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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1897, p. 1

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lit i lui 5 TERMS :-$1.50 PxR AŽNNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor an<ý Proprietor. NEw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR1O, WEDNESDAY, AUJGIJST 11, 1897. VOLUME XLIJ Nýo. 3 3. NO '. e G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G I i i G G G G G G G G G G G G G i_ eeylon Tea.. In these days of* Package Teas one sornetimes hesitatcs as to the particular brand to use. :If you decîde on Kîiýýcora Ceylon you will make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending-, combining Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of 1.1lb au d 1 lb each, in black and black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c and 50c per pound. Caîl at Yo0Uiig & Co., adget a package and you -will be'convinced of its superior excellence and delicious fiavor. We are special selling ag-ents for Bowmanville of the.-e fine Teas. nOur Grocery and Crockery stock is com,' -te. We ask you toe favor us with a trial order. Pro(], ce taken. CHINA \IIALL9 YOUING &C0O. ~owmanvi11e. The Grocers. miter VnSecuri"e your Furniture at M. D. WILLIAMS, & SON'S Tyt'one Pce-.Visited,. .is th',e time COIJCH, JOIINSTON & CRYDEIRMAN'S is the place, to buy cheap goods. From tQ-day they will seil ail Blouses at or under cost. Blouses worth $1.35 and $1.50 now foi' Blouses worth $1.00 now for 75c. These Blouses are ail new, perfect fitt- ing goods 'made by Williams, Greeni & Rome. Ail Paraso1' .every one new, now selling at cost. A lot of new Dress Goods at about haîf prîce. A lot of Prints worth lOcnow 6c. ' Prints worth 12,1c, now 8c. Scotch Ginghams worth 12ùc, now 8c. Silver Silkis regular price 35c, 110w 20c. Dress Muslins, regular 12ýc, now 8c. Orirandy Muslins worth from 25c to 35c 110W 20c. Blouse Silk§ worth 25c, now 18c. These are ail new goods but they must be sold and wiIl jbe- sold at the prices advertised, Mou9fl dohuIoN ïryfevun. BOWMANVILLE. Aln Old 13oy's f4olidlay. CHAPTER VIL I maps liung in their truc positiono Weil, we walh along pusftue facto.y plionie methoti of teaching, no lts of creek where fhe sundry cooldips ive en- things which to-day are in flic curricu- joyeti there on bot tinys arc comnîenfei mmii of schooi routine, we were tauglit on up flic steep littie bilulnnd stop nt somine things and fauglit tliem wcll.I Poliard's corner totiraw ou. breafli anti shall not lin-or. f0 give any incidents of talk a minute or t"o. Mr. Samuel Pol- 0that tie.r Miime wici fhougl fa. lard is on the hornesteati yet, 1 suppose? away uow, seems but as y esterday, but Yes! anti a gooti job for Tyrone hli, will proceedti o fake a summnry Ôbser- f00, for l'in sure I don't know wbavatio of flic newer better sent of leamn- flic" woulti do without hirnm f , or ysg cow or any of ler durnb animal is The iuew building is of mcd brick with sick ifs; "senti for Mr. Poliard right suîate rooflng built aff cm fli most mi- away !" e Iarly knows what if cru anti approveti methotis is situafeti is f0 get a gooti niglit'.siee p sudh are fiirtliem back lu thle pînygrounti flian flic deunands on bis fimie anti patience. the olti one, in order f0 admit of n flour- Nom is ifthfli lower ortie. Of creation ihinig1 lawn anti fiower border. befweý en alone wlio benefit hy lis minfistmafions, if aiflic h street The interior is diviti- Yen coulint finti a boter c nur8c for flic' cd( into seniur anti junior compartmenfs, sick room in ail the country side. fon,ýciers',cloak-roorn, basement whicli Physically powerful, anti tender as any jserves as cieakrooun for flic pupiLs anti woman bis ser'vices8 especialiY iii flic p fliavýroom for tliem in stormy wcatber. worsf cases are invainabie Everybod1y A f'nnace supplies the léien. Spécial knows lis dévotion tote lcnterests orf attenition was paidtiefoventilation lu flic Liberal party antiyet-there is nef a bu1iiding. The numorous wiuidows man, womnan or chilti, Ont or Tor,,h a ve uîliform dark green shades te pro- Whio bas auglit to say against -Mr ,ol tect flic pupils' eyes from lichegî lard as a truc frientiandit perfect fowcr w hiili luiflic olden times we founti se of strength i!i l hors of distross. HfR11Ning. The sclhool'. high standing is misseu bis calliin' soineho w! M. 1.) i n-27,ubiy sustaineti ly the touchers, shoulti have been tacliet on lis name(,Mis ses Mowbray, ndit Potter. I lad lich long ugo, but as I obsorvoti before if s iý-ensume of meeiting those young indues gooti joli for Tyronleoilslier." 1 anti must acknowietige fhoy wene cen- Mn Levi Skinner is fount iluhis usual tainiy more winniing and liope inspiring place where his father liveti for mav fan some sternu uncornprising -types cf years before lini. îHe combines xit[fli 0wmule persuasion with whoîn wc bl generai farming, flic railin of stock f0 do. farininw, Mmille Reeofep. Coitf An eamby dinner is awaifing ou. ar- fathr-i-1 awMr.Robrt Cllal ;rival affen flic scliool lispection to usedt f bc tfeliargcst breeder as Mr. ,which WC do amnplejustice, aftemwarti 1 Skinner is uow the ierg-est lu this lii - 1fake myv hlood's friCnd ouf witli me médiate vicinitv..Crowning flic step ),te take n lasf lok iuthefliantiscape te hilside is Mr. SumucI J. Iliry's oý heirtofmol home, eeflicnl ianvibie aoii os a goolicarfeti ni y back once nmore on flic little village feloani amuio a l orsbyteiaite ixxiere flic majority of flic inhabitants felo ad I aflic sbtErinnsil-are fa. more deeply interestei ini fli d.iving fnom hr al h wyt Ens eese nuitiswine hv-iaw f han flicregu- kzillen f0 b ielî th(,flicchurdliof 4luisintos inflic taniff, in th(-.,ise anti fal chidlood. of fatrm produce flan flic fluctuations of 1 aieauxieus te ask about fli Clan WVall Street. ', Isen"t this iovely nous ivIa live jîîst east of flic creel eno11ugh for Arcadia ?" I ame saying where WC bave lv fIls fiuncconminceti hlaitef0myscif. "Look olt ho. nt fliose fisluiuug.When I artin tidwaiting for, miiiles anti miles ef sccncrv " Just hike a nibll I finti eut frein mv frienti Ia a pictune, I mean a prettier oneo tlan tliey wcrc f0 le ,'fount(1iljisf aslI eff. aîy vc veseen paiteti Togeflier WC teniorlvseaui ginn l wni ok at the varieti effeef s of greculanti prosperity. Mrs. Win Ciîainouî, 5r. bownchaps of woodinqitf lives with bier son Edward antid (bai il'tiottei ure anti there, hli, Samnuel Channon thougli quife snu lb niplaýin trhig nanio yet lias given fhe reins occi' te i h tieswoýs continution unt i theiofty Jonathuanî.Miss Sarahi Clininon i sti Pn iiesronsfi îlifsý bousekeeper for lien fatlIier -l *urj o jl sires th;rowniinfo vvit roet SFinding Imurst stop taiking if i woi' b fl- ic ieloudless bic.etf lcdistant lie- succeet inlacoaxlnpg flic shy ittie fjizoui. " Yes, I suppose ifs rafler lows oui ny ioolk, I kcep quiet fbeugiî pretty" says mny trienti, abseni., "but as WC walk dc'wn flic irl~ past Ge'>,;sonteliow WC never gef mudli finie te Lune's, I, look ut lis ai several of l. ir seC what fhings look like Tliey say farin liuses1Jknow. Two 1 rav mouifi is a' gooti farmiuîg counfry ! Ifeci tien Messrs. Jas and. Robert ýCoflacutr' àlke sbuking bim flou andîti lere but faruns bathith le giory o!flice mo'man suideul. rcnuember some one cisc xvlo ing sunisline. Two oftAMr. Jas. Colla couden't apprecinte flie beauties oftfils cnft's marrieti dauliteu.slilve in Trn home until if ivas home to liiu no long- flic wives oet Messrs JohnlluPliuoreniic. Coiwiii, respectiveiv. "I travelied many wlnding xvays, We tarei Tyroneward atter fwo or Thaf îveamy seemed f0 me, f lree urs of filhîing7, I ut lasf, eiafe in ludut ngbf s anti wintiy tiys, over flic couple dozeîu beauties we e To finti sweef Arcadie. captureti anti the lunch etf treslî wafenu- The shepherds stand ou i ethler luanti, cross wc lave pidleti along flic banîý s. We fain woulti go witl flic Our trophies une given info sale 1keoP- Save for oui siuecp, te that sweef handi ing anti witli fli promise of a feasf forTInt far offiArcadic, dinner, I go down to liave a liffle fik' wif h Mr. anti Mn.. Samuel Bond, wlio Along flic selff same wa 'y I tare, up f0f his time 1 lave nof caîlet i ýl.îpon. Anti sheplerds nsk of mae, Tlieso e ien dltty olti people keep'uac ,H as t foundt fose geeneldts unywherc? entertaineti indcfliciv but 1Il vi 0Yen; but flic peop'fedwelling tflore heave ut ierugtli, I arnglati te lieabi eI t( Know not fis Arcadie." assure flem l ow weill feir son, M. ______ John S. Bond, is toing in thlicity, I notice the Sons' Hall lias ladsme nlia fancy lettcring donc siace I left. Th 'eay-rhad roue Division, Sons of Temperance,No 126, i. f0 be seen ou ecdiof flei font Windows. If is apublic holiday Queou-ýi's3 Birthiay sewemuake atfloroug npc tion oftflicnew school. fliclast1mbut' not by aniy means flchensf l imprt ue tands at the Head of Her etfflic places visifeti. Tymone i. p rend of ifs public schooi system anti las a Professioni. record second te noue lu West Dunýxam, Thc présent building i. flic resaIt of n disastrous lire wbidi some years ai-o SeSek swaîîowed up fh l onee. 1 iianot Se pakAbout Paine's Celery say tîcre was nîncl bcautxr about flic, poor olti place, but wliut did we ouini,,, Compound. sters cane if flore were no lnws cof architecture, by whicli if cou l ,e ce- - ognizetino aimhwnt ter 0fof ts - The immonfal "Surah" provokes alsnowamllu iurof iea enfîusiasm, admiration anti curiesifv few feet of flic blazing wooti lire, n11r0r I pensbfr li ul~ antibus îîeve liati an equal in flie history of flic stage. Let your Charity be Surah Bernhart fulhy appreciates flic immense ativantages et healtl anti bright and attractive. sfrcngtlh for oue in hcur profession, anti COURTICE. Mr. Cecil Welch, town, is visiting Mr. A. J. Oke, Lake Shore.. . .Miss Don- caster, town, wns guest of Mrs. R. F. Richards iast week.. .. Mr. Wiliims and Miss Arnoldi, Ennishilien, viiteti Mr. Geo. Pearce recentiy . . . . r. Lesie Hall, Toronto, is visiting bis sister ?lrs. S. S. Brooks... Miss Lawless, Grafton, was guesf of Rev.Dr, Marvin iast week ...Mr. El! Osborne lad a fat sbeep stolen iateiy, lie las rernoveti the re- maining ones f0 a pince of greater se- curity ... . Miss Mabel Walter is visiting frientis in Keene ..Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Courtice, visited Rev. IL. Pheips, Miil- brook, this week Pailiti faces indicate paie, thin blood. R'osy chceks show the pure, ridli blooti resuifing from taking Hooti's Sarsapar- ila. HAMPTON. Visitors : Mr.' anti Mrs. W. Pascoe, Toronto, at Mr. A. Trenouth's ; the Missses Hiarris, Bloomfield, at Mr. T. Bnrrow's; Miss Lord, Newtonville, af Mr. J. Lord's;, Mr.and Mrs.Ciatwortby Bown anville, Mr. J. Madas, Miss IL. Gniiy, Toronto, at Mr. J. Clatworhy's; Mr. anti Mrs. T. Eliiotf are rusticatîng at Ciesarea. .,. Rev. E. E. and Mrs. Howard are awav for a vacation.. Mr G. Gaie took cliargý of his work Sun - day ... .Mr. B. Stevens is sick ..Sone farmers have finisheti cutting. Thrash- ing is now the order of flic daY.... Miss Adfa Hastings is visifing lier sister Mr.. Jas. Pnbl, Southampton. "Canst fhou minister f0 a mind dis. eased ?" asks Macbetih. Certainiy. my lord ; the condition of fle icmd'depends iargeiy, if not soleiy, onuflic condition of the stomach, liver and boweis, f or ail of which compiaints Aycr's Pis are "the sovcreignest thing on enrti." MAPLE GRtOVE. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Foiey andi Master Eber fook the trip tf0 urleigh Falls anti visiteti friends lu Peterboro. ..,. Mr. Mark Muntiay, jr. ,has gone f0 Chatham, on a business trip,. . . Mrs. D. Ilouck andi dauo.hter, Warminster, are visîting uat Mr. Eti. Powcr's ..Mr,' Ezra Bell, Rochester, i. guest of Mr. S. C. 'Rundlc Master Will Munday lias returned fonBridn. . Miss Ethel Power, Hop, spent Sundayat borne accom- panitiby hir ousin, M.. .Bebee.... Mis Liiba Poerof Toronto, is visif- igho. cousins lie...... Dr. MarIvIn' deis LOf get e"was mc pr ciateti on S unday u enig Nervous debilif v is a common com- plaint, esp-eciaiiy among womeia. The best medical treatment for -this disorder isnprsistent course of Ayer's Sarsa- ariaf0 canse and in vigorate flie bboot. This beitng acconîpiished,natnre wiil do flic rest. TYRONE. Visitors : Mrs. Turner, Brisbiti,Burnt River, Ont ; Mrs., Wm. Beitliand Ethel, Oshiawa;MiW. Thos. X ellowlees, Mr. J. J. Virtue, Toronto. . ..An olti settler, Mr. Chas. Welif, passeti quietlv into rest on, Sunday afternoon. Fu4neral took pince to Bethestia cemetery on Tucsday. Decenseti hut been ailing for a long tiuc anti teath f0 him was nauglif but a release .... Ross, second son of Mrs. R. Hotige met witli a bati accident on Saturday morning by be- ing tlirown from a hiorse. Thoigli ly- ing since lu an unconscions condition lis recoverv is flot despaireti of. .,.. Mr. anti Mrs. 1I. Creeper lad a small gafli cring on Tuesday in honor of their re- cent visitorh, Mr. anti Mrs. C. Potter. There are mnny forms of nervous debilify lu men that yieit f the use of Cnrter's Trou Pis. Those who are froubieti with nervous wcnkness, niglit sweafs, etc., shonit ry them. BLACKSTOCÇ, Mr. Wîn. Parr, merdhant, lins remov- cd f0 Port Perry where le intentis open- ing a store.. .. Miss Holin Hughes, 'for- ontodaugifer ofInspecto. J.L.1Hughes, anti Mr. Wm. Scott, B .A., and childof Toronto, are gnesfs of Mrs. John Hughes.. .. Mrs. Lena Tliextoîi,Lindsay daughter Nona anti son Roy, anti Mr. Sidney Hughes, Newtonville, are visit- ing Ifrs. Rolit. Jobli.. .. Mr. McDonnld of thc Unitecd States is guest of Mr. Jas. Beacock... ; Master Cyril McAin'e of Lîndsay lins returucti home .... M.. D . MeLean lins gone f0 Manitoha... . Miss Una Preston of Toronto is guest of lier aunt. Mrs. ,iobb ....rons are' lookirjo hO, FOR GRIMS' Y PARK. The Methodist Sunday Sehool, Bow- manville, xviii run an excursion to the fameti Grimsby Park, by the popular Steamer Garden City, on Weduesday, 1Aug. 25th. Boat wll ]eave Newcastle ,at 7 o'clock,Bowmanviiie 7:20. Return- i ng wiil leave at 3:45, -ivin- four hours at the park, Tickets'a t low rate of 60c, inciuding entrance to Park, Further particulars next week and iu dodgers. W. E. TiLLEY, Supt. A Sumixusu ,Spiicipc.-Dr. Fowier's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures choiera, choiera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, colic, summer coin- plaint, canker of the mouth and ail bowel coniplaînts of chiidren or aduits, It is a soothing, effectuai and neyer faiiing medicine,wbich gives immediate relief and speedily effects a cure. OSIIAWA. Rev. S. HI. Eastmoan, B. A., has- re- ceived an unanimous call from the Pres- byterian congreglation of MeafordOnt.. .Mr. J. W. Bosburylis boug'ht the Music Hlali pror>erty for $83750. .... About 600 vient on thieGrimsb 'y excursion Aug. 3... Miss M.Luke is holidayin gin Mon - treai .... Miss Edith Scott, Brookiin, was recent guest of Miss Fanniie Storie.... Dr. B. C. Brimacombe andi wife,Marion, Ind.,were recent guests of Mr. E. IL. Vickery.,. ..McCaw's hantisomne brick block was destroyediou Thnrsday iasf. The loss ontfle building ani contents will be about $8000. J. S.Beaton,grocer,' ioss .$3,500, insurance $1,500 ; J. S. Mur- ray, merchant failor, ios1s unknown, in- surance $600 ; J. J Wiikinson,bufuher, loss $200, 110 instiranice. Six pinte giass windows across the street %vere also des- troyed by the heat. WisE Mrm,, KNoW -It is fou v f0 buiidl upon a poor foundation, either ini archi- tecture or in heaif h. A foundation of sand is insecure, and to deadlen sYmp- toms bY narcotics or nerve compountis is- eqna1 ly dangerous 'and deceptive. The true wa v to buiid up bealth i. to mlake your blood purc,rich andi nonrish- in- by taking Hootis Sarsaparilla. Hood's Plus act easiiy and, promptiy on the iiver and, bowels. (Cure sick headache., Visitors : Miss NettieRevidsy at Mis. Geo. Prestoîi's; Mr. J. andi Miss Floss Dave v, Toronto,' at Mr. J. J. Gib- sýon's; MisseIs Eduna Vilis and Ma y Foste, Tornfoat r N es;Mr. Mrs, Vvm. Bon'Mis, 'ttie Co)IVilib, Orono, Mr. S. Parr, Missesý Clara Roipli and Emma Parr,. Port Perr «v, Misses Neilie Dunbar andiEC, Prestonî, andi Mr. W. Argue. -Toronto, at Mr. F. Rogers' ... . Miss N. Keiinedy is in our inidst ag-ain ..MimSes Mary ani Fiora Virtue are visitin.z frientis in Taunton. ...Miss Editha Virtue bas returneti to Toronto. . .. Mr. Osbert BYers andi Miss Leta Potter are visitinoe Miss Josie Haves, Princee Albert_.Îlrs,.. F.Rogers is v isiting- triefl(l5inuWestern Ontario.. . .Miss A. M. Rorko anti Miss Lueila are visiting frientis ini Toronto ... Messrs, F. Trehulcock, E BrowvnA. N. and C. HI. Miteneil, F. W. and J. H. Lee, B. Simpson anti DrJ. H Eiiiott are camp- ing af Washburn and report an excel- lent, plenty of fish andi good weather .Report of the International E. IL. C. E. Convention, will be given at League next Friday eveaing by Miss Minnie Rog-ers.... Mrs.W. Robbins and famiiy have returnedti f0Bowmnnviile. You AND voua GRANDFATHEI-Are removeti from each other by a span of many years. lie fraveileti in a slow going stage-coach whi yon. take the iighfning expr ess or the electric car. When he was sick lic wns treated by olti fashioned methods and given oid fashioneti medicines, but Vou demanci modemn ideas ln medicine 'as well as in every thing else. llood's Sarsaparilia is the medicine pf to-day. Lt is prepar- ed by modemrn ;e1thods and t0 its prep- aration are brought the skiii and knowiedge of science. Hlood's Sarsa- parilia acts promptly upon the blood andi by mnking pure, rich blooti if cures disease nnd establishes gooti health.

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