Binder We offer the well known and popular briands, RED CAP and BLUJE RIBBON. Their qualities are reliable and unequalled. and will save time, money and temper. See our samples and prices before buying. Headquarters for Hay Forks, Barley Forks, Fork Handies, Turnip, IHoes, Aincrican Scythes, Snaths, Whet Stones, Machine Oils, 011 Cans, llarvest iRakes, and Tools of ail kinds. Quality the best. Prices Lowest. BoWMANVILLIî. Rd. Worth'. Opposite Ontario Bau ,k. nX>l MIR. HOAR'S LETTERS. No. 13. Enthusiasm! Enlhusiasm., is the, great plalform on wbich the American people take their stand. 1-laving le pleasure of being at many lar -e gath - erings in different cities and listening 10 the speeches lliey would try 10 maIe a foreigner believe that tleir nation was head and shoulders above ail nations. l is true the American people1 have made great progress lu. building up Ibeir country, nevertheless other eûuipped, the city would soon lie low in ashes because thie trade winds corne in frorn tne Coast e-xery af ternoon witl terrible- force; -and ninety per -centi. oý the buildings are of wooden structure. The first fire I behled-was-an. unfortun-, ate one, tliree brave firernen sacriflced their lives trying to save property. The amoLlit paid in salaries, leaving ont ail other expenses, is $515,000. Prcrng agide I made a tour tlirou h the slums of Clinatown. This place.s ituated nthe City where once was the math part of the citv, composed of ten 10 twelve blocks and-numbering thirty thousanid persons. In the main streets many nice stores witli eieganlly decorated suiks and every article per- taininLy 10 hîgli caste; also stores of every description. Joss bouses wlere ttuey worship thcir idols. Mamy are reforming and joining the Protestant religion. They have their theatres, gambling ho uses and many of tlema tive avery low degraded life. Traveil- ers ýwill investigate dark passages under ground wlere it is necessary to lave an experienced guide. You enter a block and go upstairs and down througli narrow allies. Down in tle baserne is wbere tlie opium dons are. I was in- one roorn about 1h'x20',' some tweïitv- five persons slept in tlîis comparîment, liardly a place for thie srnoke 10 escape. My guide informed me that îliey pay 10c. per day for food and 25c. per day for opium. Passing aioiîg the atleyways with bad smeliing odors, by the lime one gels througli the sights it is pleas ant to get ont tb breathe the'open air agaîn. Onee will be quile sufficient te go tîrougli Chinatown. At the ciiy hailt tlere was a biz con- cerlincommemoration of ils complelion. neing under conisîructiorn the past 25 years. The floors are 'narble, tle waiscoating marbie 5j foc. n iheiglit, color, green, ail stalned gla.,s, tower 330 feet higli, cost over five million dollars. Il covers over four acres of ground. One of the large stores caled île Imporiurn, acknowiedged by for. eigners, nol 1he largest but most beauliful will rotunda and dome, with band stand in flue centre, etght elevat- ors, five thousand electrie lights in tliel dome and a rentai of $25,000 montbly. The City iibrary is a fine edifice, con- laie'4.00vollnmesw Tell the Truth and Nothing But the Truth I48NEST TESTIMONIALS From Canadian People Are PostiveProofs of the Success of His BROAD HOMU29PATHV What Peaple Who Hava Been. Oared liy the Munyan Rem1deies H[ave to fty About Thamn. Mm P. . J. Dawson, 67 Aungusta avenue. ýpCr-onto, Canada,sys: 'I have th, m..t trnpiicit cndenc in Mnnyoa'a treatment fur caturrh, and grippe. ]BotIîny husband aud m el e sie"J " r Il nd y exper- Ibegan ni nynaGrippe. Cure I lva beu eufied u ld for severai days oud suffered all e pançs of that dIsamaé. 1 had helen, lots ut quinine wlthîtehop"0 «< geting latter, but did not recelve.Pno bonefit. gmnnyon'a Remedles quIcky eurseI îj l, have uscdtMunyo'a e eis fer e altaarrh and the aut were Indee(l arvllons. I bave net baan troublMi @,na.. oth Mr. D)aweon and myself cax omitiaiy -mcomnd Munyon'a Ranedieau Moulena li eumatle Cura seidom tails te re. eav u atethmee ours and cur as ate* qox lirîce 25e. g o yene. yspelîica Cure »osltlaely cuiras ai e et tuâlgeation and atoe>cb troublea. 'e!eâCold Cure pvevauts pneumonie a a 6makauop àe a ei i a fee boum. Prlqe 25t Umesoas Cougb Curaestops coughe, clatt r ast, aIIaâyseanessandutIspdif e as tbe eWn*s ElaKdnay CureampedIliy Curi VIO*c tl tbj,.Saua dr ;rolussud AI! terme I CI d iease. Prica 5c.. MuyosNerve Cure stops. aervotisnesg *494 Iffa op the syatenu. Pries25c. idiunemus HeadacleeCure stops beadafte10 <lree uminteL Prie 25e. lqunyons-Pile ia ntuent PosiUvely cm$es&J tmes et pilias PrIce 25P.. Iginyd's BIooO Cuva eradieateaell Ilpiflhtle& « Cte u.eed Prca25e. Oae 4yreu' le e eeue eare a bodI toaMIl mu~E rç naio no acc porani 'j gigeam tilcla eqa ~~~* rJ l lIj. silver statesman, W. J. Brvan lias been Awrtomfmefinds. What Ïiate4 syni aa CaerrbC8 W-- #p. Ut u. A~ 'or Yo my ystémre an e tba Pat@rb .bIt-VO. 1 eeadso great was tee crowd that size cattie grow out here? h ite~~, th oors had to be closed, 20,000 to twin pair cailed Cleveland and Harrison 'a Asthe Reila Iy. c tfl - S25,000 supposed to be present. The ex-Presidents, were bon in Missouri mSuoa vitalimer a gréat tonte oqd, ~ vnn rocession was grand. The and girt 15 feet ; lips across 8-I feet, 0, Oflrte) car dIigth t e t « Me, are thle patterns of Wall __Chrst ~n dvrnetois 1Wcmie egt84 touds Ëuhr Asteite!e tLI We are in a position to give special prices on bbl. lots .~in full blast. The C. E.flags are spread breed. I sa on pore or h~log 1.700 teu0a TIaoto.t.~P, ,,wtd w4M t I îRI& Paper, and the prices are ~'-over the city by the thousands. It is lbs. Can You beat these, Canadian CI"@ ~ dsm of Granuiated and Yellow Sgr. Now is the timey Svery low, and the place to '~estimated by thue railway traffic that farmers ? _________________ lIuyisa there is not'less than 40,000 visitors inl THOMAS HAR. SELLING CIDER. use lots of Suzr gt ou uttosfor -a ar1 buy flut te city. The Woodward and Mechanic -, Ca. g93y-uq3 1-S9-7-ns IF paviiions were th liniil&places for DTRSTEMNDA l:- Il1-lîf the C. E. gatherings. Tuesday the 7tk FullO stockMAN DEA Sun Jas :-AGasead ub 1/ ~ ~ - le'~ ~ wsteoeigdy ale hog H AECA.WIE news item in last week's STATESMAN re- Fl tc fGmJrJlyGass n ubr thewa thi opnn _____1_______________THE______CHAS. ____ ferring to a Bowmanville farmer bein"'r rvlo oiig h Mifrn Clihs [11ileri $50 atiU tusts fur siiiiig LUouIeu ' ,e ed an ok o very visito on hea.dCas Wade, one of the ploneerS worth of eider for a sick woman wliose -31 The very latest designs _, L se tnok eo'tr ther nams.tro Wh of Darlington died at lis residence in doctor had ordered its use, and stating ihs aie-ai e:rdi-- ~ Canadia ami Àmclin I' stae t riste pthei nams _he IlHarmonv, on Juiy 6th, in hig 781h year. that it was a heavv nenaltv for -doine' lihs Dieui frpoue ~ Goos. Coplet combna- I- ad.writen tereo the ame oudlid ~o~d w~bwhit wasdworL',, haî ws thughtao bea kin act Gods Copet obia , d rflnthr theul nar away;e Devonshire, England, in 1820 and in1 seems to me to be mnisleadin-'. It pre- ofWllZode n my heart with love thuhfraa;Dec. 1811, married Cliarity Walter. In sents only soirne of the facts,'i nl sud cAAi Iý- many other foreign nations were repre- 1812, withliths wife, lie emigrated 10 a i s emk teîuv perhas Ceiling, froin 5c. ~ ne. At 3.80 p. m. the great gathier- Canada, and flrgt took up lis residence awya omk h a perlas 11 ene.and severe. It is fitted to created svm- u ' i mo commenced. A large posse of on the Base Line, Darlington, on tlie pahy for the victim, making hiim pose iI %.Phu j r ~ MOkP llO ~ 9ll~' h~r ç, policemen were stationed in different farma 10w occupied by Mr. Jesse as a 'martyr to lis ______________________________________________ was reqired. Tlie reporters gave the farming for hlimself, renting tlie HallIwuetoeefrtgtelwaelki patso tiebilin n as liirsrvceTuf.a feabu ao lear lie startedy (i gthdes poi eart , cluding the clioir of 1,000 voices, ushers About 1845 he purchased lot 35, Broke, efot to r-trc a00 great efl nds i~ ~. -~~- ~ umberpreset asten tiousad in-farm n flc slire ofLake n fforta s to eti la geaktencdlu hi d _ _ and mese rs in attendance for the Front Concession, Darlington, and If the ite weere tocnandalth . ts as convenience of ail. The peeclies were there tlie familv resided unlil about Ifa Ileie erd1 o taie dle! ~he x~u~inutiru 9m__________ 1__________ ____________ __________________________ _____________________________________ & , te ., ý -4 h, , - . .,.-!.I8A1..,.i,. -41,,,.4,.A- West End - House, BOWMANVILLE. B3oots and' We have removed our Boot and Shoe Department from the rear of Dry G-oods department to the annex off the Grocery formerly used as clothing department. This grives us more room for our Boots and we think will be more convenient for our customers. We are offering great snaps in se veral lines of Ladies' Shoes, Misses' Shoes and Men's Boots. We are anxious to make room for our Fali stock and to induce quick seil- in g have marked clearing lines at very low prices. Preserving BOWMANVILLE. JULY 28, 18à7. The Montreal Wilness commenting on tlie beavy rains of last week says the short crop of liay causes anxiety for the keep of cattie next winter. Hay is already very.dear for this time of year. Recently we were asked 10 accept flue samne price for an adverlisement that was offered to the West Durhiam News, Orono News, and another country paper. In seif-defence we have to say that TnE STATEsmAN lias a larger circu- lation by some hundreds, tlian ail Ilire papers mentioned, lience there is noth- ing wrong in our asking higlier adver-, tising rates. There is some eavy lyýingbeing donc ln newspaper direct- ories iately and the lime must soon corne for a general expose if tlie thing is persisted 1in. A Toronto flrm lias asked us to accept a low rate for advertising for cily mer- chants a montb before the Inidustrial Exhibition. Our answer was:- "We wili not accept advertising to compete with local. mercliants at a less rate than tley pay. Il would not be just. " TuE STATESMAN believes in building up tuownanvllle ancto me- nesr-way-to '-ho that t5 10 be loyal to the town in every possible way. The business men mule tle town, hence we feel il an imperative duty 10 stand frmly by 11cm. T oronto merdhants lave a perfect right 10 ad- vertise lu this journal, but tliey wili bave 10 pay regular rates if they'do. Searcli the Wardrobes anld Closets. Iu aimost every home hlaf -worn gar-. monts and goods are stowed away un wurdrobes and ciosels that can lei made as good as new and ftteri for miotîs of wear. The operation of recreatiug and beautifying is simplethe cosl us triflung, and tee generai resuits beyond tle comprebenston of those who are ac- quainted witb tle work of home dyeiîg - Dresses, jackets, capes, vesîs, punIs, riblons, silks, feathers. and a score of othier ttings worn and faded can be transforrned mbt things of beauty and fashion aI a cost of fror tn to1 twenty cents. Tlousands of, Canadian families use. Diamond Dyes every year anud save a, Uerou deal'of money. Ail users of iamond Dyes suy t is easy 10 use them. The directions are so explicit and simple that a dlild can do good work. As there are many imitations and worthless dyes sold, see tbut your dealer gives you the Diamond Dyes wluen you ask for them. Common dyes muin yeur goods ; Diamond Dyes bring success lu' cotor and beauty. how 11e C. E. lias grown, oniy sixteen vears old and numbering tliree millions. uleremaining days of th&'week meet- ings were held ini different parts of tle city. On Salurday aI noon tliere was a large gathering on Van N~ess Avenue so great was the number il was advisabie 10 divide lu four sections witli a stanîd for tle speakers. Il continued about one hour witl snap shol speedlies,sbngs- andprayers. Atnee of 'he stands tle Rev. W. Patterson, Toronto, officiated, I was pieased lIat lis remarks ob well with the number surrounding htrn. The services tIen ended for the day and tle visitors wenl siglit seeing. Sunday, 1111, was île great day of meetings, n early every ctuurh w a s filled tb over- flowing. Il is generall y supposed lIat ther was iiever sud a large number athended divine service in Sun Francisco as on this day. The afternoon service wus lield iu the Mechanie pavilion, - unidreds wit-h myseif were standing at the door for hours 10 gain admission so ý reat was the number expected. The oswere mot opened long unfil e- great pavilion was hilled to overflowing. Mvany of the speeches were delivered as 10 10 the uccomplisîment of tle down- fait of saloons and uplifting of hunuanitv and 10 the risîng generaton. 11ev, R. Johliston, London, Ont., tolk part in thie afternoon service. Vim sure the mýeetingq througliout wilil e of oreat ueuenî vto veu, . worucers as 50 munv aàbie persons assembied logellier and ail seemed ho lave new points of inter- est. The greatest point of interest was wleiu about lwenty policemen uscended the piatform and sang tle song entitIed 'Throwoui the Life Lino" whl was encored by 8,000 10 10,000 persons. Monday meetings were tueld and lu île oeing a service of testirnontes, songs and prayers whicl brings ho a close 0one of the largesl conventions ever held in San Francisco. Tuesday the C. E. wcrkers in Oakland, across the bay,,will gîve a farewelt dinn er in bebaif of tlueir do-workers, The seulino' capacity ai the tables will be 7,000. 310re anon. THOMAS HOAR. Sun Francisco, Juixr 11th, 1897. No. 14. Tlhe alosng meeting of tle Cîristain endeâvorors -witl nover bce obliteraled frd'm the-hiinds of île #ohsands wIÙ wre pro.let. AfleF a short discourse frofii a I3ston divine tle Clairman caiied on thIe different shates and as the delegates frorn eactu stute lad formed themselves together in groups tîrougli. oui the pavition, each state wouid risc 10 their feet and either offer up a short pra.y tr, testirnony, song or responsive reuding. The meetin~g lrouglout was very impressive. Tlhousands have lef t on their lomeward journey, whiie mnany still linger in île itV. 'the ctôn- vention wilil e one of the zgreatest adi- vertîsements California bas over bad, forty thousand delegates were supposed to have been in the ity. Spendtng 25c. eadi in taking in the sigîts, souvenirs of tle city, &c., &c, tley wouid leave behind thern one million dollars, a nice sum lef t for the city. The fire deparîment bore is vory efficient and their labor is great, not a day passu witîout an a1ar.m beino gi veuu.ere tbe departinent not we1, 100> w4-u, IMI ULISI u0u Iili la IiII alla 4U took up lits reýidencIe inllaIrmonv. On July 9th, 1891, fvrs. Wade died, and in June, 1898, lie married Mrs. Deans,wlio stili survives hirn. By the irst marriage 12 children were born, but a number died in their infancy and onlvy four chidren are 110w living-Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Osliawa; Mrs. A. Walter, East Whitby; Cha-rles, living on the home stead and--Joh eii~ wittt ±-is father. Deceased left lis family weii provided for. Hie was for *years con- nected witi thle Bible Cliristian churdli, and since the Union of the Metliodist bodies bas been a faithful and consist- ent member of lhe Medcalf St. Metho- dist Churdli, Oshiawa. In politics de- ceased was always a supporter of tlie Liira arly I n bis death a good man bas een cut down,-if at the ioss of others, bto hs own eternal gain- Reformer. Wkat modest wo- man dpes not shrimk fron t he examina. tbons .andla cal treat- ment upon which I ~ yicians i:sist pAw e n reaing weakuesa and tî reasonatouad of woînen go on auf- fea'ing unnel4 torture rather than apply toaa PhYsiea for kelp. Ilta saféetho say thnt @ne-hatf o f the. women in Arnerica suifer VluIn ieucaO. It i&val nnecessau-y. T'epî«,sd-neti#organeti of wornen are direelly aet.ded ïn by r. Pierfe's Favorite Preaerxi$îoai. 1h cvre6 al disease and weak- n$as f tlise deicate organa. 14 fit% a wo. imîmfor the h1ghesh duies of her sex, wife. hô4 ad ot~r~'od.If akýn dnringthie expectaut ptrie& lu make" babys comning e2oy aa'd safé ad ieures thIl ealt cf thie chifldl The " ÈaVOtite Prescription'" tu the *iW f, a tegularlY gradîu'hed plysi- ciéX ensia.«it and. aliliful speéiaisî in discage f wotnen. Dr. Pierce is, and has h~qo~~sFy1 ehief corýsultimg phy. skbqat thie Invaàlidà' Hohel and Surgical InKtitü *te, ah B*4Iffalo, N. Y. His ' Favorite P1rescription " does away wihh ail necessity fer diatastefuIl examinattous or local treat- ment It corrects distressing anud painful displacenientsanad irregularities, and cures wlere doetors fail. Dr. Flrce's Conînon Sense Medical Ad- 4s'lir not QIl1' tells you how ,to get well wheu ypnu are ili, but how ho shay well when you, are weli. It conhains i,"o pages and ovar'r ~silustrations. Over a million wo- men have acouv. A newedihiom temet ont. The reader mnay lave a paper-covered copy abelutely 'FuRE, by sending 31 one-cent aItaiups, ta caver the cost 'of cutoinxa àd mailing only, ta hhe World's Dispensary Medical Association, ah Buffalo, N. Y. If you prefer a fine Frenchu cloth binding, esnbased, &end 50 shamps. Il, aLgaatuo .1 with the caseoas p rosecutorfor wliile 1Ide- sireO 10 enforce the law le île spirit of it. 1 do not iîuhend to lie used as the tbol of crauîîs or persecutors Fî-ornailt he evidence I can gather, I arn justified in stating that this was not bv any mîcaxs thc only offeiice. Il lias been a verv common practice wlen no0 sudh generous motive prornpted tle action as the one given in Ibis case. TEP in usdto -make -1115 sa sure case was iuîended to stop this practice, but 1 neither imstigated nor approved of them. The seliing- of ferrnentod cider seems 10 be gelting very common in this dis- trict. l is a practice lIaI umust be pro- ductive of very muctu niischief, especialiy 1 thue voung, and is a flrst ciass methocu of getting recruits for the armyoi- ebriates. If this cas-e puts a stop 10 il, it ii serv e a good purpose. I shahl be thaik fui for any reliabie information lIaI witi secure convictioni for violation of tle iaw, and wiii keep secret tle hmre of amy informant. ROBERT KNOX, Orono, July 26,1897. Licence Inspector. 1-IoW TO CURE PAINEuL ERUP'uONS.- Wtuat a pity 10 see a chuld or grown person disflg ured by eczerna or scrof ula, with theirlortur ing sores and irritation, when a f ew simple soothing- applications of Trask's Mag'metic intmenl wouid rellevo the suffhertngandentireiybout the diseuse. Try il-it only cosîs twentx' five dents, and is a wonderful cure, Inown and vaiued by doctors as weli as suffering people ail over the worid. ______ OCEAN TRAVEL. M. AJames,Sieamship Ticket Agent, Bowmamviile, Ont., represents the fol- lowing first-ciass Steamnshîip Linos ALLAN LUNE, Montreal-Liverpool service. Montreai-London service. .Montreal-Gtas,-ow service. Boston Gin sgow servide I-hildelphia-Giasgow service. ALLAN STATE UINE, New Yortc Glasgow ser'vice. DOMINION LINE, Montreai-Liverpool service, BEAVER LINE, 1Montreai-Liverpool service. AMERICAN LINE, N ew York-Southampton service. Phluadeîphia-Liverpool service. RiED STAR LIN E, New York-Antwerp service. Pliladelphia-Antwerp service,- HAMBURG AiMERICAN LINE, Montroal to llamburg. ANCIIOR LINE, New York to Glasgow. Tickets can lec suppiied for any 011cr Slearnsnîp line ciesred TIRED,NERvous,SLEnPLESS-Meh and women-liow, gratefully they write about Hood's Sursaparilia. Once belp- iess and discouraged, luving lost ail fati in medicines, uow, in good leaitî and "al t1 do my own work,"liecause Hood's Sursaparilia las power 10 enricli and purif y the biood and make thie weak strong-tuis is experience of a lost of people. lElaving secured the services of W. JENNJNGS,' as salesman, we have begun selling out the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Slioes to make room for Fal Importations. This is a great opportuity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be reduced we shall offer at once $3000 worth of these,,gojds at sacrifice prices. Ail outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books must be squared up. BOWMANVILLE. BEAVER BLOCK. Diamond Jubilee Souvenir. The Grand Tmunk Raiilway Syshem will shortiy lave roady for distribution a liandsomo Jubiiee Souvenir, one of the productions of the Litlogrupher's art, emblernatical of île glory of thei British Empire, Canada île Premier1 Colony. and Canuda's great Raiiwuy.1 Ib conhains pictures of- the Queen, trie Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and Prince Albert Edward. At the top of) île design is a radiant star, in the centre of which are the letbers 'LX', and ou eithler side of this is a Union Jack suitalgly draped. Beneuth is île Coul of Arrns of Canada, and miniature views of thIe ew Victoria Jubliee Bridge, Montreal, and île new Single Ardli Steel Bridge, Niagara FaIW.s Be- tweeu tle two bridges is a sunail trade mark of thIe System. The dcmand for île Souvenirs wilt undoubtediy le g reater thun the suppiy, and ih bas licou decided to distriliate tlem 10 île Company 's patrons in tle order lu which applications are rcceived. Physical strengîl and energy con- tribute to streugtl of dliaructer, a ýd lioll muy le lad by akngHood"s larsapurilla. Soid by A. NcuuoLLs, Bowmanv-Ili THE 9R191 IENI 0ai oi là IYE[R CF\NPMDî\'S VIUTORIA& ERi EXPOSITIONI AND -TORONTO - A ugust 30 to Sept. I 1 Grand AttrDcfioý, New Features. Special Jubilee Novelties. The latest Inventions in tbe Industrial and Amusement Field. Improvements and Advancements in ail Departmnents, EXCELLJNG P1LLPREVJOIS YER ENTRIMS CLOSE AUG. 711. C1iOa. Ex{tfsig o n fau![luesg oi irae. Fou PRIZE LISTS, ENTutv FOltMS, pR.OI3RAMS ANDi ALL PARTIdULARS, ADDRErS- J.J.WITHROW, MANAGERL, 811- w PRESIDENT. TORONT The tas. nitsle 7t- rý BOWMANVILLE. BEAvEp. BLSK. a 0 *,* a