(4 f 4&1: eadache and relava ail the troubles Inet- 41te a bilions state of the systein, such ai Dlzzlensse, Nausea. Drowinass, Dstras ai ter aa~ anin the Sida, &. While their mosi =nmarble -1succes ha bean shown in ouring gftdaobe, Yet CIÀ5TX1R'à LIvr zLvra tPiLLa eequally valuabla in Constipation, curing andi preventing this annoyirig complairit, whll they amo c,,,rrect ail disorders of tMe stomach, W ~late the liver andi regulate the bowsea ,Vt it they enly cureti Ae ltheIlYlwould ha almost priceles; te those w.suffer tranm this tistressing complafiét, but fortruately tiieir goodriesr doesant end bore, anid those who once try them wll flinti these littia pills raluabie ini so mariy ways tha they wil nt bhawilling to do without them. But sitar ail zick heati la tihe bans oif so many lives that here la whert w. maire our great brait. Our pilla cure il wiile others e donet. 0C&aTltTa LITTLz L LviI PILLI are very om&U andt ry esy to taire. On or two pilla maki a dose. Tbay' are stretly vegetable and dd aet grpe or purge, but by theit gontda action lIase ail who use themn. TI viais a 25 Centi; iefor #i. Sbld everywhere, or sent by mai. CAITU ICIFS C., N 0,lew Tot. hI RU IT nd DRAMNTAL TREE potatoes. We bave the largest assortinent andi ,mploy the latest andi mut improved methods for propogating. Ail stock je carafully pack- ati under oui, personal supMervision, andi ail new yarieties tetod at our trai farms before bein 9 eatalogued. These are the oiy testing orchards corinected with any nrsery in the Dominion. Agets wanted te represent us. Speial atten- tio.n gven te park, cemetery,bonlevard orders. Estimates furnished for sn)piying entire or ehards. Why boy of foreign conccrns or of mititlemen hen yon cau prchase ajs c4eaiy from usoai getbettel, vaine. Our tock jeCaot- adian grown andi almated. Catalogue (E. or F.) frac on application. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Fonthili Nurseries, tihe leading Iaadian tree mon. ONTARIO BN aontinues ta do a Ganeral Banking Business Dawmanville Agancy. DEI>OSITS eaeived in aig rkinpîeartn-eo andi on an irterestallowed atourrerir rates No tceof witndrawalneress,%ry. Ail tiepasts yabla on d aand EXCIIÂNGE Bati&htand solti andin attoissrati lpon liîîopO Vated States andi Canada, aie o God, Slvey and Unlted diates Greeni baokLkiioffeht anti olti COLLECTIONS Per-mptiy madie at ourreîîî rat.as urine aI part f GrealBr! i5tln, iba Unitedi Statas andt Us Deninlon 0aiCanada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smali aanme on ail part of Canada. This le espeojally advantageoud to persons- living in Maniioba or the Northwet, ltmaakes the furde availableata once ab the place of payment. Other particulars cali at tha bank. E. L. FORTT, GEO. MoGILL, Accountant. Manager, BOWIANYILLE BICYCLE -AXND- General1 REPAIR SHOP. wV. -ISH-LE:IGH, Look and Gunsmitia, Spepial Maehinery for handling Bicycle Re- paring ia ail its branches, andi ail Fine Machin- ery, CYUL1STS. Slave your wheels put in tim iiy a thoroughiy practrc.ai machhiilst. Bicycles, Lawn mowers, Sewing machines, locks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cutiery, Loeks, Electrie BIls, Dental andi Surgical Instruments. %aae Leeka, fron, Steel and Brase work of ail irinti. MARKET BUILDING, TheCanadian. Statesman WIEDINE$DAY, AUG. 4, 1897. NO TES AND COMMENTS Soeauntaveurabie commenteaisave beau matie en tsthe laration ait-eet hy Sir Piilip Curria, sahen replyiug ote iademnuafT etTwtik Pacha for a part of Tissaiy, tisai "Engianti couid nt ugrea te restoea a Cisitiar population te Meiammadan ule." Hie ougiite ohava eaiti it aus ascerteti, "Turkis ule,"' for, if Europe objecte te piacing Chiias unter tiesa way eftâ- tiseQmanli, it is net bacause 'tise latter are Moisanmadans, bsut becuase tisay ara Tanrks; taislate say, Mo- bammatians et a puticular type sais are givan t-o readt iein religions obli- gations lu a partieular saay. Tise dis- tirct-iontbise uteIuptetbeiraye ig- rnuaetoftacts anti contusion et tbougist, as sase leurly ehosan tise tisa other day isy an unusually ýNvell- lutoruatianti acuta correspondant et tisa London Gartian.i lise trathisletisaitishe queetion ralseat isy tise danan ft et asfik Pacha le, in tise stricteet sense, a religious anti rot an ethic eue, lu tise tiret place, ih le touisiful if a biseusatutiTTrks et pure Ottoman desceant on lieus aides cent ha feant in isba Tarkiieliempire. Slavery anti polygamy ara evarysaiere and ti aal tisasg fatal te parity et breet. Tbis lseampisatically irua of tise Tarissiseapire, anti cspecially et lie officiel classes, frons tisa Sultan tioxr-- stard. For fine isuntret yeaus ne Sul- tan et Tnnkcy bas hati a Turkish me-- tiser. Siree tise tise et Bajazet 1. tisa mot-sera et Tunkisis Sultans isave beau .laves, lanrnci cases aushuveti Chnie- tiare. Tise muihar oethtie preseni Sul- tanisaus an erehaveti Armenian, anti tise lelief is sideepreati umong tisa Modems et Constantinople tisai iss fatiser aise saus an Armenian lu tise service et Abidul Madjiti. Thsis explains tisa siîvarng suspicoucsie s it-h saicis bc le iucesanitly haunteti, anti the fury sait-h saiich afttar'the tasision et rare- guda!s hae assaîls hie Armeniar kinnsen rinentier te tiiearm tise jealeusy et bis Meiammedan subjecta- Tise Osmanli, considanati as a whiole, are tisa mesi mixet people sait-S tise hourds oet tiein iseterogeneous empire. Tise proceset teraciuiizing tisa Tanks hue beau uc-- cemplic'heti mainly tismorigi inierai'u- niage anti concubinage saisth; te uh- jeci pepulations, bltiai hahueaise bren poserfully acceleratet liy two tacts. Tiesatire t esea sutisa tibuiret ciiltran fonmanly leviati hy tisa Sultan or hie Chrletian sejcte, ant inuoa- lng te eue bey lu fine t tise age et igisi Tihseaciiltren ha tise sigu et ise.cross irdelibly isandeti on the coes oet thein fart se isýaitbey mighi aiways Icampla oni; eut- rt <iem w as formadth ie fameas cerps et Janiza- ries. Tisa officiai civil service et Tam- kcy saus- aiso adminisierat by trib- uta ciilt rer; oet tie fart- igis par- suas sahe iscame Grand Viziere aft-r t-he ronquesi ot Constantinople, unly twelve sacre native Tanks. Thsis yeur- ly infusion oet a large, sirdans etChris- tian llooti long ugo tieminutedth ie Oc-- munît alamant, anti alongeide .e t came anotiser sireainssaiich s euh con- tinues te flosa ie tisaeilurkisis sys- t-cm. Wr rosa rater te tise cempuisery convarsions et Christians, saiicis goas on iupessantly. Dr. Lapehue, aft-r a cretaliInvestigation et recant avarie lu Armenaia, avers tisat in addition to tise 100,000Armeriaus muesacreti iy orrer efthtie Sultan t leasi anotisar 100,000 have jr tiseir deepair beau terce totebeceme Miisameduns. Ia tise naxi genemation tise descendants et these mer salli becomne tanaticul Moslems. . % nvile" lnucis for tis eatisolegical qurd- _____________________________tien; it is evident tisai thoce whe .op- Roc heste r Route oetise subjaction oet Gisistiane te ue xk muet <iljecit tiste latter as Moisammatiane, aa ret as user et Dure Ottoman desceat., Ndxv let as inquire whestiser jfdieisÈedan ule le <w can ha lanauy country or lu tis a bads oet any race toleraible for a sabjaci Chris- tian Population, lu tisa balet et ortie-4 .diox.IMsianseeue Korana is tise final Str"P' %îRU FÎIi N"1 G reveat-ion et Godt teman, anti avery- Commencing May ird. thing ordamedti ierein le Imusuta;bit. SOUTR-1BOUND Tisa Itiran places Christ-jarns uder an LY. PortHIope, Ont. l'North King-... 2.30 pm. irrevocu;bla ban. Tisa, Koran, hsow- Ly. Cobourg, Ont. .-... ' evr l etp'tiuiylisuis .l Ar. Charlotte, N. Y. .....-710 e - Lv. " N.Y ..antiN.ll.R 714 inr thaory, the ultimata tribunal et ap- Ar. Ilochestar, de 7.40 " peula, ihe iVoiaixidau wenid. A bsody NORTH rOUND, et jurisprudence lhue grewn up îarount LY.Roechester,N.Y.,N.Y.C.,anti F.R.R,.. 555 a.m hi, calaedth ie Sisraia, on "scre.t bia," Ar. Charlotte do -8.538 a.mnwihýe.r uhtesierlto Lv. l'"Forth King'.....8.40 ain sili iusmests aerlto Ar. Cobourg, Ont. ....100 P.m te the Koira, tisaitishe decreffetoforcu- Ar. Port Hope ......1.4,5 p.m meuiacu eils beaa, teiseBble lu %UBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Caibolie theolegy. lu tisc codas ara For Furtiser paticulars apply te,laddsnteorinucsiaigvm SIPOTT & JURY, ltiareaowns býaîweau ise Mhammati-r Agents, Bowmarville. h eain ewenteMhýmd GILDRSLEVEun subjeci et a illînsuîman power anti GeeH. GILERSEE e, Kn n tise raya, or noa-uuslman eaîiject. Tisse relations are absolately un- clangeable; t-bey are articles et faits GRAVE,-ROBIBER'S DIARY. la tisa eyes eft evary ertisodex Meisar- A grueso'me pulIcaioin i " Tise Diury madara. Sema etfibese immnuable luas ot a Resurctadi," a canular docu- are tise foliowig. Tise raiya muet roi ment aew printeti for the tfirett ur nl possees arme; ha carinet give avitierca London. Tisa diary sas kapi ly J'os- aphs Naples, a memnbar ofthtie principal aginst eassulrnu; lia is obligadti t gang tisai sapplIc tisa London hespi- puy a yaariy mneomn for permission te taise sit-b subjeets, anti sans freinsNoe- live tuing tisai yaar; lie pays alL the vembar, 1811, to e jacemier, 1812. iù ae eit uaimsumuat talla waaithey tilt nigisi by nigisi,tae vidna,-Llusma ada aviera tisey -tent, wviera ihey got greant mary moDre, tise totalainounting .4rsab, wsasa luebi tiay bat, te sain for tise Chisittns et Turkay teo 67 par thay cold.thtie Ldies, anti stiat.profit cen. etftisir irceme. Tisougis net al- thay matir, Tise original is lu tise noyal Collageet Suingeorne. ioaedt t serve lu tis aamy a Christian is obligeti te puy t on a 'subtitute. lu IMPSsBLE.Turkey tise biigaiiou begins ai tis end Zroane-Can a man go tiging on eft îisea menthe anti continaueart-il Standay anti st-ilha a ChristianI Towne-INo; tise fiis neyer bita weîî tirais. Isiamic lhvs punses tisa Clris- encugh for tbat. tian te tisa grave anti mukes hlma pay nase.h leconforing id knosa, tisera- foratisai altisoulgis tisa lüsiof cuchs aasreporieti darinlg tise1 yaar lesuf- fieiaently formidable, inquiry shows tisaitishof isaviýnig any fteàuaitiatOnf tact are se ramiî as te give paaýibýilit-y ChiIdrenCyfo for a huriai certificate tisewordqd: f'Wa certify to tise priest of tisa Churcis of Mary tisatishe corrupt, putrid, stink- iîng bsody of Zarid, damned-i- e., tiaad--yestarday, çmay lie conceaird un- tier grounti." It is obvions tisaitisea aws put Cisistians througisout tisa Mohammedi- an soriti in a stata of ouilawry. De- priveti of armes, tisey cinnot defanti tisamselves. Naitiser have they any redrees for injuries at la)w, for tiseir evidenca will flot be taken against a Mussulman, and no Mussulman will giva avidaýnca on beasaf of a, Christian against a f ellow Moslem. The resuit is tisatiio crime is, ever punisised wisen committeti by a Moisammedlan against, a Christian, Tse.se, wa ra- peut, are net Turkisn laws alona; they are aise tise lws of Mýorocco, Persiu and AfgisanisËan; tisay have prrvuiled lu ail Mubammatian countries f rom Mo- isemmeti's time to our rwn. Tise Sultan iimself le under tise dominion ofthtie so-calleti "sacred iaw," and canet ai- ter it in any particular without tisera- by tor eittig bis ibrone lutise eyes of tise faitistul. Tise moment, however, that he receives an ultimatum f rom a-ny power wiih ha bas ne reasonable hope of overcoming, ha e is ound te yielti iy tise- sacred law, whicis foriids hlm t0 yieid otiserwlsa. Henca thse sig- nificanca of Lord Saliebnry'e dase.qis of Oct. 20, 1896, lu whicN he eventuall'.y got thea otiser powere te agrer te tise principle et ceercion, isefore thay pro- posati any more reforme forTuey Witisout ceercien reforras in Turkey ara simply impossible; i le tise ralig- roue duty of every Moammedlar, from tise Sultan downward, te reelet until coercion is certain on refusal. Actuai coarcion, however, need neyer isa ap- plîed if tise Sultan le cenvinced tisai tise application jei nevitîabla in tise event et contumacy. Tissu it is hie duty te yielti, "lest diamage eboulti an- eue te sa,. The WJisea question, therefore, atout* handing hýack a pert of tise Christian inhabitanis of Turkey te tise Sulian'e rule îs a religlous one, anti Sir Pisil- ip Currie it tise nail on tise head when ise calleti attention te tise fact - Tisa coitract juet ilet for tise great electrie plant te ho cennecrd a i naxv un:on raïlway station in Boston. is a somev4aat srprisiag axiibit efthtie uses te whis.listisealactric current le now appliei. Includeti Iu tie service te lie perfermed by the plant are peower, heai, light, ventilation andI refrigera- tien. Taen boliers will bse placeti in tise poer lieuse couiloment, anti compound angines of 1500 horse-power. Ninetean electrir- lavators aînd 1if te wiii liedis- trihutadt lrougisout tise buildings, and, travelling cranes tv'iere neadati. Tise iseatitag le te ha doue by hot bluet and temspered air, turnâhked by fans driven by aiectrirc motors, und thes ventilation whîl be assîstad isy elacirleamlly tivan xaxisnt fans. Tweinty toof et npar day wiii lia matIe on bisa pram4M,, and twaînty-five drinkiuýg teuntuins supplied by a refrigeratlng plant. tisar elêc- tria features enabrace a tira service sys- troa, elaciricaily drivein punrpes, cem- paesseti air, plpieg, ina and jsnotv niait- are fer fourteen acreSý of roof s, 'hot watar and-ti tem, supplies, arc amd lu- candescent ligisis und two large inter- lockiug towers. 'A fews days ago a group ef works waa oeupedai Sisoretiltois, Lontion, at wisicis bause refuse ie te lie useti for generat-' issg ail tise alectrie ligisi ant power re- quirati iy tisa district, enti for ieatÎîug water for batshaoses, wsash bouses, anti otiser purpeses. Thse bouse rýfusea rora tihe part ot London -bas hitisarto 'bran narrieti iy barges ouite c, ea ut a cost of oc. a ton. Tise plant, ceverIng an acre anti a halt, comprises a dust de- strucior, lectric station, baiie andi wasis bouses, tecisnical instituta anti free library. OIn tisa grcand fleOr a duast cari discisarges ics contants jute an elactric 1fti. Tise rubisci is hoist- ati antid lro)PPedtiln Oof tibla firy celle. Gases pusOnt of bise celle ilahroagis tisa bolier tubes,.lThe capac- ity of combsetion le about 120 ions of refuse par day.. Nobhjiis lefaf tufer tisa combuiistion litai' clknkar,, anti tht iÉ salabla for nsakiag roade. ,Se great a Lhaat ûe maintainati htisiahi nex- loue vaponreara coresmi. strr>ng repressive polira force, tiseceai ot wviici s lete be laviati upeon acertain section efthtie native community. if ibfis policy le followreti rp, as h. tdeubt- lae still lie, bot-b tiseLout(Ior nant Inl- dian govarrimantsbleing saidt behafui- iy aive to tise gravity efthtie!situation, anti tise aci ofiettiseseditione press te tise rkaim tisaitistersder iisay ra- prasant cannot reasonabiy bha tkan înie accouait. In thie Garman mortua- rieas, la whicis tiousande of deati are re- ceiveti, andthie most ishuiorate prapara- tiens are maiiete noie any changes tisai may occti$, tnot a cingla6 case of rasuscitation ýhss beau noteti. Tise cama leistrnu ef tise Freincismortuaries, niaintainati for a different purposa, anti of tis, umiierons morgues lu otisar countrIes. Despite tise assurancoe givra by sucis lnqullry antiobscervation, isewever, it woulldlie uirua kte ay tisai cases of prematuire huril neyer occur. Tise very faci tisai veil attestetýiInstances have occuirrati wherr parsons preneune- eti deati hava basa feunti t e lia u tate of trancýe or catai.ey, les sfficient evi- dence of tise occurrence of cimilar casas In which tise tiscovery bas not beau matie in urne, lTai change of position et liodies in cofftire openeti afiar buxial, someimîes noieti, proves nothîng, anti is euily ucconitati forf hy tise genera- tien of gasas, tisa pee)t meniema contrac- tion of inauwels, ori tisa cessation of tise riger suertis. Duit tisaitishere is a smnit-iri ns hope, infiniiesimat-un- ruai parcentage ot pramature hurils les baycod question. Antias aven oe snob case luin amililion intermnents woulti infliit ulpua an impotant iumun ha- ing a torture isideous bayonti compara, it is. singutar Chtisai alis spoAsiiliiy lu view, rie repe hava bren taken ùte make tisa proof o etaasohuta. True, in mort locaitiaýs tel ibis country wra rerpnure a deatis Vrt#fieMa bafora bubilel. But ih is gena-raliy, if net ai- ways, buseti upon Cisa assomptionet deatis by tillephysnkians or friands, rot upein tiseapplication ot tests saiicis pl1ace it liayoli doaht. hIùwill hac ai, etf couxse, tisai tisera ara, alsanys pras- eut ln deuiL certain aigre wbicis te tisa practiceti piysielan, irdicate is reality, and t ta tise genaral kuosaletiga et tise posibiiiy et prematara buriai isa et li sufficieil te insuna tise tabi- Iig by friessdý3 etall necessary pra- cattela agaînet t Dut a receni extentiat dirbeussien et tisa subjectih in Egilard,,raiNes tieuni as tec ivis tiser any et tise accapiti aevi- tien'ces of dets, short efthtie ganarai de- onsposition te sbody, can lia regard- ad as abselsyte. It Las heênsown tisai apparaintiy compiete faiuWB of e respira- tien anti ot carbiac action, sitistise ctlnagaaling r0f tise blooti, regartiatia.s tCha moat decisive proots, have occur- mati, wlthout lita haeinîg extinci. More- ovar, tisa isurauce against prama- taira istrbal terivetitrom tisa diffusion etf Itrowaetge ef t ls danger, is te a large axtent discouinird by tise relief fait ut tise teparisitraet of urdensome depentients. Notising sawotlia edrue teo haicin theïr iakiug off, but in thse faeling Ct iis a nrelief for ah con- cernai, tisera sili alwayo eha acertain neaglgence lu tnaking aesrancaeto deatis douMsy sure. Tisai ust certain preautLon wouisemito e h a ra- opiramant tisai evary physician carti- fyirg te, a deuils, sisotnhit make sucis an exambruatien as wlll rentier tise preof ot deatis ahsut, e, anti etate tise nuture etftisai proot, lisutbjaci is a grexv- coma oSe_, but a test wini- wouid bha tiecisiv-evru tisa citirîg t a main amtery-seuilti ha infinîtely praterabla te ttha borrrilile chance of premnaiujre Lntermeut.1 Disturisances lu India lieginning saish tise siooing by co(ýncealeti natives et two Bris officiais ai -Pionais, anti foliow- atI ly serionas riots ut Ciitpur, rear Cal- cuita, hava excitadtheis gravasi arxiety on tisa part te bots tise Lontien anti Calcutta govaraments. lise immedilate cause of tise outlireuke le doubltise tise vigorous matsotis employati ly tise au- t-senties le stamping ouitishe brisonlo plagua, tise consequeni visienca dona te tisa religious sentiments anti social cus- toms ofthtie natives, bots Meisammetiane ant inusn, andthis inciieenite dis- turisarca given liy tise radical. section ot tisa Indien presse. Tisa latter bas isean openly tiafiant, advocating armed rasistance to tise saarcbing parties, anti ihreaaeiang in aoc mary words tisai if tisa geverument did not suer menti its ways, tiesaceairs of the mufiny of 1857 might again lie sitnesset. iJeerneatis t-hie cause of camplafint is a strong anti-Englisis anti anti-Chrictian feeling, due amog tise Moisanmedans iamgaiy Ù,tep se ccesful nti unpusslisati aire- VICTORIA"S REGAL RIGHT. Wlîh lire Niace of illlt«lai l, M%,- ',s ýile«l go tire Tht-aie, Several nesaspapars, lu axplainlng te iheir reatiere hoxv Quean Victoria cama te succeeti William IV., eay ih wu Lie- cause chai was bis rince. Tisut is tise trais, but only haifthtie trutis, for Wil- liamri IV., hati r is&se anti otisar nices, George lIP.stiret, seconti, third anti tourti sosns saere reepeciiveiy tise prince, et Wailes, uftenarrt George IV-., whio tiiet ciiltilese lu 1830; PIF rirck, Diaka Ot York, who tuit lun 1827; aise saish- ont ciiltran; William, Duise et Clar- anc-e, whie tiieti William IV., Jura 20, 1837, saltiout iawfui issue, anti Etwarti tnkaetfKent aindiSire tieamu, anti rari ot Diabhij, w1bo diati January 23, 1820; ageti 53, Iaaving us tise sole issuaet fhie marringe saith. Princess Victoria etf Laningan, a baby tiaugisier new Quran Victoria. lise Quean succeeieti Wil- lIam IV., net isecania Èhe saas impijy bis niece, bu tisecause sse saus hie only ciilti et tisalireibsenext te hlm lu ihae.rder of succession. HadQuaruVic- inria hati a lireihar, sesaould in al prolialiuity rot hava beaui a pereonaga et bletorical calebrlty, cavalun thse con- týigeuey oft sncceatiug hlmn.HIPer igis saere tisse tisait evoivetioenlbar trons lber faihar. At thse time se succeedati te tise timone han uncls-tha Lubies of Cumeirlanti, <of Sss anti Cam-- briidge- weiere living, y ounger brotisers et bar tatiser anti junior te hlm lu tisa liraetfsuccession ru tisaentier nain-- et. Tise tinteet Cumberlandi, wiso be- William IV., sais a man et sucis des-. potic temuper andi prîncipies tisai al Englauti charileth ie Prince-se Vicier-- lu as etandiilg lietseenl h anti hic sur- cession te tleiis trene. leha hutilawful iLssue, are Sud tisa Dtske et Cambridige. lise tintasetfSussex, Pa most estima hie murn, marriadti sice, but these unions balfng repuignunit tiste provisions et tisa rOyal marriage ai-t, hie ciiltrern sarreliarreti frein tisalinaetfsuccession. Frmatisa revelution et 1688 rose tisa Jacobie party, matie up oft tiosa saio support-ad the cause et James IL, his cens anti descendants. Tise picinreeque modern Jacobttes de net recegniza Quen Vitoria, deelphte the tact usai bier succession L- due te bier Stuart blooti, fer che, Ls a direct descendant et Elizabeth, tiaughster et James I., te w he haire tiille te tise tismona de-- volveti by tise art et settlement on tise rhAtt*ii etAnar. WEIRD FUNERAL. carTentàîÈaeS Afelîlissglhie Bhl ra I ,llir- flira PrRe«î. Especialix ween ho caunpurchase the gooti article for a reasonabie sum of Imonec'v, therefere if you v, sli, a m-atelo clocik, wc.dding ring. spectildýes, a wdi uîng- present, a birthday present or able ware for vour own use caîl at Rickard's. No bOetter goods for your money ln, Canada. Any amount of (pretty things.' Bowmanville,Cauadiali, and Jubilees Souveîiior-. Aill heft goods anti many more being sold ai prices within thse reach of every oîne. Also Sewing machines of three mak@8 Eyesight carefully anti ecientificafll testeti free, Grocers' due, bills tukan as cash. T. N. RI CRARD, Watchmaker, Jeweller and OpticiIIn, Bowmanville. Evesîisi t ested Firee. CURE BIUIOUSNESS CONSIPATIONËI SICK IIEADACHtE ... . LI~VER TROUBLES S alaxtiv, ne illact perfectiy, and if a stronger action s desîred a cathartic effect is produced by two pilîs. In ohstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, thre pis Offl be found sufficient. These pis leave no unpleasant after effect. One pili taken each nightt durînq thirty days will cure constipation. PRICî 25C. aion 5FRs$1.00 BRtTISH CAPITAL ail ta90Iî-p Brîild tire CsirCentral A cablagram to Vaneouver, BOC., Nothing coalti ha aiirder tisan tise amount et $400,000 bas beaun suliscribeet' curions ceremonies attautiiug tise bar- for tisa construction etftisa Cassiaxi il et a Barman pnieci, er, aslite is Central liailsaay lu Cuesiar District, caliet in lubs osaisdraaeny ceuntry, nortisama pari t ofritis Columbsia. »~ "Ipieengysie." charter was grantedtheis company a#t Tise faneraitioers net tuke place an- tise lasi session efthtie Provincial Lag- tii tisrae menthe ut ter tiaath, tise corpse isiature, saiicis aise gave aid isy ie isaviug beau meaunsaiile precarvet in concession et a leuse et 700,000 acres oâ honey, anti placet lu a hax-lika cet- lard andtIhis rigisete ail mineraIs, in.- frn et mary colore anti extrxaontiiuary clutiing gelti anti silver foundt theraîn, emnamentatiins. Teward reen the Parties cennectati wiS tise Transvai pulsiug paueeofthtia drenhng day is miniug enterprises are liehiat t-he broen isy a hum et far-asaay ina- company, and t i expeciedth ie pro-- ttilons wiih ise andi fahi drexvsily, ject illii leadti t large tirvelopîmant. anti eue kuosas tisai tisa iumia.l cervice Tise Caselur District is suppeseti telie 15 geing forarnt. nichisnluminierais, iying us it doas bha The coffin isas ben ruisati te the top tween tise Kootanays on tisa soutIl et a isuge gîldati bamiso earetior, anti andtihie Yun go geie lds on ,thse le beiug swunng maeuuotoueusly te anti nonsh. Inutise sas-y tays Casa ai fro on tis a bre sheultiere et 40 or 50 yirldati mucis placer gelti. B urmans. Tise chantiug neyer crases,_________ nom tise qa&epr glidiung buebisard anti for- warti. Mme. Nrwlyw et-M-arguierite-, tise cakes Until cusaitise iniatutions eliai iis mrnug saseesimply vie-m» asaay on t-be stilly air sitiseut a Pause1fhsbaat compiainet itterly eft tiera1 Tisertisa cotfi.a la ebet off tisa bambou Tisa Cook (jevialiy)-Arrah, ibm! Au' erectii ontotisa fumrai pyre, antias pisot titi a' ya tell 'ira ye rindi 'nsyrr- thea met sur sinke tise aisole tisjug le set ilt, an' ise'ti jeshi ta tse cnti kape aligisi. hie morth shut. iti -~~" high standing in the community, whon have spoken and written of the merits< .> I of Quickcure, show that it is an honejst j remedy of great 'efficacy. Note the testimonials ini this issue. is cliecked isy the revival of thse press HA P A E censorsisip law, there i littie proha- >P A E bility tsat tise troubles will greatly ~ Cohslae spread,. But the grievances of thse In- iver ,Au checcaýi ttîan people-the drain of wealth by ex-,I lIas removeui his works to die well ceesive taxation, tise inequality of the known Eastern flouse. treatment of Eliglisismen and natives in the matter of civil service examin'a- PRicEs:-For eleaning, digand tions, the sciseme of education by whicis beau--tifully pressing an Oecot75 Indians are excluded from the higher cents; Udmplete Suit $1.50. Th'Iese offices, thse bureaucratie tendencies of prices are not "More than onie halrf an over-centralized administ ration, etc .1 what you would have to pa yn -will tili resaain and continue topress other Dye Works, and the work wfl for redresa,, With ail the beneficence be as goodi as can be (1onýe anly- of Britfish rtile in Inidia, a benaficence where, k6-m patent and diffiruit to parallel, tisera __ Le no rlanying tisa facl tisai in sorne- ~ S respects, notably in the coudition of thse great predomiinant agricultural clas, thse country is now worse off tison for- marly. Some of thise adverse condi- tions are no d6ubt the direct rasuits of a more isonesi adminietration and better protection of if e andI proparty, antd for otisers Enrgland may not be re- sponsibie, but tiasasme of tisa evils complained of are due to thse British system of domination and ius adminis- tration, there is no reason to question, Neverthelass, witis a vast population in-j creasing isy millions every yaar, and ýpressing steadiiy againsitishe limite of subsistence the problems -n isicis con- front the Britishs rulers of India must seem well-nigis insoluble. A e