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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1897, p. 2

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4 F IThe Canadian Statesman WIEDýý,EfflAY, JTJLY, 28, Ç[897. N'.O TES AND COM1ME-NTS hIek eadah ad relleve al the troubles lac!- sen tea iliusetaeof the system. such as Diness, Nausea. Drowsineee, Pi strossafter inlgPael the Bide, &e.WMile their most .arale succees las been Shewin e urieg aoahe, yet CÂRrzs eLITILz Lires Pq,1. lOequally- valuable in Contpatien, currng and preveetiug tiis anuoying coniplaint. whils ey ase c rrect ail diserders oet tee tomach, ulasthe lver and regulate the bowela &"e if tlthey- cnly- cured Age tbey would be almost pricelesa te theon w 0 sufer frono this distreesine cemplIt, U, ut ert-unately-their goodnems dose Dot end tare anà thoneirbo once try- them wil l ind ti t 'a l islvaluabie I in anauy rys that th ymlnt ba wililng ta 40 without tleem. of na. t o maay- lires that here lu wbert w.maa o set bout .Our ejîls cure Il i-Sne thers de not. CaW's LrrTmZ LITER ThLS &are eY 2SMOi sud -ery- eazy- to take. One or tire pilla makg a dose. They- are tlotly vegetabis and de mot grive or purge, but by their geatie ation jelaae aul Who usethem, In vialset M Cents. Iifor 81. sold every-whre, or sent by MA&L C@ÂZm MflICIFI go., àtosv eL. NNotes and Conilmbnts 11f the g-riet pageaat ieà the streesa of London during thoe jubilde festivi- lies, tu wib thse representativee Of ngarly on-faurth!cf lthe inhabîtants of lihs ealth ipaghed under the standard of,$t. Geo0rge a$ an expGsition4 of the eieatnuess of the Britisb empire, tihe Te- view# at Portezmoùth', wbleâh brougbt lhe ceremonies te an end, isWa.S an exhibi- tion of ils p0oe. lThe olvio andI miii- tary pageant, irnposing a-ad impressivo as~~~ ilwscul rivalled in inaay of its featureBs b3 the great military states of the continent, but nb other nation or Porrbinititin of nations, ceuld equai the display of Biritisha naval powlex maade libothenIors lof thâ Soient. A f leet of wýarships extetdirig ove-r a course tweanty-fîre miles in leagth, end incOluding 135 ve~sélbult for figbting alone, w,"s a sectinle te world hnd neyer asecn hefore, and afforded a cea- clusive demoatration ef England's abiiity te maaintain berlibdaated sup- macy of the tiss4 Yied thisflety far the mnst forýmidablBeveer assese- bled anas only a meitilby ef Brilain's naval strpjngtb, foIr Onl thie Sames day in the Atlantic, the Pacifie and the Medltruaneaa pu"wrfui aqundrons f ly- img the Britisrh flagi, stood guard ever ý,he interests of a seoyld wide, empire. UIt ta diff icul adequateiy to realize the RIJIT and ORNAMENT - TEESstrengirith tha reprmeeaea, ana tne 12-700 acresalrubs, roses, vines and seeusatma that there were twenty-oas potatees. We have the largest assortment and ga atehp nln,,tn o employ- the latest and niost improved methoda ra illsia uln,.tn o for prepogating. AIl stock i carefully rack- thin of over 14,000 Cous and 10,000 ed ender 0cr personai su *vsoadaifnwpae, xrse h eeet*ffr varleties tested at our trial fana bhefore beinpesesthg -mn o fr eatalogned. Tbese are the nnly teting orchards mîdableness ouiy te dit, initisted. But eonnected with sny nursery ini the Dominion, a sngle oee of Ibese medern fightiag Agents wated to represent us. Special atten: tien given to park, cemetery,boulevard ordera. insehinles could bave deslroyed any Estirnatea furnished for supplying entire orfbe eisiglfoe16,cudhv chai de. Why liuy of foreigo concernas or of leexsigbfr1Mcudhv îiddlemen whenu en purchase as chealy Écatteréddlte 'invincible" Arm2ada, froni ns and gethetter value,0cr stoec e C anie tTrflgr ný h adian grocro sud aclimated. Catalogue (E. or F.)trndleld aTaagaau th free on application. STONE & WELLINGTON, Nile, and aunk dise Anerian flotilla Toronto, Ont. Fonthi Nurseries, the Ieading a 1 lsee h ii nr Canadian trse men. a h jsBo h iiWr ONTARIO BANK Th-,-l-viosa of other nations canu po- eatinuer-ti> do a General Banlg Business ducs inràhipas in all thé dedaila, of ar- Bowmaevile Âgency. manent and construction equal le thos DEI'OSITS wih paraded uudeoe the lBritish flag ecelved lu Saringe IBank Deeartmeet and ou tPrsotbtn te ainra ae interestallowod atourrent rates, No assemble these in snieh numliers, uer tloeofwlthdrawai neoessary, Al depasits mobilize bier ra lansd and seit formes yable ou dsuaand îheh h fli kij EXCHANGE is alwaya menadier for açtion than the Baght and solS and Drat toi Fed upon Europe fiëesaof al lte reoef Itbs wlrld, anhile UnteS States and Canada,alsaoGold,Sllverand. UelitedStates Greenhbacksbonoeht and solS ta India 9,n arMy of 200,000 mea is for COLLECTIONS ail purposesaia a permarIehrt stade of PrmPlymad e crrnt ats ponal prtmobilization,anud ready th s eul at f Great Brttale, tle UnteS States and the1 a iontsntSh"yprof he M. Fan-cedoeen't want 10o meet him. Thse Gernian Emparer, il La reported, w'xote a letter te the Czar, telling liow greatly hp, would lie pleased if his ar- rivai at St. Petersburg "could coin- cido aith that of the Preside.nt of the Frencli Repulic' Iuwnnediately ou, re- cipt of titis letter Ncholas Il. sont for thes Frencli Ambassador, M. de Mounteheilo, a.nd reGeived -hlm iu the cnsIle of Peterhoef, wbere he showed bien île KYLaer's latter. Montebello iras asteunded. He declared that the thing ws M mosll. his wus aise, the Czar's opinion, and ie- adviaed the French Ambarssador te briug the, in- cdet t b ti attention of Presideut Faure. Tuhat yery evening M. de Mon- lebollo ataxled for Paria, lu order not te burt the feelings of lte German Emperor the report was circuiated that personal motives, er rallier family affaira, formed tise sole reason for Mou- te'hollo's relu-rn te Paria. Naturally eunougbliasthenais -whicb the Amblassa- dor broughtt there, put M. Faure Ln u, fix. Emperer William would crtaiuly lie furieus if his adrancs es re openly rapeiled. Il anas neceaaary te remiove licate ândliînù., The Goverument in officiai noticos announeed that the mceh-talked-of visit wae meoely a ~pro jacts and kioÔtUbng more. At al emeets it could enly ocaur durinÉg the parliamentary bolidays, and lucre- -oyerz -Fureldan - enPgagementI te f ifty-two. 1 Foraeriy it was the custose of' tbis Legisiatures, te maire grants of money tef schools uiadier the control of differ- ont religieusl denominations. Now, ,oWever, the Constitution of tbe me- publictof lflawaii prohibits any aid from thei publie treasury te, sectarian sciteela. Pbractically, theb islands have a free scihool syste-m, lite only exception lie- fing a group of establishumenta con- jurxgIag Coe nc omaurff nigan enooI. No ether country in the world devetes so0 large a proportion of ils public re- venue te education. 0f $1,939,978.50, lte teital suai approprialed iy the Hawai- ian Geeýerimeal for ail purposes, in the two years endiug Dec. 31, 1897, the aran- ount allottea lte the support of publie schooLs La $404,000. 'As toe prIvate or indepeadent sichlols are Likeanîse sus- tained cout of thti- pockets of the people, toa aggregate cDntrihutions of Hawaii -o tbhý causa of education naay be fairly dearibed as aetoiaishia.g. In an Ensema state a young mana seaks tis nscane thep avucislof dam- aÉem.s frreac'h of promise by the plea üùlaÉ hé wae hyptotized by the young Lady In thb caise. As aseLsa afarnier's daugliter,, her rakll of stealiîng away a man's senses pro4ably came by nature. The theooey that love La caused by an of Arctiteoxpioraitioti, and he, hns made 109,000, wbareof 46,023 are Asiatics wbo a coisiderable nuimber of converts te are notL eligible for the f ranchise. 'Alniost Lis- tbo-ry. iLnorodibie as it may seain, 24 per cent. of thse enfranchused nation alities. and ont iu the record of Arctic ship ex- more thati 12 per cent. of the entire peditionis la full of traigedies, tltat ofpp ulation attended school in 1896, the ballookng, inider al conditions, wbOo nbro uis eug1,2.0 worse. Witban theý past tmoit sever- hl ubroppisengi,3 O al balloofaLasts have been dashed tQ dbase 5,480 were Hawaiians cf fulil blood; dentli, and there la, b long iLt of casa- 2,448- were part Ilawaiians, and 3,600 alles vey yar ne latie wldwaaeawere Portuguese. Even of thse Chinsse altes ver yer, bitin he ildwasesthere were 921 and of the Japanose 397. of ic-e, but in thickly settled localities The growing eegerness evinced by Asi- xvhere aùd La at balnd if a'safe landingi atics luin waii toi obtoiin an Engligh eau lie made. Andree'sa airsLip may education heurs witness to the power be diaabled, ani ha weuld thon ie fatal- O -aaa iiiigifune.I ly trapped in socne frozen solitude. Con- o aa.a iiiîgifune. I trary witids may buffet hise baok and sbtaid lie tsted that the Ilawaiian lan- forth, hoe may ho pib4 on surfaces guag e Lnto longer taught in the pub.. of racle or szorw or dragged into open 1,10 acheols. For somo time- Englisli bad water. Tiere bas neyer been seen what predo mated, and last year the use of deserved te be called a controllable il wen ade oempulsory I l a ehois, balloon.WLae6 designed a balloon ta Pwivate as well as public. The law re- cross thée Atlantic, containiug more quires that every child front five to thon, twice the ameu1t of g-as used by sIxteela yeara of age shaîl attend eitber Aindree. butit L burst befors it was used. a publie, or a privato 'achool taugbt in Balloonists are exposef te a variety of English. Tbbhe text 'bookes employed are acidenta and Andree's auccesaful ac- alinost ail Axnieiau, tbh only exCop- complishenent fof bis plans woild hoa tIlofl5bhi gt9iese dealing with Hawai- great inarvel.î ian geeograpbiy and history. More than -a third cf the5 teachers In ail of the A great deal lias lippu said about the .sois are Amnericans, the Hawaiian propoaed visit of M. Felix Faure to the and part Hawaiiau instructers o-Ming Czar; but, after ail, tise project may benxt ian in ier. it sliould aise be men- abandoaed. Etnpexor William is the tioiaed thât achools aree La session even trouble-fete. Ile wagts te go, too, and In eneditis for forty weeks of] reduced ber weight decidedly by ber rigorous course of dieting, but looks pale and mucb eider. Her beautiful bair bas become quite white, and nier expression careworn. The Queen of Greece La the only lady Admiralinlathe world; the raink was con- fias rernoved his works to the well known Easter-n Huse. PRIucs:-For cleaning, dying and beautifuli ressing an Overcoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are flot more -than one haif what you would have to pay any other Dye Works, and the work wil be as good as ean be done any- where. 3-m A Wise man Espe.cially ween be can purchase the goed article for a reasonable sum of meney, therefore if you wish a watch, dlock, weddiag ring, spectacles, a wed- inrZmnresent, ahlrthday -muesent or'~ - h2e ceuld. secure satisfacion rrom tne - - --- - -_- -- ---_---_--1bu v ' uue deistbe aptj. While thus en- in their power. Danle'a Island, -the te power and ber vigorous determina- head cf ber victimi. The case presents a great reputatien as a prophe"t, and First Charity Visitor-They c«'t bd gaged a not~o rrived frein bis enemy point iof staprtLng, is in latitude 79.40, tion t o lid ber own. an expansive field for the investiga- he recently prephesied that Queen Vie-. so very POor, Uhat reaud as follow$*: "$ir-4f o or aboutJ 700 njies Irom the pole. Tho tiotn of mental plinomena. Itinvoîvesso toria will live until 1911, that the Prince Second Cbarity VLitor-W1iat m&Ires do' rtratoe rcka ncI ilaeoautclam is planoos.eadierte the census of 1896, the of Wales will die in 1907, and that Sir Yeu think s do'tfftun hoebrck a oce I arnAc lamsohtdispa!isegiemabiy questions, indced, that the judge William llarcourt will become Prime First Gharity Visitor-Why itiey put the matter into the hand of the enfor aUd surer thban any other forru population of thie lâaiian islands is jqry and learune ounselý will lie more Minist6r in 18M8 only keeiu three dora. r Many of the best knawn people in i land testify to its efficiency. It promptly cf' i';ý" - - Toothache and aIl pain. Quickly allays ind . . ...n ation. Wberever the skin je eut, bruised, humu ja6lammed or diseased in any form 61Quickcure " will lu wonderful work. Dr. Z. B. Ibbotson, Major Royal Scots, Montreal, and C mandant cf Bisiey Treain in 1894, witee:s Quiekeure 1 is a treast and does just what you say for it ; whea t is known every house will have it. B is worth ils weighl in gold ta parents, -who eh keep it ia the hanse for emergencie suscb as toathache, hums, Cats thn~ldafter wrestiLag witb it toTHOM S 'EA E have It removed to Ctupid's court of H M A EA E climncery. Over and Clothescleaner 1 PERSONAL POINTERIS. i 1-ý ---L 1 liimm îýiFFixftiîî,c, wi+r-h end Ele l' uermeft El".aÉreoâ is saîà t'a -haqe 1 -,r 1 'r -r Il, -r Il 1 - 1 me Note,,sof Interest About the Greecs Folkes u the Sioriti, Tas U-Cza-r -orEussia ta saïdto te nevery sulpletstitious,, and bas great confidence la relies. Il is stated that President Krueger has the saine number cf grandcbuldreil as Qusen Victoria, Thie King of the Belians will sbortlY atart on bis iengrpy-ojected yachting toux around the coast of Scotland. Rlichiard Sparire, of Boston, treasures a mending liag giren him by Florence Nightingale during the Crimean WLr, iu which lho served. Sir Julian Pauncofote rides about Washington every erening on a Ibres- wheeled machine, andisL always accose- Panied by oe cf the Ladies cf bis fani- ily. Herbert Spencer continues iu poor healtb, yel by wiorjrng jiast eue heur a day 'ho keeps fîre secretaries liusY briuigiag bis biilogy int complote ac- cord witb the, latest date of science. Patti sang in London receutly, and "Home, aweel Home," ws lber lateet picore, She drew a large audience, as ta ber days cf supliosed retiremient. Six of Enropo's Quesns sineke-the Dewager Empress of Russia, the Qusen of Portugal, tlite Queen of Rouroamia, te Regent of Spain, tbe Enspress of Austx-ia aad tite Qusen of Italy. Mk- CI---- n ±fl1-1-

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