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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 5

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- ~ ' - What' About A Oamera, For llolldays? ý,,,EMO D, ..... .,....,. $ 80o PONEY PREMO ,. .17-60 PHOTAKES ...... .........2.50 POCKET KODAK ........ 3.50 BROWNIE ...... ..........4.00 DRY PLATES (4x5)....... .50 CHEMICALS, &c., &c., at lowest prices and quality guaranteed. We have supplied local Photographers for over 40 years and can give best value in ail linos. Stott & Jury., WAa The recent Warin iates arong Bicycle makers en- ables us to offer the follow- Îng prices which are in some cases away below wholesale. To=s C~ Balance in early payrnents. «% off for cash. Regular $100 Bicycles $65 r' 75 ' 70 " 50 65 " 45 55 " 40 50 " 37.50 W ooyK.d wheel suitable forlittle girl or boy 7 to il yre. 6 Stott &,Jury Paris Green 25e a Pound. 5 lbs for $1.00. Every, one knows that some Paris Green is stronger and goes fur- ther than other kinds, but if you have nover tested the kind we have you 'should try it and campai e results. 1 Those who have used it for years say it is the best they ever tried. Stott & Jury$ 0f cours e we have Fly Poison, Sticky Fly Paper, &c., &c., in ail the k- test shapes. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYI BowmANviLLE JSTATION. Go[NiaEAST. GOING WEST. Express ....81 ..Ep &,5 23 a. M *Express .... 10 18a m cl 8 18 Pasenger .. 29 p.m.1 Passenger.. 2 05 p. ma Local.... 642 p.m. 1 Express.. . 5 22 < ' Dtaili.. 3 %hg(tnaiufin tm BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 4, 1897, Local and Otherwise. Heifer astray-see advt. Farmers' don't soit eider. Fruit was nover cheaper. Horses wanted-See advt. Stb Bar of Soap tOc at Niclioll's. Bowmanville Fair Sept. 17 and 18. 7c buys 1 doz. Gem Rub ber Rings at Nicholil's. Profuse growth on trees and shrubs this season. Seldom lias vegetation looked so fresh at Micsunbmer as now. Large audiences attend the Methodist churcli every Suuday. There are too many big stones on the Kingston Road. Break'em. A sysfem' of sewerage would cost Port Hope $t5,0O to $20,000. Mrs.'Jos. Ruse,Buffalo, N. Y., is very 111 and has been ordered Soufli. Cifizens, begin uow f0 lay by money for taxes! The collector is about. Thos. Smith, farmer, who lived south west of Whifby died of apoplexy recent. ly. Mrs. A.McMillan has our best flianks for some choice floral bouquets for our offlco* desk. The Nix familv, Chicago, eîîterfained big audiences froîn the band stand f wo niglifs last week. Cobourg boasts of a cart 70 yoars old. Tut! thaf is a juvenile compared with one that is owned in Manvers. Mr. W. F. Allen, Treasurer,has boon soltciting members for W. D. Agricul- fural Sociefy witli good resuits.. Mayor Loseembe has issued his ukase proclaiming Monday next Civie Holiday, and calling upon flie citizeus fo observe it as such. An editor wrof e a strong article on patronizing home industries, and a storekeeper wrof e, thanIng hlm for the sentiment on a letterhead prinfed lu Toronto. NIr. Smiff, fhe erudite and cosmopolif- an observer of,,Bobcaygeon, writes fIat "Mr. Geo. Wilson, senior Edifor of the Port Hope Guide,is as youthful in spirif as any of his sons." A large variefy of interesting horti- cultural matter is supplied to the read- ors of the August number of Vick's Magazine. The engravings are very attractive and appropriate. -Have you ever heard of the fhree- handed man, the one who had a riglif hand, a lef t band and a' lit tic behind hand?-We have a few on our subscrip- tion list. Are you one ? The fastest run in the history of the Grand Trunk befween Toronto and Kngston, 160 miles, was made recenfly lu 3 hours, 22 minutes. The train con- veyed a party of Epworfh League dele- gates. The ain Tuesday lasf was fhe heav- iest since Aug. 4, 1878, and lias oniy been equalled 4 times in 51 years-Sepf. 4, 1848; Oct. 6, 1819; Nov. 2, 1861. Higli winds played havoc wifh fruit trees and grain flelds. These epresenfatives wore elected by the cogegation of the Mefhodist chumdl, humesday niglit, to the Officiai Board Messrs. Dr. Brimacombe, L.T. Courtice C.M. Cawker, I1. Jewell, L. Morris, Jas.'Mecean, J. C. Vansfone. The Methodisf church was prof fy well flled Sunday niglif wheu Rev. J. J. Ilae, preaehed on Sabbath observance. He condemned bicycle riding for pleasure inunmeasumed femms. Sacramient was adminisfered f0 287 communicants at both services. Rev. Dr. Haro assisted af fhe morning service. The Enliber Factory whistle blew a long blast Monday momning to apprise cifizens that fthe indusfry had life in if. A staff of maehinists are busy getting the ponderous machines is position and vemy soon fthe hum will begin. The president, Mm. E. J. Patridge and busi- [ness maanagerMr.J,N.McKendry are on hand, Mr. J. A. Austin, one of flie Toronfto directors was herc- a few davs ago and ail are liopeful of doing a brisk trade as soon as operations are well under way. Mr. J. B. Marfyn, Vice- President, drove fthe Troonfo men aound fowu and the y exprossed sur- prise af flie fine residences, lawns, streets, qtc. T. N. Riekard's Sfock of Silverpiate is one of fthe flnesf wo, evez seen. With a stock of Watehes, Clocks, Jewellry and Silverplaf e ae well as Rings and Spectacles sud as we see lu this store. Bowmanville people ýwould be very unwise f0 fthiuk of deallng in Toronto, more especially as thle prices are 50 very reasanabi. BORN. Pîlncie-In Darlington, to Mr. and Mrs. Win Pierce-a daughier. DEAitBoRN-IU East Whitby, to Mr, and Mrq. Avery Dearboru a daughter. MARRIED. RIlA-RiELLY-At the parsonage Oshawa by Rev. G. NV. MeColi, B. A., B. D.. Lune 22nd: John Rahm and May Rielly, boili of Oshawa. JÂCK-HOBB-At thse parisonage, Oshawa, Juiy l4ib, by Rev. G. W. MeColi, Daniel Jacks of PoutypooÏl, and Rannah M. Hobbs of Colum- bus. nELLEÀAu-DILEY-At the parsonage,Oshawa, July 29th. by Rev. G. W. MecCoil, Milo Bellean and Mary E. Dailev. both of Oshawa. LANiDER-BiEN't-At the home of Mr. George W. Brent, July 28th, by Rev. G. W, McColi, Oliver C. Lander of Chatham, andi Gertrude E. Brent of Oshawa. nROWNE-FANNSNG-On Tuesday, July 27th, ai the residence of the bride's father, Lindsay, by the Rex'. J. Kilgour, Jennie Richards Fann ing, daughter of Mr. More Fanining, anti Walter N. Browne of Orangeville, Ont. OIED. Hossei-In Darlington, Anu Iloskin, beloved wife of James Mountjoy, aged68 years. Boiçn-At Whitby, on Saturday, Jnly 241h, Richard Bond, aged 30 years and 3 rnonths. S-raVENSON-Died, at lot si1, con. 6, Whltby, on Monday, July 25th, 187,Hannah Stevenson,aged 74 yecars. MtiuNso-In Darlingion, ai the residence of Mr. John Ranton, son-in-law, John Manson, aged 76 years. WATsoN-At Chater, Manitoba, July 2lsi, James Waison,many years a resident of Whithy, aged 81 years. MANNNG-Suddenl , on Thnrsday mornin, July 29th, at Avoca Villa, Bownmanville, Ade ' aide Alice, wldow of the late Rn. S. Manning, MITCIIL-In Ohwo-n Ssiurday Jnly the 2411,, Eliza Launnipiman, wî!dow of the laie Bar- tholomiew Mitchell, aged 8. WÀINEr,-Ifl Toronto, July 24tb, in hie 74tk year, Robert Warner of Port Hope. WÂLKE-,At Port Hope, July 37th, in bis 4rd year, Robert E. Walkeas. LiirrLa-At Garden Hill, July 27, in hiz !2nci year, Harshaw bLle. 15e buys a Tea Ke fie ut Nidholl's. Bowmauvilie's fax rate is 19 milis. Hurvesf Mits 25e a pair at Nidholl's. The Mefhodisf Sunday Sehool will ex- curf f0 Grimsby, Aug. 25. Darlingtou's county ate is $954 more flan lasf yar-a big inecase. Don'f whine about liard fimes-do somefhing" f0 make fiem befttor. This journal is îlot an objeet of charity -if gives 20 fimes while receiving once. The Rubber Co. is putting a bicycle tire on the market fIat posifively beaf s auyfhing evor made in that line. Subseribers iu urrears ca nuot do us a greufer fuvor jusf uow flan by paying fIe dollar due us. Wo neod money very badly. Hogs are Juyiug well. Mr. H. F. Werry, Ko on, delivered 5 pig, 5 mouths old, f0 Mr. S. H. Reyuolcas for whidli ho received S-16.50, yesferduy. The salaries paid lu Port Hope Higli School are. Head Master, $1200, Clussi- cal Master, $900, Science Master, $850, Englisli Mistress,$750,Assistant Mistress $550. The fluesf basket of red cherries we lave seon for years was presonted f0 1us Sesterday by Mrs. J. Muffon, 1-figli St. lie eau readily get highest prices for f hem. Few peuple kuow that such luge cherries are growu lu fIls country. Every Canadian who eau afford if should subsemibe for fhe Canadian Mag- azine.published ut 683 Yonge St, ,Tomon- f0. The Midsummer number is a splendid one with a pretty new covor, The contents are purely Canadian. Machine 011 ut Rickard's for 5c. per bottie. Sewing Machines, the very lowesf ut Riekard's. Silver Polish ut Riekard's-none f0 bout if lu fhe wold. You wili flnd fhe best ýassortment lu Huts and Shirts ut M. Mayer's. Silver Silks worfli 35e. uow selling off ut 20e. ut Coudh, Johuston & Cryder- man's. Ail Parasols, new goods, selling off ut cost ut Coudh, Jolinsfon & Cryder- man's. Boss wtcbes-guaraufees stumped on buek of case-for sale ut Rickurd's. Greut value. A lot of Summer Dress Goods sellîng off ut about hlf-price ut Couech, Johns- ton & Crydermun's. If will puy you to euhl and 500 our new and nobby designs lu Suites of ail kinds. L. Morris. funiture dealer. If you wunt f0 bc iu stylo jusf euh uat M. Muyer's and suif yourself witli a Fedora or dhrîsfy stiff lut. Full lino of gent s' furishings as usual. A HIINT FOR YouR MOTIHER.-The wise mother prepumes for fhe umaziug number of smaller aches and pains tiiuf cause misomy lu ovemy fuî>ily by keep- ing a txveufy-flve cent bof fle of Trask'ff Mugnefie intmenf liaudy for use. If can't le equulled lu ifs soothing way of curing burus, eut s, our-ache, toofliadhe, comus, chilbluins, lives, sore fîrout and many ofler worrying troubles. If is a vaiued romedy used lu tlieusuuds of homes, because if is so easy f0 upplv and works ifs cures in sudh a ploasingý and permanent muanner. Don'f wait fi you need if, but keep sorne on liand for emergencies.-Stotf & Jury. JJL-Y WEDI)ING. McP-rERsoN--BARR. At flic First Presbyferian dhurci, Seaforth, July 23, 11ev. Neil MePherson, M. A., B. D., pustor of Sf. Paul's Pros- hyteian churdli, Hamilton, (fommely of owmunville), and Isabel, daugliter of 11ev. Mafthew Barr, of Seaforth, weme unifed lu marriage. The, ceremony was performod ut one o'clock, by fIe 11ev, Dr. McDonaid, assistcd by the fafler oSf e bride. The bride wus ut- tired lu flgured ceam silk, witli bridai veil and orange blossonas. The brides- muids were flic two sistors oSfIe bride, Misses Jennie and Maggie Barr. Miss Jennie wome a dmess of white organdie ovor blue, and Miss Muggie wus gown- ed lu white orgundie over piuk, and car- ried a large bouquet of roses TIe ~room was assisted by 1ev. T.ý D. Mc- CKuilougli, Ph. B., of Dresden. The dhurci was prettilv deeorated wit h flowers and plants, uîîd the bride stood under a largo bell composod of a idi profusionî of roses, daisies and smilax. Ater flic wedding cerenony a roception was beld utthfe esidence oS Mr. B arr. The bridai couple loftf by flic affemnoon train on an ext euded trip f0 tie Atlantic coasf. Thc bride is a pamticuiuniy in- telligent and higlily edueuted young lady, and is enineutly ftfed for flic pos- ition slîe will oecupy us tihe-iife oSfie pastor of ono oSfie leading- congrega- fions lu Hamilto -n, and hem many frierids wili extend f0 lir their lest wishes for fIe future. CEYLON TEA, Etld by A. NICIioLLs, Bowmalivzlle- PERSONAL. We invite ail our readers to contibute io ibis columun arrivai and deparnare of guesis, move- ments of weilknown people, business men etc. Send a postal card to THsE STÂTESMAN, âropa noie ln 0cr office letier hox or ring up phone 52 Mr. Sam. Aluin, Toro.nto, ls home. Mr. W. Walker, Toronto, spent Sunday lu town. gr. Ed. Rundie, Oshawa, speni Sunday la town. Mrs. 1-. McLaughlin, Lindsay, bas been visit- ing here. Miss E. L. Rundie is home frona Toronto and Lonîdon. Misa May Shaw, Toronîto, la ýýaest of Miss R. Murdoch. Mr-. Upton Rannalla, Port Hope, was in iown lasi week. Miss Rossie Snow, Toronto, is guest ai Mr. W. B. Couch's. Miss Olive Hlyslop has hees visiting relatives in Whitby. Mr. Albert B. Concb waa home from the city over Sunday. Miss Edith Coigate, Guelph, is guesi of Miss Editb Trewin. Miss Bowes, Toronto, bas been guesi at Mr. M. Lockhart's. Miss Bella Radcliffe, Torouto, is guest of Miss Mahel Borland. Mr. and Mrs. John.%MeGili1, Toronto, are guesis of Mr. R. Windatt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbank, Toronto, visiied friends in iown recenty. Miss Mvabel Tait assisted the Methodiai church Sunday evening- Miss Sunier, Toronto, ta visîng lier uncle, Air. Wm. Painion. 1-ton. J. M. Gibson is returning from Englanli oi, the Vancouver. Mr. F. J. Rowland of the Standard Bank, Picion, is in town. Miss Amanda R. Bond, Oshawa, was a receni guesi ai Lorne Villa. Mrs. Butler and iwo eilidren, Toronto, are ,,uesis of Miss Cotton. Mr. Frank I"earîiou, Toronto, speni, Su nday wih friends in town. ChieS Hoover of Oshawa dignified our sireets Weduesday afiernoon. Miss Viola Bridgman, Ottawa, la guest of her aunt Mrs. John Reid. Mkr. Fred. Bounsali Lockport. N. Y., la guest oS Mr, E, R. Bounsail. M r. W. W. Shîaw of the Bell Tel, office, spent bis boijdays ini Buffalo. Mr. Bd. Hamilton is guesi of bis graudmother, Mrs. Renwick, Centre St. Miss Birdie M. Bennett, Oshawa, bas been guesi oS Miss Lulu Olcott. Miss Welch, Parkdale, la guesi of thse Misses Osborne, Wbeatlaud Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. James and son Frank are vlsiting ini East Whlthy. 1 Miss D. S. Walbridge is home-from Chicago, Ill., ai 1Mr. D). B. Simpson's. Masier Claude Feilds, Listowel, bas been vis- iticg ai Mfr. Jos. Pattinson's. Misses Mabel A. andi Maggie Tait, Toronto, are home on a holiday visit. Mr. H. H. Saunders and wife, Toronto, are guest ataiMr. Jas. Saunders'. Miss Rena Maynard, Toronto, la visiting ber brotheýi r. Geo. E. Maynard. M. (). A. Gamsby of Orono, is among the visîtoîs to Port Hope-Guide. Mesars. Bza Hall and Jos. Henry, Orono, were in Port nope Thursday. Miss Edith Mountjoy, Haydon, was guesi of Miss Mande Fleming, Sunday. Mrs. D. B. Simpson aud Miss Greta have retnrned from Cleveland, O. Mrs. W. Y. Brltiain and children, Toronto, visîted 1fr. L. Morris reeeniiy. Miss Jeasie and Mfr. Leunie Bunsford, Toron- to, are guests oS Mr. Fred. Heal. Miss Wcrry, Solina, and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Redron, were lu tue n yesterday. 1fr. John W. Haddy, Johnstowu , N. Y., is borne visitlng bis mother who is 11. Mfr. R1. D. Davidson and wife are guests of ber Saiher, Mr. N. Peters, Port Hope. Bey. H. Douglas Fraser and Miss Jennie are visiting relatives ai Owen Sound. Miss Ada Hoar, Beihesda, visited ai "Ash- bursi" rýteuIly guest of Miss Haines. Miss ],:îla Hambly aud Miss Raile Bell, Tor- onto, ar guests of Mis. W. W. Allun. Mfr. 1.3. Simpson and Mr. B. C. Southey had fine suo- as tir fsicg ai Haliburton. Mis g iCapmian and Miss May Donovan, Torout, r,(eeuly visiied frienlds in iown. Miss MIeClellani and niece, Miss Fieldinîg, have returni from a pleasani visit ai Toronto. ,r. W. B. Coucli bas gone East on a fisling excursion, siopping en route at Port Hope. Mfr. W. N Tilley wif e and son, Toronto, are guesis at Mfr. Cbas.'Young's, "'Maple Villa-" Mrs. B. Coots, 133 Cburch St., Toronto, eau give eomfortable quartera bo exhibition vîsîtors. Mfr. and Mrs. A J, Todgbam an d Miss Ethel, Toronto, have been gucats of Mfr. W. Todgham. Buitor Ouille of the Orono News and Mr. 1'. Pinder, carriagemnaker, gave us a call Monday. Mfr. A.'HIggiuhotham, wife and fi amily,iNMil- ton, are vîsiflng bis father aud brother inatowu. Master Gordon VanCamp, New Haven, was guesi of Master Douglas Fraser ai St. Pauls Mase. Misses Arleita Maynard and Effie Wood and Mr. Wood, Toronto, are guesis of Mrs. H. 1ask- erville. Mr. and Mrs. M. AJames are leaviug 10 night for Montreal sud Napieriville, Que., for a brief vacation. 1fr. Thos. 1Yellowlees, Toronto, bas been re- lewing cquaintauces l. town. Be la always ,elcomea Mfr. H. H. Saunder's solo inlic" utire Methodist chnrch Suuday evening was mncb appreciateli. Miss Bila Coleman aud Miss Pearl Byers, Darlington, are visitiug witb Mr. L. J. Coryell, Cedar Bale. Mr. Levi Morris represeuted Albert Bncamp- ment at tie Grand Bncampment at London, Oui., lasi week. Mrs. Hi. Benueti, Toronto, sud Mrs. John Neele, Forest City, fa., have beesi guesis oS Mrs. Rý J. Manining. Mrs. P. H. Reese and daughter Miss Alice, and lira. Woodman, Clevelandi, Ohio, ai-e gueta of Mns. Jý Reidi. Mr. John Bankin qnfi dangbter, Mrs. A. J. Taylor and f amily have gone toNew Richmond, Que., for tbree weeks. Mfr. B. B ruttal andi dangbters, Misses Mary Emma andA Sarah Helen, Toronto, are guesis ofý Miss MeClellýan, Centre Si. Lieut. Rýing and Cori). Wiudaii e-epeect o BoWMANVILLE. lone 74. So le agent for Bowmanvile, JOHN HELLYAR. There are mauy kinds of Sewiug Machines, but where pnrchasing a uew machine you should by ail mens get the very best-This is the kind 1 soul. For Titilors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equat. Prices reasonable, terms made f0 suif the pumehaser. Full guarantee ,wif h every machine. Iufending purchasers should cuit and in-vestigate, or sont postal card and agent will beci4round. Best machine uit for sale. Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. I have a beaufifut Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoos, Watl Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best variefies of Turnip Seod. menry I3lIiott Jr. HAMPTON. Barrlster, Solicitor andi Conveyancer. Offie:- Bleakley Block, Ring sireet, Bowmanviiie. Money to boan ai reason able rates. 48-lyr, Dr. G. R. PATTERSON, Dentist. IFonor Graduate Toronto Universlty aud Royal College Dental Surgeons. Specialttes Artificial Dentures $i8.00; Amalgam F-illings 50c. Sirai cla ss work at very moderate prices. Office Orono. ~1ANTED.-I eau pay feu dollars w Yweekb 10o a lady of mature age, refine- ment and tac te1 spend her lime in a goofi cause. TJ. H. LexSCOa'v, Toronto, Ont. S ERVANT WANTED IMMEDIATE- "ly 'Apply te MRs JOHN H KYnn,COnCeSSIOn Street, Bownim s.nville 0 - fi _n~A1RTAGE LICENSW.S,-M. A. .JLJAmEs, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Residecce: Centre streai. S ERVANT WANTED.-Good gener- ai servant wated ai once. Appiy toMas. P. MURDOCH, EBinlaSt. 32 -f. XTOICE CULTURE-Miss Glover is V repared to give lessons lu Voice Culture to alnited rumber of pupils, at her home, King street, 30 i f ,W ANTED.-Teaehers and ofler I rbrighi men for vacation or perma,,9nently, to solîcit for "Canada; an encyclope ia of the Country"Ilunffve royal quarto volums.Node. livtrlng. Commission paid weekly. TRE Lixs-. co,-r CosmÂAx, Toronto. 'Jn'ARM TO RENT.-Soufhlf i lot 82, MA concession 4, Clarke, containîng i00 acres, - pY ai onc to RRTirMoýmENT, Post TMaster, Orono.1, P. O. 31-if. "V{ANTED.-Men and women Who yycan work bard ialking sud wriling six bours d.aily,for six dsys s week,asd whlibe con- tent wllb tan dollars weakly. Addresa NEw IDEAs Co., Mpdical Building, i'oronto, Ont. "0 YOU WANT A llOME.-IfYOU do .L..' apply to T. BîNessÂM for a nice soild brick cottage cbaap sud ou easy termi$. 31 tf T EACI{ERS.-If you wunt f0 ak cause, write or wlr4 me quickly. T. H. Lis- coi-r, Toronto, Ont. " ARFOR SERVICE.--The eit bbc Modal Farm Guelvb, whicbis a wahî Seamaed animal; aise a tbro'.tred Tamworlb oS extra f oo lalty.Price 51.00. 1 bave aise a bîsoro'- t)redl folstin Bull ior service. Prîce$1.0o. j. D. GiEsois, Loi 34, Con 3, Clarke, Bowmaluviel W NTED.-Agents for "'Queen Vie- Ovenflowing wlth latetansd richesi picturca Coniains the endoesed biograpby oSHer Majesty wlth authentie Hisiory oS bier remaekahîe reiga sud full accousît of tht Diainond Jubulea. Only $1.50o. Big book. Tremeudoum demanfi. Bona- za for agents. Commission,59y er cnt. Credit eym reilitald Onat ree. Dustypaid. Writ; qulck for onifit and tteritor1y Tisse Doxixios CoxpAÂNy, Depi. 7, 356 Dearbora sît Chioag. A Good Up=to=date Grocery and Provision Store-.ý is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being wOIl treateci and get pure good goods every time you trade there. This is the way we want you to feol aboiut This Store and we'l1 merit your goodopnn of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is flot en- tiroly satisfatory-speak right out, and we'll make it right.1 We keep full linos of the very best groceries the markets afford and none soul cheaper. We do bu si- ness on business principles and the public like our methods. Every"Iday is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business, rush. FUarmors, corne and see as and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. eawkr &Tait BoWMANVILLE. The. Grocers. Iwi We are selling the best and choapest twine in the market. The following are the kinds wO are handling, compare pi icos and quality before buying. Standard runs 450 feet to lb............. 6c. Selected Manilla runs 550 feet to lb...... 7c. Absolutely Pure runs 750 foot to lb...... 8 -c. Gold Modal runs 800 feet to lb ......... 9-3c. Thresher's Supplies, Babbet AMetal, J3elting, Mitts, Oils, Rivets, Oilers, Rubber and Asbostus Packing, etc., always on hand. Dustan & Hoar,

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