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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1897, p. 8

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: Insecticidese .0 * Pure, and reliable Insect Destroyers at J. HJGGJNBOTIIAM & SON, Chemists and * Druggists. * PURE PARIS GREEN, * PURE INSEOT POWDER, * PURE MOTII CAMPHOR, * FLY POISON PADS, * STIGKY FLY PAPER,(1IllaL) Ilygej'a Beverages H ires IRoot Beer, McLaughlin's' ilygela t Beverages, Lime Fruit Juice, etc. * J. Higginbothamn & Son. BOWMANVILLE. w w w w - w- - ---- WC Are Ho adqllarters For Al Killds of Summor Qoods, Quick-Meal Blue Flame Coal 011 Stoves are the best, eall and see them. Window Sereens, Sereen Doors, Spring inges, Green Wire Cloth, at very close prices. Lawn lVowers, Lawn Rakes and Garden Tools in great variety. Sherman-Williams Paint is the only pure Paint on the market, every can guaranteed. Try it. White Lead, 011, Turpentine, Glass, Putty and a full line of Painters' Supplies. Fence Wire of all kinds at close prices. Sole, agents for tke Gurney Fouandry Co's eelebrated Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. BOWMANVILLE. Zh êudat BOWMANVILLE, JULY 28, 1897. Miessrs. j. UMcCoinel, J-11. kirkland ant Miss u Aderson, Toronto.Mr. TBîîîgliam, owMmi- vile aebe iiio friends here...Mrs, (Dr. BailS, Master Haroid Banks, Port Jervis, NY., Mr . hilip Pollard, Macon City, Mo; Miss Mcutr ,Toronto; MiSs Stephens, Powrnan- Ville; Mr. T.N. DaveyWlitby, have been guests of J. Irelanid Bail, Marshalltown, la., lias been gnest of Mrs. Jno. Sylvester ..Miss Edithia Virtue, Toronto le vîsîting at homne..Dr. aDd Mrs. Mitchell at- _e.ded the funerai of thelteM.BMicl, Oshawa, on Monday 26th inss. DOAN'C KIiNmEY PILLS.-Doani's Kid- ney mils act on the kidnevs, bladder and urinary organs only. UPey cure backaches, weak back, rhenamatism, diabetes, congestion, inflammation, gravel, Bright's disease and ail other diseases arising from wrong' action of the kidneys and biadder. TYRONE. Visiiors: Mrs. John I. Bell, Marsballtown, Iowa; Mr. Chas. Potter, B. A., wife aiidfamily, WVatrord(; Mr. Philip Pollard, Macon Go, Missonri; Miss Ruby Sootheraîi, Milibrook ;Mis.s B. Haucock, Newtonilule; Mr. Robert Me. Laninhlin. Oshîawa; McWelch UlJbridge.. Bey. T. H. P. Anderson preached liera twie Sabbath snd gave a short address ai Sahhath School ...Rev. J. P. Berry wiil address the League Frtday evenhiiig. Mr. Levi Skinncr's littie dauo-,hter, Peari,was taken w ith dîphiheria last wcek-and is in a vcry critical condition.... Mr. A. E.Manning, Hamilton, retaîns bis record as the chamipion troui fisher cf Tyrone... Qcarterly services on Sahhaîh ai 10 a. ici..Mrs. J. H. Hicks and chiidren are visiting Mrs. L. A. J. Short, Contice ..Mrs.Riciî. Davey is stowly rccoveri1ng f rom a violenit attack cf rieurisy.... sn.Thbelia Dnnn will D. V. celebrate bier 90t birtulay,July lOin the presence ofa fewvfÉiends. "Tyrone Re-Visited" bv Old BOY, Chap. V. is crowded out this week. PAIN IN THE BACK.-DEAR SIRS.-I was troubled with Dain iu the baek for months, and after trying several rem- edies without effect, thought I would use Hagyard's Yellow Ol. 1 arn glad to say that after using txvo botties 1 was comptetely cured, and cannot recoin- mend thîs excellent remedy to highly.. MISS ANNA CHAPMAN, South Éiver, Ont. SOLINA. Solina Division, No 40, S. cf T., will celebrate the Diamoid Jnhilee year by a mammoth festi- val cf hernies and buns next Fr iday night Speeches by Mesrs. Baker, Paîcce, Argue, Wil- liams, Pascoe, and Werry. The GleGClumb will furnish choîce music. E ecîy ember is expeet. ed to be preseuit and ccli brate this their acinnai hanqnet. The comicîste are saring no pains tomakethis avery enjoyabte aft'ain. Dontfor- get the date.... .Mr. H. Hooper, an old resident of the ilage, visîtted us lasi week..Mr. Robt. Van Nesi lest a vry vaînable thoro bred mare of distemper.. *. Mr. John Van Nesi's danghier Mary f cli from a gaie and brokehcr coulac boue ..Luetest rumoer ts ihat wc shahl have a, daily mail. Sure?.---Mr. A. S. Goard cf THEE STAIESMAN staff !S rosticattnig at igohdid Farm inrsing a disiocated tbnmhb.._ Miss E. J. Pascoc has retnrncd frein a vcry pleasaîît fort- nigts visit ini Toronto. -.- Otiser vsîrors:-Mc. Jas. Patterson, Toronto; Mr. and Mr. Gco. Van- dyke and family cf Cortice ; Masters il. Os borne, W . Patterson and Mi. W. Goard cf Bowmanvillc. TEE HEAD MASTER.- GENTLEMEN-1 h ave f ound great satisfaction lu the 'use of Dr. Fowler's Exîract of Wild Straw- berrv, and consider it invaluable lu al CaSez of diarrhoea and summer comn- plaint. It is a pleasure to mie to r -coin- mend it to thne public.. R.BMASTElîTON, Principal High Sehool, River ChA % l,N, Any perSOn Whose subseription to TuE STATESMAN iS paid to Dec. 31, 1897, mnay send this paper to a f riend (new subseriber) lu Canada or the U. S. to sanîe date for oniv 25c. There is no one article lu the line of medicine that gives so large a returu for the mioney as a good porous streng-th- ening plaster, sucli as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- ers. Eveî y lady 3vho would read one of the tact. of the, dollar nia oazinoc c.hnnlii foir 13wmavilos civio Z1oU01ay Stoney Lake and Burieigh F'alls. Under the auspices of Lodge Welling- ton No. 19, Sons of England, Bowman- ville. By Specîal train te Lakefleld, froîn thence by Steamer "Sunbeam," to Burleigh Falls, veiwing the finest scenery ern route and glving several heurs ai the Falls, fer canoeing and flshing. Returuing arrlving at Lake- fild about S p.m., First-clas Hotel accommodation at the Falls. Briug yeur baskets feullcf lunch and take them home funll cf flsh. Pienty of flot and Cold Water on the Suabeamn. Tickets good to return next day, Aug. 101h, from Lakefleld or Peterboro for Éhose who wlsh to remain over, being a fine chance to visit eue of our hast Ilnd towns, at the following very low rates froin the Stations named. Time. Aduif. Chiidýn. Pickering 6.32 a, m. $1 .5C 75o,. WhitbyJ. 6 42 1.45 75 Oshawa J. 6.50 1.45 70 Darlington 6 58 1.35 65 Bowmanville 7.04 1.35 65 Newcastle 7.13 1.30 65 Newtouville 7.24 1 20, 60 Port Hope 7.37 1.15 55 Arriving ai iLakefleld about 9.30 a. m. Reurniug from Lakefield about 8 p. m F. R. DTINHAài, Sec'y. PRESBYTERY MEETING. The Presbytery of Whitby met iu the Schooi Room cof St. Paul's Church, ou Tuesday evening 20th. the Mod- erator, 11ev. R. Whîtemau, B.A., port Perry, presidizg. The session was a short oue, the most of the business be- ing of a routine characier. The Stand. ing Committees for the year were ap- pointed, wlth their conveners as fol. lows :-Home missions, 11ev. J. A. McKeen, B,., ; Augmentation of Stipends, 1ev R. Douglas Fraser, M. A.; Sabbath Schoois, Rev. G. B, Mc- Leod, ].A., ; Cburch 11f e and work, Rev. A. MeAuley, B.A ,; Young Peoples' Societies, Rev. J. 8 . McLaren; Finance, Ilev. S. fH. Eastman. Rev. Abraham, of Whiîby, and John Me- Lau2hlin, Esq., cf Enniskilieu, were appoiuîed te introduce a discussion ai the nexi rezular meeting cf Presbytery on the subject cf "TPhe Eider and fils Duties." The meeting will he held iu Brooklin on the third Tuesday cf October, and the annual meeting cf Preubyterial Young Peopie's Society ln the same place on the preceediuig day, HAMPTON. IiiPORT 0F BETHOD IST SAcinATR tdfccaO. Dr.Aa FRIENiS.-. Our report as to'statis- tics for last rear closes Juns 30, 1897. We are ihaukfui for continuied pregreps. The aticudarce and interest hss been weli sus- tained. Our school us weql quiipped toc eible siuidy, especially for aduiit claqses. We report in this depacimeni a goed attenîd- ance, but still there lirroui, and we cordial- ly invite any who desire toe ericb ibeir hear ts and minds with a knowledge of th truiib te uite witb ns in tbis profitable erc- plcym'.nt. Jesus sâaW, 1Searcb tbe Senip- tumes, for in them ye tbuuîk ye have eternai life sud they are ibey whicb testify cf me." The primary department cf ccir school bas maiutaîued its cisnai efiicieuey and bas fur- nished tii the junior depantment several The Mason GDo. Duriug July and Augnst we close at, 6.30 excepting on Organ Factory pay nights, Mr and i 7th of eàçh month when you can do your trading later wish to'; we al appreciate early closing during this very hot weather, please remncember and shop before 6.30. Hlot Weather Goods. M-- MVust he sold now. We stili have a fairly good assortmeut of li&'. weight unlined coats and vests, some very choice lines in fancy vest. Suinmer weight tweed suits at reduced prices, we have just receivet.Y from the factory some choice clearing lines in merý's and bov')s suits;we shall sou these at less than the regular factory price, prices in the clothing departuient were nover meore favorable to the public than at present. -- Pan ts to Order $8.90 We will seil this week 25 patterns elegant imported worstedt trouserings worth fromn $450 to $6.50 for $3,90 we guarantee first-elass workmanship and a perfect fit, drop in and see these goods and yoa will be pleased wtth them. -- New Neckweax.- We are also showing a very neat now lune of neckwear, string ties, bows, and 4 in hands; our 4 ply English collars are btst in the world, try them. Dry Ooods, - Few people know of the uncoasiug activity connected with 9, big business, one season is not past before we are arranginàt- for the next; aiready-we are receiviug advices of new goods for fail trade. ThIÈý means that wo must push off ail the balance of our summer goods eveni if we have to, acrifice, Among tluis weeks specials note the followingr, About 100 yds, wide width, fine print was 15e 110W be. a yd. A big pile of ducks, chaxnbrays, prints etc worth 12ý to 20e. yd. 110w for 8e a yd. An aQsorted lot of children's cotton hoso worth 10 to 25c. pr pair no w 5e pr. Ladies cotton Rose, heavy- fast blk only 10e pair. Ladies and chîldren's dtraw hats and parasolý, some nice goods loft, andl l marked down. Extra value in table linen bleaehed and unbleached. Ladies and chi]ldren's undeiivests at reduced prices. Ladies white woar handsomeîy triînmed and well made at factory pricos to clear. White and Colored Muslin, -« Our values in these goods is worthy of your careful inspection, nice goods at close prices and priais, galateas etc, in fact ail wash good, are now to the front for speedy sale. Oroceries. Our Stock of sugar is particularly full just now, we are well prepared tu meet yorîr wants along this lino, also a very full assortment of ail kinds of can ned goods suitable for pîcnics and camping paities, We have in stock alI the best kindjs of picking spices and best vinogar, choice teas our specialty and special fresh ground coffees for the harvest season. We aim at kceping only high class groceries and guarantee every article we tura out in this lune, The Best i Always The eheapest IENRY'S Photos are uoted for their beautiful style and finish aud his prices are ,qwurer cbnwsi- riune ,+, The People's Fa-vorite M0 N TR EA L EXHIBITION Aug. l9th to 28th Entries Close August l6th.

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