the ws A.H.Smihand I. JP. l'or- wing the îuIÈilinienut of G Test- A CENSUJS0FTEBND Children Teethirg. TI will reffeve thc old bones; or stmff ing some of bier own toc, fast and. sand is used as a check, ter, Irs. Portar and two Phildrenwere ament propitecies aod types in the per.- t is stated that there are 1,000,000 po iteuwt ~~it'.Dapurîo scant clothIng into a crack, to ward off the quantity varyîng according to the attackecl by a niob. Tbey were tra- son of fesus. The Jtws and the Greeka ln eei tewrl r onet pfkftt&Sthl .o nsaebn a draft. Granny didn't really object to weatbtar predictions of the day. veIlin1g b-ybQatjand ýhýfdhelatrweetetouhuI(e PP'i t ue arhe j1te n~aig the roosn cleaned---» a littleu -, flLorùtaare beingnm& prevent the6 1tes-who had reýjetatvet1 idots- aün<twere e.very ,500-No, -itant. Lntestre-l th thwT4 the niglit, just outsidc the city. Stones înquiring aîtke tne triith; a cassvery report s show23,000 blind personsand Bowels, carcs W\X d Colit, S5ofteno ete. ogone a WOre SO was 9fnotGrampus, thre oldest ship on theBritish and oTber miesiles wlere thrown at the iumerous in that age, and turniehing Great Britain, or 870 for each million the (-onm2;, reduc,~s jaieîttnaud or agehdture noa"ot navy list next to Nelson's Victory, frow party, 'but they kept the inob at bay, the larget elwutent for the -ChriL-tiair of Inhabitants. Blind infants of few- givestote and energy tethe who]ezyst6m. One day Maggie, coming' suddenly being eondemnned. She was built in~ untit sldiar~ rrivedb~v firng ~ n-i, i&,iexthan five- veaem, -W6 -f orneach -mil- _Wnl e htiSyu"fritoterou had a surprise.- Ihere, - 17M, anmiwa en ealled the Tremen- Jr).e [ChUlaq an T ih.-tîn . ta . thp.. î hi teînionrthe± ,all -i il~~auj of therun-. Onsthed o being Tra nd worsblp. That rmuistü hava been a On Irafoiowng burdayteanus hd mal church whiech coild meet in a developed, and on Sunday last, I)x- dwelîinig house. 3 ustus. Revised Ric-harde-on die-d from the effects of this VersLon, "Tituts Justus.- eko terrible disease. Probably, says a w xr fhm hnta e wa ccirespon dent, tl1ere never was a Gentile, a retident of Cornth belong-. elearex instanoe of thre disease-px'oduc- ing to tIre better oýass, and a devoutI ing Poer of imagination tbaan this. man One that worshiped God. A terrni Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.k 4 -------- ---- Mil