,d nonte erthog tangohrmn ee Probyted lu muof hbrcl. hes ra anesi h iar,- ii i idaaeMpie ylirgad theni VLLE toirg ecrions 20l'18spe7.dfchurcîseirior of wbich irous -o mee ei qantan eveNry ii eeîIn,,aghtebe, MisPobetiandre solier onthefild oin'thouh te tnerl tokploe Snd pemrfect iiiM.. Wr. igb Ib toernd MiiatruDn tie u mny nwek as iin etiful, theing pin anthe disoue rse tihomioite i% msued tbe medantraiLekadhave us ona éclingturday Eteleon s h e s atie ina ngmaBsaony.__ Thea deay tiu soowr ie. De- weu ou wllutil n oear the-bcle os be purhee e, r.ici, n rcdHoeoven D5yereandSveaMofica dgntuie oYoeundgOOUWATA TMo-r-end ciodcl NtoPrnsboudbavsucoet beugith emout's inotiehewboleaceda uithr isough îlo te an acepabi nd M ie Roers thoe ,Camei hnd cod uolets teTro ndtrd o -'New dfsic teiedoffthofconreatinho- te ries ae o metth o The evaendgthev. . nen of Mie. sitdBwavil tto hrdy Afwot5ecepau ues em it htme fo pcTarte dhston. o rat aeterash- o aethe aience J crrwwa bredatÛiulc - tp o*f lu the tnai eeicohr oes. remnuuiesmnweeteet TiAHRS-fynwn emk heall, ue 1 Mr Frt vinClend, Ohisu toeldrnofmeBte. hy mue aheNVILL150 dN T.uyadAgu nagn Toai our mmtd btehers. P.ou.d net hav e ribeor tedosfarigthe s bel te Ohw.Sud atrnl onih v.liv-' SMr.W.ecta, N.Y.,vnd Mn HayoCherryoio e ihM.W.Wo' rtyCuewieO tem qiky .H i thsbietbe h ieod toatn tes. quawasse omthng y ndew te me e and i'ofiia.. Bot man bodyje le ilgthioler fr aweek.rhmbolaa theNes _ia ________gonth tw iselngTheukig myoxt.he~aveus wr mmo fMt s deiinate Mn.ands. G. H.fulstn and e bakild, Sadr. wibh op h rmss h thegho llgditriwswt i-ae lnwotthtcanifonabas aexperfcedos f emeand jtnae ooiu ie u blwr ecn uen atyhenchuEd R.GeB. Reeve,Ge aRM aT reNTof0arsbd n MssW. H. R, Cawkens.ofTorotobaeretlghe ralTafeMngr r .E.Dvs at iLt l n o ,Drigo Onl, t a Meboi d st Cmp roud. ferenyf earsun rucînsoale vrmmak turnd ou inet oe jie rs .N.Lwneatedd b eGeraPcsngoadTiktAnterHydgndadesiywkeon togrimsby Parkf tet oenre acrs l atet~ rpractv. Tens frthe rofe ueasinen jenumes an conut-f3wdinofe brther, evo rR . NiMcbesuM.A M dJona.leruin Gneraonuentabulings, iof elsadrnag dea-n w oed o triho snt h shore t Lak MOn esty e oogates te the continJf u4bi- dth eemn o hmudr te wi J as.B D of ailt Snd,wîchtookpleai SaonfiidtuAet r .E ucGnrlBg pueSTnno2 lee wý eeebraed hre wth pmp ad grves.Youn Oea geandis- ffthGuer adaresittihe reatifve lu the .an ..kidsofCeetryWo agaa Pll, bs aspendd ntual or-bdigbore Tousati sesen d oetheu r.y . Piri-of' i ow. na pactyMrs. JPhn el oMirsl. Bibaoa, d r riltAet r .C ik a rd ouwt pui c gro e playthe a rt etrelitle aticiat f etathi ieel acih dsneAnnl lie-sd er snic, Tront, adMss nn ainsDo woaobotls sud te fineest lras dy ovr 81,000suierhed oadi etne1-ausrpiucfonesbtf S ofi arirwl egie amn- otntwroms aoaiymree it uhui îsoyn e rmnal o doceatlon on bis retunu. Ho bas been ibe social by theCraaffableesudtgeotlemanly mua- gise. Big hook. Tremendous demar I Bona- o tin en t G-ro nd ril antlybgter-disT. bOAR. janngling iJbicord. T te bl nunlogerne-sit Kneone, wBliC, ne h LaDuereo Fegtpi. gftfo, ~tja Statin ou he grrlnds Stea er os wr Cpraldinrua mhrc eut wîîwiic e ul up uwhaud es nrbm grs Jar eLeast6orgurtel edee OIINCiurNDp.7 51Da~on N pes hlrn.I epc I12.edteCavrPrsye icali isse nts n elvsrl pfr n.tih the vtra one winuingagnld ao Th o ramo nexusCaio eadsns andrnwu off by imthenopenly dofgesied fond tmodrIitatl. sear Wghveuseacaon rdatrn h iiu aiat fucnf thmerakmoeosdng hek suuser. Lo bavting the igityfardatfew da Is udîloefeemaenawtuneab dtcFieti MnesusWiht, fmeanly ci FionPortn,~~iJ 3f3U~ ORF1 EVC.Tî eit them a da'stuktitise SteamerDe-lviso audacl er eepur r iogd Dsae of île i peo lrke,î)wof Traoto, woibe gold modalu d Ai priclrsma o a fomW C ewher m e rrv u hlen lenar îe eui. isssslofficnmigaenbythlandin oînraceLegu o ries ordfon brebmi, . . .(422abedo Wilkinson, Torouto. houh te i aethe mosineeul th atn noprne n Lle iortu anial; arm Guepi, hidhs a ellf ______of ________ Pndroidere eife reresbethe acog rawuby5X bestnalen-w edicies ole r sd gen. To .WiBnsiifi nmeiiîouwisto, anile iaio hr g.A od uly.Pie10.Ihaeasator- cetofo hi w alsIficapracgstedeAinrunseton mmiest nc GlenMdia iccov-ny. Ilof nte eant bos nd gixrisa boor n noman bedbHusieneBul moeserice.Pnic 51.e. J tImfoma t shoo amie t e s u no twringeustherthebcethud ieSneep eenyacdIg luprt mue. chanatr. ise Mahery's grandma i oideno ette.Thyms ebe n. GiEACI Lot 3If Cou ae, nwmavîe ca u ind abot he erso uin aes eeaortute d in Saua iar Vl retehaiwdicrde ni l digeto. d ier maN. -thendrel ati iliherrudyi2otf Se fur as ourdko wldgsud xprience builiwas u tth luest vn. aliyrnthe nvgeats leliBrutmaesticapelluiPi _____aaehme__ herCtae____ ade n tegodode nCOT Trno, gshl wey bi ave ted o oand te. urtatoe groeathproduet twic lme ilealenod w1îe î1-m os thlcte.a n Odeprsen H.>.Jlibnnduglîtad r.fnomli Hon te reis.Th sien ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a bybot renlbsoisrit e u l gups,8,0 t 1,00 cesi, sud nar-bs due u estytssofnmln-now veanid a er bot tet o prtyc eerMrd eo. . ery aytrosnt., RMteyORNg ib1o' ohn res euBrilu ne xcptin s te scitie kowte hostets t tCa ia asere ined t log îebodi ans d ntu mnta-s. is rteu owav-r,4c ai e anhirlage ter.o.E.D-kper rtsedf gotsbit-9 ad ion8, Ealn Mrdi tassrao erdsouCampwbouveldlatra nave etnJuaniTce climateof udocnie.Ilate puonyogiaPbcseoevngexamination ernteri aerandpTicptegentardly tHisyongoll.n aslil ~w okepi o crsbyPr,sdftonreer ou bedacrt aig rre muypat intor te et. tO th l ringhotoac u dprmna oalaiu1h hybvetidtee-ys ule it o gradels ad fr im breode. at.E fiesl-fberbuîider.R hi curesPhrsonMev.,nr. Jhnnd Luet eSNOWDrei for "pyin chnce" s thtTe-um1-tM.baslo,(attd 48 uirîo îen-mu lsi lte rrcIt iihfubihdl ugs.Ifeciiaaluesdls.e ed.Nj.2-w cnusull cosidr t a"dubtul"on woidbuilt ut 'a cost et $750.000, pro- rheurm, sud ail skju affections. Il cures 98 aut sncb a lot season, and wo do net themiwill fot u ina suoet pr may SE AND LAIND FOR or they would net got if. If a record. seuted te the state by James Lick and per cent. of ail cases ni ceneumptien. Thon- sep, why the tîme sheuld net ho chauged Dyes until they get rid et their peer S L could *ho obtaiued it weuld ho found hie boues now lie ut the base oethfe saulgde lave tstie t l odnu ent.ete eEetro bita.goeds. This useans lbec ettrade te îhe that heth curexcursion s isabusinessgreledos. very aeun- ggreatE domeA.D ThereA uare stwo-sgreatdealil Dgood druggistsFIN FRsE IWLil. profitable undertakiug except for 0w- telescopes. The professer is pieased to _ Dr. .PI'rce'a Pelilescure Con tipsiion. WÂSs,- auD v5ePtiA UremeD - areshort sibte davoer. D namontrDys LbAT FInKNgtEeRAEstDBWELLING ners et boute wbo eau flud people rock- auseor ail questions about the sightfs. ctadallv ecanstersyneoteecaeMs ibrwt les enougl te put u-p guaruntees of$250 The scenory arouud Mt. bamilton le TEEADBA MAsTER..-GBNTLEMEN, - Burdccock t iood Bitoers. For a long tewu udcanad ailbvemroaus t aresofani bo eeeotMr. Hiboi, l e$300,a venture tbat ne secieiy le justi- grand. To roturu to the city s21 miles have ftennd grout satisfaction in the' ie !steusdwihdsppi sdsu huau1are s of anetabtleoîand wthsle (re- fied in going nto unless the have monet dDr.gFaweerits ExtruotietedWiid ofrDw- FweakuesetrThe fasf xtrrm-onwweulds.ATyeladytlux theocenntry AwbolcaunntththeobuildingsCaare lu gond'hcondition. -Florehmine te lose ; hecause if j e u fetthe useeted turne. Leaving the Sauta Clara bry udcuierinalai u ailtireme utB. I subs greayhoeer, ob an "imn ysrutetoueyloo îepoie as~ rhrdsdsaa uncertain et veufures-a lotteryl at Valley I returu te Sun Francisco by the cases et diarrhoea sud summo en Ityu .BB bsgotybnffe a write te Wells & Richardson Ce., fnl s lad1ou grundeadlnig lY etdoc Our sincero advice te the public ie : S. P. Ibailway. Unce Saus's commeus plaint, n les a pleasure te me te om me, curing the dyspopsia sud makiug Motreal, for tle celer requirod,stuting For particulars apply te île undeigud eraionet hei1IneM endenodyJl odifte the public. R.B.MASTERTON, rue Ctreug sud well. JENNIE EVANS, whether it is te dye woel, cotton or siik, JOHN K GALBRAITH, dlon't run excursions. oaino hi neednedyJl Principal Higli Sehoot-, River baioN espeber, Ont. aud the dyes wilt ho sont by mail. 25-3mSetelorawulanvflle. s .4:

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