KEEP THE SKIN SOFI AIND 4WHiTE WITrH II BEST INGREDIENTS MAKE IT GOOD. BE SURE AND... GEU TUE GENUI The Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mrs, Montreal Y - N 9ký -*- -*- -Ê%Lý -ÉJ6ý -*- SE THE HOME.--- SCALES IN TUE KITCHEN. About a year ago une of my neighliors entertained a baker guest f rom whom she, gathered numerous valuable hints. One day lie offered te bake a cake for lier. She very readiiy consented and collected thie ingredients upon the kit- Chen table, placinýg a. cup beside, tlem for measuring. T'he baker smiled and said: "I shýah not need that if Mr.- M. wili allow me, the use of bis scales." Ac- cordingly, the, ingredients were carrîed into thae adjoining store, and each weiglied in turn. My neighbor lauglied and said: "Well, if that iset the, 'man' of it. Ho, steais Our tracle and tlien pretends te improve upon it, taiking twiL-oe the time and trolible that we« do." "I underistand ail thýat," replied the baker goed naturedly; "but you must admit that v.e are always sure of the re- suit, whie the resuit of your method e an only lie deterniined when it is eaten. 1 By wei'ghlng the component parts of a Icake there can ble no variation in the product f-riox un tiume to anothor, pro- Ividinig of course, the flour is of good Squahity. "You woimen," he pursued, 'mnensure wi'th a tea cup that is smaller at the lietLomu than at the, top, and when you jdesiro. to, mensure haif a cuplul it is pureýly a matter' of speculation. And, Sas if that -were, not enough risk to run, fine women ,out of ton use the f irst OUP that comes to liand, lie it large or small, and thon wonder why ibhis cake is flot lilcethle last when liotli xere made fromn the samne rocipe." The conversation w as repýeated tome, anui the lenging for a kitclien scale was considerably strengthened, One whe lias net a similar priviiege can liardly rea- lize the comfort i is to know the ex- act amount of sait necessary to suit the taste of a certain cuitomer, and lie able to make, it the saine every time. It may relquire a littie oxperîmenting at first, although an ounoe to, the pound generally plonses. Aftor con- sultation witli tho customer a few timoes until the exact state of saltiness ie discovered, you know What you are doing eoc time ithiout danger of leaving it too frerJh or getting it too Sal.t. Not long after receling rny scaies a lady said W< me: "I amn sotired of farmning, and being the viGtim of others' dilhonesty. The fariner bas to, take avery oue's weights but his own; whicli la not only utafaur, but absolutely dis- "EHEvo \u ia ser uL scaies in te kitchlen 1'» 1 asked. "No. what la the, useh I woUld not get any better weights if 1 had," she re- plied. "I nust diff or, withyen tlie-re," said 1; "for wlhen a dealer undorstands that you are cumparing weights with him, it natuxaliy incites hlm te more careful methods. A montli's experience bas given nie many suirprises; and the greatest of them al.I1 fould nd the ai- lege(d weight of butter crocks. While wiplnýg a crock, one day, it seemod ratier ilght teo weigh 5 3-4 pounde as marked. 1 set it on the scale and it showed an over-weight, arked, of 4 euinea. Froni tilat timie to flua I have weiglhed every croch liefore filiing; and out of tibe f irt twelve crocks weighed, only two of theom had been markad coreptlyandi those f was Celui Meat Stew.-Cut your cold mient in smali pieces. To a pint of ment add a pint of cold water, a table- seoonful of cab'liup and an onion chopped fine, with salt to taste . Lot stew slowly for a haif heur, then thick- en with fleur. Daliouis Cookes.-One, cup of lard, one cup of granuiated sugar, one-fourth cuiP of cour mita, one teaspoonful of soda, two and one-huif plnts of flour: mix as you wtiiwd pie crust. Vegetable Soup.-Take thiree quarts Of water, twe calons of good size, six p'otatees, sliced, one pint of Stewed te- matees; season with sait and pepper when dcne. Knead together one cup of fleur andi une talespoonful of nice swet butter and stir ths in briskly sd tint it may neotlie lnmpy nor un- derdone. Ail who are fond of vege- tables will like ibis. Grahnm Muffins.-One and one-liaif cups of graham fleur, one and one-haîf cupis of sour mnilk, one-haif teaspoonful of salt, one-haif teaspoonful of soda. Dissolve the soda, in a talespoonful of lioiling water and stir if into the sour milk. Thon add the meal and sait, lient welfl together and pour into gem pans whirh shouidlie hot and well greasod. Enke in a quick oven twenty minutes. A. LA1YI BAUXI ONE OF 'LHE MO$T PAINFUJJ LOF IN4IAlAEýS. ABOUT LORDB ROTHISCHILD RE IS THE SEVENTH GREAT POWER 0F THE WORLD. lnfluence of the olksebild FamlIY Oe h Oe Foinsucos orthie Wohq4î- Tite lestful Home of Lord Rolhsehild fn Oi4r]anad -1 Owns a Palace liq Loiidoii-ls Hobby Is the joivs' Fre School. "'Engiand," said thee cuilject of this article, "hais the most welth and the soundost credit of aIl the nations in the worid. If a hundrod millions were wanteod for any national purpose, they coudlie raised with ense ai compara- tively small interest. If thore were ans organized ruja on thie Bank of England, and it were stopped by action of the executive, tliis action, whidl inl any other country would paralyse the on- tire commercial commuinity, would in -England meroly restore the Bank te a secure position and sirengthen the national credit," Lord Rothschild kno-ws semathiiig about national credits. The Ilothis-' cJilds mny li e dscribed as the sevOfth Great Power. and if tie English and the foreign branches of the houise wore te act together, tliey could paralyse the resoUrýces of any of the Continental na- tions. It is net so certain whetlier they coul.d do the sanmein %ngland, though it Le quite safo, to assume that the effort whul neyer lie made, for iii Îs te the intorest of the R3otlischilds and, indeed, aIl the Helirew race, te support with ail their strengtb the Ofne nation Whicli gives tliem equal righits, lioth poli ticai and social, with the natives, equal honors for services, and secure protection for thoir percons and property. On the other hand, what the Seventb Power can do if it choosos to tlirow its influence on the side of England was sliown wlien "Rothschuluis" ordored the withd-rawal of five millions in gold frwm tlie United, Sta tes, with a threat of with'drnwing a furtlier cheven mil- lions in goid, as an answer to President Cieveiand's bomliastic message about Venezuela hast yoar. America saw lier credit and whle financial systein slak- en liy a punie whidl caueed RUIN TO THIOUSANUS. Hàd tlie eleven millions been witli- drawn aise, a total financial smash weuld have been fhe resuit fer the States. Again, i is an open secret that, when the inte Autocraf of the Rins- sians issuled bis dec-rees for flie coin- Pu.sory exedus of the Jews, a Rorlis-' chld combination brought home te hinl that ha might despise the ruios of humannty, but hie could net doent the la-s of finance when directed against i bY the Seventb Poweor. Lt 's con-' PulsOrY exedus of thie ejTws, a Rotbs- childsi ay become the financiai arbitra- tors [of Europe, reducing even the Trenasu-ry of tihe German Emperor by produrng a heavy "slump" of German credit. Lord Rothischild is the oldest greaf- grandson and maielieir of Mayer Ams- ciel1 Rothiscild, of Frankfert, whe, fouInded tie famii3,. Mayer Ams- cbel's con became an Englisli subjecf and a baron of the Austrian Empire. The iatter's eidest soin, Lionel, was the father of the presentLord Rothischild, Lk, - TU M L aN'egeÏWP ré',a r aionf or As-SIGNATURE Ikmg the Stomachs andBowets or Proinotes Digýcsi0nCheeifu1- ness andRest.Gontains etr OptudMorphine iior Miineat S N NOT NAU COrle. ± el!,;ý0orEVERY »M BOTTLE OCi~ IlperfectRemedy for Constipa- deoI, Sour StcymachDiarrioea, 1RWTY01R. Oaletoria. sput u np lieeize bottles cly; Rt you anything euse on the pics or promise Ibat la lei nt as good elond ~wiii anlswer every pur- pose." '&rESeothat, yon gelOA-T-ORIA EXACT COPYOYF WRAPPER. ,m1 ae and WiII bze pIeased once lai Quantity, twice îlui Quality FAC-SIMILE el"HA T THE