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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1897, p. 8

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s I Insecticides. Pure and reliabile Insect 1 J. HIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, ~, Druggists. PURE PARIS GRE' PURE INSSECT PO) PURE MOTH CAM~ FLY POISON PADI STICKY FLY PAF' *Hygeia Beverages H ires IRoot Beer, McLaugl * Beverages, Lime Fruit Juice,, * J. Iiigginbothar * BOWMANVI LIE. w ww www - )estroyers at Chemists and RN, WVDER, IPHOR, R, >hlin's' HygelaO etc. mi&son. O aÊLÙliO rw w w w ww w w w We Are Headqllarters For AUl Kinds of Srnnfflr Goods, Quick-Meal Blue Flarne Coal Oil Stoves are the best, cali and see them. Window Screens, Sereen Doors, Spring linges, Green Wire Cioth, at very close pr!cesý Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes and Gardon Tools in great variety. Sherman-Williams Paint is the oniy pure Paint on the market, every can guaranteed. Try it. BOWMANVILLE, JULI 0,187 CLARKE mNEWs'P (Condenss3d from the Nyeas) X RHîv ir csk, Exeter, .t clsg ait ic.a Edanonti Cobbiedick'i -Mr. Cee,. Itendersona -ibe bihing i ic d Islîecy p1osacnve caisd dcwnuu-Muses Garint, Tononwho bave bs'enii ting ai Mca. Tyeranac ,'s have ce, mmcdhome Me.Jas. Tuners 1bas ceoudht lie addition te bis baru M.Albert Ciapman i bas soiti bu grcy driver te Me, Etinards uf 5 Maîstla. f bave ne equal as a prompt and pos- itive cure for sick headache, biliousuess,0 constipation, pain in the side, and al liver troubles, Cater's Little Liverc Pis. Try thonss AsNt caif.-Me. MCeil amnd siter, Janeivilie, Tuomto acrvstnga i. ne.Lite c ce dieital bis o1isidings ca.w . -cY su a giru ouîo vîseti a id r.o. Vicira lic Dalsi SmIrTiidaie sn Sunday neit iMr. Thos. Somervilîcas. Maîst tuet bo confounded with cemmon cathartie or purgative pilîs. Carter's Little Liver Pills are entirely uinlike them in every respect. One triai will prove theic superiority. CLAIU.. io. MeLean, Buffalo, fi visiting frien di here-Misa E. Fiigg, Buwmanville.has heen vistting lier sisterMa.JJ.. Beid-Misa bittie Wood, Central Business CollegeTuouto. ta home foholiltys- M-sTiompien ,St.Louis,J sang intime PresIyýts'ian cebci uday afler- soon-Miii Pollard, Rocester, la visiting Aira. Hout. Johinsion Mca. Wilson bas reiuneti from Belleville- Albert-i Mty, Tooto, an obti Nentosîvillie.o, ta visittng friesîdas ece- -Dr an ms-tMitchell, naîiliseiSm day wvek nittifriemidi lîcre--Thc home of Wcrllinýgtoia Lecklsart lis been brigiteneti by the arriv ai et a dîugiter. Mrs. Chus, Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writos: I have nsed evory nomody for sick headache I couid heur of for the1 p ast fiteon years, but Carfer's Littlei Liver PuIS dhd me more good than ahl the rost. i OBNOas.-Mc. BertBol§st. Mary s, visiteti friends a t iii tnîsMr.Arthsur Linton is visiiig bis sister. lin. T. H1. Beissoci, Llefl lc Frank M"l'lecsun of irilia, ta visliig bis suinta, tic Misses tiePlîson Mes. -%mi.Armu stcong ifs cetueneti from St. Caiherines-lima. (1ev.) A. W. Rosi anti daugiier ut Calgary, N. W. T. are visiting ber sistea Mca. McCmllugh- -Misa Wiînîtred Jeneil, duniter of Mr. Wm. Jeneli, uf Batavia N. Y., la visihLing ber grand- motier, tira. Oco. Beer-Miss May Vinson 1ai isasit visitiug friemîda in Toronto-Mca. James Richards anti Miss E vlyn Hone y Ibave ceiuneti from a visit us tic ciy-Mr. Jos. Lamb sud i- sen. Toro o -'eviaSsma-eait Mr, J. L.. Hunes HAMPTON., ,,a, sudI Dr. F. W. Cryderaa,îfe sud famîly, ODeroit, Midi., aecvisitfiugatMr.wJames Cryder- msnus dte rold lhome. We know the great cures by llood's Sarsaparilla are genuine because the people themselves write about them. HAYDONX. Mca. Tbos. Mouutjoy, sr., ta1 is Camp- bell aud Miss Ad due 1Boad are iu Toronto- Mr. Walter andi Miss Ansie Douglas,Newcastie, sud Miss Annie Strowgcr, Toronto, icere recent gucît of Mr.W. 1-. Creeper- Mc. Paul Siemon sud sister, Washington, D. C., are visiting et Mr. Jobn Slenion's-Mr. David Gralsaîn bad his cbun broken by s borse but is reeoveeiig Miss Eva anti Willie Brokensisire are visitîug fricaîda iniNewcaslle -The ice- ccam social lit Mr. Jas. Moorc's in aid of tbe eboir was a fair sucess--Mc. sud Mrs Davidi MePherson amd famiiy visiteti ai Mr. Arcli. MeNei'. If you're troubled with piles it need only cost yen twenty-five cents te be cured. Trask's, Magnetie Ointrnent cures piles quickly and surely and se soothingly that your torture is allayed at once and in the end ail traces of the disease removed. Don't suifer any longer ; use this world-renowncd rom- edy. TYRONE. Miss Ma y aud Master Geor ge Byam, are visit- lugat Millbrook-Misses Breut, Couch andi Adams atteudedthe Cou)veution, Toroîîto-A deliglitful houe was ipent lib te tudy of rcuny- son's "Ii memoriam" as conducted by thc presi- dent of the League lait Fcidsy cvsuing-Rev. T. H. P. Anderson , a former, junior passtel-, is ex- pectedl to preacis here nexi Sabbatb evenîng- .c co1gcatnlate tbe Prinîcipîal of Tyres'e sehool ou the. sîceessful uiass made by ncarly all the candidates ai the recent exami Mc. Chas. Welclî is gradualir geowing weaker-Mci. W. Cîsanuon, sc., is very ili ait th residence of bier daughtcr, Mci. Jais.*Holmes, Bis ekstock-Vis- itors: Mrs. Mowbray andi neice, Wiitby ;M\r. andi Mci. A. Manning, Masters Carl ai-d Ralpb Ma=uu, liamiltoni ; Mci. W. C. King, Master J. GigMc. J. W. Sparlbng, Bowmsîîvillc. No ONE NEED SUrPFER.-There is ne pain or ache wiich can s esifit yuiscbody that will net be relieved by Trask 's Magnetic Ointment. It penetrates te every part ef the svYstem, removes sore- ness, allays inflammation, builds up weak tissues and well deserves its fame ai a curative litbricant that can't be equalled. Try a twenty-five cent bottie for piles, rheumatism, sore tbroat, or any other affliction of your body which causes yen pain and suifenîng. ENNISKILLEN. Visîtors: Miss Ftliell MîCubblougli. Price Al- beci. gncst of Mci S Gilbert; Miss Etta Giflord, town. gncst ai Dr, Potier's , Mca Campbell Ditcb- humn, trs Phelipi Couccwriglit, Carbouclale, Ps, Miss E Poilard, Chsaclotte, N V,àt Dr Mitchdell'a; Miss Mary Gamsby, Tocouto, at Mcs Browu s- Miss E R Bcowu4idcsscs J Lee anti AN Mitchell are home--Mc sud trs Wy J tilla, St Josebih', Me sud tirs J C Mllii, St Macys, visiiedti heir father who bas been vç,ry i ilias Atie Pye is visiting friendi iin tuin Ms Minnie Rogers andi 1ev 8 G Ronce nere delegates to thie big E L Couveion-Mrs C Stewart hss bcëen nursing Aga, AK 2nd-Rolled Oats and Oil Cake in bulk and of very best grade per G. T. R. 3rd-We have tiad manufactured froua our own matenials a very large shipment of overaîls and Smiocks, 'blu e drill oveiaîls with and without bibs, Grey drills overalis with and without bibs, cottojnade pants in a variety of good patterns and meduim and heavy wih quality, we have an extra choice lot of patterns mjade up and lioc and just as well made as any tweed pants, perfect fitfing everyway our values on this lot are the best we have evcr yet ofl'ered. 4th-We have also received a very special lino of heavy cottonades ai- ways sold for 25c. before, now, we put them. at 20e yd thepatr are very choice and we guarantee the goods night. 5th-We were fortuna.te in securing another lot of those fine sum)-met corsets which we are selling at 50e a pr., besides this special hie we are fully assorted ini our weli kuown reliable makes. Traucliers Samples, - 6th-A lot of Ladies and children fine and coarse straw hats; also paY1ý asols, carniage rugs etc these have ail been marked to clean ouxt very quickly some suaps right now and remember this is the tiMeý of the year for remuants, ends of ail kinds to dlean. Ends of Prnts, Ends of Shirtings, Ends of Ted cc "Cretones, cc ',Carpets cc Oilclothu4 off' ahl Cottonades " Shaker P5annels " everythliig; Ail ends at slashing priçes always, we are very auxiotts to pusi our remuants now.- - - - WVhite Lead, Oïl, Turpentifle, u-iass, Putty au a 1-Uii Mr. Hsendc iioCa )IItonis v'isiog bis sster» nenouneT, '51 rueccinoîW Mes. Button, North Ainierican iMes. McCiýl- killed atM oorcfield,lîer scalp bcng torm off 'She Sbougl, and. claughter, Manýd, ,sud Miss Agatha is recovering nîcely a5 the age of 70 yjears-- Our grocery department is in a position to handie a large quan- lin e of P ain ters' Supp lies. ^tPletcok in dm e c ri n Niagara Falls. Messrs A N suid Ç Hl MitchlM SP t Su nidy wit fER s b r es ec a l n c a k d c r o -On Saturday morning, July bith, 14v. W. H. ai Wisbn was a, decided seess The moon-gs Clarete jniorpasor f di Mehodît uure li bt rsto nSay was very enjoyable-frfe eycep o h eteoag nn ortaet Fence Wire, of ail kinds at close prices. c etejno atrfthMtld-thle ono i reecived atelezicrimof lis iathür'bd1aath. Me. Mlr ObrBertok ihe Silver Medal forfo edvycha Frtebse hngbigyu rd t Jas Clrke deeasd ws aPniýiýtorand dune fromn the Natioual Recorder, NS, for the luïider sudresided at laow, metweicve rnost usetul invention, 9,ac !ene ior quartering moiles noith of Belleville. WVbile workuug on a aples fle also snlua design for a bicycle barrlneai bis borne on e l i iterîîoo) bhewas brakewhicb is calculated îoaeeelersietheeiepeed ici jeken by the intense lieat andiever ridlied. ou up gra des --Mouiday July 5tb, MIS Thomnas n 0 C17aig bhad au at[sck of apoplexy aind died Wed- Sole agents for the Gurney Foundry Co's celebrated Stoves, Ranges better ot itself, or mnay lead to -a long ai Hamptons Dece'îsed was a faithfui wif e and and Furnaces. BOWMANVILLE. ~~severe illness. Hantyubetter cure inotlier and leaves a littieci àugbrer aged 4 antd____ ___________ and urnces.BOWANVILE. it by rubbing o i, Tras' Magretic hrhusband to mnouen herbais Ointrneut? It gives rlie from is SaTR EVBI COei.."le' The People's Favorite Tain aniîmd inmbrîîreîs at ai. a~x, n caîd d eb, 1 ta't d anid ltsocl's ________________________________________ You CAN [lave'It! That Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring to placie in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot Aford to bc without it. Cali and See the newest designls in ail kinds of Fur niture. Youi are always welcome. L.MOeReIS", BOWMANVILLE. Unde rtaker and Purniture Dealer, l3ouanal's Block. Sewîing ]Vachffines. There are nîany kinds of Scwing M\achines, but wliere purchasing a new machine you shouid by ail means get the very best-This is the kind 1 soul. .For Tailors' and Drcssmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms macle to suit the parchaser. Pull guarantee with every machine. Intending purchiasers shouid eall and investigate, or sent postal card and agent wiii be around. Best machine oul for sale. Buy no othier. Machine parts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wali Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Seed. IIAMPTON. H4enryEliîott Jr. Look Hre I~ADVERTISED MOST Look LovngFrirc Before buiyiing or putting up any B sLvigFIei "Pence" sec the Gem Wiro Foncear the che-apost a nd rnost durablecfence ou the market. ]armners can casily buiid it. Parniers siould se lte G Y ON EA fence at Thos. PI'ýsco's near Eldlad( E L NT A or R. H. CaIIacott,'zs; -th Con. Jos. Wight's, DarIingtoný, and at PÉ-sr PETER MUdRDOC-1IS, Bewmanviille, agent for Dttriai. ît , malîner tbat vyený do' znaie its prosý- once. -it will ontly cost otwet-f cents at a?,v ,dmuggýist', ;and îvill" save yôn muolh d1stroîýs and paini. :E XFIELD. Visitors--Mc J D HogathNnc, ai Mc R pascocaS ; Miss Martyn, Mancicalter, at Mr D MeCuillougtis; Misa e lulOshawa, at -Mr.i Muccfugbýý 1 ,--Mca J 11ilati e, Port Hoover anti Mes Storie aud ibîcý lcî, .ocýotutMc Jý Niddery's ; Mci (Dr) Archeir, Port Perry visiteti frîud lire 0crbimd laetiaiPort Ferry on .Fidty--Eiielti Jublce BLoys playedOsha- wa foothbi tcamSaturday aîw on eaâiiy hy 5 goals to 2 DOAN'S KlrrsEY Pîui..-DIoan's ICýid- uey Pis act on the kdes bladder and uinary organs onl. They cure backaches, weak bcrheumatism, diabetes. congestion. inflammation, gravol, Bright's disease and ail other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidnoys and bladder. SHAW'S SCI-OOL, HOUSE. Mr Jno Jeweli lias nicely iýecovered from au attaek of brouchîtis --Mc anîti Mc Cor Osborne visiteti on Fcîday nis iMc sud Mc, Win Finley, nec Miii Deodds, Ossea, sud other friendsata Port Hope sud îicinity--Mc ,Walter itiekard cepresenteti Newcaitie Epwortb il League bu Toc- onto- -Mc aud MrsW C Alibi, Glencoc, are at Mc JnoeClemence 's--HTayi hncacly doue ; penle befoce barveit would be quite iplace ? wb~milmeve ? PAIN IN TRE BACE.-BÂ îs was troubled with pain in thie back ton meuths, and af ton ting severairri- edies without effeet, thought I would use Hagyard's Yeleow (Oi. I am glad te say that af ter nsing two botties I was completely cured, and cannet recoin- moud thîs excellent nemedy te highly. t*Iss ANNA CHAPMAN, South River, Ont. SOLINA. Mr. A.Moore, foýemnan foc McU. John VaimN"Let, jr., wat sunstruek ou 'Satuirday Say, lic. Beith, M: Twbcss are negi isg-to havi'tisai dally mail'I'Tbsis tise c],y importasît commun- ity in WesîitIsmba i o ivcrdsily service Wiy ame wne 0slgiteti?11-ese answer-lic JD Hogarths, teeve 0f-Nocwieb , sud, i an influcui eniQbusiness man, visitetd iere scecetly fie îul"igeneral store and liai been ieseber of tic Sclooi Board for yeaei Ml-iss Etiza Pascue visite(] Toronto friciss ccetiy--Macier 14s- ward Goar î i teti iscre rececstly To niake youîr business pay, goed heaJth is a prime facter. T secure g:ood healili, the bleod should be kept pure and vigereus by the use of'Ayon's Sarsapailla. Wheu the vital fluid'is impure anîd sluggisb, theroe au be iteither bealth, strength uer ambition. MAPLIE GRZOVE. Air ouism'uiC has i'oner, Toronto, are ing lubuibes c, -IMisseýs Leai ,Piatfocci amdneatriicB krbave les n vstîc eatives ing sfac-ia issi ( e OC i0LL-ycars iat Mhil i, j , liaaMsu tirs C' - ssci Me j dt l'Iîci.dsii'tie con- Wltiow' DcK 1 ciWeu cdy ahccîsooci If yen wonld b ave au abundaný';ce e durIt, glossy haie, if yen would ba clean scail fe foc im dundrinsd iTrntatiii- biiers, or if yeur îhieirL faded aA P gray, and yott WoLld have its atrlceleur restoredl, use Ayer's Hair Vigen. IL is tinquestionably the bost dressîni. aton nd weii. After a seveno conld 1 ltad catarrhal lever. I ugain resorted te Iiood's Sarsaparilla which acces. plished a complote cure." SARAriIE. DEvAY, Annapolis, N'-ova Sc.otia. Promotion Examninaion. Report of Hampton School-narîiies lu ordt of mî-i~ Pbli ShoolLevn -Gertie Creeper, Ada Cryderman. Eu- trance-Louie Eiliott, Ewart Creepor, Frank Ilunnain, Effie Robbins. Jr. IV te Sr. IV.-Nelson Brown, Beattie Col- will, Winnie Pennington,Annie Wilcox, Polly Horn. Lillie Hamm. Sr. 111 te Jr. 1V Lita Ruse, Robina Johns,Annie Johns, Frank Clarke, Minnie Horn. Jr. III te Sr. III Willîe Thompson, llarny Penissugtoîî, Amy Blanichbard, Hereert Tlrompson, Ilatie Ceoledoee Winnio Rogers, Rildu Crydorman,EDia Noble, Ethel Cooledge. Sr.II te Jr. 111 -Arthur Elliott,,Nellie Cowing, How- ard Stott, ilda Williams. F. J. Great, ý Tecrs Amy Armour,)~eces MI-ways :-' IIENRY's Photos are noted for their beautiful style and fin+, -ad is prices--are- away down. Special atten- tion Lyivenl to fanily groups. opposite Bennett bouse, Bowvmanville. PRONIDENcU THANKED-It iwith pleasure that I recoummend B. B. B. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I had triod muny medicines but received ne benefit until, I thauk Providence, I was advised te use B. B. B., and it resulted lu a perfect cure. MERS, Wm. LocRE, OsiiAwA, Ont. AUCTIOIN SALE 0f a Desirable Farm ir, the, Township of Darlington. APromi»nentý Ciy ty Officiai Thînks as Highly of P aine' s Celery Comipound as ho Did Years Ago. Mn. J. T. Dillon, Chainînan of the Board of Accossors of the city of Montreal, is one of the best knowu and mest populur citizens of the great met- ropolis. As Mr. Dillon b.d some yeans ugo givon public testimeny reg-artdin- the ifo-gýiving virtuos, eh Puine's eelery Compound, ho was necently asked if bis opinions had lin any way changed as far as the vaine of the great cering medi- dune is coîscenned. Mn. Dîlhen's reply was prompt, and his statement as stnong as words Coula make it. Ibis bni letton reud as fol- 11I am n receîpt of your yalucd fax or and would say that -11.most cheerfnlly testify again te tise worth, value and monits of Faine's Celery Compound. "'I am neyer xititeut a bottie of it ln my peossessien,, and I lartalse of if daiiv. This b have becu lu the habit of doisîg for somne soven years, and cati affirm thut, jud.-ing Ifroins xperieuce, it is a mes t onderfuil nen e resterer and foiiie. Hardly a day passes by mne fiat I amniuo s<'d tise question, what do yen do te y"lursoif te preserve yonr youthfui appie annce ? My neply is, 'I take Painec's Celery Comnpound.' lained ln a certain Isadentuce ef Mecigage wbich wibi be produeei ah lime, tiece nili be soiti by public suciion at the, Bennett flouse ini the ten of Bowmauville, attse bions of usee 'clock, on Tuesay lie 20day of Jly ,1897. Tic Senti liaf of Lot number 16, in tic 'th Coneaîmon, lu the TewnsbiP of Darlungion, iii lie Couniy of Dusrham, conitsining 100 acres more or IîSS., Tiere arc saidti tebc on thc proea c omfoch- sble tieli nig bouse, partir brick samd pacily frame, good frame barun iti aton e foundatboa sud gooti out-buildinigs, ab lacrge anti lhiing or- ciard sand about 7 scres of gooti treea. Tic premilses arencîll natcred anti neli fcnccd. Abu 95 acces cîcareti sud neil cultivateti; tic balance la coveceti nithi mixed timber. Tic vcndor nili only produce tic abstract sud iile deeda bu lisp1oiaession. TEIhIS 0F SALEý. Tiece nullbe a reserveti biti. Tic guri-baser nul l bc cequireti to psy One Tenth of tbhe pur- chase meney aI thc tîme of saiesud thc balance ini One menti niti inlereit ai 6 per cent. For fuctier pacticulaci apply lu S.C.HILLIAS, M"ID., or Ht «ai tVi.îsnv Bowmauville, N/endor's Solicitor, 27-3w Lintdsay. L. A. W. Tosi., Anciiouei% Bonunanvlle. BOWMAN'VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J .MelMurtry ecd Tuesday F pu , 4 10 lbs ......... $2 00 te 2 40 WImIATÀR, Pull, bush... 0 0' 0 78 White Fife ..0 00 n0 70 n Red ' ,.0 00 n0 75 t' Gooffl .... 0 00 n060 BAItLUT, V bursh, No. i1..0O27 s0O28 il il il2 .0 24 0 25 il 3..0 23 0 24 nTwo rowed 0 21 0 23 OÂrs, White........... 00 i0 O20 [RYE n............000 n0 32 BUCKVsEAT 'i....... ..... 00 0 O30 PUAS, Biackeye, 4P bush.. O 54 0 O55 C.aiadian Beanties.. 54 n0O5u nMumîuey 0 O45 '0 O16 sSmall, n 0 39" O f0 nBine, n 0 40 0 40 BUTTER, bost table, P lb. 0 10 '0O11 Eocs, P doz............O0 8sIro0O POrATOUS, bush..........O 35 '0 40 inPer ton ...........Od0 'o 9 0( Tihe fac-~lO simie 1 i if a w0 over EXHIBITION, Aug. i Oth to 28th >ý Entries Close Augusi i 6th. .SpeiaL Exhibît 04 ive? Stock. Attractions ail good "and the Latesi. Reduced raies orn ail Railways. For Prize Lists, entry Formis,i Address: S.QGSTEVEN~Sý MANAGER ani SECVi Seamnstresses, ýand familles shco procure tihe best and sm method of cutting, viz;, It is up te date and wîIhl sa ve fi haîf your Uie, and give your -w the elegance of Freni Sty curves. Apply te W. SPAULDINGÇ(, Euclid Ave., Toronto, G en Agent, or te Miss J. MA RTIN IB manville, (at Mr.Davis', Bceeci A Harvost Edlisi JUNI 29M~, JtUX -61, ANDU&Y IL) lPU FROM ALL POINTS IN ONT/ TO Dauphain, M\an. Dauston, Man. Biscnt, Mas. Moc*amin, Asta, Regina, Assu. Moose Jaw, I oniten, Prince Albert Calgary Red I)cer Edrnonteis $a5. 00 $40.00 Tikes isedJne2,aidt Tikt 'c edJuyne,9 ai î 4. , e J 1 20t1î, S For full information apyt Or wrîte te M. C. IKSN r A -'TLhe Mason--Cfo. six Specials Lines have arrived during this week and are now put on Sale and are ready for your inspection. Ist-Large Shipment Bnighit Yellow Sugar received by boatý Ào2f Montreal. p ti t f ',i

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