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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 3

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*î,*T R*Ue~ '7'rIL SMILFS when ou ue fo his bah .... W4 usen o..use.for. * h si aftthe bath i * 4, ht, we * ~ ec ot' hs soeaan t $ Lus skrn aftIn the baateth Pr- st, hiesee * proof:ofthe eCuroi lence cfrthîs san('~ 1 irdmorneambition ýiaIss nk ane brreaten c I-),voa, Bod, jýSexual andse Private isbasepin rl o [e;soreIth2Doat vrco e MAN o on aenedoà n dee ipordent wei n dub]~xtaed ie moge n abiton otaes;me re po;sivlyfatignd; ort b ee e n kned orndied;, 1f.r e eoo; curngonexitement;e h c ietrd Iouar e k ack; h one pin e nce e a r e oreh r tarel, r;fa o energy and re. A yu sh arn, Thadi impb orthaftt 11 R 1 E ilfe shoDuid nyr 3w Our New Metho crebss e pu, 1 veaneuti. If yu are Mpandlud con oit ýe ne, as s emanrestores yortrenglot, , it nrgy adesid tor sIf osihman i arry Ortvifce mofa bse n Lrt . > ~~~O NO PftA~ h ys -n 1ar e a l huV ie Up andl tenSy th î_u Nhe av oeleystem;le11 Strie t uart ois; nagores at eoe ost manodKî-,, yhooad.1 e fe e in r i n tea res. oits ,ýe, ni i bsLteress, nBlanS for- aiss, it e eoaspe ohntsek KENEDY & KNEP, OklTERAMNO HORN ,wi batn(vie ret Handc ure! i ý,erous)Pd pa eeb18riCture h UnU.>ltaiendrre.oke(thnstratest 1 Writaexsan frQesthe on Bankfors i' ofal. ipa n velos. oin s ) 1) e e estimigonitalenext week ely t.aDtrithMOh The Gwho reandevnbe he ao '<Wfl iittineyrfogto gis dhris ad. Uindreindyknrdaeteget Pobistifn ohe hokncaaes inthe ar s put out of service, andi its total activa lefais tharef ore dnly oua second. Iu large modem cannen the horse-power ' runs as high as 24,000,000. If the writer bati carnieti ont thaSe calculatlins seill fa.rtbar, ha wod have found that, afterd ail, tbis 24,000,000 herse powaxr does nlot0 represent a large amonint of energy,0 ,as Lt wonlrl ha just sufficietut te mun thirty-üoegJ incandescent lamýps foÉ only Dne lay. p Literary__Note5. Hârper's ,Bazar et Juiy 31 will con. tana rctclanti usa1i uýl article o] panticulan intaeet te stutieuts et musie ou Tisa PIanistes Left Hauti, by Aniser- uine Woodward Moore, anti a claves sketch by Marlmou Harlanti, eniilet Tise FeatireretiIsismaelita. Tire Fiction Numiar et Scriisnar's Ma- gazine hais ati a wentiertul record foi a tiecatie. It ceutains six completa short scories by Rudyurd Kipling, Kennet, Grahame, Franhk R. Stockton, Blanche Willis Howanti, Moliy Ellioti Saawell, anti Jesse, Lynch.iWWllilams, ant il; ap- psaals te many kintis oetcaste, fan tbey are raýspeotiveiy a nalroati story, e story et chhldisooti, a farcical tala, a pais- atic isory, a figisting story, anti a new- journalism .story. Harper's Round T'able et July 27 wili ceutýain a buncîug story by tise Hon. Theedoea fRoosevelt, Sisootlng tisa IPreng-Bnck,; a short story by Haenry G. Pua, ,TisaL Mutiny et tisa Fresis-Air Piratas; an instalîment et Captain, Charlas King's serial stery, Corporal Fneti's Commission, anti ot Moily El- liott Seýawe1ll's narrative et ativenture, Tisa RocS et th-, Lion; a short story isy John Kentrick Bangs, Tire Lofettise Gratchen B. anti au anrie on H1w a Sisip is Navigateti, by Capiain Howard Pattenson. Hanpar's Waekly et Juir 31 will on- tain caverai featunas et particulern- tereet anti timalinees,,amaug tbem il- lustrateti article on tisa Racent Min- ing Caungressin l Denver, anti on tise New Niagara Bridges, Raev. F. E. Clark, Prasidant of tise Society et Chrisien Endeavor, will writeo et iaracant con- vention lu San Francisco, IHenry James will contributa a latter frein London, anti tisera wili ha a capital golf story, antitiati Colonel Bogie, by Gustave Knobbeandut l.xaeeillustraions y W. T. Smedley. Tise Numbar will ulso coastain iilusirated descriptive articles on Hawaii, antian the Scandinavian Exhibition in Steekisolin, tisa latter by W. S. Hlanwood, tisa WeSly special cbrrespandant. Wiih tiva daligrtt ni stories in tisa August Cosmpaitan ana maigisi jutge Éhai it was iutendati solely for fight raýading lumoitisummer; but a second glence shows tirai it ceutains as wall mucis et serieps intarasi. Tise second papar by the special cemrmissioner saut by Tha Cosmgpolian te hnia tells a tale, t isalIe oni vru-ha e var 'tatefe appeareti in an'y periodical. Prasidani, Dwigist, et Yale, furuisires tisis month's cOnsideration ai tisa question, Doas Modemn Collage Etincution Educate lu tbe Broatiesi anti JMost ]$iberal Sansa cf the Terni,? A chirnsstgly illus- traieti anti cliarmingly writien article ou Japan's Stage anti Greatasi Acier, by Robant P. Porter; tisa seconti part ot La (*llienne's New Rendaning ai tira Rnbaiyai: a sketclh aitisai moisi woniartnl crusatier Godfray de Bouil- ion, anti a uesw poacu by Braifflante are aise, part efthtie contents ai ibis Aug- net Cosmaplîtan. Tise Jadies' Hosme Jourýnal ton Aug- ust, iangely dtiavaitt fiction, pra-I sauts n numisar ai short storiap by tise hast kasawu writars, chat wili plea- santly emnploy tisa laisure of mitisuc- mer days. 'Of special iuierast, amoug tisase ara tise oening cisapters ai Hum-- li'n Garlantis latasi sarial, The Spirit et Swaatwater, a romance wiib tise ra.gged wiids ofthtis Western mining country as its picturasque background, anti Tire Two Mrs. Chsers, by iMrs. A. D. T. Wisituey, oeeoa thi bhast stories tisai bus coma, frein tisa pan ojýtata populur autisor. Arthsur Willis Colion cohnibutes a, paibatie sketch, Theq Flowans ou T'irnRue's Grave, anti Annia Steger Winstou ýnarrates a nustîn countsip lu Tisa Jilting ot Mary El- Ian. Ellinor Date Huncia, in Sergeani Maiiy, gives oue a view efthtie beroism of a, Selvucion Army girl, anti har siatefsitievatieuta tisa cause in wisic isbe abions, anti Grace Stuart Raid tells tise siary oft ri Mystenieus Disappearance . Anothar siary of pawanful lntenast us Surah Parn's Ba- ioea tise Morning Watcir, a, Quaker romance laid lu tiesa sirring Revoîn- bionury times. 'i Along otiar lhues, naurar tisa prar- tical sida of lite, Etiward Wý.fBae t- dresses parents on ullowilng young girls too muais liberty anti freedoin, anti has bearty crumendaious for tisa work perforn2td hby our sinallan colleges. Drocis chats on Vacation Meandenings, Dwight iii. Moady taches tisa lesson et the Rerurrection. Mrs. S. Tl. Raner talls ai about Canlning anti PIrasrv- img, tisa praparution ai toodti tisi e- q4ilres ýbut uitile lira, luul3isaan for picuics, etc. The bride, ber trousseau ai4d its are treaieti insinue-, tively in ivia articles, ant i Hw to Malta a Dress, is told ijri anotiser. ffn- dean Wiutiow Gardeniing, naedlework, ganses anti pastimes ton rainy'tiays, witi tise vunueas tiepunimauls pantain- ung te iaiseseholti andti Oe home, mnake tise Augusi Journal's oftering ex- ceptienully complete. Pictorlalîr il le artistic anti attractive.- Charles Dana (llson pictures Pipkwick Delivering His Famous Ovation, ona of bis sanies, et Dickens' People. By Tisa Cur- tis Publising Company, Pbîladelpia.1 ha sisaw e Oua'smaqu oinee trept ecress Gathisemana. Madame Blanc tira wall-isaown Franch, noveliet ci writar in tise Revue des deug-ý Mone- das, igives a very livaiy ant i vid sketch of tira Parîis Gamin; anti in illustration of 'iis tisa Frencis antisi Boutai de -Manvel b'as matie a drawing ço tise gain- iu frointisae lita, saisieS is tbc truis- daece of tisa numiber. Ifainlin Garland ra i dotirars se --g'o'oti 'woultiney-er ha founti. But tliay wane tenihcoming ai the epening eftche season, anti provati as succestul as their pretiecessor. Allg the song wriiers witis any talent in this direction hava been turning their attention te nagro songes, and ana rea- son why Éheir grade of cosparaiivaly higb excellence bas beau praservet isl te ha founti possibly lu tise tact that mauy olti-tima negxo inelodies bave beau worked oer to meaitishe present teste. 'Very faw ai tise sangs tisai bava raacbedth ie tiguity et publication are tise wa{rok oet ngro compasers, altisougis niegro parformers ciain tise autharsisip et soeaoaitira songs tisay sing. Never- tbaiess, eue ef the, n-qst popular sangs ef tise yaaf wae written by a negro partormar, wbo hais airaady receivati upwaxrd et $5,000 lu royalties tromn tise work. It narely liappans tisat a tirsi song, howavair popllar i may baecame, yields vary muci te tise composer. Tise unkuowu ganuus le likely te raap thse naward on bis s-comI effort, aven if thie quality ha et a kinti les ikaiy te gain succsse. One -cnurlus teainraet tisa situation at presani is tisa glt et marches in tisa market. Ibase bave beau pepulair as iwo siapis ton saverai seasaus, anti tis- resuit us now tisat the suppiy ef tiseaplaces is se tair abeat of tise damandt liit it is naxt te impossible ta gai oeapublisheti. 'A DEAR;TH OF COPPERS. One affect efthtie great Epwonth Leagua convention is a scarciy af cop- pars lu Toronto. Tise deleg-ates bongisi tisein p by the thonsandas, anti carnieti ihein away as memantos eft tieir trip, anti now nawsbeys anti email stores are larnentin- tisai a majonity efthie cent-places bave disappeareti frnn cir- culatI on. Ih us estimate th iait ully tif- Yty ibusatitiofethte coins were takan away, anti as ibis wonlti enîr give an avaragaetfabout tisree ta aacb dele- gaie, it is probable that tisa estimate is net tbe higis. DEST FOiRTABLc LI E8 us eiun sUn -U.OQUALL.D FOR aUaUrII CANAD A IL T ASJCIAîTIO0N, CLINITON, ONT. AftJONEER'8 STOIRY. Following an Attacis of LaGr"ippe F' E Suffereti Day and 1igisit fr Fou' Years-A Weli Known Clergyman Entorses His Statements. Frei tire Record, Wiiudrer, Ont. Aîmebg tise residantis et Kungevilla, Ont., none is ltil i ighar esieem than Mn. Jas. Levelac, wbe la kuown net eniy lu tosan, but ta many througs-- out Essex ceuuly. Wban a carres-- pentientotu tha Recard calladupon him a-i askat ime tor vaity certain state-- men -tis as te his. cura frein a painful mnl.ady afier aveala years ot suftening, haý chefullytii so. Mn. Lovelace saitid:-Fonr yeans a g o 1hasaIaid at teac&soe la grippe, whicis lait me wiiis asavane pain un tisapib et my stemacb. Af tan tryiug isueeholti remaciles anti gettimg ne relief, I cousultoti a doctor. b,tafteta/.long treaimeni wiulisdid not iselp m, 1I recame tilceuragati and, acaschsdeti tisere sans ne relief for me. NIght ands day ton tour years tisai paIûnnae e at me. Ai urnes it was seihw athtiaihiuttegive up -work. 1 hhltifrequpietlly rend ai Dr. Williams' PlnS Pilla antipenhepis asmuucbont et woulti halp me, I isôghi a box. 1 tel- lowed tise direcitions carafully, antiby tisa ina tise box was tinishti I was s-urprisedt t finti that h was gettiig ne- Liai. hcouiti net untaristunti low, atter ailtise medicine h hati praviaualy trlati bâti iailed, ibis oua box otfhile. Williamns' Pink Pille ebout beip me. h naw ciseefnlly continuedti ieir use antiby tise timie h adi taisanfive isoxes evary trace et painbâti lai t me ant Ih fait as well us aven Ilhiatidoue lu my litýa. To-day h ams a s iuinti as a dollar ani lieliava thora is ne man 0f my age lui -Essex ceuinty wiio au stendi a han- m~rday'is work, Rev, R. D. Hisrniîngton, Baptis in isýtar ai Kingsville, snys:-"~Haviug isenMn. James Lovelace fan tisa pasi tirty years, f balieva tisa aboyai staiement matiebyiuojabchastructly i sa. h mugist aise say tisai I bava beugreatiy benetittati mysaîf by tise use et Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. HIS MEANS 0F LIVELIHOOD. MY werk us very tnying, lie repliei, un answe%-r te a questian ns te hieoc Yen are a jutge hI suppose Ne, six. I arn a lard raudenen. drawihsg an uünpubllshëdi document anti1 iý tisa ye-witna-ssas, amp- TiE AÂGE [OE THE EARTI plias a vany' pracisa anti detaileti de- &cri ston ot Lincoln's tirai meeting xitli rant. Tise meetings occurncd,, OPINION 0F LORD KELVIN, THE M- soinewirat unaxpecietily ta Linacoîn, in the course ot a public raception aitisae INENT SAVANT. White Hanse, wlisn Grant hati gene on ta .WasUiibgtont ram Nashville ta ne- cera in persan hie commission as Lient- Thea Larti s lO ly iieen Habitable fer enaut Gaenal. An ilîbsstrati article ¶hïrty Million Yearii - Absointe Evens by Hi, J. W. Dam ponirays anti pitues hVicI Are Susceptible to Prooir. soi al l is tieteils tis a crions anidag a rouis lite anti wark la iie gretdya At laet we kuow exactly isew oldth ie mite factaory ai A rdeen, Scoilanti. -Tise eartis is, fer Lordi Kalvin, the emiasant S. S. McClure Co., New Yonk City. IBritisis savant, hais, al tertise calcula- tien et yeans, reaheti tise ietinite con- MEASURING THE EARTH. clusion tisat ibis tennestnial spisaebais A GgaiileSebnieÎnaiguate taAccnbeau sucb for 30,000,000 years. Tisis l A Giasiia ebesie naugssrtee teAccn t the chlmierical assertion et tbaonist, plis'h tise Object. but the nesuit et long anti laioius EPteparatious araecnten way un !Lau- sludy isy perbape the mau hast qualif i- don for tise usts gigantia nndantakiug et et al te make au anthenitativa in tise way ofa, a urvey avar attempi- Iaitetment te buananity. eti. h is proposedt t mensure tise eartis. It us et tire unmosi importance te Now, it only nceds a glanceataieegoi gss many et whom bave tioubt- et tisehumble imitations of ibis tenreet- eti xhaLiser thara wus any data on niai aphera te soe that h is nof ligisi w,.hicb a dafinite caiculation conîti ba task., h involvas tise expandituraetofbaieti. This tiubi Lord Kelvin bas ne- millions. Ih meau:s continuonesientÎfie i mioveti, ant iehagives absoinca avents et researcb fer a periodth ie laugtb et, tduLtteneut periods ofthie woniti's hisiony whicis no ana can tell. wihoh statas ara periactly suaicepi- Scientifile sen ara consitiering tise ibia ce proof enfilaient te satlg5y tisa plan witis tisedeapest intereet. It is a mosi canping critio. strauge tact that the more tise pnoblema Lord -Kelvin Lras just issueti a ton-- cf tise formatiion etftise eartb isistudiati mal statement in tisa matter which eut-- hy savans'tbe more, is the belief tisai hues bis baluaf anti the reasans tisane-- tise earthis lanet rounti credutati. This for. In support et his sattement thut may sasin liSe n nidculous siatemnt, tLisaeemwu have beau a defînita ba- but sncb autisonities, as Professer A. gînning efth1e wenld just as snrely. as Fowien, ou eo thtie leatiing mambers of tisane ylîlhaa efntatiir n- tise Royal Astronomnical Society, as t i eftaino tedcrn iiriy oethtsis bllet, andi la',ea- iarrdcis r inta -vn irtitseoctrn sentis a hast et otisars of eqa rm-euuonscluiCi, ttisa- nence. -cosnupanying ;preerclt u t ieat fnadlbeau 1Tise longest arc at prescriSunu u s niieLrmly ceaiacedtio te eeartb 89 tiegreas anti 32 minutes. Tise souih- utt its liraseut yaarîy rate the globe arn tarmination efthiis arc, wliicis t.wanîty miclion yaans ago wanlti hava mneans onaetftirosa hues you sea drmaw0 beau a moican, n. nOca a 5seous in a sm-iceou a mn», lsSao us NOkraÀssoîvSa. lu latitude 45 tiegnees 20 RE'ILATION OF MOTION AND AGE. minutes 2.8 seconds. This trerminatian is marisetiby a pyramiti et casti iran, A'ýnocisen argument againsitisae buge wisicb reste on a cube scay e et ivida, lengtius of line naquireti by isaeider bearing un inscription sbcwing wliat geonîngassis 15 Oult tram cieh euo- tise monument reaily ls. The northaru- 5-scancaY diminisîung velecity Oethile mostii nt oet ibis arc je ai Hammeniest eauj-tisarotation, ewing tii in NZonway. Anotiser monument isje as hown chat a tisoccsaut. iinuyans tisera. Tira columu anti petiestal anae gotis e arnc was revolving tester than tgrntand at the tbop, ou a bronz at rasent, anti censaqueutiy tisaitisae base, i. a terrestrial globe et of etnfglforce was greatar.Ltis per, baani.g tira ollowîng inip- g Le hati beoma eoonsolidatet wiren iion- t1 ravýelling 9ait thie aLscarrate, it ixoulti "The nonihemu teaiination af the arc bave »unucssti gucater obilateness,ianti af menidian et 25 degreas 20 minutes tieiengtb et its equatonial radius tram tise Actic Ocean te tise Hiver w Lht ave beau six anti a hait kilo- . Danube, ibrougis Nanxay, Swatien antimd e more cisan at presaut. To jutige Russia, Wshircis, accortiing te tise retis by tise proeeties et tecks anti iy untien- ot His Majesty Kilog OcLar I. anti tise grunti temlpenaturas, tise dataetoftir A Emparons Alexanden I. anti Niebolas I., soýLiiuccatîou et these aath was mesi anti by unintannuiptoti labors tramn 1816 pnobably cweancy or tisity million ta 1852, was measureti by tire geomatere yaans ago. et te irea nations., Thnaenrgin etftisa nimosphere us tian SI Wbeu tisae praseut axe was complatati tîsousseti. At tise une et solidification it was celebraieti as tise conclusion etftisane cOnîti hava beau ne free oxYgan, tise greaiesi slndertaking of the sort se ian as cen le&seau, andi ne ciemîcal aven carnieti ta caspletio)n. Tisarefora reactien lby whlcb it ceulti heliberatei. isow muais grenier is tisa preseut plan, reuctian by wiicci it ceuiii bhaciÛberateti. tor it ioniesnplates tise measuramant Vagetable lite anti sunlight mnust hava et an arc of 105 degrees. coassa cate play" papare aur aIme--0 Tise probnbiiities are tisaitishe carry- spuene in thse course of a taw lisundrati iug out oi the latest plan will nat take on tiousanti rears. i uearly a century anti a bahf. Tise DEPIIUS 0F TUIE OCEAN. W know letge lWiichis s alireatiy ours witb A serions geelogigal question usth tis accelarata action, m, lode et pnotiu of et iaocean daptisi01 anti tire emineopuas etfiliecontinents.,1 NEGRO SONGs. 3laasy phenoruana ana deuhilass tua te striain on coelin.g, but ihat dees not 9a-b tond!ý a suificiant axplauntticn in ibs Their f'îpuiarily Mfas i115c8 SficficMand Gcase . ,ord Kelvin tinkis tisacause ie f: Fer Olfuer Illîsie. te haound inlxeaiangia f et eity, W T'le popnlanity et negro sauge dur- cm-yacalizatiou. Përanispetibia strongeet c tisa argument agansi uxlimitati geolegiPal ingth pasit tve winters bas practic- tima is attondeti by considaration oet i aliy ruinedth ie damanti for pepular et- tise heat etftisa sua, which, accortisg fi fots-lfet ny otisen kinti, andtie tisateh mosi restent nesearcises and con- ti sentimental ballati, wbetiser it invoîves rectio.ns, may have illuminaiedtheis the venwrka "rother inares oraartis ton somewisera about tweniy mil- the verworkd sonner -.ertorlien yeans.u is coucernedti smelese filial m-0- ProfessosÈ Poulton wauied.timie to si tive, is jusc ai prasent a tirng on the f inti inventahrateaencastons for tiseP manket. hti s avidently tise negro veniahates on the Cembrian rocks, anti song tisaitishe public dasLres now, anti Professer Penny bâti atterlitte ne-. liave biasiegîsts oi tise iurtian put upon tisera is saemingly ne indication tisaitisaemiy physicisis, andi once more pro- thie tiemanti bais beau satistiati. Tise vide iisem witis an antiiesis 'bank et popnlarity eftihace negro ballets was time" on wbich ta, draw. But the latesi asiâlisetiane iw yaxs go y ageological estinsate et tha tima requir- w estalishd anw tw) yexs ao by ati for the formation et al strain since l couplaet very succassini efforts ofettis hts beginniug e thtie Cambrian rocks a Sinti, aidtisa suppiy tisai foiiowati bas was seviantean sitilisou yaars, ant ieha n beau Sept up te a namarisabla tiagrea sounrcely ha describati as maraly a mal-12 et excellence. Oua wernnn wlio mn.kes tcious pbysiciýt, trying te, curi tise as- i n secuîcyet isaa sngesaii lstpirations efthtie biolegisis, when ha 9 a spcialy ofthee sogs sid lst ays tisai ibis eantircoulti netbave b cuinmer, atter iaving axisausiedtheis beau a habitable globe ton mare tisai populaty o eaveal, tisaisba was af- thisiy millian yaars. t%1IL LXAÇT COPYOF WRAPPEF or EVE1<Y B--3OTTLE 0F p OT R, 13 u p in ou-Bas e tes oamy. It Is net suld la balk. , lint aliaw anyane ta ssil yae anything aise an the pleas, r promise tint it 1"just as gaid" andi "wiil answer every pur- pos." Selie tisat yen st ----ORIA R.~i onul vrvvmasters aofceemonies. A walk' into EVEN AS A YO]UNG WBYANI Londen wbieh l the ps' of, the Most humble of their subjeots woulti be a distraction fer taeRn of whlclt APPEAIIANCE 0F THE 1QUEEN IN THE tliey would talk for days. 1 will give PROCESSION. yen an instance of thse ceremony tisât attends eh deings of the royal family. Sha Seems Alseasi as Young as luer PLENTY OF RED TAPE,.e h Daulktr.,-Hrdyan Itsy-iteke - "My son saome weeks ago came t h BeagfarsIlaisy osyChesesi court and whule. playing with thea Duke Iiuarested in etue jubiica 5sganf. of Ce .aught's chiltiren lin Bucking. A correspondent of tise Brooklyn hum Palace lie expressed the wish to Eagle writes in this way about Quaen selth ie gala carnages stored in the stables, Tihe citrnasheti the par- Victoria andi the jubilee :-England la! missi-Ou te do se. EPermissien bâti te he one of the wcuntries thât has retainat i gven froin tbal one in wliuse keeping its olti costumes, the olti paraphemnalla thé stables were; an arnar of servants whicb b elougedti t royalty for oen- were sent te prapare th. stables, un- cover the carniages, aýnt the ciltren! ;uries, anti met imagine ail of it taken were, obliged te be atteniat by a lit- out of .its hîding places andi fo~r over a tie armnw of geve'rnors andi gevexrn nile tisplayiag its splendeur. Thse gala nesses. carriages, drawn by four anti eight I"Tiea nation often coànplacns of tise want of indepentience, of freedoma, wliat laoersr, with barness whicli would be'weuldthetbi royal familles do if- tisey great curiosîties in museums, mounteti were, net reareti frein habyltoodti tehave with postillons in gala tiress. Ue alsnost overytlsing la tise werld denied tbln ? They are lýike prisonns..wiso na- drivera witli cockedl hats, covereti witb tunally grew. tireti of theýir prison bars,, embroieiies of golti; tne carniages altliougb thksy are matie of seliti golti, filed with ail tise gayly dresseti royal- No, tisese ,jubile tinys were letiketi for- ties of the world, ant in lail this power- wand te, at least by tise femala part of the royal faily0 as a piemie lis by, ful natien's splendeur, the <inly simple, pensons wbo bardly aven see the ceun- unassuming one was -the woman whose try and blua sky," sixty years of glorjous reîgn lier peo- ple wene calabrating. NEW AND NOVEL SHE LOOKS YOUJNG. There she sat in ber grand carniage, Are Tisese Inîventions, For tise Convenlense lrawn by eight herses, witi al ef. lber of 'Uasàkissd, subjects, family anti servants tiazzling A fruiit-jar tiller censists ef an open- with gelti anti silver, purpie and fine bottemeti ccp, w ith a hahdie, and ti linen arount iber, simply <lad in black thse battoma a flaugeti cylintier wiid and white, like a gooti bourgeoise, who an tans tise mountsofethtie jar. A thread& cendescendis te corne ont for once witb a8i collan tits tiseJar se. that thara eau lier rich relatives. Fer once, bsowever, ha ne spÉâilig, a-id a funnel may bd. îlte condescends te change ber broad i .ISserteid in the bottoni cf the cup. The brimmed, mauch battereti bat, wbicba jar mfay he a-rniat i roin place te place fas becomne traditional, anti the para- by thre handile. sl wilcb la saiti te be utucis out of An invention whicb wll enable aW repair. Han gray bain was neatly tucketi houase.keper te cook cehisage or onioe under a black lace capote tnimmeti. witbant scentiug tise house or inform- vitb white roses; bier pertly figure was ing t'ho neigbbons, lias beau patentedi covereti w us a black anti wbite pelenine. A 114 wfiob hMay ha, attachedti t anYt She sut alone on the back seat, witb cookiaig uteasil, bus an opening In tha. tha Pr7incess of Wales andtihte Plaincess top sahinlila nennecteti with a taira. Chritiaa oposte o lerwhich eanveys ail tise odors te an epen- )Ixrstlna ppoitete arclotheti in lntasoeppo.lp Iaciuy tha Muost gorgeons toilettes that Parlai- ing xitha tovepipe, or up tise cisimney'. au couturiers ceult invent. Thre Prince A new washboarti bas spiral metallie of Wales, tire Duke et Connaugisi, anti stripa projaoting aliglitîr aboya tise tie Duka of Cambritige, tollowed tbe clsual cross grooves, anti a vertical, groeeveWlicb cannies off theN surplus~ Queen's canniage on horsbac,ýz. nater efthtie cuber grooves.1 I was surprisedti t sec the Qnean look A vetiteti balit ban un tise teP ci youngar thân hanr pictures. Jntiging the crown openings wisich ana protectedi nom ha majency t thm yo woultiby a -aset hooti or deflacton. A~ fro te ajoit o tem ouwoldthe rimes are otharepalue ass nier chat the olti lady-as the Englissibegi is waat band, which fa, cail lien-bati jnst nonsedth ie moment along is upper atige a wira bandi wlicl, necassary for phioýograpbing and. that drai it away trein tise sida of tise hatý, antitormes an air chamiser. TisesweaU, sha san i mie a eemi-semnolent state band Mxay ha pnovided wita as many fait mnmediâtaly afterwarti. I founti my- pads as ara desirati. self twice veny near te lier anti sba is A catrbination of lounge ant in- a hardy, resy cheeketi, aîmost young mock rnay ha môved fnom place te place., oekig v omn, tn ler ga. ha ay consists of a loUlnga framne mounteti 1(atre ta ublefon beran agenke- y n 1reiasanti a swinging, bammocÀk- befre he ubiee n ler ay o Bck-lika attahmient, prevideti wits a mat-' ungisainPalace tfrouitise station, isba treanistnbyuhgacrd at aacti lier carrisga, bowing grace- e4 cand vant itoieng aeud u fully te iaebonts ot welcoina witb h n~ frriigdoug or tirytag smiles ou lier face, On tise day efthtie fruit. It inbeteibýy a iamp, avenl ijsilea, while tise nany bauds tisat wbicb an arcisatimetallic bridge Îs s0 médetia the rond te Buckingham Palace arraniget as te tiistribute tisa ieat uni- dlayeti 'Got i ave the Quaan,", she loah- tenily ibreug tisa cabinet. A giasa ti alinosi radiant, anti, as if tran anti front givas% a full view, of tise interior. lioe, gave the promise et permitting A clatiras drier us celustruicteti on tisa a tiirti jubilea cen yaars lauc, ubrella principla, a numbar ot slats 'TWthS NOT AN OHDF.L which folti on a central support are. sitiing next t'Oeueneoft tiE Ldi traietianti expautiet in circulear tormi eoncan ef the Queen, I ask»ti le f this, uailea was net an ordeal for tire Q-ieeu I andilber court te go tismongi. GErfTING EVEN WITH HIM. "Ois, indeet, ne; thay were tialigliteti An Englisli baker bougisi la butter t tise prospect of it. 'ho Qnaen wus mncb initereastatin lual the pTrparaîions in pounti rels inorn a farmer. Neticing ati saiti shia was sorry silo couiti not tisât tisase relis lookati rathar small. herseif aie the procession, sha svoult ie weigset them, anti foundti ta they, lise to hava beean eeoailer tontun- wene ail untier a pount in weigist. Se ate subjects sitting comfontably en a lie hadth ie fariner arresteti. stnd te take a geai view aof avexy- Thasa batler rolîs, saiti the Jutiga te thing." tefrecenîatnîy weigb tes tisana «an aiofgeagranchlren, ant-iti heypouund. Have yen any scales g renan geatgrnd-)hlden di tey I haveaenswerad tise fariner. eôt tink tise.iwblaa wae a boxa i" Anti have yen weigsts? 'iven frouai lie oue', ixvliose keepiug No. No waigbts. ."Net ut ail. Except tises who live Than isow ian yen weiglh your relis? in clo e neixieip witli royalty That's vary simple, sacid the fermer, evanyene lis api te torm a t aise optn- Wiie 've beau selling tlie baker butter, in of their lives. Tlh.y genenally leati I'a beau buying ponti aves of bread hae most humdxum etfives. Etiuetta v a sesavne isa thy aa save tetis inmhiim, anti I use thecu for weî-his, se seere a the r laveste heou my scales. c c[ i fi i SI in fE a Io b( a bc j1 ar at m ar tb in el tý is r' ___________ FAC-SIMILE ANeca1PreparationforAs- SI GNATURE jsimilating théTood atidiegta- ùinýgthe$tomachs andBowei.sof-0 - Promnotes DiMestionCneeu- ness arndestLContaîns n.ither OpuLMrhionor Hnieral. IS ON THE ]~NOT NÀR CO0TI1C. 4ss dLs s e F Sim NFEW nt-YORK 1 [ill Castnrîn. ig n,,f. - ,, - -.1- 1-44.1.. -1- T4. WRAPPER

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