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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 2

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ATmeans bimself and teTeslni,. THE SUNIDA SCIROOL.But the qjuestio'n of whother or o[le M ~tzm~ Tif ~ iu' ap&stie expectod the imnrndiate "corni- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 8. ing of Christ" is, and prohably wý,ill h, mucli disputed. It lias no hearing, ais w~DEDAAUG. 4, 1897. lk-adwligfrClît"1wo have alroady soon, on bis inspira- _________ Werlgn. 'aîli e tien' Shall net provent tbem wbieh Jonare asleep. "Preven4t" bas cbangod DR. ~. . HIEu~L, he,'s~, 4:* 9, te 55: 2. Golden T' xl, b its meanng since thîs translation was 14: 3. made; the meaning le, "shallfnot pre- EMBER OF COLLEQE 0F PHYSICIÂ24 PRACTICAL NOTES. . code," .1shall net go abead of" 152aind Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Ale"hrasbfeman-dd Ogfive and Rosidence, ifunnlkillerr. 74. Verse 9. As X)rotherly love. "Asîeop"heeasLore, rnmseans dead. The "brotlierly love" îof the Thessalofi- Christ is bis own person. Shall d- 1)BiTRKiux IMPSONi ians was fregh in Panl's mind, for Tim- scend from. heaven. The picture is thbat AFRISTER-t SOLICITOR, ac. M0}'RIS oh a eetyarvdwt go of Jesus ini human form' hreakinig BPI BOCK, upotayhad King 9 trrit. Bittaano throngh the blûesky with biii-rirta à iae2oneVys i a he loWfflt rat1is and their warm affection for their "fa- eyes." With a shout. Btter, "wjth ian RET. YONG VS ther in Christ." Ye need net that 1 order," a word or loud commjand, sueir as an officer gives to a file of soldiers. O'~FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM write unto YOU, The tender confidence As Di. Curry wisely said, "To attempt >J~ews Biock, where him8elf or assistant ti clause contrasts strongly with tho to give the word of this comnmand, or wil e fonnd fromn Sasn, te 9 p.m. Nignt cadie beseeching exhortation to ébastity imn- te inquire by whom it lis te ho uttorod., t reidenceeirectly opposute Drill Shedi. Celle mediately preceding. Ye ycnrselves ls worse than nseless." The archange1. y telegraph or telephone w iii recoive rpromPt The bead o h nel recnen tention i7i.yr are tauglit of God te love one anothor. i. whcfte havnhe rdolconbut ________________________-Love is the first indication of spiritual few points. The trump of God. The life Geuin Chistinit canotex-falcf Joniche miglit serve as a pro- P.""EÂ TE , Tiaîlor ife.Gninhou Critiniy anot figuration cf the adverrt bore descrîhod. ist wtbontit. Iow far thoso details are paraholic or Gentlemen's OlothesMade to Order. 10. Indeed ye do it. There ore i'n- figurative who shaîl prosume to, decide? tense is one's godly love the w idor wil1 17. We which are alive. Se note on J li iiU'IA UiV D h its scope. Tihe beginning -of Chris- verso 15. Caught np together witb M BR ML C(MI13 A tan if e is pften solicitude for On's thenm in the clouds, te meet the es oveforGodandLord in the air. It is significant DENTI~'F. own seul; thon cornslvmo e n that Paul doos not say "te uieet eocb for f omily, church. neighborhood. The other." Hoe passes over the change Christian bas spiritually grown, who that shail turn earthly bodies to, clos- knows no denominational or national tiol bodies. 1 Cor. 15, 52, 53. This wholýe Passage is a woven web of solernnm- OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. limit te bis love. Thie offection of the tories. So shail we over ho with He Tiiessalonians had jumped tiver tbe nord. The greatost. joy of heaven wilh ho gogrophical edges, and they wore ai- eternol unionf witb the King. Higinbtha & Sons Dug18. Crfort one anothor withtes lligibotam &. ons Dugready warmly in love wltb ail the bre- words. A nost beautiful conchiets.,1 thren wliich are In ail Macodonia. We Paul lias .Just givon, " by the word of Store (don stars), beseech yen, hretlhron, tbat ye increose thre Lord," a vivid description of 1the sublirnist and awfulest scene that ever more and more. A request tbat helps con ho. The voice of the archangel, thle BO'WM.A.NVILLE te moke plain Panl's theology as WOHl trump of God, the descending Msih as bis personal temper. the setting of the judgment seat, th!e rl Tm11, 12. That yo study te ho quiet. rtsing of tire dead-whot can be moiýre fo, eoarful than tbese? But te the bumain D « Tl l""I lS Tr Y . The out-of-door cf &iie ancient cold being who feels that ho is God's child, and tire disposition of hoth Hebrew and that ho fias an advocate with the Fath- Greek mind te philosophize on spiri- or, Jeans Christ, the righteous, that tualmatersearl le tea sot o rewith al bis human frailties tho Spirit tuaImattrs arlyled e asortcf o f God accopts him, there is unspeokoble ligins ossp ad yndo diensiencOmfort in the expectation of 'this that did rouci r am. "Busybodies", 2 scene. Tiress.,, . 11, 12, were lmouy, and the 1. If Paul bad heen present with the immeiat reuitcf hoi "bsinss"Thessalonians-talking instead cf writ- immdiae rsul o thir busnes" ng-prn ably the first question thot was silly wrangles, W-bile fatal bore- they would bave asked bien after bear- sios were a later consoquonce. Poui ing this description cf the consummo- (2, HARNDEN, L. D. S- serns te bave cbohri.bed for the infant tien cf ail things would ho, "Wbon shall those tbings ho f" Paul replies as Grada o thnoyl Cllae o Detal cburch ideals like te some wbich are Josus had replied (Matt. 24. a, 44; 25. 13) Surgacftieosyaro.g cb.n~ eing develoed by the modemn insti- It hos hoon snggested that i Paul'5 CE ~ XPRES OF iEà tutional cbnrch. Ho repeotedly tokes mind, as in the mmnd cf our Lord, the CE PPOITE13 XPESSOF pains tu divide tbe activiteis of destruction of .erusalem. and the final VITALZED IR. udginent were coupled, and that the VIAIE Itte "beody er Christ" among Jpassage which aow fcllows refers ra- its meme)ers ; te favor the des- ther te the overtbrow cf the boly ignation of certain brothers and City thon te the enid cf tho world. No N ew Tailor SI-o siitors as foot, others as oyes. and stili need that 1 write nýnto yen. Thoso wbe others todo duty as atler organs of the always wotch are always ready. Thse nndersigned who has bsean carrying oncupetboyevrpatf icwa 2. Yourselves know perfectly. Bocanse tihe tailoring busrness in coon tein wjth of service te every other part. The Paul had tanght tbom. But wbat did Masn' Dr GodaStre ora e 3rf er direct moianing of the inju.nction Do< they know perfoctly? That thoeciractie has commenced business for htmselt at hie yoUir owîn business îs "Lot oachi di- date is nnknowai>le. The day cf tbe ressidence, King St.,west, whore he ia prepared viduai perforra with fidelity the Par- Lord %Jsually exploined as meaning te aire gents' and beys' suite te ail the latesi ticular duties thea Church bas relogated the clown cf the second advent--tbe styles, and et iowest prices, Fur thüBe who hin" 'ea cotiuexasnofcmigftoSonfma." Ii el wish te order selts, ha will carry a fullino of obm Seabatiuexnsnofoigofteinofa.- t wl amples in ail thse newes patterns. Give hlm this doctrine is oie. 12. 4-8 But the te call attention te Lhree difforent uses next clause. Work witb yonr ewn of surir phrases. 1. fu thpi Old Testa-' had.shows that Paul1 regarded secul- ment any signal display of God's pow- J. T -A-LILU *,Z- arindustry aiso as a Christian dnty. or is calod the "corningý" or "1preseni'e" Fashionable Taihor That ye may walb bonestly. BecOrn- of Ged, and any signal display of tha iuigly, decently, respectabhY, consistent- power of Christ wul.ho natnrally re- y. S1othband t is cousequient p0v.- ferred tix by the aposties as "the day MONE TO OAN. ertywosld hriug disgrace on Christian- cf the Lord." Se jin 2 Thoss. 2. 8, 1tbd -ity. Toward theni that are witbout. interposition ot God's province te dis-' $1 00,000.* Unconverted Gontles and Jews, who comfiLt thse desiguis of thse dcvii is speýken! -weiuid bho attracted toward Christian cf as "thieb brightnoss of bis com)ing." 2. Â lrgeen cirnoeybasbeo pace inmydoctrine by the pvrity, gravity, use- Death in iLs appronchi to the t sea Aad y aesuo pmoers e nvlemnl n lu.ness, and love 0f Chrstian ives. Christian is ln o voýry tr-uieseuse "the si roe ans on fai security for a trrn c,Ê That yernay have loch ot notbing. cerning of the Lord." 3. Thero are ro- FiîvB or TEN Y6are5, FivE MN DONE055 uAL PEa Thessatonioa was famneni for its manu- poated allusions toi the certain chimaxa3 CENT rterest wiii he akod payable yeariy. factures; and froeh meauiug cornes taS of. Christianity, concerning wvL-h.b Satisfactory conditions forrepayrnent wil Sea thsese verses if we assulme that thse Tises7 ncvertheless, there is loss ot revelatýion srranged.D,. MPN sateonion Christians hehonged te the than ot mystory ; this is preeminently Solicitor. Bowmansilie. industrial classes, and wêre especiolly "the cOiiag Of the Lor7d." CaliL Dated Oct. let,, 94i 4-tf. expotsed tetihe temptotions whichbeh- what yen please-"tire end ot the proýs- _______________________soe,,-veryday workers. There -ls an in- cint dispensatien." . "the dawn -of the ~v ~dependeuce whichis Lete oi c vetod for milhonnium," "the consummatien et' al A-io' sko0hue e's providence things," "the day ot judgment ;"cm makos many depeuctont upon others, phasize wistever phase et the revea- nand wgsi oenwbo ciy ork b daiek-n, these who can eoru theïr own bread tien aopeais to, ye oueot, thi s suprorne- and wilb tentsix boucsdfoclas weiy Ad-, byhy onest laor, without indohtedness ly awful and supremely cerforting fart ades w i e SCOnt Rtiît ORdci oek. Adteiothers, are Lin ohe strongost Possible continuies te stand hfore the Chnrcb;* _________________________moral position. and concomnirng ra wo hear perpetualiy n r~'O I am jeust stactiig the best ,, 13. 1 wonld net bave you te be. the words of .esus: "What 1 say unto AGEd" NTS hue îocmoîîey inakingycu Wouhd net wisis you te be." Ignor- one, 1 say uitalal, Watch." Th11er e sýhave seeîî for eseoy a day. ont. As ail but Christiaus are. Tubern seonis indeed te hoe a need of ohscuilrity ,Your came aîdaddress ailbcbng tise goldeni wiich are asleep, Or, as lu verse 14, in this matter, lest ou.r rinds shoutiÀ informatlio. R. P. GLas&cýGw. Tcccîto, Put. "tbem wiich sCoop lu Jesus," thoser ho diverted fa-cm the practical d1utie8 who had died lu tise taitb ef the Gos- cf thse heur. But cocerming t1roýee pel. A deatis wich o nde in lite e h niy things wo rnay hoei ssureti; whenever BLOWN UP, a 5leep, jmEt as a sleop t nemi which we persenally or thse Churicish there wos ne awakeniug would heý at large needsao specialmaietio --deatis There was ovidently mucis ner-, of the persen of Christ ho will cerne; A Paliiàtor's Experlts iceth a ChinineY 0on vous approisension among Thessaienian when in the f aith of tise Gospel w lire Fire. Christrans lest departed loved once!' doewe te de ho will cerne te receive nis; A &otch journal snys that a con- would by their early deatisho epeclud-, and in the heur fer which ail'heurs are ed trorn participation in the glories of r made, te the utter everthrow etfal tain weil-known painter went teo a5son theavent. The opostie bore combats evil forces, and te tise inexpressiblo joy aide village teo paint a picture, and put this notion, as ho doos oise in 1 Cor. cf ail who trust in hlm, whetiser they up4 at a simaîl public bouse. 15, and eniphasizos the fact that thei bc "olive" ln this wor]d or net,, ho il One day, n'bile iu is rocen, ho, heard holy ot earth beave us te obide vith corne, and bis cering thus null f u 1f;ii Christ ternaily iu hoavon. Ye sorow! ail Christian hope. As a thief in thec a commotion, and ce running down- net, even os others wbich have ne ergbt. Snddeulv; unexpectedlv. atairs touind that the cbimuoy was on hope. The greot wonhd lu Paul's day1 fire. Two or three mou wero trying had ne hope. The inscriptions ou Ro- ,JNDERGHOUND CITY. te put Ont tire tînmes by swooping the man and Geek tombe are alwoys off O L aica uAstinPlad hr tintoften poetic, but uttenly er-InGlcainAsinPondfL2e soot dowlrr witi rborne, but the laze broken. "Ho sieeps," is a frequent in 1- i enra negen iy wns too bigh tLe ho reacised in this mon- srption in the Christian cataconibs; which bears ot this description, as it no. but "Snatcised oway," wos tise commun bas a population et ovor 1,0Oou mon, wo- Seeing their waint oï succeso, the heathen inscription. The grief of those whe could nover hope te meet their mou and childreu, scores of whom bave pinter caughi np a thicir mat, rn oîvecl eues was etten violently expressed noever seon the ligbt of day. Lt' is with iLt tis te rotf, and climiug up -tisey shaved their beads, sot in asises, knowu as tise City efthtie Sait Mines, tire stock ef chisnneys, phaced iL on tis ecut thetr f lesis, howied, and otten hir n sstae svrlhnrdfe POISONOUS PERSPIRATION, decido whether Paul bore assents m tise direct special iinspiration ofettis e aiter uslng seven bottles." Hurnar perspiration, if injectoti into statements that fele or retors te -Ms. Jo'mN A. GeNTLE, Fort doge or raisits, acte like a deodly words spoken by Jesus while o on rtis; Fairfield, Me., Jan. 26, 1896. pison, accerdtng te M. Aloing's e-x- see especially MaLt. 24. 3l; Mark 11, 27;ers S ra ria periments. LPerspiration secreted dur- John 6. 39. But lu etirer case (an d A e' asprý1 lng ardmusularw.ek bs moe trlojuet homo is Paul's ompisosis) tise stete-' power thon tire emdinary kind, wirilo ,nrents that folhow are net thooretice, but thot obtaineti troni subjets wbose-50. eewitis direct authonity trdrn heav- i cures. . creation [bas heen checlketi by ccid t5 on. \Ve wisich are live and remain.;jL very poisnusi. Apparenthy lu the apostie's mind "we" ChIUdren Cry for Cîce~itastorla. ?ACTICAL FA NÏiNGC. SUNLIIIIER CARE OF THE FLOCK. Mauy sheep breeders believo that about ail tise carie sheep need is Lo ho givon tisem rn tise vinLer Lime when sirelter ns woii as tooti bas to ho pro- vided, writes Cee. W. Franklin. Tire night kinds e ofhy wsll hocaretully se- lected, and aise tise qnality efthtie groin te bo ted me themi, but s50 5000 as Lhey are eue on grass their cwner et Once forgets tint he bas sbeep, andi ho gives himef ne anxiety about tiseir weltarO.- Siseep need some coTe in summer as well ais iu wmter timo. Ail kinde Ot insecte are up and doing at this se0- So ethtie yeay. Lt le quito true that tics and lice and mauy oethtie internai Parasites are qutte active lu tise winter Lime, but tise summer season is rite witis many kiuds et insect enemies net fOtut in n inter. Ansong tise great peste in surumer Le tise iittle oestrus ovie tly whlch ottacks tise sheop lu tise menthe of July and Angusi. Tisey loy eggs lu tise nostrils efthtie siseep and wbeu they hacisont andi crawl up tise nasal covity ce Lis' uppexrmecesses oethLie regioof ttise eati they give greot trou- ble. These wiih cause deatis if tbey are foued lu toc large nuruheme in the cor- ly spring efthtie following yoor. Anotis- or tly is alw oye watching te make, trou- ble for tise sisoep ownor, and that 15 tise maggot tly. Lt laye eggs lu the f iithy parts of tise sbeep in tise regien of tise tale or lenisurte and wounds and meggots scon batcis wbich i ll cause tise deatsofethtie sheep or larni if noét destroed. In tire latter port cf tise summer bas appýeared for tise past two seaoes a beretefure now trouble, in the West, andti hat Le Lise twisted stomacis worm. Tise prevention efthtie oestrus cris fly le te provide shade or a, darisbore whore tise shoep con go dnring tise beat- od portion cf Lise day; the botter iL le tise botter the flv seerns te hike iL. Tire moggot f iy con ho prevented trern do- ing iLs work isy keoplng tise fhock clean. Sbonid tirey succeod lu laying a lot of eggs Lise maggots cari bo killeti by an application ot keirceone or turpentine. Tire stomacis worm le not nearly coe as- ily dislodged trom ils strongheld lu tise fourtis stomacisofethtie sheep. Worm powders mixed Lu tise saitis the ouly prevontive. This consists of wormaseed. Some shepherds mecormnred lime, but 1 bave isad ne experienco with iL. J sore- Limes plant o field near tise bouse or Posture te cern, being corotul te cee that plenty et pnrnpkius are growing in it, and tisen tise iambe are turncd in tise field en.rly. A few pumpakins are cnt open te entice thero neaettng tbem, and soou the iambe will eaf tiser with- ont heing cnt, ILt is e pumpiseeds that do tise work. Thiese are a great vermifuge. Other summer came et tise thouis consiste lu tise peovision et goed posture aud plenty et iL. Tisoy alco should bave froe accoes Le water and sait at al Limes. If tise Pasture is sut- ficient they will do wel. otheirwise it le well te previclo some grain or geed choyer boy te bolp out. Siseep require se mucis food], and if Lisey do net geL iL thoy wiil try a geotfoe, and aise try tise patience et their owvnol' I bave triod tise plan etfisaving two pasturce and cbanglug tise lcck about evory two weeke, ant I like it tirst rate. If a main cornes and trosisens np tise posture tise siseep are soetimes changed atter a good rain. If plority of posture le at bond IL wonid ho better te reserve what iýs considereti toc mucis for tisem te keop cdown clos3 for a winter pos- ture. Blueýgrase, if pnstured ntil ab-out tise first et June, andtihie sheop remeved and not pormitted te mun in it any more until afLer trost or treoz- ing weatiser, will afford excellent wn- ter food. I have sati sheop hivo ail win- ter lu a Posture eft Lis kind except on 1days whon blizzards wero negieg. Sisate, 1water and sait is tiie of Lyetgocti thinge in suTmeor managornent. Theo 1tlock sheuld ho brouglit inte yards dur- ing nigs t t ieep doge elnd wolves froan chaising tbern, or Lbey nay ho pormitted te ýsleop on higis gronnd near tise dwelling. Tisey sisould net be per- mitted te go te tise fax-away posture too, early linfise mrnnng. IL istise oariy memning heure when weives are lockiug for breakfast. T1isave also nuL- eti that o close wotcis wiih have te ho rkept for any sheep that rnay geL cast. ,Oc.casienalhy a sheep will lie dowri in O a1lw place or withis is bath down ill anti lie se until it dies. CHEESE CURING. Tise normal variations in Lomprature and moisture exeri a muais moroeisarm- f ul effort on cheese than butter, chiot- ly becouse tise time necessamy Le put tise product into a marisetahie condi- Stion is muci longer witi ciseese. But- ,ter le reatiy for the maeinl a tew days frem tire Lime Lt is made. In or- dem that cheese rnay ho pmoperly cumed, 1tise green product muet be stored under cf tie resouswh-y nrieelcte are better atiapteti by nature te tise cheese intiustry. Tisus, for examplo, Lise himestone cavores of Rochefort lu France have been useti for centuries as curieg reeome for tiis fanons brand et cheese. tise goti qualitios of whicis are largehy dependen- upon equable condi- tions et temrniarEture ant imoistume. Tise hygirocmetric conditions ut a me- gion setters frem cracking. Sncb cheese dry product. In dry arid regions the' proper curing of cho>osp is accomplisbed with the greatest difficulty as the cheese suffers from cracking. Sluch ceese dry out but do not cure. In a more hurnid regioPn less difficulty of this sort is experienced. KILL TIIE GER,.MS. From Urne immernorial farmers have lost money fxom the fact that their milk would not keep sweet. Pasteuriza- Lion or the heating process is used in' other countries, even 'Where rnilk is simply sold for drinking purposes. In Germany a large portion of the milk sold for retail consumption is pasteur- izod before being delivered, and thore are several establishments, that are manufacturing machinery especiaIly adapted for that purpose. "Our people liere," says a lecturer on this subject, "have not seen the necessity of paste.urizing, as milk is s0 cheap and easily obtained, but in the economies that have been practiced for the three last years and that will continue to ho practiced, it THE CANADIANSTAT-EsMANý XSTABLtdHED 18-71 01 per annum ln av'l"ne' otherwise.5 30b scriptxions always î Yahis ea thsau j i Pntliceton Ave gho ratos unios s e lra tact, 10 cenlts perr he, noup,,rie ~tjs Mn, and à cents per 1 hie each subseuaent In- sertion. Locais, 10 ceitïâper lino. M. A. JAMES, ,'Publister cees as elaborate as cisaLt o caL, eniy nef pertornmet by borseilf, but y an- etisor, wbo acte fer Lise ime as lady's maiti. -"Ants efthtie genue-"atoa" riPre tise suisjetote hse observations. These, ho feunti, siept lu reiayz tor about Lree heure-. Wheu tisey wouc ap ciiey wonld stretcis Lisir ILibe juet like worma- bleodoti animais; even, underr tise mie- rosc-ope, ho couiti avatcis tisornyawn. Tison begins tire oiiet. Tise assistant staxts by wasbing tise face of ho ern- ponion, anti goes ou te Lire thorax anti legs. Tise attitude efthtie cleanset ist oeeoe intense satisfaction, nosornbling thot et a deg or caL wben bis heat ist beiug ecratcheti. She les dorwu wiLb al ber limbe altretcei.d hosely ont; sise molle orer on ber side, even ber bock, a perfect pictune et ease. Tise pleasure tise crootune takies in being thue cemis- eti anti speuget] lerealiy oujoyablo te tise observer. "For Over Fifty Years.' Forc ur Liy yea s iMats W1.No' SCTGSoontn svus' nm een s eed b,,m, lierî. of othrieiirns f'u'nise ccsltrnasr teethïng. If disturbeti et nigisian bnîkers ot your i es3t Lby easrk chilt sut- torn2 nd maicryrng witb paiin et Catting Teetis steti et oncoeand get a bottie of "' Mrn. Wî,lsSnsotinrg Synnp " for Chi(dîcis i 'bi--tng. It wil reiieve thse tspoe it, mutiars, Lheru O Irios setake about it. It curs-e DisrroSý,re2at e tise sois anti Buoela,crefs Wind Colie,soen Lise <iunis, iedt..c.Fs Irflanarilaý%tin, aud gives rosse amatdsenrgyte tise wblesystem. "Mre. Wiiîslow's Soothîang Syrup" fer chiltirru teething i l phesnt Lu Lise taste an i is tise Prescription oftoeeof thse oldesis anti bost formake poysicîsus anti nurses ln tise Unitoti Statea3. Prîce twenty-five cents. a brattilo. Scîti hy altiruggists tismeugiseut thLie worid. Be suo anti ski for " Mxs ELSIE MLSUNDERSTOOD. WasowsSonso YRP' We fol ie oa discussion ot tire ie-___________ nuirisiffrage question sud kindret A GOOD SIGN. Liings, at tise table, tise wcrmeu-,fclk, as usual, dccaning iL was as siama tirey Wiiffers-Do yen tirinla your rail'-' woe't allowed te voe, but that they xoad si for $10,000 damages wnillbeb n'cu~du'tif Lhy i-nu1 ct cd in your foyer? wtulýn't f the ccude Biffure-I guoe se . I notice my Pire-yar-uld Elsie listeneti nitir a lawyer bau gîven an order for anon' puzzl.etl expression on ber face; but ber yachit. question shened that see at at boist Off course, said Chazi Osman IPasha caaagist Liradrifi tfthsenemanke: Ancient Crooce î ociceti scue reaak- Non I'd haro tro papas anu' ne mam- able Generale, Miltiades, Loonidas, Ai- ma, wouldn't I ? j exaurer- Oh, psban' 1 interruptedth ie Sultan, impatiently; lion' tan iusetell irirat Ask your grocer for wudhappen te f hem if tisay hoti rue upagoirirt me f XEEPING UP WITH THE TIIM, S. aios old Peskly stand off hie credi- tors as savagolly as ha uixsi r]dtoI Jrt the, came. IHo Las taken te ýý,7 in ve n'ing choetlng non' se as te l e prepared For Table and Dainy, Purest and Best fcolecto I thy Lit ,<flyrigma - - i. - Ca r - îruerererea~ t.rîsaures.siacs-Lc rasarnoe~ss'oc..'r' e r r# ~ ru, ."v . y. saraca -,~ c-anar ~r. rc"c.. V . c r Some dealers try te p. lm off imitation s teo oltain a big profit. Sc that thet. de Markcarne "Tutt' Frutti "is on eci, 50. package. td'àxaye coupons for latest bok ne rizes. siweectfor o longer peroetan tue or- HIS FEAR AROUSED. dinary, wiil becorne neoeseary, se thot- aheng List line we expeet te see pas- G< r.iri Emperor 4loes teOtise opera Dy -Way teurization hecome univensal." o ertPsae - Emperor William seems Lo ho realiz- Oue Honest Mlan. ing Lthe extent to whicis ho is disýilked -- ~~by irs subjects, especially by tirerase Dear Editor.-Please inforrn youm efthLie Berlin population, nisicir olways readers,fbat if writteu te confitientialiy, bas boon renowned for iL's disloýyolty 1 will mail, lu a sealeti letter, ponticu- and foriisoeosiIity to tisa cmown and ions ef a gennine. isonesi, home cure, by te tise Cavomument orLise diy. Tinas -iviicis 1 was perrnanenthy restored Le beaitis and mauîv viger, aften mauyI during Lise hast tour regne tise muni- vears ef snft erng from nervons debiiit#, eiPobty Oethtie city olways bas n l sexuai weakne, nigist losses aud weak %Pposition Le thse GCeraubnent, and tw sisunken parts. 1 wos rohiset anti suori an exteut bas obstiuctet]. ond- swiutihed b. Lie quacksunutil 1 neamly fongist againret tho n ishes ,e, "3so- Iost faithin r mankind, but Liaui hearen ereigri as frequently te îead Le,0 very I arn nomwell. vigorons anti srong disagrouablo encountters whenevem moun- anti wisis te malt Lis certain ieans of a'chi anc municipality are cafl" i upon cure kuewn Le ail suferers. 1I bore ne- tiing to seil anti n'nt ne money, but -t> meut being a firrn believer lu the unirersal eicLher Lie Berliuems non yet tise pre- brothenisooti cf mon, I ain desirous of sent Emperor forget that whien 1848l iselping tiseunufortunate te regain tiseir Hiear 3ajesty's granduncie, King Fred- beaitis anti happhuess, 1 promise yen oricit, William IV., wisired te carry perfect seêrecy. Atidrese n'itis stanp : tisrougir hure wisines ru detsance oet Lieix Wm. T. MIJLFORD, Agents' Supplies, " Proetadeu che eli s O. bo 59, t. Ilnni, ue.1 sistance troops whro shed bloti lik.e na- A SEASIDE EFISODE. tex in thu streýets, tise citzena finallly jotained Lisevictory, torced old £nm- Oh, yen don'L needt tLuru up your!pxrWlim tta ie rneo nose at my engagement ring, said tise WlimaPisLtur rnc I firsit sommer girl. I's prettier thaâ Frssia, xvho n'as Le commnrnuofettise tire one yen isad last yesr. troops, Le witistraw tisa latter ant ihm'- No, iL isn'L ariytiig ot tisekind, saiti r sel o e bve ts cutry hie tisey theo second summum girl, altisougis I am 1compeulled tise tn sxie n'illirug te admit it's juist as protty. It's, Lgt týdbxha tise sanie ring. ed on Lise balcony et his palace wihihe Lise corp)sere of ahi Lhee ertizene irhoeha4. Hon' To Cure Alli 8km Deseases. been cieL clown by bis soldions were Simphy apphy "Sn'ayrie's Ointment." caxnied past Rime lu precesereýnîtoter No initernai medicine requineti. Cures cumetea'y. etton, eczema, itcis, ail eruptions orn tise Thot tihe Enoiror dos net trust hi& face bauds, nose, etc.. leaviug Lise siku Belinere e sirown hy tho t act thot cear, white anti bcaltisvILs greotat scnijmbeepos orcn isealiug and curativ e nom-ers are possess- atacnieal,-epneh eety cd by ne othen rernetiy. Asie your tug- boue canreed Use building et gisf for Swoync's Outment. Lymai., SUBTE-RANEAN PASSAGES, Sons anti Co., wisolesale Agents, Meut- nbhih wrl onabie hilm te reacis bi cal box in tise opexa-enr, pe.r kps, ratiser te leaveit,-witiout' boing etservet. SOLID. Tise exitLofthLie subtewramreaà piassage, about w0aacir ru-ch secr-cy nhm heen Mme. Slimidiet, te, new border,- bereieaot bcsdsata Tbat Le prued coie, Mr. Storrer. LiobreXed,-cahle "Zangiock" wisottere Nen' Boarýder, carefully isefting les-ale sgas, hx hr pioce,-WbaL diti yen peunti IL witb? ire a vory strong, mtlitary deiimealt always on duty Piles ! Files 1 Itehing Files. ossiblr t mav bueneembered tisat- sn'rIoIsîs-M.Oisture ;intense itcising h scre unergroundy aud stingiug; niost atright; worse by passages for Lise use efthtie reigmitig scratcbing If allowed tococntinne tiamiîy in case et danger dnring thse tumuns formn, which otten bieed. ant i tire and second Empire ns n'el os stcrt ecomin. ve vsore. SWAX'ý,NE's Itharcugiout tLise ogu off Kinag Louise Oivsnu stp ceifhgatibco]Fiillippa. Itoreover, Napoleon ILI iog, iscals nîcemtion, ant inlumuest I md a creÀ aegexund peuageXed v-c emoves Lise cumors. At drug'- iHure de thElysee. e aeîvote ltii.ithe rets or bv mail. for 51J cents. Dr. Rt110a eirE cue utt aise tet. hspri- ýwaùrne & Soli, Pisiladelpisia. Lymnan, vatLueseelongod te bis p[a'îvote Sons, Wisulesahe AgentLs, Muntreal. Chamlexlain, Conist ancdsuh~oui wtis=ever Lire Emperor wiahsed te un- dextake cie secret excursion or t'> SMART INSECTS. lescape frome bis jeanlous Emprese ho n'enla procauti trcm tise ,Tuileries tLe bis former rreidence ofthtie Elyseeo Palace Ee'eiîle anrs, whlie e TOîlels ire -Arassnaed fSintL#-e algoti. uupose of vsvorkng iiy iridthexe quiotly niith bis Ministers. Tison while bis wife's spies rermained watcis- We innon' weîî enough Ébtisante are ing at tisse gaLe, i woult] quiclby pass tise mont adivancediet alLishe insect tram ic prirant,ereeni Lirongh tnisusui- world. that they enu telk te one an- eranean passage te Coutt Baccisie- otiser, anti have reguier iaws anti ne- cii's bouse enter the lte" ang anti drive off. Eveutually Itaian con- gulations, hn their tiuy colonies. But epirotors "caugiro on" te Lise existeýnce tise ast dis coery about Lhemi is, pe-oft Liis underground passage snd on hope, tise mest asteisbing ut oll. 'A na- ouncrie occasion on'ard tise chose of, turhie ba ben akig oseratinshie reigni, an stteanpt war made te turlis hs ben akng bsevaion saoishiby a Carbonari. wbe bimlu ce tiseir toilet, anti bas discevereti that was killi#' Lnrediately by tise Empox- enu'b insect.gces timongh . a cieaniug pro- or's Corsican body guncti, CrisooIi.

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