ce hi/ n Bi der' Tw ineII We offer the well known and popular brands, RED CAP and BLIJE RIBBON. Their qualities are reliable and unequalled. and will save time, rnoney and teruper. See our samtples and prices before buying. Headquarters for llay Forks, Barley Forks, Fork Handles, Turnip iloes, American Scythes, Snaths, Whet Stones, Mlachine Gils, Oil Cans, llarvest Rakes, and Tools of all kinds. Quality the lest. Prices Lowest. Opposite Ontario Batik. BOWMANVILLE. attt are the patterns of Wall 'M. V Paper, and the prices are very low, and thle place to ~'buy is at SThe very latest designs in Canadian and American Goods. Complete combina- tion of Wall, Border and 'MCeling, fromn5e BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 4.1897. Sir Wilfred Lauri er has been made a Grand (iffleer of the Legion of lIonoiý by President Faureof France. The Postmaster General has decided to authorize the issue of partial sets of jubilee stamps to meet the demand for souvenirs. Canal-building is-expenîsive work but as the money is mostly spent in wages it passes ont of tufe pbi treasury into the pockets of the wo 11e. No Canadian Premier ever won so great and favorable notoriety in Britain as Sir Wilfrid Laurier lias. Surely ail Canadians must feel proud of the res- pect paid to him. The~ voters lists for every municipal- ity in West Durham are now printed. As the next Provincial election will be lield on tliese lists, every elector sliould see to it that lis namne appears on tlie list. The list may be examined at tlie post offices. Tlie commercial treaty between Grea t Britain and tlie German zoliverein lias been denouniced by Great Britain and will cease to be operative in a year hence. Tliis is one of tlie many great achievements of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's political career, past and future. Ail Canada sliould feel proud of him and his success. The Liberal party considers it true economy to pusl tlie most necessarv public works at once tliat the great national higliways of commerce may as quickly as possible be doing service for our country- They f ound several very, necessary projects waiting for action and witliout delay proceeded to grappie witli them. The resuits will show liow far they were justified. There is an amusing side to the polit- ical discussions now in progress in tlie Conservative press. Thc Mail and Em- pire sets the pace and the next issue of tlie country weeklies reiterate its state- ments, true or false. Several Tory papers contain tlie ver y samne edtorials copied but not credted to tlie journal from whicli taken. The News selets its articles every week in this way. The silly season has struck the Con- servative edtors and their readers liave our sympathies. Tlieir heroic attacks on the Government will surprise the Conservative members wlio did -not seri- ously object to tlie measures which tliese astute journalists are condemnng when tley were before tlie Huse of Commous. Not one of tlie great meas- ures put forward was seriously chai- 1lenged LooK OUT FOR GREEN FRUIT.-Tlie acute cramps that are so agonizing to the swfferer from cliolera morbus eau be instantly relieved by an application of Trask's Magnetie Ointment. It posses- ses wonderfuil healing properties, re moviiEg soreness and inflammation of every kind. Keep a twenty-flve cent bottie landy in the bouse, it may save y~ou louis of pain and a heavy doctor's bill. It is flot a new remedy, but a curative lubricant known and valued ail over the world.-Stott & Jury. n ti b t t t t r t t Prom every quarter of tlie riding1 cornes the assurance thnt the electors are mucli pleased witl the candidature of Dr. J. C. Mitchell. Many young rnen wlio will cast tbeir flrst ballot at the next election will take special pride in votiîtg for birn an t the older ones wili net lesitate to cast their ballot for a rnan 50 universally mespee.ted. He bas lad very many expressions of tlianks fmom the vetemans lu the riding1 fr accepting tle candidature. (ne1 tbing is certain, the Liberals wiil go in-1 to île ext contest witli every prospect et success. Women witl pale, coloriess faces, who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pis, wbictt are made for the blood, nerves and com- plexion. The last session lias been flttiugly claracterized as thc National Develop ment Session. Vast sums of money were voted but the country approv es of the expenditure and commends tIe Goverument for taking bld s0 energet- ically of tle -reat national enterprises. Both politica5l parties approved of thie fast Atlantic service, the cold storage system, the rapid completion of thc canal systern. tle Crow's Nest Pass and île Rainy River Raiiway. Millions of dollars were voted for tliese immense undertnkings, but was the vote for any of tiern opposed lu the bouse ? If se, by whorn? RmEmBER-We don't ndvertisqe for mere effect,but for business. We know tînt,'if you are subject 10 cramps, thnt you sh.uld have a prompt, efficient rernedy ou baud. Nerviline-nerve-pain cure-las a wonderful and immediate curative powver. It relieves lu one min- ute; it cures lu five. Plensant te the taste and the lest knewn remedy for pain. The gentlemanly and genini editor et tle Port-,Hope Guide las lest patience with trying te induce the Times man to tell the tmutl and lu Saturday 's issue delîvers himself tbusly: "The 'Tiimes with ghou]ish gîce gratuiteusly boasts that tic editor ilier-eof las neyer been hemsewhipped, (bY the way,. it would seemingly be an impossibil ity te lerse- wbip an nss). It is net tînfthte Times man did net deserve if, but because le is tee centemptible fer nny decent man te tond, ne one gees eut of lis wny to kick a skunk." Bro.Wilsen îlec journal- istic patriardli of the Midland District must use more select- langunge, or we must cleose aniotber GIUDE. TUIE SAN JOSE SCALE. West Durham farmers cannot be too vigilant respectino' the San Jose Scale, se-calied because Rrst discovered lu San Jose valley, California, lu 1870, and lias since becu travelling eastward. The enly sure mneans ef extermination wlen discovered 18 to bumu the infested trees. A mesolutien ef the Darlington Cou ucil calîs tle special attention of the Minist- er of Agriculture te tic nccessity of immediate action looking te its exter- mination wlerever discovered. GRAIN I)A1NAGIED BI)LY. The main storm last week did immense damage te cmops iii this district. Fail wheat is terribly damaged liY sprouting. Mr. b. Fletcher Wemmy, Kedren, lad ten acres ct-a pt fair crep-and le thïnks by careele may get 15 or 20' bushels suitable for seed, but the grent bulk of it will be enly fit for feed. This is a faim instance of many. Bearded and whiite varieties are damaged most. Bamley and pens are badly damaged, hnving started te grow lu lead and ped respectively. (ats and sprîng wleat suffered ieast, but onts are badly lodged and twisted. Reets and cern wilil e greatlT benefltted by the showers. Late lîav tbat was eut is reduced to s51mw value, Some tarmers estImate the less to e l iathte value of what tle crop premised te be befome the sterm. This is pessibly an @ver estirnate, but thc depreciation is cetainly very serious. A SUDDEN CALL. MR. MORT. WeODHOusn FoRmrERLY IN 'ýMR. EDsALL's HARDWARE, STORE is DI&AD. Fort William Journal says: «"Verv suddeniy theme passèd away at 4 o 'dock this memning M r. M. R." Woodlouse, hardware merdhant. No man lu tewu was better known or more universally a favorite, bis awfnlly sndden denise lias cast a gloom ever the entire comm- unity. Organic disease of the heurt was the cause et death. Daceased was 18 years et age. Few men lu Fort William could lay dlaim te sudh wide- spread pepularity. 11e las ba.dan open baud and heart for everybedv. bis nature was se equabie and full 6f clarm that ht was impossible net te lilte hlm. Deceased leaves a wife and tour young chiîdren, two sons and two daugîters. 1HIGIL SUHOOL CHANGES. Tlie Higli Sebool Board lias recentlv made some important alterations lu the teaching staf of Bowmanville Hg School. Mr. James Glfillan, B. A.ý,vwho bas filled the position of Assistant Masi, er for several years with the best satis- faction, lias been appointed Principal nstead of Mr. Fenwiek who lias remov- ed to Toronto to go into business. iNo more popular, painstaking or successful teaclier among the many excellent teacliers wlio have been associated with ;liis school lias ever been on tlie staff than Mr. Gilfillan and lis promotion meets witli thelieartiest endorsation of thie citizens generaily. For some vear-s lie bas tauglit the Science Departmenýt but for tlie flrst seven years hie tauglit thie Englisl with marked abilitv and success. The pupils have ever express- ed great regard for hlm and we shjah expect now that lie is'at the head of tlie school that bis popularity will increase. He will have very strong support as every member ef the staff is an Honor Graduate in lis departmnent. Mr. W.W. Tamblyn, M. A., was offered and has accepted a position où the staff.ý Verv little need lie said of lim-his reputation as a successful teaclier is too well, kuown here to need more than a mention H1e took a brilliant course in Modern Languages in Toronto Univer- sity and secured a medal la this Départ- ment and lias liad several years of suc- cessful experience. 11elias lad large .xerece in preparing candidates for ailthe Departmental Examninations and matriculatian into the University and in ail these le lias been eminently suc- cessfni. We welcomehim and bis clever famil *y back again to our town. Mr. F. 1H. Prost, B. A h ý,an lionor Graduate of Toronto Uii' irtv, lias had several years successfui cu.. pliencil as teacher and is weli known as an ex- cellent mathematician and Pe successful teacher as the result of thc University Examinations last year eminenily show. Mr. T. G4. Bragg, . BA., seurecl twvn or thrce sdiolarships at Matriculation, took Classics and Modemns for two years, then pursued Classies and o.raduated taking First-Class Honors, fàis course was a very brilliant one. 11e tauglit as a supplv in Lxbridge Higli Sclool and also in London Collegiate Institute, iu both of wbicli Places lie gave good satis- faction. We therefore expect lie will make a most successfui teadlier. Tlie Board is to -be congratnlated on the excellent appointments tlie ' have made and we expect a' new era of pro- gress and success to corne to the school as a result. ONTAR16 LADIES' COLLIEGE. SoMETImNG, ABOUT A LEADING CANAD- IAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. O11l tliose wlo lhave, a personal knowiedge of Canadian and Americani Colleges can fully appreciate the pres- ent magnificeni equiprnent of the Ont- ario Ladies' Coliege at Whitby, or tlie o.reat strides tliat this institution bas been making during- the past f ew vears lpovdng for tlie bigler education Of voung wnmen. In snlid literary work it is the recognized leader, as it is the only college ini Canada sending up studenîs for the first aud second year's examinations with lionors of Toronto University. The saine efficiency char- acteri7es the departmnents of music, in art, élocution, commercial braniches, and domestie economy. One uiquer-,( feature lu the musical departmnent -,a laro'epipeorgan lu tbe new concert hliT for the use of organ students. Thc main building modelled after one of the old palatial homes of Eng-lisbI aristocracY, supported on the'nortli byý llyerson Hall, and on the so nth I b Frances Hall, presents a scene of beauiy perbaps une-qualled iu Canada, and with f ew equals on the continent. Every borne comfort is provided lu steam-beating-, electrie lightîng-, and modern sanitary plumbing. No wond- er that the students of the Ontario Lad- ies' Coilege are happ and successful, and that leading edUtors turn their thouglits to tîls college as the one best fltted to indicate tle highwater mark of Canadian attalument. The Rev. Dr. Hare lias been principal of the college since its inauguration, lu 1874, and îvili be pleased to give furtlier information relating to its work -Toronto MUail. "If ariy of yc knoew ust cause or impedi. menwy thege twopensons should not be jendtgtherluHly Matnimony, yc are te declare it, or forever afier hold your pWe ." ff -pt3*iciaus cbycd this solemnu 1admonilton iu, the niriage -ceremnny and ~protest«d,%Wlib the hoIistnad scieutifie rea- sons lu their porsession lf ethîe unhappi- ness, e,kues and deail lu tle world would cease to aisi. The aan orwom1an bo las aevelpd syaptores of thiat dread discase çpnsusnmtion slmnld nlot niarry until cured. Consumnption should bar the way te wcdded life. Ih is a @rime te transmit to future gen- erations île deai - &aling gerres lu île blood oet#îe éousumptNe. Masy clesians pr.dnouncc consumption an~ ~ ~~~I jfcrbl icec u is thcy âre mis- taken as tiioueenda a'lll tesiify. Dr. Pierce's Golden M~edicalb.Disoovery cures 98 pcr cent. of aIl cases of cepsumption., It corrects al disorilers efthîe digestion. It promptly ire'- proves the appSetite and maires il keen and lèarty. ht i fs île blood witl the tissue- beirdisa seusents of île food, and acting directly utpon thc lungs, drives eut al l m- puriies and discase germis.hIt maires iel, puree b1od, builds ucw, firm, heally fleash, an'a strong, spriugy muscles. It setîe aud invixgoraies the nerves. 'Thousauds ha-ve te4tified te tÉer permanent recovery frOm eoÏnynlpp4n througl iW use, after tfley wcre Xîven lap by ite doctors and al Mxpe was izoîe. Dxuggîstâe sediti and nt- ing else à. "just as gooedVl' Ibset canno ees 00 xany gpoei, practica books iu a honte. Dr. Pîerée's C-ouçnon Seuse Medil.ta àJdierl good practical book for heshantis, tecmetjers, daughtessud sous. Send 3 u cent stamps, to -cover cost of custes a aât. $nt ety, to" wori's Nspeusaty Medical AS.> Sgaticn, BuflMe, N. Y. Cloth biuding, Se stakps sic 1misu MIUNYGN'I GRAND WORK FOR HUMANITY People iD Every WaIk of Lite Acknowledge His Success.- West End House, BOWMANVI LLE. WORDS PROM THE IHARTj Store wilI be closed next Monday--Civk t Hoiday. WelI-known Citizens Testifyb - Oreat PROM BROAD I1OMROPATHY net Euuyonus Guide te Iýèalth end Curs Voursolves with a 25-Cent Hem- edy ,Positive and Permanent Cure@ for Catarrh, Rliumatism, Dympep"i,' LIver and KJdney Troubles andiAil Upolal Blood and Nervous Diseuses. Mr. Wllilam Dorman, 767 Gerrard Street enst, Toronto, Canada, says:* "For seven yearu 1 was a great sufferer from blatider troble. I vas treated b phy sicans and used ail k1inds of patent rfled11iines anti local treatmen but. witliout Ray p rmxinent telle. Adileed ly a frlend, I delded te give Mon- yun'* Blatider Cure' a trial. Prom the vMryfIrst 1 experlenceet great relief, andi atter ixing less fhan one 25c. bottle 1 ha"e been completely cnreti. As I Imeketi confi- dence ln Muyon's Remetiles the resuit te man asbeen aimpiy vonderful. bluale 's heemnatie Cure fgeldow fallu (e ee. fleve ln ene te tbree beur& andS cure, lu a tew Gas ~te25e. Diuoyen $- Dyopepsla cura posittl elious 01I t e et tugt8Oestien and atoipecltroubles., rlcÀ 25p. Muayole Ccli cure preveats pneumcalua oi t&reak& op *à<od lie afew boua. Fritae & uIon aCougb cure stopseughe. n1gt vreqa. ellays soreunadaipeeiduly braIs qh0 'lae rcý25e. bitnyo's Kldney Cure.speedily ecebsapattlks Je, the Ixac11 louns dr groins. 004 a4 forme AI %l4fla? diseas i'Ple 26e; Munyons Netve Cure stops merl*oIsIso$0.t buils up tbc system. Prîe 25e. niuaoaa H ReIobe Cure stope btadat<bS te #rece mInqÉtes: Vriee 25c. tulunycma -Fle Oletment OftleC . foi-ma of piles. Price 25e., binnyon's Bîccil cure etadiceteB 811 lmpltl «: tht' bloi. Price 25C. eduayoul's 8'tle Renietile ore a ba4S le 811 ~liL Munyna Catsrrb Rexuetlea oever f011, TU Catarrh Cure-Iprlce. 26c.-eIfidlc5tes the le"OU rcm thxesyeftem ~ai ite Caturrlb le 09tf gU.-Oeae ûà bas ha parts, Muni'on'sAsthmxa Iemediesell t la 1 tff bimites anti cura vemaseatly. Prîcé $1., tdlnyon's- VltalimerI a gréai toeisud -te torer u« vital strengtli te eak people. Il- 1A seasraetitcue fer etch disease% At al dru-' glots. nicstly 25 cents s vie].. l'ersonsIlelttera ta Prof. ldunycel. Il Abe"i *rt. Tomme. nto Ln.. nswerta tG i trefl ~~ i VICTORIAI'JERh EXPOSITION INDUSTRiALAI August 30 to Sept. f I Grand Attractions, New Features. Specal iubilee Novelties. The latest Inventions in the Industrial arîd Amusement Field. Improvemnents and Advancements in ail Departments. EXCELLING.ALL PREVIQUS YER3 ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 7tli. Rego, EX [8FR1on ail aul!nes 0ai fovla. FOR PRIZE LIsrs, , lTRY l'OIEUS, PROG1IAMS AND ALL PARTICULARS, ADL)ltfl5 J.J.WITHROW, MANAGER, 31-3w lIJÀESIDENT. TORONTO IITANT D- Saesman,inexperienced TV pefered.Postion permane nt. Salary pai ccrySaurdy.NErLSO ozBGuE, Batavia J EFE AST RAY-Came on lot 35, con. 2, larke, a yearling heifer. The owe srequesteidt prove prol)erty, aex pensesand take lier away, SAMI EFL RIcKAÂa, Bo-0 Bowmanville. 323w F ARM TO liENT.-93 acres of lot 10, con. 6, Darlington, known, as tlie 'Gibbard Faim, 'adjolning village of Tyronle. Apply te JOHN HODGSON, Tyrone. 32-8w*. lI REWANTED,-Good Young L..horseforfar-m work, 3 te 5 y cars oldabout 1200 bs. W.Wmuîty, Roselandvale Farm,Sohina. 32-2w. FAIIPM TORlENT-Harnden estate- 12a r s, umore or tes8, sonili part of lot 201in Brokcn Front Concession of Darlington-to be rentcd for a terni of 4 or, 5 ycars. First-class farm, good buildings ai-d fences, good locality. Appl y te D. B. SiMSilsoN,Barrister,B3Owmanville. 32 If. [IARM TO REN T-103 Acres, being JL! parts of Lots 12 and 13, con 8, Darliugton ,cear Haydon, good land casily w orked, good Ibuilings, two -welts and rnnning streain of wat- Let. For particulars apply toeiI. R. FALLIS, 127 Spruc St., Toronto. 29 - aw. 'A GEiNTS.-Second editioni "Queen LXVictoria" exhansicd. Jubilee Edition on press. Best history of thse Q",een and Vîctorian RIra publsled. Thse .rly Canadiau work ac- ceptcdby Her Majcsty. Sales unprceedentcd- knock the botiom out. of ail records Canvas- sers scooping in mioney. Even boys and girls .seli ifast. Big commissions or straiglit weekty ealary afler trial trip. TiiE BRÀDLEY-GARRET- soN Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. UULFOR SERVICE-J lave " ogtfrom Hou. John Dryden Brooklln, Ont., thse yountý thoro' bred Short àorn Bull, I"Earl Victor,' caîvcd Oct. 28. 1895. He is a bright red, got by the famons *"Ban of March" recently eold ai a big figure te an Amerlean breedier. Farmerm are tnvitcd te corne and sec setis Young bull. Eart Victor wilt be kept for ervice on lot 21, cou. 2, Dartmgîton. Termes ý1 for grades and e2 for thoro-breds. SAMUEL SNOWiDEN, jr. 29-4w. 'HOUSE AND LA-ND FORý SALE. b AT FINE FRAME DWELLING Tbouse ou King street East, Bosymanville, the rea]îdence of thc dcceased Mrs. ibberi, ltÈ about 12 acres of land ttîerewith. On, tiseenre !ses are aise a frame stable and woodshed, ail the buildings are ln good condition, There are also on til.b premises a tar ge orehard and a large iiùantity of small fruits a large lawn sud beauti- fuly laid out greunds adjolng th raidence., lor particulars apply te the undersîgný,e JOHN K, GALBRAI'H, 253m Ooliiter, Bovreanvlile. Bis For Atugust... In order to clear out the balance of our Summer Goods we start a big sale on Tuesday, August 3; we are selling a lot of goods at ilf Price and much less than they cost us but we must clear them out andl to do so we have marked high priced goods down to what the cheap class of goods sell at. An early call will insure a good choice. The goods are all this season's stock and bouglit for regular trade, no bankrupt goods or jobs boughit sp eci- ally for the sale. A Regular Bargain Day all this -week. RERD 144E ÙIST. Dry Goods. Organdie Muslils, Fancy Cotton Crepons, Pancy Muslins, ail new gootis were selling from 15 to 25e per yd., this week Best quality English Prints, faucy designs, 32 inch, also fancy American Prints,newcst patterns anti wide clotl,reg.pricc 14ý, this week Navy Bine Print, nice, designs, 32 inch goods, best quality cloth,, reg. price 12Tc, thus week Ail Wool Crepons 38 inch wide in Pink anti Blue, reg. price 45c, tuis week Fnncy Silks in stripes,reg. price 25c, tuis week Ladies' B3louses, fine quality, reg. price $1.25 and $1.35, to clear Ladies' Blouses tiat were 75e anti $1,00, 110W Ladies' Blouses (about eue dozen of thcjm) last year's style were 5Oc to $1.00, for Ladies' white Night Gowns were $1,25, for Il It Drawers il 75c Il 49 11 4 4. 50e ii Sleeveless Cotton Vests were 5e for 94Black Silk Gloves, sizes 51 to 7, tippeti fingers, loýv<ly quality silk, reg. price 50c, IIow Parasols tint were 75e for 'i " "$1.00 for il " $1.50 for Mens Straw Hats tint were 40e to 50c, now Boys' " " 25e for 44 n 20e Il Ciildren's Pancy Stmaw blats j.ust hlaf price. Ladies' Fine Cotton Ilose, Germer, make, fast dye, rIeg. price anti 20c, now White Bcd Coverlitis sligitly soileti at cost price. .10 .10 .08 .25 .15 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 .40 '03 .35 '55 .75 1.00 .25 .10 I Baoots and Shoes. Ladies' fine Kid Shoes, J. D. King's mnake, lu Pointedl Toe, Medium Toe, Coin Toc, Oxford's, 2 button Derby and1 Tin:71 t. Tip andi facing Tumu SoIe, the very finest goods made, 2ý- to 7, reg. $1.75 $2.00 and $2.25, this îeek 1.49 Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Dong Kidi, Stout Soles, Pat. Tip, 2 ' to 7, reg. 1 .price $1.00, this weeké .80 Ladies' Tan Canvas Shoes, J. D. King's make, size 23- to 41, whole- gale'price $1.25, this week .50 Misses Tan Oxford Shoes, 12 to 2, reg. price 75e to $1.25,this week .50 Misses Kid Oxford Slioes, Pat. Tip, size Il to 2.ý (a) Regular price $1.25 to $1.60, this week 10 (b) 4490e andi $1.00, 'ilu 4 75 Bôys' Fine Laceti Boots, size il to 5, reg. price $1.00 to $1.25, this week .8 Do you se-e any snaps in the lot, if you'do corne early and get a good choice, This is without a doubt the greatest lot of snaps we ever offered. J ohn Mcu MUrtr YB bovots ,id Sboes ImuorNnl Buines ho0e QuieR Sole Socrilices. '.5 llavingy secured the services of W. JENNJNGS, as salesman, we have begun selling out the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Fal Importations. This is a great opportunity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stoé~k must be reduced we shahl offer at once $3000 worth of these goods at sacrifice prices. - All outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l5th or costs wilh be incurred, as the present bookg must be squared up. 1BOWMÂNVILL, BEAivER L0, ( J ý- 1