What About A Camera For Jlol idays ? ,JEMO D .. .. . .. 8.00 .iNEY PREMO 17-.. ~'60 PHOTAKES ...... .......2.50 POCKET KODAK... 3.50j BIROWNIE . ..... 4.00 DRY PLATES (4x5) .........50 CHEMICALS, &c., &c., at lowest prices and quality guaranteed. We have supplied local Photographers for over 40 years and can give best value in ail uines. 8tott & durql, I . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAIqviLLII STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Express...8 31 a. m. *Express.. 5 23 a. m *Express .. ..-10 18 aCm'% Lol.:1 Passenger .... 3 29 P. Pseng.r.2 05 p. m Local . 642......6, *Express-..5 22 fi Ioe...102 BOWMANVILLE, JULY 28, 1897 Local and Otherwise. Blouse Sets at Rickard's for 8c. Jubilee Souvenir at Rickard's. Gem Jar Rings .8c doz at Nicholis. Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash at Rickard 's. Jelly Glasses, covered, ý36c dozen at Nicholis. Sterling Silver Novelties in abundance at Rickard's. Our Dining Room Suites will surprise you. L. Morris. Surmer Silks from 18c. up at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Ilhree inches of Isnow was reported last week at Denver, Col. Dustan & Hoar is headquarters for Binder Twine in Bowmanville. The prize-money won by the Cana- dian team at Bisley is about £500. 1 1 Wc notice with pleasure that Miss Annie F~raser has passed suecessfally the examinations in Domestie Science recently lield by the Ed- ucation Departmaent in Toronto and has receiveti a certificate entitline- her to teach in any schonl in Ontario. Miss Fraser took ber Diploma with honors in the Toronto School of Cookery a year ago and conducted cooking classes in Toronto andi London during the winter. The Canadians lef t Bisley on Sunday, Machine Oul at Rickard's for 5c. per bottie. Preserving Ketties from 25e up, at Nicholis. Fali wheat, rye and barley harvest has begun. Monday night's down-pour of rain accompanied by strong east winds levclled thousands of acres of grain to the ground, doing inestimable damage. J. W. Lang, wholesale grocerToron- to has disappeared from business circles. Ilood's Pis are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentie, reliable, sure. A lot of Summer Dress Goods selling off at about half-priee at Couch, Johns- ton & Cryderman's. Port flope's assessment of $1205 against the Bell Telephone Co. for wires and poles was sustained on appeal. Two years'imprisonment is the penalty for sending lu a letter, telegrani or message to a newspaper, matter known to be false. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone on Sundav celebrated the fifty-eighth anniversary of their marriage. They are both in excellent health. Moonlight excursion per Garden City under auspices of Hlampton Sons of England-4 hours' sali for 25c. Every- PrÎces are stili $100 and $75. - - . ïIl. A. Lozier & Co, Toronlto. Agents:- --MIASON & DALE, BOWMAN VILLE BORN. COOK.-In Bowmanville, JuIy 23, the wife of Mr. James Cook, cf twin sons. On.uB-At Holyrood Farm, Bradworthy, England, July 13, the wife of Mr. Daniel Chubb, of a daugliter. MCCLLLOUIG.-At 303 John St. South, Ramil- ton, Ont the wife cf Mr. Chas. R. McCuillough, Pri'ncipai Hamilton Business College, cf n son. A Good Up=to=dateGrocery and Provision Store--ge ý 1 lOtol if the reader is satisfled his mount is a the easy running wheel that can always be depended upon.