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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1897, p. 6

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's j4~ WED;SDAY, J ULY, 21, 1897. DR. J. C. MITCHEJ1ýA it 4~n urgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offir.' and Pesidence. Enniskillefl. 74. B lV Iili 'OLlCITOU, te. MOI'RIS EO4L t rairs, Kine Srreet. Bownlsu- Aile. 'Polciter for the (Ontari Bank ý,aî; fteevs loaned at thie es rates d-FFICE IN THE WEST DURRAVI UFNews Block. 'ahere himself or assistant ïbe fuund fru t'.mn. t9 Nigit eaJJ à telegraph or telephone will receive promvi tention ll-yr Ex. PAT Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. OFFICE :-IRear of Messrs. Hligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DENrT ISTY C. 1-AlINDEN, L. D. S. Gradua of thé Royal College of uental surgeons, Ontario. CE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE4I VIALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop The undersîs<ned who bas been carrylng on the tailoring business in connection with Maeon's Dry Gonds Store for a num berof years lbas commenced business for himself ai bis residence, King St. west, where he is prepar9d l;o make gents' and boys' suits in ail thse latest styles, and at iowest prices. For those who w sh to order suits, he will carry a fuilt une of %mpleoinail thej newet patterns. Give hlm J. T. -ALIL-EN,* Fashionabie Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large sum of money fias been pl aced in my haads by a private person for inve8tinent, on approved boans on farm security for a term of PIVE or TEN years, FIvE ANDs ONE HALl"PER OFNT!ntereSt Willî e aslted payable yearly. Satisfactory conditions for repayment will be arranged. DM B. -SIMPSÔN. Solicitor. Bowmanville. Dated Oct. lst: 94, . 40-tf. Her Majesty' Diamorid Jubille G 'IARRIES- "Queen Victoria, HIer Life %-)andt Reigu" i to every home. Persons who neyer soli books take ardevs f ast. Preface thée Most eloquent of Lord Dufferins achievements. No book so higbIlypraisedl. We needtmore eau vassers. Easy to make s15.OO ta 'ff.0 a week. Books ou turne. Prospectus free to cauvassers. A trial wili cost uothin q, 'aud t may dili your ernpty pocket. TuE B1iADLEY-GARRETSON CO., Lt'd. Toronto, Ont. Mca and women wbo caui work ha rd talkiug ,and wrlting six hours daly, for sixdays a week, and will bce content with ten dolars weekly. Ad- dress, Nsiw iDEAs Co., BRIANTIFORD, Ont. 1~ I arn j usi starting tise best nrir *thing AGENTS-have sera for rnany a day. information.R.P LsoTrnOt 1New Editioa of 'Queeu Vie- AGENBTS. torts" now ready. Enlarged- thirty-two fu page plates added. Best history eI the Qsseen snd Victorion Era published. The 'Inly CanadAian booîk scepted by lier Majcsty. Sales caurmous; canvassers knocking thse bot- tom out of aîl records. Easy ta make thirty dollars weekly f rota now until Dlanond Sublie Particulars free. TREma RADLEY-GaAsRsRSON CO. Lt'd, Toronto, Ont., A CTIVE MEN.-'Wishing perma- ,,lment and paying employaient eau secure thse sarne by engaging wîth ns ta seli our hardy Spedialties sud Seed Patatues: AIl Canadian grw.Onfit free. Salary paid we ekly. Write ns for prtienlars and seeure exclusiveteérritory PELSAkl NURSERY Ca., Toronto, Ont. 14-4me. WORTH SAVING. The V alue o et'Eones>y as Fraeti',ed in Belgiuani. Tha people of Belgium. evidently be- Haeve ini training their chiidren in hab- its cf ecoomoy. Possibiy no botter me- tJeod of convincing th 'e young folks of thse wisdom of iooking after smail things couiti bave been founti than that re- Soted to in, tibe public schocis of Brus- sels. 8cm. time ago thé obildren were re- quesasd by thetLr teachers to, gather Up ail the waste, ana apparerîtly useless articles tisat they could fimat on their way to and from scisool, andi to deliver therni ta thair respective teachers. For eiglit momths tise work of coi- lectiot went on. -SmSh objecta as fin- f oU, tina caris, paintt-tubes, bttis cap- sules aind refuse nietai were especiaily iooked after. Thae resuit was astoruisis- ing. ineteen bundreri andi twenty-five po 1.i of tir-foil re'warded fths chil- dren's effojrts, together with tweive hundreti poaunds of restai scraps, four thousauti four hundreti pountis of bof- tie capsules, and olti paint-tubes, that, in tiaeagregate, weigbeti two hundred andt twenty pountis. ]But it vous wiaera thse articles were, tisposed of andt the muney applieti to usefui abjects, tiat the fulil force of titis economy wa.s manifest. Tise proceeds1 oepletely clotised five hundred poor dhidrera, anti sent ninety invalid chil- dren to xecuperation colonies, snd1 there was a goodly balance icît to bie distributsd among the sick poor of tise City. it andeeklo'd. 10.( God's c(a L1to te~JIR 111E SUNDAY SCH-OOL. wruito reprJnt iacsrmanita tisennn INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 25. reason xxisy men soisît, maire hastset --absy thse commanti. A day. Gýoi's judg- I'nlI'eal*sm j AIs,."Ae , 212-34 nment, tissu, la not a conntiellY reclir1- ITEMSC Go] dlen làTxi ei n4: 4 ring faet, hit an event ta take p lace uýpoa a fixeti day. BIl will jutige .lMost PRACTICAL NOTES. aptly spoken u tie place of juisg- ement, tise Areaparguis. In rigisteaus- Verse 22. Mars' hili. Tise Areopagus, ness. This will constituts, its greateat Neglsborty or bri a f Mars, was an eminence in terrar, thse fact that every sin will tsen of Mon Athens, nottiwest of tise Acropolis. anti rerseive it.a juds penalttyl By tisat mlan. Oaily R rising sixty feet aisove tise valley. Here Paul emapisasizes tise humanîaty of Christ ratiser thah bis divsifty, eas i ' sat in ecKuncîl tise most tistiu.guished lietisen auditors were likeiy ata m-ils- f ai1th a n c ifizens of Atisens. Before them staad apprebrenti ainy deciaratian of Goisa risf tise apastle, not on trial, but making appearance' upon tis e atis. 1il Let vrief Chrstaniy t tseus fot farget that aur judgment is lan GOn a di clear statement of Crsint hethe banuds of OntcW is l f11 ur brotis- gar, Mes., requcat of piilosopisers who had pre- etr. Givea assurance. Godi arketi ouf stretris viously heard hlm. Thse report of Pauls Jesus Christ as bts cisoseru une a-Mang lbs la very meagrasogi re mxisrtise fIst of is resurrectian. y nege, hoghpr-Ralset i ilm from tise tisais. Tise faugisi cisc, anti gives ouly tise lbac of f isught resurrection sisriseti that Jesus was lutian ln la wisat wa.s sitisout domit an extenti- tise Son Of Godt iat bis teacisings were -isct Reuý ed discus.Mno üe alb-dvine anti aufisorative, andt iat tisere sachst disouse.Me o Atea. aulbeîl life beyond th ie grave, hue gins bis speech hy a dignifieti formn of 32. Wlien tbcy Iscard. DoubtlesFi Paul came a Si adtiress employeti by Athenian orafors. spoke at lcngtli on tis subject af tise tise State Too superstitions. Better, " very rever- resurrection anti sioseeti is relation to One, of enfial anti religiaus." This seas not an tise sciseme of Chiriýstian trutis. Some -en af t mocketi. Showeet by look anti gesture accusation, rior yef a compliment, but that they titi not believe Paul's t cacis- awkjns, a ecgifion of thse fact tisat the 'Aths- iug. Tise s"'hoals ctpslaub i-ilUissoiri enians seere a worsbipfupopeThr ens either denieti ail future life or Ise-peei ul popl. Terelieveis ouiy lu a dini anti doubtful ex- at tise 5 were et least thirty tisousanti statues istence. Tise conception of a resurrec- Whiles lu Atisens, ail aibjects of wolrship. (1) tion neyer enteredti ieir viesvs- (2>, How- sf111 fors Notice that tise disciple of Chrilt can offen bas isuman learning put aside tise bests ln sec fisaf thexe is a germn of truthin l revelation af Gais as a thing of naughf. ple, of C Hear fisce again. A polite iismissal of a ÎStates tise Isatisen forms of religion. tise suisject, yef sowing thathtie trutb Oregon, 23. As 1 pnssed hy. In ssalking tfram badmatie sorne impression upon riscir reUhnins tipa seapoat, ta the cty be imay bave ininds. rpi 1 pEse sverl ltas wththi iscrp- 33, 34. Paul iseparteis. Ris labors at Truau. passtiseera siar wiistie iscrp-Atisens, tisauginot interrupteis by pet- uuu r iais referred ta. Several anent srit- secution, vere fer lesa successîn tisais fore had ers refer ta thiels e.ihelti yaur tieva- at most places, anis ie neyer referreti Mount MV tions NotthIe worsrip itacl but tise f0tthe city in bis letters. Certain mca auqulrad. alon. at lave. Evidenfly a srnal aumber, per- anis haver fhings worshnppeis. An nîfar. Tise haps nat enougis ta raustifufe a cburcis. harle. Gresis nîfars, wbich wcre usually beau- Dionysine. An early writer reparts W itirr tifni marble structurens smaîî but chnt be s'as aI terward bishi 1Ap fAties ~heîp hon. iighlJy orîamented wiere ta bc fautidasdsis d a martyr. Aroagife. nihbr memiser of tise bii court of tise Are- nil a everywhere anti they sfaad ln bonar utofugus. ' rari. otIsig is kaya d 297 rje unnumnberxed gotis an dgodtiesses. But of iser hlstory. Otiarrs witb fbem. If cribs5of in al thae Hehrew w arld tisere seas a oburcIs wasfoundei if was taa small and i to attract notice; yet ln four centuriesca ai only anc, place utfsacrifieial worship. tise idol templas of thieas were clos- front Tor Ta thea unknowri Goti. Surisw arsbip cd, anti tise lzarenon hecame a Chris- ItIse ai arase tram feeling af uicertaiity sud flan cisdlrcis4ae s deep desire to omit no tiviniyfy tram hL .ea tissir' devoflans. Whlimthecrefore, etc. IS ST-SEL 0OUf 0F DAIE? nia, anisý In, all fseir ignorance tbrey wycre grop'- Pp~ tleieBigi~î iee' 13Ot A lrag alter Goti. snd naw tise, apostie w as<3 ,f] ietre t about to prociaim hlm, tievery Beiug Ts ucsau nrdcto ri-g rss m wbom tiay sugb. Pal'aapeiugrond rails niaise entirely aofuapar mn- I Me. TIse wortis sioweti a great skill in atfracting ferilinu Germany and Russia bas8e- scrasa at atteztion,ý employing an illustration, av- caurageis Amerîcai manutacLurers ta aval, 3 la oiting thse charge of intraducing a new eoa,3Ln hiject af worslieip, recognizlng tjie cie- -experîment Tise foteigis matie of mk- R. P. B ment of truti in tiseir reliigion anti vet 1ing tise rail causists la tise empl.oy- Mo., as f. nat 1lavrxmri f standard of tise 24. Godt fet matistise world. Paul begiras'bris argument witlistise delara- tiosu.tisat tisers is a peraunal Goti, nat a personIfîca.f ori of nature. (2) We nIusf sue Got if wec wouîi worship hlm arigbt. Lord of leeavema. Paul presents no pic- turs Io Olympus aitl;s bis fsastiug' drei es, but one Goti over ail. Dwellef h acf l. temples. 1Tise moat beautiful temples ever serouýgis by humans bands roseB befare Paul, as be spoke, yet ise deOclares thâftisrey do not eabrine Gais. (3) liais nly f it temple fox Got's in- %LVVcatrti 54 iactiwLa Uti.i..SM.UiCjietl 'ur .nnu tiya equ<esextr- e.&it.Lw v i a s.s .C. SY ~ii' t.yj~ 41.»J.4.t sbc.Gd ias createdl. 25. With, men'e bands. TIsepopular reatien Conception of currifice was that the gode rieetaisfoodi andidrink, anti sere tiependereon mca for anode serviqas; atse Ilcbirese doofriîne swas fisat tise sacrifice repteacaf et magî's conse- pration ta a isîgiaer ipowir andthtie 0ol ofaItise Rlcdeemcr., Seeîig he grvtis. SinIqe ont ail contes from. Got anti we are abalutiy tiepentient upon hlm, if 4ýolioiwistisat, while heocangsot neret us, we neet i hm. 4. Wc sarsh4s Goi, uaL ot l ils benitt, but f ôr aur own. 26. Hatis ma" of anc bloati. Here Paul attaosek anotiser oI titis ideas toot- eti in Tise Greek mImd, thýalitisey wera a people of nobirar origin tissu otiser races. 5. Thesisunlty of man la the, at- uraliifersience f romntise unify aIfC-ad.. 6. Sinrie pli axIechiîdren af ane Father ail are brotsera. Determinet the time:s. "«Their appoinflit eeascfs. Il GoS blas given t'a papi eople the spiscre af tbeir activity, their duiratian, andti isir mis- sion la tise w-ontd, o that allisistory shows bIls pn.Tise hourus. How far their dominion shah aextenti, anti low f bey ought ta use if. 7. Leb aur: na- tion rremlmbe1r ,iaf -ad lbas besfowed ifs noble iserrittge. , 27. hrt fhey shoulis seeki fisc Lard. Tise great. abjec-t a ail tis divine deal- àng ivits tisa worid la tao bring men ta a irnossîcIsqeaI ofGais. lItfaplyla lire seord "baýplýy" tiiicate a csniungency at li'ke]y taisappen. Notwitbratanising ail C-od'a iscaîsngs selfS tise saritifese peupla out of thaebhai races, wsitis- ant revelaf irn, hase ever obtaiýneti a truc knoi ofaIGais. Migh't fle sîter isin. Ais a blinis max grapes aliter a abject, soi, uctaîdeti by revelation, tise Sest miuiss, lrke, a Sortrates anis a SAccca, secim t,) bo rcacising aut igiior- wutiy tow,'.-o- Cou. Tisougis ha be nat fat. Rather, 'anis yea he la4 not far." Hiel is near ar4 eseking us, yet we lau ta finis hsm becaucse by aur iniqulties-se separate anrselves Iram Isim. Frar ecv- cry aneaof us. Even tisose isba arc liv- î'sg gatileLs lives are yet flllase by' thse influtanices ai Goat'a apirit. 28. lun. i we live. Our naturial 111e la descendent unon C-ct. and til11mate tles eut aterituallitte came tram -htm. .5eëur osen noiets. luiadiiressing a pea- oiep whbr knew otieinz of tise Heisrew Scriptures, Paul appeaieti ta tia reteck uaets. tiss af once shoisasvlibs muse- letize ant izaainingi favorable attentian faem iseis earers. We are aiso, bis off- pnn.A sentence Irüicartise wrifings of Arafus, a Cilician poref, seha liveS 272 lI.C. (81 Evema tsorse wWrieruf tise igist of revelation catu uerceive thât aman bas r sarne relaion a oGoi. 29. Fonasmaccis titan. If se are lile G-ad. t'leuatiae Gadiseat whirisrbl abate ua cannot be lics thaf wirh Is helose ns. The Gaisheais. ArausetiPa.ul wecte standinz nsrasy statues oftise Grecian tiiviaitics-some irf them af marbie, cov- eret ithef bgit. But Paul buitily tic- clares that ta conlides' those as images af C-ad degraises bof h Gais anis man, Gad's offspring. 3Û. The tiners of tis ignorance. Tise ignorance o aI mrn l in gpp»sing tsaf C-ad c.auld bellpsseti dta imcaages. Gadi wiak- cd at. Gad perenitteti ta psss, antiais- mit ted, tat ax ars it wA8s alacrerea eek- 1ng altext blef,unt4l a olearer reve- laf ion sisouid Seïuade. But ns.Nase tisat Chrisat baýs chasta andi tise Gospel la prreacIsed. ta Gerie as seeli as Jess Cuernan"rts all men. Nat only tss ci ho havreseorsisipet Gadtias tisa Jeuis, but tisoffe svho bave aougbt CGad tistougi visible forms, as tIse Gree.9. lIn- creasei knosig brings higiser oeli- gations ta rýemant, not inerely ta re- gret tise pat, but espàcieily'f a reuua" machines, tise forme;' for .sissping tise rail, andtihie latter for cunsoliditing Purposes. Paper car wiseels bave heen in use for maay years, and have givea satisfaction, It ta net- asunmiug fo mucis ta anticipate satisfactory resuits witb paperr rails. TheisIranaor steel rails nase la use are by au means fre from tiefects. TIse metalisl always more or esas affect cd isy the condittions of tise afmospbere, and acidents are Ire- quently tracedt thie warpisg, contrac- tion or expansion of rails. rAgais, there are f las and simnilar order, adti iese often give trouble. The eavy -locomotives and 4tier roll- ordinarlly large and heavy rilis, con- sequently tise rails caui net OIe made Ivery long, as tise weigist would hlIetua, much. The paper rails are .,es thau one-half ligister for ths ne length and size, so that, se far as tise3 weight question is concerned, thse length of tise latter caa be twice tisat aI the iran or steel rail. Ibis abviates the use of justse 5 many joints, dispeusing with sa many biots and connections anti re- iievinhg thse wheels of thse car from just so many shiocks. Tise process of manufactuing the rails la flot tiffiolat wsea nas th, aecessary oanapressive apparatu,,,s la avaîlable, nas tise aalitiifying _operation la probably THIE MXAIN PARI1. of thse ethaie waork. Tise cmoiion aIo tise rails includes severaf var ýies of tise î'spr pulp srock. Wood pulp bas uaL heen triet i wtn any marked success as yet, but ortiinary pulp tram rags, ropestock, etc., aflswers tise purpase. Processes of grinding, cooking, digest- lng, anti working of tise rags into a puipy condition are accamplishet ins reg- ular order, cars bein:g taken ta have tise stook uniform in preparation and tise lisers as vil pýreserveti as pas- sible. Wlsen la a pulpy condition thse ingrediients for stiffening tise rail, ren- tiering la tougis and efficient, so as te stand excessive wear andi friction from. tise wheels, anti for insparting elýast icity smootisness anti other needeti require- menas, are applietI. Sa variet.ihave tisesr e een tisat no definif e proporti- ions of any of these ubstascgs are praocur- able. Quantities of borax, parraffin, -wax, tannier's grease, waterproof fiis glue, resin anti fine cernent are empvlayeti in necefflary Litroprttons, anti are added te the pulp 'rvile it la yet warm, Mix- tg fo ilaW ,s,ý andthie ingredients, are tisoraughly combineti with tise fuser. A quantity of siselîno and wtiati aicohol is nest put into tise mixture, aundtihie mass ta subjeîted ta anatiser stîrriag, andt tIssapermîttedtietasettie. The paper rails are stronrg, durable, oau iseisent. far curves like otiser rails anti possess tise ativantage of ligistness anti inareaseti leugtb, besides being easaierfor thle wiaeels anti cars, and having ather points of superiarity. TheÎr costta ai to lis 30 per cent les than that of ateel. They are adaptable for botis paper anti iran car whieels. Tse Man, And The'Pi. i Site was a gacis woiriar. eI laveis isr. Sheie s e n ifel. The ye tics gauti; lis uifa mnade it; lice tc it. But tise piecdisagr(,cd wit h i, Iand nie ( isarireis ii is , vife. Nnw lie tzkc. n il 1 Itfer P; andis lhapp-. Si is lits tf. Tisa pill he .akes la Ayer's. Moal, AÂdtidyspepsa by usiag lNI a-M J T OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. yInterest la HI.. Dolngs-Matters ment and flirth Gathered from HMa Record. R. Palmer aIf(Chattanaoga bas 'ughinl tise tocvnspeopie tfadai- r is lbat uetlalla. tise lro-m Presque Ile'sta Ban- a nLan sace- sitin a lire-mile six tiser, aý bear, anis tua Lters aI tise AmericanRataev- aMaise are endaavaîing ta coi- ioufronaîy aima w bicis Mas- ;ta gave tei Mainseciban ase ha- ftate, la 18201, aisis ecte.salisby be la ftsc sixtias. tise oldest Prashyfar1an c!crgy tisc cooatry, tise Rcv. John L. s visa uaed ta travel tieraugis ianis Kansas ai bis acu nex- iraeing, tris sorne iscys ega ge of 97, near EFora Scott. au.1 ceopies e s atera secîlcus ara aing soceites cas iug tiair fisc records ofancutesturs, pýeu- Dtegaon have set oui. au fos'm association of Native lions of ta talke part lis tisa pincat f acte. rft monas 'af a nscnastery in 3ccunty, la., esho Lace iseraco- 1 r prii sent co them fram iciaeray Abby inIeltais, have fisce rrgbt ta elect an airbof, se cbcoaea tiseides. Farisar AI- tibica s1-8aitan na n stc atise, cuiaIrat Catcriiof tise rhuis of dort Madreon, ha., IîlI- ats ln anc, jobut rarbbîng tîvc co>rs Iecause oI tisa rarents, beîneves oniy rat escapýed hlm. ýa Jusperetors bave gane cut ýronfta Co ee ishat,if onytbung, hardsof thI'ie- Nhugra iiO-truet faee ro utise Sais Jose ceaie, s caîsial cisere frcrm Calitr- wc hui as Leen sipposes coulis ýdt4p Nos Srtbrn uwi.ufer rîtease dunatahon, or -wint is i. led a daisieltan, csvas louais uniser setter near Augusta, ti pant is das'ribes ns 6 incises tIse basa, e IfS mare tisan aigi- snd llour(ysi, nc ut vcr eas acIscs long anis h1-2_ incises vs ida. roevjnlag, tirscovaeteinlaNevada, lire charmnsisuaLi hunber, bas oe Ua U ts itmiI.Yiring cabLIetii, gattiag fIsîy Iraqs in l a u iour. H11e uses a sang pote v a hook oni the anis, anis, rlding miatas he frog ponds on horsebaok, yaniks aut ary frag tisat showvs hLmadîl. Joseph Dfurpuis, a 93-7ear-alis Frelnci Canadian, wiso hais een marniais tvice belote. isawceti da 38-year-olis malden of Kankakee.IEl., alter beiing elgisi1 years a wldower. Sise i1s af twice bis svetgûit anis a foot anis a hall, taller. Ie says ha la gooti for fil teen years yet . Bis, &%60,000. Ai compa'uy aI mea ani sosme officera of tisýe British ship Intrepiti sere tak- arl by tIseEngilis caoiy aIthse capital city, at an expensa aIof 3,000, anti gave concerta tisere sehicis capturaistise tais n. Irie aieansere seal entertaiaed and, as seeli pleaseis as tise citizens. E. E. Doty of Metamora. Miais., barse- wbtprped a Coagregational minister tiscre, tise RtvW. H. Flintib also practises medicina, an a charge anis ai- legti confessLon ot talksng de. ,gafar- ily of aad matron, DaLytyien camplain- ed against isal faleote a Justice, pleaiseis guity of a'.sault anti battery anti usa 11usd el0. Mis. Axais W. Buzzell af Clinton, Me., sebo bas triais five times, wif bout aurccecang, fa finis har cleal is mnan for fisc holy staofInuatrimotrty, bas Lpeah maudb annoyeti by proposaisie persan anis by lettet, tram men esho isavc, a notion tisaI she miusa stant ta try s'gain, Sise tub, tite pestifetaus persans "bhobos' anis spurus tissm. Bataey Cale, a saexagenar 1 an of West Liberty, W. Va., vent tri a lot aoftrou- hie to commit suicide, anly, fatinS ticat iseh Lioverdone flic business. 11e toak anl auget anis a cauofa poseder ta tise wvoads, boreS a a lte ila n ais log, f111- si If sertis pauSer, pluggedis if.ligirteti a fuse, anti lay doun beside if. The charge expiadati anis cuf up bis face, but dL. t b rt bîm Scyonis tecovary. "H E BATH THE FAT LIN& -Sha kesperre, ~pc rtise "Faliing Siekness" b'ý n huisn for many centuries, and frt . a e nperlis aIf time no cure bas Sertir is- s i rl Ryckmaie's Kaoteuay Cititi Lipri tise scene anis tevolutionitzc ' the r r garr.juliusa Cmsar, ane of tht r'~t men of ancient times, sens a sic- r , ;naisno piysician of bis day couli * t srr. Napoleon, tise grea test wa r- mo rr demr ines, feil a prey ta, it, arr' rt1 lis cauquering hasts tisereasrt ltt couhl canquer thiss s,a rrr is Samnuel Duffin, residng rir r r.. rp tof West Nissouri, igrêrIr;" * iitvof London, seho usak I r t'iris before a Notry Prublic rr' igisi years ago bis aisan l t n r ,ts., and bas ever since beau siý Sa tî pc, Fits, sebicis camre upan hIlr t 'tt it seasunasale for- fire tab, 'ta eH was trcateis by five oft ris' ' ý,~ic;,ins lu tise province, and spat et ~d i,,dollar, t.oaavaili aendenter, o,,,t eief. Tisen ise tried Koi<eiteve uÊh otai'es tisa naw ingredictît l1'en talc 'r etween tbree aud font 4'lI bave nase a goisappeir', a il exery rigis , and Sestrofaf i, Lus r t os arer. tircly laIt me." "Ii r 'acrang-e înryappearancea asi v c bat Iisa-ve beca Seing, I glad13 rrI -bave heen takirsg Kuotenny fi-" ,tal etis is w nusrîuiiy improscd, 1 artarinii, ee, after twelve years af rr , tf 'its,1 have Sean givan a neci * CF Ityh Keaceiay Curetise Great&st erI r.othseAge," - ' otie IKooccuay Cure îa $1 50 Pet 'F ~Ivaut drnggisr Sacs nar keep it, r i'Ryrlrman Meiicine Cc., Haiîl- rOu cher. book frac on application. O" t anassavec a mostis. IQetst ~ ATLETEPer Package. 4 Cigarettes. AND 5 cts. OL GVL Per Package Ciga r e tt e s RETAIL EVERYWHERE...e "1:lor Over Fîfty Years." For rever lifry years ME.S. WîNaaW'S SOorHING SvxYR b as beaenu natis by tai iltrirs of motisers for their citdrea wlte teethiag. If issrsrbed at nigis anad broken i f you r reat by asick cilis suf- feing and cryiug wîth pain af Cutting, Teeth wsnd t s.once anti get a battle af ýMre,'m hnotbung -ýSyrup "for Cisltren Te it!.biIg, t wiil relieve tise pour hfXlcsufcrcr immetiiauely. Drpeuoa upomeif pr itî,tee eno iasstake about ifoIt es( DîarrheSa,ret.uistes tise Sfum. "Ch aud Buwels, cures Wî nd Coiic, softeut tise fl ?i, pçep hlînvuînsa givas3se at,ý;nà enelrgy the whuk.le ysîu. 's.Winslow's Sotbiu*g Syrup", for c a tdrenleahing la pleasant ta tise taste cudil tise pre«crption ai aneaf tise oIdeýet nS iset fmerriiphiîcant anti nuroes is tise Uniteds States. Prices weàty lite cents a bottAe, Sold by aildr'egr isis throe I" n thse warîd.. Be sure rais asis f ir 'Ms WrcesaOW's SOOrerse GSvs.s p., 1NTERESTING SIGiHTS AT OUR GRSEAT FISIIING PORT. Steiies E en the or'apsie'Lunenburni-1 1.11e lit the Nova Scotia Tees nlFishv's'lell and Thelmr Iismesm,. Luacnbutg, tisa greaaest Iisbing pont la Nova Setia, is stagnant ouf af ses- son, sentes a correspondent. Tram April to Octoben, sava lot a lit fie bus- f le about tisa docks, causais by tise West Intia Iraie, tisera la liffla ta rlieve mier aomneiency; bnt fusa naývse s intense, seltis ie)rce encrgy, andtiefiscdr rasti Susf le of commerce filis ber sf recta. Ibera are over a hundreis rakisis, clip- per isuilt Iisiig schooners lying in baer barbant, thaf by tise lirst of, April sul Se off to thaeCranis Bsnks, Bay Chaleur anis Labrador, anis f is means that tisere anc ovet a hundrais captains isurrying about Srummiag up crcws oI saventeen men eacli scaking a captain anis a bletti; ovar a huntireti vessais fa Se fiffeis out svlthb bc, fleur, park, sugar, sait, hait and ti fer necessatica. Just nasetise captains arc in full put- suit oI t heïr aiea,"10 tise avens, fisc Binue rocks, fthe Black rocks, fthe Bacir barbaur, Ncetown anti ouf amang tise fine farma is tise back country tbey. go, scckiu.g recruits. Of course thbe cap- tains mot flameS lotir ig catchas get tisa isst men, seiicis expiains sehy some vessais maisabaffer voyages tisais aI- ara. Ail raniezvauýs in tiseisarbour as tise day of daparture approaches, atqut April 1, Ioracing a pratfy spectacle,. A JOINT-STOCK BUSINESS.r TECAND e.lN STl'AT E SMAN1 ESTABUI '11E18;g. I FI per anumurn badvance, obrie$t ,shcrtaonsaiways payabie i, e ofPîe o puiý.cation. Advertîi ng r'e uIL, y o tact,l10 ent.r perhUe, nouPl Aîredri IUS ,n, and -cetsper li0 no i usqun a ~~taLo..l, 10 cents, par n, M. A. J M S ulse sorne dealers try ta rh f Se that the. trade mar-rc "Tutti Frrsti" honerl l package. cs ouposfrlta "'ji pst-. - ;~, ho eau 'r.t r dr. ,O"t rny srngyou wealih V~~~~~~~ 10Od tr Sstr '., paient At Zsn.. r, - le$1,K), prize oe itor at once that Lunenburg is a cet- tbre of thse fisherie.s. Aft er the fish are euiïted they are)< porteti, principaiiy f0to te West Ide. and Brazil. Twenty-seven vesseis arýe engaged in this trade. They take out fii, lumbew and potatoe, land bring. bacis sait, sugar a.nd molasses. 1 av taiketi witi tise mercisants who engage in this business. Tiscy saiti it wai on a very satisfactory basis at presenrt. Tise Cuban war had whoily sopt trn.fficw tih fht ilarnd and bho suiza wns taimng tise place oh cane sýugar, -se thaf tisera sas ess demanis for ti latter. Portýo Rico Is their best rinrse, ts Frenchs isiantis Gaudalaupe anti Marfin- ique Seing monopolizeisby Freujci s ls- ermen seho rec'eivc> a subsidy lrom tise Governaient af ten francs a quintal, w-bile tise oteners gai ten centimnes for avery mile lhiai vessais sal. Tisera- fore tise Franch fisisaraen coaa undler- scîl thse Englis. THEY CARRY C-OODS Ili110-NR. Titsy are fiue, clippern ilit vessais, these liis carriers, as tisey aire cies anis usuaily make tise voyage fa iseLý West ladies, discbarge oas go, te-baisý witb sugar, saitt mond sas ani a re back la tise home port us six or sevean waakýs. I sens mucis inferesteti iniia aI tbem, tisa Meay, seiich klay- t tIsev docks ncarly ail last suaimer, ne-lifýtin, havisg badtheficsticks tfaken onut et ba by a uluta aquali in WestLad1(ies sa tise sjafer belone. Tise axtreme point aff tise nnua wbici foýrnes tisa northsern abats o Lunenburg's hatisour, e nis i a ms oaI bîua, nifteis jaggeci, upturactiros against seicb tise sea in stoaIrmISsis seitis fiuaders thaf maie cartis tremjble anti a srnotbcr'1sf fana thatclte thse blacis masses in a creamly wisite. Rý,igist here, upon tise crags. is set tise, Tha Sundey belote sailiug special set- f ishing hamiet of Blne Rocks (daIabout vices are balS in tisa ciurches anisthiai 400 souls ivlien tise mrciayar at home., but sehene in tIse season oaliiy omn çastors pray Ion a goot catch anti lot cbrldrcn anti oit men are te ise founti. heaifis anis salety. Then, on tisa Iirst lIt bas basa a lavouiaurit ofl-,Ine. of April usuaiiy. fieysyapread 'tisait seeisfsr seatcising tise tumol ftir jwatar:s on tisarocks or t-r IsaIdaa whiitaeseings antiput ta sca, ieavîuýg mentiing thiai nets on a seaseora îî fiscir selves widoses anti thiaitciiltrea or flic relit ting anis painting tise -sehal- orphans for tisa tîme haing. Encis vas- ara ta tise buge cbasm la isc erockýs they1 sel carneýs sevenîsen sanîs, master, tisir- taraitise inner barbant, or listeingi- teentral-ien, woboy anda cok.totales ofthe sca lu tise littie sbol ani toantrasl-ren, ua oys nispoat office camisineis, or arranging Tise crae gat half tise proceeda of tise ilise cisilisgcn ahl dowvisftie main ýStrcert catch anti the vassel bail. But tise mas- rtisat 1 may taka thair pictures--tisars ter, la addition, bas a 4 'par cent. cam- are action anis navelty anis a pisantas. magoria of asitng grena that Dmust btsý mission. Tise boys aud cook are pals expeBrienedti t be appreciaes. wages. Tise ~ren do not recaive hall the procceis, hoseever, as tiscy must pay ont af tseIr ssare hall tIse coat Baptist Young People's Ecrla of ice anti Sait, about $600Ol a voyage, tisa cook's seagýes, anti hall tise Soy's, Une ai tise pleasanfest trips offtsi eitis balthe captaiu's commission anis summar seilha fliat af tise Paptîsf bal tise ccet of curing the caftis anti Young peuple fa their annuiti convý' fraigisting it ta, mariset. TIse vassal flan ta le helin Ch .'attansooga Tenue asversfurîsi shp ati tavstossec. in July naxt. Tise officiail oî ownrs urnsh hipandproisinsfor'Canadians seul Sectisa C. P. R. Ri. t bal fisc ice anis hait, psy baltise cap- Detroit, aise Clevelandi, Cinicinnat,. tain's commission, anis hallfisce coat cf Chicago axis St. Louis (Bîg Foutroue curing anS Incigliting. Tise vessais ara , Irum Detroit ta Cincinnati, anSise osene i mostiy hy abarehoidars among Louisvilleansa Nashsville, Ciattanioaga;, tise villagers anis laraiers, sa tisat every- anti St. Louis Railroats from Cinciurnati isoiy a iteasfaislu is inusty aista Cbatfanog.a. Returninig. ikt bod i inerste i th, ndutr an ilSe good.ta stop aver aI aiei Sbenefifeti iy if. Exposition anis Mamemotis Cave Oaa F181-1 BY TIIE 8111F LOAD. f are aur rouud tnp froue ail paints i By September 1.5, il ail gacas eau, fthe1 Canada, andi special tirougli crïs from,, vasa is begin refurning, and by October '1 Toronto. For fll information aridres 1 ae mýsty i pot wth he atc. I iFrais L Ratcîiffe, Canstilan Transporil tisey bave mais a gois voyage theyay inlae,2 ilMla tet islt ti alng, lita suivaIs antd coma auto. Ont; C. S. Biackmau, G. E. A., lu lu grands styla, fisc peopla gracting Big Faut'tRautte, 117 Eliicott Squlare taetm as tac Roman populace titi te- Buffalo, N. YV.2-8 ruruiug vicoas; but il tisais bas heean i__ _____ deatis or casuaity on board, as fou allen happans, tbcy set tise flig at hall j As", your grocer for masa anis lhere are sorrose antilune- Soiing in tise village. Once lu tise cois anti haddock are akisn from tise plou in tise ship's hlaitanti apteais on Ilakes ta dry in fisc sun. Ihese flakes are sceffoltis on short posta caverad is ii rails or spruce boughs. Thse great hum- ber of thecaion bath sboies anti osn isianisin tisa barbon infora tise vis- Frï,en Dirues niBest --t t- 1 1 1 -r - 1 er --y

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