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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 1

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l'e TERMS :-$1.50 Piut ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE EWORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. Nimw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARtIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1897. VOLUME XII No. 32. t w ýb COUCII, JOUNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S is the place to buy cheap goods. From to-day they will seli ail Blouses or under cost. Blouses Worth $1.35 and $1.50 now for $1 .00. * Blouses Worth $1.00 now for 75c. These Blouses are all new, perfect fitt- Singýq goods madle by Williams, G-reen & j Rome. Ail Parasols= every one new, 110W selling at cost. j $ A lot of new Dress Goods at about haif ~ A lot of Prints Worth lOcuow 6c. Prints Worth 12, c, now 8c. Scotch Ginghams Worth 121lc, 110W 8c. Silver Silks regular price 35c, 110W 20c. Dress Muslins, regular 12_1c, now 8c. 4) 14 Or-wi-idyMuslins worth from 25c to 315c 2 o 11W20c. Blouse Silks Worth 25c, now 18C. 'f These are ail new goods Ibut they must be sold and will be sold at the prices *advertised. -BOWMANVILLE. eeylon ..... In these days of Package Teas on1e sometimes hesitates as to the particular brand to use. '.If you decide on Kincora Çeylon you wlll make no mistake. It is the latest ".nd greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, combining Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of - lb aiid 1 lb each, in black and black andl green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c and 50c per pound. Caîl at Young& Co. adg et a package and you will be convinced of its superior excellence and delicious fiavor. We are special selling agents for Bowmanville of these fine Teas.1 e Our Gýrocery and Crockery stock is com * .ite. We ask you 1,o f avor us with a trial order. Prodi Ce taken. CHINA HALL, YOTJYNG & COR85 Bowmanville. The Grocers. your Furniture at, M. D. WILLJIAMS &SON'S best and cheapest place j to do so is at their ware- rooms. ýWife wlll be pleased with what you buy froua us; our goods and suit all classes. prices ILLIAIVIS SON. BOWMâNiV!LLE. Tytrone lîe-Visited. AIn Old 1oy's $oliday. NO Furniture Dealer and Undorfaker. aes~.tfcteOu 'relkdPuies CIIAPTER VI, I look round the church at some of tbe littie eues, I see them sitting.just as I used te, dangi ing my weary legs, wondering bow long betore we 'sbould bc doue, or lu the language cf lRobert Burdette, weîtdcring bcw iny brin- dred 3 cars it weuld ho before my foot would reacb the fleer li1ke the bi- folks. Tbe interior ofthlAe chureh toc' is so mncli differeut te wbat it was, I shahl bave mny attention directed toward it for a litlol time. 'lho littie cheir next tbe roof is takeiu mway air( a mnore coin- utodieus stting secured at a slight oie- vatiou te the roar of thic miiister's desk. One cf our inisteis accusterned al l ii early lifo te town buildingl-s rned te ternu the littie choir uest a gnrroý. Why it was built s0 close te the bi-h Ceilirng 1 neyer could tel, urless thbat the cengregafieîî heing obiged te ci anc their neclks in order te sec the singors were ceusequiently plaeed in a \vorsbipful attitude uîîd conuld thus more oasily lead tlîemselvem te heieve they weuo listeuring te angelie strains. "lIoliness becoinueft thine bouse, O Lord, foroxer" are the words boautifuily and appropriafel 'y painted round the presonu semi-circULar choir alcove. The church is well ligluted b)'yhiaug-iinglamnps and reflocters. At the iîorth -of the churclt prepeî are a lectnre roorii and two eiclose(l lass roonîis. Twc preach ing services on1 sabbath, wook ni-ht prayer meeting,, large Sahbath Schencl, senier and junior Epwortli Leagne4, is the weekly chîurch pi-cgrate., Sirice the Methodist uniont this is theonclv edifice wbere service is held,fcr tbou-Gh a latent spirit of prejudice was manifest when the cther ehnî ch (il'. U.) w as spckeîi cf as a probable parsotiage, it bus lonîg since passed away atnd the clurch ncwý remodelled inakeý(s by far tire most pi- tentions lieuse in Tyroe and a iicst desirahie bione for the senuior pastcî-, 11ev. A. C. Wilseon, a nmaiofcfulnture and advanced fbonghit. Dis soir As bhary bas .iust attained bis degree at Qneen's. A daughLer, Miss Marie \Vil sonr, lias juFit enp~leted bier graduaticon course iii vocal audi postgraduate in iu- striinouital music id Albert Clle-e, But teretîtriite tbe church service I was attending, I enjey il ail, tlhe sweet stngingbv the ciidreri, the addrcss, tebeaut if ci praver aied lastly the ex- cbanging greetings witb old frieîîds, sorne of wlîose famiillar faces I1 knimw tee, well te ho mistuken. The fathers and mcrthors irilsrud were uearly ail prescrit, scre 1I nissed, bewever, amoug them Mr'. Peter Werry, Spriugbreok Furin, West etfflic village. Ifound his heltih had been pretty poor of late. I am jýieased te sec sorneoef bis neiglbbcrs the turtis brothers-Jumes, Paul and Bar- vey. They are good fellows 'in the clîurch or eut ef lu, and are living evi- deruces cf tue îiresperify attendant upen paiustakipg persox eraîic. As there is utc S. S. this afteruou we couiclude f0 take a jaut dowu the read leadiutg scuth frem tire East End, mv deterînitu- atien being streng te see as many old friends and rovisit us marîv cld haurîts as pcssible. Mr. Chas. Welch's little horne is sf111 the sanie. Ble is living liore 3 et with his dariulter but is failino' censiderably. Mr. Bierhert Ceuch is a sciioci teacher se routs bis place acress tbe î-oad. Be bas a sister Miss Emilie, aise teaciîg, and a brother lu the nin- istry, 11ev. Isaac Ceuch. Mrs. Cbas. Walters stili spared te bier children ives bore ilulber pleasaut thome a blessing te ftue cmunt especially lu sickness or trouble. Ber ouly sur viving son, James, is at prescrut Illing a position af Grand Rlapids, Mich. Fol- lowing aioag the beaufiful grassy maple shaded read (the prettiost 1 bave seen un these parts) we come te Aunt Belle Duuun's, for tlis is flue titie the cheerful old lady is nsed te g.eftiug by ber entire circle ef friends and acquaitit- ances. The large brick cottage be- speaks comfort and ease un ail ifs de- tails and though living bore lu almiost enfire seclusion lu years bord eriug np- on the nineties, she enjcys tbe use of bier faculties as much as mauY in middle life, I think Mrs. Dinuu, Mr. Samuel Channon anîd Mrs. Wm. Chaunon, sr., are about ail of the earliest settlers te ho found bore ucw. Thls la the cotupiaint ofE thousands at this eeason. Tbey have no appetite; ,OodE" doesa otrelieh. They needthoenlng upot the etomach aud digestive o'rganea, wlich a course of Bood's Sarsajý&r1hIa wiU give thetu. It al*o parifles aud enriches the blood, cures thtat distresa after eating aud Internai mloivwonb1' a >dypeptbe eau know, creates an qppet4fe, overcomxes tbxat tîred feeliog and baWuapq omuxpa±~ the 'whole phyýicuilystemni tX ýro4t- esani 27 WatChes wilfbeho gi--en away rsen umuufh p te eeueu,8 Aa orgroci:rs tonforpurticulars, or dilop apost card te Unidertàklng always recoives prompt aný personal attention dayI -, .ar ehst5e4nr j[ or H oods 1s, u.î L. îl~ 3SCOU8Icui~ro. Opost Mrs.. Dunn's the fine brick structui re built by Mr. Stephen M. Clemn- ens attracts our attention. Mr. Levi Anisý bought the plac e for his son !mthr, tho presont industrious propri- etor. D)o you kznow what a surprise I got whýea I fîrst looked upon tbis sturdy ntlietlooking' young farmor. i was, as,ý if11the mantde of his maternai au- cester 1 1Mr. Wm. Clernens, sr.,) had fallen ou him se ]ike is ho to bis lato gradfaheriu g'neral feature and manneýr. Perhaps its just my notion, you kow but at anyrate hie has begun if erih and understands bis business andî ;ian honor to any community. The oý(l ome ef the former laro'ost land owwo, inthe vîcinity (the Ir. Wm. Censreýferred to) stands, just a littie to the su I. is youugest son Albert lives boe.He is becoming quite prom- mnt ta miunicipal matters, thev say, having seýýrved as couneillor for several yearusad now ý,fuls the position of dop- tyroe for Darbingtou township. iihee a be no doubt as to bis capahil ity of filing eithier this or ahigher posi- tien. Mlr. Vm. ý,l3rc-(nt of Grayas isbs nextigbr The situation of lus hiomie with its broad well-cultivatod acreso, jinn is pleasing antd retired i le theexreme. Mr. and, Mrs. Brout enjey hi home and family life intense- ly. 1tsek well for that home when we fmd b Iis SOU and daughter after both enjyig cllgead, anta2'es declaring it the best place upon eartb, I remmber hat a vigerous old genleanMr. Brots father was, Evein u is latest years lie much pro- ferred wligte riding, and scorned wrapp,;iug himself up in severe weather toe, he tent mue youger people deemct ne necSsarv. 1 A gradai siope cf ccuntry briugs ns te Boys orner. A turu te the bf t hriugs u-s te Braoebauk, ttee, ancestral home fMr.Wi. lRoy. It is the home1 cf thie t'-p)ica1jl!ontrv gentleman. Buei-1 self a inian cfcutiatdtasttus, wey read, it is he plas1reaudrivilcge of ail like mi!iinded ito meet w ith and enjoy' Mr. B i sptlt andschelariy coni- veai i 1-A litewith m dv(lrnands larg Bie Clss u rte e Sabbath Schoolr !-,i, srvebakwit isbat- treilctw Ibi a speout afrein win four Ife is gettiîorng oar(1 t e ve nc ather day a- iond tndfo t ime in n aroune ý,tivronvearis hoeeming olimitc Laenex ùt loronhon a I ag to bae a dIo get np early, ne mistake about it, but no iý s the, tirne, for a mist haugs over eveýrvtbing and will for an heur or so, possibloY longer. I mnst mention the pae along the route not spokon of befoýro. Mr.nJthn Awde's is the first, Mr. Thois. Williams' old place. Mr. Awde is from Maripesa but was former- lya Tyronie boy. Be liveshebonow ii peacef itireet lias tbe eujoymont cf home anid thesociety of his beloved wife aud oly daughter, Mrs. William Wight, The old bouse looks as if a miracle ba id been wrought for its bon- eflt hotinsimide and eut. The worthiv couple areý entbusiasts in flewer, fruit andvgeae culture. Poor old Mr. Williauts Wandered about from one cbild te anlotber after selling bis proper. ty, finalilv týuruing back as close to the old spot a ;s possible, we flnd bim board- Ing at M.John Mutton's, li1 dipos- edýl cfi bis siess and carniage making shops te MrU. R. A. Philp,a former Beth- e'sda bo)y. -ýMr-. Pbilp tore down the old sbep te miake building space fer the noat re uidence of modest dimensions bie bas sitce bult thereen. There is ai- way-s pleuit v of work on hand lu the carniage and general wood-workiug de- partmrermjts (To be continued.) Up to June, 1897 Taf 2bStearn 's Bicycles ai-d 162 Gold Watches nGIvenAwa Iii Canada, This Year, for 4 ENGLISH LETTER. A CîvMn WaI MR. ELLIS or1IHAMPTON WuiITE5 INTER- Ct u ï W H ESTINGLY OP HIS TRIP TO OLD) ENGLAND., There are Thousands Like DEAn STATESMAN.-Thiiukiuo-it îiay inferesf serte readers cf THE STA j,8* Him in Canada. MAN, I Will seud yen a sumimary et rav trip thus fan tewards my nuative islaiud. "eh addadtuhuIa~ left Bcwmauville on Friday July ded miseruble, uised up, nervous, and can'f at 10.18 a. mn. aud aff or a deligbtfu trip sleep Ifuese days; 1 feel as if life iras ou G. T. R. systein arrived safely but ntwrhlvn.Ibv ne onr verv tirod iii Mentreai ut 7 p. m.- and air. and bave stri-tly foilowed my we-nt on hourd tiueAllaîuLiîuo SS. '"State dector's advice, 30f bore I arn, fast cf California" ut 8 p. in. dcstiued to ho weuning awav."1 enr home for thefellowing elevon days. Ti ofsin al yarsdn The country from Bowmanvilbe of Tois ofeson, areb at rancesu througb whieh we passed uvas wai- tu e o resntliecacndinoftos, its mesf charmiutg aspect, but I unust ad fflnadýoinodadyug say that the townships of Darliîigteu aîudhs0f mon cfd theutbdaudyoug andClakefur snrpuss untig else othe ine bet ween thein andc Moutreul It us a]tutest certain thaf suclu weukly and alfluough flueboominig rustard did and broken deown mon an d women bave nef speak weli for the naine of the farm- not yet beard the icyful news that ors in careful husbandry of the furin Fauties Celery Ceompound is flue great yet wberever mustard was to ho seen' life reniewer and buildor, the inedicine the fields centigueus were more luxur' ibut makes tlie weak strong, that givos iaut, the tarm bouses more comfortabîe viti and truc activify te ethe ianguid leokiug, better orclards cf fruit and and despeudeuit, that inakes the blood every other evidence cf the prosponity pure ani red, f lat gives digestive vigor et tbe people, fbuîî uviere if was nef, and sweef refrcsbing sleep. the mustard giving place te huttercnp Are you, dean reader, amongsf the marguerite auud rocks, witbout an orefu afflictcd eunes ? Are you. piuing lu mis- ard te bc seemu, and but few bouses, ery and suffenung and ful cf dread and littie grain and boss reefs and veget- fears ? If se, lot us point yen fo the ables, gai-dons evomu being tbe excop- ouly medicine that eau meef your case fiemu ruther than the rile. witheout a fear of faibure. If is Puine's Montreai bias wenderfully inmproved Celerv Co'uupauy, uature's medicine for siuce I last saw if forfy years auooandtetidadwruofbd anu- sf111 heurs the pre-emmneuco of boino- struug nerves. The virtuos of fis the commercial emporiumu of Canada' medicine strike iglut ut fbe seat efthte> a tifle whichu if true te berseif, Toronte' treuble, quickly huing iug beulth and ucr ne ethler cify cf Canada eau deprive bîuppiuess. If bas a murveibous record ber f. e iet Mnfrul nxi cm-of cures, a fast and enduring faute won 'n at 3 ocbcck and with a refreslîiiuo-byesesudlf ui-.Wlvo breeze, under an abmcsf clondbess sb- ', test ifs efficacy ? Yenunust if o with flue most magnificeuf scenery on desire beaith anud robusfness us well as both sides of the majestic St. Law-enîce oxfended years._ _ arrived about 3 p. ni. under the citudef DRIGONCUCL cf eld Qnebec. I did nef go en shore DAL GTNCU I. beiru tee ired.Town Ball, Hampton, July 31sf, FortY yeurs agc lu coming into Que- liegular meceting, members alby pros- bec the river 'vas filed wifh sailimug cit, minutes ef basf îmeetinug rend atnd ships. uew abi the sailiug sbips in flue conliruned. The Counties' Clerk ivrofe port ccnid ho ceunfed oti the fingers of givino- ainounît et couury rate required cee baud, and the acfivitv thon seen un froni barbington as $1,134, an adivauuce the larbor seems te have departed. of 895f ever basf yBar. Mn. Tole ap- We 10ht Quehec at 9,30 Suuduy merning, pbuod for a reitewal cf grant te th(, Ag- and preceeded fowards tlic Guif. ricitural Soci*fy t Laid ever to nexf Weafher fute, sky clendless and sinOOtît meetingý. Mn.e'Yoster matdeo sone ne- water. Rligicus services uvere bcld marks rcespectiug tfiitfroductioti into fwiecedurnug the day te flue setconud euh flue tProv[uuce cf the teîm-îbiv destuntive lu passenurs. 'We ship's cliapbaiu bas inseef f0 flie frtuit trucs kliowtunste travebled muclu lu fnVica, and _,avo a "Sun Jese Seuluud ïnucv(d1eone ent. At 9 p mý. we reaucbed Riuuousk1i efn-et ffu etfntgeiu antd sent off ou): lettons ai-id teck on tîto townships la the provinuce, view -,itb miails and mn*ny passongers, several of groat uiarm thbe very grea t destruction wbcmi were from Bermuda comiug via deuue te fruit trocs by 1 ,- San Jose Halifax and St. John, N. B. Seule" and fluat if bus ma u;C ifs appeur- We baid on hoard about 400 pussen- auce in the Niagara district (a g-neuf gens and a full cargo, a large part etfunursery centG ou- (0mesf earrutslv ne- wbicb was cheese. We lef t Rimeuski quest that every possible avuiluhle samne oveuiug, weatlier fuir as hefore, a meauts ho uscd to externinufe if freim siighf baze ever the lanîd and flic sky tbe Province, anîd that the clerk do senid fieeked witb fieeey eieuds. If furned a epy cf titis esoluflout te- flue Itou. eold ut night with Anticosti on the port John Dryden, Minister cf Agriculture. side, Nct even a bird lu tiiis dreau-y Curried niritumnousby. The petitien ef region vas te be secu. Monday uighf ýtMn. Eliieftfer a grant fo assisf ini mak. iras quite wituuv uhd the mal de-mer ing a roud aercss bis mili damu was first madle ifs uppeuruîuee on ftho ship broght up and resolved that us seen and soon spread umouug the passengors. as Mr. Eliiott proîuonly guards flue read On Tuesduyr about noon wben neur ueross bis miii dam, the suin cf 530 ho Newfoundludfhe sbip becaîne cuvelop- allcwed himu tcwards the expense et ed iii fog se tbiek thuf notbing cculd be said work. Currie-d. By-luws were seen. Steanu wus shut off-onby suffici- pussed auttmorizing the Reeve te extni- eut te keep sfeernug wu *y on the ship cute a deed convoviiug te John Staeey a and te mu'imtuiubier positionm wif hie portion cf flue roud uallowanue ehe'eon souud ef the fog bcrn eommiually lots 32 and 33 in the 2nd concession la seuuding on the ceost on the stanhourdl lien ef a road cpeeed acress suid lot 33, side Tbe fog contimuued unt Il12 a. ni. the original roud ailcwunee being im- on Wcdnesday wben if cleared up with pruefieuble for a oud. The estiiates. nain, thunder and ligbfuing and tunued for ftho ycar worc suhmitted and a hy- inteuseby eold. Icebergs surrcuunded us buw pussed for huN ing the notes requin- f111 uttemneon. Warmen clothing luad ed, amounting- in ail te .0033 of a cent te ho put on. At daybigbf Belle Isle lunftho dollar, exclusive et local school was ou the port how almost covered rates. The Ileeve was însfrueted te witb suow. At 2 p. mn. our lurgest grant endors on the froasuren fer the berg passed us f0 the soutb, lcekmug followiug sums: William Frank, sheep like some grand old castie with the rays damages, $12; Arthur Avery, wonk on cf the sun fbrown lii flashes fmom ifs read, 12 and 13, 10 con., $25,00; Amos massive glisteuiug fumrets. Nexf day Samis. 35 loads gruvel, $1.75; Enastus wind blew a g-ube much difficulfy lu Burk, 32 loads of gravol, $1.60; Arthur keepiug oquilihrium ut meals, disbes Trewin, 22 leuds gravel, $1.10; B. G. would uot sfuy with us. Ali water was Argue, 61 loads gravel; $3.05; A. Sissen, wifb-held excepf whur came dlown tbe 103 boads gruvel, $5.15; Chas. Williams, gnafing cf the hufchway, and as the 40 loads gravel, $2.00; .1I. Ebbîetf, nails, under passongers ohjceted te this mofh- 54.71; Win. Aibin, nuils, 52.30; T. J. ed of batbiug, flehc hles were covered Clarke, spikes, $1.60; M. A. James, wif b awniuîgs. Fully half the pussen- prnuing. $62.80; J. B. Dumbie, ne-cem- o-ens were sick; eue frem St. Murys, a mifful et Kerr, $1.80; G. A. Stepheus, ïIercules lu trame, gave up eutirely lumber, $51.35; Alfred Bogartb,ibumber, declainieh would give $1,000 f0 gef $22; 'rbos. Scott, lumber,$9.72; James on shore if possible. Parr. refund stafute laber, $3 75; D. B, On Thunsda «y and Friday if nained mil Simpson, Luttimnore sefflement, ý55o. most incessuntly-passeugers veny dis- ouonsolafe. Saturday passcd two west A Fasiiionableand Money. wmimd hcund steamers wbmcb cansed a iffle oxcitement and ebeer for the time svn ok being. Wiud feshemied tcwurds nigbfsvig Wok the mcsf distressing since emharking. lu the merning I toit more joints and angles lu my bodv tItan I ever knew before oxisted. *Sunduy found very liff le improvemouf. Service ut il a. m; Home dyeing is now oeeof the true tnrned lu during the affernoon und home arts, a work that is urtistie, un slepf till teatimo. 11ev. Prof. Cavun of occupution that buas become pleusant Knox Collego, Tonrente, preacbed a and fushionable. ]3cople lu easy cmi-

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